
Fall 1999 The Friesian A Time-line of the History of the Friesian Compiled by Laurie M. Kasperek f h F · · h rse the places involved in their breeding 1· · • . to the history• o t e nesian ° • . . ' F0 II · is· a lime· - me of many mterestmg histoncal events related studying owmg work. More infonnation and interesting stones may be found by and the people important to their survival. It is by no means a complete time-line is based on the works cited. the references cited at the end of this article. The accuracy of this through Andalusian of Spain · 1500- 1600 Arabian blood introduced to the horse that descended from &mys rohystus. the Turks. . 1526 Hungarian King Louis II used heavy Friesian horses in battle against Don Juan of Austna. 1568 Etches by Stradanus, showing a Friesian in the stables of . 1624 Electoral Prince George William of Prussia imported Friesian horses New York City): . 1625 Friesian horses were being exported to New Amsterdam (the future . The purebred Fnes1an horse was quickly lost. 1664 The Dutch were forced to leave New Amsterdam to the English

I 700's Friesian sjees came into use . Built in the Rococo style. 1771 The stud at Kladrub imported Fricsian horses. descent. 1795 -1796 Ads in New York City newspapers speak of trotters of'Dutch' . I 700-I 800's Friesians horses were popular as a trotting horse for short distances th successive year. This became known as e 1823 King William I started horse races in Leeuwarden, to be held every "King's-Golden-Whip-Day" due to the prize. registered under #31 . 1863 T Hasje born (Little Hare). She was a brown racing , later th . It was called "The Horse Studbook." At this time, e 1879 The studbook for the Friesian horse was started in Roordahuizen - Book A for Friesians (purebred ~orses from question of was answered with two registration books one of the sponsors of the assoc1at1on, and served ); Book B for crossbreeds. Jhr. Mr. c. van Eysinga became were judged, IO were entered m as Chairman of the Board of the FPS from 1879 until 1906. Thirteen Book A, and I mare was entered in Book 8 . with a Friesian stallions. During the Victorian days, more 1881 T. Cribb & Sons founded their London based funeral business in the area of London alone. They were known as than 700 Friesian horses were employed in the funeral business in Belgium. 'Belgium Blacks' since they came to London through Antwerp oldest Friesian mare pedigree- #1 . 1882 Jeanne B registered in Book-8. She was the ancestor of the was H. J. Seekles. 1883 The stallion, Graaf Adolf 21, was approved. His owner #101 . She was owned by Jan Piers van der Sluis in Hennik. Jan 1883 The mare Keesje was registered in the studbook with Friis 95. Friis 95 went on to breed l00's of mares, mostly bred 4 studbook stallions: Friso 48, Gambetta 52, Leo 86, and after 1906. of Groningen & Drenthe. Due to this, the The studbook opened to the registration of horses from the provinces 1883 - 1896 ofFriesian Horse. studbook name was temporarily changed to "Inland Horse" instead unintentional shortcomings in the Friesian breeding. The Internal Agricultural Exchange in Amsterdam showed some 1884 breed for producing work or army horses. Only 21 According to their research, the Friesian horse was not the best army horses were chosen from Oldenburg stock. Friesians were acquired by the army that year. Most farm or . He and a partner stood the Friesian stallion Graaf Jhr. Mr. C. van Eysinga established his studfarm in Huisterheide 1885 Origin). Adolf 21. The studfarm became known es 'se Oorsprong,' (The owner, Scholten, set a record of 3 min. 6.4 sec per mile in De Regent 32, 3 years old, was approved in Groningen. The 1886 Oldenburg breed and thus crossbreeding took place. trotting races. But the trends in Groningen were for a heavier approved for the registry. The other four were David 11 , Radboud 67 became the last of only 5 brown Friesian stallions 1889 and Bruno 38. Keizer 18, Minister Thorbecke 34 (one source includes Membrino] rise in popularity of the 'Bovenlandse Paard' (the Public interest in the Friesian horse waned along with the sudden 1889- 1909 stallions in Friesland in 1889, 6 in 1899, and 6 in Oldenburg-East Friesian horse). There were 19 available Friesian 1909.

