
, Will U'Brlaii and family, Of Leslie, S;'-;-..' visited here Buiiday; * •' lOllii Fowler goes to Ohio this week (o make a vIbU aiid brliig; home bis BlstervMay, 'who has beeii visiting friends there the past few weeks. Mrs. Keeler is makliiK some flret* Class evaporated apples at her dryer, ft : ' D. NiBateihan runs his dryer to Its 8ix€rraiid Entertainments! • * - fullest capaoltyi which is twohundred APPLES, dried, per pound . bUBhols per day. i PHILOSOPHER] CHERRIES, dried, per pound The best tea in town. Hoyt Bros. w2 Mrs. Jane Handy. Is visiting ber FEAOBES, dried, per pound.. Editor op the News:—At. the re- ONIONS, perbUBhel Miss Ella Loomis, of Leslie, Is visit­ Under the new law the election : daughter, Mary VauDeiisert, at Mason. Y011 Know Wliat Pleases You. AGRICUtTURAL SALT, per ton ing Mason friends. boards are requiied to prepare booths cent meeting of the soldiers and sailors Enlereil at the PoatoJ)lce at Maion as Cash paid for produce. Hoyt Bros. Mrs. Ii. Polheoius, who suffered a -TO OPEN WITH- LAND PLASTER, per ton 6 Secand'Clmf viatter. In which to do the voting ou association cf Ingham county, a com­ stroke of apoplexy two months ago. Is LZVK STOCK AND MEATS. Some miscreant stole two tents from election day, one booth for every 100 rade from Jackson county Mich, made Jay Lane has been In town this week mil HOW falling grudunlly.' i CATTLE, per 100 pounds the courtyard last Week Tuesday night. votes nnd fraction of 25. Below we some statements which provoked some m .2 fioas 00 PUBLISHBO EVKRY TaUBUnAY, BY on business. The bond of WlUing Helpers meet HOQS, per 100 poundH give the vote of each township nnd discussion at tbe time, nnd have been S. H. Beecher Wants Money PORK, dressed, per 100 pounds. The veterans have over 5150 in their nt Mrs; C.H. Buckingham's Thursday, J. T. CAMPBELL. SI. Hawley, of Petoskey.is lii town treasury as a nucleus for a next year's ward In this county on which the esti­ tho cause of so much comment since HAMS, per pound... . s@ e mate is to be iiiade and the number of October Oth. His Misfortune Your AdTnntago. CHICKENS, per pound, dressed for a short time. reunion, that I respcctiv«>ly ask apace in your CHIOKENB, per pound, alive «8 booths required in eacli precinct. Let It seems as If tynliold fever had coine LAURA DAINTY On* yiir, fl.SSj lix monlhi, eS eania; thrtt pa^er to state tlie substance cf what he To get It he will sell the best of BBOAD-OAST SEEDERS, TUBKEYS,por pound,alvo a 6 Harvey Lapliam, of Okcnios, gets a .Superintendent Cheever, of Lansing, ho board fall to bo prepared for election : said, and io ask some questions. Into our neighborhood to stay, ns three DUCKS, per pound, alive fl@ monlho, 3S oenli—in advane*. pension since last week. of A. EcUhnrt's children are very sick and seven of his tcuchcrs attended the ' Vote No. of Booths OCTOBER 2I3 1890. NEW STYLE OORN-OUTTERS, TABLE CUTLERY; DUCKS, per pound,dressed @ 1. He stated that the act of congress Call and see our new, all-wool, ; with it. James, Qeoge and Eva are ADVERTISING RATES. L. C. Webb started for Lexliiuton, teachers' association here last Saturday. Alaiedon 301 of June 27,1800, was simply a pauper BiriLDINO KATKRIAL, Aurellus 410 the ones afflicted.' COOK STOVES AND HEATING STOVES, Oar advertising rates made kno^n aloffloe- Kentucky, last Monday forennoii, bill; tbat thesoldiers did not generally seamless Hose, . WATER LIME, per barrel &1 5 Baslnessoardsdallnoper year, The services that were to be held at Bunkerhlll 277 CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel... @2 5 Delhi 112 so understand it, but such wns the fact, J. J. Slaughter Is home from a three at Astoniahingly Low Prices. Baalneaslooals live cents per Itneeaoh and Mrs. J. T. Campbell spent last Sab­ tbe Hawley school bouse were post­ weeks' visit to N. Y. state. Season Tickets o«i sale .at E. Culver's, $1.50; 10c extra for Reserved LIME, per barrel @ Tg every Insertion. . ^ Ingliain 302 and to prove his statement, he recited ONLY 86 CENTS A PAIR. PLABTERINQ HAIR, per busbel 0 8? bath with her parents at Shepherd. poned to next Sunday nt the same Lansing !I10 Mrs. Mary Jennings, formerly of this Seat. Geneialadmission, 50 cents; Reserved Seats, 75 cents. SHINGLES, per thousand I OO&i 0? Marriage,birth, nnd death notices free, hour. Leroy 391 the provlsonsof the bill in detail, and Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, declartd that any soldier making ap­ Examine our Table Linens and iiluce, has gone to Brockport N. Y., to LATH, per Rtleet i .0005 cards of thanka,6tc.. live cents a line. J. £. Bullen, of North Aurellus, Is Leslie 081 live with her sister, Mrs. Hannah prospecting in the northern peiiii.sula. Dr. and Mrs. E..F. Shaw, of Will­ Locke 3m plication for a pension under that act Towels. Be sure and see the The course comprises: Laura Dainty, Dr. J.nmcs Hcdley, Haivnrd Quar­ OTICE of lottlni; Orttiii Contrnct. Public Meridian : 131 Bobertson. m m ni mw hardware iamslon, were in Mason last week. was required to swear that be was not Towel we sell for only notlco Is hereby titvon that on the 4th day o f Our nimrods seek tbe woods these OuonilnKa ,.12:l tette, R. J. Buidette, Ariel-Thomas Co, Corporal Tanner. No sea­ NOctober, A. D. 18110, at 10 o'clock In tbo Ibronoon, Business Cards. The doctor Is pleased with his prospect Stockbrldse 370 able to obtain his living by labor, and Joe Taylor is very low with typhoid days and tell great stories on tiieir re­ fever. His recovery is doubtful, still son tickets sold after the first entertainment. at the rcsldonco ut Clark Strunlc on eccllon 32, In at Williamston. Vevay HJl that he had no other means ofsujyiyort.' tbo township or Aurellus, In tbo county ot ATI'ORNKYM. turn. Whentfleld .109 10 CENTS. his irlenda nnd physician hope for S. H. BEECHER. Ingham, I will bo present for tbo purpose Rev. Ellett, of Concord, is attending White Oak -131 Is his statement true? good results from good care, nursing CULVER & HENDERSON, Managers.' of letting contrncta for tho reconstruction "irAVERY^torney nnd Counselor at J. B. Woiden exhibits a freak. Po­ the Synod at Lansing and Mrs. Ellett Williamston... 530 2. Ha stated be bad heard a political Extra Crash 2o inches wide, only anil »lral|!htonlng of a drain In said town- I. law. onicc over Fanners' Bank. Lansing city- and faithful attendance. Dr. Knight sbli), dcscribud us follows: Oommonclnf; at a E tatoes glowing on stalks above the is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, First ward,... 310 sj.caker recently declare that no other io cents per yard. Don't forget stayed all night wilh him Sunday Bliiisc In tho hiRbway on the south line ol section OEORQE F. DAY, ground. Geo. W. Bristol. Second '• 732 government in the world hud ever our new Silk and Linen nlglit. • 31 at a point about 111 rods wostol tho southeast Third " JOS made snch generous provisions for its Litclifleld last Sundnv. valescing. corner and following tbo coiirso of tho Fowler TTOUNEY AND COUNSELOR^ AT Mrs. Catherine Ay res started last Kclatives from Owosso are visiting The Running Wild Comedy Co. got Fourtli '• 5.17 soldiers as had the government of tbe Mr. D. C. Austin, of Jacl!.son, called drnin In a nortbcoslorly direction 305 rods across A_' law. Offlce over First National bank, Saturday to visit her sister at St. Paul, Fifth •• . .551 HANDKERCHIEFS. ; Mrs. Bert Collins. Tbey found her on Attorney W.H. Reed, of Decator, sections 31 and 32, and thence In a norlbeastorly aaon, Mich. about as much sport into two boui's at UnituI Stales; and he then cautioned on friends here a few days last week. Mat Minnesota. SIxlli " . 39S tbe slcU list, not dangerous, liowever. Ind., visited with bis cousin Dr, Oh- H. C. RANSOM, course acroBs tbo nwW of tho nvi'/, of sec 3S and the opera bouse hist niglit as could Mason- the soldiers not to be deceived hy such He returned homo last Monday. linger last Saturday. tbe BwJ^ of BOO 2», aiO rods to Iho north lino of REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE Our store is overflowing with New Mr. and Mrs. Artliur Pbiliips are well be curried homo. First ward 301 talk from political speakers! While here be sold his place in Wheat- Mr. and Mrs. Greenman andidaugh- -IlenaqiiiirtorB for- said quarter suction, all In the township of . In Bayner bloelt over City Bakery. Second " Goods. Gents, be sure and Wlicntlleltl. AuruliuB. Total lenRtb of dr.-iin is BOI rods, and spending tlic week at St. liouis, Willi 203 Has any other government ever made fleld. Consideration, $000. ter, of Leslie, were the guests of Abe A reception to Rev. Barnhart and at that time 1 will lot conlracts for tho con- PHYHIVIANM. their relatives. such generous provisions for its dis­ see our Lyman Haviland has rented Mrs. Mrs. Isaac Sever, of this place, is Blaok Sen. last week. slrucllon of enUl drain by sections, to Iho lowest family was held at the M. E. church vespou»lblo bidder or bidden). Also tako notlco last evening in wliich a multitude of Just Once. charged soldiers as the United Stotes? Curtis'farm for ):he coming year, and quite ill with malarial fever. Sol. Owen left Tuesday for Rogers that I will then and there, nt tho timo of tho H. FERGUSON, M. D., Physician and George Clark feels pretty well, hav­ GLOVES AND MITTENS • Surgeon, Mason. Olllco over P. O., 8 to 10 our people participated. Willie we regret tlie occasion for re­ 3. He declared the act of June 27, Hurburt Curtis intends teaching dur­ There will be preaching by Mr. Cook, City with a horse purchased by Will Fine Furniture! lettlnKof such conlractB.be present lo review all G ing received the safety bicycle olfered asseBBment of benellts upon the lands upon A. M.; 2to 5 and 7 to!) r. Jt. Jflly plying in any way lo what the Demo, 1890, looked fair on its face, bnt was a ing the coming winter. the Free Methodist minister, at the Rice at Joseph Fier's sale last Satur­ l>y the Journal. Tlio Industrial party had a good Before you buy. Call in and loolc which said drain Is to be constructed, and cratof this city persists in beraldiiiK, snare, and was intended fora delusion; ' Mlna Large is in Detroit. Baker school house, next Sunday at 2 day. KsBessed for the construction thereol. S. H. CULVER, M. D., time at the fair ground lust Friday as over our difterent Departments. -While in Jackson call on us nnd we will show you- Last week Wednesday morning a 1U- we deem it necessary just once. Of that it was cunningly worded so as lo Messrs; Geo. Travernnd Wm. Cndy, o'clock p. M., and at the Meech school C. H. Artz, who bas been reading HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE was announced. E. H. Belden, tlie house In tho evening of the same day. Dated nt Anreliiis, this 22nd day of Setitcmbcr, over Ii. C. Webb's Clothing Storo, Mason, iound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. course we don't know how William deceive the plain soldier, by seeming You arc always welcome. and the Misses Nellie TraverandEttie medicine with Dr. Ohiinger, left ISIoii- A. D. 1800. 'niKODOltli! STKArTON, P would-be governor, was present and to mean something which it did not Tbe Ladies Aid Society, of Leroy, Michigan. 1S34U_ i:rvin Sanford, of Eden. Davie will feel to be told ib'at he is Respectfully, Tuttle have been visiting friends in day morning for Toledo, Ohio, to at­ Township Drain ComnilBsIoncr for the town­ spoke. mean, ami tliat the regulations to be district Jio. 7, will meet with Mrs. The Finest Goods! "spruced up by tlie republicans" to Gratiot county, and Mr. James Krost tend medical lectures. ship of Aurellusln the county of Ingham. 55w2 n D. GREEN. M. D., HOMEOPATHIST, Rev. J, A. Barnes and N. A. Crit­ observed by those who are to consider bas been receiving a visit from bis Lewis Wilber, one-half mile soutb of It. omco In Polar Block, up-Htairn. Resi­ Tho Ladies Aid Society of tlie Pres­ stump for aiioiher party, which of Mrs. Onspaugb, ncc Reed, is borne UAUniAK SALE. Dyrlrluo of o license, to tenden attended the Presbyterian applications for pensions under tbat llltlegrandson of the same county. Baker school bouse, on Tliuisday p. si. on a visit from Ohio. dence lirst door cast of Preabyterlaii Church. Synod at Lansing tliis week. byterian church will give one of their course is false, nor do we imagine the Pord & Kirty- The Fairest Dealings!! G mo f;rnnted, on the 21at dnv of April, A. O, feelings of tlie republicans of Lansing law, prepared by secretary Noble, and Tlie Whltcomb Sunday school will October 10. A cordial invitation ex­ The Ladies Aid Society will be en­ ISIIO, by q. A. Snillb, Judfjo of Probate of tho popular 10 cent teas at the cliurcli par­ W. W. ROOT, M. D., H. R. Pattengill, of Lansing, will r.nd Leslie when itiey see the aspersions approved by commissioner Rmirn,were close on next Sunday. tended to all. tertained at the lionie of Miss Alta county ol Ingham, and State orMlchigun. I shall lors on Friday evening of tnls waek. All goods delivered in Mason FREE OF CHARGE. sull al public auction, on tho ]3lh day of Novem­ HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE speak to the farmers of Delhi, at Gunn cast upon their judgment as to size of so framed that tlie promise of the law Ira Devoe is visiting friends in New Eugene TerrlU will move bis family Hllliard this week Saturday. ber, ISDO, at 10 o'clocli In the forenoon, at the hours from one to two, and from six to Everyone invited. Citril or'I'liiiiiks. P school bouse to-niorrow evening. halls and dale of speaker; and the was not kept, could nut be kept, and Wu desire to extend to our friends and : York. to Midland next week where be in­ houHuonthe fnllowlilR described real estate in seven I'.M. In response to a special invitation was not intended to be kept. Is this tends remaining for the next three said county, ail the rlKht., title and Interest of State central eoniinittee—alas, that too neighbors our sincere thanks for the many. Mrs. Welcher, of Lansing, was visit FKclibiirg. H. O. RANSOM, Almou Taylor, a Hpendthrlft, In nnd to curtain A. B. CAMPBELL, M. D.. A. O. DuBois has his barn raised nnd several of our business men attended has been superseded by the.wisdom of true? nets of kindness and words of sympathy re­ Ing ber father, Wni. Hill, during the years. real eslatu In said county, described as tlie west nearly enclosed anew, a basement the Presbyterian church last Sunday ceived by ns during the lute Illness, death and Artie, the 12 years old son of F. W. twenty (20) acres of the north half ()<;)oftho HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE tho country press which lias the man­ 4. He declared tbat the expense of burial ofourdear wile and mother, especially past weelc. Miss Nan Putman, who has been il^A Fine Passenger Elevator. Jackson, Mich. over H. M. Williams' drug store, Mason. under it being one of tbe changes. morning lo hear a sermon upon Busi­ lo those who Inrnlshod floral ollerlngs. visiting friends in Brighton fur tlic last Havens, while gathering nuts fell aorlh-oaat quarter (li) of section No, twentv-two P agement of Mr, Horr down to a nicely. running tbe pension olUce, i. e. tbe from the tree, breaking lii.s log at tbe (22) In tftwnsblp No. ono (1) north, range two (2) A little daughter of Prof. T. A. ness and Keligion. salaries of olUciais, and clerks, hoards, A. M. Jenkins, Leslie. two or three weeks, returned home last west (Onondaga) In tho county of Ingham and And then, not content witli surmis­ Jla. AND MBS. Chas. G. Jenkins. Saturday. thigh. Drs. Williams and Roe, of Statu of Michigan. Mason Ensiness Directory. Stephens, of .Stockbridge, Jumped from Nelson DeCainp, very properly, now ing, tlio Democrat says: "Wc have it and special examiners, and detectives, and the like, exceeded tlie whole Selllo Up. The county ticket nominated by tbe We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Stockbridge, reduced the fracture and l-nANKA.llOES, a chair last week and dislocated her gets a pension, and the same Is true of from reliable infurmaliun tbat chair­ MIS0EI.I.ANKOVN. amountpaid as pensions lo the soldiers, Kepublicaii convention gives general Lewis Wilber contemplate spending the little fellow is doing well. Guardian of said Almon Taylor. arm at the elbow. George F. Gardner, of Williamslon, man Rumsey received a telegram from Alt notes nnd ncenunts due must bo paid on satisfaction in this town nnd we will Dated September 21,1890. 1055w7 by two and a half millions of dollars or before November 1, or they will bo left for the winter in the state of New York. Geo. Dunham and Mrs. .Toha Miller FARMERS' MUTUAL Mrs. F. J. Brown is attending the and W. L. Rice, of Lansing. Alfred Detroit in substance ns follows: 'If collecllon. L. U. Weiiii, the clothier. see that they are elected, r^IRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF^ ING- annually!! Is tbat statement true? are on tlie «ick list. XrOTlCE of lotting Drain Contract. Public Unlversalisl convention nt Saginaw Sluilts, of this city, has been favored you want Horr during lliis campaign Elmer E. Keed, formerly of this A small child of Jolin Murray's is IM notice Is hcruby given that on the ISlh day C ham county. Safest, cheapest, best. For with a reissue. you will have to have bim about now,' Uis argument in the last abovealate- IteiillHtry. White Onk. I nformatlon write to O. F. Miller, secretary, and visiting otiier )K>ints in the north­ place, waa married at Adrian October very sick. rlsiii Ijere you see -f^c cau^e. of October, A. D. ISilO, at 10 o'clock In thu fore­ there being no date specified In the iiient was, tbat if congress had passed Best teeth. 87.50; lining, 50o up; extracting noon, at the lesidcnco of Isaac Cook, section 22, Mason. R. J. Uullen, President, Mason. ern part of the state. The teacliers'association last Satur­ 1. to Miss Cormlne Goss of Morencl Mr. Thomas Thorburu, of Delhi, was Clark Narteni has moved to Stock- In thu township of Vevay, In Iho county of Ing­ telegiani." And then it proceeds to the perdiein bill instead of what be call­ 25c. Teeth extracted without palii by the use day was quite successful In point of ofN'trous Oxide Gas. A. P. VanDeuskn, Mr. Reed and bride are visiting his in town Sunday. His wife is sojourn­ bridge. ham, 1 will bo present for the purpose of letting M. M. Atwood deellnea to run for show how "mean" and "contemptible" ed the pauper bill, that nil that was contnictB for tbo conptrucUnn of a drain in said JEWKliKK. interest. It was one of tlie best in a 1147tf Darrow block. Mason, Mich. mother, Mrs. R. H. Godfrey. ing with ber father, S. Neal Scovil. Parties from New York have thoir circuit court commissioner and .loliii C. the republicans were in noc having now paid to ollicials, clerks and etc. township, doscribud as follows; Kiiowu as tbo social way they liave bad. The Mrs. J. R. Burdlck and Mrs. Kirk Mr. Frank Owen and wife, of Dans- buyers here and have got control of Harrow a-.id.Moliobort drain,commencing 10rods LIASCUIiVER, dealer in watches, clocks. Squires has been put upon the demo­ him some oiber day than October 7. would go to the s.--ldlers direct, witliout viUe, were in town last Sunday calling Looked too {jigfor SANTA CLAUS. north and n •in><;'= e 10 rods distant from tho sw Jewelry,silverware, etc. Repairing done. teacliers are earnestly discussing llie expense, and tlie government In that Read Geo. P. Glynn's "ad" In anolhercol of Howell, were visiting their many about 40 orchards. E cratic ticltet in his place. Now here Is tiie telegram received by umn—"To the traveling public." on friends. corner of the north 00 acres of tho fcH of sec 22 new system of giudiiiK country schools. case could pay twice us mucli for pen­ friends here last week. Fred Curtis is lionie from the North But ber flatter, anil niiiniiig tlionco s tliown hy tho plat, and running thence 1) Surgeon and Deutlsl, (graduate Ontario Outubor sevenlli. Can you use hini there? from an extended visit in Marine City wb ch will take place to night at tbe gun. west 50 rods; tbcnee ii 12° w 2T?.i rods; tlienco n house next Sundtiy at 2 v. M. if it is hay, stailts, grain, etc. Salecainmeiices Wire answer at onco. JAMES MCMILLAN. Can you tell how it could be done? And sewer plpeof all sizes on hand and .foi Veterinary College), Treats all diseases of sale by UOOtf J. W.Chapin,'Eden, Mlob. Dr. J. N. Greene and wife spent Grange Hall. It seems that after a S5Kj° «• 30 rods. Whole dlstaneu 107?.i rods. Horses and Cattle. Will attend calls day and not rainy. C!oine and jirepaio for at 10 o'clock A. M. Cliuiriuau." John A, Shannon.a person enters the ball he isn't to laugh Sunnily with friends in losca. Ukciiios. Also a branch to snid brunch commencing at n iKht. Olllce nnd residence corner A. and Tliaiik.sgiviiig entertainment. Two weeks ago we gave tbe truth us Answeiis. KoiiHo mill l.»t lo Kxclianire BenRayneris home from Lansing or speak u loud word and if ho or she OH rods aliovu said sinku No. 19 nnd running Mlll-Hla.. Mason, Mich. miyl M. A. Bemuiit, ever eiitluisiastic in 1 Thewords which we haveplaced in E. Walker is visiting his son, H. W. lo why tlie speaker came to be placed For a -lO-acre fiirm witliln a few miles Mrs. Dr. H. H. Bartlett has returiieil does the person is taxed one cent a Is f!/c faeit ooAP ever nj^dt lliencu B 23° w73>a rodsto thu south line of sec 21. Last Saturday evening Miss Matic the breeding of good lioises, has pur­ heie, and that little pill of truth seems italics are not in the bill, as passed by Mason. 159Utf H. J. DONNELLY Walker, of Lansing. And Unit at that llmu 1 will lei contrucIB for A.UAllNEsi^O'rAUY. Loiiti,Insurance from Obio, word and the nioiiey goes into the Wilcox celebrated ber fom'teeiilli chased the U-yeiirs-old Trujiliy brood lo havegiven Ibe Democrat unutterable congress, and no such altldavit as slat­ Tho Home Worliers gave a 10 cent ihu cnnsiructlon of said drain by sections, to lliu .and Collection Agent. A fiesU supply of birthday by liaviiii? a paity of her * Teii 'I'iKiiiNiiiiil nullnrn Mrs. Jobnsoii, of Jackson, is tbe grange fund. lowu.st respouslhlu lildilur or bidduri'. .Mso take mare of Emory Haliey, and also a disties,s. But what do readers think of ed is required of an ajipileant for pen­ tea Friday, October 10, at the town money lo loan. friends meet at iier home. All seemed To rnise on November 1, 1800. Ail notes ond, guest of Mrs. .Tames Blair this week. Mis. S. N. Seovil and Franklin PHENOMENALLY notice lhal I will then and thoro, nt thu time of standaid-bred yearling lllley. They journalism tliat will distort a telegram sion uniler tha; act. The statement accounts due must lie paid before that date. hall, from 5 to 0 v. ji. thu lulling of such conlracts. he iiresuiit to re- ONEY TO LOAN, liV THE REAL Es­ lo have a good lime. are very piimiisiiig proiierty' and Mr. L. 0. Webb, tho clothier. . It is rumored that M. L. Campbell Scovil made a busiiies.f trip lo .StocU- vluw nil nssessniunl of bunulU.i npiiii thu lands and try to deceive the people, even llie.efore is not true. J. Bnidick fell and broke some of tate Agent, John Dcnsbaok. B. will jnolit by llieiu. opens a drug store in th" roimis lately biidge this morning, upon which said iliniii Is to be cniislrnctud, aud M At the presliyterian church next tiiougli its lalsity is an effort to Injure tlieliones in liisliaiid Friday,October;!. POPULAR. assusi-uil lor thu noiistriictlon tlieruol". 2. No oilier government even ap­ I'lirin ror Siile, lli-iil. or Kxelionice. occupied by A. S. Mitchell as a bazaar. Miss Grace Pulling, of Cliesaniiig, is LARK HOUSK, Wm. H. Clark, proprietor. .Sunday Rev, Cleo. D. Lindsey, of an opposite party'? Tlie "reliable in­ Henry Weilniaii is atteiiding school l.liiti!U al Vevny, ibis ttuih day of Si-nieinbur, A. BcHlone doiliir a day house In the city. Court begins next Monday at Lan­ proaches the United Stales government A farm of SO acres, 05 acres Improved, one Also tbat C. D. Klrby goes to Lansing tlie late guest of liur relatives and D. IK91I. •NICIIOI.AS Tl'iiM I'Llilt, C Ionia, will occupy tlie pulpit, and sing. Tlie calendar shows 23 ciiiiiiiial formation" upon wliicli it was given and ouc-hair miles IVoiii Rives Junction. friends in lowii, at the Inlerhike Biiisncss College,L«n- must have been deiiKicialic autliority. in its provisions for its discharged dis­ Enquire of J. W. Febodson, Muson. 1032lf and tbe store bo occupies will be usei sing. Township llrnln Commissioner fur lliu town- M, DRESSER loans iiiouoy, buys notes, Rev. Barni'S goes to Ionia. In other cases, 59 i.sslies of fact, one law oiisu, abled soldiers. It is curious that every- by A. Young as a tobacco store. Mr. Tboniiis Patrick has been engaged Made by Conzb in.'hiieil. ship of Veviy, in thu couniy of Ingham. ri(iw2 . makes colloetions. At Farinois'Bank. words, they e.Ncliaiige. We have shown the original telegram Mrs. Wiiit MeCurdy is ipinroviiig J four iiiiiiarlances, 20 lirst class botly instinctively knows lo wluit Itrnln 'I'ilu iiiiii Brivk. Win. Hutcliiiigs lost a valuable .Icr­ by trustee AcUersoii to teacli the school cliaiicery, two second class, two tliiid lo the editor, expecting lliut his con­ under the cure of Dr. J. Ferguson. 11TY BAKERY.-FRESII BREAD, PIES You can lind ladies' Misses' nnd polilical party the speaker belonged, Barker it Co. manufacturers, .Mason, Mich. sey cow by lier being turned in clover in District No. 11, atMillville. ^ and cakes, Mason, Mich. cliuss, and 22 fritiith cla.ss, tibvunteeii science v.'ould reqiiiie liiiii to make Flrst-oluBS stock always on liatui. Write lor • N.K.FAIRBANK &CO.-=^CHiCAGa ( children's clnalis in large varieties and some eiirfeclioii, and at llie same time will) iiiude the statement criticised by pasture. of iheni ate tlivorce cases. llie Jackson county soldier. The polit­ prices. • loastf ; With the 19th century dawned the MutlipMtaaiiilllUieE';. EECH A .=iON, proprlolor.-i of the Mnson al popular prices at JMarcus Gregor's. If we (ieeni it best to publisli it in full. jMis. Rowley, of Clayton, bas been j)aiisvillc. , ical speaker, whoever he was, simply Wiiiiteil. era of wonders. It has also proven an B foundry and machlneshops. Repairing. It is liardly iieoe.ssary lo nieiilion tlie Begging l'.:a lardoii of oiir readers for visiting her niece, Mrs. C. D. Klrby OVKK Aliss Ella Blake began work at told tiic truth. Five hundred cords of l-foot wood. Mis. F. A. Osborne, of Maaon is in era of siir|irises—for iiolwithstaiidiiig A .Safe 111 vestment. comiiiji of Laura Daiiiiy next Tuesday having any til iig lodo witli wiiatst'cms the past week. town. its giant strides toward knowledj^e, we loo MILES SHORren ,uBOIS&EARI.E, DEALERS IN HEAVY Fields' dry goods store, .faeksoii, last 3. We do not think the above is de­ BAnuEii & CO., Mason. Ia one wliich is guaranteed to bring nnd Shelf Hardware. Maple St., Mason. evening. Siieisa particular friend of uiipieiisant diM.-^eiiaion, wo now leave Over SO of our townsmen went to Mrs. C. E. Atwood and Mis. L. .Hill are told that there aro still in somo LOOSE'S EXTRACT D Monday moriiiiii;. Miss BiaUe lias serving of any answer. Whciil. lIoiiNe r»r Niile. you satisfactory results, or in case of Th.Tii ;iny other line lictwecii the audiences everywlieie, and nowiiere tlie whole Held lo our contemporary if Mason Tuesday evening to bear Hon. have returned from Cliicugo. places a few citizens who have not rendered very elUcieiit services at M. No eongivss, or other body, of ordi­ faihiioa return of purcliase price. On Great Nortlnvest, Caniula and Ncw more so tliaii in iMason. Her reading it wislies to Indulge in mud. It may Either of our grain elevators In the city al R. G. Horr. Siunuel Sliadan is attending the ex­ beard of Salvation Oil. * Gregor's dry goods store in tills city for nary intelligence, would attempt to de­ Mason Is !or sale. Wo want competition. tliia safe >Uin yon can buy from our lUlGHIGAN (TENTRJIL is tlie deiiglit of the listener and we exiiaust its vocabulary of "mean" Died, Wednesday, October 1-, tbo 12 position at Chicago. Englaiul. New Short Line between several years. ceive, by llie cunning use of words, so lOtr Densmobe * Cov. ndvorlisec Druggist a bottle of Dr. shall be surprised if there is a vacant "coiileniplible," "peanut polities" etc., years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L, An inventory is being taken of the St. Paul, Miiinenpolis ami Diiluth "Tho Niugara Falls Route." iui'ge and so intelligent a mass of peo­ Ills Ignorance Cost Illc $1.'>0.00! King's New Discovery for Consump­ Paddock & Henderson want-500 seat ill the opera house. but we do not desire to liurl sucli epi- Nhee|» I'MNliirc. ; M. Faugh t, of typhoid fever. stock and hardware of Tbeo. Uollinan. and principal points in Lower AUch- SOUTHWARD. ple as tlie soldiers and sailors of tlic tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief CLOVERUSOM cords of good "four-foot" wood and bets at any poiitical party. I havo good pasinro to let for 100 or more H, Ormsby bas gone to Stockbrldge I waa sick abed for three months. Mr. Lynn Pratt has compiled a late volunteer army and navy of the sheep. AUTiiun P]iii,i.ii's. loiotf Frank is putting new chimneys on in overy case, when used for any allec- igan. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. will pay cash for it. 57nv3 to do a job of carpenter work, bis hotel, The doctor said I had Prolapsus Uteri, beautiful little volume in memory of Uniled States. which was untrue. He didn't try to tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such Elegant Wagner Vestibule Buf­ Mason 8:1S lOiH 5:10 10:37 Aliplctil Mrs. J. R. McKnight is visiting at The attention of tho council is called his sister, Agnes Thompson. It con­ The code of rules formulated by tbe cure me but wanted to mako a Si.50 ns Consumption, Inllamivialion of Jackson...... 9:0a 11:05 0:45 11:30 The board of supervisors is in se.ssloii, Wo have a largo number of barrels that wo Stockbrldge. Duraud. From tnere she will go to Ben­ fet Slccjiing Cars on through trains. a. in. a. m. to the fact tliat there is no electrio tains dates of birth and death and the .Secretary of the liiterior,aiid approved every day. My uncle is a druggist, Lungs, Broncliitis, Asthma,Whooping Chicago 1:15 but have done little as yet, the com- want to nil Willi good apples. VakOstband Stockbridge fair was a success ns ton Harbor to join her husband. z 7:55 8:05 light at tbe north east corner of tbe remarks in full that were made at her by the comnilssioiier of pensions do a;Ei.mkb, 4oef and he told 1110 to turn the doctor olf'and Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant RATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Detroit l'i:10 0:15 10:15 0:20 niltlees being engaged on llie assess­ usual. Receipts over .51000. court house square. The contemplated memorial service at the Baptist ciiurch. not narrow the Kco))eof ilie law as pass­ A. D. Bearclsley returned from De try Sulphur Bitter?. .1 did so and live and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, < p. in. p. m. ment rolls and various claims. The 'I'eii 'riioiiNiiiiii itiilliirH Will Oi'r is very sick in Colorado. For Time Tables, Tickets and gen­ St. Thomas 1:U0 10:55 2:00 10:10 sewer there having failed, why not Some of the most intimate friends of ed by congress, but ore, very properly, troit. He says an eflort will be made dollars worth of Suljihur Bitters cured and can always be depended upon. state lax to be raised by the county is To raise OH November 1, 1800. All notes and Clias. Newkirk, from the iiortli part eral information call on nearest Ticket a. in. give those people more light. Aggie are receiving them and the book so framed that the case of every appli­ by the doctors to save both hands, al­ me of general weakness and debility. Trial bottles free at H. M. •Williams' UJ Niagara Falls... 7:12 2|27 5:29 •1:12 $•24,728.10, of whicli %2,Gl)9.7e goes to accnuuts due must be paid before that dnto. of the state, is visiting relatives and Agent or write will bo highly prized by them. cant for the benetlt of the provisions of L. 0. Weud, tho clothier. though a quite a dinicult undertaking. Mrs. S. ,New Haven. 57 Drug Store. 1 Few pails left of Hiawatha shorts, the State University and SSIS.OO to the friends here. NORTHWARD. tlie law shall bring his case fairly A colli.sioii occured between two rigs best cheap tobacco sold. A. L. Van- Call at Hoyt Bros', and examine Stato Normal School. The standing Notice. Prank Bailey and wife have return­ ^ GEO. W. HIBBARD, V. BEARING- a. in. a.m. p. in. P. m. within the act. Saturday night about 8 o'clock result­ DKKCOOK. uStf their stock before you buy. 5Sw2 committees are as follows: All notes, accounts «to., due Mrs. F. J. ed from AVasliiiigton State, also Fred The (ircnt Spring Modichic. PENSIONS! PENSIONS! I Q. Western Pnsa. Agent, DIst. I'nss. Agt. Mason 7:60 11:28 5:30 0:47 Ways nnd Means-Womplo, Park, MoEuen. 4. Wedo not know what purpose the ing ill some damages to one rig and Lansing 8:1S 11:50 0:15 10:10 Rice, successor to the- late Egbert Rice, do- Meliiisli. none to the other, The Blooil is The Life. Both the old and the now pension 291 .Tnokson St., 202 Main .St. E., p. in. Miss Sophie Wight, of Bay City, Clare, the 10 years old son of F. H. Equalization—Davis, Covert, Fullcr,Sharor, Jackson county man expected to serve ceased, must be paid Invmedlately oraatlsfoc- laws arc with me, and all those now C4AICEBS ST. PAUL, MINN. JACKSON, M. 12:12 Mich., Mrs. G. W. Munsliower. of Howlcl, Park. P. C. Bennett. lorily arranged. 5S^v4 The iioniiiiakion of Ed. Bates for Albert Brown returned last week Genti.e.misx : I have been troubled Owosso 9:00 7:02 Lansl'g Golieen, of Aurellus, fell and stuck a Apportlonmonlan'lonr. Willi you, instead of .snnio attorneys These Pills are scientifically com­ Two hundred and twenty-five ewes, ren's wool liose at M. Gregor's. 5Gtf Public Bulldlugs—Ivlocksolin, Shal'or, Big- genuine surprise. It was tlie 40th an­ convention in this village on 'ruesday, Ferguson, and tho statement made by the average annual payment to each Keep your eye on Iho Indicator—if foreign wlio are averse to your interests and pounded, and uniform in action. No jllbsmeut -AT THE- forty wethers and live rams go under low. • Hour goes down, what Is the cause? Gold niversary of their marriage and a good October 7th and put in nomination ilim to bo true. We unhesitatingly A meeting of the Michigan Board of County Farm—Dunckel, Hume, Bailey. was $133.94. aro most anxious about tlieir fees. griping pain so commonly following WANTED. the hammer, and they are all well bred. Dust leads every lliue. 