"V- MOMDAT, rSBBUABT 6. lMt;| fAGE 1WELV? Aitttrfa»0t»r EvnrtMO VmiDb y THE WBATHKB aVKBAOB DAO.T COtClXATION Fhraeeet * f O. 8. Weather LiSdy Roberts lodge, Dsughters Past Chief Daughters of Helen Vincent Sahrators of 90 Walnut IMward J. Goddard, 80, who told f*r the Bsaath *4 Jaawry, l8Se Tcy highway Wld aldewalk condi­ police be has juat baca relee eed tions here have been costing the of 8t. George, will hold iU regulu Davidson lodge, who maet on the BtTMt has been noUAsd of Ihs death ABOUT TOWN town about 1100 dally during the monthly meeting tomorrow evening secotid Tuesday In the month, will of hla fathM* In Potenaa, Italy, on from tfic county Jail, waa arreated gather at the home of Mrs. John O. January 8. H . waa 98 srsara of OB Main atreet Saturday at 3:15 6 ,1 7 2 Partly eloady aad ooMer loaIgMi past few days. It was said by Town In ths small loc^e hall of the Ma­ Meoiber ot the Andlt 5»t. MarRurpI * Clrrle, Pnu(rlitiTS sonic Temple. The meeting will be. .Pentland In the Centennial apart­ age and alao leaves a alster, Mrs. p.m. on a charge of Intoxication. Wemeailay (air. Trea.surrr rieorge H. Waddell Sat- Bureau ot OmiiatkMi* oT iMbrUs. wilt holrl Its r'-Rular lird.ay. About $2,400 of the $.1,000 gin promptly at It o’clock, as there ments, Tuesday evening of next Rom Marcantonlo of this town. Policeman Lucius Thrall reported monthly mpflinsr lopiomw I’vrnlng snow removal appropriation remains are candidates to he Initiated. A week Instead of tomorrow night. that the man had been panhandling MANCHESTER - A (TTY OF VIU.AGE ( HARM at 8 o'clock. In I hr K. of C. < lub- for use during thr balance of the social time will follow, with re­ \ Following the bualnesa meeUng of patrons of a diner. freshments served by the president. Campbell Council K. of C.* to be roomr Thr Stuily club will nu'ct winter. (Uaastflaa MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1939 (TWELVE IMAGES) PRICE rUKBE CBNTfi after thr bu:^inr.rs srsston. Itcfrooh- Mrs. James Leelle. Mrs Harold held in their clubhouse, Main and The regular meeUng of the Miwse VOL. LVnL, NO. 109 18) ments will be .'.crvefl by Mrs. A new .aeries of Bridge parUes Belcher and Mrs. Fred Parker. Dalmdat. atreat. tonight a roast nesf Club wlU be held In the club rooms Bratneo McCaith;' smi her - fiei.s will be Helecle


week this problem wUl be considsr* ha said, "but not Inanibsrs o f tha ed. govammont which has not resign­ HIGHWAY AND WATER Tbs highway dspartmoit *m- TRAm C SLOWED UP ed.'-' SISTERHOOD GETS In "ntle Role ADMIRAL SEES NO SPIRIT OF HARMONY WARNS RELIGIOUS ^ ployses sppsarsd bafora tb* Board Many members of the govern­ Here Is Information Baldwin Seeking Opinion Will Discourage American i laat night daq^te a vote of th* ment, however, were on French soil Board, taken thres months ago, In BY ICY HIGHWAYS on diplomatic passports ostensibly: DEPTS. CURTAIL FQRCE which It WM sgrssd that henceforth on various missions. NOTED LECTURER P THREAT IN GUAM PERMEATES G. 0. P. O f Voters On Dual Jobs ABOUT SOLEMNin Investment In Jap Firms nil pay and promotion dlfficuKiss Bpaniah troops wsr* pouring! ______Of Boy Scout Troops, of town ampioyaas shall coma to across th# border— and giving up' Hartford, Feb. 7— l AP ) -Gover­ I the aVerase taxpayer who earns bl* th* attention of th* Salactman only nor Baldwin want* the people of Washington, Feb 7.— (A P ) —Th e• monopolies alroady baiiig sgezciMd living in industrial pursuits here. through department foremen. A ito iiU Move Witk Cantioo Scoutmasters of Town U ck Of T tw i Roids Control Robert Wamock To Japanese TeDs Diet Fortifi- Plans For National Observ­ Clonnecticut to voice their opinion, Methodist Church Director administration will discourage any by such Japanese oorpormUoas,lUoas. T "1 do not like to see a working The. Board adjourned until next frontier posts were Jammed by long Discouragement of American Mi man laid off” . Uiiplen stated, "But Monday when it will confer with lines. whether pro or con, on the "grave American Investment, officials In­ As Damp Soow Causes In response to many inquiries, the% tying, and pacing, were taken by vestment in such companies aouat' ^ Deplored At Heiring; Lo: tbe highway w-orkmen can stand Bowen and then will announce Its Most of SoMlers Ortm Speak Under Auspices Of catioo Would Weaken U. ance Of U ncoh's Birth­ moral Issue" of dual office holding. Of Recreation Points To dicated today. In proposed Japan­ be done througb State Depiurtmwt taking a little at the cutting that * nitur* policy In highway depart, Most of tha soldiers, weary from roUowing information la offered Troop 13; the rescue race. Mmaphore He a.aked for a public expreaslon ese eorporatlons designed to develop i suggestion and not thnMigh any lot o f taxpayers have had to taka ment affairs. the month ^ a half of Franco's ftre-by- about ScouUng U th* Manchester ^.“ re‘ won'^'b “ ttoop of opinion last night In his regular lnd\cttry, commerce and agriculture ! formal order. Although the com* ■ p iei Blames Board, No during the past four or five years". Catalonian offsnslva, were unshaven Temple Beth Sholom. S. Defense In Pacific. 47. day Is Announced. weekly radio broad, a.at. Soon a Proper Use Of Leisure. D istrict—troop number, meelwg Total—Troop 47— 12 1-2 points; in Chinn. ponies ore Jspanes* n vsn im sn t In- Mr. Luplen was In favor of making and grim. Boms, however, stlU committee rofiort w due In the Gen­ This nttltmle became known os I spired snd controIlM, they would more expenditure ruts In other town shouted "On to Valencia"— r*. place, Scoutmaater* of the various Troop 13—10 1-2 points, eral Assembly on a niea.'ure that the nt.'ite depart men! released ror- | not come under the Johmen set Action Taken Last Night departments A ataady snowfall 4lnc« 11 o'clock feriing to their Bbro campaign Th* Sisterhood of Temple Beth The compass relay was run off Tokyo, Feb. 7— (AP) — Naval troops, as well as tbe chairman of “ - Washington, Feb. 7.—John Hamil­ would bar nu-mhora of the Legisla­ Chicago, Feb 7 (AP) Beware tCSiMmdence (biting hark to 1923 (forbidding loons to gOVetWBSnt* last night Isft about ilv* inch** of which diverted the Insurgent drive Sholom, aa Us initial proHet of twice, because of misunderstanding. Matthew Moriarty commenting HOUSE GROUP the troop committee. Any boy m ture from accepting other atate Jobs of "solrmn-cholla". E. O. Harbin, which showed such a policy pre-|defaulting on their bond IssoM) h#- damp snow In Manobester and vicin­ on VaJsneto last summsr. both a financial and sduAUM al na. Minister Admiral HItsumasa Tonal Finally the judges decided to call ton. chairman of the Republican Na­ on the staggering of em- ity. Ths snow oovered th* lee which town who Is Interested in scouting to which they would be appointed viniisly hs'l been followed. Offl- I cause Japan h u kept up her pi1a« . Daeldtnc to abtd* b3r It* prevlou* Along th* mountain road bstwsen ture, hare secured for a lecture here. told the Diet today that forUflcatlon a "tie". tional Committee, today hailed Re­ of Nashville. Tenn.. warned the tn- ployment, stated that the whole for several days caused bad travel­ a Uvlted to contact any ot the peo­ 11 by the governor, or by the legisla­ clal* *nul the government's attitude cipal and Interest paymanta. decision to "a ta n c r” hlj^hv-ty d»- L* Perthua and Le B ^ lou French Dr. Robert Wamock. aaaUtant p r^ This session of contests showed ternatlonal I6)uncll of Religion*: remain* exactly the **me. i The effect a State DepartmahR sItiiBtInn hss been raused by a woe FAVORS BILL ing but also made the roads slippery o. the American Island p f -Guam ple here listed, or to attend any publican plans for celebration of ture or by the two agepcles to­ Mobile Guards stood X t 25*yard In- f*sw>r of EnglUh at Connecticut would weaken United States defense the weaknesses of Troop 13 In Class p*rtni«nt employees during the next j ful lack of admlnlatratlon and super. aa th* wet snow packed down and scout meeting at the times mentlon- Lincoln's Birthday this year os In­ gether. Kdiirnlion today. i (Recently Intimation* came from 'suggestion might have, howevar, M vision. The highway budget ha* been Urvals, shepherding the flocks of L*L*Le College at Storra. The date la In the Pacific and added that the A events. A t the end of the contests More than loadera of relicl-' •'•■'’‘■'opment com -! Indicated by the unanimous respouat digbt weeks, sritb half of the de- ifielted aa the temperature rose at refuge**, while more than 100 uniu Cor Wednesday evening, March 1, •d: dicative of the new spirit of har­ Indications at a publii- hearing on 1000 expended without any overalght, he midday. Japanese Navy attached no Import­ Troop 13— 2nd Congregational each troop gave the other a hearty the bill, ajionaored by the Baldwin onredueaHon In zi ‘h®’-® fo® U>®'that met Secretary Hull'* sppaal ^artmeat’s 41 employees working FOR o m E of'th e French army's motorcycle Che place. Center church house, ance to reports this was being cqs^ mony and alertness solldlf>'lnx the eeld, or there would now not be the Jiurch—Mondays, 7; 15 p. m. Scout- cheer. This marks tbe close of the administration, were that 11 would ?mn. MMe* 1 improvement of Chin* ,to American alrplai^ m a n u fa e tw ^ doe week, and the other half the No accidents were reported today, machine-gun corpa patroled th e' "C'irrent Plays" is th* subject sidered. Governor Baldwin be oiH-n to American and - neceaeily to curtail activltle*. "Tf aster; Richard Smith. Chairman; inter-troop preparatory contest for party's ranks. meet considerable oppo.sltlon If It not to ship airplanes to countries (OantlniiM fram Pag* Oaa.) evidence that th* roads were so slip­ frontier son*. | Wemock will discuss, and when Admiral Tonal said In answer tending the 17th annual conference. foreign capll.-H.) engaged In bombing cIvUian popula* MXt week, the Board of Selectmen there WHS a man at the head of H. L. Griswold. ' TYoop 13. The Repiihllcan Lincoln Day cele­ came to a vote In il.s present form. pery that drivers have learned dur­ Spaniards wounded On war fronts „,i? . •••.■pofida practl- a question; Harbin. dlrecKir of recreation of | state Departmenfs tlons. Airplane shipments to last night recetvpd tbe co-operation things who planned hi* work and I* cally every week-end In attending Trobp 15— St. James's church— i The interpatrol contest carried on brations this year will revolve Women J*ii;iporl Govt-rnor changing, complex world, now Is be- | Methodist hie monev” . Moriarty said, 'Thle where th* Congress is drifuag." ing th* past week or so to proceed and In rearguard bombings flUed “ Presently there I* no reason for rhurch South #aui communlcntlonii declared: Japan have cessed. o f tba town owned water depart­ Seo Idea* "Provocative'' with caution. * the most popular plays o f th* day In Miss EdHk Trootmi Thursdays, 7:30 p. m. Scoutmaater; ; by Troop 13, waa won by the Eagle around the annual dinner of the N a­ A lew hours liefore the governor’s ginning to threaten evil." "too often good |..'ople hecxime vie-1 "in t)„. opinion of the department wouldn't be necessary. Who operates first aid station* and crowded hospi­ tension between Japan and the Patrol ( "Brick " Stone— patrol lead­ ment, whose superintendent, Fred Van Kirk, who declared tbe Drivers of cars parked along New York. It wdll be easily undsr- Paul Moriarty. Cfiialrman: B. Fogar­ tional Republican club in New York broadcast the Connecticut tknmcll The governor ailmltted that 'll tim sof solemn-eholl*. The.v feel that . if |n n.