VOL. xv. NO. 8. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1889. WHOLE NO. 739. served on her. This Sawyer denied and MORE SMALL-POX. His Excellency, The Governor. AKRESTED FOR FRAUD. 6aid that he would produce her if Whit- man would agree not to serve another at- Two More Cases Reported on Sunday. On Monday evening from 8 toll, a recep- MACK & SCHMID Disease Contracted from Bedding. MBS. FRIEND, WH. E. HOWARD, tachment on her property. This was tion was given by Hon. A. J. Sawyer at HAVE OPJ.SKK CP THE MRS. HOWARD, O. A. HAMSTEAD agreed to, aud Sawyer wrote a letter to his residence on Monrce St., in honor of AND GEORfiE HALSTEAB. Wm. Huck, Mrs. Friend's uncle, telling Two more cases of small-pox were re- Gov. Cyrus G. Luce and his wife, who him to have Mrs. Friend open a window ported to the health officer on Sunday, the came from Lansing that day for the pur- and accept the papers that were served pose of attending trie reception. Notwith- Sensational Developments and Sur- upin her. victims being two young children of a Mrs. prlses in the Snsnr Refining standing the inclemency of the weather, The officers that arrested the party Whitney, a wash-woman, who lives on about two hundred guests were present. Francis.—All the parties Arrest- were not aware that there any warrants the corner of 5th and Madison sts. The SPRING SEASOF Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer received iheir guests ed.—Xen Criminal and Civil to be served until the moment they necessary precautions were at once adopted in the parlor, where efter an introduction WITH SEW AND CHOICE STYLES II* Suits Begun against the were ready to start for Milan. They sup- to Gov. Lice and his handsome wife, they "Wash Goods. Sateens, Embroideries, Wool Dress Goods and Dress Principals and Others. posed that they were going to serve the and everything done to prevent any fur- TrimmiDgs. In fact new things in every department. ther spread of the disease if possible. passed on into the rear rooms, where civil papers only. Arriving at Milan, Hangsterter served light refreshments. Mrs. Friend, according to her instructions The Electric Sue;ar Refining company The only exposure to which the children The Cnequamegons furni:-hed music for SATEENS. from her attorney, raised the window and have known to be subjected was so slight the occasion. A most enjoyable time was The choicest styles ever broupht to Ann Arbor. Our iOo Sateens In frauds, which made euch a stir in this vi- Sheriff Dwyer served the papers in the the sama designs aa the French Goods. Our 12 l-2c Sateens are wide- civil suit. As he finished, deputy Suther- and in such a roundabout manner that it had. cinity a short time ago and in which a hardly seems possible they could have and fine quality, having the appearance of French Imported Sateens. number of prominent citizens of Wash- land jumped through the open window Among those present were President and Our 25c, 30c, 353 Imported Sateens in 30 different designs, making and arrested Mrs. Friend and George contracted the disease in this manner. the best assortment Ann Arbor has seen. tenaw county were charged with being Mrs. Angell, Judge and Mrs. Cooley, Sec- Halstead before they had time to recover Before being taken down with the small- retary and Mrs. Wad*, Prof, and Mrs. G. We open 30 pieces New Styles of Toil Du Nord and Seersuckers'. implicated, were brought up again on from their surprise. Mr. and Mrs. How- pox, Mr. Talley. the Alpha Delta Phi stu- S. Morris, Hon. W. W.Williams and wife. Cotton Dress Goods in the newest and most popular designs. Saturday in a way that was not pltasant ard were arrested at their house and Orin dent, roomed at the house of Secretary Prof, and Mrs. J. C. Knowlton, Dr. and Halstead was captured a short time there- Wadp, on Monroe St., but had not slept EMBROIDERIES to the Friend side of the case. after. Alter given the prisoners time to Mrs. V. C. Vau«han, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. The first surprise was in the fhape of a pack a few necessaries, the party started there for a couple of nights previous. OQ Herdman, Prof, and Mrs. W. S. Perry, Just open and ready for inspection. The most elegant line we ever had. the Monday that Talley was taken down, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jacobs, Mr and Mr<>. Embroideries, Flouncings and Novelties at the lowest possible prices bill in chancery which Chas. R. Whitman, on the drive back to Ann Arbor, arriving bought direct from the most extensive Swiss Manufacturers. attorney for the Electric Sugar Refining here at 11:30 that night. The prisoners Mrs. Wade changed the bedding in his O. L Robinson, J. E. Beal and mother, E. H. Scott and wife, Rev. Dr. Eurp, Rev. Co., deposited with the county clerk on were placed in jail and their attorneys room and put it in the wash, and Mr.". notified. Whitney being at Mrs. Wade's house, Cirman, Philip Bach, H. S. Dean, A. L. WOOL DRESS GOODS Saturday. The bill had been filed on the Noble, J. J. R>bwon and wife, J. F. In every new weave end Color. All the latest Novelties in Fancy 13tb, but was allowed to remain in the Messrs. Sawyer and Knowlton immedi- washed these clothes together with the Lawrenc3, Judge Kinne, Mrs. C. J. Kiut- Stripes, Checks and Plaids. Spring Shades in Henrietta Cloths from office only long enough to get the clerk's ately proceeded to get out a writ of ha- family washing. Talley's disease was not ner, Miss Ktiowlton, MUs Goodrich. 25c to 82 OO per yard. Mixed and plain colors of all Wool double- filing, as an object was to keep the affair beas corpus for Mis. Friend so that the pronounced small pox until after the width Suitings at 25c per yard in all the popular Spring Shades. secret until another matter was disposed New York detectives, who arrived in Ann washing had been done. The children Marriage Licenses. New things in Persian, Braid and Tinsel Dress Trimmings. Novel of. The bill is against Olive E. Friend Arbor on Sunday, could Dot spirit the were not near the house and the only ex- ties in Ribbons, Buttons etc. CLOAKS of all kinds at 40c to 60c on a dollar. and Wm. E. Howard as defendants, and prisoners off to New 'Xork without a bear- planation is that Mrs. Whitney carried the ing, the writ being made returnable on Charles Bell, DeJter 28 Emily Howard, Orin A. Halstead, Emily Monday morning at ten o'ctacfc, but the germs in her clothes. Maggie Darling, Fostoria, Canada 17 ZMZ-A.OIK: & SOHMID. Habtead, George Halstead, W. D. Harri- attorneys not being ready for argument, The announcement that these children Oren Lind-ley, York 21 maD, Emxet F. Pyle, Mell. Barnes, Wal- the case was adjourned until the same had the small-pox creatod quite a commo- Mary Hearl, London 18 ton J. Barnes and Wm. H. Hack, as co- hour on Tuesday. Writs of habeas cor- tion in the first ward school, which they W. D. Saunders. Ann Arbor 24 defendants, all the parties excepting W. pus were also obtained for the other four both attended. They had been to school Eliza Grace Seabolt, Ann Arbor 2,1 D. Harrimarj, being residents of Milan. j prisoners and they were made returnable as usual on Friday and even then com- John S. Mann, Ann Arbor town 47 EVERYTHING GOES IN DRY GOODS I The bill Sv-t forth that Olive E. Friend I at the same time that the Friend writ was. plained of not feeling well. Every paient Libbie Smalley, Ciinton S8 T should see that their children are vacci Lester A. Bailey. Saline 21 arid W m. Howard had obtained money On Tuesday morning the habeas corpus cas- And it is no we have placed es were called butan adjournment was had nated at once. The two Whitney children Mary Schuh. Bridgewater 22 wonder when you on the balance of by false representations, conspiracy, fraud until next Monday morning at ten o'clock are doirg well and are having light cases Wright's Myrrh T >oth Soap gives pear- see the our Winter Stoci. and embezzlement from the Elecric Sugar LOW PRICES to give the attorneys time to prepare their they ha^in? been vaccinated last week. ly white teeth, purifies the breath, pre- Refining Co., and that their money had cases, and they will probab y be finally vents teeth from decay. Sold by all been invested by them in lands, houses, The Winter has been Against l«. and What is Oar Lass is Yonr ftain disposed of at that time. The prisoners To Attend the Banquet. druggists. household furniture, and in fact, that all are still in the county jail and will remain ALSO SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on evorything for this month only. Prices talk. Call the property which these defendants are there. OCR 23 (ii.M COLUMM. . and we will convince you that NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. The following have handed their names Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, possessed of has been purchased with The management of the case anJ the and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be money obtained in a fraudulent manner to the president of the Washtenaw county inserted three weeks lor 25 cents. Remember our great sale of Mnslin Underwear, Skirts. Drawers, Chemises. All for 25c each. arrest of the entire party reflects great Come quick if you want any. from the Electric Sugar Refining Co. credit upon C. R. Whitman, who has had republican club and signified their inten- tion of attending the annual banquet ol WANTED. it in charge. The obtaining of the in- 18 S. MAIN ST., Ann Arbor The bill further asserts that after the dictments and requisitions in such the Michigan club, which will be held in ANTED—To rent a house with 5 or 6 rooms, , GOODYEAR & ST. JAMES, sugar refining frauds had become known prominent case without allowing the Wconvenient to the Court House Square. Ap- to the public, the defendants mortgaged , in the Lamed street rink, to-mor- ply toJ^C. Miller at this office. matter to become public, v* as an under- row evening. Ann Arbor:—Wm. N. Ste- and deeded away their real estate and per- taking of no small dimensions. It had to FIRST-CLASS Book keeper will keep a set of sonal property without consideration and vens, H. S. Dean, J. E. Beal, E. H. Scott, J Books while attending college. Price reason- be done carefully. Everything possible Aable. The best reierence can be given. Address for the pirpose of defrauding the com- was done to throw the Friend side and T. Jacobs, Dr. W. B. Smith, Dr. W. F box 934. pany. Mortgagee were given to W. D. their attorneys off the track in regard to Breakey, Dr. J. C. Wood, C. E. Mutschel, ANTJSD—By a student, a position in which Harriman, E. F. Pyle, W. H. Hack and proposed criminal proceedings, with what Chas W. Wagner, E. K. Frueauff, Ed W I can pay for my board while attending others the bill state?, without any con- school. Address Box 931, Ann Arbor, Mich. success the arrests have proved. Coiterill, Eberbach, John Q. A. Sessions, A. J. Saw- Good referencesreferences. WM. ARNOLD, Watch-Maker and Jeweler sideration being given in exchange. They who has been here ever since the collapse also allege that the deed given by Wm. E. yer, J. E. Sumner, Fred. S. Hubbard, E. C. ANTED—A man and wife to room and of the company, left for New York as Worden, Frank Wood, M. C. Le Beau, H W board. Also workingmun. 51 South Divis 36 MAIN STREET, Howard to his wife, Emily Howard, was though he had given up all hope. It had ion-st. without consideration. The bill asserts been a difficult case, and reflec's great Woodward, G. H. Pond, W. J. Booth, G. ANTED—Place to work for board and go to that this was a conspiracy to defraud the credit on Whitman, who h*s managed it A. Gilbert. wschool by a steady young man. Address box Electric Sugar Refinery Co. Has received a new line of Non-Magnetic Gold and from the beginning. He was the happiett Ypsilanti:—Dr. F. K. Owen, Dr. W. H, 1546 The bill prays the court to set aside OST.—REWARD—For recovery of Silk Um- man in the city at the success of his plans, Hall, J. B. Wortley, W. M. Osband, C. brella, lettered on inside G. Kittredge, 25 Silver Watches for exact service ; also the latest in these mortgages and deeds, declaring while his opponents on the case, Sawyer Spencer, J. C. Beraiss, B. D. Loomis, W. SoutL h Division St., a liberal reward will be given. them null and void, as they were given & Knowlton, were rather cist down for H. Sweet, H. D. Platt. Elgin and Waltham Gold Watches, 0 and 1 size, after the fraud had become known: It the same reason. Chelsea:—Rev. Thos. Holmes, C. H. FOR SALE. also as-ks that the court compel Olive E. Kempf, Wm. Judson, G. J. Crowell, W. J. Friend and W. E. Howard to convey The criminal cases against the entire ILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS FOR SALE. the smallest American Watches made; also the party who are claimed to be implicated in Knapp, A. W. Wilkinson, J. L. Gilbert, J. M Extra bargains if sold soon. Address M. E. their titles in all of their property to the A. Palmer, Burk Spencer, F. P. Glazier, Munyon, Kalkaska, Mich., Box 74. Kent reason- Electric Sugar Refinery Co. on the ground the fraud?, will be pushed to the extreme able. newest Oxidizes in and Bright Silver Jewelry. limit. Whitman's orders from the com- H. S. Holmes, E. L. Nagus, E. G. Hoag. that their property had been purchased EW MILCH COW FOR SALE— A 1, nve years pany were to save what he could of tbe Manchester:—A. F. Freeman, Frank old and fit for a Regent. Price S1U. C. A!.. with money fraudulently obtained from Spafard, John Nes'ell N the Electric Sugar Refining Co. and in a property for the company, but above all Osgood, 3 miies south of city. lieu of which the company now wants the to punish the criminals. The crowd took Dexter:—John Claflin. 'OR SALE,—The Barton House and Barn. A property. their arrest philosophically, Howard ap Milan:—Dr. E. F. Pyle. F bargain- Thomas Phillips, Ypsilanti, Mich. parently feeling his position the most Superior—M. W. Manly. 1889. 1889 A. temporary injunction was issued by OUSE AND LOT FOR S ALE—House new, six keenly. The members of the Washtenaw county H rooms aud pantry; good Well, Cistern ,Cellar, Dress Goods, Judge Kinne restraining the defendants of Republican club will meet at the Bruns- and Woodnouse. Pleasant location on Brooks st, disposing of any of this property. one lot from Miller Ave. Terms reasonable. Ad- LOOK OTTT Death of Louise M. Richards. wick house, Detroit, at 10 o'clock in the dress P. O. box ViQi, Ann Arbor, Mich. The second surprise in the case came forenoon, for the purpose of electing three fOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM.— -FOB- Trimmings, Saturday night in the shape of a telephone delegates to the national convention ol House and 24 City Lots.—Apply 48 South message from Milan stating that sheriff The citizens were surprised and grieved Republican clubs which meets at Baltimore Mait n St., Ann Arbor. Dwyer, and deputy sheriffs Sutherland and on Saturday to learn of the sudden death on Feb. 28 ;h. |T>ARM FOR SALE—A first class farm of 85 Brenner had just arrested Mrs. Olive E. of Louise M. Richards, which occurred -F acres. 2^ miles south of Ann Arbor. Build- Friend, Wm. E. Howard, Emily Howard, ings and fences in good condition. For further Gloves, Hosi- at the residence of her mother, Mrs. O. The Choral Union in the past has been inlormalion inquire on the premises. L. H. Moses. Orin A. Hulstead and George Halstead, instrumental in producing many of the and had lefi that place with their prisoners P. Williams, at 5 o'clock that morning. EACH BLOCK Stove Wood, J2.00 per cord NEW GOODS! She was a woman of remarkable strong great master works of musical art. It B (Green); 16-ln. Diop postal. Box 1420, city; for Ann Arbor. goes without saying that it has thereby This report was verified by C. R. Whit- constitution and had been sick only a few ARM FOR SALE—The farm known as the -AT- ery, Carpets, conferred a great blessing on the commu- Grant T. Perry farm of 200 Acres of tlrst-cla&s man, attorney for the Electric Sugar Re- days, her death being caused by abces3 of nity. To deny this is to deny the influ- Fland, situated in ihe township of Lodi. Inquire fining company, who gave a history of the the brain. ence of music as an elevating, refining of Comstock F. Hill, Administrator. criminal proceedings in the case. Mr. and educational factor in our life. We OR SALE—Fruit Farm. 19 acres, at Ann Ar- Mats, Mat- Whitman went to New York in January Miss Richards was born in Ireland and are pleased to learn that it now proposes F bor. Michigan, for sale at a bargain. Only and took charge of the case at that end of reason for selling is unable to tend to it. Choicest WINES & WORDEN'S, came to Ann Arbor with her parents to give another concert, presenting a pro- land, highest cultivation. 