2020 Daily Prayer Calendar for South Asia largest Unreached People Groups Western edition To order prayer resources or for inquiries, contact email:
[email protected] 2020 Daily Prayer Calendar for South Asia largest LR-Unreached People Groups (people selection based on unreached status, size & photo availability) downloaded July 2019 from website: joshuaproject.net Bangladesh = country (PG photo) Explanation (country flag) = no PG photo avail. (+ 2020 dates) of Ansari = people name Frontier = 0.1% Christian or less daily 1,230,000 = population LR-UPG= Least-Reached, Unreached PG data: Bengali = main language (LR-UPG=less than 2% Evangelical) Islam = main religion (& less than 5% total Christian) Let's dream God's dreams & fulfill God's visions -- God dreams of all people groups knowing & loving Him! * * * Revelation 7:9, "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb." January -- Daily Prayer Calendar for South Asia Largest Unreached People Groups Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh 2020 = 1 2020 = 2 2020 = 3 2020 = 4 Ansari Bairagi, Hindu Bihari, Muslim Brahman, gen. 1,230,000 209,000 913,000 584,000 Bengali Bengali Urdu Bengali Islam Frontier Hinduism Frontier Islam Frontier Hinduism Frontier Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh 2020 = 5 2020 = 6 2020 = 7 2020 = 8 2020 = 9 2020 = 10 2020 = 11