-i a matter of general policy this department'*" Mortarty asked tals along the border. Several thou­ Already well remembered for her United States. It is a gross misun­ er) with about a 50 point lead over | Parker, advised the Selectmen that Navy's Ideas foi Improving harbor Main street this morning often stood how wall quallfisd h* is to pre­ ty- where ■ dozen or more party lead­ of Republican Women adopted a seems hard, at first glance” to con­ 'life Is real: life I* earnest.’ hut they not desirable that American credit None of .he Helectmen undertook to sand wounded were transferred on splendid perfonnances before th* derstanding to bellsve that th* the Owl Patrol. (Walt. Grimder— during tbe oomtng eight weeks he facilities St th* far Pacific Island of found It difficult to back out of sent s talk of this nature. Local Jroop 25—Center Congregational j ers will gather on Monday evening, resolution unanimously, affirming demn dual Job holding, pointing out forget that 'the grave I* not Its lie placed at the disposal of foietgn AIXtUrriED MAYOR SUES answer the question. It llnslly was trains under the car* of French peord* who have heard hUh are en- footlights, Miss Edith Trouton United States has aggressive "sturday mornings, 9:30 a. m. leader.) ; that in the case of younger mem­ would operate hla department with Quam would be regarded by Japan parking spacas, oftan raqulrtng tb* sign* upon Japan. However, to i Feb. IS, to honor the Great Eman­ their eupport of him and hla plat­ goal ■ liitere'ls for Investments or enter- admitted that the highway depart­ Arm y physicians from the frontier touAUstlc over kU descriptions, and should add to her laurel* when she fcutmoster: Ernest Irwin. Chalr- The exact scores will be announc­ bers of the General Assembly their a payroll raduced about one thtr Noel was .quoted . by Defense Attorneys In New recently been added to the hlghwjy would bring no reprisals and would t.vploratory talks, It was ascertain­ date. the duty to Parliament, to they added it was possible that M rf. Bijur To Continue To have been arranged throughout the Export-Import bank. The present leave Spain Independent. ed here. polio* as saidng hs fell asleep at country over the week-end of Feb. knew expiration date I* June SO, 1#39, H I . » rin ... I of the League of Nations Britain would osntlnue to recognls* the wheel. that any men had been asked. He The negotiation* were surround­ tr*P to Burgos during the mill- land to the United State*, that government or Its substitute Aid Strikmg M eiico W PA Trial Cafl 11 to Feb. 14 to celebrate the birth­ asked why a private tractor was SecrctaryBMorgenthau told a Sen­ ed by secrecy, hut dipliimiitic cir­ tary decline of the Spanish govern-! (A ti'esfy between the United in central Spain. day of tbe party's foUtader. VovV MijiBy iAo m IkfM (fa n Is Ming hired for town work when the ate committee be believed the cessa­ cles expressed the belief that, re­ "Republican oelebratlons of Lin­ ment seiwed as a prelude to possible j states and Britain on Dec. 3. 1924 SpanUrds Must Occupy Island ranco as. recognized American rights In PsN Service Employes More Witnesses To Stand coln’s Birthday this year or* ot -WINOS Of TMI NAVY- brought about by repeal of th* silver tinuance of the w-sr appeared im­ Britain and Franc* were under­ R A N G E a n d ^ lo r of Spain by both Britain and rsUne and provided that the Unlt- more then usual significance,'' CoesepeWss prodvcMas in 7 'fr observed that thU purchases act would fend to reduce possible. stood to have pointed out to Fran­ Hamilton declared. "N ot only do A American exports amt be harmful to - D States should be consulted be- Illustrated the deplorable" Inek of Against the sombre background benator Beiard. W'ho left Burgos fore any modification of Britain's co that the government-held Ba­ Albuquerque, N. M.. Feb. 7— (A P ) they Indicate the new spirit of party lie ie d by Werner Iree. eewhig I F U E L O I L S supenlelon over the affairs of s de- this country's trade of the tragic exodus of thousands learic Island of Minorca In tha New Tork, Feb. 7— (AP) -rDeath yesterday, w-a* expected to reach ■ Palestine mandate from the League threats won’t keep Mrs. Harry BlJur —Attorneys defending 25 persons harmony but they also Illustrate soon to yoer local fbeeSto -ei-HOUR SERVICE pytm enl which snnuslly spend* CrilirlM Fartn lUU of Spsniards Into France, a sharp Paris tonight. He telegraphed of Nations.) * Mediterranean must be occupied chai-ged In Federal court with con­ that the Republican party, from Four senators Joined In criticising change In the Spanish political sit­ a)|end to report to the foreign min-j After deploring Jew-Arab flght- not by Italian or German forces hut from picketing the apartment house spiracy to defraud the U. S. govern coast to coast, has been rejuvenat­ * PHONE «320 m»V "" '"WW uation became apparent. a proposed new farm bill today as a solely by Spaniards before London where she lives. ment by converting New Mexico’s ed, has become alert and now pre­ Negrln. with the support of D.. . . n . . ^ S-000 live* the "C ‘■uttlng "'casiire that might Increase monop. Principal PoInU Of Report past 38 months, Chamberlain told and Paris could recognize the In- The pretty matron who has W PA into a political machine, call­ Army snd labor leaders, had been sents to the Nation a united front. Three principal point* of hla re -; the Arabs that "these discussions suraent regime. spent more than (3,000 In food and ed more witnesses today In on effort reported over th* week-end to he Democrato Divided B O L A N D ihinM w n f offlclals I proMselng of agricultural product*, port were given by diplomatic quar­ are to be full, frank and fr e e .... Frequent reports that Italian medical aid for striking building to prove the charges had their incep determined to transfer his govern­ "W hile the Republican Party bos a Derm■ni^*^« ■ "’“'"Calnlng I The four war* Senators Norrl* ters as: troops control Mallorca, largest of service employes since Nov. 8, said Uon In rui Intra-Democratlc party ment to central Spain and carry on but let us concentrate on the reall- solidified Its forces in order to serve O I L C O . CJlIle-te lD „ U ). FI- 1. Insurgent Spain has erected no ties of the present situation___ en­ the Balearic Islands', has caused she would continue helping them feud. o . Che department. > lender (D , L a ) and iHieas the fight In the one-fourth of the anxiety here since these Ulands are the National by pushing forward (D.. fortifications on Us Pyrenees fron­ deavoring to appreeiate each otbsF* despite enon}rmouB telephone threats Chief Defense Attorney A. T. with a program to restore economic H^nwever, Selectman Martin *UC«1-111 ). ^ country etlll In th* hands of the tier facing France and wrlll rale* doss to France's line o f communi­ point of view." against Uie lives o f herself end her Honnett, New Mexico DemocraUc recovery, tbe DemocraUc party has committee govsmmsnt. non*. cations with her African posses- The holy land's knotty problsn) two son£ NmUonal committeeman and former been torn with internal dissension, on Now tb* leader* of the one* pow­ 2. Any m lllU iy *irport placed sUns. rivaled that of tb* two ^ u s a and Mrs. Bijur has marched regularly governor, cracked at government generated by the unwise policies erful U. O. T. and C. N. T trad* near the border during the ctrii war Diplomatic quSrtsrs In rk ils said on* baby which Solomon dSOlded. T ith the striker* In a picket line tesUraony, declaring It "waa moU- which President Roosevelt • insists unions and many Army officer* are w-iu be removed. This tim* a country Instead o f a Franco had given a promls* of vated by poUUcal animosity,” en­ Selectmen La«"n':."^'‘co*nv,r,, | d.^’u -i^ ii^ u r^ ^ a fto!’ among the refugees who have en­ friendly relations between tb* liefore the fashionable Central Park should be pursued. Dsiikk 3. No foreign power will be per­ baby was scheduled to go undsr th* west apartment house where she gendered In the bitter fight for poli­ there tered France. "new Spain" snd Prano*. Ssogtor ‘Th e Lincoln Day Dinner In New “ mt2lf'’'.m ?hr".^,Ien‘ i;.on trrh“ C-.der i.-rkl.y d mitted to keep a political or military sword with neither party witling to Kves. tical power between former Gov. M a h i e u ’ s highway. n wae' the SJ.nlmo!:: was "no " - pending------buelnei Senator This disruption of tb* Popular foothold In Spain. give In. aa did the true mother In Leon Berard, semi-official - French Oil’d# Tingley and U., 8. Senator York is a symbol of the new Re 188 Spruce Street Nye declared, however Front organlssuon, practical dlffi- envoy to Burgos, was said to h* on Mrs. Bijur said her younger son. publican party. It started out to be opimon that an entirely new method hst admln- In return for these sssuraqcea, the the biblical story. Ryan, IS, had been token from Dennis Chaves, several of whose latratlon lieutenants. . _ w ..e tr>-lng to culllea In transferring tbe govern­ hli way back to Parts "highly sat­ A star ee great that he eonaent- Just another dinner such os the of handling highway affaire ehould Insurgent administration was said C heAlre, Conn., scadsmy and waa close relsUvea ore on trial. Every Day of the Week be .let up Town Engineer J Frank head off debate on foreign policy. ment to the central sons and th* to have asked France soon to recog- isfied" with exploratory talks with ed (e BUhe only one pletare . In line arltb this argument, de­ NaUonel Republican club in New A Senate subcommittee wae c ^ - great odds against s successful Insurgent leader*. Itslng kept "some place outside the York hoe held every Lincoln's Birth­ ' Bowen, who hold* the title of *up*r. nu* Franco’s regime as the sole sad this Is that pletaret A stery city.'' fense attorneys were expected to Money Saving Prices , Intendenl of road* and bridgei, tlniUng hearing* on th* President's stand theI^e were believed to be day for years. But this year Judge government of Spain and to scfid DID YOU KNOW T H A T - so appaelUg that It eope* with coll to th* witness stand Joseph L. I was absent from the meeting, hut It nomination of Thomas r . a mils, breaking dowrn the last elements of sn ambassador to Burgos. NOT REINO OONBIINCRED She sold she was not worried Dailey, former district Judge and John R. Davies, president oL the In th* glow worm family, only the admirable gealns of Its Mar about Robert, 18, a Notre Dame Kellogg’s Pep, ' ''^“ *.w**’®„” C»lnlon of *om* members Wisconsin Progressive, to be a resistance. This rsport went far toward Washington, Feb. 7.