11 acres in raspberries the line. Officers of the Electric Sugar when a child, living here ever since. She gramme rep'ete with variety and charm. and blackberries; 4 in grapes, pears andjpeaches; company, and Lawson N. Fuller, a re- 2 in grove plantation two years old. Cash sales grew up here and probably no lady of this It is the pliin duty of all persons inter- this year i\600. Abundant water; House cost 20 S. Main-st., Ann Arbor. tings, and spected citizen there who had been induc- ested in music, to sustain it in such en- 85.',0O. Elegant lawn, hedges and shade. One ed by the Friends and Howards to mort- city, ever had a larger acquaintance among deavors, and by a liberal pa'ronage stim- mile from Court-house. Teimseasy. J. H.Clough gage his home for $35,000 and to invest it all classes than she did. Nor was one ulate this society to still higher achieve- pOR SALE.—House and lot No. 44 Washiugton- in the company, and who is now reduced ' st Apply oi N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4th- many new Novelties too numerous to men- ever more beloved than she was. She ments in its chosen field. Remember the bt. to poverty, appeared before the grand jury was possessed ot a nature which drew date as announced, viz., February 28, at and gave testimony on the strength of ARGE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots, oihers toward her, and had a strong Hobart hall. for sale or exchange for smaller property, If which three indictments were issued Lnot sold, will be lor rent. J. P. Judsou, South tion. Our Stock is inside the Store, against the Friend crowd charging them character which made her a leader in Univetsrty Ave. with obtaining money under false pre- church, society and business circles. Lieut. L. D. Miner, U. S. N., has been tenses. Two were issued on the Fuller She leaves behind a mother, Mrs. Prof. detailed for service at Michigan Univer-i- FOR lllv.VI-. free from dust and dirt. ty, by Secretary Whitney. He will ?OR RENT.—Furnished rooms for light house- case and on the company's case. Williams, three brothers and three sisters, keeping, or the whole house. No. U S. Ingalls —Dr. Richards, of Detroit. Capt. W. V. I ho subject of Naval Architecture off Prof. f GALL AND SEE. 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. These indictments were kept a profound M. E. Cooley's hands. Street. secret, cot a single person except those Richards, U. S. A., Cbas. V. Richards, of HE new house. No. 37 Monroe street, (near E interested in the case being aware that Cleveland, Mrs. Duane Doty, of Chicago, T Univ. Ave.) for rent toon. Inquire at 44 East any criminal proceedings were thought of. Mrs. H. B. Harnlin, of Detroit, and Mrs. University Ave. The case was placed in the hands of In- Corson, of Pennsylvania. OR RENT—Office Room in Hamilton Block spector Byrnes, of New York, one of the The funeral services were held at St. FSteam heating included. First and Second sharpest criminal officers in the country, Andrew's church Wednesday afternoon, Story. Apply to A. W. Hamilton. DO YOU KNOW? Rev. Dr. B:irp leading in the last sad o RENT.—A suit of furnished rooms forone and he detailed two of his best detectives, dollar for one person centrally located. 62 K. Huland and Creed, to work on the case. rites. The church was filled with sor- Washington St. That we are offering extraordinary value in rowing friend?, and many floral tributes These detectives watched the parties for NION AND CELERY land, for rent, or sale or whom the warrants were issued and fol- surrounded the cuffin. All of the broth- Oexchinge lor hou-e and lot in Ann Arbor, 12)^ lowed their every move until the arrest ers and sisters were present excepting acres, with house and barn. Apply to J. L. P. Mc- TROUSERS. was made. District Attorney Fellows, of Capt. Richards, who i3 stationed in Texas Allister, 55 Miller Ave. and could not get here. The remains ART of a large House, suitable for taking New York, took the indictments of the boarders, or lor small family, to rent low to We have placed all our Winter Weights in three grand jury to Gov. Hill and obtained re- were placed in Forest Hill cemetery. The Pgood tenant. 5 N. State-st. pall-bearers were Prof. G. S. Morris, lots, and marked them $2.7-1, $3.74, $4.74. At quisitions upon Gov. Luce for the parties EAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT.—Hous- indicted. On the strength of these re- Prof. 0. S. Denison, Prof. P. R. B. de es and lots valued from J1.000 to 36,000 and Pont, Dr. J. C. Wood, Mr. A. Hennequin, Rcontaining from one-fifth of an acre to twenty these prices we will save you from 50c to $1.00 on quisitions and the indictments, Gov. Luce acres—all in the city limits. Houses rented un issued warrants on Feb. 1st for the arrest and Judge E. D. Kinne. reasonable terms in central localities. Farms ex- of the parties. changed for city property. Enquire of each pair. Democratic County Convention. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, The trouble was to get them all on 632tf Attorney and Real Estate Agent. Michigan soil at the same time. Howard Office over Express Office, Main St, Ann Arbor. Are Your Shirts Worn Out? was at Windsor and had not made a The Washtenaw county Democratic con- move to cross the river. It wag finally vention was held in the court room on We will sell you a good White Shirt, Linen Bosom, for 49 cents. decided to arrest the others, and if How- Wednesday, to elect delegates to attend RS. E. R. CHAPIN, Teacher of French. Thor ard could not be caught on this side, to ough instruction given in private lessons. Plaited Bosoms at same price. Our regular lines of better grades of the State convention at Grand Rapids, on MNo. 5 N. State St. arrest him in Canada on the warrant the 28 th, inat. J. J. Robison was elected White Shirts are good value. For flt, quality and general make-up, they sworn out by the Liverpool stockholders. HE second term of Miss Finley's School of chairman and J. R. Bach, secretary. Gymnastics and Elocution will open Saturday, are superior to many others. But luck was with the officers, for when The follow ii g delegates were chosen : TTeb. 9, in the Ladies Library. Address 46 South they reached Milan they found that How- ngallsSt. ^^ ard had arrived there on the morning C. R. Whifuan, Edmund Clancy, J. J. POWDER Robison, J S. Gorman, F. E. Mills,' J. L. YMNAST!' S.—For single pupils four dollars train. Mr. Whitman had lost track of for twenly le-wons; for class of twelve half All Worsted Suits, Cassimere Suits, Cheviot Suits Lowden, J. F. Schuh, J. V. Sheehan, Gprice. Speiial rates for students. Address Miss Mrs. Friend, but suspected that she was Absolutely Pure. At a liberal discount from regular prices for a few days longer. ONE' concealed in her house at Milan. To be H. C. Gregory, E. B. Norris, F. P. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity '"inley, 4fi S>.uth Ingalls. •treugth and wholesomeness. Mere economical ONEY TO AN—Good security. Address, sure of this, however, on Saturday morn- Bogardus, N. Scbmid, J. V. N. Gregory, ham the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in, A. D., box 11-^7, Ann Arbor. QUARTER OFF ON OVERCOATS. ing he began bantering Mr. Sawyer for F. A. Howlett, Rufus Sanford, Manly tcot pletitlon with the multitude of low test, short M nweighalurn or phosphate powders. Sold only in UBSCRIPTIONS for American and Foreign keeping his client concealed so that the Young, Chas. E. King, Wm. Walsh, Henry Can*. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 106 Wall O Periodic*!.* handled with accuracy and des- papers in the civil suits could cot be Depue, S. W. Beakes, and O. H. Manly. street, N. Y. patch, at low rates. W. W. Beman, 19 S. 5th-st. WAGNER & CO., Clothiers. 1 A CYCLONE DOWN SOUTH. I I (Sg^ .LITERARY SHITKS. FIFTIETH CONGRESS. TWO HORRIBLE CRIMES. While [the MHICII Century was bsing Uves Lost ami Proiwrty Destroyed In prepared, the press was a'cpjeii in order Georgia and Alabama, insert a puper by the H r.. Thomas B. A Daily Record of Events in the Terrible Deeds of Bloodshed In ATLANTA, Ga.. Feb. 30.—The southeastern Michigan and Minnesota. Reed of Maine, one of ihe Republican Senate and Housa. part of Banks County was visited by a terrific leaders in the Lower House, on "The R'lles cyclone before daybreak Monday morning. of the House of Representatives," and it The house of Tbomas Stevenson was blown En the Former St:ite a Man Murders His The Pioneer Governor of Michigan Hon- hs9 peculiar importance from the fact thnt to pieces and the whole family were lifted Wife and Two Daughters and Cona- ored—Two New Tariff Kills— Pros- i' not only calls attention to the present up and carried high into the air. Steven- mi's Suicide—In the I^ttfer a pects for Several New States difficulties of the situation, but puj.'ge;!s Bon and one of his sons were blown into Hoy Butchers a Family. —Other Notes. a tree and killed. The rest of the family charges. The'.e ohanges it may be iu the power of Mr. Ri'ed tun] his associates in were seriously if not fatally injured. THE MICHIGAN HORROB. SENATE. W. M. Meadors' house was similarly the next Cjcgress to carry out. •WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.—In the Senate yes- torn to pieces, and both Meadors and his TECUM--EH, Mich, Feb. 19.—One of the terday a bill was Introduced providing that wife were killed by falling timbers. Twelve most terrible crimes ever enacted in Michi- other persons were hurt by living timbers gan took place Saturday night at this place. "Gertrude's Marr«e;e" by W. Heimhurp, all citizens of the United States having the Frank L. Silvers, a prominent horse-breeder qualifications requisite for electors shall be and by being blown against trees and translated by Mrs. J. W. Davis of dm houses. The storm passed on to Kicholson, and well-known citizen, shot his wife, his entitled ami allowed to vote at any election ;wo daughters, aged 9 and 11 years, respect, bridge, Jla'g., with photo-grnvure illuslra for Representative in the Congress of the a place on the Gainesville & Jefferson rail- tions by W. deMeza, is a very charming road, where about a dozen houses were torn rvely, and ended the awful deed by shoot- United States without distinction of sex. ing himself. and exceedingly interesting novel written Mr. Evarts spoke in support of his resolution from their bases and scattered in all direc- by one of the foremost German novelists tions. The crime was not discovered until Sun- Instructing the Committee on Elections to ot the pre.-ent time. The Bather is con- revise the laws governing Congressional COLERA, Ala., Feb. 20.—A cyclone passed day morning. About 10 o'clock some of the elections. The nomination of Norman J. over Clinton County, five miles south of neighbors noticed that the curtains of the sidered the pueoessor to " Msrletf," her Colm&n, of Missouri, to be Seoretary of here, Monday morning. Much damage was Silvers house were closely drawn and that style is as perfect but her characters are Agriculture, was confirmed. done to property and two persons are re- ihere was no sign of life about the place. more natural. Tnis story appeals strongly WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.—A bill was report- ported fatally injured. Their curiosity was excited, and after wait- to the human heart, and possesses real ed in the Senate yesterday to amend the BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Feb. 20.—A cyclone ang for an hour it was decided to investi- dramatic tire. The bo-.'k will be one of laws regarding the importation of alcoholio gate. An axe was procured and the rear the favoiites of the year. Cloh, $125; passed through Bibb County, fifty miles door was forced open. liquors in the States. The nomination of Bouth of here, Sunday night, doing great paper, 75 0,000 to most atrocious ever committed in Michigan. Maritime Hospital at Jurujubo, and the TECUMSEH, JUich., Feb. 30.—The funeral of 3 « 7 protect American interests in the Isthmus number is fast increasing. of Panama. The bill to divide a portion of the lie four victims of the tragedy Saturday "3s Sioux reservation in Dakota into separate BIG FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA. was held yesterday afternoon. An immense Disorders reservations and to secure relinquishment crowd viewed the remains at the house. of the Indian titles to the remainder was The illaii!.*' iburir Building Burned, Caus- The only ceremony was a short address de- "I have used two bottles of your Palne's ing a Loss of $500,000. ivered by the Unitarian minister, Ilev. Mr. Shattered nerves, tired Celery Compound, and it has given entire sat- passed. The bill for the admission of South brain, Impure blood, isfaction as an appetizer and blood purifier." Dakota as a State was amended so as to pro- PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 20.—The large im- Getchell. The remains were placed in a T. L. BERNEB, Watertown, Dakota. vide for admission by proclamation of the porting house of Kudo ph Blankenburg ault at the cemetery. debilitated system, all president, and that the proposed States of & Co., situated at 18 and 20 Straw- A GHASTLY SIGHT. are the natural out- North Dakota, Montana and Washington berry street, was destroyed by fire GLENVILLE, Minn., Feb. 18.—Joseph Chem- come In the Spring. A Paine's shall be admitted in the same way. Tuesday morning. The flames originated eleck Friday night killed three persons and medicine must be used, WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.—In the House yes- in the cellar and spread with great ;hen committed suicide by shooting himself n § and nothing equals Celery Compound terday Mr. Mills, from the Committee on rapidity. Seven girls who were in the build- iirough the head. The motive for the Palne's Celery Com- Is prescribed by physicians, recommended by Ways and Means, reported back the Mills ing came near being suffocated before they a-iple murder is involved in doubt. About c 0) 5 pound. We let others druggists, endorsed by ministers, praised by could get out. Several other buildings in > o'clock Friday evening Chemeleck went to users, and guaranteed by the manufacturers, Tariff bill, with the Senate amendment, praise us—you cannot as a spring medicine which will do all that la which he declared was unconstitutional. The the vicinity were badly damaged, and the ;he residence of M. L. Chemeleck, his half- help believing a disin- claimed for It. Use it this spring, and see how brother, to spend the evening. About 11 Senate bil appropriating $&>0,000 for the loss will reach over $500,000. Rudolph terested party. quickly It tones you up. protection of American interests in Panama Blankenburg A Co. had $231,6~>0 insurance o'clock he picked up his hat and went a was paused. The night session was devoted and the other firms were well covered. out of doors. It was expected that he Brlffadler-General W. L. Greenleaf, Burling- Purifies the Blood. to Pension bi 1». was going to return, but instead of coming ton, vtf writes: "I have used Palne's Celery Full accounts of wonderful cures made by The Electricians. Compound on several occasions, and always WASHINGTON, Feb. 1H.—In the House Sat- Jack he went to his father's home and pro- Sold by Drugfftitt and Dealen Everywhere Tilth benefit. Last spring, being very much run Palne's Celery Compound after other medicines CHICAGO, Feb. 20.