58lt lot of presents fell to them. Mr. and Charles C. Fitch, of Mason, after he recommend this remedy as we believe Pharmacy lor the purpose of examining Dralns-lluino, V. C. lloiinetl, Fuller. Tbe statement is not true. The the use of Pills. They iiio adapted to Last Friday he sold l20 lambs to A. I. Salaries-J. .S. noiinoti, Huston, Eurle. JVtrs. Standish are fine people nnd we had declined the honor twice. No one it to be the greatest family modicine Call oil llie or write. I will beat the iVEWS OFFICE. candidates for registration, will be held gentleman eltlier pretended to know would like to see them celebrate their both adults and cliildreii with perfect Barber for ifSOO. Printlug—Hamnioud.aill'ord.F.C. Bennett, Wanted, Ilwiino IIdp. else could be Induced to take it. The on our slielves. Wai.woiitii & Sour.E. Fanners Bank, Mason, every Friday LOCAL OR N at Lansing, Wednesday and Thursday, AUXILIAIIY COMStl'n'KES, what he did not, or he was careless of 75th marriage day. and Saturday and oftener if needs be. safety. Wa guarantee thoy have no Any one wanting a situation at house work attendance was quite large. Eaton Rapids, Midi. Wlicatnold. The best stock of cbidren's oil-grain November 5th undGth, 1S90. The ex­ Justice and Witness Cliilins-Thoman, the truth in his talk. correspond with Mrs. Fred. C. Miller, &I0 If you wish to seo mo at any other equal in tlie cure of sick hcadaclie, amination of both Reglstereil Phariiia- F. D. Watts, of Williamslon, visited A. Phillips, S. Avery, E. A. Dens- Sold by all druggists. Prepared only school shoes, wortli two pairs of any Hume, .Slial'ei'. ' • West Welkins street, Jackson, Mich. The time drop mo a postal card and I will constipation, dyspeiislaaiid biliousness; to Hell our Nur.sory Stock, f^nlary K.xpcnses We predict tbat Wlieatfleld will cists and Assistants will commence on Constablo Clalm.s-Stillsou, J. S. Bennett, place will bo pormanenl. Da notwantlrnn- V. S. Mills last week. inore, received premluns at the Stock- by The Charles Wriglit Medicine Com­ luul Stcaily ICinpluyinont gUKnintucd. other, sold at Brown Bros'. 58tf Boss cheese and crackers. A. L, be there us you wish, .\ddrcss, J. B. and, as an appetizer, lliey excel any* be a wlieatlleld next year. Wednesday at 9 o'clock A. M,, nt which Eiirle. _ stent help. . A. W. Curtis has started for the bridge fair on horses and livestock and pany, Detroit, !Mich. Oct. CHASK iniOTHEllS COMPANY, Vandbrcook. 58tf south to recuperate. Wordeii, Mason, Ingham Co. Mich., other preparation. Sold by H. M, Wm. Stendinan has Improved tho Paddock & Henderson will put in a hour all candidates will report at .Rei: ShellIVClnlina-Coverl, Howloll, FuUer. 10,000'HorsPN %Vnnti>il Mrs Mina Curry on fancy articles. octiiUoc |i llDclioslor, N. Y. looks of his farm by building a new H. H. Bruerton has sold his -ouse Box 122, 'lotf J. B. WoiiDEN, Wi'liaiiis, druggist, Masnii, Mich. * system of Thompson & Huston alter- reseiitativc Hull. The examination Laura Dainty at opera house October To eat Rood tamo hay;,oats and corn at the Miss Allle.Densmore got 2nd prize on yard fence. Next Wednesday a wedding will be and lot to Mrs. Joseph Hawley. Piles, Piles, Piles. Agent and SolicitorofPension Claims. natlngincandesccntllghts. Their cur­ will occupy two days. • 2lst. Clark Uouso. neat drawing. Millie Fenn, of Mason, spent Satur­ celebrated in tills city in wliicb a very Dr. Parka, a former resident of this rent will be running by November 1, All new shades in broadcloths at Mr, J. P. Miller nnd wife and Miss Loose's Red Clover Pile Remedy, How It >Va.s! day and Sunday with lolatives in this Brown Bios, aro selling double the large circle of friends ara Interested. Itngr tiniil. place, was visiting friends here last is a jiositivc specific for nil forms of tbe Sick llcailnclio. and will supply C50 lights. Now if you The contracting parties are Miss Myrta Marcus Gregor's. 50tf Allle Vancuren, of Redford, Wayne vicinity. goods and at less prices than ever Newfoundland.' black, double-nose, name week. county Mich.,inade ElderNiles' family disease. Blind, Bleeding, Itching, Loosn's Rmi CnovEK Pill.s Cure At tlie battle of Gettysbiirjf I waa want to brighten your fireside consult Jean Coy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Hattie Makley is tilling a posi­ tbavelT^pIblic! Some of the young people of this these gentlemen. before. Come and see. 58tf Snide. Return to blacksmith shop of Jack Sylvester Tiionipson liad one of his a delightful visit on the 4th, oth and Ulcerated, and Protruding Piles.— Sicic Headache, Dyspepsia, Indiges­ shot tbrniigb tlie left leij'iiiid was .sent B. Coy, and Mr. Herbert O. Hal- tion of clerk at M. Gregor's dry goods Fowler. Mason, and get reward. wlp • to tho hospital. Tlic army surgeiiiis neighborhood visited Nettle Dean's Wednesday, October Stli, being the horses kicked to death last week. Oth inst. Price 50c. For sale bv Longyear tion, Constipation, 25c. per Box, 5 Box Tho niiUI route ironi Dannvlilu to .Mnsou Just received at Brown Bros'.10 cases stead, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hal- store. . relieved liio bii' pronounced my case having boon diacontinned, tho SHbserlbcis school, of Ingham, on last Friday. fiftieth birthday of Mr. Tied HInes, 75 House ami Rooms to Bent. Bros. *• es for $1. For sale by Longyear Bros. more of thoso elegant calf boots at?2.00 stead. Both have spent their child­ incurable. It di.'.iclmiyed piecos of will hoioiiltor run a volilclu over Mio roiiU May Durkee closed the fall term of friends and iioiglibors of Mr. and Mr.s. Brown Bros, are saving their cus­ Inqulie'of C. G. Huhtihgton. 87tf South West Leroy. lioit. dally (Suridays and llio It.h of.Iuly oxuopicil) and $2.50, sold at 153.00 and $3.50 by hood and youtli here, and both merit bime, and for years I have suflercd school in district No. 7, for a three Hines met at their homo In tbo evening tomers a great many dollars on account for tho conveyance of passcngors, o.vnress other dealers. 58tf the liigli esteem in wliich they are Curtis Beeman, of this place, has The German parsonage is completed witli a running sore. I tried every­ nnd freight, at reasonable rate.'f, leaving Dnnsl weeks' vacation. nnd surprised him. Rev. E. H. Brock- of their largo and early fall purchases. Call And Settle. fasen giving his rasldence a new coat of and occupied by their pastor Rev. vlUoatSo'olock A. jr. nnd arriving at .Ma,son James Kent, the wounded boy, is held. The brightest of prospects are All goods sold at old prices. 58tf thing which my limited niouns would The American Protective Tariff way,in behalf of iliecumpauy,presented Having sold my. boot and shoe bust" psint wliich has improved its appear­ Cumiicl. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. at or before 10 O'clock A. M., returning atsuch Improving. an elegant silk plush, upholsled spring before tliem. allow, and cxperieiieeil no relief until tlme.s each day aa shall best promote the League has Just i.ssued in pamphlet Call nt E. Culver's and get your ness In this city to Clancy Bros, of ance very much. Mrs. Bushnii, of Port Huron, is visit­ oonvonlcncoof tho public. rocker, a flue carving Unlfe and fork, Ladies' all wool, seamless hose, only I tried Sulphur Bitters. I am now al­ from a complete refutation of the claims lecture course tictcets. North Adams, X requcstall persons In­ Mr. ar.d Mrs. Wlllism Hough re­ ing herdaughter.Mrs.T. T. Thorburn, most well and sliall (.'oiitimie tlielr use. of tho Free-Traders that our manufact­ hip robe, silk necl{-scarf,.ono silk and 25 cents at Marcus Gregor's. SGtf GEORGE P. CLYNN. Big bargains In underwear nt Marcus debted to me to call and settle at once turned from Bcldlng last Saturday Miss Jennie Ferguson is visiting at —Old Soldier. 57 Gregor's. 50tf ured products are sold to the foreign three linen liaiidkerchlefs.v Mr. Hlnes, Justice Millar of the United State after a week's absence visiting friends Laingsburg. with deep feeling, expressed his thanks Wo were startled to learn of the.very supreme court died suddenly of paral­ •lS99tf. C. G. Huntington. consumer at a lower price than for sudden death of U. R. Backus, of aud relatives. Mrs. Myrtle Hllliard visited her All desiring season tickets for the home consumption, 'i'he subject of in well chosen words, After an abun­ ysis October 13. He was appointed by Itoinal Trl)) ICxciirsInii Itntcs. •Wood's I=l3.osi>3a.ocai3ie lecture course must sceure them before Wbeiitfleid, yesterday morning. It Is Exfliirsloii Itntes; I Mrs. James Q. Kress returned to her friend Miss Alice Lyon in Mason last THE GREAT EiVni.1811 BEMRnv " tills document is "Export Discounts" dant supply of rfefreshmeiits, which President Lincoln lnl8G2. home at Alma on Thursday last after a Friday. The M. C. R. R. will now sell excur­ November 1. wero a fine compliment to tho hostess, thought that lii.s death resulted from The M. C. B. R. will give tho follow­ llaowoudu .ufor. 30jrutir yearns =^ otvoutbtul folly and if yon desire a copy enclose a two four weeks visit among old friends In Eddie, the 8 years old son of Mr. and sion tickets to \ioints in Michigan as anmiiooxcosBos the company departed, feeling that the heart disease. He was a prominent Extra good coltec, 23 cents. A. L. ing excursion rates: ' bythousoadssuo- et lotor years. A new line of dress trimmings just cent stamp to tlie American Protective tbls vicinity, Mrs. Geo. Menger, died Saturday of follows: ecmtully. Oimr- enjoyable occasion was one long to be farmer aiid was widely known ns such. Vaneercook. 58tf November 13, Grand Baplds and re­ anlccii to cure all Oiwit immeMato received nt Marcus Gregor's. 50tf TarW Leiigue, 23 W. 28d, St., N. Y. Many will regret his decease. He arose 11A great many people of this place at- lockjaw, • Parties of 10 'ir moro and less than forms ot Nonrous 'Innoth andvia. remembered. turn at the rate ot one fare with S3 cents or. AnkdruBRlBJa This document Is No, 35. In ordering In the night feeling cold, and Mrs. • Postmaster Call Is attending tlie 1 tended the reunion at Mason this week James Thorburn, who has been 50, traveling together, two cents per Weakness, Kmln- B. O. Ball & Son wish to call your added, good returnliig oii the 141 h. s ons, apermfttor- use number only. Backus administered to hlmas best she reunion of hia old regiment, the 20th In anticipation of a glorous good time, threatened with typhoid fever, Is able mile, per capita, in each direction. rhoii, Impotcncy, attention to the fact that they have The large, elegaiit lino of ladles' and and.ftllthiipttectB could but it was of ao use, death came Michigan Infantry, at Marshall. i iMr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, of Dans- to sit up.. ' Parties of 50 or more, one and one- Just received the finest bargain in Now Is your time to get felts and gents' beaver and lleece-IIned goods are Twelve dozens more of those elegaut rhodlQDi tako no early! Ill the morning. He was the vllle.nud Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. West, half centsper mile, per capita, each way black brililantine ever offered In the rubliers at great bargains. Brown great inducements to the public, nt New Vaienola raisins, very line. A. $2.50line dongoln kid Bhoe«.for$2.U0ftt' Miss Ida Elliot, who has been ser­ father of Mrs. E. S. Avery, of this city. of Whentfleld were the guest of H. M. iously ill with typhoid fever, is con­ for round trip. city. . * Bros. 58tf Browii Bros'. oStf L. Vandercook. , -SStf Bi-owii Bros. 88tf

For Sale by II. | Williams, Druggist. \ \


: A: BBAKBUAH; WM kitted and thirty • the bldeit SAW THE COAL PALACE. GREAT CROWDS GREIaT HIM. Mnt bl freiffht were destroyed by aool- member of tbe O. A. B.. died at Mount ft[l3it0Mm founts |[cm Ptealilent Harrliion Pays a Visit to the Bonilns Reoeptioiii to President Har- lialon :on the "Beading road at Paul Pleasant, Is., aged 06 years. Unique Struoture at Ottuiiiwu, In. rtson in Missouri and KansiW Towm. Brook, Pa. . >•,•,; A CONVENTION of Democrats opposed Ottumwa; la., Oct. 10.—It was 8 Atchison, Kan., Oct. 10,—At 7:30 : A. German farmer named Nicholas to B. B. Tillman for Oovornor of South o'clock a. m. when the Presidential a. m. Friday tho President's train Boswein while plowing In his field near Carolina-mot iii Columbia and nominat­ MASON, MICHIGAN party reached this city. A delegation entered the yards at St. Joseph Portsmouth, O., turned up a heavy rust* ed a full State ticket, led by A. C. Has­ headed by Hon. .T. G. Hutchison, ox- and backed down to the sta­ eaten Iron lid, beneath which was a ves­ kell for Governor. Bopublioan candidate for Governor of tion, where a cheering crowd greeted sel containing 83,000 worth of Spanish The Congressional' nominations on Iowa, and Senator V. G. Ballingall, pres­ him. Ho entered tho dopot hotel on tho gold coin; most of wbich bore dates of tho 0th were: New York, Second dis­ ident of. the Ottumwa coal palaoo, met arm of Colonel A. C. Dawds, tho Secre­ over a hundred years ago. trict, Jamos Gresham (Rop.); Third, tbo Presidential party at Galesburg tary of tho Navy and other members nato, bumptious and rebellious. At every charped. McElroy,knew this whou he stntomonta nro wickedly and mall- one Jay P. Lee, and has nliio read said Inter­ lie charges that I pockoi.ed over $8,000 In .. CLAYTpii Lloyd, ol Newton, Alo., view, marked "exhibit D." That said nni- profits. 1 state positively, uncqulvouallj INTERESTINb NEW3 COMPILATION. William C. Wallace (Rop.) renominated; Wednesday evening and escorted him ot the party following. Tho Prosidont meoliiiE of the board thureafler ho chafed chai'Ked tbal I did. cliiusly false in every parllculur. And poisoned his wife and four children. depoiiont further CTM ilmt lie, not .Tamos davlt of his broihor regarding suld Intorvlow nnd alisolutcly that 1 never derived in the Fourth, Andrew J. Perry (Bop.); Fifth, to Ottumwa. It was due to tho fore­ was thon taken upstairs on to tho bal­ and fuinud and objeetcd to tbo systoui of In support of his nlleKotlonsthat I fur­ M. Tiirni'r, sold and duiiveru.-i to tho firm of la true In uveiv nartloular to tho personal way of prollls $8,000, or eight cents, or One of the children died. Tho murderer REPLY oxpcndlturea which the board adopted, nished Ihe Bloto the briek and slates for knowledgo of this doponont. . DOMESTIC. John R. Smith (Rep.); Ninetooth. Ed­ thought of Superintendent Wilson and cony of tho hotel, which had boon beau­ Furr & Vliieont, eoiitraotors, all of the brlok ono cent, or any other sum at any escaped. He was aaid to have another und lo which they unanimously adhered the north and south wiiiKS, ho inlruducea UBod lu the oonstructlon of tho north and Deponent further says, for lilmsolf. In ad­ .:: The Consus Bureau snnouhoos tbe ward A. Durant (Eep.); Twent.y-thirdi Manager Bishop, of tho C. B. & Q. road, tifully draped and adorned with fiowors. dition to what hla brother has stated in suld timo from or through a sale ot any mn- wife in Georgia. from tho date above montlonea. tho toftlinony of one John C. Vincent of aoulli wings of tho Michigan School for tlio terials to the l3cliool for tho Blind during, population ot the following States: James 8. Sherman (Rop.) renominated; that a pleasant night's rest was af­ His appearance on the balcony was Whereas, heretofore, McElroy hod been Grand Kaplds; and allbouch this man Ulliid, as therein deiierlbed. In' all about afflduvlt, thut tho alleged Interview as re­ Twenty-seventh, E. K. Burnham (Dom.); 1,UUO.OOO, Inolndlng the face briek for said ported by said Leo Is without any foundation, before or slnoo my connection with that Iowa, 1,000,720; increase. 389,114. West C. J. Hamlin's team. Belle Hamlin forded tho Prosidont by that train be­ greeted wUh prolonged cheering. Ii Euperintondent of the school, steward ot Vincent in the alliduvlt marked "Exhibit 'NVhatevor. and that this doponont positively TO MCELROY'S CHARGES. II" in tho Free I'ress of Oct. 3 fulls to buildings. That the said brlok woro sold by institution, and I cUallongo the world on Viririnia, 760,448; increase, 141,S0t and Justina, driven by J. W. Andrews, Dr. Mary E. Walker (Ind.); Twenty- ing side-tracked at a quiet littlo station Colonel Dawes introduced the Presi­ " Well/ Well/** the institntion, niakini: all purchases, hir- luo to Farr 4; Vincent nt or iielow the regu­ asserts that ho never had ?nny conversation this prtsposltlon, Ohio, 8,068,710; Increase. 468,667. trotted a mile on the Torre Haute (Ind.) eighth, Isaac B. Andrews (Pro.). Mass'a- Ine and dischari;i::e all help and acting as stato absolutely that tho brick and flatoa lar market price for audi brick, and that whalevor with said Loo as slated In said lu- near Ottumwa until daylight. dent to the crowd which fllled That's the way you feel after ono or a sort ot autocrat or J\ioh-Ila?i, the board woro purchased from me, I docido'l thnt I thoy were paid for to mo by tbo said Farr & intorvlow, cither directly or ludlreotly, at ONE OF U'ELnOl-'S BISTOUTJOSS. ' track in 3:15, beating the world's team ehusetts. Eighth district, N. A. Gliddon Tbe Buponi powder works near Wll> Despite tho early hour .almost the streets for fully a square. found It neecasarj, as tho foregoing rec­ would tako Mr. AIcElroy's own witnoas. 1 Vlueont, aud that said James M. 'J.'iiruor had the timo us in said alloged Interview stated, 'ihington, Del., were partially destroyed record. (Pro.). Connecticut, Second district, J. two of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets therefore submit herowlth the alUdavit no Interest whatoyor In the sale or delivery or at uuy other timo, and that' tho only oou- Under tho head of "visit, of the logla-, the entire populace ot tho thriv­ Tho President's remarks wore brief ord shows, to tako from under,his charge versatlon ovor had by said Loo, to the knowl­ lativo cornmlttco" MoElroy cbaigeB de­ M. Hubbard (Bop.); W. T. Wilcox A'" Full J^efutation of tha Malicious Aspersions not only all the help oinployod about the. of John C. Yincont as follcnvs, uud of any ot the brick In said buildings. 'Tho by oxplosions on the 7th, and sixteen The 6-year-old son ot James Niblioh, ing young city of Ottumwa turned but patriotic, and called forth, great ap­ I have done their work. Tou feel Bialonionts of the said Froo Press, the said edgo of this deponent, was ns in his brother's liberate falsehood and nilsrcpresentatlou (Dem.); Third,Charles A. Russell (Rep.). Ki'OUDds, barn, laundry and boiler bouse, marked J. F. MoElroyaudJ.C. Vinoont In this re­ aDIduvlt atutod, and at this time depo­ persons wore killed and many others of Decatur, Ind., fatally shot his baby out to greet the President, and plause. The party thon retired to tha well, instead of bilious and consti­ by mo to the mombors of that commlttoe • Tennessee, Eighth district, George T. Upon. His Private Character; and but also to tako from under bla supervis­ ExniniT A. gard being wholly nnd nbaolutoly false, and nent's said brothor, W. H. EborlH nnd Air. who, when responding to an inquiry to • 11 : wore injured. Over fifty houses were brother with a revolver as the littlo rotunda of tho dopot where a line was ion all the maids und help about the build- without tho uliglitest foundation In fnet, James L. Thomson, thc|bookkeeDer of Uborts McCall (Rep,). Missouri, Ninth district, rousing choors woro given the pated ; your sick headache, dizzi­ Stato of MIolilKan, County of Inuhnm, as. mo as to tho dilferenco between the $30,- wrecked, and the property loss was estl* fellow lay asleep. formed and an informal reception OfficiAl Integrity. Incs, Includlns cooks and 'lervants of John C. Vluoont, beinir duly sworn, de­ aud ualeulutod to injure iho reputation Bros., wore present. < Soth W. Cobb (Dem.). North Carolina, ruler. He was recognized on the and stand.ng of the said James Jl. 'Turner. UOO appropriated by tha legislature for mated at 8600,000. William A. Sckbirdeb, who robbed lasting flfteen minutes. was held. ness and indigestion are gone. It'a every kind, ilia powers were so limited poses and says thut ho Is and has been for JonK M. Eunnis. current oxponsos of the institution for tha Sixth district. R. M. Norment (Ind.). roar platform as the train glided under this resolution and acllon ot the many yearn a rcaldout of Grand lluplds, And deponent further says that tho sales SubRorlbod and sworn to before mo this Uth The trotting, mare Naiad Queen the First National Bank of Columbus, into the depot. A moment later tho The Prosidont shook hands with done mildly and easily, too. You Aiieli., and that In tho yours Wi-l und im ho iiliovo leforrod to wero not made to tho preceding your, and tlio biennial report Utah, John T. Cain (Mormon). board that at times bo ecc'med convulsed Michigan Sohool for tho liUud, but lo Farr day of October, A. D. 1890. ot tho treasurer, which showed only an ox- (S:80}^) broke hor leg iii the pasture of Ind., of 8300,000, was sentenced to booming of cannon commenced Ottum- fully 1,000 people. Among thom with passion, constantly lUidioc fault anil wns a member of the firm of Farr & Vlneeut, & Vincent, oontraotora, and no one connect­ JAMKH L. Thomson, twelve yeors in the penitentiary and to don't have to feel worse before you oontraotora nnd builders, and thut duriUK Notary Publlo In and for Wayne county, pendlturo ot some 421,000.1 remember dis­ hor owner, George G. White, in Bour­ The People's Municipal League, tho wa's wolcomo to the Chief Executive wore tho mombors of Custer Post, No. 7, olijootlnir to the arrauRoinonlB and appar­ snid years uaid Urin had the contract for con-' ed with the school for tho blind liadnny- tinctly this lutorvfow with tbo loglslatlvo pay a flne of $500. Hei-Eirst Shows that McElroy's Charges .Were ently harboring more spleen uud venom tliliig to do with tho transaction as fur as I Mleh. ' _ bon Count.y, JCy. She was valued at Republicans and tho County Democracy and the jollification ot the day was fair­ and Chester Harding Post, No. 182. feel bettor. That is the trouble BtructluK, nnd did construct thu hulldluRS was ooneerned. committee. They aoomod aurprlsod that »5,000. The business failures in tho United have combined and nominated Francis At 7:88 tho reception was cut short and niralnst mo than any other, ho knowlnsr known as l.ho north und south wines of tlio Stale of Mlohlgan, County of Wayne, ss. we should bavo had appropriated for oul ly begun. with the huge, old-fashioned pill. Inspired by a Desire for^ Pei^sonal that tbe resolution adopted and tbe pol­ main bnlldinc ot tho MichlRan Soliool for tlio And deponent tnrtlier says tliat if the said State's during the sevon days ended on tho Prosidont returned to his car. At James L.'. Thomson, bolngllrst duly sworn, use $30,000 and only spend 831,000, nnd FRAnttE'fires In Morton County, M. M. Scott for mayor of Now York. The At 10 o'clock President Harrison, un­ icy inaugurated was ut my sucgestion. mind, located atl.iinaluu', Mi'jii.: that ho has Dnn of Farr & Vincent could havo obtained says that ho resldes.la the elty of Dotrolt, D., destroyed property valued at 8106,- the 10th numbered 815, against 197 the Tammany Democrats have renominated 7:83 the train pulled out tor Topoka. These are small, sugar-coated, eas­ Revenge, oarofully rend tlio Detroit Free Proas ot Oct. tho brlok elienper from Owosso or nny othor Mleh. That ho was In the yoar 1837 and still asked about tbo balance, which I told thom der tho oscort ot Hon. Horace Boise, liad It not been for this mooting and the 3,18I1U, and tho oharBos therein mado b^ market they wero iitoerfoct liberty to do so, was ill tho trenaury. MoElroy says I 000. A.hord^of SOO fat sattlo was burned. preceding week and 814 the correspond­ Mayor Grant. iest to take. One little Pellet's a action then taken, tho rol.-itlocs Dotwcon is in tho employment of Eberls Bros., who Governor ot Iowa, and Senator P. G. At St Joseph, Governor Humphrey, J. F. MeKlroy airainst .Mr. Jiunea M. 'rumor, us tlioy wero not iniluenocd In auy way by areeneaited la tho roofing business in said told them it was still in tho atato troasury, Maiiy farmers woro rendered destitute. ing week last year. Justice Samuel P. Miller ot the McKlroy ami mysolt would doubtless then tt local member of the board Oi' control this deponent, or by any person aotlng for not having been drawn from thoro. Ha Ballingall, president of tho coal palace, of Kansas, ox-Qovornor and ox-Minlslor laxative, three to four are cathartic. havu proved pleasant until thla day, tor said School lor tho Blind. In which Me- him, tho ti'unsacllon hulng made in tho reg­ olty. 'That ho has read tho sffldavits of .In his annual report Governor Prince, FiBB at Brainerd, Minn., destroyed United States Supreme Court wos pros­ Iroy eliiirsua that VInccnc or tho firm of ular eourso of business and in the ordinary W. n Eberts uud John AL Eborts, who says that he went to tbo auditor-general's was escorted through thut unique but Osborn, Chief Justice Horton, Colonel provided I had meekly and mildly con­ constitute tho llrm of said Eberts Bros. That oaice and looked tho matter up aud found of New Mexico, estimates the popula­ fifteen business buildings, causing a trated by an a'ttack of paralysis in tho They regulate and cleanse tho liver, sented lo allow him al all times and under Farr & Vinoont was required by the said inaniior. Jonx Joiiuan. magniflcont building. To tho Prosi- James Burgoss and Gonoral Manager \Then'-he i-Takes Up Each Separate Charge and Turuer to piireliaro brick and other inatorlala Sworn and subscribed to before mo this he knows the coiitonts of eneii' of said anl- thut it had all been drawn. tion.of tho Territory at 185,000. Tho loss of $100,000. streets of Washington on tho lOtb, and Stomach and bowels—quickly, but all circumstances to shape tho policy ot from lilm. the said Tnriier, and also chari:- davlts mado relatlvo to an Intervlow alleged Wns it necessary for McElroy to go to , r deift the coal palace was full of interest, Robinson, of tho Atchison, Topeka & tho institution and determlDO eveiythlug 3i'd day of October, ISUU. , „ , to havo been had 'with ono Jay P. Leo ou flnonoial condition of the Territory was PiiKStUENT Palmeb, of the World's his condition excited tho gravest fears. and his surprise and admiration were Santa Fc. met tho President in a spe­ thoroughly. They're tho cheapest Refutes It With Unimpeachable Ins that by such ruqulremoiils tho bulldlni^s fjEOiioB C. Cooi'urt. Notary Publlo in and tbe auditor-general's oUlco to ascertain for it, woro uiudo much luoro expensive thau othor- for Ingham uounty, Jlieh. ,^ or about Slay 1887. That ho is tho one oxcollont Tbe total output of gold, Columbian Exposition, has decided not The Congressional nominations on thoroughly ovidoncod by his numerous cial car and acted as oscort over the wlao. thoro referred to by oaon of said allidavlts, thia fact, when every roqulsltlon for every . silver, lead and 'Copper was valued at to accept the salary of $13,000 per on- tho lOth were: New York, Seventh dis­ pill, sold by druggists, because you Evidence. UE WANTED HIS OWN WAY. ' WILLIAM n. EUEnTS' TESTIMONY. and that be was present at the time of said dollar of tbo $80,000 had boon certillod by inquirlo.s. Stato line and until his arrival at Tope­ 'Xhls deponent Insists that all nuoh charRos Bllegoil intorvlow, and the matter stated by blmself as suporintendout of tbo institu­ $4,0S8,U6!i. Tho Uovornor strongly urges num attached to his ofllce. All ho asks only pay for the good you get. His Idea of tho board of control of said nffalust, Jlr.'I'nnior made hy tho aaid McKl­ trict, D. A. Boody (Dom.); Third, W. J. Before 0 o'clock rain had begun to ka. Aa the namo of ono of tho most prom­ aaid W. il. Eberts and John Al. Eborts with tion, boforo delivery to mo ns troasuror tho admission of New Mexico as a is tho payment ot his expenses while Coombs (Dem.); Fourth, ,Tohn M. Clan- Institution was that it should ratify what­ roy aro wholly basoleaa and without nny inent llrms in tho roofing business in this regard to what took plaoo on that occasion und before presentation by mo at tbo fall, and it continued falling steadily Atchison was reached at 8:4.5, whore a They're guaranteed to give satis­ ever purchases or arranirements he In his foundation wlmtovcr, and that nny stnte- Stato. engaged in transacting business con­ coy (Dom.) renominated; Fifth, Thomas nicnts ot the kind rnlleetlni;. upon llio ohur- Btnte is connected with tho McElroy al­ is true to the personal knowledgo of this nudltor-genoral'a olllco? through tho morning. After tho Presi­ large crowd assembled. Tho Prosidont mighty wisdom had seen at to make: but legations tho public would probably bo deponent, and nothing was stated whatever EsTiMAiTES pl-aco tho whoot yield of nected with tbo fair. P. Magncr (Dem.) ronominated; Ninth, faction, every time, or your money nctorofMr. 'J'nrnor nro simply outracooiis. I stated to tho leglslatlvo commlttae dent's visit to the coal palace he re­ was welcomed by Moyor Wagoner. A I was not built that way, neither were tbo and doubtless Inspired by malloo. Thla de­ best satlsllod with tbo testimony of ono of ns reported In the claimed Intorvlow by said that tho balance was iu tbo troasury; tbt Minnesota:and the Dakotas at 00,000,000 The dead bodies of Alexander Bartte- Cornolius Donovan (Rop.); Sevonloonth, is returned. Th.U's the peculiar A Clear Explanation of Every Statement, Which other members ot tho board, nnd It con­ ponent states tho fact to be that some timo In the members, ot the firm of Ebcrts Bros, Lee, or ttuything of n into import, us this de­ turned to the home ot his sistor for delegation of school children made its ponent can positlToly state, as bo beard reports sworn to by mo uud llled monthly bushels. Isaac N. Cox (Dem.); Eightoonth, Mich­ sequently kept tho bridle in pluco aa long tho month of J iiiiu or J uly.lf 8.'l,lhero apnea rod of Detroit, whoao namo wns draggod into son nnd his 11 year old son woro found luncheon. Botwoon 10:.10 and 11 o'clock way through tho crush, and littlo Edna plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are Leaves the Conspirators in In tho Chlcauo Tribune, IJetroIt Kvoiiinc overythlDK that occurred on that ocoaslon In tba auditor-general's ofllco would cor­ ael F. Collins (Dem.); Twonty-first, J. as he remained in cbargo oC tbo school, this controverBy. I tborofore submit between Lea uud Air. W. 11. EhorH. roborate this statement. Those reports Lyman Ei. Knapp, Governor of Alaska, in tho woods thirty miles southwest of tho sun camo out, and at noon Downos was r.aised above tho heads ol Tho steward chosen at this meeting, News nnd Lanslnc Uopublloan an invitation B. Koss(Dom.). Ohio, Seventh district, sold on. to coulraotors. Issued by the board ot oon- herewith, tho aindovit ot Williain U. James L. Tiicmson. were open forinspectlou by tbo legislutiva In his annual report says that fourtoon Bopublic, Wis. They had boon mur­ tho President was escorted to the crowd in tho arms ot hor teacher. Sorry Plight. Mr. L. C. Uultor, and Jlrs. llutlor, who Eherts, senior member ot tho said llrm: Subaorlbod and sworn to before me this James M. Ashloy (Rop.). trol of tho .MIdiliEUn School for tlio Ullud, re- committee, or to any citizen, so nil tbo dis­ Govornmont day schools are in sosaion, dered. tho reviewing stand, where he In one hand she hold a basket of flow­ Can you ask more ? was chosen as the matron, were, however, quosliiijc bids to bo submitted for tlio con- St to of Mleliigan, County of Ingham, ss. 0th day of October, A. D. 1890. crepancy between the truth and AlcElroy'a olevon of which wore attended wholly The Patriotic Sons of American in constantly harassed and annoyed and dif­ Btruotlon nnd ooniplotlon of tho north and W. U. Eberts of Detroit, Jllelilgan, do- IlOUEllT W.Wkiio. Btatemeut in this matter aoeina to.bo tbat FOREIGN. reviewed the parade. Tho wot weather ers. Reading from a type-written slip, ferences were constantly referred to mo south wlUKS of said school for tho poses and savs that ho resides in the city of Notary I'ubllo In and for Wayne county, by natives. session at Boston amended thoir consti­ . and tho muddy condition ot the sho said: blind; that in pursuance to such in- Mleh. while I uaid tbo balance was in tbo treasury Nineteen iiu.vdued emigrants from ns tho referee named In tho resolutlou Dotrolt, where he was born: ho has been en­ bo Bays that I said that it was still lu tho E.EV. P. J. JIuLDOON, chanooUor of tution, making only white native-born streets intorforod seriously with this nbovQ quoted. n^'ltutlon tills rtcponent, under tho gaged since 1S71 In the roofing business It win bo aeon from tho foregoing alli­ Russia have sailed for Now York from "We come, President Harrison, ropre.sontliig To tlie People 0/ the State of Mlchimn: had been recoivinu a Rulary of $1,000 por 'Jirra namo of Farr & 'Vincent, submitted n under the firm name of .Eherts llrothera. At davlts of the parties .who furnished ma­ state troasury. Further comment on this tbo Chlcaffo diocoso, says thoro is no citizens of the United States oligiblo to feature of tho programme. When tho our public Huhools and present thoso llo\v,crs, You will notice that in ordor to avoid Bremen. Tfiermomater Iielow Freezing On my letuin homo on the ovoninK ots annum, and hud obtained all tho bid or tender for the work; ilio samo to bo present ho resides at tno Wayne hotel, in tho terials, who contracted for the erection of Bubjeot is unneceeaary, McElroy'o com- foundation in tbo rnport that Catholics domborship. procG&?ion had passed tho Prosidont was l).v Ultlo girls, one for euch Stato of our gruiil supplies for running his housu friction between the uow steward nnd su- complctud in aceordnnco with tbo plans nnd city of Detroit; the factory of tho llrra being the buildings, and who lold tbe slatej, plolnt on thla point grow solely out of tho The house of Mathias Gagon was Union. Tlieso arc our oml)lom.s ot purity, ruprc- Oct. 3, isOO, my uttcnllon wa.» cnlled to at stale expense, nnd nlso bad thchol|j in puriniendeiit In tho conduct ot tho, work aooclllciitlons prepared by-WIIIlam i;. Apple- situated 111-to 108 Hlgli street west; that ho that neither tbo brick nor the slates, nor 'Will bo allowed to join any secret so­ Tire Indianapolis Car Manufacturing taken again to the coal palace, where yard, archltoot; thut thla deponent iipneured fact that tho board had not authorized pushed into tho river by a land-slide sontlnR our lovo and piitrlollsin for tho Niillon au asBaull upon me In the Detroit Free Ills house furnished, it was decided to of tho Kcliool, the hoard took .irroat palus hos read tho Detroit Froo Proas of Friday, any other building material was sold by bim to spend tho ontiro appropriation, ciety except tho Masons. Company, ono of the largest concerns of elaborate preparations had been mado at a mootlDi; of the board hold July III, 1SS.'1, Oct. 1), 18U0, and Its assault upon Mr. Jamos me to tbo InBlitutlon as is charged in Mc­ no.ir St. Piorro, Quo., and throo persons ovur which .vou prenldc. In our schools, Mr. I'rees of Ihnt date by ono J. F. McKlroy, Kreatly curtnil his expenditures on said to carefully dehno tbo duties of each, as nt wlileli wore present (!ov. Joslnh W. but inslBted upon keeping bis expendi­ Tun defalcation of Pitzpatrick, city tho kind in tho United States, has failed for his reception. Tho President took Prosidont, Is our hope and our pride. You will above, nnd also aa quoted above, that M. 