—(A P I- close friend and advisor of Tlngley's. club, sensed the fact that l(&l , of the Board that he should tak* membsr of the IntersU U Oom- Uagsring DMtb 9a*n the female at the specita Is lumi­ United State* recognlUon of the University student whom she des­ an opportunity to demonstrate to Pkg...... quieting French fear* that an end to nous. icm d k MM Dmll^, the iMenae contends, secur­ .1 0 c , over *u|>ervl*lon of the highway nierc* Commission— Amlle was ds- Hours, or perhaps day*, of llngsr- the war would bring a new period Franco regime U Spain U noFnew cribed aa “e good boxer end able to ed affidavits from W P A arorkers al­ the country the reJuvenaUon of hla James A. Garfield was the only take caue of himself.” department. scrlbed yesterday by Uither Wal- Ing death for ths govemmsnt In th* under consideration, a Stats Da- leging poUUcal use of the relief or­ paity. Ha decided to etiive to make Bantam Corn. of European tension, with Italy us­ left-handed President of th# Unltsd The strikers, members of .^an in­ .=leIectniHn Ch.ainhci* notr.1 that I l^o,. attorney, aa "* plain north remained In prospect before partmant official said today. PADEI ganization, bringing on the Investi­ this dinner a naUonal event and In 4 large cans . . . ing her troops In Spain as s lever to State*. dependent union, were rep lec^ by hr had approached Bowen r.dative upheaver." th* attustlon would floslly come to Commenting on dUpatebee from gation end subsequent Federal that endeavor he Is succeeding 2 5 c a head. enforce demands for concesslona In It Is said that one can bite eight nembera of the Building Service to ihi*. laii that Bowrii had iiald ^ *''• Appointment ahared the French colonial empire. London that Britain and Fnuic* grand Jury indictments. T h e Unooln Birthday cetebra- Extra Fancy The Insurgents gradually wsr# times as hard with real tseth as a E S Bmplosre# International union. Local I that he dl.l not think It was "fair ” Senate'* rejection Prim* Minister Chamberlain's Were considering recognizing Fran­ Near C1o*e of Tesllnioiv Uons this year have this slgnlfi- closing In on th* cornersd. govsm- with false teeth. 82B (A F L ). Blue Rose Rice, I to ask him to saaiime charge of r V 'L the nomlnstlon of ■tatament to tbe British House of co's government as the eola offloial Indications were that u * defense cancs: Uiey mark th* beginning ot roSnt forces. Yssterday they plant­ Since 1932. the gross American . James J. Bambrlck. president of 8-Ib. pkg...... jthe de|>ai tment now. and he sold ■ Ila jCoberts to be a Virginia Common* yesterday, that Britain government of SpaU. en oflie^ would near the close of its case to­ what will be an unlnUrnipted march federal Ju^e. ed thslr red and gold banners on farm Income haa increasOd nearly local S2B, told police bis union would 1 3 c according to Chamber*, that the w-ouid be w-lth France against any asserted that no request for such night, after only two days'of testi­ to a Republican victory In 1940." Rolterts Was rejected 72 to 9. His th* border of the little republic of (S.OOO.OOO.OfiO. — M y a 81, USE IDLE LAND . 12-oz. can ...... the part of the Board memberi.', ginia Denioerata French-Spanlsh border town of 5.692,000 within the last tw-o years. The State Department has \ re­ recent assurance# by Premier Dala- going to the Jury before late Tburs- 1 3 c ■M im of Uieni were of th. opinion ■The President said last week that Pulggerd*. On the right they were The glove of a child, foimd in ceived such requests from Ameri­ of Ihrm were of the ..,.„„nn u ------dler and Foreign .MlnUter Bonnet ON THE SAME SHOW dey. it OEOROE BRENT it OLIVIA d« HAVILLAND 'k JOHN PAYNI that If Bowen rould not assume the I If „ it "‘^'"■** " were rejected, he St th* mouth o f the ’fe r river, still the painted bo* of royal robes In can* from time to time. Th* U ^ t Sauerkraut, 0 to the French Chamber that France O AU D IER VICTOlUOUS Defense counsel, roeenwhile, ham­ FOR AVU TIO N PURPOSES lutle* hr should )^c supplanted b y li "T lte Roberts ah Interesting about 28 miles south of the border. King Tutankhamen's tomb. It said wa» by letter from Represefitgllv* MELVYN DOUGLAS largest c «n ...... snd Britain w-ould act together If mered at government tostlmony 7 c 5orri^np who ooulil I ^ ^ When they finally sweep up to to be the oldast glove on record. McCormack (D.. Maas.). VIRGINIA BRUCE in that W PA Ume abeeto revealed men the frontier, bringing to a new cli­ necessary to force ItaJv out of Secretary Hun at a press oonfexv Hartford, Feb. 7— (A P ) — A move Statler Towel.i, Would Shift Houeti | — ------Spain. “THERE’S THAT IN CHAMBER’S VOTE paid for 4irork they did aot do or Selectman Lswrrnce Converse ■ IK asitia-r max th* march jiat etarted in ence acknowledged that he had re­ fer time they spent In poUUcal ac- designed make Connecticut a A French overture to Italy for pkg...... •nqulred If Bowen could not be I ‘ OF PLE N TY Spanish Morocco July 19, 1936, the ceived the letter but did not eteta WOMAN AGAIN” Uvlty. leader la toairport development was 8 c peaceful settlement o f th* problem Spanish government— already for­ : what reply be would moke. A defendant end former W P A advocatod today by Francis S. Mur­ bidden to function on French soil— was read by soma observers Into the Demands Heoring TODAY AND WED. Parts, Feb. 7.—(AP)—Premier phy, General manager of the H ert­ Silver Dust, large 25c toeT.yhwIy^de^artmenritM 'Jr**.* »Crod. up Daladier won a victory tn the supervisor. Dee Boaye, testtfled yes- must make lu ffnai decUlon aa to trip to Rome by Paul Baudouln. ford Times. package and Large dTsH bis present p s ^ '.^ r r a d r r"e".pen:! I r f f / c e * i X POLICE GUARD COURT Chamber of Deputtea today by de­ t o ^ y that although his crew o f 44 bl# only for town #n£ln##tinc Prm "riee# . whether It will move to the central president of the bank o f Indo-CUna A s chairman o f a sub-committee feating a SodaUst pro]9osal to men left a project to take part in a Towel, A a versr wae of ihr opinion that ' ed. m t .HUmp'" he ask front or abandon ths conflict. and a friend of Bonnet Ixmdon, Feb. 7.— (A P )—PbUce grant a blanket amnesty to all poUUcal demoiuRraUoa in Santa Fe of the Cooneetlcut Chaml>er ot Com­ M ilitary advice* said the Insur- Foreign .Mintstiy official* said all for ...... Z l C . en could keep busy on engineering guarded a Liverpool courtroom srortter* who participated tn tbs aad were credited for that Ume on merce Aviation oommlttes, Mr. alone, without delving Into highway The clerk gulped, waved band genU war* preparing to Uke>>over they knew nothing of th* .trip but at row-* of stamp wlndown. egaU et possible Irish Republican ^-'■AMStSgnTIR general strike of Nov^ 11. The vote W P A records, they were forced to Murphy proposed a plan ealUag (or supervision. It was voted that next frontier posU in parade fonnatlon newspapers compared It to that of "Oh," the man said. Anay terrorism today as nUe msa was 384 to 300. work th* following day to make up ua* o f Idl* land for aliplan* landing after letting government forces Berard to Burgos. A-hIch was first srsr* charged with ImpUcatloa U for tb* Ume ioat. areas la Uon ot taxes. diat dyes millions M oie Heasuie “JESSE JAMBS”| Tb* premier urged that the quae- drain out o f the country. kept secret and later acknowledged recent bombings aimed at forcing Basy* said hla ordtr* srere to use Tbe idea was uasnlmqualy ap­ Uon of reducing penalties for strik­ French authorities arranged to 1 to be an authorised diplomatic mU- the British from Ireland and culmi­ "hors* senss" In making out his proved bv tbe Aviatioa committee accommodate a total of 270.000 rIOD nating U postpooenaent o f a visit to ers and provateur* should be left to Urns obeets. tha mlnlstiy of Justice for determl- end tb* roUowing appointed to os- • • . and millions of people before and after the Spanish troops afid rsfugees, of Baudouln has frequent wn«tn-)a| UUter by the Duke and Duchcas of Another defendant, Jo* De Ar- natfcm srithla six mnntha. aiat 3Cr. Murphy: Frederick 8. whom 130.000 already had entered ueallngs with Premier MuasoUnt's Kant. moad, W P A asrignment clerk, tea- Chase, Watarbuiy: W alter B. Lash- show are getting more pleasure from the happy Fraae*. Ofllctal French statutlca government and number* Count TODAY I tllled that while he eras a timekeep­ *r. Bridgeport; Chester N . Btevsas, showed 90,000 crossed the frontier t'6ano, Mussolini's son-ln-Uw STATE er ba also listod men os on th* Job last weak after the fall of Barcelona Btoomflald; Franklin Fartel, Jr., combination ot mild ripe American and Turkish Permanents foreign minuter, among hU friends. when they bad bscn doing poUtlcai New Haven aad Lula d* Flores. Including and another 40,000 had JUDGE NANTON LEAVES work. D* Anneod denied, boarever. T O D A T A N D W K P N E 8 P A T Pomfret. tobaccos found in Chesterfield. H A IR CUT sral (light began. that he had been tnihteneed by poU- * When odvaaclag tb* plan Mr. Italy wanU to control. T H R NEW FEDERAL BENCH TODAY Uca in aaeigning workers. Murphy said be believed there were SHA.MPOO Mos-s (at# ^M eatrstto# Camp* - ■ $ 2 - 9 8 Ipaniah gorenunant troopa. hav­ Tha French govemnoent, fbeaa- aumaroas ptots o t Idl* land through­ I t is the exact way these tobaccos are com- f i n g e r w a v e ____ ing given up as hopaiaas the Idea while, peralslted In lU ebura* o f Im­ DISCUSS AMKRICAN VISIT. out tb* stata which could ba used aa •f furtlur reoUtanc* U Catalonia. proving tu preparedness wbtl* at- CIRCLE N«w Terk, Fab. T ^ (A P ) —Judge _ _ _ tempting to appease th* Fascist Loadon. Feb. 7.— (A P )— King hined together that makes Chesterfields milder For real Beauty and emUnoed to move Uto roncentra- Marttn T. Mantoa, one of tba na> Uon camps on ths French side'of the ' P ^ ® ” - The Senate, Array. Navy, SCHBS SHOW NMHR ttoB's meat prominent Jurists. Oeorge and Queen EUaabeth today SUOOBSTS OOUBT NAME lesterfield and gives them a more pleasing taste and Ecf.nomy take advan­ FOR APPOINTMENT border. Civilian refugees were sent Air. roreign Affairs and Finance Mopped down* from the Federal disetiased their forthoondng vtait TBtAL BOABO EXAM1NEB8 to ahslUrs U th* Uterior of Franca to tbe United States and Cana tage of this ofTer. TEI,EPHONE .3058 committee* were called into aecret bench today after 38 srears— and to- aromaj This exact combination b found in no Both tittopa and civilian* wer* betni aetrion for Wsdneaday, Thursday GOODMAN BBorrow hs goen hafars a apedal with (Ur Raaaid Lindsay, BHtlab Hartford. Pab. 7— (A P )—E. Kent o,,the blend that can*t be copied maUtaln*4 *»Y «>• PVench govera- snd Friday to review th* national ORCHESTRA grand jury fanreetigating his activi­ amhaeaa dnr to Washingtao. Hubbard, pr mident o t tbe Manu­ other cigarette. »*n t at a daily cost of shout ton dafensa program. Labor Secretary Frances I ties. facturers-Aseodaticn ot Connecti­ RIGHT COMBINATION 4r*nc* (26 cants) a peraon. Idas, ebeee. aiet tesaada ? . ' T h AHIh a I .1 Tf)N Tb* 58-jrearHild senior member of WEALTHY DOCS. cut. Inc., suggested today that the ,,,the of the French Beauty Shopne ^ b a r t Barraut. Frsach m)m.