—The semi-annual con- and the best physicians had failed, sent free. urday the McMillan Tasiff bill, patterned cured a double-barreled shot-gun. He went down and debilitated, 1 commenced taking It. There's nothing like it. after the Mills bill, which would reduce the vention of the National Electric Light As- sack to M. L. Chemeleck's and secreted him- THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Two bottles made me leel like a new man. As sociation convened in this city yesterday. self in a grove near the house. About mid- a general tonic and spring medicine I do not C tl.OO. Six for $5.00. Druggists. revenues S?2,(XM),000 per year, and the BALTIMORE. MD. know of Its equal." WELLS, RICHARDSON &. Co., Burlington, Vt. Breckinridge Tariff bill, carrying a reduc- The convention was called to order by Pres- night Mary Chemeleck agedO, and her sister tion of «40,(KKI,000, were reported. A favor- ident Duncan, whose address dealt chiefly Rose, aged 11, stepped out of doors, and a able report wtM made on the bill providing with the great improvement In electrical tew minutes later two reports were .. IT IS EASY TO DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES J°J£%* an enabling i.ct for the admission of the science and appliances in the last six heard. The father rushed to the door and Territory of New Mexico. A resolution months. There are now 5,747 electric-light and as he opened it Mary and Rose stood on was adopted calling on the Secretary of the stations; 2H),i)^4arc lights in use; 2,142,440 ;he steps, the blood trickling down their The Hew York Graphic Interior for information as to the number incandescent lights, and fifty-three electric faces. "We have been shot by Joe Cheme- of clerks appointed in his department since railways in operation with 294 miles of leck," exclaimed Rose, as she fell fainting A New and Influential Factor 1% iEANS' track. to the floor. A half-witted boy was sent > *' Competition is the Life of Trade," end if youhavo not Roeu our latest improved [23003 you March 1, 188r>, without certification from the cannot imagine how llvoly trade la, or how hard our competitors have to work to keep with! 1 ' 1. i.t <-f Civil-Service Commission. Swindled Out of a Large Sum. for help, and, not returning, the father in Republican Politics. went in search of aid. As soon as he had us. Ask your retailer for the Jamo3 Moans' $3 Shoe, or the James Heau.3*$lShoe according: to: >.. r :.• etio. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.—In the House yes- iBERvnxE, Can., Feb. 30. —An elegantly Positively none genuine unless having our name and price stamped plainly ou tho 60103. Your terday, filibustering over the Sullivan "and dressed swindler, who arrived here from left the house Joe Chemeleck entered COMPLETE REORGANIZATION. retailer will supply you with shoes so stamped if you insist upon his doing so; If you do not Insist, .same Telton contested election case from Cali- and going up-stairs shot down the retailers will coax you into buying Inferior shoes upon which they make a larger profit California a few days ago, skipped out yes- KEW MANAGEMENT. fornia occupied the time. terday after swindling a wealthy farmer mother of the girls. Mary, who WASHINGTON, Feb. 30.—In the House yes- named Dumas out of $40,000 by claiming to was half dead from loss of blood, managed to get out of the door, and, barefooted and terday Mr. Butterworth (0.) introduced a be Dumas' son, who mysteriously disap- As a vigorously Republican newspaper, THE II* $3 SHOE resolution authorizing the President to in- peared forty years ago, at the age of 6 years. half-clad, made her way a half-mile through GRAPHIC appeals to Republicans all over the •tON S $4 SHOE •ite Canadian officials and legislators to the snow to a neighbor's, where she fell to country for support. The new ownership is daily ^UNEXCELLED IN CANNOT FAIL Tisttthe United States about May 1. The They Are with U». the floor dead. The murderer, after com- making a belter paper in news and illustrations LSTYLE UNEPUALLEU 1 TO lost-office Appropriation bill was discussed' SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20.—The New Zealand pleting his bloody work, rushed out of the and proposes to aid sound Republican Principles DURABILITY house into the yard, where voices from the OTHEtt HOTES. and Australia press approve the action of with aggressive pen and pencil. ^-5" AND «£- WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. — The President the United States in appropriating money road caused him to halt. Seeing that es- THE GRAPHIC is the only illustrated daily ££** ERFECTION has signed the commission of Norman J. to protect its interests in Samoa, and the cape was impossible, he placed a revolver paper in the world, and offers the best record to his temple and sent a bullet through his FIT. Colman to be Secretary of Agriculture. sympathies of the colonies are plainly with of passing events for out oftown readers through K ESS WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.—Judge Edgerton, America, regardless of what action England brain. its pictures and new* columns lately removed from the position of Civll- may take. The girl Rose di»d shortly after midnight, Bervice Commissioner, has addressed an and the bodies of the two girls and their THE GRAPHIC now has a news service and open letter to President Cleveland, in which Victims of the Flames. mother were taken to an upper room to staff of writers unsurpassed by any other even- Ku> h has been the recent progress in our branch of Industry that we are now able to affirm that h« criticises the President severely for this KANSAS CITY, MO., Feb. 18.—The barn of await the action of the coroner. The mur- ing paper in New York. tbe .Tr os Means' $4 Shoe Is In every respect equal to the shoes which only a few years ago were re- notion and says his reasons for making the the Landis Transfer & Livery Company in derer's body lay all day where he had killed tai'.iv. i.l eight or ten dollars. If you will try on a pair you will be convinced that wo do not exaggerate. this city was burned last night, consuming O'.; , arc the original $3 and $4 Shoes, and those who Imitate our system of business are unable to- removal were to make a place for a friend himself, and until Saturday evening, when < >inpete with us in quality of factory products. In our lines we aro the largest manufacturers in the and to please the mugwumps. ninety-four horses and seventy-five car- it was picked up and taken to his father's riages and buggies. James Hoffman, one THE WEEKLY GRAPHIC United States. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.—After many hours' house. Is just the paper for Republicans throughout the Shorn from our celebrated factory are (old by wide-awake retailers in all part* of the owners of the building, also perished The only cause suggested for the murder consu tation the conferrees on the omnibus in the flames country who need a general newspaper in addi- of the country. We will place them easily within your reach In any State or Territory If ycu will Territorial bi 1 reached a conclusion at 6 is the fact that the girl Mary had given tion to their local weekly. It is a twelve-page Invest one cant In a postal card and write to us. o'clock last evening, and Messrs. Platt New Doctors. testimony against a friend of Chemeleck paper, six of which are devoted to clever pictures JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. and Springer are preparing the report to CHICAGO, Feb. 20—At the graduating ex- in a lawsuit last week. of current political and news events, and six FULL LINES OF THE ABOVE SHOES FOR. SALE BI accompany the' return of the bill to the two ercises of the Rush and the Chicago Ho- pages to bright articles by bright writers, social, fcouses to-day. meopathic Medical colleges, held in this Death of a Humanitarian. political and literary chat with all that makes a The bill as agreed to by the conferrees city, 191 students received diplomat The CHICAGO, Feb. 16.—John W. Street, the In- sound newspaper. L. GRUNER, Ann Arbor, Mich. Axes the names of the two Dakotas as Bush class numbered 137 and the Homeo- ventor of the Street stable car, and a prom- North Dakota and South Dakota. The peo- pathic class Mb inent man in railway circles, died in this REPUBLICANS: ple of South Dakota are to vote upon the city, aged 52. Mr. Street made a study for After Horse-Thieves. During the coming year some of the most adoption of the Sioux Falls constitution years of the humane transportation of live- prominent leaders in the Republican party will Kay 14, and the location of the capital is to LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 19.-In Key a Paha stock, and it was mainly owing to his ef- County citizens have formed a vigilance contribute timely articles to THE WEEKLY be settled by election. forts that a transformation in the business GRAPHIC, committee and have notified about twenty was effected. On the samS date the residents of North men, known to be horse-thieves, to leave Remember that THE GBAPHIC, being an illus- Dakota, Washington and Montana may vote trated paper, does not interfere with any other for the election of delegates to constitu- the county within twenty-four hours or run Gone to His Reward. tional conventions and for a full list of State the chances of being lynched. NASHVILLE, Term., Feb. 17.—Bishop H. N. paper. URNITURE FOR ALL! officers. On the first Tuesday in October McTyeire, Chancellor of the Vanderbilt Uni- the people may vote upon the constitutions Will Walk Thirty Days. versity, died at his home in the university n WANT Toua proposed by the conventions, and, if NEW YOEK, Feb. 19.—A walking-match foi grounds Friday morning. He was senior adopted, after the President's proclamation women began In this city yesterday after- Bishop of the Methodist Church South at SPECIAL OFFER. noon. There were eight contestants, and the time of his death. He was the author At Great Bargain ! to that effect, the Governors of each may SEND 40 CENTS FOR THE WEEKLY order an election of members of the Legis- the race is to last thirty days, the contest- of th

THE SAMOA QUESTION. ISo .1 Estate Transfers. et that cold of yours run on. You think BURIED IN THE RUINS. The German Government. Willing to Ef- it is a light thing. But it may run into Samuel Mason to Geo. Mason. Awista....13,000 00 fect a Settlement* catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con- The Park Central Hotel at Hart- (.lias. H. Kempt to Adam Kalmbaeh, Byl- AUCKLAND, N. Z., Feb. 16—The latest ad- van, 4.350 00 sumption. ford, Conn., Wrecked. vices from Samoa say there has been no Win. C. <;arson to James Tolboit, Ann Ar- Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is bor 2,050 C9 change in the situation since the last re- Samuel D. Frederick to G. N. B. Kenwick, dangerous. Consumption is death itself. Injured Victims Roasted by Tire Breaking port. There has been no fighting, and Salem 240 00 The breathing apparatus must be kept Tamasese and Mataafa remain in their E \. .inrt I.. D Buruh to Margaret H. Out in the Debris—Thirty or Forty Burch. Ann Arbor 4,fOO 00 healthy and clear of nil obstructions and Live* Lost and Many Per- strongholds. The British Consul has F. Newton nice to Fred S. Ri''e. Ypsilauti, MM) 00 offensive matter. Otherwise there is sons Wounded. warned British subjects not to supply na- George Avery to KobuJt Craig, Salem,. 1,860 OJ trouble ahead. tives with arms, and to maintain strict neu- Flora Oakley to Susan L. Jenkins, Ann trality. The British war-shin Calliope has Arbor 2,000 00 All the diseases of these parts, head, C2USHED AND CREMATED. replaced the warship Royalist. The Ger- Catherine K. Berner to Orin B. De Wolf, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, Manehester 700 00 HAKTFOKD, Conn., Feb. 19. - Just before man and American war-ships remain sta- Leonard '.runer to William D. Harriman, can be delightfully and entirely cured by dawn Monday morning the Park Central tionary. Herr Branders, the leading parti- Ann Arbor 100 00 the use of Boschee's German Syrup. Hotel, at High and Allyn streets, filled with san of Tamasese, has been recalled to Ber- Helen J Lansing to William D. Harriman sleeping people, was shattered by a force Ann Arbor 100 00 If you don't know tlrs already, thousands lin. Rosa Broker to Wm. F Smith Ypsilanti... 1,300 00 »nd thousands of p- ople c«n tell you. not yet ascertained, and in the darkness BERLIN, Feb. 19.—It is said that the Gov- Michael Goltz to Gebhart Oberd >rfer, Lodi, BOO 00 and ruin men, women and children They have been cure*' v>y it, and "know ernment is willing to effect a settlement of were crushed and maimed and burned how it is<, themselves ' Bottle only 75 the Samoan question upon the basis of the The Chill BlHSt by flames. The people, awakened by United States Government's proposal at the cents. A^k any druggist. That sets the naked branches a-qr.iverins?, the great noise of an explosion, Washington conference—namely: The estab- If suddenly submerged the stiffest hat the crash of falling walls and timbers, the lishment of a joint American, German and is not felt by the wealthy valetudinarian at once becomes ducked-tile. screams of women and of men, hurried to English control over the Samoan Govern- inrloors, tut not all the covering thit can the scene and found upon the site of the ment through the Consuls of the three coun- he piled on his warm bed, nor all the hotel a huge rile of Ftone and brick and tries at Apia. furnace heat that anthracite can furnish, It 18 not proper to throw olives at the splintered timbers, from which arose LONDON, Feb. 19.—The Standards Berlin will wann his maTow when chills and waiter in order to alract his attention, nor white clouds of steam, streaked and correspondent says he understands that the fever runs its icy fingers along his spiral is it polite to tinkle vour wine glass with blackened by wreathes of smoke German Government is disposed to suspend 0'ilumr. Hostetter's Stomach Bit'ers if that rapidly grew dark and blacker and your knite fhr the same purpose. hostilities in Samoa during the Samoan con- more dense. Then tongues of flame leaped the 'hing to infuse new warmth into his ference, but only on condition that estates lere and there from out the ruin and grew chilled and aguish frame, to remedy the G? belonging to German subjects be evacuated >older and more strong until the ruin was tierce fe-er and exhausting sweats which by Samoans and that boundary lines of the roaring furnace. The clamor of fire-bella alternate with the child. Dumb ajrue All Grocers sell SANTA CLAUS SOAP. belligerents' possessions be marked and re- SOME DOCTORS added to the excitement, and soon ajiuo cake, bilious remittent—in short, spected. This can not be done officially, ( honestly admit that they can't cure throng of people rushed to the Made by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago, 111. however, because Germany regards Ma- •-very known form of malarial di-ease, is Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Others ruins and, nerved by cries and moans and taafa as a rebel leader, not as a King. «u'juiated by this potent, and at the say they can but—don't. Ath-lo- wild screams coming from the ruins, •e realized, and, in fact, its extent is not will be arrested if sufficient evidence can how obstinate or long standing. It is ^Business conducted on CASH basis. BUSINESS CARDS. jet known. The register of the hotel is not be secured. No Goods told on credit to anyone, but ret found, and Night Clerk Perry is buried potent, effective, ond c wl« hir a trifle. prices are low enough to make it an n the ruins. But from the best estimates LEX. W. HAMILTON AN AWFUL FATE. object for you to trade with him. Attorney at ;hat can be procured from the land- Thick soups are very common. It must A A Mississippi Farmer's House Destroyed Will practice in both State and United State* ord and others it is probable be rememhered that it is vulgar to a'*empt W. L. DOUGLAS Oourts. Office Rooms, one and two, 1st floor cr ihat there were not far from fifty by Fire and Four of His Children I,oso Telephone Connecliotis. All Goods delivered. to cut soup with a knife, no matter FOR the new brick block, corner of Huron and Fourtt jeople in the hotel proper. Of these, per- Their Lives. Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. how thi.k it mHv be. GENTLEMEN. lajis five have escaped uninjured, leaving ASHLAND, Miss., Feb. 19.—The house of $3 SHOE PENNYROYAL WAFERS Best in the world. Examine hi» Arc successfully useII-*«I, ruins, leaving nineteen still missing. o'clock Friday night, and four of his S2.25 WOKKINGMAN'S SHOE, „_„„„ HOUBS: 10:30 to 12 M. and 2:80 io3:30 P.M. ixir has been prescribed for years for all im- 8S.0O and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES, Fisher Block. K<1 Woodward avo., Detroit, Midi. But there may be several more than children were burned to death. Mr. purities of the Blood. In every form ot Scrof- All made in Congress, Button and Lace. Can be reached at residence, Vert Huronst., a ihis. Mr. Andrew F. Whiting, actuary Nnlfl by .l«m> MIHIKR, the "Prof. Kichol plaie"; by telephone No. 97 Willons' three oldest daughters wera ulous. Syphilitic or M< rcurial diseases. It is and will reply to calls in the evening. of the Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Bleeping up-stairs. and the fire had made invaluable. For Illieumatism, has no equal, W. L. DOUGLAS LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' Company; Hev. Dr Lavallette Perrin, agent such headway before being discovered that JOHN MOORK, Druggist. FOR 'I III' •• •«•« I I 11|£ Isll l*r4'S4TI |ll ••••• f-i R. WILLIAMH. Of the Memorial Hall Association, and wife, they could not be rescued. One of the S3 SHOE LADIES. wbnr. "CHICAGO TRUSS." Seorge Ga nes, coiored. poner or the h>>tel; J. plate. New Spit nl iipr*»(; Truss. George a drug clerk or Hertford; John Hard Ruhlmr Pad; (le«B. Total Destruction of a Handsome Resi- nnk's Cotton Root romnonnil.