Clumber Spaniel Hip Scores UPDATED 12/02/16 Dog Name D.O.B. Sex Sire Dam Test Date R L Total Abbyford Beauty of Bath 25/09/05 B Sedgehurst Withycombe Abbyford Celebration Kiss 09/01/07 5 6 9 Abbyford Bold Venturer* 24/09/13 D Wooliebourne Voom Voom Spindle's Garden Party At Minglas** (Imp Swe) 04/11/14 4 4 8 Abbyford Brave New Day* 24/09/13 B Wooliebourne Voom Voom Spindle's Garden Party At Minglas** (Imp Swe) 04/11/14 4 3 7 Abbyford Bright New Day At Beskerby* 24/09/13 B Wooliebourne Voom Voom Spindle's Garden Party At Minglas** (Imp Swe) 11/09/15 3 5 8 Abbyford Cantata 04/02/96 B Tweedsmuir Tobermory Abbyford Cascade 10/08/98 19 21 40 Abbyford Celebration Kiss 12/05/99 B Tmaufield Humdinger Abbyford Chamomile 03/02/03 4 3 7 Abbyford Centaurus 28/08/08 D Erinveine Exonerate For Abbyford Abbyford Shilley 03/11/09 4 4 8 Abbyford Chamomile 04/02/96 B Tweedsmuir Tobermory Abbyford Cascade 14/03/97 6 8 14 Abbyford Ciskei 04/02/96 D Tweedsmuir Tobermory Abbyford Cascade 16/10/97 50 47 97 Abbyford Corona Australis 28/08/08 B Erinveine Exonerate For Abbyford Abbyford Shilley 03/11/09 7 10 17 Abbyford Gunpowder 04/11/04 D Abbyford Taw Abbyford Shilley 19/01/06 4 5 9 Abbyford Ice Queen 23/12/10 B Erinveine Exonerate For Abbyford Abbyford Storsjon At Sedgehurst 19/07/12 3 5 8 Abbyford Okement 19/04/03 B Sedgehurst Hawkridge Abbyford Celebration Kiss 20/01/05 3 5 8 Abbyford Shilley 30/06/02 B Sedgehurst Hawkridge Abbyford Celebration Kiss 03/10/03 5 3 8 Abbyford Snow Queen 23/12/10 B Erinveine Exonerate For Abbyford Abbyford Storsjon At Sedgehurst 20/01/12 3 3 6 Abbyford Sparkler 04/11/04 B Abbyford Taw Abbyford Shilley 19/09/06 5 7 12 Abbyford Storsjon at Sedgehurst 11/06/06 B Vrethojdens Flugsvamp Abbyford Shilley 12/07/07 6 2 8 Abbyford Takern 11/06/06 B Vrethojdens Flugsvamp Abbyford Shilley 30/07/07 4 3 7 Abbyford Taw 19/04/03 D Sedgehurst Hawkridge Abbyford Celebration Kiss 02/06/04 5 4 9 Abbyford Teign 19/04/03 B Sedgehurst Hawkridge Abbyford Celebration Kiss 17/12/04 6 6 12 Abbyford Tora 29/11/09 B Abbyford Taw Abbyford Storsjon At Sedgehurst 09/05/13 5 5 10 Abbyford Vanern 11/06/06 D Vrethojdens Flugsvamp Abbyford Shilley 04/10/07 6 6 12 Abbyford Vattern 11/06/06 D Vrethojdens Flugsvamp Abbyford Shilley 30/07/07 4 4 8 Afallach Sir Marke 11/05/85 D Leybel Flash in the Pan Arbeel Cariad 12/06/86 19 19 38 Afallach Sir Teale 25/06/90 D Oxwell Silver Tyme of Afallach Afallach Lady Carmela 21/10/93 8 7 15 Afrodita Sofi's Fairy Tail For Kafernes 13/09/13 B Spice Twice Snow Way Urma From Molass House 10/11/15 4 7 11 Allorjen Archie 10/08/06 D Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Damsel 20/11/08 17 15 32 Allorjenn Beaty 19/08/06 B Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Katy 14/08/08 11 16 27 Allorjenn Betty 19/08/06 B Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Katy 04/10/07 8 6 14 Allorjenn Beauty 19/08/06 B Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Katy 29/04/08 8 6 14 Allorjenn Bree 19/08/07 B Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Katy 09/07/08 5 5 10 Allorjenn Buffy 19/08/06 B Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Katy 23/04/08 8 7 15 Allorjenn Danzar 15/04/09 D Sedgehurst Netherstowey Flintwood Damsel 17/06/10 6 26 32 Allorjen