De Oorsprong reached a total of 60 horses. 1890 Emma. The last golden whip was awarded by H.M . Queen Regent 1891 originator of the mare mare, was born. She was the daughter ofDePaauw land the 1892 Davidji 1080, a brown studbook stammer 50 & 53 . "glory days" at De . The period between 1894 and 1905 became known as the 1894 De Regent 32 was sold to De Oorsprong Oorsprong. of breeding in the . of Friesian stallions were sold to England after only 1-2 years 1894 A number . Mechanization in into the Netherlands, mainly from North America and Canada 1895 More than 8,000 horses were imported Netherlands, and elsewhere, was much crossbreeding. the New World made these horses surplus. The result in the Studbook' with two the studbook. Friesland's studbook became the 'Friesian Horse 1896 Groningen & Drenthe broke off from The latter registry became the 'Bovenlands Ras' (breed registries, the 'Inlands Ras' and the 'Buitenlands ofGekruistras.' of the Northern Provinces).

22 _!~~~~--- Fall 1999 m e f ::..:ri~e_s_ia_n______

--- De Oo . Alva 113 was born at. rsprong. He lived 16 dying in 191 s. . brother, En bert . years, 1899 Jan P1ers van der Slu1s's villa called 'Hct Koetsk • , n Hcmrilc and station •th l 'built a P1·c I 06u1s (the Coach House) i 1900 established a breeding 51 horses, including Ulbc 100 r and Pnns l 09 S Approved Friesian staWltt· sta d · • • · . Only 1 ions en S of them at De Regent 32's last standin n mg'" Friesland, OS Pl ~oOrsprong . This wu 1902 year at de Oorsprong. Also we_re: Drenthe I 91 • Sultan l Alva 113 . Crossbreeding produced disapp . f g there the match ' uto 8 and horses of the experiments om mg results time and again; cs only rcsult.cd in average mark.ct time.

in Kirns rd . The Stallion Association ~n order lo buy Prins 109. Terwispel bough;;~e l~asefounded van dcr Sluis • He stood ,orr station· 8 ouma 1902 Jip~e Bouma i~ y ar old Fnts 95 from Jan Piers 1905 until his death in 1912 . 5 t.cr b tw h , Ras' a d 'B I The decision was made to rca, The studbook lost the distinction e een t c Inlands. n oven ands Ras .' · .,. of b h h F . . the Bovenlandse p d Th. h be lo the prevalent fash ion 1907 ot t e nes1an horse and aar m one studbook · is as en attnbut.cd the Fncsian . I to counter this J r . a "wake-up call" to preserve cross b ree d mg. n order ' an immer of proclaimed horse. . 1 I 4. She had a bou ht th 4 0 2708, daughter of Aaron Hoogterp in Deersum (~ mare, Irma the Jan Wilke name/vred:sti~~= regiSlered the mother of Arend 131 and 191 I colt in 1918 (sire Paulus 121) r eacemaker). Irma was also model mare Clasina J 409. was J • was unregistered and her sire from Ypecolsga bou ht th 4 o d ~e, Pnnses. H~ dam Linc" Her colt Jan Jentjes de Vries the atriarch f ~ e_ year the lme known as the "de Vries 1913 Prins I 09. She became O Lme 19 m the Memestammen prefcrent. Simontjc . P (sire Danillo) became model- Theu~is 125. Her daughter, Simontje bl e3c2a8me thtehstuddbookf stallion I 50. . o approved stallion Obscurant 109, Alva 113 and Friso 117 . was e am Friesian stallions remained: Prins statistic - only 3 Approved of the initiators of the This year saw ~n alanning . C. Van Eysinga became one registered since I 907. Jhr. Mr gathered lo decide )913 No you~g stallion~ had been . Concerned breeders and admirers "The Friesian Horse" association encouraged breeding by assoc1at1on _Het Fnesche Paard, worked with the studbook and the breeding. The association bought the stallion Paulus. on ~hat actt~n. to take to pres~rve premies .. The association soon and awarding the best with ofVrcdestichtcr 127 and buymg prom1smg young stalhons stallions. He was the father the patriarch of all current Friesian Paulus 121 went on to become 131. Arend A for the Friesian horse and two registration books - Book Paard, the studbook reopened At the request of Het Friesche Paarden. 1915 Book B for the Bovenlandse had combined. The Friesian horse the year 1907, when the books had been approved since approximately 50 years. Not one Friesian stallion prosperity for the horses lasted the studbook and a period of obtained separate books_in the studbook. Komelis stallion was again approved for time in 10 years that a Friesian known as the sta1lion This year marked the first Oom (sire Alva 113). Oom became bought the 3 year old in the studbook. His 1915 Wobbe van der Sluis in Lippenhuizen to be approved and registered the first stallion in 10 years a new number - "two numbers." Oom became again, so Oom took on with began to be registered separately 373, but the Northern horses number was in . He played an important role old Paulus 121 (sire Friso 117) . #119. Association bought the 3 year mares remained in the studbook The Friesian Horse . Approximately 34 registered horse to a lighter farm horse 1916 transforming the carriage mares. registration of brown Friesian . . . The studbook ended 166. . , Prof. L. Friesian mares increases to . Of Agncult_ure m Wagenmgen 1918 The number of registered with the direc~r of the Univ very close to the the Eysinga family cooperated that only crosses with breeds 1918 De Oors ron and The research conclusion was g b d 'ng expen'ments - 1920 p • 1918 Broekema, on cross ree t 117 . horse were advisable. Fri ts 95, Alva 113 and Fri so Friesian one of the "big four," including - B At thi·s time Prins was . 5-6 guilders per Pnns 109 sold to 1tppe ouma. 127). Breeding fees were about 1920 ·11 137 ( · Vredestichter his station to Oudeschoot. . rs but managed to move year old Dam ~ h ;ire Station Bouma stood the 3 yea ' went bankrupt m t e epresston 1927 mare. Jippe Bouma almost 358 mares. - f?e Oorsr;~;;d stallions bred Eysing_a pa~sed away at to his full sister, Clas ma. Jhr. Mr. C. Van re~. b tween Arend 131 1927 had re gamed m strength. Et~ht The studbook m~ ~B k Nelly 90H. 1928 140 Pref. was out o~an mb~ee The stallion Held booH~t Friesche Paard . 1928 mare was reg1stere? m th~or:e . The last brown Friesian y 68 started here. on the Fnesian the studbook stallion # 150. 1928 The first pamphlet was published de Vries. He became busine~s. Th~ old_est ~~7i1~t;~•;:?:: 1929 De Oorsprong went out of 1930 mare StmontJe (sire Obscurant was bom to the 1934