—Com- Durable. Cheap. Approved O. HOWBLL, M. D., W. Housman, traveler lor the E vere Rubber nosMt of < otto" Root. Tansy and Penny- dence Near Cleveland, O. Advice to Mothers. roval Suree**r\tlly u*f'l mtfthhi. Safe, ny the hleh««t Me<11cal Au- Company or Boston; J. C. Bill, of Buffalo, N. CLEVELAND, 0., Feb. 20.—The fine three- Effectual, Ptamnmt. 1 *l bvmall, oMrun- thority. VVoin day and night Y. supposed to be commercial traveler; Louis Mrs. Winslow'g Soothing Syrup should ny an Infant a week old or story summer residence of John Hunting- cr NV PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. always be used for children teething. It addrem PONO 1 I ' "?* ' an Adult 8fl yeaiv. FMrOy H. Biot.son, seoretary ot the Hartford Stove ton, one of the stockholders of the Standard |81 rvriodw ivd HVP LMftfvtU Mien. and Plumbing Company, his wife and child; soothes the child, softens the gums, allays adjwted. It meets all forma Omcs IS MASONIC BLOCK, ROOM 4. Oil Company, located at North Dover, Soldln Ann Arbor by all rtruggists. ol Scrotal Fermorai.lnmilnal George Kelchum, a brother of the landlord; in this county, on a large farm, all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best and Umbilical Hernia. In Eddie Keichum. aged 11, son of the landlord; both Infants ami Adulta. was fired by incendiaries Monday morning -"m<>dy for diarrhce». Twenty-Bve cents Telephone Connections, Ann Arbor. George W. Root, of Brockpurt, N. Y, traveler Satisfaetion t-uaranteed to and, together with valuable furniture, was bottle. for White, Williams &C<>., B iston; A. H. Tillot- all ca«es."~Any desirable prewtire obtained. If entirely destroyed. The gas and water sup- SIISEY & your druggist does not keep this Tiuss, enclose WM. W. NICHOLS, son, traveler for tue Merrll Chem cal Com- hiainps aud address. pany of Cncnnati; M»x mil an Gulody, pro- ply had been mysteriously cut off, and the No matter how much your corns may 111'CAr.O TKl'SN fit., pr etor of the H;irtofor . Herold, anJ w fj; Mrs. superintendent of the estate and his wife aohe your are not justified in slipping off . 6 ^-CsTHD 8 « hiCHgo, III. DENTAL PARLORS barely escaped. The loss is estimated at your pump-s under the table during the OFFICE AND FITTING BOOM, Andrew F. Wliilii.g, her body was burned to 122 E. Randolph St, over Savings Bank opposite erisp. Two unknown persona are among the $50,000. progress ot a me >l. Washington Street, Ann Arbci T. Y. KAYNE. MANAGER. Court House Squaie. dead. Servia Infested by Bandits. Michigan. Sold by Ann Arbor iirugglsts. The victims at the hospital are all doing BELGRADE, Feb. 20.—Old Servia is terribly Why Should I Teeth extracted without pain by use well, most of the injuries being superficial, Have ilwavvof hand a complete Stock of ••<:.;' 19 on file In Itil Irnirlpnis agitated over the recent depredations of ^ot have confidence in thut which has done at the Newspaper Ailvgr of Gas or Vitalized Air. although all are suffering from chill and (hint ii • toe tlsinR Affrncy of Hcflsrs. the Arnaut brigands who have raided and ine a world of yood ? If you had suffered THIS PAPLR exposure. They number ten. set fire to a number of villages. AH of the "" our authorUud aKeatft The cause of the disaster WUR undoubted- vears with liver complaint and got cu ed H. W.AYERASON. RUPTURE! young girls in the village of Gradatss were ly the explosion of tue boiler in the base- 1 EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TR088. kidnaped and taken to the mountains. Sev- by us.ii g Sulphur Bitters, would not you ment. This boiler, of lfi-horse-power, was Spiral Soring with graded ure* eral other villages have been looted by to) have confidence in them ? J. R. Nasli, sure 1 to 6 pounds. Worn day an< built by the Pitkins, of this city, in 1882. Hotel Winthmp, B >s'on. GROCERY LINE S niithtby an lnlani a week oln n It was inspected by an officer In the these marauders and the girls and cattla adult ot 80 years. Ladies' Trusse Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and taken away. a Kpeciauy. Kudos.) stamps (o Testimonials of Cures, measure Insurance Company last August and Hanged. Never ask for the secotid joint of FRIEND" ments, etc. EGAN'8 IMPERIA was then pronounced all right No engi- ALEXANDRIA, Minn., Feb. 10.—John Lee, shad or the pope's nose of H leg of mut- Teas, Coffees and Sugars TKUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann neer was on duty at the time of the explo- who with Martin Moe murdered Charles ton. Both there bits of facet a; are i.geJ Arbor, Mich. sion, the custom being for the night engi- Cheline at Brandon on July 19, on account of All prime Articles boughi for Ca.sD and can ft) W and improper. neer to bank his fires at night and go to bed. atlow figures. Our irequent large invoices 0 a love affair, was hanged here Friday morn- Teas is a sure sign that we >?ive oarKRins in He does not sleep in the hotel. This engineer, ing at 10 o'clock. The Governor commuted The Blood WM. BIGGS. Alexander Thuer, was arrested Monday the sentence of his accomplice to imprison- DIMINISHES afternoon on an indictment charging man- QUALITY AND PRICK. ment for life. Lee having made a confes- Is the source of health; there'ore, to keep slaughter, and is locked up at the police j)ANGtH TDLIFE or K0THKH«*CHll,O. Bion partially exonerating Moe. well, purify the M >od by taking II< od's 6tation. Weroasiour own coffeei ever) -<«i, m»>> Sirsnpariila. This medicine is peculiarly fresh and good. Our bakerj turns nut ihpver. HAKTFORD, Conn., Feb. 3d.—No bodies No Agreement in the White Cap Case. deigned to act upon the blood, and best of Bread, C'ake« mm crtc»erp, ''all «a< have been found sirnce noon yesterday, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 20.—After being see HP. though forty men are at work removing de- through that upon all the organs and ,5RADFlf.U).REGULATOR CO., And all hinds of work In connection out since Friday evening the jury in the with the above prHy bris. The only bodies known to be in the tis>ut-s of the body. It has a specific ac- Monroe County White Cap cuse announced executed. ruins are those of night c erk Perry and Mr. Monday for the third time that they wera tion, also, upon ttie secretions and excre- «WShop Cor. of Ohureh-9t and University ave. Whiting. Twenty bodies have been recov- tion?, and assists nature to expel from the lew Advertisements Telephone 9; P. O. Box 124S. unable to agree and were discharged. NEW STRIPED ROSE. ered and all identified. The ten injured system scrofula, humors, impure particles, TUB GREATEST XOVKLTT persons at the hospital are apparently doing Eight of the jurors were for acquittal and IS HAKUK Kli-KS EVER well. four for conviction. Another trial will and effete matter through the looga, liver, TO ADVERTISERS (IHKRKIi. take place in April. bowel3, kidneys, and skin. It effectually A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES !n ISKi i »n.l a aids weak, impaired, and debilitated or- AND SECTIONS will bo sent on application — • h».WBT, mid v*»tV. «r5 t-rlr^i of from President Cleveland heartily indorsing Patents 4 90 © 6 OJ ottrr. KM mr N«V«-1HM In Fl*w*fj and V WHEAT—No. * Red «7?»'» «8!< C. H. PEARSON & CO., t f;t"tPK. r the object of the meeting. Ex-Governor No.2Chuago 110 © : 10-Si , M> that Morton, of Nebraska, was made chairman, CORN 44^(S 4> BALTIMORE, MD. and, with several others, spoke in favor of OATS—No. )! Wh.te 8 •» a ! 2j © a 70 No. 7 Upton St., BOSTOS. MASS.. U. 8. A. kind—until after a son he had refused to pardon out of the Feeders • W (it, 3 40 ^TRUTHS FORTHESICK.j fEJIlJIlJ8STA8LISMD 1851. ) Merrililocki.l Butchers' Stoik 2 To & S itt J8ST8LISMD 1851 ) Mill Detroit, Mich. 1 Blk penitentiary, whither he had been sentenced Infer or Cut t.e HH <3 2 75 , Fur tliosr (luiitmy $l,Ot)U '.VIM lie pa SATISFACTORir TEST. for seventeen years on the charge of robbery 4 45 iti 4 71 HOGS-IJ ve—Good to Cuoioe I till ious fipollsdopenu for a case where M" L- Machinery and Tools PHYSICIAN AND SURCEOH SHEEP 3 2) @ 5 25 I inSlJLF.HTUBlTTKKS J'HUR I5ITTKIt8 willL SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Prize for the Cleanest City. BUTTER-Cre:imo-y 14 Ml 28 Guaranteed to make Wells Is still Treating with the Great** Good to Choice Dairy 18 20 lit will cure you. lot assist or cure. Jt | ESTABLISHED 18451845. NEW YORK, Feb. 20.—John Q. Borden, of EGGS 13'/ia . I>o you buffer with never f:iils. Is tho oldest find most populnr gclentiflc «Bd anywhere, this city, who spends his winters in Florida, BROOM COKN- u thattireUandallgone Cleanee the vitiated I mechanical paper published and has I he lariwt >lood when you eei'l circulation of nny pnpf r of Its clasn in the world. and at the rate of 3 ft. to every 3 ft. SKILL and SUCCESS has offered a premium of »1,000 to the Flor- Seir-Work.ns feeling; If so, use Fully illustrated. Best class of Wood Kni/raT- by any other machine, or no sale. Hurl 8 •iUT-rmnt BITTEES; ta Impurities burst Intrs. Published weekif. Hcnd for specimen ida city which shall present the most clean- Inferior I -'• it will cure you. iigthrough the sklnl copv. Price f3 n voar. rodr mnnthB' trial, fl. THE BEST'"'way. ly appearance on July 1, 18bU The State POTATOESlbu.) 24 ® 80 I O|>i'ralii i's who are n Pimples, Blotches,! M (INN A CO., Pi 111 .imiKiw. 3G1 Droadwar, N.T. PORK-Mess 11 00 25 and Sores. Rely onL Me, Neryous and Private Diseases. Board of Health are to act as judges. 'closely confined In SULPTIITH BITTERS,Pj THE CHEAPEST. Jthe mills niKi work »S- NERVOUS DEBILITY, Lost Manhood, FLOUR—Spring Patents 6 00 @ 1) 40 ind htaltb. will lol £j RCHITECTS & BUILDERC Tailing Memory, Exhausting Drains, Terriblo leprosy I>ylug Out. j shops; clerk«,wlmdo low. B iktr-,' 8 75 u 4 OJ I not procure sufficient Edition of Scientific American. O Dreams, Head and Back Ache and all the effects Wint.T 5 UiJ 'it, 0 4.> A fading to early decay and perhaps Consumption ot OTTAWA, Ont, Feb. 16.-Leprosy is dying • exercise, and all who SLI-PHIJK BITTHKSI A irreat HUCCPM. Each issue contains colored GRAIN-Wheat, No. 4 IJ 96* I are con Bned In doors, lithographic plates of country and city residen- Insanity, treated scientifically by new methods with out in Canada. The report of the Agricult- Corn, No. 2 ® S31* will cure Liver Com-r ces or public buildinus. Numerous encravinjrs jicver-failir.g success. ural Department shows that there are nine- lahould tuoSuLPHTjp plaint. Don't be dlsl and full plans and Miedttcatiuns for tlie use of R r- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DiS- Oats, No. 8 I BITTERS. They will teen patients, eight males and eleven fe- Bye. No. 2 IB 47 couraged; Itwillcurel suchascontenjpbite buildini.'. Price 12.51) a Tear, tases permanently cured. 5 not then bo weak am'' rou. »cts. a copy. ML'N.N & CO., PUBLlSBKllS. «y-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints, Gleet, males, in the Lazaretto at Tweedle, N. B. Hurley, samples 30 SO jalckly. Gonorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and all diseases LUMBER— EULPHUK BlTTERSl may be seenr- Common Dressed Siding ... 17 00 622 00 If vou do m>t wish ed by npply- of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without Heavy Loss by tire. 3i 00 (331 00 I to suffer from Uhcum trill build ymi up and I nuiry to Stomach, Kidneys or otherOrgans. Flooring make you strowj and I illtf to Mt'NM «- No experiments. Age and experience lm« MADISON, W:S., Feb. 16.—Fire broke out In Common Bjards 13 OJ "ill 00 latism, uee a tiottlo ol Wealthy. T-ortant. Consultation free and sacred. Fencing 12 M) aus 00 • SOLPRUR BlTTKBSi PATENTS a Chippewa Falls (Wis. 1 business block at Of Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Work! 00 Lain 2 10 @ 2 40 I it never falls to cure. BtTLTHOB BlTTF.BSl ^ i) •14 - 01 Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. midnight, and before the flames could be Sh ugles Don't l>e without a rill make your bloodr JJ3" Those contemplating Marriage send for Df. subdued property to the value of nearly KANSAS CITY. pure, rich and strong,! 1.,-. 1 IS J bottle. Try it; you Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each $200,000 v, as in ashes. CATTLE—Best S3 75 I will not regret it. md your flesh hard. I 15 cents, both 35 cents (stamps). Consult the old Fair to nood 2 81 *S 3 60 TRADE MARKS. @ 4 40 Try SULPHUR liiT-l Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer- Stanley Again Reported Dead. HOGS—Best 4 8J Ladies in delicate In ense yoiu mark is not registered in the Pat- ing and shame, and add golden years to life. *jj-Boolc Medium 4 00 & 4 *3 I health, who are all Tints to-night, andl ent Office, apply I" MINN 1 <•>., and procur* LONDON, Feb. 19. A Paris newspaper pub- 4 » & 4 50 I rundown, should usi vou will sleep well I Immediate promotion, 8end for lianabooK. "Life's (Secret) Errors," 5°cents(sumps). Medicina SHEEP—Best ; •„•} 1 writings sent everywhere, secure from exposure* lishes a report that Henry M. Stanley, the Common 2 50 i« 3 9J ISULPlllli RlTTKHS. wvi f of 1 lietler for It. I C»I*VRI< "TS for hooks, charts, mai*. I! etc., quickly procured. Address - .urs. 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address explorer, has been murdered by natives in OMAHA. Do you want the best Medical Work published? EMPIRE WELL AUGER CO., CATTLE—Best IS 60 • mi Send S 2-ocnt stamps to A. V. ORDWAT & Co., MIINN ifc CO., Pnient Solicitor*. F. D. CLARKE, Ml. D., Africa. Xhe report Is discredited in this Medium 1 .0 /(, -' W Boston, AlasB., and receive a copy, free. OKNEHAI Orncg: »;i DKOADWAT. N. Y ITHACA, N. Y. Block, DETROIT, IWIIOH.. city. HOGS 4 81 •'4 3.'. ONE of the mo t important questions ON THE CAMPUS. THE REGISTER. before the state egislature this session PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY is that of ternpei ince. Sound, practical, A. L. Bfirry resigned his "sit" as janitor progressive laws hat will stand the test of the mechanical and hygenic laboratory ANN ARBOR, MICH. r On Saturday, February 23d when submitted or supreme court crit- last Saturday. TEEMS: icism, are dema nded. The saloon is a The freshmen wih DoiJ « meeting in -WE "WILL, SELL- ./->o rtnl»i\r per year In Advance 91.50 curse wherever it is allowed, and it room A, on Saturday, March 2nd. :' Im- If net paid until niter six months. _2iiht, be crowded out as fast as possible. po-tant business." Fjcm Cents per year addititmal, to Sub- A level headed corresnondent of th" Thestudents'Christian association will be *mnoer» outxide of wnxhtenaw County. Detroit Tribune gives nine poinrs ina> addressed by Mr. Campbell, Sunday morn- ing. Subject ' Simplicity of D.vine L»wg." should be considered by our law-mak- THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1889. ers. They are eminently practicable : The Uaiversity committees recommend ed that the entire Legislature bodyvisit this 1. Higher license and the number of institution next Wednesday to inspect its THE Mate Prohibition convention wil places limited by population. FIFTY PANTALOONS! reeds. be held in Buck's [opera house, in the 2. County lcval option. 8. Town local option where the The University Republican club met city of Lansing, Michigan, at II o'clock whole county does not wish it. This Tuesday evening and completed arrange- a. m., Wednesday, Feb. 27,1889. has been the method in New York state ments for attending the Michigan club AT EXACTLY ONE-HALF PRICE. banquet. for at least fifty years, and in many GOODS SLIGHTLY SOILED, BUT ALL DESIRABLK; ALSO THE present term of the state legis- towns no liquor has ever been sold. Prof. Ford, who has been reported at lature will not be five days shorter than 4. A state constabulary whose busi- Dea'h's door from blood poisoning several ness shall be to see to a strict enforce- times within the past few days, is im- 6 DOZ. HATS, 5 DOZ. CAPS, 5 DOZ. SHIRTS two years ago, and some of the wisest ment of the law. proving and the chaoce3 are favorable for prophets at Landing predict it will be 5. Make the law as easy of execution his speedy recovery. AND DRAWERS AT longer than its predecessors. The boys as possible, and make it easier to con- Contributions f >r the Palladium will be have their fun. vict for selling without license. received up to March 10th, the committee 6. Make penally fixed and to include having extended the time from Fnh. Is'. imprisonment with or without fine, and The prizes offered are for beat song, $25.00; UNCLE SAM will have to Mart another absolute forfeiture of license in case ot monument. Washington monument, the 2nd p^ize $10 00 ; best design for cover, those who have license. $15 00 ; best poem, clock; 2nd prize, pic- tallest in the world until now, is eclips- 7. Fix the time for closing absolutely JUST ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE ture. ed. The Eiffel tower in Paris had and leave nothing to city councils. 