'i'lirner; also thnt ho has rend thooomnin- Elroy's indictment. AleEIroy, however, woro killed and eight injured. cx-6Uperiut0Hdcnt ot iho Jllohlunn School account, uud require him tu peisonnlly In­ lioRolo, 'i'ownaoiul North, 'I'om S. Appleeate nlcatlon In said paper, marked exhibit D. knows ns well us anybody can know, that tures within bounds, and thus saving troasuror of Torre Haute, Ind., was for 8000,000. a seat on tho stage. His appearance not only lliul tlil.s true of Atchison, hut of all for the liUnd. Tho chaicos wcru oC such cur the expenso cC malutninlnjr his own when aiiydiltcronces arose they were to nijd Jamos M. 'L'nrncr. The various bids purporting to bo signed by Jay P. I,oe. and nnd roaervlng about 59,000 of tha funda Famine continues to prevail in tho Kansas, iind wo trust tho spirit perviuloa tlio bo referred to llie resident momher of the wore opeued, and It was here that this de­ when tbe buildings In^ question woro con­ stated to bo Sl5,523. Steve JAcons, a notorious nogro was greeted with applause from the a grave and aoilous nature that, as a mat­ hou.soliold. The number ot high teas, dated itav 18S7; ulso the remarks' of said tracted for and lot to the lowest bidders appropriated. Soudan, and Suakin was thronged with length und brouUth of our land." dinner parties, socials nnd other iiiectlnKS board lor decision—I being the roaldont ponent first mot iho said James M. Turner, paper by Air. J. F. JloElroy, as a prelude to PnEsiDENT IlAititTso.v was ontortainod criminal and dosporado, was oxccutod crowd which packed tho hall. P. J. ter of coui'80, I roftlizod that the people ot ucalnst whom the nlleiratlons uro filed by tho said exhibit D. that tho successful bidders hud a just, During my term aa troasuroi for tho tho orphans ot thoso who had porishod The Prosidont bowed his ncknowl- al Ills house having hy this time become member. perfect and legal right to arrange with Institution for tho Blind there passed at Galesburg, 111., on tho 8th and the at Lumhorton, N. C, for tho murder of Ballingall called tho assomblago to • the stale ot Michigan wore entitled to nn You will notice also in the record nbov.e uaid McElroy. TImr. this deponent was in­ through war and privations. edgomonts, and soomed about to reply, so extensive, as well us expeuslve, and His troduced to ,\lr. Turner in tho prcsonoo of 'Tills deponent further stotcs that the slato mo as an individual, for any ot tbo mate­ through my bands between $300,000 and city was full of strangors to got a view three womon near there several months ordor and introduced Governor Iloraco iinmcdiato reply fioin me. I bIiouM linvo family haviiii; at this lime come to roRard quoted from thut "tho hoard decided to the above named Kcnllemen, and that any roolliig on the north and south wings ot the rials eotoring iuto sold buildin.gs. i3ut whon tho train started up again aiid superintendent's cottage at tho iMIehigan he must have some material from which $•100,000, which auma were used for cur­ of tho chief magistrate. Ho laid tho ago. HoniuiiLE accounts como from tho Boles. Tho Governor in u brief speech boon much gratined to havo boon iiblo to themselves ns tbo supporters ot a social discontinue ilio use ot Ihe ivatnr from the nnd all conversations had with him wero rent expenaea ot tbo acliooI nnd for tho Rod Sea ot the condition of tho cholera drew halt way up the station platform, fabric here in Lansiuir, nnd tho en- well ol the Instltullou and to at onco had In the proaenco of the i-overnor and the Soliool for tho mind, aa referred to in the to spin his yarn, and therefore tho build­ cornor-Btonoof the alumni liall of Knox The United States District Court at of welcome introduced tho President to liavo forwurdod by foUowlnc iiinll my do- board as abovo doseribod. • That upon tho abovo comniiiniealions, wns furnished and ing materla'ls were seleotod. construction of bulldlnga, preparation of victims. In the interior ot Arabia tho whore tho crowd could got a more unob- tertnlnmeiita nil bciuj; furnished ut mako the necessary connections with tho laid on by tho .said llrm of Eberts UroB. of tho grounds and furniahing tbo apparatus CoUogo and attended tho reunion ot his Seattle, Wash., ordered tho return to tbo audience. Tho President spoko tonBO, out tills BOfcmeii linprnctlcable, for 'water works system of the city." openinc of the bids the touijora wero as fol­ victims wore numbered by thousands. striietod view ot tho President, nnd stain expense, the board uuuu- lows; For furulshini: all materials aud com­ Delrolr. .Midi. That each of said roofs was and necessary appurlenancoa for tbo in­ old brigftdo.. Victoria, B. C, of twonty-ono Chinoso briefly. tho reason that I desireil to plnce before ImouBlj felt thot tlielr duty to In explanation of tbls determination ot pletion of work; 'Mi laid with No. 1 quiiUty Michigan slato for THE JIILK SELUNQ OUAIIOES. stitution. I was required aud did lUo for The Canadian Government has de­ Chief Justice Horton introduced him. tbe board 1 iviliBtate thut althouirb tho which tbo said tirra of Eborta Bros, received A riiAiiT. found in the Pocatonica who woro rocontly smuggled into tho iho people the testimony ot several per­ tlio Inxpayoro required vliioroua steps to Farr&Vincont, Grand napWs.. ..S'lT.SSfl.OO It ia also charged by McElroy that I each month with the auditor .a sworn cided to expend $250,000 in promoting Ilo congratulated tho people of Iowa At Nortonvillo a largo crowd, com­ sons n.iined in the article, as architect, bo takou, undcousequontly a now arranu'e- Instiimion nt this tirno was paying a the rule nnd prico of El) per square from tho rivor near Galena, IU., sold for $5,000. country. Collins & Jeyncs, Detroit 53,010.0(1 said Scliool for the Ulind, acoordlngto agree­ wrongfully sold milk to the institution of statement ns to tbo condition of tha emigration from Europo. on the phenomenal progress which they posed chiefly of school children, was in slnte-rootcrs, coulraotors and pnrtloa 'who iiiont was decided upon, us liullciitcd In stated amount per annum to the city for ment with tho board of control of said tho Bchool for tho blind. Tbo public funds, the balance in my hands as troar,- Tire steamer City of Now York The census office gives the popula­ tho record bf the mectluc; of .luuo 3, 18SU. all the water it desired, certain tanks in a Fuller .t Wheeler, fjansinB.. ; ni.filii.ST Mii. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ire­ had mado as a Stato within the last de­ waiting. Tho President was onthusias- furnished siippUe.sfor the consliuetlon ot Itlehsrd Glalstcc. Lunslna 70,7110.07 sohool; that tho firm of Eherts liros. pur- should know about this milk business and urer, tho omounta dlahursod and tho reached Sandy Hook on the 8th in flvo tion ot tho Stato of New York at 5,981,- I copy from the public record kept at tho tower from wlilcli the suppiy pipo led clinseil the slato for aaid roof from tho Jlluh- where tbe shoo pinches. I therefore state, vouchers to cover tho disbursements, ench land, said that the report that thoro cades, and was gratified by the evidences tioall.y received. Governor Humphrey tho huildlnsa thorela rotorrort to. were not comieetiid with tho city water, Marlin & HllUard, l,anstnc...'.> .... 8I,M3.7S days twenty-one hours and ninotoon 934, an incroaso of 800,003 in tho past nnd a fierce stomi ot cuuing sicet which strilici Itaa Institution, paecs 73, 7-1 and 7S: That this depoiiont.or his firm of F'arr Sc Vin­ Igan Slato Co. of Arvoii, llariiira county, without fear ot contraaietiou, thnt the voucher being cortllied to as correct by would bo a general famine in Ireland of prosperity which ho observed on introduced him. Tho Prosidont said: face llki! a thousand nsedles. Wind forty milei an I found Mr. Ebcrls of Detroit ab­ nnd consequently Mr, -AroElroy, without cent, holoK the lowest biddofs the eontrnet Jlloli., In tho regular course ot business and diftorcneo grow out of tny breaking up "J. F. AIcEiroy, superiutendont." All thia minutes from Quoonstown, boating tho ton years. In consldor.itlon of thn Krently increased recrard to expense, insisted upon keopinjr was awarded to thom, nnd fqrmally entered at the rociilar murket )irlce, and that the was absurd. ovory hand. In tho unique and mag­ "In this tt.ssemblago of your school children, hour. Vou tay a nwn cruldn't stand such cx- sent in New York, nnd was obllKed work In suporlntondlnj; the oonstruotlon ot price received iviis considerably oelow tho extravagant purchases of milk which I iB a matlor of publlo record and open, at Teutonic ono hour and lowering her Plajies at Fairfield, Neb., destroyed nificent strucluro (the coal palace), with Hugs and llowors. and in this gathering poiuro? No, he couldn't, without just the proper to call him by tele.srnrjh to Iwunsing in biiiUllnj;s. tho board has nllowod .Snporln- a man most ot the timo lugglne water Into botwoon said firm and Josluli W. Uo- found wero being mado by McElroy from the audltqr-gonbral's olllco, to tho closest The centenary anniversary of tho clothinn. And there's only one outlit that can from the well to hia cottace, and to the Bolo, Townsend North, Tonv H. Apploprate actual value for such roofs; they at tliat time record forty-eight minuto?. sovoral business blocks, including tho which was justly tho prido of tho city of the sturdy men who havo mado Kansiia order to obtain his ' ullldavit, which was tondent !MeKlroy a salary of Sl.lJUU por iinuni, aiidJiimoa Al. 'I'lirner, cqniprlslin; suKI being well worth SlU por souaro laid on in a very particular friend nnd bosom com­ scrutiny ot any citizen. birth of Father Matthew was celebrated keep a man both warm nnd clry at such a time, and and has furnished hlin his home, provided kilchon of the Institution, whereas it Lansing: that the niutorlal furnished wns tho TuiiHE men wore fatally hurt by tho post-office and News printing oflloo. of Ottumwa, ho saw demonstrated, great among States, thoro uro suggestions that ii the "Fish Brand Slicker." They are promptly done. Another, on whoso tosti. board; tlio two bulldUik'S for tlio lump sum of panion ot hlB, ono A. J. Holcomb, whom'I in Cork, Ireland, on tho 9th. that spread a sky ot beauty and of bopo guaranteed atorm.proof, waterproof, and wind- for ono sorvuut, and palil tho expon.soa of Ills could all havo been readily had without f57,8511.00; which said formal' ooiitraots nro best that could bo procured; and diaeoverod was selling milk to tbo Reform M'ELnOY'S SCHEME Olf EE'VENGE. collapse of a flue in a boiler in a rod PnESiDENT Haiiuison met with hearty not onl.Y tho inexhaustible mineral mony Mr. XloElroy undertook to convict lublo. Kow that the work of the l)ulldlnK.l.s expense by a simply change of water con­ all the work in oonnooilon tlioro- Doctor Roiierto SACAs.vhas been re- ubovo our country und its destiny. It given proof. Inside one ol them, you aro aa much out ot cmupletod, tho board ileoldod to allow Ills now on IllH at snid school for the blind; thnt School horo at Lansing at four cents per My term of olllco expired by Ilinltatlou mill at Newcastle, Pa. receptions on the 10th at St, Joseph, woalth ot tho Stato ot Iowa, ,but also the weather as it indoors. They ore light, but mo, was J. C. Vincent o£ Grand Rapids. nections. Molilroy oWectod strenuously atlor Beeurhic Ihn uontrnot for tho oonstruo­ wltli was done in tlio best man­ in tho spring or summer of :1887. Tho olcctod President ot Nicaragua for a mo grout ploasurb to mako this llrst visit salary lo rouinin ut the buuio ll;:uro, S1,UUU tlon of said biiildlui-'s, ns before ner known to the trade. This doponont fur­ quart, nnd at the samo timo supplying it Nathan Wii.let, a farmer living Mo., and at Atchison and Topeka, in an architectural triumph nnd artistic to tho Stato of Kunsas. It gives mo pleasure to warm. Being reinforced throughout, tliey never I wai obllKCd to call him by telcprnpb lo por iinnni, but it would no loii;cDr pay the cx- to this, inslstlni; that the city water wus , as before nien- ther states that oaeh and every voiiolior of lo hla friend .McElroy for tho institution Btralt-jackot into wbieb tbo board bad term of four years. npi and the button? arc wire-fastened. No rail, not good, and that tho well water was near Norwalk, Col., was arrested on tho Kansas. culture, which were a credit to the ovor- see, both ut Atehlaon and horo, tho interest road man who haaonca Uied one would be without Lanslug and obtain his stntument. ponsea of Ills lioiiscliold, except; lieitUnir, llonod, thla deponent ou bohalf ot Ills firm which payment was mado by tho said school of tho School for the Blind at flvo couts placed AfeElroy no doubt induced him to Bv an explosion in the Rocario gold which the proHcnoo ot thcso chlldrou show you washlnir and lluhlini;; ho to pruvldo for his more palainhlo l._o him an,. _d otbors_ , nt the had a conversation with one John Jordan for tho blind to the suld llvni of Eberts Ilros., determine tbat, as bu could not mako charge of murdering B. B, Woodward The best authorities say California advanolng Hawkoyo State. In conclu­ it tor ten times iu cost. Beware of worthleu im- Mr. John Jordan, 'who furnished tho per quart. I objected to this arrange- mine in Mexico ton mon wore blown to take • in public education. Thoro ura «»Uoni, every garment stamped with " Fish Brand" j^V" rtihl., lm1..n.„in(>nHl.* . nf f lin bisrilIirlfni Kflinnl..,' '.W.-s-Iufaec ol.tlio fuct_lhat. .thji_,p.tJLavilfl!l!K,.>ll'lh;iJ!lJJ!ie'in in Anderson County, Tex., sovontoon will this year pack fully 1,300,000 boxes sion tho Prosidont again extondod Trade Mark. T)oii't accept any inferior coat when -.l,-l»„r.Wnft5;To: i2\^QLyi.".-.-o";.'lIS.'!'H3e- •• IW.IO mo ot those assaults and gavo mo paralysis, was stricken with the same pare a cofiln of sufficiont dimensions. careers, they havo bravely resolved shall not nnd'.steward: contrary by tho said .1. i'. McElroy aro scan­ a statement or insinuation rellectlng upon Alar '. 1,271 " 6 " (3.70 man named Narcis.se Laroquo had boon until 0 o'clock in the evening, when ho inosphoie of Wicbisnn lo such au extent lisht and not uso It nBaln uurlns; vacation, dalous and malleious and wholly de­ the regularity ot the triinsaetion above an opportunity to make my explanatlona, disease and died almost instantly. His weight was 400 pounds. Ho died on burden their children." 1. Tlio sunorlntendeiit: lie Ii to havo Apr l.auj " i'/iiita .... Ol.U which wero outlroly sutlafaclary to hlinj arrested for tho crime. was entertained at a private dinner at that our cilii'.ens would not condemn mo chiirKO. diruotion ami kuperinteudoncy of and tho treasurer ot thu iiistitution was void of truthi that onco havliis taken named; and that oaeh and every part of the iiEb'onu soiinoL. The visible supply of colfoe in the tbe 10th at 6 p. m., within twenty min­ tho residence of W. T. Fonton, former­ Topeka, Kan., Oct. 11.—An enor­ tliu school v.-ork prupor, tluill liiucli such Instructed lo procure what oil and himpa the contract to construct sidd build­ transaction relating to the roofing of the BO mnob ao that ho llnally told mo that ha William O'Biiifn and John Dillon, until I bad been heard. ings in acuerdaneo with tho plans and above naiiiod buildings was nt or below tho 1880. Qij.intlty. Hate. Amount. United States Is figured at S,214,.'>44 utes of the time predicted. ly a citizen of Indianapolis and un old oliis.leElroy was so exoreised about. The for llio yonr 18Sii-r, on thu terms moro fully tho omission of the arcliltect in relation to never a quart of milk or a drop of milk (Farmers' Alliance). Wisconsin, Seventh has lionorao hoplossly insane. aiuIilor-Koiieral for money appropriated by Mleliigan, and of much greater value than was over delivered to tho school for tbe Case. I was not forced to witlidraw mj trottod a mile on tho Torro Haute track appreciated by tho vast audionco. At I) served. bund llled was for tho sum of .'510,000. sot foi'lh In the record of yesterday's pro- the lu[:islatiiro for this Inslltiiiioii shall bo the slate; which oliango was carried out nml Ihe dilTei'oncoouid, nndlhiittliu actualdlffer- district,Sylvanus Ilolraos (Pro.). Iowa, Xiv a firo in tho Putnam llou.so in Chi­ centlliura. resulted in tlie placing of Wlclilgan slatca ou blind by me, or any material sold by mo name. In fact no pressure was brought',to in 3:11^', breaking tho world's stallion o'clock p. m. tho I'rcsidontial party left In tho aftornoon tho Prosidont visited On niy uccesion to tlie board 1 found siciied by tIm president or president pro torn, oiioe In value between tho slates named was bearupoume, except from McElroy, ta Seventh district, J. H. Barnott (Dora.). cago Edward Peyton, Mfn. Mlnnio Rob­ Ottumwa for St. Joe, Mo. tho J. "F. McEIroy named In .McElroy's On rneommoiidatlon of tho snporlnleiulont ot tills board, and that Iho corrootueas of tho roofs of said bnildlngs. nt that tlino S~ per squaro In favor of tho to tbe school for any ot tho bulldlugs record. Hal Pointer, on the samo track, tho fair grounds and mado a short the followliijr teaehora wero roen;;ii^'(!d for each Individual voucher and receipt sliall be thereof. take any auch step. Tbo wltlidrawai ol inson, Kirk Salms and Thomas Dowlcr urticlo already, eiii|iloyod as auperiiilend- This depoiionti f iirthor stiitos that tho slato .Mleliigan slaio, and that tho buildings now my namo waa for [lurely personal ruaoona, paced the throo fastest consooutivo The People's party ot Indiana has so- speech thoro. At 4 o'clock tho train loft the school your ot l.SSU-T ut the sums set op- coi'tllled to by tho aupcrintendont or tlio iu- so luriilahed wiisot' tho very lilgliost quality roofed with Allclilgan siato uro inuuh moro SAVED MONEY OX THE SLATE. lost thoir livu.s. Pormul OpoiiliiK ot » Tunnel. cnt of tho iustilution at u salary of $1,0U0 positu their iiunio, huliie eomponsiitlon for sLltutlou,ete. uud groiitcst value, and imioli moro than sulistuntiul and lasting, and of inuoh more and I withdrew It, or declined to bo a heats ovor mado; timo, 2:00%, 3:18Xlocto d Martin B. Kindle, of .Tohn.son tor Kansas City. per year. Subeequently [pa^'e 1.1 ot ton iiioiithu: IJ. G. ll.'ico, J.'iOO; Carrie Nor­ Every taxpayer will belleva and Insist A FUSE destroyed Louis Sands' mill, Deaiiwooi), S. D., Oct. 10.—Tho tun­ worth the dilferonoe (wliloli iimouiited to value than It roofed with Bangor. Pa., slalo, candidate, after having boon assured by and 3:13. County, as a candidate for Secretary of Kansas City, Mo., Oct 11.—Tho THE BESTQnAD^or^heSkin record under datu Juno M, ISSl,] hia ton. SH5IJ; Kninia I,. Kimt, S"llil; HIIu. Hldor, You will see from the above that It was Jl.lO por s(|iiure) between tlu) price origin- and that this faot is well known to nil slato that If the product of; the great stato ot Gov. Luco that ho would giyo mo tbo an. State in place of Leroy Tomploton, ot salt block, salt shod.s and 1,000,000 nel ot tho Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis­ salary was iiicroused to Jl,200 per aiuuini, SliW; Anroii (.'. lllakesleo, SUUU; .Mrs. A. C. ordered, and tho public records of the in- ally agreed upon and tlio price finally paid dealers tlironghout tho country, Mlohlgan Michigan are equal or Euperior in quality polntmcnt. Tbn statomeot ot Mci^N' Mns. Davis, aged 71, was found mur­ Presidential train arrived horo at 5:4,'j. und Bubfiequeutly []iasa Hi ot record lllafcosleo, SMO; Allen Dalloy JIOO. st'tutioii will show that tho order was this deponent hy said board. shitos rating in qnullty us iilgh as any slates and nB cheap in prico that thoy should at Benton County, who declined. shingles at Manistee, Mich. Aliout 50,, souri Valley railroad, 2,070 feet in 'I'hu reinninlni,' employoa ot tlio Instltullon pniduced In tho world, roy that I had induced Gov. Alger, Jamoa derod in her house at Leavenworth, Under tho oscort of Hon. William Wnr- Toilet Soap OUHr Ever Made. under date June 13, lbS'2,J it 'was increasod never violated; that tho correctness of This donouent furtiier stales that all pay­ all tinios bo given preference in tbo con­ F. Joy oud Jumea McMillan to maks per- The following nominations for Con- 008 ijnrrols ot salt were ruined. Loss, length, including approaches, was at will be rotalnod or dismissed In aeeordanoo ments to liiin on account of said slates, or on Kan. nor,.Mayor.Holmes and othor distin­ to 81,400 per annum. witli tho steward and now luuirou v.'hen each individual voucher, requisition and Deponent further states that lie wants to struction of. nil Michigan public sbi.al appeals to Gov. Lueo in my boliall gross woro mode on tho 8th: Con­ 81.')0,000. »oon Tliursday, in the prosence of nn .,^S^SS*iZJ"i^ noutral soap combining At the muetiiiK ot tho board hold July receipt should be ccrtilled to by tbe auper- aeconut ot any other moterliils or work on emphasize tho fact that there wns nothing buildings, ovor products ' ot any The Census Bureau gives the popula­ guished gontlouion tho President and J-?^5Si;^'"' HEALINCJ proportloaof thoy hesin thoir uiitlos. tho said hullilinKs, wero paid to him on the ia falso from start to lluiah. I novor ap­ necticut, First district, S. B. Forbes At.Lima, 0., John SobaolTor quar­ enthusiastic crowd ot Doadwood citi­ 31, 1SS3, a record of wliicii is contuintd iutendent of tho institution. regular audited vouehers of suld school for whatever said at tho time of tho .niioged iu- other . stato.^ H was this fact whleh plied to any ot tho gentlemen abova, tion of tho State of Now Jersey at 1,- his party wore driven around tho city yA«??J??U i' y"""" >»ruB«lat doOB not koop It. 'l;lio board decided to disoontlnuo tho use lorvlcw Willi said .lay P. Leo that could by a governed tho board in its deter­ (Pro.); Third, David A. Wolls (Dom.); reled with his stop-fathor, William zens, practically opened. November 1 on paces-la,and-IS, I ilnd on tbo lust of walor from tho well of the lnstliiitii>ii. und AllliDUirh durini; my term aa treasurer the blind; and that oiioh and every ono of posslliilltv be conatruerl in any way into auy named lor assiatanco in tbio direction 441,017; incroaso, 30»,U01. State of and finally taken to tho Coatns House. FORWARD 10 CENTS IH STAMPS. ^^^'^^ named page tho followliiK entry: I disbursed over *U00,000, IneludlnK ail said voiieliers wero certillod as correct hy mination to uso Alicbi^an Elates in tho H. J. Crocker (Pro.); Fourth, Frederick Schaoffcr, und in the fracas both were will witness tho first train in Doadwood to ut onco iiinko tho iieccsaiiry eoiincctlon Bueh eonveraatlon as It Is olulmed tviio had cither poraonnlly or otberwii)o, and Nebraska, 1,050,793; increase, 007,431. Here a magnificent banquet was ten­ The qucsUon of tho appointment ot offloers, with Iho water works ayslem of tlio city. tiio nllet:ed irrcgnlur and Illegal payments, J. F. Alol'llroy, superlntundeiit, the vory Willi Ills brother, and that the tuDstiinee of eonstruelion of tho coal slieda uud barns. neither askod nor expected nny poraon la Miles (Rop.) renominated. MaasachU'. fatally shot. ovor that road, at which timo a large tcnoher.s and eniployey, for the year com- man who eliarges Irreguliirlilos In said piiv- Air. A. J. Doiighorly wns controeted with The weekly edition of tho Atlanta dered to tho President, Secretary Tracy, 11 was deckled to eloso tlio laundry us soon us cited by Mr. .McElroy, each and every inents; nnd who. It niy reoolleotloii is cor- tills ullogod Intorvlow Is utterly and abso- tbo statu of Allcbigun to aeo of setts. First district, Charles R. Codman Frank Wosten, a nogro, was lynched excursion ot railway officials of tho road ineuclny with i:ioptonibor next, buln;; under as iiossUiIe after tlio viieatioii beciiia. voucher, the payment of which ho criti­ liiloly false, for, as boforo Btaled, not only ho to furnish theso slates at $S per square, (Ga.) Constitution was seized hy the the President's brother, John S. Harri­ consideration. Gov. lieKolo moved thai the root, was llio first man to call utteutloii to himself was present, but nlso our hook- Intercede with Gov. Luco in my bai (Dom.); Ninth, John W. Candler (Rop.) near Homer, La., for setting fire to a and prominent citizens of tho country The board decided to dlacontiniio nt the cises, each requisition on which I drew the Inferiority of tho llangor slato which ho doing all labor" and furnishing all ma half in thla regard. Aa tbo gontlomoi . postal authorities for violating the anti- son, and tho remainder of tho Presi­ CflESEBROUGH MAHDFACTORING CO.. ciliary of tho suncrlntonduut'bo fixed at cIoso of tlio sclinol the use of llio eleet.rle Iti'opor and myself, and I am able to call to teriala. Mr. Dougherty being outlrely renominated; G. F. Williams (Dom.); dwelling. will'enter this city. SI,(iUU for the period named. Carried. lil,'lit and not to airaln uso it diirliii; viientloii, money, was cortllied as correct by him, wns boiug delivered ou tho grounds. mind nnd make this statemont In this eon- named abovo aa doing ao much hUBtlihj| lottery law recently passed. dential party. Before tho concl usion lu accordauec with thu above resolution. Irreaponslblo llnancially I reoolvod from to bring about my reappoininioiit aro dlsj Tenth, H. M. Small (Pro.). Now York, August Sciiult/, a prominent young it will he undorstood that ut tho coin- and llio ti'oajiurorot the board wna liistrncted ,IOItN C. VlNCISNT. noctlon froo from any doubt or queation. A MAN nam4d Dandy, who lives tn Kloitriiicua'ii Prenldant. of tho banquet tho Prosidont re­ to proeiiro what oil and lamps may be uocca- Ilo also complains that funds wero W. 11. EnnitTS. the Allchlgan Slate Co. ot Arvon, Baraga tingulehed and bonorablo citizens am) nionccmeiit of Mr. .McElroy's eouuoctloii I horohy oertify thnt J. O. Vincent lins county, Mleh., (In wbich I am corBonally Tocumsoh, Ala., killed his wife and First district, Jamos W. Covert (Dom.) farmer ot Franklin township, la., fatal­ San Juan del Sur, via Galveston, tired to visit tho residence ot his with tho institution Uls duties were nccus- sury for uso lu the bulldin;;. drawn from the state troa.aury when not road the forecoing ullldavit, by him above On tills lib day of October, A. D. 1891), per­ reaidents of Detroit, confirmation - of thl( sonally nppenred boforo mo, a notary publlo, Intorcstod) a bill of slates at$0 per sqi'iaro, renominated; John L. Child (Rop.); ly shot Lucy Boegmann because she re­ Tex., Oct. 10.—Dr. Roberto Saoasa, who brother, who is much younger than the sarily linilied, tho school then beini; in needed, in answer to which I havo tu subscribed, and that ho Knows the oontonts statemont can easily bo obtainud by apply* brutally boat his daughters, one fatal­ Many Witnesses., M'ELUOY' SriTU AGAINST TUJlNEn. state that every requisition on tho audl- thereof, and Unit be swears the samo to bo W. 11. Eborts of Detroit, Mich., to meltnowu delivered lo A. J. Dougherty, freight paid lug to them. , ly, because thoy bad discovered him in Seventh, W. T. Grosdalo (Dem.); Ed­ fused to marry him and thon blew out succeedod to the Prosidonoy of Nic­ President, and, strange to say, is a llB infancy, but uradunlly, by tho exleii- true Iu every partloniar. to bo tho party who subscribed to tho fore­ to Lansing, Atlcb:, this with tbe request sioM of the school, and tho extensive Up to tbls date there hnd been no serious tor-ccnerul, covoiini; all tho appropri­ 'I'bo spring nnd summer of 18S7 was t criminal acts. win J. Dunphy (Dom.; Eighth, T. J. his own brains. aragua on tho death ot Evaristo Caralo Democratic politician. In tho evening IJr.Tuttsrilto. WheroverChlUsandFever, ations by tbe stato leKislaturo while 1 was GKOitOE C. Cooi'En, going Instrument, and who awoara that his that wbou tba vouchor came to mo, as Ulllous Blseiues or Uver AfltooUons previtll! buiUlliig oiierutlons incurred by tho board, diilloulty.ol any kind between .Mr. .McEl­ Notary Publlo in nnd for Ingham county, allldavit as thoroln set forth Is oorroot anil trying timo to tho nerves ot thla luttl . Campbell (Oom.); Ninth, Amos J. Cum- New.s comos from China that a pirate in August, 1880, has boon ro-oleotod by the President was given a public recep­ roy and myself. I realized In voting for Ireasurer of the board, wero not only treasurer, for tbo payment ot tho slato McElroy. In bis anxiety for the caro o Joseph T. Cappeli, and his three thoy havo proven a Brest blessing, ricaden; his work bceuino moro varied; more oeopla Mleb. trno lu ovory particular, and that ho has rooflug done by tbo said Doaghorty I ings (Dem.) renominated; Tenth, Frank craft seized a trading junk and massa­ an overwhelming majority tor a term tion at the Chamber ot Commerce. At a sIhrIc trfal will oonvinooyouthatthUisno T.'oro placed under his cliarco and ibo tbo resolutions odopled as above Ihut, signed by the president of tho board, road tho samo and knows the contonta tbo funds of the luslilution nnd his auxi brothers, all poor mon of Trenton, N. Twentyycarsteat kaa Townsenil North, but each nnd every ono JOUN JOItDAS'B TESTI-MOSV. thoroof. Gi!o. C. Cooper, withhold thu amount duo from blin for B. Spinola (Dom.) renominated;' Elev­ cred in cold blood tbe whole crew ot of four years :,ftor four days' polling, 10 o'clock p. m. tho President and his pnrchiisefl for the iuBtitution which wore bcinj; the local member of tho board, .Mc­ oty to properly rognlalo tho apjiointmanU J., recoivod information that thoy were ustaUiahed tlielr merlU aU osror tlio world..' Elroy 'ivould bo especially incensed at me, was certillod as correct by this saraomau In tho abovo aflldavit Mr. Vincent Notary Publlo In and for Ingham county, the materials, which I cheerfully did. I ot thu gentlemen who woro to stand watcti enth, J. D. Warner (Dem.); Twelfth, thirty-five men. party left for St. Louis, where thoy will carried on by liiiu beourao annually have no apologies to make for tliis trans­ heirs to an estate In England worth comruenuln^' tlio 5th and ending tho Sth Gains Fifteen Ponnda. greater In volnnic. aud mat no doubt he v/oiild liarrass anil -McElroy us aupei'iutendout. swears that oil bricks purcliiisod for tbo Alleh. and guard over hliu, It ia no wondor thai Eoswell P. Flower (Dom.) renominated; The Consus Bureau announces tho arrive this forenoon and spend tho day. '1 have been tuhuTTntt's FJlla fori action. It was right and legitimate that $80,000,000. insi. annoy mo beyond measuro for inauKurat- The Froo Press charges, "Turner, con­ north and south wings (and which tho SOME SUPI'OnTlNO EVIOEN'OE. ho ovor-rcaobod hlsmark In manypartleu^ Thirtoenth, Asel P. Fitz (Dem.); Four­ population of Arkansas to bo 1,125,385, •lo. and find themTthe beat remeily TOO MUCH Ol' A JOB FOR Jl'KLnor. injr such a deep cut In lii,^ salary and" for Free Press alleges woro purchased from I should do exactly as 1 did, and tbn slate lars. During that summer ho waa parties PiiEsiDENT Hakbison was On the 9th tried. Up to that time everythlnff 11at o dls- trary to law, furnished tho brick for tho roofs on tbo buildings described in tbo teenth, W. G. Stahlnocker (Dom.) ro- an incroaso of 332,800 in ton years, and LOST AT SEA. aRrncd'withinengrnoi! _ . I can now dliteat lu Und While in the earlier years of his oinplov- BO llinltinf; bis powers. Tho runllzation school." A.galnst this allecaliou I desire me) wore purchased from ono John Jor­ In support of tho recollection ot Mr. ularly solicitous about tho insulllcloncy of tbe guest of Ottumwa, la., visiting the meut his work was lo.nsonnbly sutlsfactofy of this fact, however, did not deter tne to cnlor my most positive denial, I novor dan. It occurred to mo that tho puhlic William Ii. Eberts In regard to tho alleged Dougherty aflldavit, and in tbo buildings my bond, and tbo onormoua amouuts hold nominated; John G. Cockroft Rep.); North Dakota, 182,425; increase, 145, .510. The camera that does the work for bam described as the north and south wings, coal polaco and reviewing a big parade. Soventoehth, T. C. Toale (Rop.); Twen­ Parlloiilnrt of the Iteoeiit Wrei:k of the to the board, tho job llnally became nlto- from doiiiir my full duty to tho state, and sold tho brick to the Stato School for tho would like to hear from John Jordan blm- Interview with Jay P. Lee, I beg to sub­ by mo. tlio scorned to feel tbntthlB'njonol Fouu mon armed with revolvers the rogues' gallery is eonccalod. Tho '^'=''«SSSa$»,?dhi..B.o. >;ether too Inr;jo for hliii, and tho board it was from this time forward that Bolt on this subject. 