23 - - Thl' Frksum Fall 1999

The 11 pproved stallion Cremer was rejected for the studbook. Some m11intuincd it wus due lo his large numbers of midget foals , or thut hi s offspring hnd n high percentage ofronn. Cremer continued to breed to unregistered mares and hi s 0 flspring were lmown for hnving white hoirs nil over their bodies. Klass F. Jansma owned the stallion Mengelbcrg 145. He nlso, luter, owned Gecrt 184 who wos t~J5 sold to South Africa when he WIIS 11 years old.

A split within the studbook occurred. The \QJS Friesinn horse goto boord of their own within the studbook. This was another step town rd the Fries ion horse obtaining its very own studbook specilicolly for rriesians (in 1943 ).

Station Bouma adds the stallion Okke 151 , but he Inter wos rejected by the studbook in 1940. They lost the stalli on Ynte130 in 1940. Consequently they purchosed Plutus 156, but his prominence in breeding was past, apparently due to the populority ofObscuront 150.

19)9-1949 Membership triples in the FPS. The use of the; horse on the farm helped the studbook registrations. 1939 The Circus Strossburger was founded. Friesian horses were used for various performances. 1941 The stallion Mengel berg 145 came close to death at the judging; he was fed 12 eggs, twice daily, prior to the judging. The trend of the time was to show the horses very heavy.

1941 The Association of Stallion-Keepers in Friesland was founded . The Stallion Keepers applied annually to the studbook and no Stallion-Keeper could stand a stallion within a 15km area of another. 1942 Lammert E. Huijing began 40 years of service to the studbook, first as a clerk, and then in 1958, as the secretary/treasurer.

1943 Breeders ofnon-Friesian horses left the studbook. Groningen, Drenthe and Boven\ands Ras left to join the NWP (Wam1blood Studbook ofN. Holland).

1944 Jippe Bouma of Station Bouma passed away. His son, Anne Bouma, had already taken over. The stallion Danilo 137 (age 20) drove Jippe to his last resting place. Obscurant 150 died of a blood disease. The Station de Vries acquired the colt Aize (Aize 170), whose sire was Obscurant.