«.» R ipr sasatattve J. ParaaO Thi nrouxo n _____ ^ J tb* U. a. Ooiirt of Appeals, arhoa* Federal Orcult Court o t Appenis mtenyou try themyou,will know whyChester^ *l,®i.******®*'' ••*4 Trane# could Ih the gay aUatlea, ptaeiishlohs m Pt New Jenv te tm - I W i m L K W A1 reelgnaticn wan madt aSacUve to­ RumaoB, N. J., Pab. T.— (A P ) — nama trial aeamtnare la erage--ect 48 Pearl Strket .. hot ofiUr as^um to members of fh* world*s best cigarette tobaccos Mra. Petitjean Fere uads m m waUut half ahella, peeehBMBt erlth eotuMr I 'V St . i to • day by P rsildsBt RooasveH, haa r#- Christian W. Wtlgaaapan. wealthl caaaa as “ono o t tb* Mmpleet aad fields give millions of men and women more which were filled with cotton, cov­ auad (or quick beerUg (rained for more than a week from New Jersey brewer and aportsasan, moat far reaching corrcctlonff’ in ered with eOk, and hung U cluators chargas agikiet bar aad i . s i t t ^ la his usual Judicial ca- died today at th* age o t 92. Ha NaUonal Labor RclaUcna Board smoking pleasure ... why THEY SATISFY T n a s o wUl UtsKar th* rsnusss.- cat ths tees eqztalaa. L paef^. had baM U thraa — . CterdiM UM, t**cm a Mns* TeaMce Css - ^ A G E K O im HANCHE8TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1989 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7.1989 F A O B l n whom no paoplp la Um world poa- polat c t aalllBg huniedly for BraiU X Jteirlyw ter MPd B ptlffpr BaUaBBlidtlc prtdp. on tha Oraee Hnar Santa Barbara. English Pianist at BushneU There ara far more unlikely •Tha BlgniAcaat part of tha infor­ Health Diet • SERIAL STORY REST CONSERVES PieiCTS RETURN China Builds New Nation SttEtrittg Ibrald thlBfa than that before thla altua- mation.** Mya this tala, ‘la that I n N e w V o r k DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Uon la Anally reaolved theae two PUBlOaUifi) Bt TUB Bra^l Is a country with which the TUE$0AY, FEBRUAIIY 7 (Ontral-Ernttcrn SUedard Tlme-P.M.) -■BMALD PHINTINU UUMPAUT, INC. groupa of Spanlardp, LoypltaU end United States Is said to have no Advice WOMEN W ANT BEAUTY! POPE’S STRENGTH OF ROYAL RULERS In Interior O f Territory 1( BiiMlI «trMI By OEOBOB BOM Ha dIaUka /C**to**9 H Zr<9f4n*9 Dm to S 0 t^§ork Vorr^etUmM Too Loto r* Imeortorato) ManehMlar, Oono. InaufTonU, who have bean bAtUlng extradition treaty.’* I purltaalam elalrat, By OB. F B A N K MeCOT BY LOUISE HOLAAES Notit AU procramo to ka* and basic chstns or croups thsrsof onloao opscl* n u M A B rKHUUBOM ao vindictively tor 80 montha, may Naw Tork. *— Juat bafora big parUaa, taa .Intarlor _at tbs__ epavRioHT. laaa. •to: coast to coast (e to s) dtstfnatioos tnciud* all avallabl# stationa N ott the Santa Barbara Is not MBA staviea. inc 0«s«rai Manactr World war,______a man_____ went______from ____ F ***"l® ^ * Thaatar. ftaUaa funU- BCMOVB CAUSE OB ECZESIA NtC*WEAP (RED NETWORK MIOWKST — wmbd wisn wibw kfh Washiniitoe. Feb. 7 — (A P ) —.und tolsgraph oqulpaMBt «• ' FaaaAaA Oetobar 1. 1(11 be put Into a popiuon where they going to Brazil, nor within many loon to aalona plajdng aa laatru- **P*®*a puddliig, amatatira, wkbb wtng wkbh wogo wtbt k»cj wnax. •A b ie — East: w«af wnso wilo wlar woe w hib 1 gio kdah weoa wmfg Phis Adheres To Schedule Hammoiid Also Sees Speedy Chios to building a new nation la American Anns. Thsy an pigettir will be glad to make common cauaa hundrsds of miles of BraxU, and raant —-lawhat______Ilka _ a______eoaeartlna “ etlng. CAST OP CHABACTEBS. t. wise «rcsb kn* «rc wt7 «b«n MOUNT.- vor kygrn kts koh ksl kgro orders for hundreds at t h e e s e e * at * PaM lihM e v«i7 BvanlnB BxeapI «... . — .----_ I Ha llkaa auat puddinga, tha Eczema la one of the vary com­ , SUSIE LAMBERT— Ska served a thousand ships, not even wcas wtam wwj cbm wdtl. Midwtst: the comparatively undeveloped In­ ••Iidart an« Hoiidart Bntarad at ika ■(Alnat a common enemy—to pave sverybody .who knows anything at and scra^ng a Uvlng from tha pan- I ksd wmaq who wow wdsf wlr« kstp; kfbb yrords o f cloth, roeotly cotton, sorm fta t Offlaa at Manehutar, Cobb., aa nlaa ha raoelvad. Temple of Haavaa la PaUn, Ub- mon akin disorders. It may cauae >waffiea aad dreamed a# BeBig traaa outboard motor to tell the C O A S T - knx kotn kfpy kvi kafo koy terior beyond immediate reach of Spain for Spanlardp. Mtuntalai koa kdrl* toutbs wmb* wsb karri) kb be kgbm kiro i ^ r On 17th AnniTersary Of ReboOding Under Consti- of which may be used fbr unlfegt— . rBaeoad Claaa Mall Maiiar. all about shipping la fully aware o( Ha waa Platro Dlaro. bis Instni tolda Rachmamiiore Ooooarto la considerable itching and Inflamma-' *“ *“ *• a “ ^1?’ ailngs a wicked vme wsmb wjdx kpre wbre; •aeifle: Japanese forces, utilising 835,000,- It la enUrely poaslble that some kfl k*w komo khg Irpo Cont.' EasL Beatrtotlatoi Os Use at Vmm •UBSCRIPTION RATEB It. Also, the United States does ment tha than litUs known ao- C Sharp Ulaor. frestad cboco- 4) 08— 8:08— Quoationa •sfors Houao 000 credit extended her to Decem­ The Eiqioit-Iniport bonk, la ad­ auch reaarvntlona may be already OPTIONAL tTATIONt foptrats tn- Om Taar bp Mall ...... K M have an extradition treaty with oordlon. Now Dlaro la callial “ tha P*par dgaratto holdara IT tsrcbanffeabtv on ftlthtr RED or BLUE 4:18— 8:18— Mus«e for Fun in Concert Election To Throne, totional Government ber by tbe American Export-Import vancing the credit, stipulated R waa : f t Moata bp Ball ...... I (« at work In the rrancolat mlnda. In Daddy of the Piano Aeeordlon” sneorta at tha aad of any of hta r> tt I m t m — 1 _ l. _ .... .V.V " ------—t-coale. * , O W W e .amiia man. She had laughed, too. nttworks): Bastt wbra wool wfsa wlw 4:48— 6:48— Children's Circus OsrisH— bank. to be used for Industrial and agri­ JlBala Copa I al that country: the only nations with rusts, pimples, etc. When It U of | m r r BOWAN—Hla chief «oa- laugh then. 7 oast; Chicago Oongt for Vow-wsat and tha accordion Itaatf Is p la i^ nrat acta. Oiarlla Chaplin, arriv­ work wek wsal wsan ebf cbl wgal; 6:08- 0:08-Brssd4sat News Period Well-Informed persons, have dis­ cultural products. Blaoe Chinn dosa Pallaarad Oaa Taar ...... lao« which caae It would not make aenee which it has no such treaty art “ • “ “‘“ “on 01 |eem>ni WrffiA to^ ^ saamlrA s S e ... a...__‘ DlclCDick tlRd had bCflt bent RllVhtlv slightly favtsM from *k« the Cantral: wcfl wtmj wiba wdar kgbx by aoma 800,000 parsons In thla ing placaa aad laavlng placat. kans wtlo ksoo wbow wood week wfbf 8:08— 0:08— tports; TIm o for Dancing Vatlron City. Feb. 7 — (A P ) — Jersey City, N. j .-(AP)—Re­ closed for the first time whst not need food, aathorttlea ohy. its . MEMBKB OP TUB ASftOCIATKD for the vlctore to deatroy the van­ Chins, Bolivia. Persia. Poland and country. f la eommoMy re- ful aa sha wanted to ba. waist like a small boy who knew w*l kfyr koam; South: wapo wiak wtar 8 :1 8 - 0:18— Howlo W ing end Avlgtion Chins wss doing with the credit fernd to as "weeping’* eczema. I • r 1:88- •:38-Beb Trout About 'Today* Pope Pius XI adhered to his day ot turn of the monarchy to Spain has officials are purchoslag agricultur­ PRBU quished. They may need all the Yugoalavla. Tha accordion pMpla ara hap- hla manners. He bad eold politely. wptf wls wjas wfla-wsun wtod wsoc opened in New York, said that na­ Tha Aaaoeiaiad Praaa la aacluaualp .. *• •*»tag “ Pm glad to know you, Susie. Let wibe wwne wcsC wav# wsm kvoo wky 5) 46— 0:46— Barry Wood A H it Oongs been predicted by Ogden H. Ham­ al machinery to be used tn dtvelsp- aBtlllad to the uaa at rapabllaatlnn vaUnnt AgbUrs la Spain, before any plly calabraUng tha annivsraary Though PIfty-Saeond ktraat.ktraat, the eczema It ta very . Yesterday: Susie says goodhy to wfaa wbap woal kths Sfko krrv 4:08- f;08— "County •set.**' Drsmstlc rest yesterday, the seventeenth anni­ tion's only chance of defeating the tog arable lands whose return has The morning newspaper ' story hetwI^^\Ml difference I DjA. givh^ Mm a preseoT^tor. me have a sample of your waffles. krU ktok kttm wsts wrol ictbi kark 4:18— 7:18— Jimmie FIdlsr on Holly* mond. United States embassador tn t all aawa dlapatrhaa oraditad ta It ^ great time baa elapsed, to otiat of the acceptance of the accordion I **’'* hotbed of awing has pro- wood— basic; Voatsr Osngs — weal versary of his election to the throne Japanese was to wear them out by been small beeouae of prlstlUvs cul­ f - . t aet aiharirlaa aradttad In ihia seeks to attiibuts the Thomaa epi­ IntA thffi fimM A# t vided uaue avltAwith mAMmore sk**.than fci underlying factore Weta eeadt Aowera to her but the* If 1 like ’em you’ve got a steady k*ne; Mountain: kgir kfhl ktar kob Into the musical field of the nation kfhf kldo kpfa ktei ktfl: •seifle: kfbk 1:88- 7:S8-Hslsn Manksn'a ftsrisl- 1 of St. Peter, to conserve hts strength Madrid from 1928 to 1929. who fore­ creating a virtually new C?hlna to tivation methodo. 1 PBPar and alaa cba local naira pnb* their own allies, lest the alllea cat Which are tha true cause and the tot orchids, customer." baale; Th s Dials Osrsnadsrs— IMalo * nakad btrain. sode to an ‘’excited” newspaper re­ and from the statistical barrage • « « regard tiui kwg kmj kern kgu kmed saw speedy reconstnictlon of the what was once the hinterland. Autboritlsa sold they axpeetod tbe them up. one gathers that . Frank Capra thoroughfaro oa a garloh. Uwdy al factors wMch act aa exciting ckuses. CHAPTER in . Looking back Susie knew f:08— 8:08-Edward Q^oblnson Ploy (or forthcoming ceremonies and war-torn land under a constitution­ All liphta of rapubileatlona of porter. ’The excitement seems to her foolish heart expanded CanL Bast. 7:38— f :88— Al Jolson end Show— to c Natives carried machinery with credit to be exhausted soon, at the Bpaelal diapaiebaa harafa ara alao ra> and James Stewart fwho learned Anything which Irritates the skm, Susie trudged home lost night 8 :0 8 - 0:08— W s ths Poepis— e to cat ( conferences. al go*-ernment free from foreign In­ them when they evacusted manufac­ aaraad. have been pretty Infectious, be­ right then, although sha Jask Armstrong — eaat; rate at which Chins waa ordering It at Princeton) are two of the but swing never fails to Jar dla- such aa scratching. chaAng from •’<>* vloIeU clutched to her Tha ChlesBo Csdtts Quartet—’W«st 8:84^ 8:88- Goodman Owlng—also est The Pope has sorrowed over the terference. turing renters, and are setting up geode. They could net say whether cause Rlne-tenthe of the rumpus realize it at the time. 4: 5:4^^Littl9 Orphan Annio — 9:08-10:08— Joan Horsholt Osrial— toe Pull aarrlca pliant of N. B. A Barr* DEFERRING DEFENSE toremost devotees. eordantly on our sore. clothing, or exposure to chemicals, I flowers had been one , war in Spain and has spoken of the "The civil war 1* practically over, new fsctorlea In cities virtually un­ additional credit would be extended. Dick came every day after ._st; Kdwsrd DsviM. Song—*wsst 1:38— 10:88-Jack aerch and Song — and a victory for General Franco Is laa Inc. kicked up over the affair U predi­ Charlie Chaplin Is another Tha roost flagrant manlfettotlon ...may - eerve— as aa exciting cause. E***“ **«* “ W »De S:0(L* 4:00— O rth s itrs Chorus— waaf: oast: Jimmla FIdlar— woat ropoat ! difficulties which Catholics have met known to the Occllonl. Now they Purchases ore being handled He’d come in, swing one leg over 6:48-10:46— Viawpsinta of AmarIcana onl.v a matter of weeks or months,’ The House UlUUry Affaire Com­ cated >>n surmise, guesswork and with Mlaeha Auer and ’Tyrone of current youth oeeura among tha However, tha Important causes are knew It, but such a beautiful ges­ ••nno Rablneff, Violin— nstwork I In Germany and to a lesser degree are buying machinery to the United through the Universe! Trading Oor- Mambar Amarlcan Nawapapar Pub* patronages at the Paramount ture. To Susie, who had received a atool and lay, “ Hello, Susie. How 1 :1 ^ dilA— Malcolm Clatra— notwork 10:08— lltO I^ N tw a : Osnes O r. (8 hra.) said the 69-.