Nation and Memory in Russia, Poland, and Ukraine

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Nation and Memory in Russia, Poland, and Ukraine Nation and Memory in Russia, Poland, and Ukraine Lecture 11 The Great War Week 1, Spring Term Outline 1. National concepts and war aims 2. Galicia: Atrocities, occupation, reconquest 3. The February Revolution 4. Outlook Putzger, Historischer Weltatlas, pp. 106-107 Pavel Miliukov, leader of the liberal party (Kadets) Russian Concepts 1914 Tsar and supporter of Society autocracy • Strengthening of the authority Constitutional reforms, of the Tsar participation of society • Territorial gains in West and Territorial gains in West and South (Constantinople) South (Constantinople) • Defeat of Germany and Austria Defeat of Germany and Austria • Occupation of East Galicia and Occupation of East Galicia and Bukowina – Liberation of Bukowina – Liberation of Russian (East Slavic – Russian (East Slavic – Ruthenian) population Ruthenian) population • To win the support of the Poles To win the support of the Poles – – Promise of autonomy of Promise of autonomy of unified unified ethnic Polish territory ethnic Polish territory under under tsarist rule tsarist rule Józef Piłsudski Roman Dmowski Polish Concepts 1914 Piłsudski Dmowski • Independence • Autonomy of a unified Poland under tsa • Together with Austria and • Together with Russia Germany • Federation of Poland with • Polish nation state, Ukraine, Lithuania etc., exclusive, mainly Polish inclusive Catholics • Rights of minorities • Assimilationist • Jagiellonian Poland – • “Piast Poland” – territory territory in the East in the West • Enemy No. 1: Russia • Enemy No. 1: Germany Ukrainian Concepts 1914 Russian Ukraine East Galicia • Defeat of Austria • Defeat of Russia • Autonomy of ethnic • Autonomy (Ukrainian Ukrainian territory in a Crownland) in Austria, constitutional or partition of Galicia democratic Russia and Lodomeria • Unification of Ukraine • Unification of Ukraine under Austrian under Tsar Emperor Outline 1. National concepts and war aims 2. Galicia: Atrocities, occupation, reconquest 3. The February Revolution 4. Outlook 1914 Multiethnic borderland Confessions/Religions Lviv/Lwów/Lemberg Crownland Galicia and Lodomeria 212,000 inhabitants • 8,016,000 inhabitants 51% Roman-Catholic • 46.5% Roman-Catholic 28% Jewish • 42.1% Greek-Catholic • 10.9% Jewish 19% Greek-Catholic West Galicia East Galicia 2,689,000 inhabitants 5,235,000 inhabitants • 88.6% Roman-Catholic 25.3% Roman-Catholic • 7.9% Jewish 12.4% Jewish • 3.2% Greek-Catholic 61.7% Greek-Catholics Synagogue 'Golden Rose' One of the Khasidic synagogues Jewish hospital Progressive synagogue 'The Temple' Одна из экзекуций О. Роман Березовский и крестьяне Лев Кобылянский и Пантелеймон Жабяк (См.стр. 31). World War I Destroyed Jewish settlement in Galicia, 1914 Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Kriegsarchiv juedisches-leben-und-sterben-im-ersten-weltkrieg Saving sacred objects from the fire, 1914 © Österreichisches Staatsarchiv/Kriegsarchiv Russian Occupation Policy Making East Galicia Russian: Russification Ukrainians as Little Russians Persecution of Ukrainophiles Church Policy Co-operation with Polish Elites: limited success Discrimination of Jews Outline 1. National concepts and war aims 2. Galicia: Atrocities, occupation, reconquest 3. The February Revolution 4. Outlook Revolutions in Russia Alexander Kerenski Vladimir I. Lenin Consequences of the February Revolution For Poles full independence now a realistic option Austrian/German offers no longer very attractive In Galicia: weakens Polish loyalty to Habsburg dynasty (also result of death of Emperor Franz Josef) Ukrainians in Galicia: still loyal – need Austrian support against Poles Most Jews loyal to Austria Outline 1. National concepts and war aims 2. Galicia: Atrocities, occupation, reconquest 3. The February Revolution 4. Outlook Brutalisation of political and ethnic conflicts (also availability of weapons and trained soldiers) Defeats and war related problems undermine loyalty to Austrian and Russian Empire Possibility of national autonomy or independence have a mobilising effect on ethnic minorities in Empires Question: who will profit more from destabilisation of old imperial order? Will there be socialist or national revolutions? What we demand in this war, therefore, is nothing peculiar to ourselves. It is that the world be made fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. XIII. An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant. 8 January, 1918 President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points (Delivered in Joint Session of the Congress, January 8, 1918) .
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