8. Make it a misdemeanor to allow Dr. H. R. Arndt arrived from San Dieeo, These Saturday Sales are of Special Benefit to the People's Pocket reached a height of 761 on January 9, minors to enter a saloon. California, Monday. Ha gives glowing S=* DON'T MISS THEM. the highest structure upon the globe. 9. Forbid any game of cards or pool accounts of the climate and it« health- to be played in thebuildingwhere liquor giving properties. Mrs. Arndt is slowly THE very men who voted for the jun- is sold. improving, but unable to return. The ketiog steal at Lansing, are the ones doctor resumed his lectures in the Uni- versity yesterday. who would have howled the longest February < nip Report. SIGN OF THE RED STAR. The following is the programme for the and loudest, had they been at home The Michigan crop report of Feb. 1st shows returns received from 817 corre- Literary Adelphi next Siturday evening: working honestly for their daily bread Reading, C. D. Moore; music, vocal silo, art of the Prince in his usual clever man spondents, representing 023 townships. 1 ler. Miss R linford is not suited to the aad trying to get enough ahead to pay Five hundred anil eighty of there re- Miss Katie Jacob- , accompanied by Prof. their taxes. ports are from 403 townships in the O. Cady ; essay, "Loyalty," Miss Allen; iart of Alice Verney. The piece was re- southern four tiers of counties, and 128 Oration, D BVrent National Dmgers of ieaterl at the matinee this afternoon. To- reports from 115 townships in the cen- to-day, J. W. H itch ; music, vocal solo, iaht Queena, a sparkling piece from the "WELL, write up the record. It seems ien of Mr. J. K. Till nson. of this city, will to me it is getting to be the fashion for tral counties. Miss Katie Jacobs, accompanied by Prof. In the southern counties, which in- Cady; debate, Resolved, that immediate, ie presented, with Miss Van Cortland in THE BARGAINS ARE MELTING AWAY. theatrical people to stop off a few cludes Washtenaw county, 243 corres- union with Canada is desirable; affirma- he dual role of Queena Montrose and minutes inCbicago to get divorced,"said pondents claim that wheat has been in- tive, Mr. Northrop; negative, L. S. M'lle. R^ne.—Toledo Blade. Thn compa- Remember Only Ten Days (10 Days) More of the Judge Horton of that city in closing a jured during the month of January, Young. iV plays at the opera house, Thursday, while 323 correspondents claim that it Elmer Sanford died at the house where Triday and Saturday nights, with mati- case the other day. Judicial evidence has not been injured. The proportion iees Friday and Saturday afternoons. Great Reduction Sale. shows that there is some truth in what he was boarding on S. Univer>ity-ave., is about the same in other counties. In Friday niebt, of inflammation of the was supposed to be mostly rumor, that the southern counties the ground was The annual statement of the Mntual barely covered with snow until after bowels. The decea-ed was 27 years old a traveler could stop over night there and was assistant to the professor of phys- jife Insurance company of New York the 20th, the average depth for the hows the remarkable progress made by and secure « Hlwirw. month being two and three-tenths iology, in which posi'ion he was fast tain n inches. Wheat baa undoubtedly suffer- ing a reputation. During the past vear his institution during twelve months. The c A SUPEIUNTENDENT of public Schools ed some but the damage cannot be es- he has been doing a large portion of Prof. ecord made by ihe Muiual eclipses its in Northern Michigan writes the Detroit timated,aild with good, average weather S-^well's work, be beiog absent on wn best eflorts, and naturally exceeds Tribune, lecommending the passage of from now on, a fair crop may be ex- leave. He was greatly beloved by the hat of any other financial insti ution in J "a bill to make the diplomas of the lit- pected. faculty and gtudnrrs. Thti body w»s he world. The new business wri'teo amounted ti $103 214,26132, an itcreaie « Reports from 454 elevators and mills taken to Ash ton, 111., his former home, on erary departments of the university )f $33,756 79i95 over the new ri-ks as- state certificates in certain eases." He show the quantity of wheat maiketed Saturday. Which is Lower than any other House in to have been 467,5(17 bushels, of which umed tti 1887, and a gain oi $46,381,542 thinks there should be no question as President Angell, Prof. DOige and A. 75,891 bushelH were marketed in the B. Jerjnings have been wot king among over the business of 1886. The us es of Michigan. to the fairness and justice of this meas- first tier; 126 243 bushels in the second the liberal citizens of Detroit recently, to h" Mutual Life now aggregate $126,082,- 'ure, and says : "The University is a tier; 96,359 bushels in the third tier; raise the money needed io compl te the 53 56. indicating a gmn for the year of state institution, under state inspection; 120,485 bushels in the lourth tier; 41,186 student's chrisian association building. 17,275,301. The company has now an bushels in the fifth and sixth tiers; and uista.ndi'-g i"'urauce account amounting UNDERWEAR, GLOVES AND MITTENS and its.graduates are holding many of The amount needed for the work is $8.- 7,343 bushels in the northern counties. 050, and all of this hai been subscribed u $482,125,184. It paid to its members 'the leading school superintendences in At 90 of the elevators and mills report- durme the year for death claims and en- ARE MOVING OFF LIVELY. the state. Why should they bo sub- ing, no wheat was marketed during the now exc> pting $2,500. The following dowments and other obligations, $14,727,- month. liberal suti-cripti >PR have been made, jected to an annual examination? The James McMillan $1,000; D. M. F-rrv: 550 22. Th« surplus fund was mcreised diploma certificate could be canceled or The total number of bushels of wheat $1,645,622 11 in 18S8, and the Mutual See our Great Bargains in Hats and Caps. reported marketed during the past six $1,000; R. A. Alger, $1,000; C. H. now has $7,940,063 33 over and above annulled in the same manner and for months, was 10,970,009, or about 47 per Buhl, $500; J. F. Joy, $500; J L Hud- every liability. the same causes that Normal school cer- cent, of the crop of 1888. The total son. $500; Hugh McMillan. $250; Hiram tificates may be cancelled or suspended. amount of the crop for 1888 being 23,- Walker, $250; M. S. Smith, $250; C. C. State Superintendent Northrop, of Min- 581,504 bushels, and allowing 7,650,000 Bowen, $200; and W. A. Moore, $100. J. T. JACOBS & CO., bushels for seed and for farmer's use, nesota, last year granted a state certifi- THE JUNIOR HOP. OK leaves still 4,960,895 bushels of the The junior hop for 1889 has been held ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS. cate to a graduate of the University of year's crop unnccounted for or still in and it was a great success, nearly 125 ANN ARBOR, MICH. Michigan on his diploma. Should not the liandn of the farmers. couples participating. The rink was The number of bushels of wheat mar- The Muiual Life Insurance Co. Michigan honor her own institutions?" transferred by the skill of H. Randall, OF NEW YORK. keted at 17 out of the 25 elevators and who had charge of the dec >rating, into a mills in Washtenaw county, was 50,067 RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. THE veterans have centered their handsome place. The rafters and cross- buhhels; marketed in December but not be«ms were covered and draped with a hopes of a representation in Gen. Har- reported, 34.G13 bushels; total amount For the year ending Dec. 3 st, 18-9. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank profusion of bunting of the university rison's cabinet upon Ex-Gov. Alger. marketed for five months, August-De- cemher, 383.199 bushels; total amount colors, maize and blue. Oa the left side Total Assests, $ 126,082,153 56 Organized 1869, under the Gf neral Banking Law of this State. After recounting hisbrilliantwar record marketed for six months, August-Jan- of the rink a band stand was erected, the and signal success in civil pursuits the uary, 967.871) bushels. front being arched and decora'ed in the Increase In Assests, 87,275,501 68 CAPITAL, $50,00^T SURPLUS, $100,000; National Tribune of Washington closes VVashtenaw county stands seventh in national colors, red, white and blue. The Surplus «t four per cent., $7,9)0,(103 63 the total number of bushels marketed colors of the junior class, steel gray and Increase in Surplus, *l,04»,«.'i 11 TOTAL ASSETS, $673,660.12. its leading editorial of Feb. 7 aB follows: Polices in force, - 158.319 during the last six months, and first in garnet, were u ed in decorating the hang- Increa-e during year, 174 6 Business Men, Guardians, Trustees. Ladies and other persons will find "The veterans love and admire Gen. the number of bushels marketed dur- ing gallery on the right, and on the front Policies w itten, - 3.',«6 Alger for his splendid soldiership and Increase cluriuR year, 1U3O1 this Bank a ing January. The condition of stock is of which was displayed in large letters Risks assumed, • $103,214,261 .« magnificent business abililies, for his reported as above the average. the class yell, "Wa Hu, '90.' In the lower Increase during year, • *33.75fV92 9) open-handed generosity to the poor and corners of the rink handsome booths Risks in force. 84X> 125.181 36 Incn-aae during year, - »M,496.2M 85 SAFE AND CONVENIENT unfortunate, and for his thorough iden- M. Win, H.Deubel furnishes from the were partitioned off, one being used for Receipts imm all sources, t2K,^ 5.9 '2 62 serving ices, and the other was where the Increase during year, $?.096.010 06 Place at which to make Deposits and do Fusines. tification and sympathy with his com- bonks of Deuhel Bros, the following $14,727,550 -It monthly averages of the price paid for stately chaperoies of the evening held Paid Policy-Haiders, - Tades of the late war. With him in the INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS wheat during the last fifteen years: sway. Th>- latter booth was handsomely The Assets Are Invested as Follows. cabinet, they will be sure of having a decorated and was (urnished with the of $1.OO and upwards, ace rdirg io the rules of the bank, and interest Bonds and Mortgages, • - $19 617 874 02 man there whose friendship they can most extravagant of funiture. Here were United 8tate« and o.her securities. S48.(.16,7<>4 14 compounded semi-ant ually. confidently count on all the time; who seated M^sdames J. B. Angell, T. M. Real Estate and Loans on «> lateral, f .1,786,125 34 Cooley, B F. Crane, W. H. Pettee, G. 8 Cash in Banks and Truat Companies Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. thinks and feels as they do on all ques- at Interest, - - - $2,813,277 60 8ECDPED BY UNINCUMBERED REAL LSTATE AfD OTHER GOOD 6KTR1TIE 1874.. 144 111) 115 mini;- ui Morri», J. H. Wade, J G. Pattengill, J. C. Interest accrued, Premiums deferred tions; who will be their advocate and 1X7.1 !(>• Knowlton, P. R. B. de Pont and W. L. aud iu Transit, Eic. • $3,248,172 46 DIRECTORS: —Christian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. . Harriman, spokesman, and who will lead them as 1876 .1(1 mi ioo iu5 n "William Double, David Rinsay, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith 1877 .. Hft <4."> 14" 125 Ml MA Mann. $126,082,153 56 OFFICERS:—Christian Mack, President; W. W. /fines, Vice- ably and successfully as he once led 1878 118 115 M » 87 187'J 9 I-JO IIK r,u The fl)or was covered with a snow- president ; C. E. Hiscock, Caehier them in battle. They believe that, con- I8M0 I Ail II •os[ 91 98 white canvass, and ihe electric light globes Risks Bisks sidering how much they did to bring 18SI.. OS110* I2S1S8 ISA un va lhf.2 w 110 HO 93 90 tinted throwing a soft and mellow light Year. Assumed. Outstanding. Surplus. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arhor Savings Bank Gen. Harrison into power, they should 1S83 .0" 10" 96 93 over the scene. A delicious eupper was 1884 _J34 681.420 $3M 789, 8i S4.7I3.771 * Ji.T A.3ST3ST AE.BOH, MICHIQ-A.N. ° 1884 74 71 spread by Hangsterfer in the refreshment 1*5 46.507.189 „ 368.981.441 501 .6'4 have such a representative in his cab- 1081 gs Ss 1886 _ 5K.8*2,7l9 393 8U9..HH 5 643 568 On Monday; January J/A, A. D. 1S89, made in accordance with Sec- 1886 room which was separated from the danc- 1887 69457,468 _ 4/7,628 933 6291,442 inet, and Gen. Alger is the man they 1 71 tions 18, 19 and 67 of the General Bankirg Z,aw, as amended in U8 ing fljor by a white canvass, upjn which 1888 103.214.261 _ 482.l-5.13t 7,940,063 would like to have represent them. 1888.. sol si 9(l!l00 !5 ROBERT A GRANNIS. Vice President. 1871. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES the colors and emblems of the different ISAAC F. LLOYD 2d VicePresident. The appointment, would make glad the —Ypsiiaiitiao. Capital stock „..» 80.000 00 fraternities interested in the hop, were WILLIAM J. KASTtJN, Secretary. Loans aud Discounts S 325,216 98 surplus Fund 100.UOO 00 hearts of a million veterans." displayed. FERGUSON & GRANT, General Aeents for Mich- Undivided Profits 1.336 9a The Art Exhibit The music furnished by the Detroit igau, Indiana and Wisconsin. Detroit, Mich. Jan'y Dividend „ 2.6*1 00 At the Chicago Art Institute is now one of Bonds and Mortgages 223,212 15 Due Depositors 619.703 U GEAMDLY do we prate of the glorious Society orchestra was a feature of the surpassing interest and value. Thecollect- evening. The toilets of the ladies were Overdrafts. 171 87 t 673.660 12 achievements of the 19th century, in tion of Verestchngin, the famous Russian hands mo and rich. The grand march Furniture and Fixtures- „ 1,930 85 I de solemnly swear that the above st&wment* invention, construction, exploration, painter, soldier and traveler, consists of was formed shortly after 10 o'clock, the TO MAKE ROOM FOR true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Due from National and State Banks.... 92,069 68 CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. civilization, etc., but the man born to- one hundred and thirty Oil Paintings, to- several sections being led by the differed Subscribed and sworn to belore me, this 8th day who lives to be a hundred years gether with numerous 0 iental Rug*, Arm- members of the reception committee. Cashonhand _. 31,068 59 day of Jau'y, J889. 1 L. GKUNER, old will find but a few pages in his his- or, Jewels , etc., and is the most interesting After this the order ol dances ot twenty- $ 673.660 12 Notary Public. tory devoted to the age that seems so collection ever brought to Chicago. It will four regular and ten extra dances was Spring Goods wonderful to us. There is a good deal carried out, the soft light of approaching not be exhibited anywhere in this country day appearing belore the last dance was yet to accomplish before this little globe but at Chicago and New York. This, an ended. There were guests present from We have put our discount Sale FRANK POTTER, will be fully fitted up for the enjoyment well as the collections of old Dutch and, Jackson, Ft. Wayne, Tul-do, Bay uniform at a of its inhabitants. A new company Fl-nii-h masters, Historical Portraits, and City, Washington, Boston, Chicago, and S| X Tuner and Repairer of Pianos and Organs. just formed in Brussels, proposes to build Foreign and American paintings will also many other places. Factory Workman over 30 years' exp ^rienoa; lane of Oeoker Bros., Toe hop was a success financially and » railroad to connect the head of navi- remain on exhibition un il March 3rd. S N. 7., and holding personal reoomandation of gation on the lower Congo with Stanley Tne Michigan Central will make a rate soc ally, and n fleets great credit on the WARM the late Albert Weber.