Huntalong Henny 18/01/08 B Westerly Gaels Diamond Dogs At Sedgehurst Flintwood Damsel 04/09/09 6 13 19 Allorjenn Lusty Lucy 18/01/08 B Westerly Gaels Diamond Dogs At Sedgehurst Flintwood Damsel 07/04/09 5 5 10 Allorjenn Rambling Ruby 18/01/08 B Westerly Gaels Diamond Dogs At Sedgehurst Flintwood Damsel 10/02/10 4 4 8 Amour Sofi's Fairy-Tale (IMP UKR) 13/09/13 D Spice Twice Snow Way Urma From Molass House 12/11/14 7 6 13 Anbrook Moonlight 03/04/12 D Spice Twice Sir Tristan By Anbrook (IMP FIN) Anbrook Scarborough Fair 14/11/13 13 19 32 Anbrook Mount Batten Of Theannaareh 26/03/07 D Tweedsmuir White Hunter Anbrook Glenfidich 28/11/08 30 34 64 Anbrook Seventh Heaven at Phenset 12/12/05 B Anbrook Macallan Anbrook Debutante 06/07/07 41 42 83 Anbrook Skylark At Brazenhill 21/04/10 B Spice Twice Sir Tristan By Anbrook (IMP FIN) Anbrook Scarborough Fair 18/11/11 36 34 70 Anbrook Summer Song For Antonine 21/04/10 B Spice Twice Sir Tristan By Anbrook (IMP FIN) Anbrook Scarborough Fair 01/02/12 30 35 65 Andchelle Lady Athena 24/02/98 B Larry the Loafer at Kirkara Andchelle Lady Mistique 03/02/00 10 5 15 Andchelle Lady Guenivere in Swaish 03/11/94 B Raycroft Seren Wib Andchelle Lady Macbeth 03/04/96 22 10 32 Andchelle Lady Madona 18/03/93 B Topjoys Just Socializing Andchelle Lady Macbeth 03/06/94 7 6 13 Andchelle Lady Morag 16/10/89 B Acredale Acclaim to Fame Belcrum the Baroness of Andchelle 01/11/91 50 45 95 Andchelle Lord Midas of Penigamp 03/11/94 D Raycroft Seren Wib Andchelle Lady Macbeth 07/12/95 35 39 74 Andchelle Lord Odyn 18/03/93 D Topjoys Just Socializing Andchelle Lady Macbeth 03/06/94 26 27 53 Andchelle Lord Titan of Pethcoe 03/11/94 D Raycroft Seren Wib Andchelle Lady Macbeth 24/05/96 39 40 79 Antonine Duncan Disorderley 25/02/09 D Clussexx Crayola Crayon Antonine Legally Blond 28/04/10 43 43 86 Antonine High Spirits 07/06/90 B Dorrobeth Mighty White at Antonine Raycroft Spirit of Antonine 05/11/92 37 37 74 Antonine Legally Blond 03/12/04 B Tweedsmuir White Hunter Heibax Sunrise Special At Antonine 29/09/09 40 39 79 Antonine Starlight 21/10/97 B Dockwray Mandarin Galadhrim Love Bug of Antonine 24/08/99 27 28 55 Antonine The Aviator 03/12/04 D Tweedsmuir White Hunter Heibax Sunrise Special At Antonine 29/09/09 23 17 40 Autumnwillow Butler 07/01/12 D Fllintwood Frosty Windmillwood Delilah Of Autumnwillow 13/08/15 24 33 57 Avcott Adonis 28/04/97 D Dockwray Mandarin Avcott Pandora 03/06/98 17 17 34 Avcott Charlotte 24/05/07 B Avcott Adonis Twigmore Ruby Tuesday At Avcott 21/01/09 21 23 44 Avcott Aurora 28/04/97 B Dockwray Mandarin Avcott Pandora 26/06/98 9 10 19 Avcott Hercules 03/08/93 D Lolgret Teddy Bear Avcott Aphrodite 03/10/95 27 27 54 Avcott Juventas 08/11/02 D Maursett Mindsapint Avcott Aurora 19/12/03 12 16 28 Avcott Pandora 03/08/93 B Lolgret Teddy Bear Avcott Aphrodite 06/10/95 19 21 40 Babbinsbriar Daffodil 26/04/09 B Radegonde Hubert Of Babbinsbrier Deepfleet Flick Of Babbinsbrier 09/02/11 5 4 11 Babbinsbriar Erica 19/04/10 B Radegonde Hubert Of Babbinsbrier Deepfleet Flick Of Babbinsbrier 29/09/11 23 20 43 Babbinsbriar Geranium At Eald 23/08/11 B Radegonde Hubert Of Babbinsbrier Tinglestone Flasy Of Babbinsbrier 12/03/15 27 13 40 Babbinsbriar Gingo 23/08/11 B Radegonde Hubert Of