\'snr-otd banker as hr llabara Aaaoctailon. mittee Is said to be considering Power and a dozen more film lu­ toose arising In a toxic state of the 8 :| ^ •‘.^•^•roadeast Nows IHriod I in Italy. Statea with which to equip the fac­ poretlMi, Inc., of New York a ^ . to random shooting In the dark. so lltUe from life, who asked so are you today’ " NBC-WJZ ( B L U E ) NETWORK talked of whst two and a half years minaries among the players. • * 6:ii^ dil^Tho Analsr and Huntor tories. Some of the machinery pro- whom the Export-Import bank Publlahara Rapraaaniatlaaai Tha staggering the air force expansion When Judge Thomas returns and ‘ h* » " • « Which little, Dick’s violets kasumed the The week may produce a new of war has done to "the land where The Duke of Windsor, Doris ««»n ‘ ry. Not even work from the Inside tn building up 1 : 4 ^ 4:4A— Ralph Brino* Tonor Satoa • A SIC — Esati wjs wba**wbaa wbaJ 1 chapter In relations between Uie bably will be used to making arms turned over the credit. ’TrenefarTtUg dallua Balbaira dpaclal Apanca—.Saw program over a number of yearn Duke Cromwell, Jascha Heifetz proportions of a major event Without meaning to, without-. 7tlXk— Amos *n* Andy-^aat only wham kdka wxya wjtD w m wmal will I spent the four most Interesting Tork. Chicapo. Datrolt and Boaion. when and If the fecare before a grand Jury, possibly Nor can we. ------— .— matter extra rich and Suffy tpoclal list. Oanctng Muaic— chain wfdf wibm wjlm: South: wrtd wmpe to the Vatican for the 10th onnl- happened to Spain If he wins." Ham­ being brought under the Johaeon New York’s beet known accordion­ any effect. ’l^e e lc m ir c a C s tro “ ‘ re- 7:00— 1:00 Johnny Prtosnta Program wjbs wdtu waga wagn kxyp; Mountain: ordcrert trucks will be used to con­ act should she default on exlsttng The plan under considerntiun Is to the public may lenm in a very ist is Tito, who was on Paul White- local cauae«—t>i6h I ly the dream* of elation Inaplred by four to the afternoon. It i versary of the Lateron accord next mond said In an Interview. "He TII9 Haraltf Prlnftng CompAny Iim .. love at Ant. rather a natural, hu­ 7:80>*> S;80— For Msn Only Progrsm klo krod kute: Pacifle: kge kafd ktma already has started re-establishing nect China with the sea over the obllgationa. The Johbaon ont nre- AMani«9 no flnancul ratponalhHllf limit the army, for the KMO pcrlofl, general way what Information It man's All-American Band first Pure la Heart syrtet^c true causes are a btmch of long-steromed violeto and •:06— t :O ^ O a tt ls of th# Coxsa Quia kex kga koca kjr ] Satunlay. 8:88— 8:18— FIbbsr McOos's Progrsm N O T E : Soo W B A F e N tC for optional Myra Res*, noted English artist will appear os soloist with the law and order, and he will let the new 2,000-mile road opened between hlblts loons to nations which fofl to for trpognphteal arrori appearing In It _ . . . I Dicks Sincere, "You know I’ve al- man response to the one person May Steto Church Pesltkm to the arqulalllun of the l,8«o addi­ ban been desired to obtain from team. Tito’s other chief claim to This Ironical yarn waa recounted *:*•— 10:08— Bob Hqas*t Vsristy ih o w list of atatione. the provisional capital of Chungking pay thslr debts to thla country. gtfvartlaafnanta tn tlia Manrhaatar over a Stork aub table the other eczema remembered that | ways been eorry, Susie." He had who did not make wisecracks at her Many prelates believed he would I Hartford Symphony orchestra In Bushnell hall Tuesday evening, Feb. people decide what kind of a goV' ■vnntng HamlC tional planes already authorized fame is that as a member of the 8:8(8»10:88— U nd o Cars Okit— also cat Cont. East. emment they want. and Rangoon, British Burma. Amer­ him, at least what case he Is sup- knockabout Frank and Milt Brit evening. An official of the Prison \ expense, who treated her as an 0:48— 10:48— Jim m y Ksm psr and Co. give the bishops a statement of the 14. Ml.ta He-s will present work: of Schumann and Beethoven. form tha/‘ l. * Precious little some- 10:08— 11:08— Dancing Orchoit. — oaat; 4 :3 8 - 8:38— Don WInalow N a vy— oast Experts Recall of Royally ican Ambaaaador Nelson T. Johnson and after that restrict the buying I-osed to know something about. ' ■ *. ** * tendency to I thing to hug to her hungry heart, equal. 4:48— 8:46— To m Mia'S Skatch— eaat; church's position toward Italian In taking dictation four bttnd TUESDAY, KEBHUARY 7 ton hand he had more than 100.000 Association waa present and he was Amos *n* Andy— ropoat for west "I won’t be at all surprised if one reported recently that the road was to 600 a ytar for four years. flimsy violins broken over his heal tniKlnjf about the reformation work remain over a long period of time. **a »«/%»«<***♦moment of^0 wn...^bliss a_to atreasure---- Suals was smart enough to know 10:18— 11:18— Dancing Mualo (i\ hra.) Vaughn do Lssth A Btuss— woal racial laws and treatment of Catho­ girls, employed os aborthoad-typiirta ' Until then, rallying around the During thla period, acute Aare-upa there was nothing personal m 6:08— 8:08— Nawa; Dance Orchsatrs of the members of the royal fern. completed In eight montha solely Thus, It would appear, there Is to In the typical Hritton fashion, fie that his group attempU to do throtigh the empty days. 5:88— 8:81^T s So Announced (16 m .) lic Action. He has spoken of the con­ In London, use a small machine l»OISON ACORNS judge and denunciation of the fed­ may occur and active InAammatlon DIck’a manner, that he shared his CIS-WABC NETWORK Ily Is recalled. My guess Is that It by native labor directed by CTitoi Imprcsnlon, either In the commit­ resigned from the hand after he among convicts. The talk got She climbed the stairs to her 8:48- 8:48—Lowell Thomas — east: cordat os having been “wounded" will be Don Juan, third son of for­ engineers, some of whom wars sdu- which punebse Brsllle eigne on ■ eral authorities for asking him to was Instnicted ,to plav the accor­ around to Richard Whitney, now be superimposed on the chronic con­ single room Putting the vIoleU kindness with the cook to tlto fra­ •AOIC — Caati wate woke weao wool To m Mix Sketch— armaq kwk wten by these. moving tape. However opinions may differ as tee or among lu military advisers, dition. ternity house, the bootblack on the wgr wkbw wkro w wJr jr Wiwdre wcau wli 8:08— i^.'CO^Bssy Aces Skit— Also est mer King Alfonso, who was rdu rated In the United States. return seem to be based on on Im­ dion while etnnritng on the head of senrlng a term In .Sing Sing, and In a blue gl.'tas bowl from the Ave • :1 8 - 7 :i8 -M f . Keen A Lest Persona The Lateron accord ended 36 Myra Hess As Soloist to the virtue of such economlee ea comer, and herself alike. But oIy InvestlgaUng committee ney’e response, **ln crime or its bed with an exultant song. ing at the violets, lighted by a ray wm mm wjno weha wpar wmaa weoo 9:38—10:38— Lanny Gray A Rhythm Myra Hess, phenomenal F.nghsh ^ one of his earlier broadcasts thla COLM Any such suggestion as this ta iummed them up: must be given to removing those ' wapl wiadbo 10:0^11:08— News; Dance Or. <1 brs.) settling claims of the Holy See "I don't think Mussolini nr Hitler To Improve coihmunlcatlona LtoeM-TaMrts Bioval of a lot of piivata telephones many ramlficatlonsl** Knowing that the senaatlnn from a street lamp, Susie still felt wrva waira wrdw ’ pianist who has twice before de- season. The Senellus First Is a wsll calculated to arouse general the sasete of Insurance companlce causes on the Inside which are con­ a surge of excitement go through against Italy. will get a chance to dictate whst authorities are preparing to pur­ ialrgaflMg would noon vanish, that It srould lighted Hartford audiences with her gigantic work heard perhaps Ices kind of a government Spain will used by public officials In their per- curiosity. What does the Military In the United Staten grew from %2,~ stantly creating the akin condition her. Just remembertng that day. Theme Saturdayooiuruay observanceooiwrvoiicc and a- igrtlstrv at the piano, appears again often than some of his others btit al chase a large amount of telephone which shows on the outside. be followed by despair, she dellb- have," said Hammond. loTiruc wmal capaciUea but paid for by the Affairs Committee know, or think Oai,000,000 In 11)06 to llte.lMO.OUO,- Catalina Island, near Los Angeles cratelv clung to the rapture, snread- He had said, after silently eat­ special ponUflcal mass next Sunday, golol.st with the Hartford Sym- iways a dominating feature on any Instead of eczema being oMy a on the anniversary of Plus’ corona­ "I think Franco owes Mussolini •tata. Thars ara even probably a could be to the United .States. Al­ Ing It tMn, tasting her small hour ing his waffle. "Susie, did you know phony Orchestra under Leon Mar^ I program. In this symphony the great deal—and Hitler much Isas It knows, that would cause It to dx 000 at the end of 1B37. That la an The Poet's Column disease of the skin It Is more in the that I'M pledged to the Delta tion, are the outstanding events of •nod many Coanectlcut cltlssna ready France has talked of war to to the last delicious drop. WTIC WDRC zin on Tuesday evening, February , tremendous Influence of 'Tscbalkow- —to helping to kill Communism not upon a date Ove years hence as the Increase of pracUcally nine tiroes prevent such a thing. nature of a disease of the entire Over a clean cotton nightdress Phis?" the coming seven days. 14th, In Bushnell hall. The pro­ sky whose work he so greatly ad­ tfho would be willing to go along body which the chief symptoms take Travelers BroodcasUag Sei-vioe, 226 Hartford, Conn. ISSV only to Spain but to all Europe. But probable time for an attack upon In 31 years. Meantime the national England, who never allowed Ger­ A PICTURE o r THE CHRIST.' she pulled a kimono. Stepping “ YeS. 1 saw your nama to the The 81-year-oId pontiff apparently gram announced by Mr. Barzlii mired Is extremely