1945 The 3 year old Age 168 was approved and stood for Jan Pasma in Akkrum. Age 168 gave 200 daughters and almost went preferent, except for a pre-potency to a weak hind leg. It wasn't long before members talked of the 'Age-Line.' Both the 'Age-Line' end the 'Telman-Line' originated with Jan Pasma. 1949 Queen Juliana became Patroness of the FPS. Following WWII, German horses no longer crossed the border to become field horses. This caused the breeding of the Friesian horse to lean toward heavier individuals for use in the grass fields. These horses were often smaller in height. Approved stallions undertook an obligatory performance test, mainly for the benefit of mare owners.

1950's Examinations of a stallion's offspring and performance was conducted on a regular basis. The Friesian horse began to loss ground in its primary role - that of a farm horse. Mechanization increased. The numbers of Friesian horses dropped along with the numbers of members. 1951 The association, The Friesian Horse, lasted to this point. It has been credited with saving the Friesian horse from extinction.

1951 Station Bouma tried to regain ground with the Obscurant son, Bouke 174, Noldus 198 and Ritske 202. 1952 Breeding Associations were founded in Friesland and they held their own regional judgings. The Committee of Recommendation included the FPS secretary, Huijing, Amoldus de Groot, Jeen Jansma, Jan Jansma and Geert Geerligs. These breeding clubs included: 'It Fryske Hynder,' 'It Fryske Greidhynder,' 'Het Friese Paard' and 'Ta it Bihald.'

1954 The Studbook celebrated its 75th anniversary in Joure and it received the 'Royal' title in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Beatrix.

1955 The club 'Het Friese Tuigpaard' (the Friesian Horse) was founded. Riding and driving competitions were more popular and the regional clubs gradually took over their running from the FPS. One popular such event was the Tilting-at-the-Rings events. 1956 The Model Pref. Mare, Truus 4316, was born. She was the mother of Dagho 247 and Naen 264. 1957 Nuttert 200 was approved. He was from the de Vries Line, line 19.

1957 "The Phryso" reported that Rouke de Hoop in Huisterheide, and Klass F. Jansma in were appointed trader/exporters for the FPS in connection with exports to Germany and South Africa. Friesian horses were exported to South Africa to improve the 'Flemish horse' (het Vlaamse Paard). 1958 Lammert E. Huijing was appointed secretary/treasurer of the FPS. 1960 Noldus 198 exported to South Africa. Ritske 202 became a dominant FPS stallion. 1960 The Friesian sjezen obtained their own registry with the founding of the 'Frysk Seaze Stamboek.' 1960 Books on the Friesian horse begin to be published, for example. Het Friesche Paard. 1962 Lutsen 192 exported to South Africa. 1963 The quadrille was driven for the first time. This was a performance of eight Friesian 'sjezen' driven to complex choreography.

24 11te friesian Fall 1999

lhe Studbook The w Tctman 20.S an_d Nuttcr1 200 rejcclcd for t~,rn 101 t964 lmxioi ere lunged on three lcg.1 frx R. Geurts published The Frjcsjnn Horse - The MosJ QI M9[:£ ·5tarnoxn lt1tJc ,n l.:naJ1lhf 1964 member stripped his Fricsilln mare f h b nd i .._ A board o er recd charactcnst1c1 (ma ne a U l,"'nna, The 1.n; r.( th!: ~ 1 ,-Ji&( 1967 th " " F horse ~ It th . . c mare II stcr. ans of the Friesian 15 II of the yar. rt-.c l>:ntd pr-o-nc~ the doo~ wasb cr:imc and before the end never to do so again, as it might open 1o cross reeding.