Pool, thus opening up a line of about of a tare and a third, for the round trip, committee in charge, they being as fol- 2 5 P £ minify Work a Specialty. Parties can htve their Instruments restrang and thoroughly for trains arriving in Chicago on the lows: J. R Kempf, general chairman repaiied at their residence A.WU SKK THE H'HKK uOiK, thereby saving'the risk,uuoer- 7,006 miles in the interior of Africa to mornings of February 16th, 23rd, and invitation, F. B. Close, chairman, E. W tainity and expense of shipment trade and commerce. The most care- M 'rch 2n>i, the tickets to be good return- McPherran. T. L. Wilkinsou, E. T. Stev Heaquarters at WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE, ful estimates show that it will require 'UNT ON 9 ODS, li.A Post-Office Box 1340. 4th si!•<•<• I. Ann Arbor. ing on night trains leaving Chicago not enson, U. P. Wood ; arrangements, T. Y S3 only sixty five millions of dollars to later than th~'« rf«t»« j J»yne, chapman, H. R. S*»ger O. O, to CENT. thoroughly complete and equip the Smith, G. M. Ford, J. H. Hegeler, V. N proposed Nicuragua ship canal. Pri- The register at the secretary's office Crosby, W. C. Mullev; reception, W. L shows the lnrgebt number of eiudenti M»nn, chairman, F. L. Smith, H. T. Ab We are Here vate enterprise in the United States r . DZS (

pi OFF. have registered this year in the history of bott, J. R. Rogers, W. K. Maxwell. Hickory and Ash Timber At the Same Old Stand, will soon push this through to the dis- the University, a total of 1908 having comfort of the great Panama projectors registered in the iliffereut, departments as I I 3 for which the company's obligations follows: literarv 793, pharmacy 110; med- It has been a long time since the patron 1 of the People's Theatre have been treated today amount to over four hundred ical 387; law 404; dental 113; nomceopa- g to a performance as delightful as was thai o

thic 77; btudyinj? in nb enti« 24. PE millions with annual interest and fixed of Forget Me Not, which was presented 1 J © I will pay $12.00 per Cord, Cash, charges of about twenty-two millions. by Ida Van Gotland's company last even Firsi Urocery East of Post-Offlce, The Choral union will prod ice a cantata, for good Second Growth Hickory Our seven million dollar purchase of ing. Trie piece is a relresbing variation o WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL .Alaska will bo a great and valuable ac- " Crusaders," and a programme of part from the usual rut into which playwright Butts, suitable for Axe Handles; fongs at H >bart Hull, on F<-b, 28 h. The hlrnnst invaribly tumble, and is bright am We will give you extra bargains. delivered at my Shop, or on M. C. ForfuKars that are strictly Pure. < quisition one hundred years from now. principals taking part will be Mrs. Havi- Remember we guarai tee our For Coffees thai are Perfect iu Flavor, Max O'Rell was astonished to learn epnikling from beginning to end. The di R. R. track, Ypsilanti. For T«ra> that never turn Ke'l. l«nd, soprano; W. L. Taylor, tenor; Hugo alngUH is brilliant, never wearisome, ant Goods to give the best of satisfac- For Spice* that are not Adulterated, when he arrived at San Francisco from tion For thai Beais them All. P. GeisWr. bags; A. A. Stanley,; abounds in s >me flushes of repartee tha For Keror-ene th«t «ives the Best Light, New York, that be was not quite half aod Orin CH>IV. ni«' i-t, are exceedingly ei joyable. Miss Van Cott We carry Goods only from the Good Second Growth White Ash For r1soi the Highest Quality. best Manufacturers. For the Lowest Living Prices. way across this country. "Jonathan land's Stephanie de Moharivart was a dif- also wanted. Also a full Hue of Crockery, Glassware more than doubled the width of his Mrs. Dena Mitchell is at No. 84 S. ferent conception, admnably played, anc Don't forget, as it •will only last a and Lamps. continent in 1SG7, when for the sum of Main-st. readv to do sll kinds of Fancy would have pleaded the mom refined thea few weeks and starts Januat y 25. tre goer. Mr. Clarence Holt was very Rutnember the place. No. 5, $7,000,000 he purchased Alaska of the Nut-din Work and Embroidery. Ladies C. W. DICKINSON, Ann Arbor. IlusBiana." There's "lots to do," yet! are invited to call and see specimens at pood in his impersonation of Sir Horace SAMUEL KRATJSE, Wtlhy, and Mr. Chamberlain acted th residence and at. Baumgartner's si ore. 48 South Main-st, Ann Arbor. Ypsilanti, Mich. J. D. 8TIMSON & SON. James Van Onlen, who has re- AROUND THE COUNTY. sided here some thirty-five years, died Thursday. Feb. 14. 1889, aged 74 years. The small-pox is dying out at Azalia. Rev. Thos. Robinson has resigned Manchester wants the Clinton plow the pastorate of the Baptist church in works moved to that village. this place, to take effect in the spring. Mrs. Elizabeth Geer, formerly of Su- By an exchange of pulpits, Rev. F. M. perior, died at Plymouth on the lllh. Coildington, of Leslie, preached here, Lima now has a resident physician, Dr. at the Congregational church, last Sun- Boynlon of Jackson having moved to day. that place. Mrs. Coll. Babcock and Mrs. Chas. Thomas Zahn, living south-west of Canfield, go to Detroit Thursday to at- Saline, broke his leg recently while cut- tend the Baptist state Sunday school ting down a tree. convention. The Saline. G. A. R. are preparing for John Blaich and Frank Keck, of a big time tomorrow evening at their Cleveland, Ohio, have been guests of Washington ball. relatives and fr ends in this vicinity during the past week. At Gott lob Mann's «:iw mill in Bridge- water, 54,000 feet <>f lumber were sawed Miss Phoebe Turnbull, who has spent about two months here with her par- OUR GREAT OVERCOAT SALE in one week recently. Rev. P. P. Farnuni, of flreckenbridge, ents, returned last Friday to the care of has accepted a call from the Baptist an invalid aunt living near St. Thomas, church at Stock bridge. , Ontario. Friends of Rev. Yokom, of Saline, Wm. Judson, C. H. Kempf, W. J. ANY $25, $22, $20 OVERCOATS FOR gave him a donation last week, and he Knapp, Jas. L. Gilbert, H. M. Woods, is $100 richer thereby. (THO. H. Kempf, (1. J. Crowell, H. S. Holmes. A. W. Wilkinson, M. J. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Carr, of Manches- E L. N^gus, Thos. Holmes, will consti- ter, celebrated the 50ih anniversary of tute the Chelsea delegation to the Stale their wedding last week. convention and banquet at Detroit, on George Miller, of Manchester, is nurs- Thursday and Friday. ing a hroken collar bone, caused by being thrown from a carriage. •IIMi The farmers of this vicinity are put- $15.00 FIFTEEEN DOLLARS $15.00 Howell now wants waterworks, and a ting up large quantities of ice. This is committee of the council is visiiing a new departure which must add much other cities in the state and inspecting to their summer comfort. the systems in use. In the case brought to prosecute a The second annual exhibition of the Milan citizen for furnishing liquor to Eastern Michigan Poultry Breeder's as- an habitual drunkard, the prosecuting sociation held at Ypsilanti, last week, attorney failed to put in an appearance, was a decided success. hence the case was dropped for want of T. C. Owen has changed the name of prosecution. the mineral water produced from his m The E. P. Allen post, Sons of Veter- well, from "Ypsilanti" to "Atlantis" ans, of Milan, celebrated Lincoln'sbirth- mineral water day. They showed the side-arms which The editor of the Howell Republican Congressman Allen presented them. is a lucky individual. He has been Chaplain Huntingdon, of the G. A R. elected an honorary member of the post, delivered an oration. ladies' library association of that plare. A man was found at the depot here The ladies' sewing circle of Freedom last week, supposed to be under the in- is now governed bv the following offi- fluence of l'qtior, and was locked up. cers: Miss Louise Spathelf, pres.; Miss Some peculiarities in his case caused Mary Alber, sec'y; Miss Augusta Leyher, the village officials to remain at the jail treas. with him all night. He remained in Dr. Harry Nichols, who left recently the "cooler" until yesterday, when he for a southern trip to be gone several was taken to a hotel where he now re- ALL OTHER OVERCOATS REDUCED. months, returned last week to Saline. mains. Hi gave the name of Douglas He was disgusted with botli the south- McDotigal, and claims to have come ern country and the climate. from Chicago. He seems to be con- Rev. T. VV. Beale, of the Congrega- versant with railroad matters. The au- ALL SUITS REDUCED. tional church of Ypsilanti, is preach- thorities desire to find his friends. ing a series of lectures on " The Gospel in History." Lhow, the well will be utilized for Now is your time to get a Gk H. WILD a. Saline visitor the first of the week. heating and lighting the Sanitarium. The Union meetings were continued new Hat at a bargain. BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER I Two young Japanese gentlemen will FOR A a part of this week, in the M.E. church. begin the commercial course at Cleary'e ST,\*»I»I\<; 1»(»\K TO ORDER. Miss Dorothy Tenycke, of Ann Arbor, business college next week. was a guest of Mrs. Townsend, Monday The big poultry show stirred up the Fine Dress Suit I Fred and Miss Luella Clarke went to Ypsilantian to such an extent that it YOU WANT~IT Ypsilanti, Monday evening, to visit rel- was able to prove that the hen as she is S.'.W. CORNER MAIN AND HURON STS., ANN ARBOR. atives. variously disposed gives an aggregate An Endowment policy that has a cash The High school talks of presenting of $52 000 as the value of the poultry value—one that you can borrow a comedy soon entitled " The Heroic market in this city. money upon if desired. Get one If you want a Nice Suit, the latest MEDALS and Prizes awarded wherever I exhibited my work. First premium Dutchman." Miss Berry, of Grnsse Isle, who has of the Style, see at the Washtenaw Co. Fair 1888 for the best collection of Photographs. Mrs. W. E. Caldwell returned from been the guest of Miss Grey the past Centreville, last Friday, where she has week, retutned home Tuesday. G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. been visiting her son. Miss Grey, the high school precep- Michigan Mutual Life. No estimates, but actual results given A number of George Chandler's nu- tress, gave a reception to about 100 No. 2 Washington St. friends last Friday evening. at any age. Rates from three to four merous friends gave him a very pleas- dollars per thousand less than most ant surprise last Friday evening. Mr. H. VV. James of Detrrur, made other companies. Life rate policies Rev. Armstrong, who was, many his mother a short visit Monday. paid to the insured in full if living years ago, pastor of the Baptist church Mr. and Harry Weeks, of llniueap- at ages from 60 to 80. Mr. L. H. D. Pierce, Medic, '87; at present here, occupied the M. E. pulpit Sunday olis, are guests at E. B Drnry's. evening. Actual Result of 83.OUO Ufe Policy county Physician at Centreville, Mich., writes this Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarke went to for Three Years Past at Age 43: Ypsilanti, Monday, to attend a small gathering in honor of Mr. C's father's Prem.$172,80addtional to policy $276,58 of Haines Brc.'s Fiano: birthday. " 172,80 " " " 288,57 The donation at the Presbyterian 172,80 " " " 298,54 Mr. Lew H. Clement, Dear Sir:— parsonage,Tuesday evening, was an en- loyable event. It will be the last given Rev. Caldwell and family, as the family If you want a fir<*, endowment or ac- The Haines Bro.'s Piano which I bought of you will move to Ann Arbor, next August. cident policy, drop me a card and I will call upon you and sell you as good a has never failed to give perfect satisfaction. Fur- Last Friday evening, the High school contract as any company on earth. went in a body to pay a visit to one of Good territory to work given to live 'BEST FITTING CORSETT'HCWORLD* thermore, I can cheerfully and safely reccomend their members, Fred Webb, who lives agent. FORSALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. the Haines Pianos. Why ? Because we have tested five miles from here. He was com- B. J. CONRA.D, MAYER, STROUSE & CO. pletely surprised; a most enjoyable MTKS.-4I2 BROADWAY, N. K it and know what it is. I am evening was spent, the party returning Residence, 18 S. Ingalls St., Ann home in the "wee small hours" of Arbor. Very Respectfully Yours, morning. Office Under My Hat Last Wednesday evening, the night of the M. E. donation, at J. W. Hull's, L. H. D. PIERCE, M. D. some person orpersons stole three silver spoons, two cakes, a pie, platter of meat, etc. As there is no trace of the spoons 1 or dishes, it is presumed they were re- tained by the individuals to start house JACOB HALLBR, keeping with. Tho importance of purifying the blood can- Chrises. not be overestimated, for without pure Why don't you try a Haines ? Wm. Arnold, of Dexter, was in town blood you cannot enjoy good health. last Saturday. At this season nearly every one needs a A goodly number of Republicans good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich will spend Thursday and Friday in De- the blood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla is worthy WATCH - MAKER 1 JEWELER, troit. your confidence. It is peculiar in that it COME IN AND SEE THEM. Gen. Mcllwain, of Wayne, was among strengthens and builds up the system, creates his Chelea friends last Saturday and an appetite, and tones the digestion, while Sunday. it eradicates disease. Give it a trial. Hood's Sarsapaiilla is sold by all druggists. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Osborn spent Sun- Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. day vritti Mrs. Osborn's parents, Mr. and LEW H. CLEMENT, 33 S. Main St. Mrs. M. J. Noyes. IOO Doses One Dollar 46 S. MAIN STREET. TATE SPRINGS, TENN., i.: ..->. LAKE MAHOPAC, N. Y. MTtfOIl NEWS ITEMS. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanl . '.->.: LEGALS. MY DAUGHTER WAS.. VERY ^^ffi\lCHIGAN For Wack Kmiu I February 30. During the spring of 1871, v.. ..i»ig In the field at my home in Mo , mty, Probate Police. BAD OFF ON ACCOUNT Jfoui earthquake shocks were felt on STATE OF MICHIGAN,)-. CENTRAL Ga., I pulled off my shoes to g M- uesday in Attola, Ala. COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ( OF A COLD AND PAIN rest. Unfortunately, I walked ii a clump At a-cMsiouolthi; Prjbale Court for the County King Otto, of Bavaria, has been declared of poison oak, and in a few cl ; r.y feet of Wa-hteimw. holden at the Pr bite Office ON HER LUNGS. DR. 4o be hopelessly insane. in the ('it. of Aim ArboF. on Friday, the first day THOMAS' ECLECTRIC were in a terrible condition, and i -.otil'd not of February, in the year one thousand eight Tuesday morning Melviu Beall wns found put on a slice because of the soreness and hundred and eighiy-inne OIL CURED HER IN 24 frozen to death near Warrensburgr, 111. swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases Present, .1. willard Babbitt, Judge of Prnbate. HOURS. ONE OF THE Miss Stanley won the ladies' bicycle nice usually arc, and everything was healed up. In the Matter of the Estate of Lorenzo M. I.yon, deceased. BOYS WASCUREDOFA At New York. Her record was <>4'i miics in About the same time the following spring, Onrendinuand filing the petition, duly verified, the six days. 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, of Daniel I.yon. praying that Administration of SORE THROAT. THE MED- Prof. Joseph Mi timer, a talented musician, and every succeeding spring for five years paid estate may he granted to Arthur 8. Lyon or ICINE HAS WORKED WON- some other suitable pen-on. died at Austin, Tex., on Tuesday, in the !).wino try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles, and and nil other persons interested In said e-tate are Q> C*$ tC ^* Ifl ift * zed. OiiuiilMix l>riv< r». a a beyond question. 1 ATE AND PERMANENT RE- < 0; Aden advices state that the Russian flag [Pas«ed February •''th 1S8 .] A valuable Treatise on Blood and Skin Be it Ordained by the "ayor. Recorder, and Al- LIEF" IN FACT, AS A has been hoisted on territory which under Diseases mailed free. Address dermen of the City of Ann A rbor: art Anglo-French agreement belongs to THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for ony CURE FOR NEURALGIA Franco. hack, carriage or omnibus driver, or any other 3 Atlanta. Ga. peson soliciting passengers or travelers at the IT HAS NEVER FAILED. ang Jdaoxa •i b Five children of August Penmann, of Phil- Michigan Central depot, in the city of Ann Ar- adelphia, Pa., were poisoned by eating If you do not happen to care lor the came bor, to solicit passengers or travelers, except at the steps of th«ir reM*ctive vehicles, located at Vienna sausage. Two have died and one is coirse let her go, and under no circum- the South side of the Michigan Central depot at di sUuct'B take your portion and wrap it up such place as fhall be designated by the station MiiiN J MM- The United States ship Galena, with Rear- iu paper fjr consumption later on. agent of *aiu depot, pt which location all petsona to soliciting are hereb rrquiri d to bo at their 09 Admiral Gherardi on board, sailed from Key respective hacks, carr ages or omnibuses on the I West, Fla., on Monday for Port au Prince, Whnt A Itunre! arr val of passenger trains, and there to remain 4p i I y i J J ii! Hayti. I suffered with fever, hot head and foul breath, during the stay of said pasenger trains at said Frank McDougal, a school-boy of Parkers- With stomach disordered—was sick unto death. oepot. and for the period of two minutes alt T CQ s I bore it a week—surelv I was a dunce— the departure of said passenger trains from said bnrg, W. Va., committed suicide Saturday depot. No person shall act or engage in the fulfil 11I1W i hen I took a few " Pellets " — they cured me at because his parents threatened to send him once, business of a public porter or runner for any to school. hotel in the city of Ann Arbor, nor si all any What a dune, indeed, to neglect such a omnibus agent, or any omnibus, hack or carriage < pun Excitement is high at Purcell, I. T., over remedy and -uffer a week, when quick re- driver, or drivers of baggage wagons act as H :« :!3 is the discovery of old placer mines rich with lief could have been fonnd in Dr. Pierce's porter or runner for any hotel in said city r the oc- SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person \\ in Sunday. Heart-disease ia supposed to have or persons 8fli iting passengers or travelers to do X X been the cause. c tioo, and such though less behavior on so in a boisterous or nuisv manner, or treat them At Columbus, Ind., Tuesday, James Rob- your pan mialr tend to emnarass him. in nny other way than civilly and gi-ntlemanly. 