1 tborofore traced will, through all time, remaia as a really qbuld only bo sate if I would'lot Bo left for Topoka, Kan., in the even* ty-fifth, Williain Stltt (Dem.); Thirty- Turkish Kriiriite Ertogruul, hy Which lilind for n aingio building constructed at mit hurewitb tho allldavit ot Air. John M. monument to tho good acnae of tho board stopped a train on the Missouri, Kansas prisoner hangs his head and refuses to hecou to Ilnd that while ho wus the man McElroy began to announoo and that inslitutlon. JIcEIroy knows well up .Mr. Jordan's whereabouts by telo- Eberts, the party mentioned In tho I.es him tako it and hold It for rao. Uo bail Ing. first, M. J. Shea (Dem.); Thirty-third, 674 I.lvns tVure hoaU of control of tbo School for tbo Blind In ifc Texas railway near Scholl City, Mo., look up when askod to do so, or shuts Tutt's Liver Pillik they warned In somo places, that bo was insist upon, niy utter unlltness to serve eiiouL'li that I did not. All tho briek used grapb, ond beg to Buhrail. horewltb his Blatemout, and also allldavit ot Air. Jonics great coiifldenco In his own integrity At Louisville John Schmidt confessed P. TJ. Bunting (Dem.); Thirty-fourth, San Francisco, Oct 11.-Particulars entirely Inoompelont in others; also that on tho board ot tbo institution. It at that institution wero used by con­ testimony on this subject: L, Thomson, tho bookkeeper of tho llrm adopting tbo blgbost nuallty of slato and ability to manogo great llnauolal and robbed the express messenger of his eyes and distorts his face. Tho pho­ known in tbo market rather tban using a that he had counterfeitod S3 silver cer­ J. D. Rogers (Pro.). Kentucky, Second ot the loss of tho Turkish frigate Er- QIVE 8TRENQTH AND HARD MUSCt^f an idea seemed to be growing U|ion hIro was at this point that bo first realized that tractors who in active corapotition with Stato ot Mlohignn, county of Ingham, ss, of lilberts Bros, borotoforo referred to, bo trusts; nnd I bavo no doubt ho would hava several money packages. that thu siato of MlehlKun was a Kroiit bli: I, John Jordan, being duly sworn, depose leis durable and less ottractlvo arllclo tificates to the amountof $4,000. ' district, H.- R. Boarland (Dora.) Mis­ tographer makes a feint with thocamora togroul on tho coast of Japan havo boon tbo board ot control, on whom developed builders throughout tho state had Eocured that wo now b«v,e tbe testimony ot tho boon entirely satlsllod bad I oloctod to Mns. A. C. Bradley died at Latnor- state, und thut onoot his particular olllces tho respoiislblllllcs of tho proper conduct the job by right of belnp the lowest blci- and say. I reside in tbo city of Detroit ut three persona present nt tbo Interview had from foreign markets. allow bim to keep tbo funds. Tliaumount| The United States dynamite crusier sissippi, Seventh district, Meredith in sight, takos out the plato and ex­ roctoved by steamer Bolgiac. Tbo 413 Woodward avoiiuo. I nm •IS years ot age, There is no claim that theso slato roofs villo, Dubruquo County, la., at tho ago on earth wua to recklosaly spend a goodly ot Iho school and llio inaup;uratlan of ders. Although tho contractor onoo bay­ with tlie.saidLee, which Is quoted in tho howover, was not ao much', as he foigiioa VoBuvlus attained a speed of twenty Matthews (Rop.). Michigan, Eleventh claims: "Oh, pshaw! thot is spoilodi" or sceamer drifted on tbo rocks in portion of tho statu funds. Ills oxtravii- I was for 10 years engaged in tlie brick bus­ cost too much, as everybody who has any of 100 years. economies Chat would bo approved hy tho ing boeu awarded tho contract, being tho iness, for a part of tho time in tlio employ of Froo Prosa artioloi to .think, and.lbo interests, of tho stata knots per hour in a trial trip. district, S. M. Stephenson (Rep.) re­ words to that oflcot, and walks hurried­ a gale and hor boilers exploded. There DrBULUS panco 111 purchases, uud his utter luck of people, wero dotormiiied to shape the pol­ lowest bidder, ana havinc filed eatlBfac- U. H. llnil ot Detroit, and tho balance of tbo practical knowledge of tho construction woro not in such Jeopardy: as bo ropro- State of Aliohlgan, County of Wayne, st. ot buildings and vnluo of materials knows At the annual session of tho Union nominated. Ohio, Fourth district, W. The report of Lewis A. GrolT, Com­ ly out ot tho room.. The prisoner raises wore 630 oflicers and men aboard. Six business ability to determlno tho kind nun icy and course of the instilulion, and ab- loiy bonds for tbo carrying ont of llio lime at Lansing on myown.yardttlmtl havo John Af. Eborts, ot tho olty of Detroit, ot Bcutod. ' TbiB, you wlll,;iiiio by tbo publla missioner ot the General Land Oflloo, values of (roods needed for the institution soUUely control its cxoonditures, • how­ contiaet, would have boon entitled to pur­ onrefuUy read the Detroit Froo Pteaa ot Oct, said county and state, being first duly sworn. well Qoougb that tho roofs on the north record of tho achool for the blind pngo Sil,- Veteran Legion in Fort Wayne, -Ind., P. Orr (liop.). South Carolina, Fourth his head at once and looks ploaaant. Ho officers and fifty mon reached shore, 8, 1690, cspeelally tho comments of thatnapor and south wiDga and, tbo roofs on the shows that an agricultural domain of fliittlly delerinlnod tho board to mako a ever distasteful such control and bridling chase, and I would have boon lejtally en­ Bays that ho la a member of tho drm ot under date of Aug. T,'18S7, which'roaill • G. J. Miller, ot Phdadolpbia, was eloot- district, G. W. Shell (Farmers' Al­ has outwitted tho photographer. Thon many of them raaimod by being dashed cbnnco in its inetliod ot doiuR business. relntlvo to the alleged sale of brlok by James Eborts Bros., In said olty of Dotroiti that barn and coal sbeds woro extroinoly low nearly 19,000,000 acres has during the was to McElroy; aud troin tbls day for­ titled to sell to such contractor nny and M. Tumor of L»niln({ to tho Miohigau Sohool aslollowB:- ed National Commander. - ' liance). Utah, Chbrlea C. Goodwin the concealed camera gets in its fine on the rocks. Admiral Osnian Pasha in AeoordiUKly on tbo Sth day ot Juno, ISSO, ward, so far ns 1 was concerned, and I all building materials, tbo fnet is that I ho has road the aftldavlt of W. IL iSierta, in prico Bud'^^much below their actual year boon transferred to settlers by pat­ for tho DUnd, or W_,r«rr & Vinoont, oon- his brother, relntlvo to tho MoElroy. attaok value. HONEY ODS OT.UIO 0^\r»t'lINIM, I ' A FinE dostrcyod the business portion (Liberal). / , work, and tho rogue is still more sur­ awiraing nshoro was struuk by a spar It was unanimously decided by tho hoard think CO far as every member of tbe board novor In ono single instance did sell brick, traetors, and tho otBdavlt of-ono John O. nubllsliod'ln the Dotrolt Free I'resa on Oct. i)fl?^^ l.'R.qp"LE's"'mrMF.I)Y'p:nicF -.'.r' of control thil.r wborouo, Mr, McElrov Unaoir:thi.>u>a>I'j(i-*'Drfiflt un th». hOai^l Bciiik .luiAiidL'n(,.aantTnl.:MlBhlsaa''Sia]in'< OfPlckroll, Nob, ents Issued to them. prised and pleased at being told that ho and drowned. was coucoraed.l ho appeared iusuhordi- elatoi or' othor builillns matorlali «s VInoout. bQHilDS "Qa'tbat subieot. wbluu can go. *'Kllia*ui>aia.n Vrjrutoairma. -3 tor tlia Bllod: ati)tlamtD:--7otir oomm^>; fllled the oSoB of uietssr in aaid elty.con- ent'i Bttackt thrutt tor thrust, blow tor bond queitlou be espUlna tho ctrcum- tber eltnllar uaaulti on Republican otndl toB nppolutwl to MtllB .wltKtUotalatrSJi.; tluuotujly for tha yeara WM, lUiir,- 1888, 1881) FALMUK'S OARINU AOX. nrerofctho bound Imyu porformod th«t duty .undltilK).' • • •• , blow, and nieaiura for measare. -Ha he- (tauces of his being the liquor bonditman datei. Slauder is the favorite campatsn THOSE lUILROAD BONDS .: Deponent further says thnt lie has rend the elm tbo reply by Ineldly showing why of ths keeper of the oldeat hotel In Lan­ argument of the Doinocratlc organization aurnor. hng taculvod from ull soiiroosBlnoe Mr.MoElroy boars .him nialloo. The ox- How the Frusidoiit of tlio Arorld's ITalf j^eutlar growth* Otthiiirb^ allusatlonsvitaluet Jnmes M.'Turner of Lun- sing, the personal friend of hla yuutb and in Micbigain und the Free Press, and mud OAWN. tUna, whloa, 1)7 their iltiikavA em Ik* veMhei Ita giaatMt aWMd*. ••tefhumaB'"'^^ . tliO luot •Jiloiiuiiilvoport'of Sopt. UO, tlio iiIiiK, Mich., aupearlait in the Detroit Free superlntundcnt, it seems, during bis re- thu oonlldnnt ot a lifetime. Ho might throwing will continue. From'now until MK. TUnNKICS ANSWBK TO THE -AppoliitufI a Cummittue. a* cotret, ;:tea; oabliiet.wdaaW < iiMo,''4; •urn uf t^-.',OjO.U.: mill thnt hu hiu dlsbumod Thomas W. I'aluier, ox-Uulted State) eOMt, hod indUputablo'rtirlita in ooMB AmoBf other peaki U th* Hoiintol; SftoTblS'bMn'^BiiM^ MauUfi"' froBi : Taiui* foi; noopunt ,tho Institution tlio sum of l'ro8jWOot,ll,ll«lU.aijd the stiitemout ot Kline seemed to labor under the balluci- havu Kuiie furtiier atlil and shown that so election day a dally crop of campaign lies I..V'riilS'X' liOUJCBAOK. ladta rubbeir, medibiii«l' roo^ eta The > J. F. MoElroy therein contained; that his at­ nntiun that he, like the sun, was born to may bo ox]>ccted, ' Beuator,lato envoy extraordinary and mln •rs teyllsbt tbmih my wladow streuna tntvol. And then, wbkt good would to Xlbe, with an altltudii of 5,704 meters: «n,o( piece* ot t<>rt{r*'wbMBtlmeten: ' Makes (lom* Wild MtataniiaDti. : ' ;.'a.«iip.ll). loai-hiB & biilunco of SlO.oa, duo tention has been uapoolally called to McEl. Ions as the law requires a liquor dealer Before tba momlng gathers gray, freetrader or revenua reformeif deslD- ; ; - fclin lor tlmntihoun•Kmc t dlabuvsod for tho In- shine. His residence in Lansing was the to llie a bund at all there 1b neither lin- Isler plunlpotentlary to Spain, nnd now tha Suez canal, which would be saroA Tha important ruler ot this rogion haa leng; which would thrbw, projeotilea ol In supportot hlaclalm that'tbiacoun­ ray's statement as follows: "ft la also mat- Proiulnnnt Uemoorata Oomn to au proaiduut of tho AYorid's Coluinbiun com­ •Tis hard to rise from plMsant dream* ing to equalize the- buidene oithiBpeo- ,»tltutloii, aa.xMi nppnnr, In dotall by rofor- tor of current lalk that Mr. • Turner louses scene of many a itttv aud festive asserab- niorality or illegality In bocoming a Tho Free Prosa will llnd out that its by its position on the neutral line? Bat BBder his domination towards the aoutht •even hundred and eicbty klloa with try can throw open its ports to the rnouto ths nocount: of rooelptsand oxpcnd- lis property for purposes of proatltutlou," lege,'his dlnnera were famous the whole bondsman. There Is no" question of mor­ Defonau—A Protest Acaluat Wii- mission, appointed tbo nluo womcu who And Ret In hameas tor th* day. pie carrying oiit tholr theories, put an flro-in-tho-rear tactica are quite ns atrougly whitt USD could be made of thia lia* Berth and west, the vast nnd fortU* two hundred and aerantytour kilo* manufactured goods of Europe and ' llri'os liorowtth BUbmlttod. ; . B, L. O.isa, "'The huuae here refuirad to Is the notorious state over, his roHnue of Borvanta waa als in the thing at all, and tho law gives it objected to now ns they wore in 1801, .' It fair Assaults. form tho Chicago 'joard ol lady manaK- import duty on these farmi produois and Cliidi'man ot Couimltteo. bouao uoar thebtty water works ouMluhlauu ••t when X TCkoh th* *talr-way door llinitloes and hla Koud wife's tosB were tho tho hlirhast niarks-of lesnllty, may ^attv enough to do before the cani' ers yostorduy und LlminoiUately took to Ahd on tho dark pIUM atand, Bionao work of Lossepa when there WIB aina ot Womasai, which strotoh from Itrams of powder. Barbioane St Ca. ahallenge the cheap labor of thot Con­ take it off the products of the foreign V. ::Z.Kt!atsa,A\ia.s,im; . ..;, avenue." ' envy, we are told, of innny a capital city the woods ot .Michigan. It was tbo moat -Deponent further aayo (retorrlnK to the last • In uddUlon to this direct evidence in paitrii'la over to defend Its own anti-war Tho following answer to tho attack Pni glad the sleepy night is o'er BO longer tho Mediterranean on on* Se lake of Victoria Nyanaa aorosa the did not think of these dlfSoultlea. U tinent to an industrial battle without artisan. They must do this or be in­ The other inoinbor' of ^ tU'o comiiilitbe above quotation) that lie la familiar with ths mntron whose husbunda wear Inr^e bank answer to tha charcea made' apfainat him, candidato for governor agsinst charces upon Hon. James .M, Turner mudo lu yes­ hazardous undertaking tbo plucky man tdarof the consequences Congressmen irna Hon.'luwnsund North, On piiRo 91 accounts and social aspirations. The And thnt the daylight la at hand. side uf the iathmuB and the Red Sea on province of Mozambique. was not a cannon, not oven a mortar, consistent. For if a duty bo levied In desorlption of the parllonlar property or Mr. Turner gives some Intoroatln!; Infor- which are already proved by the records. terday's Free Press was prepared several from Michigan hud ever nttomotod. It ot tho record, uuilor tbo ssthedutu, occurs slulu |>nlu for nil this, needless to sny, tho othor, at least within any roaaon- A fowloaguosbolow Kilimanjaro is the which thoy Intended to make, but Mills says: the artificial product competing with premises above referred to by JIoEli'oy and malion nirainat hia accuser. Ue waa a Anti-war DomocrntK uaed to bo culled days ago. It having become known thnt was an ordoni to try tho stoutost heart and Kro'ortheatroam that waking stlra, tlio lollowliijt: that ho, tho said depduont, bos oarefullv ex- aud when .Mr. Turner, by divers resolu­ publin olUcial who personally audited copperheads. Michigan has never yet an oxperlunco bofoio winch strong man - Beyond tha anoulderct the hill ahlo distance of it? amall village of Klsongo, tho regular aimply a gallery bored in tho massive We have the oheapeat labor in the world. It the domestic products the eonsumer la ainlnea tho ruoords and assoasnieiit rolls In tions, deprived tho ex-siiportutondent of such a move waa coiitcmnlutca by the la machinery, which docs not eat, drink or .Mr, IT. a.;lUoo, who,nt the last niootln;? the oiuoo of the city uaaosaur iu snid city of every bill which ho now declares to have cluclud ona of them governor. would quail. For montba tho futo had That's frlaeed with darklyfoalhored llr* No, never, never would England con- roaidonce of tho Sultan. This capital la rook of Kilmanjaro—a shaft of a mine, denied his right to buy whora of tbo hoard, was rculootod to the puslUou of nil thu concomitants of suciul l'Ioiv und boon wrongful. If there wore a bit of Democratic organ: been overhanging him. Women had I aeo a light Increasing otlll. Bleep, and It Is required to pay no board. Wo jh'at literary tcaoher, which position he has tansiujr and Iliids thnt tho property referred double dlatlllod luxury, the ho of tlie do- aont to soo Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprua in reality only a large hamlot Itisoo- If you wish to call it so. make use ot It to a larger extent than any other he can buy the cheapest. He Is to for thu year 18cil wns uasossod to JInrv A. truth or force in McElroy's charges, ho If you eao tdie hide of a man hanging The undoralgnod havo boon ndvlsod that It crowded about blin as women never crowd­ ' huld for two yciirs Insc oast, wn^ ohoaon net- Slye, and that the said prciporty wnsusso'naod tlirnueil inuunrch wns mure jiioiiounced would Bland aolf-couvloted before tho iJu!'',*""'''"^"'' certain uowapapma nnd ed about mail before. With but nlus Warm Bhadea of yellow, pink and rose, transformed into mountain-tops, lost in oupled by a very intelligent and indus­ Evidently this shaft ot a mine, thia nation on earth, and when you come down to compelled to pay more for the ortiolos, - llie uupcriniatidout for the tcvin besinolns than polite. .He then beirnn to compile out or. the foaco, send it to tho owner, the cost of an article turned out of our manu­ Sept. 1,1887, und ohdluif Juno lIU, last), for 5S..5"."J>- ? "«,".Jfe'' "'0 yoars 1835,1880, 1887, people of this state ns ono of tho most J. F. McElroy, ux-superlntendent ot tho Pplltiuluua to nttaok Hon. James .M. Turner, plnoUB to fill and 1)00 women to put Into And groeii a lighter green upon, tho clouds, so that its men-of-war could trious people, who work themselves as enormous elongated mine, could re­ to the extent of the duty which the 1«S8,18SU and 1600. and that the property III hla incoherent, violent, but, it appoara, unworthy publlo ollleials thoy havo over aliiinlug thnt a oortiiin suit In ohunoory, lu With blue and pearly gray, compose factories tho moohlne does tho principal part ; STUO, hu and: his wife, In addition, to have qucalloii waa not nsacBSod to Mr. James ivf, Michigan School for tho Blind. which the Cliiongo A: Grand Trunk Ilailwiiy Ihoiu, I'rcsldont I'niuior ran agniuatnn io- no longer approach them. No, sho would industriously as their slaves undor tho place a metal cannon the fabrication of domestic manufacturer gets, and thia their homo In tho schoglbuiiaias. . impotent Blandcrn, Mr, Turner re­ had in their employ, lie was discov­ oxorablo law In physlca. That two bodies The lovely colors of tbo dawn, of tho labor; therefore, It costs leas. 'Turner for auy ot the years above mentioned. tired by lluiltalloa from the board t-o. was a party, hns boon doolded bv tho not bo satisflod with tbo possession of Iron rulo which Bali-Ball imposes on which would have boon as dear, as diffi­ is protection to that extent. If they From the «bov» .tou will aoe thnt nl- _ . • , . James A. 1'aiik. ered to bo extravagant with tha Mud BlinRlUR uauiUly soils the allneer, "uprouio court upon arounUs that relleot cannot occupy the same apace at the same It ia true that machinery is cxton- in Juue, 1387, Mr, McElroy's state's funds, it Is doelarod, and honco his 0 sweet as blamaloss woman's blush aomo of tho territory which would be them. cult, ond to which it would bo noooaaary insist In doing this, nevortholoas, thoy ' thouifU McElroy felt that thu turn Sworn to and subsmlhed before mo this4th Tho Free Press must bu coated over with unon Mr. 'iiirner's Integrity. Having boon tlmo haa como to ho u uiiivcraiilly rocog- alvcly used In this country, but the day of October, A-. n. isiKl. alnndcra hud been made public oQlclal winirs wora clipped, lie was Hy­ oonnocted with the case na oouiiaui, In its That spreads and mounts so high and higher, gained from tho Atlantic Ocean. Major Tho Sultan rightly ranked as one to give on unwieldy thickness to avoid have gained control of the Government in my bands wns Iu great JooparUy nt that time, nlthouch in au even less several thicknosaes. several stages, wo aubinlt the folluwlng lii/.cd fact; that 000 bodies eanuot occupy TTntU her face doth crimson flush. same thing Is true equally ol that uf bAlng Inst and thnt my bond ot ing tpo high. He wns diseharjfed from nine epncus ut onu llino cuat a uunsa Doncllan had, howorer, prepared al­ of tho most remarkable ruler* of all risk of on explosion. Barbicano & under a shamefully false protenao, and jj^o'ary publlo in and for luglmm county. laURlble form than at inosent. Gov. Luce, the public service becauao the members atatonioiit lu .luatica to Mr. Turner: And the dark eyo is all on flrr, Nation — England — with which the 810,000 ou Dlo at the. Cupltolwiia not suf- however, satlallod himself ot tho falsity of For whoao honoflt will tho Frae Press H le of oonrso Impruclloablo to diacuaa sat- shadow and hung out ovur this proposi­ ready to return to Europe to secure his thoso poopio of Central Africa who try Co. hod always entertained tho Idea ot the party would be juntly hold for the ot tho hoard consldera.l that tho people tion liku an outstaniiin;..; Juror lu a crimi­ United States would have tho . llelent to protect the Intotesta of thu theau clinreus and desired Turner to con­ might bo more acceptably aorved by an­ start another 'lire In tho rear?" larijotorlly n oaao Involving a largo nmouut Bavo been tho dawns that I have Men, rights on this now territory in case the to escape tho influonco, or, more cor­ oporotlng In this manner,and If tho note­ base treachery of selling tholr people pooplo, tbo facts are that upon a full and In tlila ennnectlon I desire to say that I tinue lu olllce. This, owIhk to tho prefls- of testimony in a brief slatumont, nor Is that nal court case. Yesterday morning dawn­ Tho dawns that I arise tn see, hardest tuasld if Mills' free-trade for tho'sake of the "swag" of olllco flnnl settlement it waa toinld- that iottoad moat emphalieally denounce tha charges other man. Hla Whole olTIoial comae in necessary to Mr. 'Turner's vlndioalion. Hut operation of Barbicano & Co, should sue- rectly, tho domination of England. At book of J. T. Maston montlonod a cannon uro of private buslneea, ho declined to do, LnnsinR tvas marked by continued friction Now for more Dem, dear," aho said, turning a page, ~uJ buuda, auhjoot to Vandorhllt's privilege anillod grimly. Then ho liurricdiy de­ formidable rival In tho use ot standard tection to that extent. But since the Bhootlng it oil . and dvlug ine Democrat, tcstities that his bid wns below honestly served und get'tholr money's "He's got red whiskers," said the loud to buy thorn hufore Jnnuary, 1870. oovored by tho Atlantic nnd Paclilo many occasions thoy woro forced to this torriblo rogion, obstructed by for­ Democracy is sincero and denounces all nn opportunity to put myself ou Under tha bond ot the" editorial in tlio parted. .-V moment latur the horses ot machinery, tho American Is under tho Free Prosa, entitled "Mr. Turner's Ac­ tho actual value of the wo-k. Ho pur­ worth. whiapor, ' Upon these bonds, coupons for Intornat thnt curriagu iu waiting down on tha oceans, tho level ot which would raise print extra editions. It is porhaps tho ests, deep marshes, etc., thoy arrived at tariffs as "robberies" and "accursed record betoro tbo people in answer chased tho slate ot a .Michigan comnauy, wore duo Maroh, ISr.S. 'I'lieso coupnna woi-o disadvantage that his machines and his cuser." It Is mentlohed that lu 1870 McEl­ Mr. Turner's defense la ample to satisfy "Yes, dear." smooth boulevard smarted under tha e,41B TOoters at tho archipelagos of tho Qrst timo in journalistic hlatory that tho royal rcsldonco. After knowing tho things," such duties are inadmissible. to tho allogntlons which he has pri­ in which Mr. Turner wns interested, at all thoso who would have voted for him if all cut olf when tho boiida wero aold to Sago. plant generally, having been construct­ vately peddlod for the last three years, roy wns piinoliial of the Indiana Institu­ "They're awful red." alingiug siini) of a lon.ir whip. The car­ thoy wore nil united with each other, as calculations of J. T. Maston, President tion for the blind. McElroy litas never at $1.1.0 per agunre above the current value the charstos had never been published; "Yes, dear," aud the poople began to On March OU, ISVS, .Mr. Turnur llnd out thu 'Azoros, .Ml this vast aroa would dis- What Is this, therefore, but free trade ftr.d which have boon rIvou verbal clrcu- ot llangor, i'a., slate, bat .Mr. Ehorts In- ooupoiis from ihaxu bonds, nnd iransforrod riage whirled nnd rolled uway. I'reaident thoy gonorally quarrol incessantly. This ed or built by high-paid American tho head of nny institution in Indiana, or but, on the other hand, thero nro elements realize that the mother was not listening Palmer brunthed again. A moment later npponr under this artificial dolugo, Barbicano had already put himself in under tho pretext ot revenue duties on latlou generally throuffhout tho state. siMa that thoro is a comiuorclul dillorouuo iu tho assault whicli will brlii); him thou­ them na a gift to .Mrs. Tni-nnr. As he wns was not a European or American affair; labor, have cost him from 50 to 7,') per AYJilIu It would have been in bad tusto for any other state, until ho waa placed in to what her darling said. Those who wore tliu owner of thum ut tliu timu, hia i-iglit to he dro|)pud into thu aoftneas of one of tha Among others the angle of Southern communication with Bali-Ball through non-competing products? Froo trade charee of tho Mlchliran School for tho of f2 in favor of the Michigan article. sands of votes trom tlio Deiuocratiu side fathers and mothers smiled in. anticipa­ do ao wns clear. It was an nflair which oonoomod tho cent moro than his English rival. Each me ut any tlmo ^ to hnvo ruehod to the Tho InBinuatious.thnt Mr. Turner fur- conches of the duko of I'ullman in that Africa from Guinea and Killlnanjaro to tho help of a Swedish explorer who had In skilled products and revenue duties lilind. It also stales that In 1S87 ho ro- ill every city iu tho state. Tho attack will tion. Tho rcd-whlakered man studied hia Snbseqiiontly, In Jnnuary, 1679. Vanderbllt Grand Trunk train. Aud Ihus he lied.— uses tho same kind of power-loom, or noWDpapors with ray dofonno of these nialiod inllk for thu Ulind School are prnbably conllnn on his side a thousand tho Capo of Good Hopo, and tho triangle wholo world. It was liko a bomb fall­ passed sovoral years In this part of on unskilled products?—B. H. Jonoa, matlcfs, when thoy were holuc simply siKHcd from tho Miohlijaii School for tho paper caratully. oxarclsud Ilia prU-ilugo uiidor bis contrnot Chlcaijo Jle.rahl. blast furnace, or rolling-mill, or Bes Blind, Tbo word "reslKnod" lu this con­ ridiculously flat when tho liRht ot cold Du.inocrallc votes in Wayne county nlone, "They're llory red." with'Xnrucr und puruluisod tliesuSfiO bomla of South America formed by Peru, Cen­ ing into a powder magazine. Africa, As tho Sultan had beoomo ono in Chicago Inter Ocean. passed from mouth to mouth by McElroy oranL'O. V sudurbilt tlimi being tho owner Bcmer process, but tho English mill is nection is a mieuomer. Tho editor should hard facts Is thrown upon them. It seems which wore already wavuilnj,' when the "Yoa, de.ir," aweotly. • tral Bra'.!il, Chill nnd the Argontlno Ro- In regard to Maston, It looked as if his of thoir most ardent admirers since aiid a cotorlo by whoia ho was that n particular friend ot Mr. McElroy, nnuounconicnt of his nonilnallon wna not only run by persons working for Burroundod, it Is a privlloRe have used tho word "bonuccd," ns McEl­ "Thuy're roddor'n my fathcr'a." .^50,1)00) so d 1.100 of them (SI.IOII.DOOl to rUKAIiS Ol" A XOKNAUO. jpublio, as far as Torro del Fucgo and last hour had como. A rabid crowd their trip to the moon, a trip whose rep­ THE WOKKSIIOPS AT KILIMANDJ.VHO, roy was not allowed lo rosicn from said oue A, J. Jlolcomb, was u dispenser ot made. Tho result will probably be, and "Yos, dear," Another page wan turned. smaller wages, but costs much less to WHAT RECIPROCITY IS. which I npprecitttu to bo ablu. tho lacteal lluld. Holcomb was ovldeiitiy .losupbJIlekson, wlio nflurv/ard sold thoin J'lncKcd an Old Woman's I'oullry and Capo Horn. Tho Patagonians, high pushed into his prison on tbo evening ol utation had gone as far as thoso coun­ Institution; on tho contrary, tho recorda of the shrewdest Democ:-ats In thia "Is ho any relation to my fntberl"' to tho Chicacu .'c Grnnri 'i'l-nnk Itnihvnv Co., ing would bo In tho way ol the pro­ build. Tho foreigner has a double ad­ to answer in detail tho oaino chaiKOs, a Kuntlemnn ot grout commercial vorsalll- town concede It, that the attack licstroyod llorSol't; Soup, M thoy are located, would not escape Scptombor 17 with tho intention of tries, he lolt a groat friendship for Mot u Cuncosalon tn the Humbug Tailfl now that thoy nro formulated Into tancl- tho school, on page 01, under date ol Aug, "Yea, dear." iliuliaon having piirrhnaud tho bonds of jectile when it would fly out of the vantage, therefore, and would bo an 7, 1887. show that ho was unanimously Ity. lie sold uillk to tho Kctorin Sciiool will cuin more votes for him "Is he nny rotation to m»?" \ amiurbllt in the Iniercst ot this oompany. Ouo ot the ocenpnnts of tho Good cot­ this Immersion, and would not even lynching him, and tho jailor did not put theso courageous Yankees. Without Jteforin Advocates. blc abapo. at four cents n quart and to the Blind than it will lose lilm, and that Up to this point ibulauta nro niidlaputod, tage, uenr Lake Gorvals, on July 13, an mouth of this tunnol bored In tho mass­ easy victor in tho industrial strlfo un­ "Area" by the board ot control, and Mr. "Yes, dear." hnvo opportunity of taking refuge on any obstacles In their way. Thoy tolling him for what purpose It was, The provision ol tho McKinley tarifl U. G. Uaiie chosen acting supeiintcndont School at live cents a quart. Voncbcra In must help tho whole Kepublican ticket. "They're awful rod." •nnd ull of iliom nro fouiiil ns facts by the de­ elderly lady, was vory fond of taking care ive rock of Kilimanjaro. It was with ex­ less tho American working-man could bo THE OUAIIOKS OP WIOMST MATTEn. thu audltor-ifenornrs olllco duinonstratu cision of tho auprome uoiirt. ot fowla, aud had raised nearly 100 chlck- that part of tho Andes, as tho highest rushed along tho corridor, but tho coll Impoy Barbicano had easily obtained treme precision and not without vory bill relating to reciprocity as it passed in his sloail for thu term ending Sopt. 1, 'Yes dear," iiulotly. In February, 1S8J. .Mrs. Turner, tho owner forced down to accept tho British scalo In flamfnit hoad-Ilncs tho Froo Press 1SS7. this, Mr. Turner doos not account for Gov. Luco 'J'nUcH, Wll I have red whi Bkera like that cua and ducke, aaya the I'ioiieor Presa. points of that ringo would nob bo vlsi- of J. T. Maston was empty. Mrs. permission from tho Sult.an to under­ hard work that the men could dig this tho Senate and has boon agreed to m this Irregularit.y. When ho dlseoverod it Lansino, Get. '1.—flov. Luce wns seen pi Ihe lutercBt ooupona above montlonod, of wages by moans of lockouts and starv­ aunouuuoa thnt tho Imititutioa was And, furthermore, I desire to say, nnd when 1 in a many" hiivlug heuii unable to obtnlu payment Ibero- Tboao woro all killed by tho atorm. Tho ile at all in this part of tho globo. Evangolin.t Scorbitt had como to his take Important works at tho southern gallery. But Barbicone & Co. could tho conferenco committee covers but a "mulcted for charges of protest"—rofer- be shut down upon it. Wc jiresuine, ajialn last night ruhitlve to thu charges ot pf, to w-hloh she wns oiitltloil, began a anit lady had also made, a nice lot of soft soap, ation. every member of tho board nlll boar mo "Yea, dear." help with a heavy purse ot gold, and ho foot ot Kilimanjaro. In return for a fow articles ol commerce. It declarea . rliiR to the obtcks drawn by ine und al­ out 111 this statement, that this man Mc­ however, that thu diaoreponcy In prices lawbreaklui; made ai;aina: Jainoa jM. Tur­ "Uut I don't wnnt 'oin," whimpe rlnir. lor tlicin ngnliiat tho Chloagu & 'iraiid Trunk ot which she wna very proud. 'X'ho soap.- This, thou, must bo tho result, tho readily mako perforations with simple It Texas MUls thinks tho Tribune is leged to have been protested. There amy is duo to tbo fact that tho Hotorm Sebonl ner hy J. F. MnlJlroy of Albany, N. Y. Itailway Co., in tbo Ingham ciroult court, lowering ot tho upper and raising ot tho had mado bis oscapo. The Jailor bad largo sum, estimated at'S300,000, Bali- machines put in action by means ol com­ that tho oxijmptions from duty on sugar, Elroy for elsht mootlis previous to the" "There, donr, don't talk a o much. ilio relations holwoon .Mr. 'i'lirnor und the had been left on a board by the side of exaggerating he has but to consult his have been such a case during my career date on which his Borvleea were dispensed la somewhat nearer the stand plpu of the The Rovornor had evidently had tliua to Jlnmma la reading." tho house, and ot course, waa carried lower soolitons, and an entirely now sur­ been bribed by an amount.et money on Ball had bound himself to furnish them pressed air which was secured by using molasses, coffee, tea and hides are mado cltv waterworks. think ihinjra over and ifot his breath, for epmpany, torraorly friunrtly, had beuomo eminent colleague, Mr. Flower, ot New as treasurer, hut if thero was, und Mc­ with had become so rebellions, Insub­ "Do you liko 'em so red?" strained. Thereupon ths oompany bot-nu a away by tho wind. face to the oceans, produced by tho which ho could live the rest of his life all tho workmen necessary. In othor tho powerful falls of water from tho with a view to secure reciprocal trade Elroy will point out tho voucher In which ordinate und cenornlly dls.iKreeablo and 'I'ho assuMjpUon that the iUBlitution waa rcticeacu ot yoaterday atlernoon on tho "Yes, doar," aoolhingly. Biilt In olianuory, ill tho snmo clrouit, to on- York, who will assuro him that though Turner topic hnd entirely disappeared, •oruseations In the surfaco of tho oarth'a without working. Ilo romomborod that words, the Captain and his friends woro mountains. In tho holes bored through with countries producing these articles. the state paid Buch nrolest foes, 1 will unsatiafactory to tho board that his serv­ mulcted for cliarKea ot protust.was hacked "X don't. Muybo bo paints 'em. Does .1oln -Mrs. Turmir's suit nt law, nnd this chnn- Tho occupnuts of tlio house, it will bs tho machine plays a largo and tho hand ttljroo to forfeit SlOO for evem dollar «o by but one citation on the part of ,Mr. Mc­ uorv suit, npponlod to nnd rioolded by the Baltimoro, Washington, Now York and authorized to do at Kilimanjaro what­ the headings of tho shaft woro placed For that purpose, therefore, it is en­ ices would have boon dlsponaed wllh Iour "Vou may say to the public," said tho ho paint 'oinf" smiromo ouiirt, Is ibo ono hMvhiuh tho dcul- remembered, tuck refuge lu the cellar a smnll part in tho manufacture of bind­ found. McElroy dnolls at limKth upon before tho nbovs date Imd not tbo board Elroy. This notlco ot protuat, tho cashier Rovornor, "that I oncu very carefully und "Yea, dear." many of tho principal cities ol America ever thoy liked to do. They could dis­ charges of moli-molonito. And noth­ acted that on and after tho first day of says, was nn error, tbo naiico bolni; iri- ali.n In iiuostlou yv-ns mndo. wheu thu storm wna bocu coming. All ing twine, and though the American tho matter of protested cliockii, but un- boon held by a contrnct with hlin which fully o.iamlnud those charges made by "I won't havo to paint rmine, will If" weru moro or losa inlurod and' their cloth- woro on tho lino of thoso parts which pose ol tho largo chain of mountains ac­ ing moro was necessary than this vio­ July, 1891, Whenever and so often as the fbrtuhatoly ho follows all thnt ho «nya did not expire until Sopt. 1, 1887. Thoy, teudod for some oue else. Mr. Turner Xlio claim of the uomiiliny was that the SM manufacturer will hereafter got his raw Prof. MclSIroy, sunuilutondont ot tho "Yes, doar," fondly. bouils had boon pludgoil by 'J'uriior to Sago, lug torn from their boaloa. Xt was nearly, would bo raised and which would still cording to tholr desires; thoy could tear lent oxplosivo to shiver the rock, ex­ President shall bo satisfied that tho aboUt thuin with a letter from Cashier therefore, suUerod hlin to remain nnd further denies that ho ever received iur Wind School, against ,lohn .M. Tumor, "Hut 1 don't want to. Does papa paiat "soollatcrnl aoom-lty, and that whllo thus material a shade cheaper than tbo En­ Coleman, which I quotu as follows: loreal from depof libra, and as no evidence half an hour beforu all wore releaat'd,' havo enough air for tho dally consump­ thom down if thoy liked, or thoy could tremely hard as It was. government of any country producing draw pay from tho iuBtitutlon, wlien they who was a member of tho board ot con­ hla?" held by .Sago, Turnor sold thum to Vundor- inoro dead limn alive. Tho Indy spoken glishman, nnd though thero Is a duty ot knew that be had crown uiiOt for tho was produced ahowin); thnt ho- did, wo hit, and that tho iiitorcsl coupons given to tion ot their inhabitants. tako thorn away if thoy would bo able and exporting sugar, molasses, coffee, nenrSlr—'Thoro wns a mistake. 