apparent. If Mussolini ever attempted to seise with the Oovemor If the removal Uie United States 7 wealth may have Increased some­ many or Italy to have a port on the the form of a skin InAammatlon. An Into Aat, rundown slippers, she paper,” eh,e answered, glowing be­ Hortterd, Conn. Eastern Standard Time hoe recovered from his serious heart contains two works which. Insofar Myra Hess, whom Hartford con- any territory, alt the )>eop|s of Spain Included not cmly tha phonca but Atlantic, might eoon be confronted I looked at ths picturas of The ‘Impure '" ’’“.r* .5°ndlGon condition of the blo^"i'sblood ts dropoed heavily to a chair before cause he wanted her to know. 50,0M W. 16M H. O. t U M. attack Nov. 26, but he did not alter os can. be ascertained, have never I cert goers will remember as being —whether LoyollaU or NatlonalUta klost of US have the Impression thing like Avs times in the same ChrlRt; uaually ths main cauae and this Is the AowerS. •'VVell,” he went oo, not looking !a guest artist under Oabrtlowrltsch the officials. pcrUxI. with a neat of them, as submarine Eoatorn Standard Itans Tnesdsy, Feb. T his program for the day of rest. before been heard In Hartford. The —would turn agolnot him.” that by ifm the armed nations of [ and air bases. In tlm .i past Eng­ Everyone was so dlffersnt. chleAy due to the use of an Incor­ "He likes me.” she whispered. at her, "the fraternity Is having a p. ro. program Is os follows; I when the Buohnell was flrst opened Well paid state officials who dance Saturday nlgpt at the house the world will have shot off all Uietr Assuming uie possibility of a land baa considered such things I thought how could It bs? rect diet, lack of exercise, and con­ ‘ He’s not only sorry—he likes me. Tuesday, February 7 4:00— Highways To Health Schumann—Overture to “Manfred" { ten years ago has made one subae- Don’t bum their private telephone bills, and—and I'd like to have you go !quent visit to Hartford In recital. Arecrackera and be reduced either continuance of the same ratios of worth going to war shout. And then I remembered .upanon.stipation. Whennnen aaas methe resiutresult of eat-eal- ■’v*'He'll wear methe uetie cupclip ana—and—’’and —and—’’ P M. 4:18— Sing, Inc. opus 115. McNUn DROPS PLANS iaeludlag In aoma instances a lav- Gibraltar, the drain-plug of the ^ a t ray vision of *Ths Christ wrong foods, ths biood becomes f’dddenly ehs was weeping, distort with me.” At the time she toought 4:46—Melody Madcaps Beethoven—Concerto in C minor I Her charm os well as her suburb to the acceptance of enforc ed peace Increase IndeAnltely, It might be an ed face buried In her arms how odd for a boy with ouch nice 4 :(X>—Backstage Wife I muslrlanshlp are too w«fll known to tali uac of the long distance service, Mediterranean, already Is reported­ was as different as these could be burdened with Impuritlss,Impurities, the exex­-1 .*’“ •1*** •" arms. Her 4:16—Stella Datlss. 8:00—Ad Uner—Dance programs for pianoforte and orchestra, or to Anlahlng up their mutual inlerefding problem for some school cess will Arst be eliminated by way heavy shoulders shook, her limp manners to be so ahy. This was 5:30—Hartford Public School Series opus 37. I Hartford audiences to need further FOR VISITING AMERICA whOa they may not—and do not_ ly menaced by rowe of German 4:80—Vie and Bade. RADIO slaughter with knives, clubs and Ic.a.hcr to pre.oenl to her arithme­ I said I ahall try to describe Him of the usual eliminative channels. hair sagged forward. Juat a Aeeting thought under her 8:48—The Mighty Show Sibelius—Symphony No. 1 to E Introduction. Miss Hess's fame as guns on the Spanish coast, and Btunefaction. 4:46—Olrl Alone. Day think of tftunselves aa anything but tic cla»# to have the klda Agure out Just as He is to me, However, as soon as the burden of "Oh, Ood," she moaned, "It Isn’t 6:00—Esoo Reporter ------minor, opus 39. an Interpreter of Beethoven renders stones. If we are not going to need Spanish Morocco Is the neighbor Susie had never to her life been 8:00—Dick Tracy. Indianapolis, Feb. 7—(A P )—Paul Pdtfectly hmast and honorable per- across the straits on the African J^ust as many painters have tried Impure materials becomes great fair. If you miiat make some of ' never in ner tire neon 6:08— Dance Time Eastern Standard Tim* The Schumann work, one of the her choice of the C minor concerto those planes In less than five years how long it would be before the In­ To portray Hla image to me. .your women homely you should' * ’ Wed for a date, the social ac- 8:18— Tour Family and Mine bvellest overture,-) to literature Is, particularly fortiinsts. V. McNutt, U. 8.. high commloslon- W i*. are, none the leas, plain graft- Bide. j enough, an extra eliminative organ 8:30—Jack Armstrong. 6:16—Howie Wing we might aa well call the whole surance companies owned the coun­ remember not to give them hearts Hvltles of tha chosen few belonged 8:30— "Today” with Bob Trmit Seats for the performance are er to the Philippines, former Indiana Aa ara those who strain and For that matter, how would the la needed. In those with a predis­ to a fascinating world far romoved 8:48— Uttle Orphan AnMe. NeW York. Feb. 7-The Unlver-! available at the Bushnell box office. governor and candidate for the IMO thing off because there Isn’t a try and the fiiUnres thereof. II I( eald that He expressed position to eczema, the skin will be­ Why must I love like the pretty 6:48:—Barry Wood—Songs though Arturo Toecanlnl used It in United States look upon totalitarian The brightness, tha glory and from her dull extatenee. Never. 6:00—News and Weather. sity of Chicago roundtable cele­ Democratic presidential nomination, haul a good many of thslr othsr prt- ^xace In the world of anyone come the added channel: the body •rirls’* Tt Isn’t fair—It Isn’t fair. 7:00— "County Seat” starring Ray submarine and air bases directly The Image of the Father, divine. Oh. Ood, I want to be beautiful!" in her wildest dreams, bad she seen 6:18—Sports Roundup. brates Lincoln’s birthday next Sun­ has given up plana to roturn to the vata expensea over onto tha aide of bringing war to us Ave years hence across the Atlantic? And In the making an effort to rid Itself ol Im­ 6:g0—WrlghtviUe dotlon OolUm. day oa the day on which It starts So high and yet so lowly. After all, although Stiale lof,ked hcraelf as part of IL After stupe­ 7:18—Jimmie Fiddler’s Hollywood vlcoi, shooting a plane Into space by United Btates this month. official expenditures. It is to ue If they haven’t already done It long hands of totalitarian states? So courteous, gentle and kind. purities by getting ’rid of them more than 80 she waa scarcely , faction came unbelievable joy. With 6:45—Lowell Thomas. Its ninth radio year. Frank McHsIs of Indianapolis, through the skin. 22 Gossip RUNWAY LIKE SKI means of compressed sir, cannot be iMped that the Governor, having before that. Ftniilly, how will the United That little children loved him ' an iinhapnv girl who was given the DIck’a bashful Invitation Susie’s 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. ITie program, described oa the Democratic National committeeman SUtes and Englaml adjiut them Overcoming eczema therefore de- 7:15—Vocal VarieUea 7:30—Helen Mencken In "Second "oldest educational broadcast on the increased IndeAnltely. ftavaloped an interest in minor Washington And on His knees they climbed. urge to attract but who waa de­ Inferiority complex, developed Husband and McNutt'a campaign manager, One may even wonder whether selves, If they must, to having the penda mainly upon correcting the through years of looking on. was 7:30—The News Reporters. air,” U heard each week on WEAF- With a view to future develop wastes of this kind, will continue to nied the means of attraction. 8:(K)— "Big Town” starring Ed. G. JIMP FOR PLANES ment to aircraft construction, which sold McNutt told him by long-dls- this sudden discovery of the war h mother country of all Latin Amerl His face so pure and holy, dIeL Footing and dieting offer the • • • replaced with a foarful oonAdence 7:46—History ta the Headlines— NBC. In its participants, generally tance telephone Bunday night he bod delve into them. It is to be sus­ Daybook can nations go totalitarian? Spalti moet direct method I have found tor and aAsnrmaes. ' Prof. Andre Schenker. Robinson and Claire Trevor three. Informally discuss topics of tends toward building planes whose date haan't been the result of learn­ Gave conAdcnce to the sick and th Raising her face, she gazed ovor 8:30—A l Jolson Show — Martha canceled hla reoervatlon on n otoom- pected that ha will And opportunity Frggfaa G r a v « r ~ - b, closer to the Latin American poor. changingw the faulty s,.ss«::|((iBV*Jtchemistry I the ..wwiswAowero ISSaVS Into « a aillKWr, mirror, ItlVV loot herUCr- "You—you want me to go to the 8:00—Jolinny Presents. the day without the use of a script. carrying espsefty can be utilised to ing that the makers of the favoritu ot Raye, Parkyakarkuo, Lud Oluakln'a Stuttgart, Germkny, Feb. 7 — ohlp to sal] for Manila Wednesday for mors saving In the one Item of countrloa, both geographically and The sinner wept when He looked basically responelble for the skin s«IT tor a moment In a desperately danca with you?” she stsmmefed, •:00—“Battle the Sexes”—with It started os a local broadcast the utmost, the researches of tho In and probably would not moke the mlllUry planes are going to be busy noon him. still unbelieving. Julia Sandenon and Frank orchestra. ( CtorreapondeBce of the Aaooclsted stitute disclosed that flat runways Washington—The nearer that the culturally, than the United States. condition. While the use of a iMtter ’"csl dream of what It would be over WMAQ, Chicago, now It Is Press) German avisUoa experts, trip until spring. automobile expense of one kind and Strategically, the war may be Dick sold. “ Yes.” CrummlL . 9:00—We the People. hsrdly wrould allow the take-off of •Bough In tha Immediate future, end of tha Spanish Civil War comes And longed to be pure once more. diet will produce considerable ira- ''I** *<» be really beautiful. Sud- 9:00—(^mel Caravan—Benny Good- heard over 83 stations, shifting to looking for a wrsy to get heavy anether than would be effected by nearing iin end Diplomatically, It And the Galilean Aahormen provement. It la nevertheless true the old. unhappy Susla waa “But all the pretty glrla. Dick—” . 0:30—Fibber MeCtoe and O>mpony the NBC network ffve and a half auch super-cargo croft. building planes for France ami with each siiccnaslve re|jel victory, man’s orchestn airplanes aloft without expanding INFANT GY3INABT the dosing of aU the trade schooU may he just beginning. l-eft their boats and nets that the most rapid reaiilts are oh- R""* ""'I to •'cr place was s new That was Susie, stepping aside from lO’.OOt—Variety Program with Bob years age. Practicnl Testa Snersssful BrlUIn, without underUkliig to Hope. 10:00— “Dr. Ctorlstlon’’ starring Jeon the sloe of airports, successfully la tha state. the nearer cornea Oy (Ime for .