8 !SS8 one 5/ij -SEC. 4. *ny person or persons violating any bins was sentenced to two years in the pen- of the previsions of this ordinance, or failing to itentiary for stealing two chickens valued The native born eli-phart bid* fair to comply vith t'»e provisions and requirements of - full /6ozjbIi/£ at thirty cents. rival the great imported Jumbo in Hze the same, slmll. on conviction, be. punished by a i fiMe. not exceeding twenty-lire dollars, to b • re- Hatt'e B. Stevenson, clerk in the post- o ^e most" cor\/en/enf and weight; hut it is pietty generally covered twiore any justice of the peace of the city PiO office av Wellsville, 0., was arrested on Mon- known that nothing rivals the great rem- of Ann Arbor, and in the imposition of any such CD H day for robbing the mails of $")00, and con- edy, Dr. Bull's C ut'h Svrun. fine the justice of the peace may m-ikea furtlur to cut for boc/Qet or fessed her guilt. order ihatln default of the payment of said fine within the time to be rived by ihe ju-tice in his O tpa Two express trains on the Graud Trunk senienc, the offender shall be committed to the •ssjidxj to carry Wtjl road were in collision on Tuesday near Ste. Do not complain ot the cookiDg when county jail of Washt* naw cou.ity, for a period of P 8 Hyacinthe, Que., resulting in heavy damage you are dining at the house of a friend. time noi exceeding thirty day. 2 Hi< wife may have prepared the meal, and SEC. 5. An ordinance of s>id city entitled x x to rolling stock. '•an ordinance relative to hack or omnibus Insist on ^g Walton's Opera-House, the Farmers' Bank yon certainly can hnve no wish to hurt drivers." made and passed September 20th, 1875, (J-ENUINE with Ihe red H ind two stores were destroyed by fire Suu- her feeltni.'". is hereb> repealed. SEC. 6. This ordinance 6hall take eflect from tin tag , made only by, day morning at Butler, Mo. Loss, $(>:>,000; and niter lepnl publication. partially insured. . trifle witli any Throat or S. W. BEAKES. JAS. R. BACH, H John ftBbiilte Two Mormon elders at Barnett, Ga., were Lung Disease. If you have Mayor. Recorder. EH ft 4 Cough or Cold, or the children are Probate order. : co *-> m S taken into the street on Monday and given P-l :t-oooo 00 ao»s»oe 100 lashes each, after which they were told threatened with Croup or Whooping Congh, STATE OF MICHIGAN, j to leave the community. COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ( ' INSURANCE, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent At a session of the Probate Court for the County Baron Li Yen Pang, said to be worth $40,- further trouble. It is a positive cure, of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in tho CD REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY OF •000,000, and one of the richest men in China, and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c city of Ann Arbor, on Monda , the 28th day ft --arrived in Now York on Monday. He is mak- •IOHN MOOKK Druggist. of January in the year one theusand sight o iilj9 !< a.i\m hundred and eighty-nine. •SSf S3 A. W. HAMILTON ing a trip around the world. Present, J. WlLLARb BABBITT, Judge of Pro- GQ ir. H. W. Van Dyke, proprietor of the Minnie Givers of dinners should avoid practical bate. Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Douglass Opera Company, now traveling jokes. Sunn old time customs putting In the matter of the estate of George Sutton, 5 Issi Hamilton Block. through Iowa, fell heir Monday to $140,000 2nd. incompetent. O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYSE hairpins into the soup xnd sewing macnine Sedgwick Dean, the Guardian of said ward, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag% Ann Arbor. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estate will by the death of his uncle. oil in the salads h»s gone out of fashion comes into ct.un and represent, that he is now prepared to render his 19th annual account as H find It to their advantage to call on me. I reprt- A sheep which was imprisoned for sixty- entirely' six days in an overturned straw-stack on the .uch Guardian. tent the following first-class Fire Insurance Com- Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the 25th panies, having an aggregate capital of over farm of William Howe, near Tuscola, 111., day of Hebruary next, at u-n o'clock in the fore- Toledo,Ann Arlior & North MicliigaB B'y was released alive Tuesday. A Justice of Tbe Peace Bnys. noon be assigned for examining and allowing 6uch Time Table going into effect Pnndny. Jan. 6, '89. t8.nuo.000: account, and that thr next of kin of said war i.and Going North. The Government has decided against the Hon. John Nealey, justice of the peace CD Holngtiouth. The Ornnfl Rnpltis Flr«t Ins. Co., and ex-rnember of the House of Repre- all other persons interested in said estate, are re- STATIONS. I. 31. 'Ihe Ohio Fnrmer's Ins. Co., (lusnreii Stinson claim, involving fourteen quarter quired fr> appear at a session of said Court then JCAM a. sentatives from M-redith, N. H, was tor 5 > Southern D vision. JCAM only dwell(iiKH). sections of land at Old and West Superior, to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Paas. Pass. Mall Mail Pass. Pass Tin* •-criiiaii Fire In*. Co., Wis., worth about »2,OJO,000. twelve years a terrible sufferer with iht*u- Arbor, in saio county, and show cau-e if any there A The Concorriia l'lr«* Ins- Co., be, why the said account should not be allowed: P. M. A. H. ma'ipm. He says: I cannot obtain any LVE] [ARK p. M P. M. The<-'itlzen»' Fire Ins. Co., At the seventh annual session in Boston And it is further ordered, that faid (juardian give 3 » 3 .Toledo 1 10 11 0» Tin- Werlvhester lire IIIH. ro., sn Tuesday of the Citizens' Law and Order medtcine which does me RO much good as notice to the persons intere-ted in said estate of 4 06 6 19 Monroe Junct'i 11 '24 10 20 The Milwnukee Mechnnlc's Mntunl League of the United States C. C. Bonney, your Sulphur Bit'ers, and I think it is he pendency ot said account and the hearing 4 15 6 2; Dundee 12 18 U> 13 Fire In-. Co., [hereof, by canning a copy of this order to be pub- CD CD 4 31 6 4t> Milan 12 00 9 50 The New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., 3f Chicago, was elected president. the best medicine m-i'ie. lished in the Ann Arbor REGISTER, a newspai-er 4 52 7 Pittsfleid .. II 40 9 il Tbe Amazon Fire HIM. CO. A silver mine has been found sixty miles printed and circulating in said county, three suc- 5 07 7 2n ..Ann Arbor.. 11 25 cessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. 9 20 9 30 northeast of Chattanooga, Tenn., in North 5 27 7 3 ...i.Leland's II 10 9 0? 9 10 Rates Low. Losses liberally adjusted ani There is no settled nmit to the number J. WILLARD BABBITT. 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lak< 10 5: 8 50 Georgia, which very rich. The quartz of olives a gentleman may eat at dinner, fA true copy.] Judge of Probate. 5 7 f> Hamburp 8 45 oromptly paid. yielded $30 to the ton of pure silver. CD 10 48 but one is apt to be considered in an un- WM G. DOTY. Probate Register. 34 8 4f> Howel' I • 11 8 ID I also Issue Life and Investment Policies In the Frank Jobe shot dead Joe Brown at Argen- 7 15 9 W Durand. .. 9 S5 7 30 Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aa- d ^sirable lijrht If (oar bittlesdn not suffice. 8 5.=> 10 5 tine, Kan., 8unday night. The men were Morliiiiec Snlf. ...EastBagiuaw... 7 55 5 5 lets *55,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insur- Whereas. William A. Mason and Elizibeth Ma- P. M. A. M. A. M P. M. oar-cleaners in the Union Pacific shops. The son, his wife, of Noithfield, in Washtenaw Coun- ance, can have yearly Policies written for them or shooting grew out of an old grudge. Th« Population of Ann Aibor, is about ty, Michigan, f xecut. d a mortgage to Edward NORTHERN DIVISIONT traveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket* lstued at Treadwell aid Noah W. cbeever, exec.morsof the 7 80 9 3S Durand John Bingham, 15 years old. of Canon, 12,000, and we would »ny that at least willof Hiram Arnold, deceased, to secure the pay- 7 15 Low Rates In the Standard Accident Insurance O., was found dead Monday, having been oiie halt are troubled with some affection 0 Ifi Vi 4 ...lit. Pleasant... IS 4 Compam of North America. Money to Loan at ment ot certain principal and Interest therein men- a „ :i 3d 4n ? M Cadillac IS thrown and stamped on by a horse which tioned, which mortgage bears d«te Januaryisih Aa. y. no Current Rates. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 12M. of the Throat ami Lungs, as those com- I88H, and was recorded in the office ot the Reg- P. M A M. I" M had just been given him by his uncle. plaints are, according to stati>ticc, more isier of Deeds for Washtenaw Ounty Michigan o und.Ito . M All passenger trains run daily except Sunday Clarence P. Baker, who some time ago numerous than others. We would advise on the 2Mh day 01 Januaiy. 1886 at Z% o'clock p' Connecticut at Toledo with rallroadsdlvervni Liber 69 of Mortg Kes'.npage74 an 1 where- ALEX. W. HAMILTON, ran through a fortune of $30,000 at Lafay- all our readers not to neglect the oppor- o At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling & Lake Erie as default has been made for moie than sixty days ^. a. At Alexis Junction with M r R K L 8 Hamilton Block ette, Ind., by drinking, has recently been tunity to call on ;heir druggists and get a in the payment of an instalment of interest n'ymdriFMRE A Monroe Jnnctior' taken to that city from London, 0., insane. which became due thereon mi the 2Mb day of 5 X11? L 51 »*• .M- b K'y- At Dundee with L 8 & bottle of Kemp's Bilsnm for the Throat John Shannon, a Frenchman living at January, lt-87 as well as the Mi<-ce> ding i siall- M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milan with W.. at L & CUE" eOLDWATCH and Lungs. Tri 1 >-ize free. Large Bottle ment of interest which became dne thereon Jan- O00» 1 by all l antioihv teimsof sad mortgage, the principal At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R »nf th«»orM. Par-1 sum unpaid 01 said mortKane of twenty-one hun- at South Lyon with Detroit. Iansing and North ftel time I made his will and shot himself dead on Mon- dred and ien do.lars with nil ihe arrearage ot in- ernR. R.,andO. T. Ry. keep«r. Warranted. Uea** day. Avoid publics al dinner. Ilyouareun- terest thereon, at lh« option of said mortgagees w H. W. A^HLEV. A. J. PAISLEY, "• (lol.l UuntlncCam. willingly drawn mio healed debate became due and payable immediately thereaiter Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. It is stated that the withdrawal of Booth and the power of sale contained In said mortgsge GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, W. W BUTTS and Barrett from the support of the move- rather admit yourself in tbe wrong became op rative, and the said mortg gets do Ajtent, Ann Arbor. Traveling.Pai-s. Ag't. q pcnsom ment to exclude foreign actors from the than throw a plate of ice cream at your herei y declare ittheir option an I do hereby elect At Ashley with the Toledo tSaginaw & Mus- 1n«nrh locality ran wcore on* United States has virtually ended the agita- to have the principal sum 01 said mortgage and o FRtE. UowlsthlipoMtblet adversary's wile. all ir.te.est the eon become now due aud paya- SB lieBon railway. We answer—w« wint one per- tion. ble. And whereas there Is now claimed to be due •on in each locality, to keep tn Cbelr hornet,»u>l MLUW to '.note who rail, a complete line of oar Mrs. Oliver E. Friend, William H. Howard and. payab.e as aforesaid upon said mortgage and Highest Awards, London, New York, Boston VftlOftbleiad very astfi J UUt'SEIIOLi) NA.1IPLES. and three others, charged with conspiracy Hark Twain. the note secured the eby at the Hate of this notice These ••inplcB,»» well • • the wittch, we send free.and after yon the sum 01 two thousand four hundred and fifty O g New Orleans, tt»« kept ttwsm In yoxu home for « montlis »nj aliowo them in the Electric Sugar-Refining Company The American press generally appears to have five dolltis V2.»S5tiuiiu additi n to all other lo to those who m»y ha»« r alled.they bucomo yonr own property; lost conceit of Mark I wain. One reason lor this gnl costs, and no Miito' proceeding in law or "THE It It poMiblB to mike i.hli Krest offer, sendine tha MILIII frauds, have been arrested at Ann Arbor change of feeling may bu tha Mark has grown COLD watrh aod Comepart ther'oi known,la made la order that oar sample!may be placed at one* the agents of the express companies are to But eveu under ihebe direful circumstances. •£> where they cao b« teen,, all oTer America. Write at ODCt.and centa would purchase him irom that most pain- to wit: All of the following described land situ- nak*aar« or th« chance. Reader It will he hardly any troabl* be enjoined from bringing liquor into the ated in the township of NTthfieM in Washtenaw for you to show tbe earn) *«• to those who may call at your bom* •iown. ful o' a'l complaints, Rheumatism. They are County,, viz: The Nc rth East quarter and your reward will \ « moat aatlsraclory. A postal cart on advertised ever} where. Fur Sale by H. J. Brown, of the South-We t quarter of Section No. Thirty which lo write&scoat* bot I centaud after yoaioowatl.lf yon Albert Johnson and David Fleming, aged Dist. Agt. for Aun Arbor. one 31) in township No. One South, in Range No. 4o oot care to go furtb* r, why no h«rm Is done. But If you do Six, East; ulso the South seventeen 117)acres of Ann Arbor Fruit Farm •end your address al 011««. yon ca&ancare FREE on* of tb* nine and ten years respectively, jumped bMt solid gold watch. a In tb* world and onr I arc* Ho* of from a rapidly-moving train on Tuesday the West half of the North-East quarter of said COST 1. v HAMPI .BS. W« pay all e^pr«M. freig D. n't repeat (he scmidnla of a d»y ; they Section No.') hirty one, it being d visions No one Berry Plants, Fruit and Orna- 4ddTMlQaaSTUJS0M AC0.,Box Hi,POKTLAMD, at Maiden, Mass., and both were instantly are old. Invent new ones. two, three, four, and one »cre off of the south' tilled. side of divisl'-n No. Five in the partition of the mental Trees, Pears and Grape estate of P»trick McMahon. deceased, as appears vines a Specialty. byrupa and Hon. Jesse Calhoun, a.prominent planter by the report of the commissioners on file in the at Pike County, Ark-, committed suicide Mir Was Completely Cared. Pr bale office lor Wathu-naw County all (u Home-Made "Wines- Monday. The deed was caused by shame, A daughter of my customer missed township one south, in range .six east, and con 8yrup of RmpbeTy ; Birtlott He»r Syrup, Bone his son having been arrested in Texas for menstruation on arriving at puberty wining in all 6ixty-eteht acres of land, more or sett. Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs LUMBER less, at public vendue on Ihe twenty third day of for Liver and Kldii'y troubles Sweot Red. Con- murder. her health was completely wrecked. At February. 18SU, at ten o'clock in the forenoon cord and Mariha White Wlnu. especially pre- John Booker, a farmer living near Frank- at the Huron street entrance to the Court House pared lor Invalids. OrderTreesand PlauUearly tnv suggestion she u-ed one bottle of in the city of Aim Arbor. In said County or Wash- as we get most of them from the best Nurseries lin, Ind., was arrested on Tuesday for sell- BradQelds Female Regulator, which cured tenaw, that being the p'aco of holding the Cir- east. TYPE-WRITER! LUMBER! ing diseased dressed beef to the butchers her cu t Court In said • ounty. E. 11AI It, West II nroii St. UNEXCELLED FOB SPEED, PERFECT of the town. Great indignation was felt by Dated, November 2oth, 1R8S. the Tesidte J. W. Heliums, Water Valley, Miss. Write The Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlantu, Ga. Alignment and Durability! LUMBER! Joseph Houston; a farmer noar Hodgen- Sold by all druggists. EDWARI> TREADWKLL and Tbe Edison MlmeoKrapb for dupUcating If you oontemplate building call at ville,- Ky., was found murdered Monday. NOAH W. CHKEVEB, Executors of the will of Hiram Arnold, de- •ASKYOURTDEALER copies, superior to all other methods He had- recently come into possession of ceased. •3,000; and the object of the murder is sup- Type-Writer supplies etc. for Catalogue and Keep your food on the table. It is net Price List, Address W. A. CAMPBELL? ACT., FERDON posed to have been robbery. de rigueur to drop roast beef or indeed, Ke Sale. Ann Arbor. Mich. Default having been made in the condition! HOSE any other edible on your ho8te^s' caipet. of a Mortgage executed bs Jefferson Lewis and Two Girls Married. Rachel Lewis, his wile, to Adelia O. Cheever ^SUPPORTER CLEBMOST MILLS, MA, Feb. 20.—Excite- beartn* dnte October 21. 1886. and recorded In Should your friend iuviie you home to the ofhee of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw ment prevails here over the discovery that TEARS THE STOCKING last September Miss Hannah Colder, aged 35 a teal home made dinner do not advise Count . Mlchignn, ctober vl. 1886. in Liber67 Henry Richards, of Mortgages, on page 102, whi.-h Mortgage was WARRANTED TO HOLD SECURELY years, and Miss Catherine Beall, a pretty him to try Browne, the new caterer, it assigned by said Adelia C. Cheever tn \% Roy c girl, were married by a Catholic priest, who you wish to remain a friend of his wife's. Noble by deed of assignment, dated December 6 Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and mistook the Colder woman, from her male 18 7. and it corded iu said Pollster's office in NO » DETROIT NT. Liber «. of alignments of mortgages, on page 3H3 get our figures for all kinds of attire and masculine appearance, to be a by which default the power of sale contained in would CDjoy your dinner said M-ruage became operative, and no suit J \3 and are prevented by Dys- or prnceediug In law or equity having been in- Dealer in all kinds of HARD •Jack Klein Return*. Btiuued to recover the debt tecured by said pepsia, use AAcker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Mortgage or any part thereof, aud the sum ot •WOOD, LUMBER, FENCE SAN FKisciMco, Feb. 18.—Jack Klein, tha LUMBER They are a positive cure for Dyspengia, In- two hundred and thiny-ihree and 50-1U0 dollars POSTS, etc., also all American whom the Germans claim led the (1233.50) beiiii: now elaimed 10 be due upun snid kinds of attack on Mataafa at Samoa, arrived here digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Mortgage. Notice is therefore hereby given that We manufacture our own Lumber Saturday, from Australia. He will go to We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. said Mor'gage win be foreclosed by a sale ot and guarantee the Mortgaged premises therein de«crib«1 or Washington to apprise the State Department JOHN MOORE, Druggist. some pan thereof, to wit: AH th« lollowing of the actual condition of affairs on tha described land situated in the city of Ann Arbor VERY LOW PRICES island. Michigan, viz: Lot No. Three in Block No Five STONE AW CORD WOOD \'e wish a few Noith of Huron street iu Range No. Fourteen «9-Gtve us a enllnnd we will make li Kire in Chicago. ien to sell our Ea.