•11 , Will U'Brlaii and family, Of Leslie, S;'-;-..' visited here Buiiday; * •' lOllii Fowler goes to Ohio this week (o make a vIbU aiid brliig; home bis BlstervMay, 'who has beeii visiting friends there the past few weeks. Mrs. Keeler is makliiK some flret* Class evaporated apples at her dryer, ft : ' D. NiBateihan runs his dryer to Its 8ix€rraiid Entertainments! • * - fullest capaoltyi which is twohundred APPLES, dried, per pound . bUBhols per day. i PHILOSOPHER] CHERRIES, dried, per pound The best tea in town. Hoyt Bros. w2 Mrs. Jane Handy. Is visiting ber FEAOBES, dried, per pound.. Editor op the News:—At. the re- ONIONS, perbUBhel Miss Ella Loomis, of Leslie, Is visit­ Under the new law the election : daughter, Mary VauDeiisert, at Mason. Y011 Know Wliat Pleases You. AGRICUtTURAL SALT, per ton ing Mason friends. boards are requiied to prepare booths cent meeting of the soldiers and sailors Enlereil at the PoatoJ)lce at Maion as Cash paid for produce. Hoyt Bros. Mrs. Ii. Polheoius, who suffered a -TO OPEN WITH- LAND PLASTER, per ton 6 Secand'Clmf viatter. In which to do the voting ou association cf Ingham county, a com­ stroke of apoplexy two months ago. Is LZVK STOCK AND MEATS. Some miscreant stole two tents from election day, one booth for every 100 rade from Jackson county Mich, made Jay Lane has been In town this week mil HOW falling grudunlly.' i CATTLE, per 100 pounds the courtyard last Week Tuesday night. votes nnd fraction of 25. Below we some statements which provoked some m .2 fioas 00 PUBLISHBO EVKRY TaUBUnAY, BY on business. The bond of WlUing Helpers meet HOQS, per 100 poundH give the vote of each township nnd discussion at tbe time, nnd have been S. H. Beecher Wants Money PORK, dressed, per 100 pounds. The veterans have over 5150 in their nt Mrs; C.H. Buckingham's Thursday, J. T. CAMPBELL. SI. Hawley, of Petoskey.is lii town treasury as a nucleus for a next year's ward In this county on which the esti­ tho cause of so much comment since HAMS, per pound... s@ e mate is to be iiiade and the number of October Oth. His Misfortune Your AdTnntago. CHICKENS, per pound, dressed for a short time. reunion, that I respcctiv«>ly ask apace in your CHIOKENB, per pound, alive «8 booths required in eacli precinct. Let It seems as If tynliold fever had coine LAURA DAINTY On* yiir, fl.SSj lix monlhi, eS eania; thrtt pa^er to state tlie substance cf what he To get It he will sell the best of BBOAD-OAST SEEDERS, TUBKEYS,por pound,alvo a 6 Harvey Lapliam, of Okcnios, gets a .Superintendent Cheever, of Lansing, ho board fall to bo prepared for election : said, and io ask some questions. Into our neighborhood to stay, ns three DUCKS, per pound, alive fl@ monlho, 3S oenli—in advane*. pension since last week. of A. EcUhnrt's children are very sick and seven of his tcuchcrs attended the ' Vote No. of Booths OCTOBER 2I3 1890. NEW STYLE OORN-OUTTERS, TABLE CUTLERY; DUCKS, per pound,dressed @ 1. He stated that the act of congress Call and see our new, all-wool, ; with it. James, Qeoge and Eva are ADVERTISING RATES. L. C. Webb started for Lexliiuton, teachers' association here last Saturday. Alaiedon 301 of June 27,1800, was simply a pauper BiriLDINO KATKRIAL, Aurellus 410 the ones afflicted.' COOK STOVES AND HEATING STOVES, Oar advertising rates made kno^n aloffloe- Kentucky, last Monday forennoii, bill; tbat thesoldiers did not generally seamless Hose, . WATER LIME, per barrel &1 5 Baslnessoardsdallnoper year, The services that were to be held at Bunkerhlll 277 CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel... @2 5 Delhi 112 so understand it, but such wns the fact, J. J. Slaughter Is home from a three at Astoniahingly Low Prices. Baalneaslooals live cents per Itneeaoh and Mrs. J. T. Campbell spent last Sab­ tbe Hawley school bouse were post­ weeks' visit to N. Y. state. Season Tickets o«i sale .at E. Culver's, $1.50; 10c extra for Reserved LIME, per barrel @ Tg every Insertion. ^ Ingliain 302 and to prove his statement, he recited ONLY 86 CENTS A PAIR. PLABTERINQ HAIR, per busbel 0 8? bath with her parents at Shepherd. poned to next Sunday nt the same Lansing !I10 Mrs. Mary Jennings, formerly of this Seat. Geneialadmission, 50 cents; Reserved Seats, 75 cents. SHINGLES, per thousand I OO&i 0? Marriage,birth, nnd death notices free, hour. Leroy 391 the provlsonsof the bill in detail, and Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, declartd that any soldier making ap­ Examine our Table Linens and iiluce, has gone to Brockport N. Y., to LATH, per Rtleet i .0005 cards of thanka,6tc.. live cents a line. J. £. Bullen, of North Aurellus, Is Leslie 081 