■u t- To follow The Christ divine. talnedtained whenwh<»n the fastrail Isi« taken ....before__ <-frl. Irl. sweetiv sweetly nrettv prettv. tha the kln kind.1 of a force of habit, half out of her mind Practical testa with tbe newly de­ Bprtogfleld, III.—Harold Dean supply the shortage of United with delirious hope and uncertainty. 10:30—Uncle Ears’a Radio BtsUon Herrtiolt^ have launched a plane from a run­ of • mass of prohlcMiia a.i the diet Is changed. In other words, ftrl au“Ie wanted to be. Broadcasts of Republican Lincoln way that looks tike a aki Jump. vised skl-Jump runway uolng grav­ Winters, live montha old, can chin Of course there will be those who States army aircraft "I’m asking you to go, Susie." E-Z-R-A. 10:30—Inter Community Chorus — difficult os ttiMo following the A woman anointed His feet. fasting for q short time will pro­ But the ream lasted only for Deep River. Conn., Virginia Mer­ Day dinners are being scheduled for ity's pull to Increase speed were car­ himself. will anlff at such reforms as pica­ With an ointment fragr-mt and a moment. It was gone as sud­ "Well—well—Td love to go— 10:45—Jimmy Kemper Song Sto­ the weekend. Announced for NBC As planes have grown In slse, the World War- and ten times more OPEN FORUM duce an effect only obtained by diet­ cer, Conductor ried out successfully by ths Institute He's been doing tt for thres yune. But tn practically every In­ dangerous. rare. denly as It had come and aloud rd adore to go,” her very aide ries. # for Saturday la Sen. Robert A. Taft take-off problem has liecome In­ ing for a loncer time. The explana­ 10:45— American Viewpoints creasingly vexing. at tbe Hornberg slrfleld near here. weeks onAs bar to hla nursery. l a w a n d t h e c o p And washed them with her tears Susie heard herself saying: mouth growing wider In s delighted 11:00—News and Weather. apeoking from. Cincinnati and for stance these will be persons wno At the end of the world War fur- tion of thla Is obtained by dieting 11:18—Legislative News — WUIlsm 11:00—Esso Reporter A wooden runway wss erected on thcr Immedlat# flghlln/ wrm uii' TRADE SCHOOL CLOSING And ndped them with her hair, "Oh. I’d give my hone of heav smile, tiny pin points of light danc­ Monday Herbert Hoover. John D. M. The development uf modern olr are one way or another benedUng for a longer time. The explanation A. Sheehan. 11:08—Main street—Hartford the hilltop, descending at an angle Thsre are a great many people dreamed of. But ending the Span­ r-ditor. Evening' Herald: Martha of Bethany called Him en, I’d give all the .-est of toy life ing between her lashes. Hsmllton and Senator diaries Me- traffic,' with super-speed sirplonea by a far too lax control ovar "piivl- Lord, of this Is that fasting hastens the Dick had looked ashamed, some­ 11:20—PoU#h Orcbestro. 11:30—Charles Baum's orchestra being used more sad more to long of 38 degrees. Who are entirely Uw abiding -so ish Civil War. diplomats here say 1 was shocked to reac tn this to be really like that, to be prettv. 11:30—Olen Gray’s orchestra Nary talking from New. York . . And served Him with gentle care. elimination of toxins until It goes oh lust for one year, to have Dick, how ashamed for her. She re­ 11:80—Ray Kinney’s orchestra. distance and trons-Atlantlc nsTvices, Ten starts were carried out with LUMBER... tages” of state office holders and long aa the law Is one In which Uiey will not Insure peace. paper, that our new governor. In on four or Ave times aa rapidly as 12:00—Herbie Holmes orchestra Parka Johasoa’a absence from his GOO smpioyea Her sister Mary aat at Hla feet lust once.” Then she cried to ut­ membered this afUrward. He 13:00—Artie Shaw’s orchestra. Vox Pop broadcast with Wally But- neccaaarlly calls for revolutionizing an overloeded, slngle-engtoed tour­ rvnass and Flnlsli 'AM Kinds believe. But some of these people What price must Qenarsl Franco order to cut the state budget, has It does when the patient Is eating' asked for her address. He aald, 12:30—Jos VemiU’s orchestra. 12:30 Ol m.—Dick Barrie's orchestra pay for the aid he has received from And treasured HU words and ter abandon. terworth on Saturday night was hla runways In order to assure quick, ing plane. It took to the air after The Oovamor cannot, of course, proposed the closing of the Man- prayer. hie usual meals. It ta this extra 'TH call for you at nine.” Hicn 12:86—News. a dowmword dash of between 13 and RED not only regard It as perfectly all Italy and from Germany? cliestcr State Trade School. Many At last she wearily made a cup flrat miss of a program to seven easy and safe take-offs, to the opin­ balance hie budget by such sav­ elimination of toxins which so quick­ he had gone away, laavlng Susie 1:00—Silent. TooMiroWs Progrsm 30 yards, sbortenlng the length of G. E. WILLIS * SON. INC. right to break a law with which If he la willing to pay It (and that people who do not follow the actlvl- of tea on the gas plate behind a years on the sir. Ool. Stoopnagle ion of the Stuttgart' Aeronautical ings: but it Is entirely possible to In every land. In every clime. ly piirlAes the blood, and ahtomatl- screen. With It she ate a sugary positively weak from exeitemenL 7:00 a. m.—Shoppers Special Reaeorch Inatituto. the start by 39 per cenL 8 Main St. 1M. 6IU they have no sympathy—and if U by no means certain i, will France lies of the Trade School, or who There are those who follow Him ly reduces the skin InAammatton. pecan roll. Too many mifnea. too She had rushed to tell the wait­ 7:66 X w o R ^ o rto r fliled la. Parka has been suffering jpffect a very large total of econo- and England and perhaps the Unlt- have never been a part of It. can Tonwrrew's Frogrom with a severe attack of the grippe OMosutt Use Llndtod they do not expect to be caught. Who carry In thdr hearts Once the tw>dy begins to become many pecan rolls, too few vege resses. **Dlck Tremaine asked me 8:00—Shoppers Special Experts of tbs Institute sold cata­ jlnles—and at the same Ume put an M States be willing to lei' Mm pay only Bay. "It ts a shame", but the His Image, pure, ilivlne. cleaner, the skin will clear. tables and green things, had long to the. Delta Phi dance.” shr Itod A. H. 9:00—Richard Maxwell . . . guests of We The People on There’s a cop out In Rochester. students attending at the preeent WABC-CBS tonight will include pult starts have tbeir limitations •end to a demorallxli.g tendency to- And always around HU Head. By following the fast with a care- been responsible for J!uele*a girth amtounced. thrilled, ecstatic. 8:00—Reveille with Jake and <3art, 9:16—Montana SUm since the efficleney of catapult de- Read 1W HeraM Adu. N'. Y.. named Yurgealltls. For all W 111 the price he commercial or time, the graduates, end the men The glowing halo shines. ftil diet the eczema will often com­ and the nesOpeea of her skin. Slow­ “No.” It had been an astound­ guests. 9:35—News Bsrrlce John sad Elolns Barrymore. ,Ward outright diahonesty which q.v-. political, OP both? we know he may have been a good who have attended night echool He Is al together lovely, pletely disappear and there will be ly nibbling the roll, taking little ed chorus. 6 :80— HI Boys. 9:86<-0|ri lateme. Joyce Jordan • lU rootaln these small dippings in- cannot say enough In protest to cop—vigorous In Ms duty against If the conceealone Franco Is ask­ ThU wonderful (Thrlst of Mine. no i^tiirn of the former trouble. 1 sips of team, she regarded DIck'e Looking back Sueia remembered 7:00-4''aod ^ews. Jsaqey's Real Ufa Ths Psopls; 8:80 Benny Goodman FUNERAL SERVICE The clvU war In Spain U about game lawa In whieh he has plenty iarfer share m the control of Span* have bean taught a trade by the "rthcr wllh^ “ rtl®'® on ECZEMA to- him. A Wg. fair boy. ’’c l ^ aad and tossed her head and snanpUy •:a0—^ t c t e t i McMullen. Stories swing: 10 Dr. CbilsUan. sixty M iiintes ;fo come formally to an end with the of companjir am mg people who are ten mines, where formerly Britain school a ataff of intelligent Instruc- looking, pink showing answered tha wlacracklng custom­ 0:46—The Happy Ollmaaa. 13:00 noon—M ary M argaret M c­ WJE-NBC—7:16 Mr. Keen; 8 Op­ toro wbo art all maaters of ths trade Bountiful. Utah— (A R )— Eleven e^f •uff8*tlon*. writ* In car* ot through th* haaUhv taa of hi* ' 10:00—Central City. B sU bliehed 1974 complete victory of the Insurrec­ not cops—even among a certarn ** ^^g- American Investments are ers and given them all two pata of Bride eretta *nuddlgoro” ; 8:80 Informs- they teach, aad today by thu edu­ white rata are teaching pupils in --!! ®ncloie a large, I cheeks. Somehow, from the very butter. 10:16—John’s Other Wife. 13:15 p. m.— H er Honor, Nancy ■ecUon of Uioee wiio call them- emslleP’ but International Telephone tioo Plsoae; 9:80 Paul M artin mu- R. R. ANDERSON. DIRE cW r tion. It the Anlsb had come a year cation I have acquired a Job at my the West Bountiful echool proper self-addreasM, etamped envelope. Arst, he's been different from the 10:ao-Just Plain BUI. James and Telegraph, virtually a commuM- habits of diet Sitting there to the Aowered ki­ sic; 10 Chi Tlaacy tatorvlewo. •go an almost Inevitable sequel slvee sportsmen. eatlons monopoly in Spain, ts a Yan­ trade In a nearby factory. It la a other bo^, te.xe cocky, kinder One mono, reliving the unhappy post, 10:46—Tbs Wonffin In 'Whits. 13:80—Romance at Hsisn Treat There’i a stibiirb.an park in kee property. wonderful feeling to be 18 yeara of Utah Stats Agricultural College, qu E S 'n oN s a n d a n s w e b s of the iinper riaaxmen had Alppant- SrblaUurned Her eyes from Dick’s 1:00—^Dnvld Hnnun. 13:46—Our Ool Sunday What to sxpaet Wadnooday: 142 E A S T C E N T E R S T R E E T would have been wholasnie ..xecu- asked for an "Impreaaive" demon­ Rochester which, during the ver\ Will Spain fall tighUy Into the age. Juat out of school, and working (Schiller's Iodine Tmt) ly Introduced him to Susie. violets. Burying her face to both 11:16—Lorenao Jooss. 1:00— Esso Reporter WEAF-NBC—1:80 pjn. Words tlona of Lovahrt leaders and fight­ tide by aide with experienced men stration on diet problems, sent the 1:86—Young WJdow Brown. P H O N E S : O F F IC E 8171; R E S ID E N C E 7494 M Question: Mrs. R E. writes: "For "Th'e la SuMe. the waffler,” he severe weather they have l>een hav­ l.erman-Ilalian trade orbit? hands she moaned, remembering. 1:06—S trictly Swing—GU Bsyek and Music; 8:16 Ms Parktos; 8 ers. Now there would seem to oe It la a wonderful feeling to have a rata. Officlala ro^uoatad the cbtl- whst to Schiller's teet used?" bad said. "Her face may not (Te Be OeaMaiieg) 11:46—Tbs Rood at Ufa. 1:16—Life Be Beautiful Amarlcan Schools Lincoln program. ing out there, has been a veritable W ell Spent! •t least a chance of a general am­ trade that you can offer to Industry, dren to teed the rodents from their Answer: Schiller's todlna test is 12:00—Noeo—Noontims Varieties. 