Ecological, Socio-Economic and Demographic Analyses As
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Vol. 149, No. 2-3 · Research article Ecological, socio-economic and demographic analyses as DIE ERDE prerequisites for sewage treatment Journal of the Geographical Society problem solutions in rural areas. of Berlin The case study of Dirlammen, Vogelsberg, Germany Christian Opp1, Bastian Ziebolz2 and Michael Groll1 1 Faculty of Geography, University of Marburg, Deutschhausstr. 10, D-35032 Marburg, Germany, [email protected] ² KLT Consult Hannover/Soest, Lippestr. 2, D-59510 Lippetal, Germany, [email protected] ³ Faculty of Geography, University of Marburg, Deutschhausstr. 10, D-35032 Marburg, Germany, [email protected] Manuscript submitted: 11 November 2017 / Accepted for publication: 10 April 2018 / Published online: 27 September 2018 Abstract The municipal sewage treatment in Germany is traditionally centralized and allows for a high disposal se- curity. The implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) showed that the central target, the so-called ‘good ecological state’ has not yet been reached in 90% of all surface water bodies. A common and widespread measure to reach said target is the improvement of sewage treatment plants (STP). A large part of the expenses for that has to be shouldered by local communities. But many rural communities already have to manage high costs caused by the modernization of the sewage pipe system. And as the size of the ru- ral population decreases continuously, the per capita burden increases. This raises the question whether the construction of a new sewage treatment plant is the most efficient way to improve the water quality in rural areas. A comprehensive approach has been developed for answering this question, consisting of 1) biological and physico-chemical wastewater analyses, 2) a modified eco-balance for the construction of a new STP and 3) socio-economic and demographic population analyses. The results show that the water quality of the studied creek is good with exception of the sewage disposal point. The eco-balance for the construction, the operation, and the environmental side effects show that the continued operation of the existing STP is more effective than the construction of a modern facility. This conclusion is supported by the aging and general decrease of the rural population. The diminishing potential to shoulder additional costs is in contrast to the reduced future demand for a modern STP. Zusammenfassung Die kommunale Abwasserbehandlung erfolgt in Deutschland traditionell zentralisiert. Das garantiert eine hohe Entsorgungssicherheit. Die Implementierung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (EU-WRRL) hat gezeigt, dass das ModernisierungHauptziel, der „gute der ökologischeAbwasserreinigungsanlagen. Zustand“, in den meisten Ein Großteil Oberflächenwasserkörpern der Kosten für diese Maßnahmen (90%) noch wird nicht dabei erreicht von wurde. Eine weitverbreitete Maßnahme, den ökologischen Zustand von Fließgewässern zu verbessern, ist die Christian Opp, Bastian Ziebolz, Michael Groll 2018: Ecological, socio-economic and demographic analyses as prerequisites for sewage treatment problem solutions in rural areas. The case study of Dirlammen, Vogelsberg, Germany. – DIE ERDE 149 (2-3): 184-197 DOI:10.12854/erde-2018-369 184 DIE ERDE · Vol. 149 · 2-3/2018 Ecological, socio-economic and demographic analyses as prerequisites for sewage treatment problem solutions in rural areas. The case study of Dirlammen, Vogelsberg, Germany - den Kommunen getragen. Gleichzeitig finanzieren die ländlichen Gemeinden die teure Modernisierung des Ab- wasserleitungssystems, während die Bevölkerungszahl in vielen ländlichen Gemeinden kontinuierlich abnimmt. wurdeDeshalb im bestand Untersuchungsgebiet die zentrale Zielstellung ein integrierter dieser Untersuchungsansatz Studie darin, herauszufinden, bestehend ob aus: der 1) Bau einer einer biologischen neuen Abwas und serreinigungsanlage der effizienteste Weg ist, die Wasserqualität im ländlichen Raum zu verbessern. Hierfür- physikochemischen Abwasseranalyse, 2) einer modifizierten Öko-Bilanz für den Bau einer neuen Abwasser- reinigungsanlage sowie 3) einer sozio-ökonomischen und demographischen Bevölkerungsanalyse verfolgt. Die derAbwasseranalysen Umweltnebenwirkungen ergaben, dass zeigten, die Wasserqualität dass der Weiterbetrieb im Fließgewässer der existierenden mit Ausnahme Abwasserreinigungsanlage des Abwassereinleitungs ef- abschnitts gut ist. Die Ergebnisse der Öko-Bilanz unter Einbeziehung der Bau- und Unterhaltungskosten sowie- Gegensatzfizienter ist zu als dem der in Bau Zukunft einer neuensinkenden Anlage. Bedarf Dieser für Schlusseine moderne wird auch Abwasserbehandlungsanlage. durch die Überalterung und den Bevölke rungsrückgang in der