live with her sister, Mrs. Hannah prospecting in the northern peiiii.sula. Dr. and Mrs. E..F. Shaw, of Will­ Locke 3m plication for a pension under that act Towels. Be sure and see the The course comprises: Laura Dainty, Dr. J.nmcs Hcdley, Haivnrd Quar­ OTICE of lottlni; Orttiii Contrnct. Public Meridian : 131 Bobertson. m m ni mw hardware iamslon, were in Mason last week. was required to swear that be was not Towel we sell for only notlco Is hereby titvon that on the 4th day o f Our nimrods seek tbe woods these OuonilnKa ,.12:l tette, R. J. Buidette, Ariel-Thomas Co, Corporal Tanner. No sea­ NOctober, A. D. 18110, at 10 o'clock In tbo Ibronoon, Business Cards. The doctor Is pleased with his prospect Stockbrldse 370 able to obtain his living by labor, and Joe Taylor is very low with typhoid days and tell great stories on tiieir re­ fever. His recovery is doubtful, still son tickets sold after the first entertainment. at the rcsldonco ut Clark Strunlc on eccllon 32, In at Williamston. Vevay HJl that he had no other means ofsujyiyort.' tbo township or Aurellus, In tbo county ot ATI'ORNKYM. turn. Whentfleld .109 10 CENTS. his irlenda nnd physician hope for S. H. BEECHER. Ingham, I will bo present for tbo purpose Rev. Ellett, of Concord, is attending White Oak -131 Is his statement true? good results from good care, nursing CULVER & HENDERSON, Managers.' of letting contrncta for tho reconstruction "irAVERY^torney nnd Counselor at J. B. Woiden exhibits a freak. Po­ the Synod at Lansing and Mrs. Ellett Williamston... 530 2. Ha stated be bad heard a political Extra Crash 2o inches wide, only anil »lral|!htonlng of a drain In said town- I. law. onicc over Fanners' Bank. Lansing city- and faithful attendance. Dr. Knight sbli), dcscribud us follows: Oommonclnf; at a E tatoes glowing on stalks above the is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, First ward,... 310 sj.caker recently declare that no other io cents per yard. Don't forget stayed all night wilh him Sunday Bliiisc In tho hiRbway on the south line ol section OEORQE F. DAY, ground. Geo. W. Bristol. Second '• 732 government in the world hud ever our new Silk and Linen nlglit. • 31 at a point about 111 rods wostol tho southeast Third " JOS made snch generous provisions for its Litclifleld last Sundnv. valescing. corner and following tbo coiirso of tho Fowler TTOUNEY AND COUNSELOR^ AT Mrs. Catherine Ay res started last Kclatives from Owosso are visiting The Running Wild Comedy Co. got Fourtli '• 5.17 soldiers as had the government of tbe Mr. D. C. Austin, of Jacl!.son, called drnin In a nortbcoslorly direction 305 rods across A_' law. Offlce over First National bank, Saturday to visit her sister at St. Paul, Fifth •• . .551 HANDKERCHIEFS. ; Mrs. Bert Collins. Tbey found her on Attorney W.H. Reed, of Decator, sections 31 and 32, and thence In a norlbeastorly aaon, Mich. about as much sport into two boui's at UnituI Stales; and he then cautioned on friends here a few days last week. Mat Minnesota. SIxlli " . 39S tbe slcU list, not dangerous, liowever. Ind., visited with bis cousin Dr, Oh- H. C. RANSOM, course acroBs tbo nwW of tho nvi'/, of sec 3S and the opera bouse hist niglit as could Mason- the soldiers not to be deceived hy such He returned homo last Monday. linger last Saturday. tbe BwJ^ of BOO 2», aiO rods to Iho north lino of REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE Our store is overflowing with New Mr. and Mrs. Artliur Pbiliips are well be curried homo. First ward 301 talk from political speakers! While here be sold his place in Wheat- Mr. and Mrs. Greenman andidaugh- -IlenaqiiiirtorB for- said quarter suction, all In the township of . In Bayner bloelt over City Bakery. Second " Goods. Gents, be sure and Wlicntlleltl. AuruliuB. Total lenRtb of dr.-iin is BOI rods, and spending tlic week at St. liouis, Willi 203 Has any other government ever made fleld. Consideration, $000. ter, of Leslie, were the guests of Abe A reception to Rev. Barnhart and at that time 1 will lot conlracts for tho con- PHYHIVIANM. their relatives. such generous provisions for its dis­ see our Lyman Haviland has rented Mrs. Mrs. Isaac Sever, of this place, is Blaok Sen. last week. slrucllon of enUl drain by sections, to Iho lowest family was held at the M. E. church vespou»lblo bidder or bidden). Also tako notlco last evening in wliich a multitude of Just Once. charged soldiers as the United Stotes? Curtis'farm for ):he coming year, and quite ill with malarial fever. Sol. Owen left Tuesday for Rogers that I will then and there, nt tho timo of tho H.
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