'Tho check trol, rulntivo to the misuse of tho school "Yes, dear." of was balf-uncoiifclous, and tho moment [to be COSTUiUKD.] sovon-tonths of a cent a pound on twine, forSl,lUll;72. ludorsudbyyou, was not paid, posltiou which he then unsutlafactorily shall have to nccopl his rio.crntlve. funds, aiul buying building material ot "Oh, I won't paint mine." -Mrs. Turnur wui-o loft with Sage by nilstalte, J. T. Maston had gained a quiet rest- to do so. In consoquonco of thoso ar­ toa and hides raw and uncurod, or any aids notloo was probably luioudeil for sonio- Jlr. McElroy coueludea hla donouneo- and not delivered to Vandorbllt, nnd ihat Bho wns tnkou from the collar sho tookl yet tho Now York manufacturer will bo Ullod. himself. Twice .Mr. Turner was called Mamma begtua on a now pngs. Inrnor afterward conceivod tlio idea ot col- Ing-spot and a safo placo from tho en­ rangements, which tho Sultan had made hody else. 'The 81.10172 was sent back to ment with the very delectable nlllrmation ono glance at tbo work of the tornadb,' ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKERS. of such articles, Imposes duties or other Detroit for pnymout yoslerdav. Voui-a, oto., TUE I.IQUOK BONDS MATTIilt. bofore mo. lie deulod thu cliarKoa In "When will I havo to paint 'em?" lootiug them. ibrcw up her hands, aud cxclnimcd: unablo to compoto with tho European that Mr. Tumor rentod one ot hla housea toto, and prnducuil evidence which tlior- Mniniiia doos not hoar him, raged crowd ol poopio, and so this groat at bis own llguro, tho North Polar Prac­ exactions upon tho agricultural or other M. L. C0I.K.MAN', McElroy chartics that several years airo Upon Ibis, which, if supported by ovideiico "Oh, wlicro nro my dnirks nnd my twino mill and will have to shut up to a woman ot the denii-monde. 'This ouRhly saiialled me that tho storv was "Will X havo to paint 'em as red as might involve IWr. U'liruer'a Integrliv, thu man owed his lifo to tho devotion of tical Association was as much proprie­ Tholr Trials, Fenra nnd Joys Portrayed products.of tho United States, which, in ' 1 signed tho llqu.M- bonds of Martin Hud­ llllliy asBortlon l3 doodoilzud liy tho city chickens, and whurc la iny nice soft aonp?" shop or cut down wages. It this hap Cashier. son, his son, L. S. Hudson, nnd ono far-fetched and untrue. Tho more 1 In- hisf" cnso uttui-ly brnlio ilnwu. Suiio's testimony loving woman. There woro only four tor of this country as thoy woro of tho by Ono ot Tlicm. view of tho freo introduction ot such The pi-oteat to which ho refers, nnd assessor ot Lansin);:, who ansorta that the wns oraphntic thnt tliosu bonda woro nuvur Ilur soft soap has probably dieaolvud in pons in a business llko binding twine, 'ihoinpson. It is rofreshluir to llnd one voBllRated it, thu loss thoro appeared to "Yes, denr." days to wait, four days only boforo tho Polar region. "Tho roooption which sugar, molasses, coffee, toa and hldoa thu only protoat of which ho kIvus us mansion In qiiostioii bolouRod not to Mr. be In it, aud In tact aeuincd to onilroly plodgod to hlin, /.ut fold (o Mm alanluidn, Lake Gervais, lint Ihu remaiiia ot her! Ahvays, In presence of an audience, I where tho machine and materials count chhrgtftbat is truls. The TUoinpson place "Mamma, look at him. He's mad." -•l)ir/( 4,1878: (/Kit lltc o.Kpdji.i of Miin-it. President Barbicano and Captain NiohoU uuy evidence, la a cheek for which Turner, but to a Jezebel of liijjhaia'a me- peter out. It wan tbo oul^jrowtli ot the "Yoa, denr." ducka and chickoiia wero found hero anit gigantic operation of Barbicano & Co. am saying to myself at ono tlmo or an­ into tho United States, he may deem to above referred to waa owned by L S lUiB, were nU nUadic-.l; llmt lie I.Siwe)tlicr dido within n radius uf a milo or mora' for Oil por cent and tho laborer but 8 Mr. Colcmun says was a mistake. Uudsoh. tropolla. bad feelluir of JlcElroy toward Mr. Tiir- "Ills face is redder 'u his whiakara." nid liuii or reecii'C Llic. niiipinia. And the ilo- would bo aocompllshoa, Tho public received at Kisongo was very cordial. other, "Howdaro 1 stand hero,'taking bo reciprocally unequal and unroaaona- The truth Is, und none cun controvert it. from Ihe housu. ' Tlie idea that a tor­ por cent, how would it bo In one liko Tho lata Mr. Jfartln Hudson nnd Ills uer; Thoi lluni result v/na 1 refused to "Yea, doar." rmminf the m>irc.mt amri jInd.-, thni Uicfe notlco had boon road far and wido and Ball-Ball displayed an admiration at least a thousand hours of tlmo, aud blo, he sl.iill havo the power andltshall Unit every check over drawn hy tne for Turncr v«. nlofjjlroy. ; " ' " put Itbeforo n cbrbnlittoe.'aud locked Air, "He's gone out of tho car," ljiinil!< were not iileil{ji.yv.l'i5.Ui'i:UUv„'xtv^ pijo'plii; 'liei''Is c'dnlldoiit' tbaV-'doinitiug [calhcr. Hut that waa not tbo must ro-' Prime Minister, tho Cabinet decided to uau vaftoua icinus oi'iiVBistaifciJ'riWii'i...,- iiriiri^,fwm:i:~ -po&lJHV'^^rS'm''^i''miS5^«^^^^^^ , umT" were none at present Tho varl must remember that-thero is a "steno­ such proclamation tho import duties, on cities, and it Is more thuu likely that and I never could do too much lor tlioni, aeutud auainst Uiii Itepublicau candidate poople will'bo as thorouRhly conviuood incrlta of llmt di-olslou. That would bo lu- the lody voucbea for this ocourruiieu, -^^'^ Ho had. In short, an extraordinary recommend a certain duty, Boforo tho on many oconfiiona 1 Y^as not to bu found tor ((ovcrnor. The people of tho atnlo ot that Mr. Turner was Ihouost In tbo blind Nearly nil tlio sold'lera under my charge an hour to' ous governments had notliled in grapher always present, tho steno­ sugar, molaasos, coffee, tea and bides, I even loaned Martin Iludaou ns hiKh us (auld Gen. Cyrus Xiuaaoy) wore bravo and oonslfitont with our respoot for iho supremo snya that it look nearly half sympathy for. tho creators of thoso mys­ mombors loft Melbourne said to them: nt my desk. Wlillu everybody who has $:2U,UU0au hla ludivlduul note without iu- iMIcliIsau hnvo now boen pretty well In­ achool denis ns bu wna when he ciudidly court, aud of the rolulloua of couilsoI to It, rmnovo tho oais. hasto those of thoir provinces which grapher of memory, and that in the tho product ol or exported from such any knowleilKo on tho subject knows as formed by -Mr. Turner through tho News ready tor thu-post of danger; occasionally even wheu thoy nre disuppoiutod lu Its do- terious operations which were going to "Whether this will advance or lower dorsor, and itudcrtook In many ways to InvcstlL'nted thorn, lie saya that Mr. Mc­ tnit ATI..VSTIC WOULD HE NE.UiLY E.MP- would ho raised Into tho air and thoso, a white light of the world to come, not designated country, shall bo such as are well aa I do that I continued to servo tho what hu has to suy In roirurd to tho cbarRes Elroy could not convince Ulm ot the Just­ thero were men who feared to go into clalona. Ho I.iU-cU tho .^Iiidlolno. be accomplished In his kingdom. Ho tho price makes no difference, but wo reciprocate wllh him aud bla family for Hut it la open to ns to flav, with propriety, TIKD. much larger number, tho territory ot fixed In the act. Biutc as member of tho board of control past favors, Tho fludaouB kept the prlu- ngalnat him, Tho cbarRH nnd the answer ness and fnlrnesa of his puaitlun, nnd battle. 1 had one auoh man in my regi­ Helena (.l/i)ii(.) Jiii/cpciulcnt. also promised them absoluco secrecy on only what I utter hero, but ovory must all agree In our statements as to for the School for thu blind, sreatly to tho are now bol'oro thorn lo tholr elitlroty, und ment at tho boginulng of the war. He that an aunlysia uf tbo decision shows that Dsn li'loworco snya that Congrosimaa which would bo overrun with water. In thought I think, will stand out plain aa cipal hotul here £t Limfilu); for more than while ho aasumed the position of RUardinn tho grounds upon which thooourt nluoc tholr iphoro. Su«h wero the happenings his part as woU as on tho part of his whut the effect will bo .ind must stick by It will be soon that Is very different saerillco of my own private intoreeta, and oO years, and wore higlily ealeemud by 11 Is a protiy euav job for unyboily who ot the stato UiianeeS, hu ho waited until waa ono ot tho lluest looking men in the Judgment do not JusUty, hue ropol any Carter's final uccoptanco of his renomina-.' consoquonco of this advice sent by tolo tho sun in tho heavens—for ovory soul many times I allowed my own aUnlrs to can compare stnturaonts ot men of equal command, but would not go where any which would result and against which people, whoso co-operation was assured it." So it might bo well tor Mills and from tho unlimited free exchange of our everybody who knew thciu. 1 al^ucd tbo hu waa In troublu with tho board and his charge of fraud upon llr. Turner. Their tloii reminds him of au incident ot ths graph over tho flvo continents of the shall givo account of himself to God," sull'er In order to have every detail of the liquor bonds us nhovo incutlonBrt, nnd credibility to form a judgment ou the allowances had been curtailed before ho fighting was to bo done. Thia wcakucaa grounds, woro lu substance: (J.)'I'lint wlion early days. It v/as customary for pbyeii tho people of this world had no help If to thom. Not a single negro who Flower, two Democratic loaders, both products with all products In other coun­ institution's buslucse carried out In a merits ot the case, claimed to hnvo discovered Mr, Turner's was observed by the men, who frequently -Mr. 'J'urnor cut olV tho uouuona ho Intoudod world an emigration began such as had worked nt thoir shop would bo allowed There is something unspeakably tries. It relates only to articles now nuvor slgued any others. I hnvo no apol- to oanool tlioin. Upon thia question, ou tho clans at that lime to prcacrlbe whisky for thoy could not promptly stop iiarbloano advocates of tree trade, to got together busiucBs-Uko inauuor. 1 may have boon ORice to make for uiy conduct lu that Mr. McElroy's chnrpos wore reducible faults. The innlice was oppnrent, and made remarks In his prusoncs calculated all known diaoaaea. One day Mylos Cav.! never boon aeon boforo. Every race was to leavo thom lor a single day undor pathetic about tho lifo of ono to whom free of duty or from which the duty ia out soinoUiiies when McElroy called, but whole Bvidcnoo, whllo fair-ndndud niun & Co. In their criminal attempt, and decide that thoy will tigroo in their mutter, to three proposltlous. Those propositions oven then ho coukl not produce conviiic- to wound a scualtlTunature. This caused nilcht Oduutudu ouo way or the other, we aiiaugh, whoso likou and dialikea are roprcsontod, white, black, brown, yel­ pain of tho most severe punishment. must frequently recur tho, unmatched removed by tbo McKinley bill. It dooa Mi;Elroy knows, and everybody knows were as followa: ini: argument ot the Juatueas of his atti­ MiUan, for that was his name, to como think the evidonco abo'vod clearly that Mr. stories as to its effects. At present thoy who hart dcullngs with tho School for the A I'AllTINO SHOT roil M'cm.ltOY, pretty well known to most Aloiitaulana, low, etc.. In ono chromatic procession. This is how this operation was vailed in rtsponsibility of meeting public audi­ not provide for tho freo admission of In conclusion, I trust my delay lu an­ 1, That Mr. Turner, ns a niember ot tho tude. to me oue night when X was or­ 'J'urnor did not Intoiid to canoel them, but waa taken sick. Tho doctor came, and CHAPTER XVI. aro miles apart.—Chicago Tribune. UliuJ, and certainly tho people who furn­ hoard of control of the Slate Institution dered to send out a part of my command wliotiior hu did or uut tho court find that ho Unhappily, time was wanting for all to mystery so that the most active and ences. His is a joy and sorrow with any article that is produced In the swering the McElroy onsfaUKlit hns not did not ouncci thorn, but gnvo thorn to .Urs. after feeling of hla patlent'a pulse nnd nt WHicn A caowD oif dissatisfied people ished supplies, materials, labor, etc., to for the Blind, abuoed his iiosition by secur- to inarch against a force reported in camp secure safety. .Tho hours woro now sharpest agents of America and Europo which nono intormeddlcth. A ring at A WORD ABOUT HOGS. United States except hides, and does thu nmoiiut of nearly S-IOO.OUO, while discommoded aud dutnluud i^lr,iMcEIroy lu Whut Dunlul L.'icnBO Sayi. 'Turner, aa hu had'a right to do. 'J'hosun- looking wise, said: "You uro p'rol.ty sick, BllEAIC I.VrO TIIE CEI.I. OIP J. T. JIASION. Uetruic. If it has perhaps 1 owe blin nn Intf thu sale ot products uf his oivn Indus­ about SO miles distant, aud asked per­ posud oniicellatlon of Iho coupons is tiio prin­ counted. A few months' notlco would not remove tho protection ot tho tarifl I waa eonnccLod wir.li the iuatltii- trial establiohmcuta, to his own (jreatnain Jlon. Daniel L. Case, now tronaurer of but X think you can imll ihrnugli with tha After this publlo notlco thoro was failed to ponotrato it. It it was finally tho boll may dissipate a thought ho was One Fact Whicli the Free Traders DO upoloijy, ua he snould no doubt have mission to go on the expedition. I said cipal Eiound of Ihe oourt'a dociaiun, and la bo required for tho Chinoso to loavo laws from any product of American tlou, must of uocCKfilty have called nnd prolll. the board oC control ot tho slate blind to him: ".Mlllan, it is Bomothing new tor tholr Tluw of (lie eviiluncu. But tholr right trcutmenl. I rocoinmeud that you nothing loft but to wait for tho coming discovered it must havo boon that tho just catching on his pencil's tip in tho Not isoom to Rumoinbor. been pernilttud to roKUlulo thu politics of aoliool, saya: "Prof. .McElroy's ohurtres take a milk pimoh every halt hour. China, tho Australians Australia, tho often, yet not ono of ilioin, J.lcElroy Mlchl(;an by lundlus to the K0,3d people 3. Tliat .as treasurer of tho luBtltiitlon you to want to go where there is fighting conoluslou neither finds, nor imiillns, nny Sultan modiflod his severe rul.os after preparation ot a speech; a rap at tho The European press abuses tho Mc­ manufacturing industries. • It Is not a Include'!, evnr presunted a properly airniuat Mr. Turner in relation to the mls- unfairness on Mr. Tumor's part. (2) 'Tbo .Mylos smiled pleasantly, but said nothing danger or to run away to tho noutral Siberians Siberia. In somo instances of tho state a sin|;lu day of hla valuable bu need the funds ot the stato suliool in to bo doue." He answered: "1 know tho accomplishment ot tho works, and door may put to flight tho outline of an Kinley tariff bill without stint. The doparturo towards free trade, nor a con- nudiiod vnuobcr duly certilled ns correct hia iirivalo buslucsa, in plain contradic­ UBO ot public fupds nro wholly tal.>e, court parUy plnoo their dcolaiun on the until he was alone with Xi'loweree, who linos, wlioro thoro would bo no danger. tho danger ivas a local ono as soon as by "J. F. iMcElroy, superintendent," but lime. I hnvo no doubt but that back In and can be proven so, item by item. Ho that the men of tbo reglraeat have quea- ground, that wbou HIcltson bought nil iliu that thoro woro traitors and babblers address; the constant coming nnd going Trench papers say it will "ruin" somo ce.ssion to tho humbug "tariff reform" York stale where ho Uvea there nre also tion ot the law. tluuod my courage, and it ia for that'rea- bonds from Vaiidurbllt, ho BU|)po.sed Iio wna was taking cure ot him. "Now Dau," bo. Tho throatenod people woro, in gonoral, tho placo of tho shooting was known, so thai the samu wns promptly paid. 3, That Mr. Tumor, aa a citizen, waa not only chnrKea fraud upon Mr. Turner, said, "tho dootor saya I can got well it t even among nogroos. In this way ot poopio who really must aeo him, ot their manufacturers. Tho Gorman advocatos.—Chicago Journal. ! important matters for hini to regulate, but indirectly implicates Uov. Luce, the Bou I como; I havo alwaya believed that buying all tho past due iiouiions, not paid divided into two classos—"tho poopio tho fright bccamo less general, Somo UliPT OVKn 200 INBlVIOUAt. ACCOUNTS. nnd I would therctuiu hope thnt,ho should immoral, by reason of having al^'iicd the 1 would bo killed the drat time I wont and caueellud. Hut Vandorlillt nuvor bought taUo milk punchea ovory halt hour. Nctyr, who would bo sulldcatod and thoso who Richard W. 'irust, consul at Zanzibar, break into staccato snatches the speech exporters aro saying tho samo thing, bunds of aaloonkuepcrs, u:id Imvluir auditor-general, tho present board, nnd, thu 250 bonds, from which .Mrs. 'I.'uruor's cou­ provinces and ovon somo States began POLITICAL DRIFT. Now, in icffurd to the gross misuse not bo dotnlued on my uccOuut, it what ho alleges is true, everybody who into an ongageiuonl, nnd have not been pons woro out, from Turnor. '.rurnor iiwuod if at any time X don't want ono of theua would bo drownod." This communica­ had received wind of vyhat w.is going on that might havo boon flowing, deep and and tho tree trade press in tho United rented property of his own to persons of you make mo take It." to feel easy again. In a word, except in ol tlio funds beloiiKlns to the Stale Sciiool I uotlco that editorially thu Free Press has handled the mouuy in question able to drive thnt fooling out of my mind. tliom ill .Maroh, 1878; ho sold thoiu to Sngo in tion roused many different suggestions, at ICilioianjat'o, But then at that date, bright. His riches, what ho has, aro States is calling attention to this Eu­ ill repute. At thu samu time, I havu made up my April, 1378; tho unurt llnils, aa Sngo lestillus. tho regions directly threatened, there ISTProtoction supplemented by rec­ for the lilind, X have only to say thnt Iu speaks of tho high ataudiug of thia man was a parly to Its misappropriation, tho mth of SoptembGr, it was too late to like Sojourner Truth's—"in his Idees," ropean sentiment, as it it woro somo- my olllco at thnt liine, no now, tU.uro were jMcElroy. If what ii says la true, I won­ In relation to the first charge Mr. Ale- 'rhun' tho iirstabillly ot his posltiou Is mind to go, be the consequences what that the coupons bad l.lioii buou cat off; and MY r.AiJiJii;'? Ko. which, howovor, all turned into tho was only felt an apprehension ol tho iprocity is tho doctrine upon which tho Elrny iirnduced thu allldiivits ot Hulldur Vandorbllt, inving puroliascd of .Sago, could I stop Prosidoat Barbicano In the accom­ yet thoy aro scattered right and loft, ae thing that should influence us. kept more than 200 ludlvidunl nccounta. der that he has not retired somo of the again shown by thu fact that hu was com- they may bo. I expect to bu killed," Ho notaupposo lo bought what Sage never hnd strongest iind most violent protestations torriblo shock. And during all this next President will bo elected.—Albany Vincent, Slater Douahurty nnd un unsworn then travo mu instructions how to cnm- Waa It up or down, our boat shot out? plishment of ijis design. it they woro of tho smallest conse Why thoso wails trom European man­ Durine tbo time of my liicumboncy ns numerous bank notes o£ tho defunct statumeiit of n coiiverantlun had b}' onu liulled to ludor. and nursed wltu As to the charge that bu is personally "Theyellow lonvoa llonnklo-aoaD, my dear, you needn't bo surprised If Mt. mo a few days ago that tho constant ehow« tho same tlmo that tho difficulty of States, so thoy aay, and so we are' Silver.,.., ,, , IKl. .lames A. Park, belni; duly sworn, doposes Irrelevant aflldavita, tbo mlssilos of defa­ But thrmigh tliem still the eriinaon peep, side nnd half drownod on tho othor. mountainous land Is undor tho sov- Wool, on the froollat.-.-..-OO - Immoral, as showu by thu sisnlng of lluddy drops to stain tho day, Dizzy propoaos nt auy time now, Ing ot gum hns produced wenk minds In creating such a device was not easily Tog chief secret of comfort lies in not bound to bollovo. VVe have commercial and suys tliat ho is u ruildent of idu ulty of mation will prove baomcrungs ot deatruo- anluon bonds and tho luaalui; of premiaea Let no ono be deceived into thinking Clara—But, mother, ho pays mo scnrco- 1-1 cnscs of young girls now under tron"' This was not vory nccoptablo. The orolgnty of Sultan Ball-Ball, whoso peo­ Under the present RopubllrAn Adinlnlstra.^ Iianalnir, where bo lina resided for many No niter lalii-dropa, laying it, comprehensible by tho Inhabitants of suffering trifles to vex us, and in prud­ relations with that country. We sell tton: -,' Uou, it thero is any tangible fabric of to poranns of 111 repute, Mr. Turner ahowa that the comolote overthrow of. tho Mc­ Wiish tho purple trom the einy," ly any nttcntlou. raent, tho conatant movement of the Mediterranean Sea would bo almost ple consist of thirty thousand to forty years: that ho la also tho asscaaor of tho manbooa in tbo fsaall^iit, ently eultivating our undergrowth ot them our surplus grain,. cotton and Wheat....; ...... '...... W 0« . olty of LsushiK. to whloh ofilce bii was most cnnclualvely that he dooa not own Elroy chiirgoa against Mr. Turner will IVlmt F. iai/nrd,-(«Hnrpi;r'a •ilagaitnt/or Fond Mother—True, but look how he Ib raotuh causing too sreat a strain oa the emptied, and thi^ would not bo vory thousand negroes, the world. In reality tho making of a Load,.. .,.... .'...... 4!l(>. ducted In tbo year isad,^ «nil that lie liai Mr, Turner hat'met tho ex-superlntend- tbd'premlsos in question. On the laloon deter the Uemocratlc managers from fur- Octoher. fllrtluR with ine. small plaasurea, since vory few great cottlo. Wo buy of thom manufactured agreeable to tho Frenchmen, Italians, Throo degrees below ia cannon a mUllon times larger than,that Bllvbr ...... i I'CO onsaiAlas! aro lot oB leag li products, and from other countries the Wool,protected,.,.rift epaniardk. Grcie^ Turks and Egyp- aituatod tho chain of Kilimanjaro, which of twonty-sovop oontlmoters was a tion.that will bring him to the county office a Decullar.fldellty and quallflca- tioii; Some time ago he begun tbe seat. ;'v-';;^y^l UiouAHD J. Bullen, study of low III couiieotloii with his The republican nominee- for county Justice business, and on March 12, Oongreu bai at last determined upon a new 1800, wus admitted to the bar in the .pension law which gmnle apenslon ol from SU.. treiisurer, is in the fullest sense an to 112 a inobth to' DIHABLED BOt.TilEItS Ingham county man, having lived his city of Lansing, passing an exception- whether their disability was Inciirrca in thcr ally good examination. His father service or not. SOLDIEUS' WIDOWS AND euliro Ufo of Just n half-ceutury in MINOR CHILDREN, Without regard to tho Ingham county. His porents were and all the family ou his father's side cause oi soldier's death, and PARENTS OF OF HALL & BATES, The tickets of the respective parties the first pernniiieiit settlers of Aurellus were democrats, but the position of SOLDIERS who nre now dependent. : Appli­ are now before us. From them we nro the Idemocratio party on all the groat cations under this head should bo made at. week lower tlian ever, the Tariff Bill township. He Is one of the • most '''•:'•}' '•') to choose the men best able to serve ua questions of. the day soon led Mr. once, We nre still receiving goocls nearly every d.iy^ winter wear thorough and practical farmers In The undersigned has had 10 years' experl- .••if-:f)^;^5;;#.^.;: :.;v;^ for the coming two yeum. We Invite central Michigan, and has lilled many Wheoton to the republican fold where cnco in prosecuting nil manner of penslouH and. invite the nttention of nil close buyers to our large .and well selected jS"6twithstanding! the attention of the piiblio to the positions of honor aud trust. For he cost Ills first and every subsequent and other war claims and oirora his aorvlcctr character und standing of the gentle­ vote. He Is u gentleman of the very to those who wtU be bouonted by thla law. stock of Men% Toutha*, Boys' and Children's Clothing, elftht terms he was supervisor of Aure­ men on the republican ticket. lius, and he has also held other im­ best make-up for circuit court commis­ Sat8, Caps, Men's liivnishing Goods, Gloves, Mittens. HiBAM Rix Jk., portant offloes there. For a time he sioner, nnd will bring lo that ofllce better ability than has been tliere for . 'oftbblvfe;v;:v••^•'^^;•'••^' Cuudidate for representative lu the was chairman uf the board of «iiper- Tbo following will Bhow with what auccesii; We keep on hand at all times a full line of seasonable goods in We clip the following from the Dry Goods Chronicle, a commercial State Lejtisluture from the second dis­ visors, and for several yeors was presi­ years. A vote for liliii Is a voto for the ho has bandlea claims placed in ids hands:. - •.••huidfoc;:a';«:,;:.i-.-..,:,t-..' - trict of lughain county, was born in dent of the Ingham County Agricul­ right man. Chaa.F. Tuxbitry, Insurance agent,Grand every department and it will p.ny you to come and see us when in want paper published in New York City: RapldB, Mich., late Sgt. Co. D, new Urd Mich. • S«-pt. l,ir:X'Si:i/v,^.-,':'. Sharon, Washtenaw comity, October tural Society. He Is and has been for Surveyor and Coroners. Inf., made application for pouBlon 3o.\y H, \ 87U1I, hdf&ia::)• of anything in our line. "The new Tariff Law which went into effect on Monday, the 6th inst., has 17, 18'14. At the age of 5 years he years president and treasurer of tlie The gentlemen running for surveyor 188U, alleging catarrh as the basis for his claim. Pension was granted April 10, IBDO, nine •; tUeli'liq:;!-• '-'.','',' moved with his parents to Leroy, Ing­ Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com­ and coroners are also well known In • ..•rront';'fe^;':'t."^V-,'';v;., tFe will save you money. been the all-absorbing subject of trade discussion during ihe week. Import­ pany of this county. No one has had McKINLEY BILL! months after application; at (17 per month. ham county, where he was at lioirie on the county and are in every wa.y quali­ Loon Spinner, 1200 Ottawn-at., Grand Rapids, > ers and retailers have marked up their goods approaching new prices. There the farm until 18 years of age when he deeper interest in the building up and fied for the positions. Mr. John H. V, Mich,, private Co, P, 10th N. Y; Cav,j upplled til luy.,. ' We aim to please the trade, and it is evident already that our efforts in July SO, 1R80, on account ol rlioumttliam.. ot iMiln is activity everywhere and everywhere a hopeful view is taken of the prospects enlisted, October 22, 1802, as a private inaintalnlng of everything that tends MullettiaayouiiB iiiaii, graduate of the There are many and various bills presented for the conskl- to develop und better the condition of Claim utlowcd Jnn, 22, 1890, six months alter $10,000. thnt direction are appreciated. In Co. D, Cth Mlohlgan Cavalry. They Agricultural college, upright, honest, application, at $10. ' •• of the immediate future." were brigaded with the 1st, 5th nnd 7th his fellows in every capacity. He basal- eration of our " Best Men," but of all the bills the above bill briglit as a dollar and a very competent Mrs. Mary Ai Wise, Grand Rapids, Mlcb., pooplo, v^'-;; • Michigan Cavalry, under Custer, and ways been u republican, and is so well applied Aug. 22, 1887,-for widow's pension as In Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats we have the largest line surveyor. John J. Tuttle is one of the takes the cake for the amount of attention given it by the llniil (.^x;; ,• • • ,, known 09 Custer's Michigan brigade, known that no oue will question his the widow of Henry. L. Wine,. Into major 11th Robber Shoes ^Jwora nneomfintably light, Mich. Cav. Her claim was granted Jan. IJ, :• or tlio iv'V-i ever shown in M.nson, .and in Men's Overco.ats we liave a full line, just gcnoratly lUp oS beginning active service at Gettysburg ability, honesty and lldllity. He Is the fathers of the county, his word a bond, people. -.Lands t--^'--'.:ih,.:<)'--.' his name honoroble.liis life an example lSOO,ate29 per month. ' • THE 'COLCHESTEB" RtBBEB CO. .aud within one week losing every right man in whose hands to put the This bill has put the price higher on some lines of Dry Cnpt. Patrick Kelley, Grand Raplda, late Co. wUlcUi'v'". received, in such staples as Cheviots, Corkscrews, Worsteds, Meltons, Our Goods were bought before the advance, commissioned ofllcer in the company. money. Every man can shout for Bul­ of industry and thrift, und he will do "C' Hlh Mich. Inf., applied Sept. •!, 1S8U. .l).•L.•r./: >•,•-•• of Saginaw. We came here to stay. Our aim is to USE brief, the republican ticltet Is emi­ lowed April IS, 1800, at tl2 per month. For Secretary of state, .and served continuously under Custer candidates, and a iiiaii who Is worthy bills presented to sec how small our bill is as compared with Francis Outchos, Mason. Mich., applied for somo tl YOU WELL. At Retail by and Sheridan until Lee surrendered at nently of and for the people. It bears a widow's pension Dec. 20, 1880. Allowed at roj-'s ei;'.', .! " REV. WASHINGTON GARDNER, of your support for register of deeds. others on the same line of goods. appomatox. The brigade was then sent the names of none but good men. Its f 12 April 28,180O. stltuilq:; V.' of Calhoun, In order to close out our stock of FALL J7N- He wus born at Farnilngton, Oakland Eli S. Buek, Crosby, Kent Co., Mich,, Co. . on Au(t'.',-.,' For State Treasurer, west to fight Indians and Mr. Rix was county, Septenibor 18, 1811, and his election will be no mistake. Wc are makhig some very low prices on all lines and es- "A," 0th Mleh. Cav., applied Sopt. 12; 1680. paRo Ul.y.- • JOSEPH B. MOORE, Hall a Bates. 1>JE(.BIFJS?.4.B wc will continue s.ame prices on BROWN BROS., llnally discharged at Fort Leaven­ has been a life Inured lo toil. He held Allowed March 5,1800. ol Wayne Hurrah for Ulrniii Rix, Jr.! pcci.ally on CLOAEiS and SHAWLS. .In Ladies' Honry J. Halght, Mason, Mich., 21th Mich, •ulsotoi';';;:;' Vor Auditor General. Gents' Heavy Shirts and Drawers, 48 CENTS, worth, lu November, 180.5, as fjuarter- dlflercnt clerkships in mercautlle busi­ \ra* \iv Underwear wc say CANDIDLY don't buy until you have Inf,, applied Aug. 1, 1880. Penalon granted .-:^RON F. QIDDInS* muster sergeant. He came home and ness until August .13, 18132, when he When Mr. Rix waa nominated at May 6,1800. oanicl'l orKalamuauM helped work the homestead until 1871, enlisted as u private In Co. F, 17th Alex. Galloway, aiW .SouHi Blvlsioa n:xcoC-- ' ;ho li'.iii. • . Williamston for the legislature,he ac­ looked at our line. A few men's goods we arc closing out i;ommisaioner of the State i^una umce, FOR ONE WEEK FROM DATE OF THIS NOTICE WE WILL SELL when he married und settled upon a Regt., Michigan Vol. Infty,, better Ulliiiu HaPlde. :!"«>UwJ '.Vf, .««». Clat:^,- attaohi . JOHN G. BERRV, IltsKEiar rAHMEltS AUE INTERESTun. cepted the honor in a )iatriotlc and at much less than you can buy them elsewhere. allowed Moy 21. i*K. V could,!' ;. . LADIES' JERSEY RIBBED MERINO VESTS FOR lot of wild land to which he has since known us the Michlguu Stonewall scholarly address that proved hlin to ol Otsego, It Is not true that American farmers pay more for their implements than doubly added 80 acres aud whieli he has cleared Regiment. He was severly wounded Buffalo Flannels; you know what they arc, the very best - -11 For Attorney Genernl, foreign farmers do. Precisely the reverse is true. Tliey pay less; and this is be oue of the men needed at Lansing Theso are only sample cases nnd aro only a-' •. ^loaded BENJAMIN W. HUaXON, 35 CENTS, PANTS 45 CENTS. up and jiald for and adorned with at the battle of .South Mountain, Mary­ next winter. The Second dlatrlct of lttstl.ii{ . theresultof protection, which has encouraged aud developed the productiou wearing goods on the market to-day. fewof tho largo number of cases Bucceeafully of Tuscola. buildings costing 53,01.0. His life has land, September 14,1802, but remained Ingham county will do itself honor liy prosecuted. shootit . . For Superintendent of Publlo Instruction, ofsiich articles on a large scale at low prices lu the United States. But pro- Remember, these are reduced prices aud for ONE 'been one of very hard work, and some­ in the service of the U. S. until July scndlug him to oar legislative hulls. See thebargains in Millinery to close out. All soiuierit who are uow in rcceiptofa pen- an oj' OBR8CHURTZ, * lectlve legislation has gone still further, and now by the tarlfl bill of 1890 has WEEK ONLY. times poor health, as he has sullered 22, 1803, when lie waa diacharged al sioii 01 icBs tiinn !