FLUVANNAREVIEW.COM MARCH 4–10, 2021 | VOLUME 41, ISSUE 10 | ONE COPY FREE Uncovering the Stories within Fluvanna’s Historically Black FOL Makes Comeback Cemeteries with Museum Talk PAGE 2 PAGE 6 Ida Swenson Receives Where did Working People Environmental Honor Live in Scottsville? PAGE 12 PAGE 10 PUBLISHER & EDITOR CARLOS SANTOS GENERAL 434-591-1000 /
[email protected] The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna ADVERTISING DIRECTOR JUDI PRICE exclusively. It is printed on Tuesday afternoons. 434-207-0223 /
[email protected] One copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE GREG DORAZIO SUBSCRIPTIONS 540-872-8099 /
[email protected] Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $140 per year or $75 per six months. Please mail ACCOUNTS MANAGER EDEE POVOL a check and a note with your name and address 434-207-0221 /
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