Question for written answer E-9811/2010 to the Commission Rule 117 Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE)

Subject: Receiving Catalan DTT channels in Northern

Northern Catalonia is historically and culturally a Catalan area, separated from the rest of Catalonia and ceded to France under the (7 November 1659).

Dividing the sphere of Catalan culture between France and Spain has had and continues to have serious repercussions at all levels.

In particular, one of the current problems is the difficulty in receiving Catalan television in the Catalan- speaking area of France.

For 25 years it has been possible to receive the two analogue channels (TV3 and C33) broadcast to by Televisión de Cataluña.

Since March 2010, when the analogue signal was switched off, Televisión de Cataluña has been digitally broadcasting four of its channels to only part of Northern Catalonia. This partial broadcasting is obviously insufficient, given that of the five districts in Northern Catalonia – Rousillon, Cerdagne, Capcir, and – only the first two receive the four Catalan channels. The people of Capcir, Conflent and Vallespir do not now receive television in their own language.

In addition, the only frequency that has so far been authorised does not have the capacity to receive all of the Catalan channels, nor will it be able to offer high definition (HD) channels or the interactive features of digital television.

How does the Commission intend to ensure that the breakthrough of a new and much more powerful technology does not result in a reduced television service for the Catalans of Northern Catalonia, and in particular that it does not deprive them of the only Catalan-language programmes they were receiving up to now?

What measures can the Commission take to ensure compliance with the Television without Frontiers Directive, the only opportunity for Northern Catalans to watch Catalan-language television?

839152.EN PE 453.800