-t according to the reooided plat 01 the goods bysani pie Eastern >ddulon to said cliy. at public vendue on I am also Agent for the celebrated to .. our luieresi, as our Inrice aud well CHICAGO, Feb. 20.—A row of small busi- to the whole- the Sixteenth day or Novembtr next, at ien Icr.Kl. «i NIO«-K lull)- Kiislaiun our aso«r. SALESMEN it o'clock in the forenc.oon, al the Hur. n street en- ness houses on Twenty-second street, thi« ^»~a!e an,1 retail Hade. We am the largest trance to Ihe Court House, in the City of Ann •city, were burned last night. Loss esti- ^^manufacturer!? in our line. Enclose two- Ar'or in taid County of Washtenaw, that being JAMES TOiBEBT, Prep. mated at about »i0,000. The buildings, be- oenl stamp. A permanent u/ircc the place of holdiug ihe Circuit Court in said CSAXPION BINDERS AND IOWE&S, T. J. HKEVH, mini. ing mostly of wood, caused a fierce blaze, positionsards. N.n Moneattentioy advancen pniil tn^Olid ^ County. and at one time threatened a disastroua for wafret, advert! stop, etc. Centennial Manufacturing Co., Dated August 11th, 1888. conflagration. $3.0PER DAY0 And Keep a Full Line of Repairs N. W. CHEEVER, for tbe Same. the profile of a hill on a windy day, with ishly back, envying his superior clogance rows of pigeons, some with one eye scene of feud or merriment for miles hat, like the cap of Mercury, and his clothes bagging and fluttering about anil address. turned up as if watching the weather, round. In cold weather he was dis- mounted on tho back of a ragged, wild, The Legend of SIee?/v Hollow him, one might have mistaken him for From his half itinerant life, also, he somo with their heads under their wings tinguished by a fur cap. surmounted half broken colt, which ho managed the genius of famine descending upon was a kind of traveling gazette, carrying or buried in their bosoms, and others, with a flaunting fox's tail; and when the with a rope by way of halter. He came the earth, or some scarecrow eloped from the whole budget of local gossip from swelling, and cooing and bowing folks at a country gathering descried this clattering up to the school door with an By IEVKTG. a cornfield. house to house, so that his appearance about their dames, were enjoying the well known crest at a distance, whisk- invitation to Ichabod to attend a merry- His school house was a low building of wax always greeted with satisfaction. He sunsliine on the roof. Sleek, un- ing about among a squad of hard riders, making, or "quilting frolic," to be held [FOUND AMONG THE PAPERS OF THE LATE one large room, rudely constructed of was, moreover, esteemed by the women wieldy porkers were grunting in they always stood by for a squall. Some- that evening at Mynheer Van Tassel's; DIEDEICH KNICKERBOCKER.] as a man of great erudition, for he had the repose and abundance of their times his crew would be heard (lashing and having delivered his messr.^a .. ith logs; tho windows partly glazed and pens, from whence sallied forth, now In the bosom of one of those spacious partly patched with leaves of copy books. read several books quite through, and along past the farm houses at midnight, that air of importance and effort at fine was a perfect master of Cotton leather's and then, troops of sucking pigs, a3 if to with whoop and halloo, like a troop of language which a" negro is apt to dis- coves which indent the eastern shore of It was most ingeniously secured at va- snuff the air. A stately squadron o~ the Hudson, at that broad expansion of cant hours by a withe twisted in the "History of New England Witchcraft," Don Cossacks, and the old dames, start- play on petty embassies of tho kind, he in which, by the way, he most firmly and snowy geese were riding in an adjoining led out of their sleep, would listen for a dashed over the brook, and was Been the river denominated by the ancient handle of the door, and stakes set against pond, convoying whole fleets of ducks Dutch navigators the Tappaan Zee, and the window shutters; so that though a potently believed. moment till the hurry scurry had clat- scampering away up the hollow, full of. thief might get in with perfect case, he He was, in fact, an odd mixture of regiment3 of turkeys were gobbling tered by, and then exclaim: "Ay, there the importance and hurry of his mission where they always prudently shortened through the farm yard and guinea fowls goes Brom Bones and his gang!" The sail and implored the protection of St. would find some embarrassment in get- small shrewdness and simple credulity. fretting about it like ill tempered house All was now bustle and hubbub in the Nicholas when they crossed, there lies a ting out—an idea most probably bor- His appetite for the marvelous neighbors looked upon him with a mix- late quiet school room, Tho scholars rowed by the architect, Yost Van Houten, and his powers of digesting it wives, with their peevish, discontented ture of awe, admiration and good will; small market town or rural port, which cry. Before the barn door strutted the and when any madcap prank or rustic were hurried through their lessons with by some is called Greensburg, but which from the mystery of an eel pot. The were equally extraordinary, and both gallant cock, that pattern of a husband out stopping at trifles; those who were is more generally and properly known school house stood in a rather lonely, but had been increased by his residence in brawl occurred in the vicinity, always nimble skipped over half with impunity, pleasant situation, just at the foot of a this spellbound region. No tale was too a warrior and a fine gentleman, clapping shook their heads, and warranted Brom by the name of Tarry Town. This name liis burnished wings and crowing in the Bones was at the bottom of it. and those who were tardy had a smart •was given it, we are told, in former woody hill, with a brook running close gross or monstrous for hi3 capacious pride and gladness of his heart—some application now and then in the rear, to days, by the good housewives of the ad- by, and a formidable birch tree growing swallow. It was often his delight, after times tearing up tho earth with his feet, This rantipole hero had for somo time quicken their speed or help them over a jacent country, from the inveterate pro- at one end of it. From hence the low his school was dismissed in the after- and then generously calling his ever singled out tho blooming Katrina for tho toll word. Books were flung aside with- pensity of their husbands to linger about murmur of his pupils' voices, conning noon, to stretch himself on tho rich bed hungry family of wives and children to object of his uncouth gallantries, out being put away on tho shelves, ink the village tavern on market days. Be over their lessons, might bo hoard of a of clover, bordering tho littlo brook that enjoy the rich morsel wliieh he had dis- and though his amorous toy- stands were overturned, benches thrown that as it may, I do not vouch for the drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a whimpered by his school house, and covered. ings were something like the gentle down and the whole school was turned fact, but merely advert to it for the sake beehive, interrupted now and then by there con over old Mather's direful tales, caresses and endearments of a bear, yet loose an hour before tho tho usual time; of being precise and authentic. Not far tho authoritative voice of the master, in until the gathering dusk of evening The pedagogue's mouth watered, as he it was whispered that she did not alto- bursting forth like a legion of young from this village, perhaps about three the tone of menace or command, or, per- made the printed page a mere mist be- looked upon tin's sumptuous promise of gether discourage his hopes. Certain it imps, yelping and racketing about the miles, there is a littlo valley, or rather adventure, by the appalling sound of the fore his eyes. Then, as ho wended his luxurious winter fare. In his devouring is, his advances were signals for rival green in joy at their early emancipation. lap of land, among high hills, which is birch as ho urged eome tardy loiterer way, by swamp and stream and awful mind's eye ho pictured to himself everj candidates to retire, who felt no inclina- The gallant Ichabod now spent at least one of the quietest places in the whole along the llowery path of knowledge. woodland, to the farm house where he roasting pig running about, with a pud tion to cross a lion in his amours; inso- an extra half hour at his toilet, brushing world. A small brook glides through it, Truth to say, he was a conscientious man, happened to be quartered, every sound ding in its belly and an apple in its mouth much, that when his horse was seen tied and furbishing up his best and indeed with just murmur enough to lull one to that ever bore in mind the golden maxim, of nature, at that witching hour, flut- the pigeons were snugly put to bed in a to Van Tassel's paling, on a Sunday only suit of rusty black, and arranging repose; and the occasional whistle of a "Spare the rod and snoil the child." tered his excited imagination; the mean comfortable pie, and tucked in with a night, a sure si to prove this and convince you of its carried away by a cannon ball in some some shrub covered with snow, which his eyes. In one corner stood a hugo bag while others have a thousand avenues, nameless battle during the revolutionary would have been scarcely sufficient to like a sheeted specter beset his very path! of wool, ready to be spun; in another, a merit, any druggist will give you a Sample furnish him with daily bread, for ho was How often did he shrink with curdling quantity of linsey wofsey, just from the and may bo captured in a thousand dif- Bottle Free. Larg»> size 50t: and $1. war, and who is ever and anon seen by a huge feeder, and though lank, had the ferent ways. It is a great triumph of the country folk, hurrying along in the awe at the sound of his own steps on the loom; ears of Indian corn, and strings of skill to gain tho former, but still a gloom of tho night as if on the wings of dilating powers of an anaconda; but frosty crust beneath his feet, and dread dried applo3 and peaches, hung in gay At a public there is no law a- to help out hi3 maintenance, he to look over liis shoulder, lest ho should festoons along the walls, mingled with greater proof of generalship to maintain the wind. His haunts are not confined was, according to country cus- possession of the latter, for a man must gainst y uir filling your pock -tswitli olives to the valley, but extend at times to the behold some uncouth being tramping the gaud of red peppers; and a door left battle for his fortress at every door and and jilted almonds it' you see tit to do it adjacent road3, and especially to the vi- tom in those parts, boarded and close behind him! And how often was ajar, gave him a peep into tho best par- lodged at the houses of the farmers, he thrown into complete dismay by some lor, wiiere the claw footed chairs and window. lie that wins a thousand com- nnd like your hors d'ee lvers that way. cinity of a church that is at no great dis- whose children he instructed. With these mon hearts is therefore entitled to some tance. Indeed, certain of the most au- rushing blast, howling among the trees, dark mahogany tables shone like mir- renown; but ho who keeps undisputed thentic historians of those parts, who ho lived successively, a week at a time, in tho idea that it was the galloping Hes- rors; andirons, with their accompanying "What shall I do," the maiden cried. thus going the rounds of the neighbor- sian on one of his nightly scourings! shovel and tongs, glistened from their sway over the heart of a coquette is in- have been careful in collecting and col- hood, with all his worldly effects tied up deed a hero. Certain it is, this was not "He will be here to night and my hnnda lating the floating facts concerning this covert of asparagus tops; mock oranges the case with the redoubtable Brom are chapped, and he will hold them." spectre, allege that the body of the in a cotton handkerchief. All these, however, were mere terrors and conch shells decorated the mantel- of the night, phantoms of the mind, that Bones; and from the moment Ichabod "Calm yourself, dear," her mamma replied, trooper, having been buried in the church- That all this might not be too onerous piece; strings of various colored birds' Crane made his advances, the interests "we've a bottle of Salvation Oil." yard, the ghost rides forth to the scene of on the purses of his rustic patrons, who walk in darkness; and though he had eggs were suspended above it; a great of the former evidently declined; his battle in nightly quest of his head, and are apt to consider the costs of schooling seen many specters in his time, and been ostrich egg was hung from tho center of horse was no longer seen tied at the pal- that the rushing speed with which he a grievous burden, and schoolmasters as more than once beset by Satan in divers the room, and a corner cupboard, know- ings on Sunday nights, and a deadly Use your lemon judiciously. Do not sometimes passes along the hollow, like mere drones, he had various ways of shapes, in his lonely perambulations, yet ingly left open, displayed immense feud gradually arose between him and pquii t any of its juice into the eye of your a midnight blast, is owing to his being rendering himself both useful and agree- daylight put an end to all these evils; treasures of old silver and well mended the preceptor of Sleepy Hollow. neighbor. If you can not squirt straight belated and in a hurry to get back to the able. He assisted the farmers occasion- and he would have passed a pleas- china. with a lemon taboo oysters. churchyard before daybreak. ally in the lighter labors of their farms, ant life of it, in despite of Brom, who had a degree of rough helped to make hay, mended the fences, the devil and all his works, From tho moment Ichabod laid his chivalry in his nature, would fain have Such is tha general purport of this le- took the horses to water, drove the cows if his path had not been crossed by a be- eyes upon these regions of delight tho carried matters to open warfare, and Keep your blood pure and you will gendary suporstition, which has fur- from pasture and cut wood for the win- ing that causes more perplexity to mortal peace of liis mind was at an end, and his settled their pretensions to the lady not have rheumatism. Hood's the Nainsook and Swiss Mull that are was walking on the T. & A. A. track near dealers throughout the. United States. The Knights Templar will give another Urania, yesterday afternoon, he was struck ity Tuesday. attracting many buyers, because of party at their asylum tomorrow evening. Like all sel'-mnde men, Dunlap is a gen- by a train and thrown over thirty feet in- Chas. R chards, of Cleveland, has been tleman of positive ideas, great fertility of beauty of the designs and the cheap- Justice Frueauff paid to the county to the ditch. His left arm was broken at n the city this week. resources and wonderful capacity for busi- ness of the prices. We desire to treasurer, Tuesday, $30 fine money col- the elbow. He stepped aside to let the Miss. Sa'ie Nel-ion, of Monroe, is visit- ness. lected since Feb. 1st. train pass but did not step far enough. ng Miss Grace Jenel'e. call the attention of the public to "His stores, located at 178 and 180 Fifth He was brought to this city and had his J. T. Jacobs went to Detroit, Wednea- Avenue and 181 Boaiway, this city, also Emanuel Kuehnle, a farmer of Scio, arm set. »ur line of Edges, Insertings and died last Friday, aged 58 years. The lay, to spend several days. in Chicago and Philadelphia, receive most Flounces to match, in Nainsook and funeral was held Sunday. Allen G. Clement, the 13 year old cousin H. S. Green, of Detroit, spent Sunday liberal patronage from the eliie of every portion of the country from Maine to Cali- Swiss, they will fully keep up the en- of L. H. Clement of this city, who disap- with his daughter, Mrs. L. H. Clement. The annual masquerade of Co. A, which peared from his father's home at Kalama- Louis Blitz, of Detroit, made a flying fornia. In fact the name and fame of viable reputation of the house for will be held at the rink tomorrow evening, zoo on the 2nd inst., and who was so visit to his brother, S. S. Blitz, Saturday. Dunlap, the fashionable American hatter, having the finest Goods in this line promises to be a grand success. thoroughly advertised for »U over the have been proclaimed abroad in as many country, returned to his home last Thurs- "Frank Felton," of Jackson, has been languages a« there are countries in Europe, in the City. Justice Frueauff issued a warrant Mon- day. He ran away to Chicago because visiting his father, N. B. Covert,this week. and from Hyde Park to the Pyramids, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. day for the arrest of William Felske, his parents objected to his going to as Treasurer S >ule left Monday evening bis mike of hats is the recognized style charged with asssulting his father Satur- many dances as he wanted to. or Grand Rapids, expecting to return to- f >r gentlemen of wealth and rerlnernent. Our new Stock has arrived and is day. .__ lay. A Dunlap hat is a pwport to honor and now «n Sale. An examination will Mrs. Dr. Vaschi D. Garwood filed her A petition is being circulated among Mrs. Elihu Thorp and daughter, of profit, and the traveller knowing this gov- Tonesville, visited Mrs. G. W. Millen last erns himself accordingly." The Dunlnp convince the most particular person certificate as practicing physician with the the members of the Washtenaw county county clerk, Tuesday.- Sne is a graduate bar, asking that Judge K^nne appoint a week. bat. can be purchased of A. L. Noble, that we have the best garments of of the Boston medical school. court stenographer who shall ret-ide in Prof. C. H. Stowell returned Saturday clothier and hatter, 35 S. Main-st., his this variety in market; a few points Ann Arbor, and that the stenographer rom Washington where he was called on authorized agent. None are genuine Richard Trevelick speaks at Cropsev's shall be obliged to be present whenever )usines8. without the well known tiale mark., in regard to them : They are made hall next Sunday p. m., on " The Effect'of court is in session the same as the clerk, John Challander, of Ithaca, represent- from the best Material, the best Alcohol on the Human system," as observ- sheriff, or any other officer of the court. ng the Di g Fancier's Guide, is a guest of Brooms worth 30e. each can be bought for 20u. at Warners, State st. Trimmings, and with the best Work- ed in two trips around the worlj. Nearly every lawyer has signed it. J. J. Walker. Prof. Carhart left Tuesday night to at- manship. Our Pearl Shirt at$i.oo A party of eight couples from this city Last Thursday evening Frank Rhine- end the naiimal electric convention which Youman's Hats, spring shape, now ready and our Giant Shirt at 50c have no drove out to John Fiegel's, in Pittsfield, hart, a brakeman on the Toledo & Aan s now in session at Cnicago. at the Two S