Studbook. A stud mu 'W :.. Money problems plagued the lnstmdhoudmg Fnoe Purd; ,..n («..~ -, i. .-: !967 of the Fricsian horse C V y f . p. crkgrocp at the preservation 115 . Press co,, cragc W2J then (~ l}c ·cr.1-i.!c The 3 year ~Id ·sla~t y~ngka 7 •cd chairman to save the Friesian horse." 1 1 from W~lru:,, L'7ougJ: ch: Oors ~: ar c lhc week-long parade of hones province of Friesland. Cees Faber of De &or fur t.."c a~ the leader of this efTon lfc v.-n ~IJo m r-.spcc promoted the need to bre~d for vcrs t1 ·1y g,hselrvked ctcnstJu FPS. He a 1 1 w I e eepmg the breed c~~

in Studbook jud · J d h d · · on Brecdi:.-,g 0.YJ n-.c Decreased public interest _gmg~ e to t e ec1S1on to conduct fo.i l j udgmg )968 Breeding Day took on a r. . of 1-2 yar olds C.:,O.< of foals , judging for the studbook. and Judging place at these Breeding D:~:~e tone. Registration

firs t FnesI;Jn (oo..7 -m-t-.;u:.! known as Tantc Bets (Auntie Bets), dro,·e her )969 ~t~- E. Kortc;.,"~agen-van Til ofBreukelen, w, t-.oncs to t-:g!- '·!'."": 1 held special classes for fans and owners of Fncs . crs s~n ° owed. The Anniversary Keuring t h e1r use ,or other than farm work. o~.- ,.. h:k i t i;,c and Structure of the Breeding of the Fnes1:1n H R. ~eu~ published his th~sis: "Genetic Analysis )969 in English J. Umvers1ty of Utrecht Medical School. [Title ~re used by the Stallions. His stallions, Wessel :ind Tsjall ing. ,.. _Bouma owne~ 8 of the 20 FPS Approved Al. 1970 Anne Preferent was the first Friesi:in stallion to breed Faculty in Utrecht to work on Al. Wessel 237 Vetennary his st:1ll ion at the keunng t>tt:i= &.ere 24?) received a request from the FPS to show The owner ofYgram 0'gram ition. so ITW'I)' pot=cu!ly 1972 this time, stallion keeping was a loosing propos were not en_ough stallions attending. During breeding horses were lost to the studbook. great . Friesche Paard-Midden Nederland,' was founded )974 The breeding club, 'Het via ship across the Atl11J1Uc More Fnc-51:m Ohio, purchased Friesian horses to be transponed 1974 Thomas Hannon, Canton, horses were imported in 1975 and 1977. gn and build CTUICS fo r the Frank Leyendekkcr had the airline, KLM. desi Although purchased months prior to shipment, 1977 first shipment. horses to travel in. Lacs (278) arrived in this to the U.S. 242 was sold to Tom Hannon and was impor1ed 1977 Bouwe . 'Het Fricsche Paard-Nord Holland' was formed 1977 The regional group Groningcn Drcnthe Combinatic' was formed . The regional group 'De ess Scotland. 1978 mares and the Fricsian slllllion Bjinse 24 1 10 Invern Herman Kicsrra took four Friesian the stall ion Dagho 247. all 1978 unknown descent. From this year on, st11r1ing with The studbook closed to horses ofpanly s. This 1978 of their offspring from their first 4 breeding season friesian stallions underwent testing on the quality maint:1ined consistently for over IO years. re-instituted an earlier practice that hadn't been

association, "Friescnverband," was started. 1979 The German on 'Kokedei' (Cow-Day). celebrated its 100th year anniversary in Leeuwarden 1979 The Studbook in 1971, was exported to the U nited Stntes Hindrik 222, who was withdrawn from breeding 1979 Approved stallion, Nederland' was formed . The regional group 'Het Fricschc Paard -Zuid 1980 areas of stallion keepers comes to an end. The 15 km restriction in the working newly instituled 50 day 1980 and Peke 268 were the first to graduate ~rom the The young stallions Oepke 266, Oegc 267, fo r the breeding. 1980 trial, and it was determined that this test was pos11tvc test held in Ermelo. This first year was a or a stallion that mainly consisted of pulling a sledge, a plow approved stallions had to participate in tests Prior to 1980, the . . wagon with increased weights. more. Smee 1h1s year th e farm Fricsian and the R?yal Stables purchased The FPS presented Queen Beatrix with two 1981 'Prinsjesdag,' the opening of the Dutch Parhament. Friesian horses were used in the parade on every