Gemeinde gestützt. Das schwindende Potential, zusätzliche Kosten zu schultern, steht im Keywords sewage treatment, rural areas, ecological analysis, eco-balance, demographic analysis 1. Introduction The Water Framework Directive of the European native and more affordable way to improve the water sidequality effect of ofrivers river and restoration creeks is measures the enhancement (Diehl 2004; of Grollthe self-purification and Opp 2007). potential,Due to their which smaller is a catchmentbeneficial forUnion all surface(EU-WFD), and which groundwater was ratified bodies in is the the year so-called 2000, - is a tool to improve the water quality. The main target- - tion until 2027) (EU areas and smaller length, creeks possess an only lim ‘good ecologicalecological status’state’ untilas the 2015 combination (and by prolongaof chemi- ited ability for self-purification and dilution of pol- 2000). The EU-WFD defines the lutants. Settlements in the upper catchments usually- - solely have access to pond sewage plants with a re cal quality conditions (defined by standards for the processesduced purification and are, capacity. due to Thesetheir pondcost-effectiveness, sewage treat maximum concentrations of specific water pollut thement most plants common are based wastewater on microbial treatment self-purification technol- ants) and biological quality conditions (assessed via- - indicator species such as fish, benthic invertebrates, Borchard and Menadi 2001; LfU 2006). But at the nutrientor macrophytes concentrations). in combination While the with non-point physico-chemi impacts ogy in less densely populated rural areas in Germa cal quality conditions like temperature, oxygen, and treatmentny ( plants is limited. According to the German the effects of point sources are much easier to assess. wastewatersame time, the ordinance purification (AbwV result 2004 in the pond sewage on water bodies are extremely difficult to monitor,- art technologies for wastewater disposal), which in dependdefines- reductionTherefore, of the the many harmful activities pollutants aimed from at the these improve point encethe purification on the population requirements equivalent, based the ventilatedon state of pond the sourcesment of (theBruch water 2002). quality The construction are directed and towards operation the sewage plant in Dirlammen meets the requirements of sewage treatment plants (STP) in combination with of level 1 (up to 1,000 population equivalents) and lev- el 2 (up to 5,000 population equivalents) (c.f. Photos 1 and pollutant thresholds has led to a considerable im- and 2 issuing and enforcing wastewater quality standards technique is suitable enough for the carbon depletion since the 1960s (Kessler 2004). (CSB, ).BSB5), While the this Dirlammen means that STP this is simplenot equipped purification to fa- provement of the water quality in the EU countries Therefore, the discharged treated water still contains residuescilitate direct of various nitrification pollutants and and fertilizer contributes elimination. to the (TheSeeger German 1999) municipaland provides sewage a reliable treatment disposal system secu- is characterizedGWP 2009). Studiesby a high conducted degree inof thecentralization 1990s also downstream. In order to solve this problem, the con- structionimpairment of of modern the water sewage quality treatment of rivers andplants streams is a rity ( - - showed that any further improvement of the water qualityDIE ERDE would · Vol. 149require · 2-3/2018 huge financial costs. An alter popular demand of many politicians and environmen185 Ecological, socio-economic and demographic analyses as prerequisites for sewage treatment problem solutions in rural areas. The case study of Dirlammen, Vogelsberg, Germany - 2. Study area nities and the often larger distances to the next STP, talists. Due to the smaller size of many rural commu - average per capita fees for the maintenance and op- - erationthe rural of populationthese wastewater often has treatment already tofacilities pay above and The problem outlined above is typical for the com for the rehabilitation of the household’s sewage pipe Hessemunity ( Photosof Dirlammen 1 and 2 ).within Lautertal the municipality has a population of Lau of tertal in the Vogelsberg district of the federal state of average wastewater fee is 4.81 €/m³ (excluding addi- km². Dirlammen itself has a present (2017) popula- system. In the Vogelsberg district, for instance, the tion2,424 of and 381 a within population 140 households, density of 45 each inhabitants of them with per while the average fee in the rural Lautertal munici- tional costs for the rehabilitation of the pipe system)3 (RPGI (1970: 425, 2007: 413, 2012: 404, 2013: 391, 2014: 2017). The construction of new STPs would add an an average of two toilets. The population dynamics