Babbinsbrier Tinglestone Flasy Of Babbinsbrier 24/07/13 7 4 11 Badgersmoon Carolina at Gamesmere 21/03/01 B Topjoys Cause a Stir at Glenariff Antonine Starlight 08/08/02 24 11 35 Badgersmoon Colour the Wind 12/03/00 B Topjoys Cause a Stir at Glenariff Antonine Starlight 02/09/02 24 29 53 Badgersmoon This Time Round 24/04/02 B Woodheale Lucky Strike Antonine Starlight 13/05/04 15 9 24 Badgersmoon Wind In My Wings 21/03/01 D Topjoys Cause a Stir at Glenariff Antonine Starlight 25/02/04 31 28 59 Bear's Bay Full Speed To Cape Lewisporte D Clussexx Chance Encounter (ATCAG00775USA) Wymswold Cartagena 04/02/15 7 7 14 Belbarbess's Martha 04/04/13 B Sugar Loaf Tivoli Clumberden Famara 11/09/14 6 5 11 Belcrum Adieu Mon Amie 10/05/99 B Belcrum The Wee Pickle Tow Galadhrim Addicted To Love At Andchelle 26/08/04 5 5 10 Belcrum Another Angus 14/05/01 D Foulby Wild Bird at Tavirosh Greencourt Song of the Mist at Belcrum 25/09/03 26 27 53 Belcrum Bill Clinton at Corriedale 14/10/04 D Clussexx Overdue Bill Belcrum Cadies Lady 09/06/06 41 42 83 Belcrum Bill Cody 14/10/04 D Clussexx Overdue Bill Belcrum Cadies Lady 19/01/06 6 6 12 Belcrum Billy Holliday 14/10/04 B Clussexx Overdue Bill Belcrum Cadies Lady 13/10/06 37 40 77 Belcrum Duke of Perth with Tavirosh 24/09/91 D Oakring Double Whisky of Belcrum Tavirosh Green With Envy 25/03/93 4 5 9 Belcrum Espie Mcnabb 15/09/90 B Darnacan Abacus Royal Darnacan Bobbity Bowster of Belcrum 13/11/92 37 40 77 Belcrum Middling Thankyou 24/09/91 B Oakring Double Whisky of Belcrum Tavirosh Green With Envy 16/03/93 22 32 54 Belcrum Miss Mary Douglas at Sealumber 15/09/90 B Darnacan Abacus Royal Darnacan Bobbity Bowster of Belcrum 13/11/91 40 41 81 Belcrum None So Pretty 23/07/96 B Leybel Upshot Scherzando Tavirosh Emerald Green 25/09/97 17 23 40 Belcrum Sandy Sparkle 20/11/09 D Belcrum Bill Cody Burnchild Bayla Of Belcrum 28/06/11 15 10 25 Belcrum The Alewife 10/05/99 B Belcrum The Wee Pickle Tow Galadhrim Addicted to Love at Andchelle 20/08/02 24 23 47 Belcrum The Theeket Hoose 29/10/93 D Oakring Double Whisky of Belcrum Tavirosh Emerald Green 20/10/95 38 40 78 Belcrum The Wee Pickle Tow 24/09/91 D Oakring Double Whisky of Belcrum Tavirosh Green with Envy 18/06/93 6 5 11 Belcrum Toddle Bonny 12/08/06 B Burnchild Dollar Bill Belcrum Belcrum Lady Baird 20/10/09 18 20 38 Belcrum Todlen Hame 10/05/99 D Belcrum The Wee Pickle Tow Galadhrim Addicted to Love at Andchelle 01/09/00 29 14 43 Best Friend of Charleston 22/02/96 D Brigadier Bertram Foxglove Mistress 25/09/97 8 3 11 Betdonayr Cassie 05/06/00 B Purland Adrian Gracious Chloe at Taspaneil 19/12/03 25 40 65 Bigwoods Adolfus 14/06/08 D Westerly Gaels Diamond Dogs At Sedgehurst Flintwood Snowball 24/11/11 7 7 14 Bigwoods Chiff Chaff 08/06/05 B Sedgehurst Tiberius Flintwood Snowball 15/02/11 28 19 47 Blythamour Bracken Boy 29/04/13 D Harry Bracken Lad Venatcus Gaia 07/08/14 7 6 13 Bolaudic Beauty 11/05/95 B Leybel September Song My Carolina Girl 26/03/97 34 37 71 Bombollini Beautiful Babe 12/07/90 B Acredale Acclaim to Fame Fudge de Skillywidden 05/11/92 3 5 8 Burnchild Baila At Tavirosh 28/06/06 B Tweedsmuir Top Gunner Burnchild Bessie's Girl 29/09/09 20 15 35 Burnchild Bayla Of Belcrum
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