<12 a month should nppiy lor ' record ' We were ublo to get a part of hla re­ an Increase. Addresa of Eaton, completely defended Amerlcun farm products against competition from the with sciatica ever since returning from Camp Denulson, Ohio, on account of Remnants of Brown Cotton at 3 cents less than regular to tb«;.,, Dming this week wc will cut Canton Elannel marks aud we append them: Member State Board of Education, cheap lands and labor of foreign nations. The following comparisons will be the war yet is not a pensioner. On wounds received in line of duly. On vately' JAMES M. BALLOU, "Geullenieii, no one takes more pride price. F. I. DARLING, Attorney, found interesting nnd conclusive: for 5 cents 2*t}r yard. Wc don't want you to his return from tho war he found his returning from the war lie entered the nnd wl , " of Allegan. (Late l5peolal Examiner Penalon Bureau).- parents In poverty und helped them mercantile business nnd was engaged 111 the jmst record ot the republican Plain Black, m.-ide especially for men's shirts. latlon For Justice of the Supreme Court, DUTIES ON IJtPORTEb FARM PRODUCTS. think this is worth 10 cents per yard; it is worth While r EDWARD CAHILL, out, and all he has done for himself he in that with his brothers at party than I do. Itsacliievementa have •10 Old Houseman Block, of Ingham. been giand indeed. But I also realize, The celebrated Guinea Hen Cloth for L.ndies' Skirts. mo at ' more than wc ask for it however, aud if you want The Greatest Blood PurifierA has done with his own hands since he Kalamazoo, Lansing aud Grand Ledge GRAND RAPIDS, - - MIOll ncwcpo,', , , was 27 years of ago. He has been that no party can safely rest long upon All goods we arc putting out .at very close prices and giv­ COXGUESSIOyAL TICKET. ARTICLE. DE.MOCBA'riO REi-irnLiCAN better we think we can satisfy'. We are well pre­ KNOWN. # . uiilil February 1, 1878, when he pur­ mutlci'i' • Recent Law. - This Great German Mcdlcino Is the#a_ I supervisor of his township and where chased of Dr. Turner the drug business its past laurels. passed':* • MiLt.^ Bill. TahiffofISUO. ing you the opportunity to get your picture enlarged and For Member of Congresa-fitU District, pared to do so. Ichennoatnml baat. lasdoaosof SUL.#5*' he is known the people recognize no he uow owns at Williamston. Inces­ There are grave and Important MAPLE STREET aiid I . WILLIAM BALL, I Piniu BlTTEItS for «1.0O, less titanif 5 questions agitating tlio minds of tho surroui of Livingston. 'ono cent a dose. It will cure tho# better man than Hiram Iti.s-, Jr. He sant study has mado hlni one of the framed for only .$2.50. woretcaaosot Bkln dlaeasoifrom^ is an honored Patron of Industry, able, most competent men in the drug trado people, whicli must bo considered and '(vhlclv' SHEETING, BY THE YARD ORBOLT. Respectfully Yours, . to nu» ,r SEStAT«>ItIAI. TICKET. Barley loe per bushel 10c per bushel aoe por bushel a common pimnlo on Uie faoo^ careful, and upright, and the people of of Micliigaii uud no accident or mis­ discussed. The question of protection Bnekwbeat 10 por cent 10 per cent. ISe per bushel to that awful disease Scrofula./ vcvuus free trade, is being handled In uow th. Corn lOe per bushel One thing more we will sell. Sheeting, yard or this district sliould send him to the take ever occurred at his store; Ho is a M ABKET! bio sho For Stato Sonator, 12tli Senatorial District lOo per bnsliel 15c per bushel SULPHUR BlTTEliS ia the/ a most thorough and satisfactory man­ of.Mlehlgnn, Oats lUe per bushel lOe per bushel loc per bushel best medicine to uso In all, legislature liy a good majority. good practical scholar, writes an excel- D. O. BALL & SON. Till',' Wheat Wc per bushel 200 per buahol bolt, .as long as it lasts, for ner by our party. NORMAN K. POTTER. Butter 250 per buahel cases of sueli stubborn andAVgnr Klil I ent hand, and Is capable of managing •10 per'pound •le per pound Oc per pound deep sented diaoaaca. Do^sSaSr^oStl The question of foreign immigration Our regular $1 Kid Glove for S7 cents. Fresh and Salt Meats of alL In fl ' . Cheese lo per pound •lo per pound Go per pound not ever tako /ofS?de". U?o I Ly.man W. Baker, the register's olllce without any error. annoui Beans 10 per cent, Like every man on the ticket with I.s becoming a serious one. and when kinds. The democrats aro for some reason free 40o per bushel 5 CENTS PER YARD. BLUB PILLS #sulpuurI The man for re|)i'esentative from the A few odd sizes to close at 53 cents. "niulol particularly anxious to get the Indus­ Egga free Ireo hlin, he has been the arcliitect of his we coiisliler that our valuable lands are Hny Si! per ton S2 per lou 5c 1le r doisen ormcroury, thoy nro dead#fi"'Tl=="S. If £ First district of this county, was born Pure Kettle Henderd Lard. rUiR to- trial ticket of this connty ofT tbe track. -1 por ton We display a good line of Bleached and Brown Iv. Place your^S'u8tin#y'>"n»'«' flok.nol own fortune, and, like Messrs. Bates nearly all occupied, aud to a great ex- - leged I - Hops 8c per pound 8c per pound at ilurray, Orleans county, N.Y., Sep- How wondrous kind the democrats do PoliUoes 15o por bushel loo por bushel 150 per pound SULPIIUl/BlTTEKs'Winatte and Rix, when his country needed lent by settlers from foreign lands, and have b 250 por bushel Sheeting. Yes, one thing more we will sell j'ou, .tember 15, 1834. He ciiiiie to Michigan Hams and Bacon, our own Flaxseed, etc 20e nor bushel lUo per bushel tho ptiroat nnd b0Bt#y<"'» "s" I him he imperiled his life in defense of that our penal and reformatory institu­ AS traa feel toward that Industrial ticket! It 3arden seed liOperconl. free •Ml per bushel In 1853, stopping at Koine, Lenawee make. requires some cheek I o ask a party to 20 per cent. that country's honor and the main­ tions are filled up largely with the Elroy ' liieonnnd Hams 2ii por pound 2e per pound 5c per pound county, where he lived for a [lorind of the sto step down and out, but the ilems. are leef, mutton, etc lo per pound le per pound GENTS' HEAVY WOVE SOCKS, 20c. tenance of tho union of tlio States. foreign elements, is It any wonder that Dried Beef and Tripe. Wool, 1st class 10c per pound 20 per pound JwllhnyellowstlckyifDon'twnItuntil yon live years, llien coming to tiio town­ ngrco 1 just the people to exercise it. free lie per pound I auhslnueo? Isj'our#are unablo to walk, or Every vote for liim Is one for Industry thoughtful peojile begin lo see that It is found, Wool, aa class li!o per pound free 12e per pound ship of Alaledon, Ingham county Wool, aa chLss 2y,a por pound I breath foul nnd#aro flat on your back, and integrity, and surely the voice of time to call a halt; to give ua u real tho uif 60 per pound free 1!2 por cent. loffenslvo? Voitr#bHtgotBoinoat once.u' wliero he settled upon a piece of v,'ilt Wc sh.nll keep all kinds of Benies In 1SS3 there were no wire iiiiils pro­ Wool,'ltli class free 50 per cent, the people will eoinnieiid the acllon of from the constant liilhix of tho Ignor­ fortub,, Leal tobacco, stemmed SI per pound latomacli Is 0Ht#wlit curoyou. Sulphur land and cleared It up. He lived tlieie ant, suiierstltious iiiid degraded classes ttboUt duced ill this country. They were 73o per pound fl por pound S2.75 per pound • of order. tTsoif Bitters is the convention that olTei'ud liiiii assis­ in thcirseason. Not stemmed 75e per pound S2 per pound eight years and then moveil to Delhi Colom worth 50.00 per keg. CoiiRi'css levied a •10c per pound tance. from across the ocean, at least until wo All other stemmea 520 per ton •lOc per pound 60 per eenl. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! J 'Bm'Eils/ri>e Invalid's Friend. where he has since resided anil where WRIGHT & BLISS. Dear duty of 52 per keR on tliom, and aceiii'tl- Flux free le per pound can assimilate wliatever of those ele­ Plums and prunes le per pound lmniciIlntolyyThoyoung.thongod and tot- for 10 years lie was in the iiiereiinllle ments we already have on our hands, forSl.I ing to democratic doctrine the price 11 ee 2c per iioiind C^LL AIVI> SEE XJS. EL3IEII S. AVEUV, a'hla 111 iSi III V a''" "^o"" """'c well by business, afterward cxehnngiiig tiuii by education and instruction in the should have gone up to 58. as a matter for a farm in Isabella county. Ho now pjALL GOODS! body o _ here, it may save yourl Who was nominated for prosoculliig diitiea of American citizenship. Until Detrol of fact, Americans began to mnnufiic- Ihls direct legislation in behalf of farmers has been supplemented by the sil­ I -c, ."80it .ha Keinemhes snveil rluiudrcda. what you l operates liolii farms, tho one in Alale­ attorney, ia one of seven boys who ture wire nails, and new mueliiiiery we can raiae up outof their degraded ver bill, the protective etlort of which is already seen iu the advaiice of tlie dy, or^iifoFDou', t waiit hat unOs savel to-morrowd , • don and llie one in Isiiliellu county, were born on a farm one-half mile cundition theiiiillloiisof froedmeii, and and conipelition bus since lowered the u'lces ot the great American staples—nearly 20 cents per bushel on wheat and aud operates them very siicces.sliilly, easloftiie vllliige of Dansville. Ilia FALL GOODS! Tho ' MILLS DEY GOODS GO. |- # Try a Bottle To-day I • a correapondlng luimber of the poor price until you can buy them now for '^t-' "KirreKate to more than 52.30,- making a .speciaty of growing and birlli tiiccurred May 20, ISUO, He tbe on 52.00 per keg. whites of the south. imy e\ 000,000 on these two articles alone, ' m Aro you low-apirlted nnd weak, t handling sheep. The last year he lived attended the village scliool when a boy Jot fiiiirorlng from the oxccssea ofl In Alaledon he was sujiervisor of tluit Why, gentlemen, itseema to mo tliut Mr. 1 In conclusion, the Aiiiericaii farmers, constituting nearly one-half of our ryoiith':' It so, SGLPlIUll BITTERsf and at thu age of IS years began Just received a Full Line of Fall Tbe tl Those distinguished lingual toilers population, luivo at last received the consideration they deservek'e,. Under pro- will euro you. township, and ho lias also enjoyed tlio teaching. After teaching two terms our iiistitutioiia are in danger from a Goods consisting of the Latest that o tectiyo laws tlicy are guaianteed against foreign eoiupetitiou, ant distinction of beluga reiiubllcaii siiper- .'eponderance of the dangerous classes and professional reformers, John M, and they are eii- at Etchella he attended Ann Arbor Sohool Report. a-vaAtVP euros 3Avcr VnmpUtim, and most tbe Sc Potter and Frank Fogg, of Lansing, abled to solUheir crops at fair prices and lo buy their Implemc visorof the intensely democratlo Deliii. high school and then returned to the angeioiis becauau of the powerful Buy bl" ,. . . plemenis und tools Send 3 2-cont stamps to A. P. Oiihyny .t Co., S J Cottiveneaa. At druegista. Prico 85 els. are steering the Patrons of Industry cheaper than they can be bou lit 111 any otiier country in the world. Boston, Mass,, for boat medical work publlshea? During tiie war lie waa oue of the most occupation of teaching wlilcli ho fol- weapon of the ballot wiiieli we place in Tho following are the slandliiga of tbo Bl loyal ciliv.eiis, and when poor liealtii tlieir hands almost as soon as they get the pupils in district Nn. 0, Delhi, for Mel aud Farniei's' Alliance, in Inghaiii FINEST LINE OF loived for live yeara, iiart of tlio time isMooalile Ms in tlie Met would not allow him to enter the army here. And the foreign element is not the month ending October 10: — Mj;- -t; county, and ns a result every county at Walton and Kingsley, Grand Floieiico Balcmaii Uo, Emma Halemnn 03. on muiiy . ofllcer nominated by tho combination To the Vcterniis. t'oiiinioii Coiniell Proceeding.s. he did what he eould nt home. Ic fell Traverse county. While thus en­ the only dangerous one. We liave a Frank nines 07, Qoldle Hancock SO, to him lo twice enroll tlio townslii)) of great host of our own, wielding a bal­ nt uiy i was a deiuoeriit or a greenbaeker, witli IlEAUaUAUTERS [OFFJOIAL.J gaged he began the study of Mnudlo Utmcoek 00, Deo llllllnrd 1)0, Call and see those Nobby any u'lio' the single e.\-ception of ono coroner. It ClUA.Vn AUMY OWrilK UEEi'uiii.in , !- Alaiedoii when Abmliam Lincoln was law and In ISSo entered the lawilepart- lot as [lowerful for good or Ibr evil as is Willie Hancock SO, Wllllo Hoglo 68. .well lis I is as true as gospel thnt nil roads out of lltJ'rLANn, Vt. Augr •2!ltll, 18110. J iMaSON, Out. ly, 1890. calling Ibr ti'oop.s. Personally, he is a meiit of the Uiiiveraily of Michigan the ballot of tlio wisest and purest men Albert Hoglo 00, Ethel Holmes 00, THIBETS, etuio as CoMKADiJS:—The Grand Army of umn upon whose charactei'' there is no In the land. Who, being ignorant and llerlba Lomngwoll 00, Anna Lolt 85, the republican party lead into the Council met and was called to order where he continued iiiilil April, ISS", ior the S ; the llepubiic was never in bettor'con­ s|)ot, is a hard worker, iias u keen iii- unprincipled, easily and willingly be­ iMIlo Pryor 05. Asa Pryor S7, UNDRESSED WORSTEDS Buerllieo democratic cnnip, and republican pat­ by Mayor Murray. Present, Aids. ataiiiiiiig iiigh in hia claaa, when his Elmer Pryor 85. Guy Tliorburn 0.1, dition than at the present time. Its '0 telleel and would make one of tho beat come the tools of demagoguea ami pollt- many tit rons in this county should bo alert or Fverts, Millbury, Peek, .Smitli, Vaii- right liinl), previously kicked by a Mamie Somorvllle 05, Q,. Tlioinnsou 00, slreiigth uud power are coinnieiisurate legislators wo ever aeut to Laiisiii . lleal irlckatei'n, and therein lies our AND CHEVIOTS. sutler 111 their order will be recked on the rocks Slyke and Whitman, horse, became so troubleaomo that Ora Wnrllold 00, Elmer Warlleld 8S, iuBtltutii Willi its numbeia, now nearly one-half FANCY He was iioniliiatcd by aeclaiiiatioii, in amputation v.'iis resorted to and he ia danger. Mnbol Wall 07, .-Vlex Walt 87, of deniuciircy.—St. Johns Kopublican. Minutes of lust meeting road, cor­ mm l)U8iuess iiiiliion Comrades. But its mission is Ilia absence, and now it behooves the now compelled to go through life with KItton Walt02. „, , rected and iipi)i'oved. Tlie standard of Intelligence and I h.ave an Elegant Line of out Boin not complete. Wo are comrades not people to elect him. one cork limb. He had praclieally GERTKuni'i JI, Cross, Teacher. The supreme court last week pro­ lu'inciple must be high, in order to il-eElroy for lei'sonal bonelit to ourselves, but to lltiiaiied the preacrlbed couiae of study who bad nounced tlie new election law and the KEPOUT OF COJIJllTTEI'lS. iiiaije a government 'of tlie people, by Advortlscil Letter Li.st. enable us iiidividuaily the better to do and wna admitted lo the bar in June, SVRUP SCOTCH SUITINGS. Blind, a local option law both constitutionul. EOWIN S. BATI'B, the people and for the |iuople' u great good lo oUiei's who stood at our side in The lluaucocommittee reported back 1SS7, ami in Auaiist of the same year Uhed Bl This is good news for all. While the At the head of the republican county and eiiilurlng success. .Mason. M Ich.. Got. 20. 1800. PURES. CDU.GHS & COLDS VOR 25 if Ihe shock of battle. There are far too the I'ollowliig claims recoiiiiiieiidiiig looaled ill iMasoii where ho ima since Armstrong, Mr. JI. Bnllov, Ralph M, thu nn election law is conceded to be yet im their allowance as follows ; ticket, eandldato Ibr slierid', (irst saw There ia a demand also for more I was many such, not enrolled witli us and practiced iiia prolessloii with line auc- .Munis, Mr. Marry Slllsoii, lleury perfect. It is a step in the riglit diree- D. .Sou til wick, 7 ulglil.s on street S U.lo the liglit in Onondaga county. New atringeiit laws regulating tiio railroad Springer, Ulrum Toinas & Webber, SALVATrON OIL tlon, n, therefore not within the reach of the cess and evident good progress. Ho tioii and will be gladly received by all J. G. Kulley, 1 night special niglit waleli York, 43 years ago. lie came to Jaclc- tralUc. Laws that will protect tho nnoi' (Price only iB cents, SoM by all druggists.) often, y • full beneiits of our order. They lose ataiids higli witii court and bar and la Gormaln, Im SCOTCH PANTINGS justice-loving people. And it is now Octobers „ i.,s3 soii, iSIicliigaii, in 1805, and from there public from extortion, and .see that Inelndo'. the advantage and inspiration of I'rater- "Boss wouldn't blanket him in a gentleiuan of undoubted inlogrity. I'ersouB ealUiig lor the above letters, please Relieves quickly Rheumatism, Heu- nudlied the privilege of those who want a pro­ E. Stanton and men, on slreel 28.70 mos'ed to Stockbrldge in 1807. Twenty ihey carry passongera at reasonable say adv ot tlio t to visit tho sick, to feed the hungry, or •1.00 graces most an excellent ticket. Just Another and moat Important ques­ fttlbWttmeS—Prlca JOCts. Atall (truttal1» out the laws we 'liiivo rather than Swan , Two or three dollars for a S/A Horse as city marslial for ono year. He is Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. TERMS CASH. for tbe, tl) bury the dead comrade. Our badge, A. L. Vandercook, provisions furuislied drop in a vote for E. S. Avery. tion is the demand for tho suppreaalon uiy oilii clamor for other ones. which Grant and Sheridan prized and Chiis. Monroe 2.00 Blanket will make your horso worth more cxacli'y littcd for shoriit of oiir county of organizations or monopolies created Chilblains, Corns, and all Sklu Erup­ kept mi Sherman wears, does not decorate their On motion the report was accepted IN MICHIGAN. and cat less to keep 'warm. and ia making long strides in that and banded together to control tlio tions, and po.sltively cures Piles, or no Duriuir John H. CitASK, THEBTEW TAItlFV A9il> ITSt £!'» ECTIS. breasts as the insignia of honor for their and adopted as follows: Yeas, Aids. direction. When his country needed irlce of products of varloiia kinds, by pay rot)uired. It ia guaranteed to give treinure 5/A Five Mile hclplu the late rebellion he was hardly Candidate for circuit court commis­ perfect satisfaction or money refunded. of thu b- valiant service. Everts, Millbury, Peek, Smith, Vaii- Imitiiig the out-imt, or by destroying The new tarlfl" law has gone into .Slyke and Whitman. old enough lo respond, but he went, sioner, was born Aiigusto, 1840, In Bed­ competition. Price 25 cents yier bos. For sale by H. to llie a . operation. The importers wlio have 5/A Boss Stable ford, Calhoun county and has since every o- No veteran joina the Grand Army of Moved and supported tliai; tho clerk enlisting in tho second N. Y. cavalry And now a word as to our relations M. Williams. Muson. been investing all they could raise in Ask for' lived ill difleront iiarts of Michigan, of any J - theKepublicand enters into its work be iiistrucied to draw order for four 5/A Electric In 1864 and serving under Custer till with other political parties. I bellevo foreign goods must have drawn a long and in Ohio. Ho knows what it ia to they wu in thespiritoftruecomrade-ship, with­ hundred seveniy-dve doilltis In ftivor the close of tho war. Ho helped do the time haa passed if it ever existed, -THE- breath when the hour arrived iie.yond help carve uway the wilderness and It is a hard thing to treat nasal ler, Ml'-, out being lifted to a loftier manhood of Phillip Taylor 10 apjily on contract 5/A Extra Test some hard (ightlng aud came home when political opponents should feel the cro^ which importation under the old law then defend a home after the death of catarrh in cliildren ; but Old Saul's and to the plane of better citizenship. for building cemetery vauit. 30 other styles nt prices to salt every­ with the injuries incident to the ser­ tho least III will toward eacli other, I iiiained must cease. Tliey will try to make -SEE OUR LINE CP- a father whu left him only 13 years of Catarrh Cure la easy to use, safe and We tlierelbre fail in duty if we full to Carried as follows: Yeas. Aids. body. If j'ou oati't get tUcm from your vice, yet he i.s not a pensioner, and all have found many a true and noble man ncnouul' what they can out of the goods import­ age. In December, 1805, ho graduated ellleacious. Sold everywhere for 2oct.». do our utmost to bring all who ollered Everts, Millbury, Peek, .Smitii, Vaii- dealer, write us. he has la what he has earneil. His in the democratic )iiirt.y; men that I duly nu. ed during the past few weeks, but the from Albion Commercial college, then wore pr their lives for Hag and country wilhln Slyke and Whitman. father nnd grandfather were both in knew had the beat iiitereata of tho Is ever ready to serve yon chances are that they have rather over­ our oi'ganuatlon. They all now know the uiilini army, serving iu the Gist N, worked at the carpenter's trade until curreiie • The committee on bonds rejiorled country at heart. A Professional Siirse. best. Kept by thh nee done tlie matter. that such membership cannot infringe Y. iiii'aiitry, and his father was taken entering Olivet college from which he favorably on the bond of John W. Though I dlfler with them greatly In Olio who is thorouglily competent, Not • The entire pack of democratic paners the free exercise of political inclination prisoner at the Wilderness and con- graduated in the full cla.ssical courtc In FeigiLsoii, witli Clement La.Nton and Oheval Chamber Suits, many respects as to the proper course who Is neat tidy and quiet, whose very while !•• has opened, full-throated, on a false or religious faith. lined at Andcrsonvillo. Loyalty was June, 1874, standing second lu a class HERMAN FBAZEL. Wiiliuni II. Hoyt as sureties. lo pursue to promote the best interests touch is medicine, who knows what to was uve scent. They would do better lo keep bred lu Eilwln S,, and with it he of 12. After working at his trade a few Tho Commander-in-Chief llierefoie Moved and siipnorted that the bond of the country, still I can glvo them do, and %ohcn to do it, is a blessing in­ poraliu '. still until they find out what the efFcct Folding Beds, possesses all the ciualitics that go to months ho entered llio law department All Kinds oi Choicest Meats—Fresh umounP- appeals to Posts and comrades to bring e accejjted. Carried as follows: Yeas credit for candor and good intoiitioiis. deed, but so few there aro who fully ofthe tai'id will bo. Their prophecies make up a man resolute iu character, of Michigan University and In March, He always keeps the Very Choicest culd It upon our rolls all worthy veterans of Aids. EVerts, Millbury, Peek, Sniitii, understand,/;ho(«, and are able louse and Salt, Poultry, Fish and Game of dire disaster may come home to llrm in principle and well adapted to 1870, graduated thcrelrom nnd was ad­ I do not feel liko saying, 'come lot BOUi'cu: - : the Union army and navy, who arc VaiiSlykeand Whitman. Parlor. Suits, the requlreinenta, the endorsement of in Season. of all kinds of - . ' roost before long, and they will find the ofllce of slierid. In his experience mitted to tho bar. In April, 1SS3 Mr. us quarrel about It,' but 'come let us In my 1 not their already, und to let none be By C. W. VanSlyke. a medicine by such a person should • of olhu; : thnt hindsight is better Ihuii foresigiit. as nn ollicer he has shown wonderful Chnso became a resident of Lansing reason together." I have found that dropped therefrom for inability to pay men that aro the most rabid and abusive carry weight. They have prac

f If

AS IT NOW STANDS. ••d8p»«r.MDt;^»Wl^^^ mii-is~ "•m^^^'-'W iBureased from The •tmosphoite oonditloM are suob leveled. To 10b tbe treasures from ber SHADOW OP THE CROSSi temple and palace and dethrone tbls THE PRESIDENT. HIlTTBd Bilk Oood*. M the world saw mver before or slnoe. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. LINCOLN'S JMELANOHOLY. M-..l othcrVnWes—, 8,iot., to eent_ t to 15 « dotea and It 4iieen city ot the earth alt nations ^Illc paipttally raanufaotufed from coeoon or It waa not a solar eclipse, auoh as Be Spends a Quiet Mundny Amnng Friend* Bli Sympathatlo Natnra and BU Barly (Oomplota Ust; of Obaaffao^rMad* per cent.; IB per cent.. fymwasli Htlki and 4iot further advanced or Bonnpa by Rev. T. Da Witt Tal- plotted. David taking the throne at rUes, ete., 35 coats ItbH a doien; ll.M to astronomers record 0 tola a ton; lOper cont. Where Jnui Ulad—Oruiadea of tba surrounding hills dlsappoared. 'popidation of Michigan to bo 3,081), after tho rush nnd fatigue of tbo last Out nails nnd spikes, 1 cent a pound; lii cents. Tissue paper, mado up or loose. Scents a pound Darker! Until tho inscription above tbe another siege ot .Terusalom! Mr. Lincoln waa of a peculiarly sympathot- BEARS THIS UARK. and 15 per ennt.; 30 per cent. . Past and Ona to Coma. incroaso 4r>2,SM. week. It was gonorally undorstood W|reDBlls,ato4cent9i4oents, . middle oross become illoglWe. Darkorl The Ass'/rlans under SennBcherib, lo and kindly nature. Theso strong charac­ Spilios, horscshoeMieto., 1810 cents, s oeiitR. Sensitized paper, .'|5 per oont.; 95 por cent. Tho Fourth district is as follows: that nny demonstration would bo . PoUowlnjr Is fflven, » carefuUy-pro- Out inohs, !>>4 and 3^ cents; lili and a cents. Surface coated papora and manufactures Until tho ohln of tho dying Lord falls enslaved nations at bis obariot-wboel, teristics influoncod, vory happily, as it Dr. Tal mage in his third sermon on Counties. J'OU. Inn. distasteful to President Harrison's pared lint of tho tariff chaii;;os. The Plalos, engraved or lithographed, for print- thereof and albums, 3i! per cent,; 35 per cent. having taken two hwndrod thoiMand proved, his ontiro political cnroor. Thoy ing, lift per cent.' (new.provlsTon). Bnvalopos, SO oents per 1,000:85 per cent. his tonr in tho Holy Land took for his upon tho breast, and He 6ok, another' Kent 109,1135 3fl,6M providonco of Ood, was called to moot, no aniallAGHES ecnis. •. . Rundrlea. driven at once to tho rosidonco of his voasol of common clay could possibly have 'Aluminum, crude or alloy, 15 cents a pound; forgot hor cunning." Tho prouuhor said: center from whioh continents have' Mnakogon ;iii,979 l.'l,39!l - iralorom to specifio, wbich accounts for Brtstlea,-iOconts a pound; IA oents. siege! Tho arailea of Ba!l>ylon undoJ' Nowiiygo 20,4118 5,778 eon in-law, Robert McKeo, while Secre­ bocomo tho "choson of tho Lord." Promptly the per cant, being (riven in the figures free. ^ Brushosland brooms, etc., 40 per cent,; IS and I'arnlysis of bis host hand, tho wither- boon touched, and all the world shall Nobnchadnozar some doWn and tako Bronze powder, 12 cents; IS per cent. Ocena 15,584 3.885 tary Tracy wont to the Now-Donison Those acquainted with him from boyhood lot the old law: 30 per cont, ini; ot its muscles und norvos, is hore yet bo moved. Toward this hi'll tho Ottawa ;i5,,'134 2,20s Aluminum in leaf, 8 cents a package; 10per plunder from .loruealomsuckias no othor Hotel and tho rest of the party to other know that early griefs tingod hia whole GRATEFUI COMFORTING. Mark* > Ghemloal flflhadnle. cent.. Peiirl' and sholl buttons, Sli cents a line, but­ invoked it tho author allows to pass out prophots polntcdl forward. Towui-d this St. Josepb 2.5.401 •1,833 ton measuro, and s; per cent.; 3.1 per cent, city ever had to yield, and teai thousand VanBiiren 30,493 'SIS places, After breakfast at the Mu- life with sadness. His partner in tbe Coupcrore, Vi cent: l)'/i cents. Ivory, bono or horn buttons, 60 per cent.; 25 of mind tho grandeurs of tho Holy City bill tbo apostles and martyrs Acetic acid not exceeamg l.MT speclflo Brar- Oldnoppci, I cent; 3ccul.<). of ber oithous trcdigoolt IntoBttbyloni- •Dcoroubo. Koe'' rosidonco tho President at­ grocery busineas at Salem, waa "Undo" per cont. whore onco ho dwelt. .Toromiah, seated pointed backward. To this all NIED8 NO LAUNDBRINO. OAN Bt WIPED OLIAN IN A MOMINT. ,lty,l'/4 cents ttpound ; 8 cAts. » """-fc^T Coarse copper nnd cement, t cent; 3% cents. Sboo buttons, valued at not excoeding 3 cents aa bondage. Loolt'v another siiego! and Tho total population for tho district tended Borvicos at tho First Presby­ Billy Green, ot Tallula, III., who used at EPPS'S COCOA Pig copper, etc., Wi cents; 4 cents. by tho Rivor Euphrates, wroto this lloavon pointed downward. To this night, when tho cuatomors wore fow, to oommoriSiar"' ' " >"""«>: TDe of lessons. which govern the oporatlons of digestion ijnd nu­ KisSnTTrcSL'tsSr" cent. Fire crackers of all kinds (no allowance for and yet I can understand how any ono history, all timo, alt otornit.y, and with or 18.33 per oont. and wasorowdod to the doors. Tho pas­ trition, and br a careful applleatlon of tbo Bne COLLAR IN THE MARKET. tare), 8 conls a pound; 100 per cent. thom. seated triumphamit' in tho flo-mplo, It waa to hia aympathetio ear Lincoln told proportloB of well-nolooted Cocoii. Mr. Bpoi hij Caibonuloof nmmpnla, 1% cents; SO per cent. (lold teat, 13 a package; tl .50. Powder valued ut less than 20 eonts a pound, who has even boon nt .Tcrusalom should, this soono pnintors havo oovorod tho The following aro tho figures for the tor, Rov. M. L, Haines, preached trom Muriuto ofammonlu, H cent; 10 per cent. All ores coiilufning lead, ivi cents a pound on and what thoy could not tako awny, bo­ the story of hia love for Bwoet Ann Rut- provided our brenkfant tublos with a dellontejr Boonts; 6cents. in enthusiasm of soul, cry ont, whothor mightiest canvas, and sculptors cut tho Sixth district: Luko, v., 0. It was Communion Sunday lodge; and ho, in return, ottorod what com­ flavoured boTernge which niny save us many hoBTr nhSvt ?i°fK cent; 90 per cent. the lead (now provision.) causo too hoavy, thojr break up>—tho doctora' bills. It Is by tho judicious u»o of »uch Sheet loadantl shot, 1314 cents; 3 cents. Friction matches, 10 cenls a grass box and 1 Counties. I'op. Inc. and tho President remained through fort he could when poor Ann died, and Lln- Blue yllrlol, 2 oonts; 3 cents. cent por 1,000according to sizo of box; iO per he bo sitting by tbo Euphrates, or the rlohost marblo, and orchestras rolled brazoni sea and tho two wreathed pillars •nicies of diotthat a constitution mar be gradual. Ohlorotorm. IB cents a pound; 50 cents. Mica, S,', por cent.; free. cent. Alger 1,245 1,945 tho service and was detained noarly an coln'a great heart noarly broko. It built up unUI itrong enough to roaftt every ton; • Sulphurlo ether.40 cents: SO ionti Nieltcl oxide or aIlo.y, lOcents; IS cents, Hudson, or tlio Tliainos: "If I forgot their grandest oratorios, and ohurciios Jachim and Boaz. Hariiga 3,03-1 1,310 donor to dlseano. Ilundredsof Bubtlo^nialadlcs are Gold pens, 85 per ccut.: 13 cents a gross. Undressed feathers 10 por cent.; 85 por cent. hour after it was ovor by quiet greet­ "After Ann died," aaya "Uncle" Billy, ' itin " " Nitrous ethor !» cents; abcents; • Glass beads, loose, 10 por oont,; 50 por cent. tboo, O .Tornsalem, may my rijfht hand lifted thoir groatoat doxologics, and Chippewa ll,9l« fl,«08 QJ ofcognoc,fcJ.W;t4. Qulel(»liver, 10 cents a pound: 10 por cent. forgot hor cunning." You seo, it is a lloavon built its'highcsit thrones. Delta 15,110 8,'J08 ings from old friends. After church "on atormy nighta, whon the wind blow the Sllof rum, 13,60:19. Type metal. Hi cents a pound for lend con­ Human hair,unmanufactured, 20 per cent.; Another siiogoof Jorus.»lom, and-Pom- Oogobie 13,181 13.181 properly 80 per cont. city unliico all others for topograby, tor Borvicos tho Prosidont dined with Secre­ rain against tho roof, Ahe 'would set thar in CQLD HEAD tained; SO per cent. Crinoline cloth, 8 cents a squoro yard; 30 per But wo must hasten back to tho city. pey with tho battoring^ams wliltilV a Houghton 3-1.867 13,381 tho grocery, his elbows on hia knoos, hia "SKd'eBlmpIr with boiling water or mllfc Sold » PO? KX cent a ponnit; Block tlu, 4 cents; free unless product of tin history, for aignificnnco, for stylo of Iron 4,139 4,4."» tary Tracy at tho Now Donlson, and in­ only In half.peund tins, by cTrocerB, labelled thut: Extract ot hcmloolt bark, K cent; 80 ner cent eent. There aro atones in this wall which Sol- luindrod- men would roll back and tlit^ni IsloRoyalo 13.5 80 faco in hia handa, and tbo toara runnin' mines In the United Stales In any year prior to Hair for mattresans, 15 por cont.; S.'i per cont. popnlation, for water-works, for ruins, formally rocelvod a large number of MMES EPPS& CO., Homaopathio Choiniili, , RELIEVES INSTANTLY. Qeltttlno, glue and IslnglassT valSe'bolow 7 July 1,189.'i, shall bttvecxceadedS,aM) tons; then onron hnd ilftod. Stop hcT« and soo a at full nm forward would' hang agiliisB Keweenaw 2,802 »t,378 through hia fingers, I hatod to soo him feel centsapouDd, m cents; Iwtween? and SSconts il shall come in froo. Rcnvnr hiils and line hnt bodies, 55 per cent.; for towers, for domes, for raiupiiits, for Luce 2,431 2,431 acquaintances in tho hotel parlors aft­ Unitaiii England. •Poun^aspor cent.; above 30 cents, Ml per 80and .'10 percent. startling proof of tho trutli»of prophecy. tbo wall'of tho city, and cr»tapults hiirl.- Mackinac 7,80,4 4.909 bad, an' I'd say,'Abo don't ory;'an'ho'd cbronomotors, 10 per cont.; 35 por cent. .Tnwfilry, fiO per cent; 25 per cont. literature, for tragedies, niomorable erwards. At 4 o'clock ho wont out for a «•;»• Old law, glue, ao Bcrceat.: ioUlno'fn Pig zinc, 1^ jccnts a pound; I n cents. In Joromiah, tbirty-llrst ehaptor aud ing' tho' rocks upon the pooplo, IkHI; Manltou SCO •474 look up an' Bay 'I can't help it. Bill, the Prerloua atones, sot. 25 por cont; 25 per cent. birthplnccH.for sopulcbers, for conflagra­ Marquette 30,519 14,1,55 drive and was soon no moro in public. rain's a fallin' on hor.' " »ercent.; Isinglass, Munufaeturcs of metal, including aluminum Bollfng and solo leather, 10 prr cont; IS por fortiotb vorso, it is said thaJ Jorusalom twolvo tHoiTstind dead a.td tho nity: Crude |lyccflne, fV oenls; » cents. (new provision), not otherwise provided for, 4B tions and famines, tor rl«tories aad dO' Menomlneo ll'MWO 81,813 Ho took supper with his daughter, Mrs. There aro many who can aympathlzo with , Btuupod In brown and (Told. -ftloi:il,*S .•Sent por ccut.; 40 per cent. cent. sbai'l bo built tiirough tho nsbes. What in tho clutch ot tho Jtoman yvw- Ontonagon 3,T.50 1,lKi JUUnod glycerine, 4V4 oents; 5 cents. Lontlter suitable for conversion Into manu- feats. MoKeo, und retired to-his car onrly in thla ovorpoworlug grief, aa thoy think of a • wo have no agcntii on receipt ot prloii. aRtHn linnif fnr Hi* Hlli iHAVft Indigo pastes or extract, !K cent; 10 ner cent eagle. Eooliv a moro dosporato siege of Schoolcraft 5,798 4,223 Wood and Manufnotures of. faolureil articles shall piiv duty according to ashes, people havo boon- asking? tho evening. loat lovod ono, whon "tho raln'a a fallin' on Bo ozporlcnce reiiulrod. Sulln Itnolf. Ono aRcnt cloarod I3S.0O In ft week. UnHHII DUUIt lln IIIP nULIUHIO. articles (nionded; ,10 per cont. Jorustilomr: Titus with bis tonlhi •Dcereiiso. • foa-iroirii""""' Hewn timber, etc., 10 per cont.; 80 per oont. I am" hore at last in tfeis very Jeru­ Woro' thoso ashes just puli' into tlio ber." What adds poignancy to tbo grief amuu TUU riWlaMj IIM laa «M. Kid glores, $1.7.5 to s.'t,S5 a dozen, according to logion on'Msurtt of Olives and baUisl-S> Tho total population for tho district i Llcorloe, &ii cents; .7 cents. White pine, II a thousand; 12. In e.ttimuting «lze; suedf.M, m ivircent.; Icatliri' gloves, M por prophecy to fill up? No! Iibe moan­ St Louis, Oct. 13.