NUMBER 14 Botim i Qendrës Kosovare për Gazetari Hulumtuese (QKGH). Paper edited by: John F. Millikin; Photogrphy: Lorik Bajrami; Reporters: Besa Kalaja; Besnik Boletini; PERIODIC GAZETTE OCTOBER 2015 Leonida Molliqaj; Kosovare Lalinovci; Qendrim Bunjaku. Phone: 038 248 506. E-mail:
[email protected]. OVER 220 MILLION TO POLITICAL PARTIES’ FINANCIERS this is money politics BESA KALAJA, QËNDRIM BUNJAKU, KOSOVARE LALINOVCI, LEONIDA MOLLIQAJ OCTOBER 2015| NR 14 2 PERIODIC GAZETTE Money politics Political party donors gained about 220 million Euros from public tenders in the course of a period of time between August 2007 and May 2014. Preportr research shows that PDK donors lead in terms of the total amount gained from public tenders. Vetëvendosje! donors are the second, followed by AAK, AKR, and LDK donors as the last one in this list. BESA KALAJA, QËNDRIM BUNJAKU, KOSOVARE LALINOVCI, LEONIDA MOLLIQAJ If money translates into in- whereas LVV donors received of parliamentary parties (apart the Kosovo Assembly has not yet ments, this was not the case with fluence which enables seizing of around 60 million Euros from from those that appear on the of- managed to select auditors to per- the other three parties, the LDK, a public good, then the best chan- public tenders. The total amount ficial site of the CEC), the list of form the audit of annual financial AKR, and AAK, even though they nel to realize a gain appears to be that donors of the other three po- assets registered in the name of statements and expenditures of were part of the government for through a political party.