away one ~car _later. 198) Cees Faber resigns as an inspector and passes par1y on his rettrement. The FPS gave Lammert E. Huijing a farewell 1982 th the FPS secretary, L. E. Huijing. c California, traveled to Friesland to discuss with 1982 Frank Leyendekker, Visalia, horses in North Amenca. possibility of having the FPS judge Friesian Fox, US A). l1 starred . J 985 Warner Bro. & Twentieth Cen tu ry • · ion Oihcll o Othello was a c1n: us · filmed (copywnte. F . . tall 1983 The pivotal movie, Ladyhawke was th 1 r (s . Gerke) Othello , and o_f coursc, ed ~;~::~ vas Pa~lowna. ~tc Hauer of the Netherlands, Michelle P~cif!er 2 Rutger sire was R1tske 20 an performer for Manuela Beeloo, his owner. His FPS stallion keunng. retired in 1994 with a final performance at the

25 r

The Friesian Fall 1999 !983 The firs t meeting to organize the F~esian Horse Association in the U.S. was Leyendekker, F. DeBoer held in Visalia, California. Attendees: F. , D. Dunnmk, J. Botma, J. Mellott, R. Humason. !983 Sander 269 imported to the U.S. He passed the 50 day Performance Test in Ermelo in the fall of 1981 . !983 The stallion Laes had his keuring for registration as an approved stallion and his offspring He was approved inspection at the same time. for both and given the number 278. From this point :1 had to undergo on all stallion candidates in North America also the same procedures as in The Netherlands. 1985 T . Cribb & Sons reopened their horse drawn funeral business with a restored London hearse, original Cribb & Sons velvets, and a pair of Friesian horses from the Netherlands. Mr. Stanley Cribb (grandson of the business's the business today ( 1999) with his two sons. founder) runs 1986 The Performance Examination for stallions was transferred to the spring passing the test. - thus the stallions couldn't breed until after I 986 The stallion Barteld, owned by F. De Boer, CA, was approved for the breeding provided that at Ermelo. An exam he passed a test equivalent to was held in the U.S. and Bartc\d 292 was approved. 1988 Mr. Pict de Boer set a world record with a team of 21 Friesian horses hitched to an English Peterborough, England. Road Coach in 1988 The Approved Stallion Frans 289 was sold and imported to the U.S. He passed I 989 The his offspring inspection in 1991 . 110th Anniversary of the Royal Association 'Het Friesch Paarden Stamboek.' The studbook became the second largest studbook in the Netherlands and published promotional, 1989 multi-language, brochures. The voluntary tongue-tattooing became mandatory.

1989 HRH Prince Philip invites Mr. Pict de Boer to break his 21 horse record. On into the Peterborough stadium July 18, de Boer drove 22 Friesian horses pulling his London-built Mail Coach. 1989 The first edition of the mare pedigrees was published, entitled Merriestammen van het Friese Paard by Dr. R. Geurts. REFERENCES

1. Bouma, G.J .A. UA Short History of the Friesian Horse and the Original Friesian Studbook," Drachten, Leeuwarden, NL Het Friese Paard. Friese Pers Boekerij b.v. . 1979. English translation: FHANA website, 1997. 2. Dijkstra, Eelke. Friese Stamhengsten Deel I. Koninklijkevereniging'Het Friesch PaardenStamboek Tee's Translations, 1998. ' te Drachten. 1996. English translation:

3. Dijkstra, Eelke. Friese Stambengsten Deel 2. Koninklijkevereniging'Het Friesch PaardenStamboek' Tee's Translations, 1998. te Drachten. 1996. English translation:

4. Douma, A.KW. Paarden van Eigen Bodem - Het Friese Paard in Kort Bestek. Koninklijkevereniging Drachten. 1994. 'Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek' te 5. Friesian Horse Association of North America. Othello - Phryso Translation , July 1996," The Friesian, Nov., pg 15. 1996. 6. Geurts , Dr. R. Merriestammen uan Het Friese Paard Deel I. Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek, Drachten. 1997. 7. KLM/F HANA. "Friesian Horse Extravaganza 11 " Show Program . Friesian Horse Club of Southern California. 1997. 8. Koninklijke Paarden FPS 110 Jaar. Koninklijkevereniging 'Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek' te Drachten Translations, 1998.9 . 1990. English translation: Tee's . Leyendekker, Frank. Personal recollections. 1999. 10. Taylor, Sally. "T. Cribb & Sons, Truly Authentic Horse-Drawn Funerals," Driving Digest, no. 105, pg 13 . 1998.

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