—Tho special train aome timos ia tho thought that tho loat one board measure under this schedule uo doduo- salem .wd on a houso-to'p, just after the arrangod'oni tire principle of tho pondii-' is 1807G'3T. In 1880 tbo population was - piSO'S KEMEDY FOB CATAllBH.-l)est. , Easiest to uso. I Carbonate ol mngnoalo, 4 cents; 5 cents. sent., with Irom SO conta id $1 u dozen addition- ing has been recently discovoBB-d. Je­ bearing Prosidont Harrison und his might havo boon aavod. Calcined mugncsTa, 8 cents; lo ienis. tlon shall bo made on hoard moasuro on ac­ a'l, accordlgff to stj-tft't, provided that all glovca dawn ot' tho morning of Decomlicv 3, 86,410. ^ho incroaso, therefore, has Cheapest.' KoUof Is Inimetliate. A om'o is certuto. I'or count of planing tongue In and grooving; pro- rusalem' is now being built on* in a cer­ lum to swing' great bonldorH against; Fortunate, indeed, la William Johnson, of Cold in tlio Head it has no etiuttb gP'o" salts. 310 cent; itf cents. : represented fo he below their grade shall pay with an oid' inhabitant to point out iho boon 04,308, or 100.01 por oont. party rolled into tliis city promptly at • Tided that in eoBo any foreign country shall Im­ il&n dozoii udVtltional. and that no gloves shall tain direction whoro tho grotvrsd has walls and! toweii» and minors digging,' Corona, L. I., a builder, who writes Juno 38, Morphia, 60 cents un ounce; II. pose an export duty ui>on pine, sprneo, elm or saliont fMi-tinos ot tho sconery. "Now," 0 o'clock a. m., Saturday. Tho trip -A'M,''?.,""'".'""'''^ 60 per cent, or more pay less IhS'n .V) iicT'cent. The old duty on boon submitted to chemical' analysis under the otty,- making gallorics of 1890: "Last February, on returning from othor logs, or upon .stave bolts, shingle wood or th«sB gloves was .50 pe.r cent. I said, "whoro is Mount '/Ao-n'?" "Hero THE POTATO CROP. from iCansas City to St. Louis had boon ' • ^ " «a'h>n; less than 60 po5 heading blocks exported to tho United Slutes and it has Iwon found to bo-tbc ashos beams undetigronnd which, sot^ church ono night, my daughtor complained CATAR R H ad*aw,1''eoSls.''''^P"' Kllscellaneoiiw manulactiires .sho«- a goncrill at your riglvt." "Where is Jlount v\'ithout apodal incidents. LatestJIyles from such country, then tho duty unon the rednctlon of atont 25 psr ceirt. In the various cast out friom tho sacrifices- of tbo on firo, tlnnblod groat mitssos of! It Is Unproendontedly LurRC, nnd High of liaving a pain in hor nnklo. Tho pain Cod llVer oil, 18 cents a gallon; 35 per cent. sawed lumber herein provided for wbcn Im­ Olivet?" '"fti front of whoro you stand." At tho depot horo thoro was tho usual It Is, an Ointment, of which ti small particle is applied to tho ported from such country shall remain Iho ralCT of duties. anciorsttotnple; ashos ot tbo'wooctand bouses andl huiman boings into- Price! Make It Prolltitble. gradually extended until her entire limb Cottonseed oil, 10 cents; 25 cents." Conimon tobneco pipes- of day, IIV cents a huge throng in w.-iiting. Tho President L'ArtOeLaMode. aoetrlU. frlco.COc. Soiabydruaglstsorscntbyinn.ll. Croton oil,30 coma a pound; 60 cents. same as (Ixod by the laws in force prior lo She "Whoro is Wiogaidon of Getljsemano?" ashos of- bones of animals. Thei'O are destruction'.-vud) death. All in taken' Tho potato crop in Northern Michi­ was awoiion and very painful to tho touch. T COLOttEU PLATES. Addresa. li, T, IlAZEi.Tiifa, Warron. Pa. passage of thia act (new provisions). gross; 35 per cer.t. was welcomed by Governor D. R. Fran­ Wo called a physician, wlio after careful ex­ ^''"PPy seed oil. Si cents u gallon: «5 Hattors' plush, 10 per cent.; 2Sper eent. "In yonder valley." "Whoro is- gretit i^iounds-aC ashos, accumulation' of now but tiio-tempiev and Titus (-.ho Con-• gan is ail that could bo desired. In tho ilX THE imaT PIRIB AXO NtW .oents. Poppy seed on free. » Ccdur posts, ties and poles, 30 per cent, afser cis, Mayor Edward A. Noonan and tho amination, pronounced it dlscaso of tho kid­ luua rABUioss. Silk, nnd alpaca umbrellas, SO' percent; .50 Mount Calvary"'-"' lloforc ho answered (juoror wants- tO' savo that unlifurmod,' Travorao Bay region enough potatoes Olive oil, as corns a gallon; 85 per cent. March I, 1891; free. per cent. ,'cpnturi'ja' ot sacrllicos. It has taken local conimitteo. Ho was escorted to a neys of long standing. All wo could do, did 07 Order It of rotir Ko«fl.dfla1cr or Siiwcd cabinel woods, IS-per cent.; 12 a ttaca- I saw it N'o' unprojudicod mind can but a soldier,-ooivtrai-y to orders!, burls • havo boon grown to supply sovoral ieod Sa cuQta fur fabutnumlwr to Unibrollas, etc., covered with other'material, all thoso'thousands o( years todisoover carriage drawn by four horses, iu not seem to bcnoQt hor until ivo tried War­ W. J. MOitSE. Publtohcr, Patents-Pensions-CIa ms. Fish oil, 8 cents n gallon; siS per cent' sund. 45 per cent.; 40 per'cent. ba-vo a inoment's dotibtas to wbcro it is. a torch into tlio tomplo and it is con-' 8J':aBtlUthat„Mew York. Veneers, 20 per cent.; 33 eeu't-s u Ion. what ,Ir;VOmial> meant whon be said: States, while through tho central part which rode also tho Governor, tho ner's Safe Cure; from tho first sho com­ Pino clapboards, 11 a Ihoiiaand; ti. .Slicks for iinibi-cltiis. etc., plain; 3.Tpop cent.; Yondor I soo .f hilD in tho sbapo of a Humod. Many, awangers woro in the ' oPldm.Preparod for smoking, lis a covered, .50 per cont..; ;10 per cent. "Heboid'tbo di»ys shall como, saivhtlio of tho northern district such a crop as mayor and E. O. Stanard. Secre­ menced to improve. When sho commenced PATRICK O'FARRELl, ^^^So^'. ^l: •PmSSl' f " " law proE bltcd Pickets and palings, lOiierecnt.; 20 percent;. human skull, and tie- Biblo says tbat Kity at tho tiinoaiHii ninoty-.sovon 'thou- - taking it sho could not turn over in bod, White pine shingles, 20 cent.s a Ibonsand^: Clhiinges 1.11 the l<°x«i) I.iiill.- Hord, thit tbo' frity shall bo built) to- tho ono this yoar has raroly been gath­ tary Tracy and tbo other mem­ PATTERN FREE. M-.tuu iius rAua tmj oat foumi* •fern'^''m„ loss «bun3 sll olhcrs, .10 cents; old law; 3D cents [or alll In the free list tlio follovjihg chmiBCS arc Calvary wa.s tbo'"p!'aee'i*f a skull." Not t;1'o Lord'ifroni t-Uo- tower ot llanaiioel sand captives 'Woro taikon and ,roaophn3 ered. Last yoar all tho potatoes wanted and could just movo hor hands a littlo, but iKil "poSlld"' """'"""f """•« lti»nXUM, shingles. made: only is it skull'-siiapcdybi'it just Ijonoath says ono tnillton'ono'humdrod tliousand bers ot tho party followed • in victorias, to-day alio ia as well as aho over wns. I bo- Qood Worki Prompt AotloBi unto tbo gato oi tho corner, audi the could havo boon hnd for from 10 to 15 each accompanied by a member ct tbo ZINE, tlio Greatofit of nil MaKuzinoa. ModorftteOharBoa] Advlco GrAt* Bniytes, crude, ll.lS a ton; 10 per cent, Purnltureparlly finished, 35 percent.; SO per' Animaf.'* imported fbr breeding purposes tho forehead ci- tbo IviB is a cavern wholo vaiyoy of tbo dead Ijodios aiul of lay dead. liove I owe tho recovery of my daughter to wo uro cmvblctl to nmlic every one oi Ihi CorrcBpondenco atrlctly con- 31'iSnd* •""onlnetured, J«.72a ton; hi cent a eaut.. must bo of puro blootfof a recognized' breed cents a bushel, tho crop in other parts local committee. Preceded by the cav- our ludy readers a Uniiitsonic present. PATENTS and dul.y registered In 'lIio book ol record catab- that looks 15ko ctyoloss sockets. tli«- ashes."' Tbo people of Jerusalem' its usa" Sugur. But looking^fl'omi tliw liouao-top,'the ot tho country toing largo; but this ah'v depot band, tho line ot carri.igos Oul out ttilH Hllp nml Inclose It (with Blups,.a cents a pound; 20por cent. ILslied for' thut breed. Tlie old' law admiti:ed Within tbo grotto randor it is aro' at this-'vory- timo fiflfilliug- that a t\yo-cent stiuup for relurti poBlojre, JOHN HUNN VOORHEES, I Satin white, M cent a pound; 25 percent. The bouni:.vrot rji cents on all .'sigari^prodiiccty jsneh anim'.ils on proof .'tatisfaetory to the Seo- 3-logo tbat mo.S'tiabsorhB-fds is that of'tlio yoar tho crop being a partial failure moved up Eleventh street, passing tho A LOVER differs from somo medical pre- nnd vour nnmo and iidilress) In w. I ITIBCSEDbr Cnil.- SlOl 0 St, Wadhington, 1>. C. Inth* Unltei* Stales testing above'SOand under tlio sbapo ot tao iuKiiVo of a skull. pi'cpbocy. • One-tondtul of that tmbes- .Iennlni,'H Dciiinrcst, 1& East i-Itti St., DKKN'H ClllL]>U£>. Chipmlum ooloia, m cenls; 25 per cent. iretary of i:hn Ti'iiu-sury; al.so the team-'i of per- jyusadors. En.gJand. a, Isanceesaarypro vision. Sugars ,'ei'ga con 11 tries. abristondoni. v/Mitod to'capturo tho Holy ers aro receiving from 0,5 oonts to 75 lino at tlio sido of tho street; tho Grand return innll a full-fllze jtatlern, lllus- their lives and their beAlth And bolow NO; m Dutch .standard in color are iKl- crucified oulsldo tho g-.iite;. and tSis is to i-'rovo tbo-dlvinitiy of tho Scriptures!: Leader. trnlcd and fiillv dcHcrlbcd, of tlilti CAVEATS, TRADEMARKS, Ochre and umbei;, dry, }i cent; ground in oil, •Wild nnrmiils intended •f6r oxhihitlon Ih'zoo^ Sopulchor and'..Tornsaleiii, then in poa- • cents a bushol dolivored on board the Army posts. Sons of 'Veterans, Western .Taclict (worth SAc). Itcun be made their bapplDCBN to lUdgo'i Food lyi cents, y, and I cent. ' mittedfren; above tbat grade thoy. pay JJ cent Ibgfcal collections for .selnntlllc aml'cducuHon- f onlsido tbo gate, whilo tliO-Hito foomor- Vaxi by tire pliioa-! whoro tbo Conner thfir dally diet in lnftiii«T a pound duty, imdin addition I-IO cent a pound session ol th.ii- Moh.-umjiiedans under cars. Largo shipments of potatoes aro Commorcial Ti'avolor.s' Association, tho Catarrh Can't Be Cnrod tiB a porlVctly plain Jnckci, or ns lltiiii' nBdClilldlioodhavinBlit!<:a ' Send roimh Hkotch nr ohoap modal oC Ultramarine blue, 4'4 cents; 5 cents. stonc'of' tho ancient tomplo was laid'. tratcd. Croaa out with nei cIIthoBlze - IHIdce** FtXHl. Iiy DruffBfKt" invention IMAIKDIATET.V to J. B. Varnishes, gold size or japan, 35 per cent, and shall be eolleeledioni sugars above"Nb. IHcem- admiiti.c?IiK'VP"H''";;.!l"''"°''°'d free. ' P"""'''''"^^^^^ "'"« insldo the' gate.- Uo- She command I of oao- of tbo love- • being mado by rail and water from Loyal Legion and othor organizations. with LOOAi, APPL1CATI0S3, as thoy can not dctilred. BuHt, Sh-i\0, SS, or 40 Inched. Wtillc Dumorc!it*ii QRALLff & CO., WAauiHOTOS.'D: lag from any eoLHitr.v' that pays a greater ex­ sidoa thi>S, tbia sk-ill-biir wti-s for agos tlirn.ytbouKivnd-yoiiOT' ago.hy Solomom roach tho seat of tho diaeaao. Catarrh Is n lA not a Fashion ^fnguzlnc. many suppose tt to bo bccauBo EiriaTUB LI:AD1N(1 POOU INaSccntaim. WOOLRICll •1.33 per gallon ud valorem on spirit varnl3he.£Ka*m Uiot youwnta. n(t^;tly nuluuud In hUu hy llVaKliliiKtoii, It. O. Wash blue, S cents; SO per oont. Sl.ateB between.l.-vnuur;? I, ISDO, and .T-Uniinry I, n'oltliig olot-h to come In'free ntost not be' factor. foot Iwnuath :tbo susanoe. It is fourteen ' Reports to tho Stato I3oard of Health by naU.v, and nets directly on tho blood nnd onnpackafro tH' Dr.AriinuiI'u ' Sucoesafully PROSECUTCB CLAIMS, lims, lo be used-Ill- muk.£ng beet sngar'slm'n not Eiilt.'ubj'e for maim fnot lire Intowearing atipnroll- Summoilan—glooious-Haliidin! Against thoroughfares, until tho Southern I'EDlNE, Uy tiia U miuiiroly llie Principal Bataminor U,, 8, Ponnlon Bureau. Orange mineral, 3!4 eonts; 3 cents. Tbo .Saviour's a.'isnssi'imtvsn luaok foot Isng,' aii'd: throo- foot eight iirahes fifty-seven obsorvors in diHorent parts mucous surfaces. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is scaled.EOc, Pamphl't Frco. Hamplo pitcknKt) AF&lLtiwi tlaayouimt*. duty; abovnNo.2ii, .'{'.M-luOeentsapound; bect which po'Dplo went' "w.agiring Cbeir jjaml; I'liilip Augustus,.Kong of Franco; : ber 4 indicatod tbat typho-malari,-il tho parado from tho Walnut street l)ul- for years, nnd is a regular prescription. It Mereurlal meriiohial preparations, 33 per OIAttoiPwasrc, or llock.s, Is nrarto free-. that tva's-suTTiposedi iso- liavo contained! is composed of tho beat tonics kno^vn, com­ MANAGER WANTED cent.; 60percent. .siigar machinery, CV per cont. Tbe payreveot of Ff-rtclKUs st-nnes other than dlunionda, rough' lis-.-ids," and thoro is the tvnoiont tlior- -Tjincred, llayinond, Godfrey and other ' fevor, inflammation of tho brain, erysip­ cony. At tho conclusion of tho roviow at a Bargain. tho bounty, shall begin. April I, 1801: iirovlilcd orimoiu:. gluzlei-s' nnd engravers' dinmonds nol'- tbo oil of consecration usnd at the-cerc- bined with the best blood purifiers, acting LADm-w^m^Y m Iti oach Stoto to take ciiurtfp of Sartonino and salts containing over 80 ner that in March. 18III, sugars not above No-.'l8 may GTOn'hfaro. I saw at eiiiro,'.3gy-pi!;, a ciii.ay .-/n.ii-ant mon, maTohing.- on through ' elas, measles iind diphthoria increased, tho Prosidont retired to his room for an Beware of Imltatloni. /l • lirunohof ourbuBlnosB. SaliiryelSOpi •cent, of surtonlne, $2.50 a pound; K). setJ; jind- waleir Jiewels aro Incln-ded. mony of-'laying tlio-aoimor-slono. Ybn-< flireotlyon the mucous surfaces. Tho per­ Eighty Acres LAND month. Adrl'B PtjRiTANUttuo Co.,I.ouIbv1I1o,K Caatllo soups, IJicontsa pound; 80 per cent bo i-ellnod andistorodlnibond without pajmirnt l''.-oe'cgTrs ureliinited to thcso ot birds, flsS' mold of that skuUVh-ill.'.nrnd'o' by the i^owrs and pl.aguoS" and; battlo cbiii'gos • and cerobro-apinal meningitis, whoop- hour's rest. fect combination of tho two ingredients ia FOR SALE of- dul.v. dor from" a' depth' of forty teet-i a In Price County. Win. For partloiil«r» apply to ir.'to lO'uents u pound. fions. Wbslo Empross-itolisnn,- eighty O'TOa'saw. Saladiiiv-in'.Ippusalom, hoar- • [decreased in area of provalonco. After a brief lunch the Presidontlal /?»££^^^?^^GirNl5lNE EiTe CUBED. Trial: Bottle and iStryehnine. 40 cenls un ounce; 60 ceuts. free.'. scribed -.vitb tlio wordiK: "'Haggai, tlio son P. J. CnBNET& Co., Props., Toledo, O. ••I I a TrontlEOaont froo by mall. TU0imAi5»ician, and from IhO'W.tlls ot .Tcrua.v - If pooplo could have thoir wislios granted, VvnU,** hy T. UoWltt Talinnffc, 'Mlclun," hy u. V. phosphate'for ol-lVor than fertlliaiiig purposes, ,-^y^^.^ tho 'jJiroo crosses otitlio- IJi&Io ring he refers in.hls-; prophecy, saying; at four places. formally wolcomod to tho Stato and A. N. K.-A 131H Fire brleU. plain, 11.25 a ton; SO per oeut. Cigars, cheroots and cigarette* of all hinds. potmh;- aerdH- and bulbous roo4a. not edible: il' lonvseoing King Richard, afoot, sends more people would bo sont to tho other Waite, and'• Undo Ulck," threo of thuhcHt.ciionpetit; AATUBMA.Bwodlnh Aathma CURE Ifiro brick, glazed, 4.1 per cent.; 20 per cent. •4.50 » pound and 25.par.een».; $2.50 and a; per a-tory. soloobed anotlior sito-a-a.Giilvary, "1 will innkO'tboo-aaia signet." • B'walk. city by Governor Francis nnd Mayor world than would bo called back.—^Atchison ami nioHt rapid HullInK bookn uvor otfored to AeeiitH. sugars uiidror No. 16 Dutch standard, aiKl all >Jimiihoi'.so. "With .alLtho-world look- H«sdrarl«m» wd clrculAr* befurA jrou Uj Ihlapfttirr dimD. WHEN WIIITIKO TO ADVEIlTIBBlm l>IJtAI)K' Tiles, from 25 lo 45 percent.; SR lo tiO por cent. uenl. fornrn-of'siigara-nd molasses bolcir-lhat gnido; . tilt recent travolors r-greo - that: tbO'ono farther on,ifar'uindcrrfronnd, and I'lflnii' Work nf MIchlKun Cnngreasmen. Noonan rospoctively. The President re­ Globe. - Uerc tl thu opportunity of a life timu to mnko momiy Odilri-M. will ninll TliML WWHEU niiQ'Kaso ET llydrau Ic cement, 7 cents per 100 pounds; 90 ng. on, tho arintos. cfi' Hluropo como rapid y. W. K. UIBBLK A 1*0,, I'Qbi., IWCl*rkt)U,ChleiB«. (»LU.VSUtl0TllEKSUItlllCO.,BT.I.OUIB,llU. f NBC aUte that you Mw tbe AdvertlMHOiit I. tkit Acrlniiltnral rrodiiot» and FnivlsloRs. tar and' pitch.- tobacco stems, turpentine; D point ont ls> you was,-witlitoitb dou.bt, mysnlf in.'iSoloiTion's.- s-tablos, and..'soo­ Tho Michigan Congressmen ongl- •VNAHA TUU WAJfMH mmf Nm jm miii*. per eoiit. niekiil'and' nlclto-? mallo. with 8hls proviso: >v!til-iiiis sight o&r ,Torn:salom.. At tho sponded briefly. Tonrltts, arnuic TUis rApra tm tiaiainiiniu. Uracil 6 eonts per lOO pounds; 10 per cent. Horsfls and mules,-JOT'lf valued at over IISO; t'li« set-ne of sho moat- tc-rrilis'.n.nd over­ the plai;es-^worn'-i im iha stone ptllnir.s 30'per oont.. Thatorcs ofnlbUel and nickel mattecontuihlng jtiirsa. gllmpso ot tho city.- tboy full on neorod 04 special pension bills through Among other things he said : Oypsum, ground, II a ton; calcined, 11.85 a morethun' ID''per t-cnt. of copper shall pay a whelming tragedy this-planatiovetrw-it- by tho halters- ofl somo of- bis- Whether on pleasure bent or business, '•ton. Old law, 25 por cent, for all. Cattlo more than'7. years old. $10; lesR t-haal duly or'l'j.oent'a: pound on the copiwr contained' tboii!' faces in revoroncoi and then the House, of which Belknap intro­ "It gives mo pleasure to witness, since my should take on every trip a bottlo of Syrup Common plain earthen or stono ware, 35 per yoar, $24; hogs, $li50; sheep, 7.'> cents and 11,50; iiesaefi. twelvo ihbusa;id'i booseu. FartljiDr-oni'- duced ::o, O'DonnoU 18, Bliss 13, Bur­ last visit to St. Louis, tho evidences of that all other live stocit, SOiJcr cont. Tbe old law Hicrc-in-.' lift a'ntboms cfirppai-'a'. Fouds and of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly nnd ef- >ccnt.; 20 per cent, above ten gallons capacity. look at • tbo-pillars, on which Mount. rows 8, Alton (t, Brower ."i, Cutchoon r>, steady am-l uninterrupted growth which footually on the kidnoya, livor and bowels, Oecoralcd ware ol all kinds, iuuiudlng lava made altaiiiniala diillahlo at 20 per cent. The-jo worn a thonssandl tlrihgin wo liataad among Shbmsislvos. were given The agricultural scheduto eontnins many Moriah wasbu'ilti. You kno-.r-i tlmti Whiting 4, Chlpman 3 and Whooler 3. this great commercial center has made irovcnting fovera, headachea and othor Tff£ tips for burners, OO por cent.; 55 per cent. CATeJHTNG MENHADtNi- w-aretoiil to use that ."jd'day-of Docsm- U'pi and ll!iymo.nd'i asd. Ttuncrod, tbo • since its transit as an Indian Gas retorts, {;ieucta:-25 per cent. ltcm^'0r:sniall iinportunco; the general tendiof tbo mcMitnin'' was- too small -iJor-'tbo- Mr. Stephenson was not called on to In­ ?orma of sickness. tho'ttfaaiige being an lnerea.se on oranges, lem­ beD'arad our iSragoman proposed ithis.arod ibi'ttegest .'ivalEV' omlaraceili whilo the ' trading post on tho Mississippi. No For sale in fiOc and tl.OO botUea by all < Glass bottles, holding from .14 to Vi pint, IVi .aou-IfTli.onoiar th« Mshes WJiro-Takan. tomplo, and so-they bnilt tho mountaiia troduce a single pension bill, and Cap­ eonts a pound; holding less than a pint, 50 ons and llincs. howovortbere Is a dcereasa-of that a.-nd tbo other journoy, .buti I sniJd: 'armijeS' looked ok.i Thfiii 1 tslii. liiittoring- year has boon without its evidence of wonder; loading druggists. cents a gross. Old law—Green and colored about 25 per cent.. at Vfna- HkuI of tbe Seiner outon ijillai'S,'and'ijmw eight tlioKo- tain Allon msido 70 changes In tho Sec­ fill development, of commercoaiid Intercourse' /'ffii'st of all,-show u.-f-iCalviup-yi.-. ,Soino- raiofliB'ttlled, ani'i'!itho oatiipii'lts swung, . LADIES' glass, 1 cent a pound; flint and lime glas.s, 40 Spenhll Wines, Kto. 'Wlien'wolll tO' the windwarti' of - tlio" pillars, oach caUi-StMing onougb-'to boUU ond district post-oflicns and ;i2 old Sol­ You have struck the roots of your commerce A M.tN will toll a lie to get sympathy, and por cent. 'tliiing inight, happen if-wo vjont sise- amttlio swords thrusiJv.and, site carnagu - nnd trude doop into tbe nourishing earth a woman will tell a lie to givo it.—AtchisOn Spirits distilled fcom grain or cordials aet mamon'Wator;. describing a llsliing 01* a moun '.ain.. diers woro appointed postmasters. Decorated flint, lime and pressed glussivaro, specially provided for. J'.'.rfl a gallon; 12. I'aii- iw-b-eco'and E&kncas oc/'aceidenti mighit ragedi. Oodfroy.:-ot. H.ntillonv is tbo first . of this grout fertile land in which you Globe. 10 per cent.; 40 and 45 por cent. podieionog fche'Go.ist, tho captain cried Glass chimneys, etc., 00 par cent.; 40 and 45 tallun llqnoi-3 slialU be subject to tho highest bi-nd'er our 3coing tl-o sacrod; mount. toi'-nofflnt tho irall',:. lundi iJiS' cruaadora, .. have lived, and the branches, the HOME per cent. rate of duty provldeil forthe genuine artlclcw, "•Break awayii!'' .-ind off tho littl6 craftt .f-cic'ifis-on evurx-shoitUler oi."bi-oast, liav--- Shot by iiii Ktii'iiged Ilimbaiid. high braiichoa of your enterprise, are "Tni3 proof of tho pudding is in tho eat­ and In unease less than $2:50a gallon; II lo32. 'Tt. we' soo nothing else,' wo must-soo'&hat, Hore '.'je'enloi'itli'o-niiffliiirjuo of Omar, .t; reuching towurd the sunlight thut shines upon ing of it." How slow wo are to bolieve in Heavy blown glass, 80 por cent.. 40 per cent. Bay nun. $1.50; SI,; provided that It shall'-be starSadi tho mate's mon piilllng'in oriO' and, see it tlmmornir-'Sfi" .Some-of'ja-i'n thi'ono •jbrMcbainiJiGduiniam, whoro wa ingr taken tbo city,. m:ircb. b-iroboaded 1 Dr. KobortK. Muir, a votorinary sur­ Porcelain or opal glassware, 60 per ecut.; 40 direct.'ion'and^tiho captain's in the other;-, you. Slluiited here upon iho Mississippi rivor, wliat wo havo not tried. How many times •per cent. lawful tor the Secretary of the Treasury, In his -uafrJaigos aiui some on- muta-baulc,. •'wo aro mO'!;:'nt i-thc ' dtior' by olllrjiuls wl«). antlibtu-efooted.do wl'.E;t tho'j suppose to., geon of Jackson, wont to tho house ot with a water eommiinieation with the sea havo you read in thla paper of Bhallonbor- discretion, to a^lthorlze the ascertaliinienliol tho snino Lhiis.fallingbetwoQn'thobo.tta' Unpolished cylinder crown and common win­ tbo proof of wlncs,.coi'dlals-and other liquors, weaesoon on, tbo way to tho most snared bring S-SJppGr£..tbat'Wnnist puf .on ha- bo Sliu Holy Sopulcbfir'itral kisstlm,- his fatbor-in-law, Ooorgo Donogol, in .~a communication which thia Government has gor's Antidote for Malaria, and instead of dow glass, from I 3-10 to S'.i cents a pound, ue- testing it, gone to the drug store by moro JOURNAL b.y dlsLlllnlion or otherwise, in eases where !-l;is and jradnally spreading in tho water;. -sps>.t tbat t^i') world has over.; soom or fot'O wtr'tnlic-- a. sfap' fart.ho!';.'lost o'lir- tom'b, JerusLlnm' tiiO' jiossessiou oC.i Union City, in a rage of jo.ilousy, and dertaken to improve and secure, and cording to slw; cents to »% cenls. Impi'iietlcable to ascertain such prool by the Wlie-ai a lUtlo'O-ver 100 yards apart tbO' which I believe will be mado secure by forc9 of habit for your quinine to simply Cylinder and crown glass, polished, 4 lo 40 means proscribed by cxislilig law or regulations ,'ovsT-,7iU see. Comiq?-.: to - tSe-bnao-ot foot polIul'O tho sa-c-.'rud places. A miiu-, chwS'toiulom. lUit aiiladin, retook tlio- fired sovoral .shots at bis wife and ,iamos cents a square foot; 'Jy, to 40 cents. captain wavadi his bands anil then' both- proper legislation and aasistance. fAp- atchup a fruco with diaeaso I The Antl- (new pi'ovl.sloiis). 'tb,9-Mll, we first wonS. insido" tbo slculi attoniHiiiiig' So go. without tbe.sti' cisy,. and for thu lastfaiir hiundred years Byard. Byard was slightly wounded, pluusc] Nor do I know of any reason, oto will cure you. Sold by Druggiats. For the coming Plate glass, obneiirod In any way, shall pay of iKo'bonte-tTiiL'ned at right ajiglos-and'l S samo duty us pollahcd glass unsllvercd (new Sparkling wines, $2 a dozen per half pint'. In '•at -t'lDK-Jcs. Ik is called Jiitremiahi's -grutto, slippo.js-woul'id!be a-ta'iicJk doadi-on tiiO, itb^iabeen i;-t.ipps&essioni of cruel and but his wife was unhurt. Mnir was ar­ why these great lines of railway stretching season, will prove provision). excess of three gallons, $2..'iO a gallon. Old wore rowed- to tlio other oiiil ot thO' fortiboro tht) propbeti-ivroto'iis-boalc ot spot. Thoso awlcwiard sar.dals f\d-; P'l.-libi-ted Mob. tm m ed an ismi!.' rested and will bo examined November from St. Louis to tho Southwest may Coi.T.EOE-niiEi) boys are not alwaya tho Looking glass frames, .'JO por cent.; new duty. rates were, $7. $:i.nll, $1.75.a-dozen bottles. Ale, porter or beer, bottled or juggf-.'I,' 40 maroon water, botwoon :iOO and; 400 foot; ILam'iintaticna. Tht)- grotto--is. thiT-tiy- jiistod?,as.wo!;i»aM vt-o- could, Vtfi' aro lod 7. Ho boliovod that lly.ird and his wife not yet touch great ports of commerce moat auccesal'ul, but Ihe.v genernlly havo a delight to artis­ Cast polished plate glii.fs cylinder eiowu or and deep harbors until they shall be­ Iho moat fun.—Somorvllle Journal. window glas.s, decorated, 10 percent, 'additional cents a gallon \.Xi cents. distant. That point reached, th'o boatss .fl'VO'foot high and Us-top-i'^ntlsida'ar'O to wlis-ro wOiBue a:rock with an opening-, Another c;.ni'»ado is-noedfid to star,t had sustained improper relations. Ginger ale. Ale., imported in plain glass come trunk lines. Wo havo come to regard tic HouseI,\4r>. puted at loss lliuii one Inch ia thickness (new Cntinn 5l»uiif,>otarea.. Shiroo crossos. I snid to my-'.-fniiriily-and Yo•nde^i••:»^a,olll.v.te• of stc.ie wbitb, is- trade—with these railroads from St. Louis Uopublicnn. Artistic provision). was sunk 100 foet to its fall: doptU, oi distreiiS,N. nav- iiicendiarize ono Jlonomineo, 10,(iOil; increase, 7,31.8. Yarn, 1010 48 i^cnls a pound, valued under $1; .i'r.ionds: '"I think hero !.">. whorostood parii.of'U i bridgO' which cncci rotiahod- stretching lo tho deep harbors on the Burr stones. 15 percent.; SO per cent. Even them tho fish somotimes dovo bo- boniestoati.i., A ca'usada-of gospel pr.aeo! Jlarqiiptto, O.OIMi; increase, 4,400. Ne- gulf and coinmiinicating shores — with Paik from indigestion, dyspepsia and too Needlework, Undressed building or monuuicnlul stone, II over $1 a pound, riO|>or eenl; 18 to 25.eents. tbo cross, of tlio i'mponiiont-. burglar, froia-'SIountiMoritub to Moiuit Zlon,.anill oonts a oublo foot; II a ton. Tho duty on cloth Is laid on a basis of 2 cents noath the deep barrier, and moroor loss, And tho orobs ;»gjiini bo lifted on Cal- gauuee, 11,001; incroiise, 2,130. lines of steamships that shall touch hoiirty eating is rolioved at onco by taking and thst'O tbo t:ross -oil tiio mis- ovi.ffi'ltiDavid'WaHced or rcrlo- to prayers, ono of Carter's Littlo Liver Pills immedi­ Embroidery, Dressed, 40 per cent.; 20 per oont. a square yard, not exceeding llft.v threatis to escaped in tbat way. When tho "torn" Tary, not as onc.i,-.aniinstfumont of p^iin, tho ports of South Amorieu und bring the square liieli, and ranges Irein tlinl up lo 10 eroant, aaid bore - botwcorni. l! tihink, in tbo tisinplo-.- Iloro is L-lio waiiing,-- thoir tribiito to you, you shall In nil those ately after dinner. Don't forgot this. Mi.tals, Iron nnd Steel. conls a yard and.^15 per cent.. It rcduetion of vi badi boon dropped tbe mon togantOipnlL but a sig-iial! oti iiwi.tiatiou, ani3.ii tbo Fell Under the Wboola, and the newest Iron ore uontalning not more than 3Vi per stood thii-crosson '.'/iiichaUouf'hiap&sdo- pl'ico of-'Vho iIetW-Sv whoro -Jbr cont'-wios,. things Ilnd an especial Interest, un Interest cent on the lower grades and an tacreuse of yt OH'lines run through tho lower portion: mosque ati Omar.'shalil givo p!aco-to a ' ,Tohn Morrison, a brakonian on tho Unit will be sharccl b.y you as all groat Interests •cent, copper,75 conls a ton; ore containing2,') cents on higher. pond." As t opaned the ninetoonth al.uost perpot'J4Uil!y during;tibiO daytime,, The crab may not bo as pood cntinf? ns creations in pretty percent, or more ot sulphur, froo, except on ofthe not, and soon an immonso' bag church nt£ Ohi-JHt,. tind Mount 55i.3.n be­ Michigan Central, attomptod to 1)oard a are by u Nutloii und pooi>lo of which you uro a the lobster but it does vor,y Avellon a piucli. Cloth containing mixture of silk pn.vs 10 chapter-of .lohn tO'.,road,,. a-. oUi'll blast whole gonoratdons of VJua- .Towa..havo' the copper It contains. No deduction to be oonts and 3J por cont. Ready-made clothing, was. formed, from which tbore vva* no. como tUft-dwelling^pluco not of David train at Bay City, hut foil under the loyal und enterprising part." [Applause.] —Elmira Gazette. things for the made from welgbt ol ore on account of molsl- struck bho hill aiui a cloixd hoviored, tho a';»qd, pntting'hhoir hoad3,ol^ lips r.g»lns!i turo (now provision). 00 percent.; with rubber a component part, 50 possililo ch.ince of o.scapo for tbo men­ but David'-S-iiiord; a.util .lorusaloici.puri­ wheels and bad both logs run ovor and cents a pound, and 50 per cent. Old rates, 35 natunUlsoloranitjr\imprf.-sslngtbo spirit­ t.bO' wiUl: of; what wir,s; onco Solo- Do XOT purge nor weaken the bowels, but house. Forro manganese ana forro silicon iron in and 40 per cont. haden oxcopt by brnivking tbe twine, fied of ail; iis. idolJitrios, and Hiking was fatally Injured. Ilo was aged 35 l''rom tbo Morcbant's Exchange tho ual selomnity. I: rea-il. a. Uittle, but •-jion-'H iomplS'.. It wns ano of tUe-sad^ act speclnlly on tho livor and bllo. A perfect T)igs, 3-10 cents a pound (new provision). Pile fabrics, 10 cenls a yard and 20 per cent.; which thoy woro poworiuBs bo. do,, al­ bao.k the-OhniSfesha' onoo caatouV*. shall years, and had boon "bmployod on tho President and his party woro escorted livor corrector. Cnrtor'a Little Liver Pills. A few of the Round and square iron not less than \ inch old rates, 85 and 40 por cent. broke down, 'i! det.y any emotional lest andl mosli solemn -Jitid impressiisw 'Oross section, flIOccnt a pound; 1 cent. though at times a solid body at fish bo mailO .1. wortbflf typo ot tbate Heav­ road throo weeks. His parents live at to tho Fair grounds, and conducted Hose, 20 cents and 20 per cent, to $'3. and40- Cbrisiiian man sitting upon C'olgotba to scnncj-llov-oa-w-^tnossod to see suoros, Qi special features to Flat iron less than I Inch wide nnd % inch pcr cont. a do'/.cn according lo value; 40 per nearly fifty foot in width,would rush at enly city wblcli Paul styleiii "tlic- London, Ont. 0 through its various doparttuents by Titr. mosquito is a desperately wicited thick, round iron not less than 7-18 incb in di­ road aloud und. with, unbi'okO'U volco, ithoao.descendants ot Abrabaiij, with fellow. It novor rests until it gets "behind cent. once against it. Thon as- much of tho motliori-ot, us-aUi„" and which St. John Governor Francis, Mayor Noonan, tho be found in the ameter und square iron leas than a Inch, 1 cent Cotton cords, 40 per cent.; .ISper cent. or with any vo'.-;o at all;, the- whole of >ears.rollii>g.down tliei^'jcbooks,,;i,nd laps SUurt but Nowny Itoint. the bars."—Puck. a pound; 1 l-IV cents. not as possible was baulod iitto< tbe saw, "tbo "aoly Jloriisaloin descending- rocoptionconimittoo and tho offlcors of Maniifacl-ures not specially provided for, 40 tliat account in.i Luko- nadi .lohn of trcmllling, wiilh omo.'jiOn, a book: ot A Poloslcoy man ran his horso upon Autumn numbers Round Iron less than .7-16 Inch and rolled Iron per cent.; 35 per cent. boats, and Captain Cornell, signaled the outoJiHeaMn twajti Ood." Tbiiough it-s. tho fair. HowMYTnuoATHunTsI Why don't you shape, I l-IOecnls: 18-10 cents. whifh theso son.tonoes are a frag-- i:*salm8- opon before Shorn, bawadillsng tho streets of that village until tho Flax, Hoinp and Jute. ateamor. gates-may w-o aM ontor whon Siur work: On tho return of tho President to tho uso Halo's Honoy of Horohound nnd TnrJ embrace Structural iron, » 10 oont; 1 410 cents. tho riilnisG' tho ancient teiTiplo-and tho Pike's Toothache Drops Curoin ono minute. Plato iron or steol not thinner than No. 10, Hueklcrt llnx, 3 cents a pound; $40 a loo. moat: "Thoy look. Jdsus. and lod bint, is d-jno, asdi in its tomplo, gr.vator than, animal dropped dead. city ho and h's party, Governor Francis valued at leas than 18 cents a pound, y, to SV, Think of it, ]6.'i,000 fish—SSO barrels away, nnd He,, bearing: His cross, wonti captivity-af thoir racs-and crying-hsiCoiI Hackled hemp, 5.'.0 11 ton; $25. all tiio-enrtlUy tomplos pilod in one,, Tho University of Michigan opened and Mayor Noonan, woro ontortainod at A oiRi, should always wear her sleovo cents a pound; abovo 13 cents, 45 per cent,: old Binding twine, manufactured in whole or In 1b what tliero proved to bo, and thoro for- tho. r in- all. its origina,! splondpr.. IMost Pretty Things for Christmas Gifts Forgings of iron or Steele not specially pro­ pound; 9!-', cents. lined' al;ii the roads aroutidiaho Jerusa­ tho history ot tho Institution, At 8 o'clock tho party was driven in News. vided for, 8.1-10 cents, but shall not pay leas Cables, eordage and twine, l!-i to 3 cents; 2'/i terriblij soino, and all struggling to es­ others with Illm, .oii-oltboi;'slde ono, nnd allfeotinia.'rscono! Ami auoh a.pt!ay.i>r as than 45 per oont.; 3V4 cents. . lem; wo- yislfcBd last winton. Thoy had Tho entire firo department of Detroit carriages to tho Exposition buildintr. Maxt a Congressman envies tho mosqui­ to 3>i cents. cape, first in ono diroction and thon in Jesus in t'so midat;!'' '•'llehold liby that,, con-tury after aontury, Ii aua suro Band or scroll Iron, valued at 3 cents a Burlaps not over CO incbcs wide, IJi cents; 30 walked liundrodsol miles nad their leet was called out by a firo in Possolieus At tho ontranco of tho building a hearty to. His bill always goes through.—Scran- From the minds of such versatile decorative writers as Emma Mo'fpett Tyng, -pound or less, 8 Inches wide or less, I to I 3-10 por cent. another. Each monbadeu is about ton mother;" "I thirstv"' "This 'Jay Cibd; vtiDl answer and in same- way tbo Weil ow the way to Jornsulem. Maay Bros.' furniture factory. Tho damago reception was given to tho Prosidont by ton Truth cents a pounil, according to tho thickness; I lo Grain bags of burlap, 2 cents; 40 per cent. inches in length, and it was a mystery Shalt tljou bo with mo iioparSed grandeur will rotiiKn,. o-t somo- Mary C. Hcjngerford, Lina Beard, and Emma M. Hooper, who will give a I 4-10 cents. ' Cotton bagging and gunny cloth, I 6-10 and I w.t themi had spent thoir last farthings to was SIO.OOO. tho immon.so crowd there aaaomblod, h3linK' 'better. I It-okod ovor- tbe shoul­ Best, easiest to use and choapoat. PIso's score of hints to women for making sim;ple but pretty holiday gifts. Hoops or tics, raanulaetured, 8-10 cent ad- 8-10 cents a yard: l'.i and 2 oonls apoundand3 how 16,5,000 of thom occupied a space got tliero, and they hs/i loft som&. of, Romedy for Catarrh. Bydrugglata. SSc. ditlonal; 1 I-IO cent If Iron; It of steel, 45 per and 4 cents a yard. in Paradise;" • "Fathor, foigivo dors-a-f some ot tJWJm and Siw tbat thoy ' Hoos stung four horses to death at to which ho bowed his acknowledg­ not over twonty-five foot square. Thoy I those who started with thom dying or cent. Flax gill netting, etc., 15 cenls a pound and thom; they know, not what thoy •kvore-reading from tho moiri'uful Ps;ilmf'i, May field. ments. Railway bars, 6-10 cent a pound; old rates 35 percent., and20 cents a pound and 40 per aquirmod, floppod and jumped, but all dead by tho roadside. An aged woman, do;" It ic bo possihlo,. tot this onu-.pnss of D»i.vld, while I h avo been told tha..'i Honry Beauregard when passing Aftor repeated calls for a speech from GOLD MEDAI., FABia, 1878. varied from 7-10 cent a pound to 117 a ton. cent.; 95 per cent. thoir ofTorts woro uaoless, and soon, in oxbaiiatod with tho long way, Things to Make for Fairs The duly on tin plato goes Into efteot July 1, Oilcloth valued at 25 cents a square yard or from Mo.'" Wh:-.t sighs, what Hobs,.wbat this ia tho litany which somo ohant: through tho woods noar Ishpeming was tho Proaidcnt Governor Francis arose four or five barrel lots at a timo, thoy bogged hor foUow-pllgrims not 1801; 3 2-10 cenls a pound on manufacturers o( more, 15 cenls nnd 30 per cent.; 40 per cent. tears, w^aat tempcats ot sorrow;.whali mistaken for a boar and shot and introducod tho President, whospoko •W. BAKER & 0O.'S which tin is a part, 53 por cent. It is provldod Vorns. 6 cents a pound valued at less than 13 woro being dumped, via a big bailingf to lot her dio until slio, had that If on October 1. 1807, tho omountof plates cents; over 13 cenls, 45 per cent.; 35 and 40 per net, into tho flsli tank in tho steamej, surging acoans ot ngcsny in thos:».utte!r«. For tho toir.pJo thnt lies dRsolatc, William Olson, of Iron Mountain, was briefly, Aftor tho Prosidont had fin­ By Eva Marie Niles, contains practical suggestions of value to every woman .manufactured In the United States doos not cent. ancea. We sit in solitude nnd mourn; .soon tho Holy City. As sho came to tho ished his spooch ho and his party woro interested in Church Fairs or Festivals. equal for tho preceding year one-third tho im­ —Boston Herald. fatally hurt whilo coupling cars. All manufactures of Hax or hemp not .speci­ For tho palaco that is destroyed. gato of tho city sho oonld not tako nn- escorted through tho building, after portations then the duly shall cease. The old fied or provided for. fiOper cent.; provided that Whil* wo sab. thoro the wholto sceno Tho forthcoming volume of Michigan abaolutelu pure ond rate was I 4-10 cents. until July 1.1891. all such llax of more than ono Wo sit in solitude ami: mourn; . othor stop, but sho waa carried in, and which they wero driven in carriages to camo before us,. All around tiis top xnA For tho wills that are overthrown. farm statistics shows that of tho 138,- it ia aotubte. Steol Ingot billets, saw plates, etc., 410 to|7 hundred 'threads to the square Inch shall pay 35 A Lucky Fellow. thon said; "Now, hold my hoai up till tbe riiilroad station and tlio party loft How to Make Presents cents a pound, occordlng to value; old law, 45 per cent.; old law. 35 and 40 por cent. sides 3ind tiio foot ot tho hi>l a snpib Wo sU in solitude aai mourn; 170 farmers in tho Stato 43 por cont. own Mrs, Sharptongtio (quorulous)—Hore lean look upon Jorusalom," and, her at 10 o'clock for Indianapolia. No Chemicdla por cent, en all valued at less than 4 cenls a Lace embroideries, etc., 00per cent.; 30 and ragos,. Thoy gnash thoir Sootli and For our majesty thatis departed. nn average of thirty-two shoop each. are used In lli preparation. It haa pound; from 3 to 814 cents a pound on higher you aro, earning next to nothings anl head lifted, sho tooi ono 40 por cent. . ... sbaka* their- clonchod fists at hiiu. Wo sit In solitude luul mourn; more Man fJkred timtM tia ttrmgth of vuiuos. Manuractures of jute, ramie, sisal, ete, our old neighbor, Mr. Quickwit, is mak­ For ourgrent men tbat lie dead. look and said: "Now I dio con­ Th 0 Lansing young mon havo organ­ A 1.00 cutter found a bottlo containing Cocoa mixed wlUi Sttrcli, Arrowrool Will be an invaluable article, full of hints, for makers of Christmas gifts. Wire, smallerihaaNo. lOgauge, lii to3cent3 valuedat 5 cents a pound, acents; overScents, ing $10,000 a yoai\ Hor* tho ca'nalry horses cJiamp their' We sit In soliludo and mourn; tent, I have goon it! I havo seen it." ized n syndicate and will givoontortain- •1,000 in gold dust near Sly Park, El or Sui;ar, and U tliorcforo far moie apound; I'/i toScenlB. 40 per cont.; 35 por cent. coonomlcal, mUni leu iXan ma cm There is a way to secure your Christmas Presents FREE. You can earn them bfo article manufactured wholly or In part ol Mr. S.—Lucky follow that Quiokwit. bits and paw tho oarth and. snort For priests who have stumbled, Soir.Q ot us' bofore wo roach the . moots to raiao monoy to go to tho Dorado County, Cal. lie was sawing a a cn>>. It Ii 4cIIcIoui, noutlihlng, lln plate or hoop, bound or scroll Iron or steel Wools and Mnnufaotarei. at tlio smoU of tbo caa-nagCk Yon­ Wo sit In solitucTw and mourns"" Uonvonly Jorusalom may bo aa tirod as world's fair with. itrcngthening, Eaeilt DiauTXD, ;8hull pay n loss duly than the material of Bales of wool shall bo dutiable at the highest He's got a job as traveling salesman, troo down whon ho struck something. and Bdmlrably adapted for invalldt between now and Christmas, witltout spending a penny, . Send for our new Premiiiih which t Is composed (new provision). rate on any class contained therein. The old and is away Irom homo ten ntonths In dor a group ot gamblers aro pitching But whilo atandlinfr thoro on tho that, but angels of mercy will help ua .Tobn Stoves, a saw-Hlor in tho Haw­ Ho could not imagine what tho saw a< woll ai forpcraoci In hcalUi, law made any attempted evasion ot duty pun­ up as to who shall bavo tho coat houso-top that Dooombor .'jflornoon I in, and one gllmpso ot tho tomplo of Catalogue—a thousand articles handsomely illustrated and offered free of coat for Forg ngs of Iron or steel or both combined, ishable by double duty. tho yoar.—N. Y. Weekly. ley saw-mill at Marquette, was run could bo strilcing in tho middle of a ' Sold by Grocers everywhere. 1 810 cents a pound; 8 cents. „ . . ot tho dying Saviour. Thoro are women hoar the crash of tho twonty-tliroo God and tbo Lamb, and ono good look A.Mes, 9 cents; 3VJ cents. When nttcd In Wools of llrst and second olas.sos shall pay 11 ovor by a log carriage and almost in­ troo three feot thick. After tho troo Cluljs, or for part work and a veiy little money; or we sell* them for the lowest nnd 12 (wnls a pound respectively. Tho oldlaw mighty aiogos whioh havo curoo against W. BAXEE & COaOoroheiten Uasa. -whcols they .shall pay the same duly as the 8lie W»s H Summer Girl. almost d»ad with grief among tho crowd. at tho '•'King in His boaiity" will moro stantly killed. Ho loaves a family at was down and an examination mado a ' wlicols; , made tJIvlslons of each class dutiable at 10 and .lorusivlom in tho agos pas*;. Yondor is than eomponaato for ail tho toils and possible prices. .If you do not want to earn them, send for this Catalogue, free. IS cents respectively. „ , Jack—Why are you so cold and indlt- Ills mother and His aunt, and sonio Jluskogon. , bottlo containing $1,000 In gold dust Heavy tools, 9!i cents ;2W cents. tho pool ot Hezokitth avA Siloain, but teark'.aud hoart-breaka of tho pilgrim^ Third class wool and camel's holr, exceeding foronttomo. Amy? and only a fow whose sorrows Ho had comforted and Thn following figures will givo some­ was found in tho center of tho tree. It Boiler lubes, etc, 3Vi cents; «)< and 3 cents. 13 cents value, 50 per cent.; 5 cents n pou nd. again nnd again wore, thoso w^ntors ago, iKl^olujah! Amen! • Shoddy and waste, 20 cents a pound; lOconta. whoso guilt Ho hacl pardoned. Hero a thing of (in idea ot tho'nmountot busi­ was probably put In thoro many years T7/\«e 4St e\r\ ^« "Mil < Bolts, hinges, etc.,a!i eonts; 8Vi cents. weeks ago you told me that 1 was the I'oddonod with buma\» gore. Y''oudor mmib • Yo^Buv ^Mif^ F or q)I.OO FREE, and a Steel card cloth, 60 cents. a;square foot; all Woolon rags, etc., lOcents (new provision). sunshino of your life! man dips a sponge into sour -wine, and, ness transacted at tho Secretary of ago by somo old miner. .othor 25 cents; 45and25 percent.'^ On Ihe various manufactuers of wool In aro tho towors, but again and again very cheap nnd on emir torms, come direct Howard some 4o

V Dr..ex.Raiidall aiid Eldefllast^ CORN,par handred (new) lake, of Dansville, will talk probibltloii OATS^ier busbel .at the town hall 111 White Oak, thin CLOVER 8EED,per busbel week .Wiedueaday eveuhiffl TIMOTHV SEED, per bUBliol., I IJohu Hatch has been havInK Bdine XISOKLLANKOUB. pretty Blok horses lately with dls- SAIjT,Saginaw, per barrel... • temper.^' •:; \'; • BEANS.unplaked, per buaUel POTATOES, per bushel tod this fall IS oy no 111U..U,, Still Wilson, of Lnhelng, Is moving EGGS, fresh, per doion J. W. Lornnger ns "Uncle Dan'l After many days H. H. Small, of LARD, per pound H^JSWS NOTES. ontain a Domocratic majority: but onto the Wlnohel farm In Ingham. Six Grrand Entertainments! Saturday evening. Leslie, gets a pension. Fno( 1 Mrs; Carl Cady of- this place, visited BUTTER, per pound ithcr it will or not., tho apportlon- APPLES, dried, per pound The voters of Vevay will register Candidates call ut the opera hou.se it will bo iniido this winter, by the tbcl A friends at Pine Lake and Xortb Lan- A PHILOSOPHER! CHERRIES, dried, per pound "Uncle Dan'l" at the opera house peril • slug last week. PEACHES, dried, per pound....!.. 1 nnd vote at their new town hall.. Saturday evening for "slips," sont Con^ross, tor Uio very siilllciont over ONIONS, perbnahel m 75. Saturday evening. ion Ihut it is the duty of Congress to Mrs. P. M. Brown, of Leroy, has You Know What Pleases Yon. See S. H. Beeeher'a fail poetry and Gen. Alger and Hon. P. T. VanZIle woni^ I ori's 6ii2ii9r AGRICULTURAL SALT, per ton @6 CO William W. Byers, of Williamston, ;his as soon as may be conveniently istbu beeu^spaudliig a few days In Munlth -TO OPEN WITH- LAND PLASTER, per ton 5 SOffiB 00 Attcua These Political Meetings. . Improve his way-down sales of hard­ speak ut Lansing, October 20. aro li «ud Heurletlu. IiIVK STOCK AND MEATS. gets n new pension. ware. ir the census is luUen. Thoro is a so ra Isaac Swan and wife, of Dansvllle, CATTLE, per 100 pounds 2 60®8 OO Miss Lena Trayer, of Bronson, is tcsf|iiorlo poculiarl.Y liourbonish in shad The streetcomml.sslonerls Improving Just were quite surprised Saturday, October HOGS, per 100 pounds 3 Mas 75 If on. BI. N. Brcner. B street with gravel. H. J. Halght visited his aged mother visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sayers. 3 position that iVie llopiiblir.ans must you 8. H. Beecher Wants Money PORK, dressed, per 100 pounds @ri oC and other relatives in Lenawee county 14, to see their children aud grand HAMS, per pound s® B Holt Friday evening. October 21. Thlrt.y-elght Leslie people heard vo Uin Democrats itU tho political ad bent children coming to visit-them and to The heavy rains tend to the Injury recently. His Misfortune Your Advantage. CHICKENS, per pound, dressed (a> oD Dansvllle, Saturday, 3 o'clock p. M., Oct. 25, Laura Dainty at Mason 'Pucsday even- ntagu possiblu in apportioninfr Knpre- let the old folks know It Was their LAURA DAINTY CHICKENS, per pound, alive @, fl Hon. Mllo D. Cninitbell. of the corn stalks and also delay husk wai^all &nd see our new, all-wool, TUUKEYS, per pound, uHve a fi Ing. S. A. Bowdlsli drives un Otsego road Ing. ntiilives in Congrnss for thn next ten youj fiftieth wedding day. After a good To get it he will sell the best of BBOAD-OAST SEEDERS, Ciinn. V. llnminond. wagon which Is about as neat as any­ and seamless Hose, supper, provided by the friends, the old DUCKS, per pound, nllve 0® 1: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Main, of Brook->ais. Ilisiory fails to show any in- OCTOBER 21, 1890. NEW STYLE CORN-CUTTERS, TABLE CUTLERY, DUCKS, per pound, dressed @ 10 Town hall, Okemos, Friday Eve., Octobrr 21. The teachers of this county should thing in Its line—cheap, too. couple were each presented with a pair nCII,DIKO BfATKBtAL. Hon. Hiirton Vnrker. observe the notice to them in another lyn, spent Sunday with the family ofancoof tlio kind in Domocralic annals, n|ONLY 26 CENTS A PAIR. . of gold sp'ecfncles. COOK STOVES AND HEATINQ STOVES, WATER LIME, per barrel @l S- Hau.WIIIinmnnll. column. Aureliiis Lodge, No, 258,1. O. G. T., Lorenzo Main here. swovui. was represented nt the Grand Lodge at , , f ^, , In point of fad thoro is no way of get- „r°Ex'imine our Table Linens and CM. Potter baa .Juke DaUin's new at Astonishingly Lew Prices. CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel... ®2 5 Onondaga village. Monday Evo October 27. Iiouae ready for the masons and will Season Tickets on sale at E. Culver's, $1.50; loc extra for Reserved LIME, per barrel @ 75 Stockbrldge, Tuesday evening, October Si. Miss Gnssie Jessop as "Clip," a Lansing this week by E, M. Sanders, General Samuel F. Cury. of Ohio,P .,^,,,,,1 „ through unri Towels. Be sure and see the PLASTERING HAIR, per bushel @ 8C character, at the opera house .Saturday Jobn Marshall, and Mr. aud Mrs. A. speaks at the court house to-morrow'"'•;.'"'', >,„ ,,"„„„,i„ Sou commence' work on Curtis Shcpard's •Scat. Gcnemladmission, 50 cents; Reserved Scats, 75 cents. . SHINGLES, per thouaaud 1 00iS4 OC II.R.PlttUnKlil. Towel we sell for only Tuesday. C. M. is a hustler. LATH, per >floet 1 00®6 D Alaiedon Town Hnll Monday Eve •;Pet.27. evening. Grinnell. PVPiilnir for IliA rnlH •apportioiiincnl, it it ho houostly .md Henry Lttutls and family have gone Dnnkerhlll Ceuler, Wednesday Eve., Oct. 20. evening foi the democrats, ^^i^i^ ^ u„pi,blican The course.comprises: Laura Diiinty, Dr. James Hcdley, Harvard Quar­ i^UAKDIAN SALE. Hy virtue of a llcciiao, to White Gate town hall, Thursday Eve., Oct. 80. Pomoroy VanRIper, of Onondaga, Is It will be colder weather than this The Republican, of Lellie, says that jni'io.ss. Tbo Domocratio anxiety is I 10 CENTS. to Jackson for a few days' vacation.' TM HIS Fil uiFoF HARDWARE VTinc grnnted, on the 21st day of April, A. D, becoming useful in that vicinity as a when tho best of bargains are not found Who got left at the "Mum" party tette, R. J. Burdette, Ariel-Thomas Co, Corporal' Tanner. No sea­ burglars took 5400 from Scott Tice, of ^.^ f.^^t that iliu cunaus shows ISUO, by Q. A. Smith, Judge of Probuto of tho veterinary, at Mills Dry Goods Go's. Their lul- Onondaga, last Friday night. at tliu Uopnbllcan States liavo ,-I.l. CliirMcllJliuiord present. There is one to lake place Intelli}>enco was received here Sun­ believei . The prosecuting attormjy ^lo I.'ll. mill III iTilrniluciiou, S. O. Russel is still (.'oiillned to tho 1 r n ol !.i post on south side of sec H T 1 N of r . law. Oflico ovei Farmers' Hank. returning from North Carolina. His subject will be "Heroes and day morning of the deatli of Joo Taylor. All goods delivered in Mason FREE OP CHARGE. E on looking into the matter promptU . ,,,„ ,,„„,„,.,i ;•'•.• " .vr-i-'nr-o.-jn,t-Ijoi.il. ,vi-H-lli l in-ridritEU next week. house. 2 w liiglmm county, Mich., cast !iO r. Untlre Hcioisin" instead of "Sunny ,Siue of r-o.*J III fiii-li locnllly. Diphtheria is reported on the Wixsoii lenEtli 3,'li) r, Irom station 0 to st 12 to be Ict.froin. GEORGE F. DAY, dismissed the case. present ropreaonlailon of losove..t <:•.• •>•.:•', J'-.l':;,.- ,i-(-.;."vj fCuilytho iiily 11,03a 0 ivho wrila Misses Ina E. Scoville, Lottie Kim­ Farmers who have beans anil clover A second-hand. Art Garland coal Life" as announced, he having given ,.. ' • 1, '-J .•• ••.'il-','- .-»" |.-t-. ill niii;Hi-i>n niakIII: e ,iuu of swamp. St 28 10 61 SO to bu let, branch A from »t 0 to 8 to TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Slalua, llio nunilier of full r-alios lo •:'.-1 '^•.-\-IJ:-.,'-31' ,1.. .•lii.ni-ft All.voiil ball, Lottie Post and B. Frank Scoville seed out are complaining of too much be let, tbo bal of said drain Is constructed. Said stove, just as good as now, lor sale tlic latter here once before. He is a Tlie annual meeting of the Woinan's ii,uy -ivould liountilloa under this II linvwlodoin were entertained at the parlors of Mrs. Mr. William Smith has moved on wet weather. H. C. RANSOM, Job will bo let by flections. Tho section at tbo law. Offlce over First National bant. clieap. Also a small wood heating " "•'^f-'-i -"jci '• "• - 0ou1 r ifooil. lo AMason, Mioli. master lecturer. Foreign MLssioiiary .Society, Lansing'i^i,, uillio ' CraulionCrnulions iiaa excess of full rill—.vour nt'iBliIiori Grant Carter last Friday night. the farm lately occupied by the War- M. L. Campbell is getting liis rooms outlet of tho drain will be let tirst, and thu re- .stove. Enquire at News olllco. •' " . ; .' '-••f •-••rf-'-?7? " ,,11..iiroiinilyi .nll-voumi 'J'ho Iie- i^^A Fine Passenger Elevator. Jackson, Mich. mnining sections In their order up stronni, In District, will be held at the M. E. cf till, iiilvirli.i-nitftit Edward Kimball lias purchased a ringtons. We welcome bim among us. on the cast side of Main street ready P.EED. ATTORNEY.VrLAW. OFFICE The county clerk lias a sullicieiit ratios, aud Uio number ot P.cprosenla- • • .111:111 i-iiil i>r llmtiile- accordance with tbo diagram now ou lliu with Lightning liilled nine good sheep church, North Lansing October full-blood Durham cow valued at SoO. John Warrington will soil bis stock for a new stock of drug.^i. till! other papers pietnining to snld drain, In tho . in Itayner block over City Bakery. number of copies of the decision of 29 and 30. Pastors and Brethren tlvusou llio basis proposed: II orit TcllUCUll to olllcoof tbe township clerk, to which roforcnco L for.'V. f. Barber last Saturday af eriioon. S. Neal Scoviilo and Grant Carter and tools at the same placo on Tuesday, Mrs. Teeple, of Pinckney, was visit­ tlic supieniB court on ilie new election Tiie North Laiis- ri-fitiU rroiKifed may be bad by all parties Interested, and bids They were found lying under a tree in a re cord i a 1 ly i n vi ted. r/ru'f- I'itll Frac- rriii't^' have sold their apples for 92,50 per Chas. Davis who lately met with -Ti}^:: -{otcii eclipae will bo made and rwcelvcd accordingly. Con-- VJIYHICrANd. law and the opinion of llio attorney ing her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. John ing ladies desire to entertain a large lUiss Alice Green, last year a pi'o- ' .It'll. I.iilii. Il I.r. -..-niiKl.iltmblinijuilolo- barrel. such a serious accident is as comfort­ tructs will bu made with the lowest rosponslblo tlie ))astiire. Insured in the Mutual. general to supply each voting precinct Slgler, last week. bidder .giving adequate security for the per­ ~~J;"pYcugUS(3N, f.r. D., Physician nnd delegation. licieni teacher in Jhison schools, is to I. I. .•ii-.v iru-iii-rv. \Vii ,vlll iilsosjioiv voulioivyou Election is the next thing on tlie able as could be expected. .X)vcxiiisb fron? sigf^t, r . Surgeon, Mason. Olllco over P. O., 8010 Last week's New.s contained just with live cojiies. It ia a full explana­ be married to-diiy. -'-.i .- 10 II 'In;.- Ill Ifiirtf. Inini Ih. .turc.wllh- formance of tho woric, in a sum then and tliero A. Jt,; 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 V. >l. -"iiy • '.'.•^l.-i' ivHr-ji-.l, oiiL-f. W.. iiiiytilloxiiroi. clmrgot. program, and then follows soar beads Mr. Geo. Wood returned to Gales- Easily answered.—If a strong man. to bo llxed by mu, reserving to myself tho right what the pooplo were asUinj;: for—a tion and all sliuuld be informed. D. O. Ball & iSon request those en­ to reject any and all bids, •I'lio date for tho com­ i.l;:; 1 .'.co., lio--tK«4i, rouii.A.\ii,buiitk. and empty pockets. Such is life. burg 111. last Friday. who has frequently suflered pain, V%n^NTA*CLAU5§QAP S. H. CULVER, M. D., complete statement of the cliiingo in titled to enlarged piutures to bring tliu All teachers are requested to attend pletion of such contract, and the terms of pay. The jiopiilar elocutionist, Laura John Talbot was calling on friends grows impatient and rebellious, how inent therefor, shall bo nnuouncud at the timo rjHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON. OFFICE the laritl. Tl is what you want lo pre­ cojiy as soon as i)o.ssible. They have the meeting of the Reading Circle at '' 'I'o Iliirnciiicii. yesterday. much more impatient sliould be the .-Apcec.Fs \ri its n^igf2t' aud place of letting. P over L. C Webb'-s Clothing Store. Mason. serve. Dainty, iii.ore tlian pleased a large been urged to extend the time again as fliason next Saturday, On and alter January 1st, 1801, the service Dansvllle. Michigan. audionec at the opci'ii Ilouse Tuesday some are not quite ready and oilier.-^ feo lor CloUilor will bo .ifty dollars, William Mr, Harrison Bolfe and daughter baby who does not know wbatsufl'er- Notice l9 furtliur hereby given, that at the time Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Blukslee wel­ II. Clauk IH. Son. Samuel Binding, Mrs. A. M. Hall Mary, now Mrs. Keller, and her hus­ iiig means. For the pains of colic, nnd placo of said lotting, or at such other time Rotrister your name so you can vole. evening. She relied solely uiioii her wish to make Christmas presents. and j)laco thereafter to w'lilch I, the Drain Com­ D. GREEN. M. D., HOMEOPATHIST, Your board of registration will nioclon peisoimliiy and not upon eosluiiics to comed a line little daughter yesterday. and Mrs. Frank Owen started Tuesday band, were calling on friends and teething, etc.. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup . Oinco In Polar lilock, up-stalrs. Ro.sl- Will say next week whether tiiiic is Nftltio Up. missioner aforesaid, may adjourn the snmo, iho G tlie Siiturdny preceding election iiiid if please the people, and their hearty Sliu weighs nearly 10 pounds. for Kansas to visit Dick and Charles relatives tlieotli. Mr. and Mrs. Keller is the sovereign remedy. Price 25 cts. ussesBiuuiit for betiullts aud thu lands coinprlseil deneo lUst door cast of P^-csbytcrlan Cluircb^. exieiideil or not. * All notes and accounts due must bo paid on Binding. They will be absent four within the "Thorn Driiiu Special Assessment you :iro noriiow regi.siered you slioiild cncorci told how tiiey appreciated lier. The teachers of the schools who or befdro November 1, or they will bo left for will soon move to tbe far west. .^>-^ . M^"w.irOOT, M. D., Boss clieese and crackers. A. L. weeks. District," will bu subject to review. f be Ihere. worked Willi aiisses Stone and Green collecllon. L. U. Wuiin, the clolhler. .Harry Freshour is trying to enjoy His Ignorance Cost Mo $150.00! The following Is a description of the Hovcral nHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Cull at Hoyt Bros', and examine, Vandukcook. 5Stf Mrs. B. L. Dayton was in Greenville tlie whooping cough. Frank Freshour tracts or parcels of land constituting thu special JT Uour.i from ono to two, and from six to Tbe ri'Kiiliir iiiecling 01 tlio La'dies their sloeU before you buy. u8sv2 last year unite in sending iiand'^ome IteiitlNlrjr. Monday and Tuesday. is recovering from an attack of it. I was sick alied for three months. assessment district ofsald drain, vu: South V. seven!'. BI. Missionary Society of thu llaptist In (loiiseipieiice of ihu new tarill'the presents to them. Best tooth. 87.50; tilling, 60c up; extracting A. Deiismore bought Mrs. E. Bice's Tlie doctor said I liad Prolapsus Uteri, ofswH sec II; nj^ofswj^ sec II; »wY. of sol J This droll Now England character which gain aro Alabama, MisaourI'l. l •Chase's carriage repository, Price 50c. For sale bv Longyear in every case, when used for any aflec- west olRhty (80) rodH, nil In tho course of tlio money to loan. ^ ^ come. Members of the order are earn­ ing Industry, prudent economy and Bahkbu lil: CO., Mason. Tiio W, C, T. U. meet at tlie Baptist Duo from oilier Nntlonal bunks 5,il0 00 and his companions in the play, Now .lorsoy and Texas, ono each, aniid^ l Burglars broke into R. J. Dotys meat Bros. * tlon of Throat, Lungs or Cliest, such south brnnch ofl bo Willow Creek Drnin ol which Uanklng-lionso liiriillnro, mul ll.-c- ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL Es­ estly requested to be present at7 o'clock goudmaiiageincntof adear, good wife." market last Friday night and took be­ church at 2:30 i'. m., October 15. Mrs. as Consumptiort, Inllnmnmtioii of tills Is n ro-conslructlon. Totnl length of driiln created many a hearty laugh in the Arkansas two. Ohio and Virginia each A|>||I(!N! four hundred nnd four (lUil) rods; and thiitat Uircs 2,50n 00 tate Agent, John Ddnsbaok. to elect olllcers for the ensuing Well, she shall go right along with tween $-Z and $3. Joel Kayword's Bowerman is expected to bo present Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma,Whooping Ciirroiil ccpenscs ami laxea puUl «1U !);» M him to the legislature aud continue the audience, who listened attentively lose ono. This biU would resuU in Wo have a large unraber of barrels thai we thnttimo I will lelconlnictsfor thoroconstrncilon Clicoksnnd otborcn.sli Itonis ajo oil (juarter. with good apples.. VanOsxkand .store was-also entered and a box of and give some advice and the good Howlt >Vas! Cougii, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant of snld drnln bv sections, to tbe lowest respon­ LARK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, proprietor. gooil work. tliroughout. Tlie jiarts were all well oloctoral collego of 442 members, andgig'^',;",','" -IBtf sible bidder or bidders. Also mUe noUcc thr»t Hills ol other banks ;i5S OU Bcstone dollar a day house In the city. Just received at Brown Rros'.lO cases taken and well rendered.—William­ cigars taken. resulting from tlie order. At the battle of Gettysburg I was and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, Fniolloiiul paper cnrroiicy, nickels C would roquiru '-J'-^'J olectorul votes U • 1 will Iheii nnd tbcie, nt tlio time of tho lottlni; more of those elegant calf boots at5i2.00 The best tea in town. Hoyt Bros. w2 ston Enterprise, Wcare to be favored W. H. Remington has bought the Mrs. Maud McArthur and daughter shot througii the left leg and was sent and can always be depended upon. ot such conlrncts, be present to review nil nssossl and ceiit.s 5 xi M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, 1 . 'l'..l.„^,^ in I lllndn 'I'd! ThoiiwiiHl I»«M«rH Slioeic. .- 3,2,17 -jo and ¥2.50, sold at $3,00 and ?3.5() by with llio same at Rayner opera house olocl.-1 olodo (O.) Ulado^ November 1, 1800, All note»nnd Mrs. Crook house and lot. Kittle, of Charlotte, are visiting her to tho hospital. The army surgeons Trial bottles free nt H. ISI. Williams' niontof benellts upon the binds upon which snld . makes collections. At Formers' Bank. The democrats of tliis vioiiiity are drain Is to bo constructed, aud nseossed for the Legal tciKlor notes oou 00 other dealers. 5Stf next Saturdoy evening. NOVEMBER AUGURIES. accounts due must bo paid before that date. Omer Cady has moved his family to grandfather, Col. E. Walker and her relieved me but pronounced my case Drug Store. 1 llodemptlon t'liiul with U. S. trea.s- circulating a little tract headed "Hayes L. C. WKnu, tho clothier. conBlrnotlon thereof. llTY BAKEBY.-FRESH BREAD, PIES on the Tarl/I" which tells an absolute Stockbaidge. He has a job as jlretnan. many friends in Oliemos. incurable. It discharged pieces of urcr (S per com. of circulation) C73 00 and cakes. Mason, Mich. At the usual hour, at .Uawley school New Valencia raisins, very line. A. Tho Kcpuhlli'iiii Vnr'y Indoraod lu Fiv E, Hudson, of St. Johns, preached IJntod nt Aiiroilus, this flttcenlli day of October, c falsehood. Ex-President Hayes pro­ Nettle (J|>. Tho prohibition speeches by Rev. J. bone, and for years I have suflered PENSIONS PENSIONS! J A.D.lSilO. • . 't'olal S 00,185 7S house, next Sunday, some of tho mem­ L. Vandercook. 68tf Widely Scpunited Sliiton. ^ _ _ _ W. Reld aud A.Z.Partrldge last Thurs­ at tbe Baptist church last .Sabbath EECH & SON, proprietors of ^l^2rl\r\S^ bers of the community will read papers nounces it a fabrication and denies All notes nnd uccnunts due must be paid on with a running sore. I tried every­ Both the old and the new pension TlIEODOnU STRATTON, •I.IAHII,ITIES. foundry and raaohlneshops. Repairing. Williamston physicians held a post Since the Kopublicnn policy in ro or before Nbvoiiiijerl, or they wTlfbo'left for day afternoon drew out a small crowd morning and evening. thing which my limited means would Township Drain Oommlsslonerfortho towunblp B and discuss the Sunday school lesson, tliat lie ever said or thought whai it laws are with nie, nnd all those now of Aurellus, In the county of InRbani, 58w2 Capital stock paid In S."iOJ)00 01) attributes to Ulm, declaring that he mortem exanihiatlon of the remains of speottotho '"•'iff luul Federal controlcoUeo"""- L. O, WKniit thoolotlilflr. rtakiiig In consideration the promi­ Ella Feltou, of Grand Lodge, spent allow, and experienced no relief until Surplus I'lind 10,000 00 and one week from next Sunday entitled to pensions under either law SllCttltU fllt.ll l,\\v..n .... thoroughly endorses the McKinley C. R. Backus last Wednesday nnd jjfifi'uuTe7mis-jn'in'iW/i'Wt"ah'a'i;iv1i{ftiti"a" nence of the speakers. Saturday and Sunday at Fred Well- I tried Sulphur Bitters. I nm now al­ UnillvidotI prollts 2,001 23 D another song service will be held there, Lniiib nniUH. mans. can be assisted by an ex-soldier and NallonnI bank notes outstanding... l-'i.OOO CO led by Prof. Qulley. bill, This is only another example of found that he died of neuralgia of the Gregor's. 5f.tf I have a few choice Shropshire and Hanip- George Long has bouglit the old saw most well and shall continue their use. Individual (.Icposllssublcctloclieck heart. Funeral services were held at vhlro ram lambs for sale at living prices. Mrs, Elizabeth Phillips of this place, citizen of Mason, to their best advan- lU.SIO 93 what the democracy will do when JTllll. —Old Soldier. 57 Demand coitlilcatea ofileposlt (1,310 (I'J Tlie best stock of chidren's oil-grain the residence on Friday at 10 o'clock A.I.BAKBKlt, 57tl and Isaac N. Stamp, of Williamston, toge. I know tlie interests of each cornered and of what we may expect State Epwoi'tli Lcngiio Convention. George Jessop is here on a visit. We Time coitlUoatos of deposit 1,000 00 JV\IGHI6MC1^B^ school shoes, worth two pairs of any A. M., conducted by Rev. Austin, of were married tho 7th of this month. veteran and will treat all nuoo the from now till after election, , Crnue'ii «oI28 2.^flli are well known nnd can be trusted by bundled Michigan Leagues. Mrs. Christopher Overacker.and will AZ.S SMS the above Improvement is worth more years of age. Application papera and When Huiitliigtdn & Neely WuriiCd -V ) Stale o/MicMoan, Counlu oj Jnaham, s.v ' everybody. It is also conceded that take possession this fall. ' tlmn It costs to both farmer and mer­ instruotloiia should be requested of tho out at Bath, J. A. Bullen, a sytnpathl* WANTED. I, ,T. M. Dresser, cashier of the nbovo named James L. Fuller, who will be found nt Excursion Itatcs. A small boy of Freeman Harkness "He who steals my purse steals Dank, do solemnly awoar that tho above chant. United Slates Civil .Service. Commis­ zer lu the evapnrator'buHiueiis, geneo' -AT THE- the newl.y purchased elevator, is the sion, nt.Washington D. C. The M. C. R, R. will give the follow­ ously drew his check for $100 to help fell from nn nnplo tree last Saturdoy trash;" but he who; wantonly purloins SlS^riSf:'^^'"" ^°.}!'fv,?°CiS^ffi'i»e?.«° right man there nnd will look well to LOCAL OR The large, elegant line of ladies' and ing excursion rates: _ • tbeni out. "Kow Bullen bns bhrneu ' and broke hili^rin at the wrist. my bottle of Salvation O 1, steals some- the Interests of the producers of this Farmers are very busy at present thl Ing that enriches him indeed and i.t^"di?fi???ct:i?oor°''"'° T^^'^'V gents' beaver and fleece-lined goods are Another lot of thoso nobby Irish November 13, Grand Bnpida and re­ out at Holt and Huntiiigtonjk Neely community. return the compliment with n ohook gatheriug their apples, and a belter leaves me bankrupt, a viclim to aches A. J. II.M.1,11.M.I,, Notary Public, ,J,,i .T ,, c 1 great indnccments to the public, at Preize overcoats received this week nt turn nt tbe rate ot one faro with 2S cents tosollonr Nnrscry Stock. Snlnry E.\ponses Mason,Ingham County, Michigan. (A^- S.f of.tbe same alze. . crop in general than was expected. E. and pains, a sorrowing, woeful citizen, and Sternly Employmentgunrantood. Correct—Attest!^"ioA ___J " h y,Ly^' NKWS OFFICE. Cash paid for produce. Hoyt Bros. Brown Bros'. 58tf Hall & Bates'. 59tf added, good returning on the'14tU. A. JDeCamp has about 150 barrels, for until I can slowly creep to the nearest CHASK liBOTHERS COHPANV. L. 0. WciM}, drugstore. * John U. DW;!»ei,«E»'V>Wrcc(0)-si , ivhloh bo gets 92.76 per barrel. octildoo p Rochostor, N. Y, D. P. Whitmore