1:30—Mala Street—Hertford WABC-CBS—8 ladloaopoUa sym- .Spain IVIU Need Money and It Is also a great pleasure for P- 1C. nesty to the defenders of the Gov bird sanrtuary. being full of Iliac school lunches, obrorve the reeuite— Wnptoyed to the early dldlnoela of 1:46—This Day Is Ours ^ony; 4:16 Zanyr fam ily; 8-M> So D.>uhtless Spain will* need re- n-j or any other man to be happy at li:16—Wntop Houm. and draw their own oonclualone. cancer of the cervix. It to common­ are sent out from the brain, but! gated a restaurant "bombing." 3:00—Doe Barttay's Dnughtar YOU Wont to a~ ? W JE-NBC— ernment granted by Uic victonous wbtoh many hiilillliation bans. From where will hU. work. I WitMn a few days tour rate died m A W w asW A w ______‘.- a ______-S aa..e_ a .a ______. *** 12:86 Myrt aad Margo. One man told ns that an hour with our Trust Departmciii come the money? England, France ly conceded that the diagnosis ot messages about your position, .'-.tored their aiidenre at headquar­ 3:16—WDRC String Ensamble 12:80 Form and Hems Hour; 2 Your rebels A mw factor ba.i entered Among Uiem have l>een I have aummarlxed In a few words ^ from eating food paront# gave their cancer to the early stoges Is dlffi- muscular tension and so on, are be­ ters In a paper sack. 12:4S-«tngln’ Bun. 3:86—AmorlcnB School ot the A ir ind the U. s. can lend. Germany l.-OO—News aad Weather. Health; 4 Oub MottoM. was one of the most profitable he had ever qienL in terms Into Uie situation. i'hat factor u a great .. many pbeasanto, diivon..... in my actual sxpartence with trade cblidren dally.. culL This test la commonly used, ing sent Inwardly to the brain from A few hours later they threw 3:00 — ladlaanpolls Symphony — and Italy are well nigh ’broke" ao 1:16—Voice at the Form. Musonllnl and the Italian _ troooa ’ “ ® •‘"T«»'ndlng country by school education. I appeal to the Flrat to go was ama that got cof­ being highly recommended by some the eeneory nerves. open all tha windows aad coaled up Fabian Serttiky. Conductor. of peace o f mind and added security for his family. I-: as International exchange Is con clUsena at thU town to apply my 1:80—Marjorie MIUo. Boms Wednesday short waves: who, m great numbers, contributed hunger. cemed. fee, meat sad vegeUblan but no epedalleta. although othera do not the evidence to # Jar. It conMsted G80 G8D G8C G8B GBL London exampla to the hundreds ^ boys milk. A low calorie dtot took two accept It. In making the teet a solu­ of stink bomb particles. *t00—W PA String BBoemblc. to the march through Catalonia. Early one recent morning a wom­ Will Franco vltld to German- wbo graduated from, tMs great In- OONFIDENTIALLY 2:80—Studle Frograa. 6:88 p jn . Berapbodk fo r 1909; He discovered how our trust services epuM relieve Italian pressure for barter Uads on others, and tha fourth, whooe diet tion of Iodine to water is used to BArnST OmeUL RAPS 01 it to Um act. ha said, would «k>- ot terasttng subject PkUatoUsU ora upwards 30,000 Itvee m central kern wken to New Veik. Alct and there has been no open what laws he ought to enforce and Diplomatic Agures hero see la ernor and representatlvoe of thu America, la India aad avso to war- those which carry imputoeo U. tha late the prlaclpla ot aeporaUoa of Odle Jon. 34, approved yesterday state not only to save our local torn China, Methodist woman wilt­ tanrltad to tune la oo thla broadcoet church and stnta ^ m aw«y church rupture. what to leave alone: or even violate those last Items the largest seed of miisclea, rasviUng to movaatnL aa expeoditure at 660,000,000 pesos potenUal trouble. Hemmed la now trade school, but to continue to sup­ ing for tha promoUoa at woHd wide Tha sanaory nervat transaut im- offiecc* subject to direct taoatlop hlmaelf—whether It’s shooting for —M-t— ------(082,000,600) for recixistractlao. MO. MAUnnJL N IW BOOfttt WI1N 9A1N Now, however, the throwing off on two aides by aggrrsslva Oarman port and enlarge the great trade friendthlp and good w U attended liresilian arlalng ta the tines ):^/^eHgloaa tOOJOOOfiO oaaoa pheasants In violation of tbs rules, * * o o l educational eyetem wMch the Of this, (820,- fcy the Italians ot practically all and Italian TolsUtarisnlam, FraaM their third annual faBowshlp ton. organs, aad also trsnsant sensations 000.006) would be uaod to eoustruct Single frani $ 9 • Peufcli ffrnm $ 4 .9 0 -pretense of getUng out of Spain defying speed limits or deciding would be In bad straits If lu like 8U U of Connecticut has molded under the qioaaonhip at the Wom­ at pain. In tha esse of the sensory CAMOUFLAGE through many yean of bard work toe wurfeliw Is xrbo that aa act at Congress Is silly. should riu to the south tn Spain, aa en's division at tha million umt fai- nerves, tha Impulses are earned would repay over a I M m * • puts .a new face on the situation. JOHN BERTRAND. JR. New Hannony. lad. — Track C? period THE M next door to her poorly pro- lowahlp movamont at the Methodist from ttM organs at aansa tawsMiy F e l l toil With the Impending ourrender of * 1 without iatoraet ^ t e d Moroccan and Tunisian hold- Episcopal church. toward a brain or caatar; n driven hsuling ttUroglycotkM from 6 .6 A a Mottoon. m.. Into Indtona to shoot ths Uiyalists and the aosumpUon af "EXCITED” NAZn TRY TO GET MORE **Tha oentral theme at the tea-was haaoa thasa norvas are called affer­ authority by General Franco over QirlaUan faith as a maaiu at later- ent nervea. In the cast of the motor RADIO oil wells IMS death’s owrn trapiilags PLABTEBED WITH NAME8 A story printed this morning ts to MOVIES IN SOUTH AMERICA to keep death-away. SB of Spain, the danger to rxy okj- Fraaoe Talks War natioaal nadentaadtog.” said Mrs. ■ s m i tha Impulaes aro —rritA . MX J. znE L : the effect that the furore over the What If Italy demands the Im- J. M. Avaaa, aatloittl dtoector at Behind each track wftth tts loqd ttogeaepoTt lad.—Even n hoepltal MANCHESTER away from the brain cfitar^ aad wiTjKi roruLAK fhto Spanish regime—tbs nils of I»r lM t Uttle Balearic Isles Just off Buenos Alroa—(A P i-M ovte op- the wnmea'a dlvleioa. SERVICB ' 800 or more mq a rts ‘ o f‘ ' oouldttT Mop Ig-yeor-old Emilou Judge Thomaa affair waa stirred ip w to ro reported today that Carman tzaval outwardly; baaea each nerves sive trnlla sa' ami dons-will DO longsr ba from ^ Fraaeh-Spanish coast la tha The two prevtone Use were held abulenee < Whltcheed from eelleettog outo- by a rsportar wbo called up UMtod Alia teteraoto were cadaavorliu to aro caOsd afferent nerves, Um gMea- to moke motorlsta In Uw rear kssp g ru h e . haatan Lnyallsta but from the ta^terraaean aa part of her price? by the Metbodlat wosMa’ at the toe betag that the tmpuieee are g*- 44S7 States Attorney Gregory Noonan place at least 100 German Alra in United Statea only. thsir dlatanro. Tha tznelis trawd Her heck bcukea la on eutomo- And thsbs ftaaeotau ^ Erance’a life-line to lag nwag from the brain. Ae ea ea- . . only by nlgliL •nd told Mm he bad just learned Mr African possesaiona. They could South America thla year. Oermaaa bOe eeetdaut laM O c t 25. Mm waa TRUST CO. ■Asr all, A|ianlari^ ***’ *» Kisased only 14 Alms la Argentina easple at tha way the two diSeraat T h e tzMSe law tnya pan aauda*t takeu to the hseptael end put into e that Judge Thomaa waa on the ba almost oa much a threat to CMUapae at tha Kaicharboeker eats at oarvea areih, let ua unagiaa W M . B . K p « h Ihttor Stave •lO AD W AT Bt 34di fTSEET. M IW TOKK tost year, compared to 877 UBItad thaatar. Now Tock pl**t*r CR*t. Mewber FaStral DtpeeH Imaraaea Corp. **•»<:• M Japaaaaa forttkeaUaa o< Statas taporU Otty, Is m x aro araUUns acroaa ttaa I t s t n g t **We M T break m katsdM i say H er 860 visitora oU have aute- IM xnoTT mrntatam, Mun I. & itoaa witch amva your teoordi, but Ifh seta." gr^taed the caaC. MANCHBSTKR EVENING HERALD, UANCHESTER. OONN. tUESDAT, FEBRUARY 7 . 198t N. Y . Stocks TWO RUNAWAY BOYS News From Manchester’s Neighbors HELD IN ROOmUl List of Ail Persons Assessed At $10,000 or aBBBBBBBBBBffgBtaa P k k o d U b O b IggpIrioR Naar ------^ 1 u . « i « IB A li a a V efweevct n ■ a a _ fWf-Xhain Waal SM ry. aaeavT , J A ir RaAM • •tagtaBBaasB^BBtaf FoBewtag ta tba i(at of all personA Idarta S O A Ii CARTOONAUTIES By Pial Aceto Wlekham. Real Bet Oo.. 48,617 wath at tha Mlddlatetm Aajrinai Atoaka Jui • BaBaBBOf,*## VIV Post OffiBBi P iim d m B a ratadaat aad non-raetdant. who ate L 6w 1a EUtol F . •••»••«• 11.000 Wlmmer. John A. A Mae 1A 676 Fpnftag;^ Monta, Haartbrokan Lawto, Fhllto •AW Woodland Dairy Farm .. J ovar tiM traab-aad. U «s ^ i FansaBtar. nWasChnst- AlUad Cbaai .. • • • • • »BB • t a *STl% R o a ta T b Taka IliBai B s^ PMsaaod (o r real proparty boldw ga; t i n 1 13 )31 SQUIRES APPOINTED I Am Qaa .....a a a t f • a • • • a a a f 88% UIU a Barak J . K/OB MtM Naaay Kuimiyali apaat tba ( ^ " j RIm I ^ -Tba WaU"; M fart SALVAGE UMBER |m with h titil vtiUi ot' Flo • •. 44.444 TAXABLE PROPERTY EXHIBIT BY BOY SCOUTS waak-aod at bar Hebroo bomt ~ AmUooM Fred ...... (tata tOaertal so Tbo MoeaMl UtertoaU, Altxaadar aad ^euag Or. Oatahad"; BMngar, Am Rad Bt g ...... iB l{ 34.887 .BTS It amployad in East Hanptoa *Tm p In tha Valtogri Raaman, RoohvUia, FoA 7— Two Bay Btgto s is rrs u -i— i g : r r 37,096 AUoa ...... 13 Tba Bra atraa aouadad a Bra alam Am gm alt 4443 bon are batog held by .pottet bare valuattaM art aot toeludad baram. LobSA Mary ...... lOJBS TO TEMPORARY JOB SCALERS NAMED Am TO aad T O ...... ifiT H Oaaeral lot Cream Carp. U .167 Overnight News BEGINS ON SATURDAY alarm BusdaF aftamoen and U m Bra t o ^ en auapretoh. Tim youths told Otualpero. Jo h n ...... 13.MU Leekweed. Edward ...... I t t t f dspartoMBt raapoBdtd to tba.oall to A B Tob 0 aaeaesaaaataaaBBe pouce tbay are aattvsa of BraaklMA Olaaoea, W illiam ...... 11.336 Luadbarg, Ctoorge...... 13.TM FIGURES COMPLETE torn oaro of a aftiamoy Bra at tba Am W ftt WkM a .a a a ...... 18U Maaa.. sad that tbelr aameo ara AnaeoiMl* ...... 18% Glenaay, Jesste ...... 18.661 LgdaU and Feulds Fopar Of Connecticut Fnak MutpIWi Doolnle Tarw and bouaa baiengtbff to taa Fra nk R. itro a ta r, 'T in g Fouad tba W a y * John Oarmody,. 13, 100 Fiaakh a — A — Qleaaey and Seaman .... Oo.'...... A IB To Act As Town Treuvor Boat astats, aow oseuptad b» ai A f imWIf XU •aaaaaaaaaaatBaaa 5J4 atraat, and Lawranoa Fb ai^ also 88.187 1 4 r « t « r M u r . haem a WeaBwartb had altttar Aodoyer, WnEmantic Men U T Olanney, aaL WtUlajn O. . 16,333 idmeh, Edw. D. aat. .... By ABSOfUTED PRBgB lidmlle District To Bo C a m Bb ptoya w tka Feat farm. Tha • asfaaeaaaaveaoeaB 84% 15. Of BI Walaut atreoL Both boya AdftPi John ...... 8 10 3 WUbort W o^ ta r - i*l(an, Habtrt ...... 13.834 Olenaey, W. Q. Co...... 8SJ 16 WITH $ a CUT '■ M A lU g k t a tm to ow um d on gor woo aomi b io i^ t aaBar ooatiol martar a f V _ _ 0 apprabaaded aarly tbto 450700 Dnriig OlMti Of Tfwi ------^ M aoiar io- A b G i I a r^****'* aw l Louie 10.1U Goodatlaa. Lena ...... 30J 37 Union ftm t on Mendw in (root Tha attaBilBBaa at tha ontai OBtai wlthhlai------^— J Frotadeaca, Anoif CtOego Slidaiii RuSilta^.;:::::;::;:::: di !!« by FoUcaaBba A M n Bhlai New Lenden— Fellewiag the Jan. - Ropmoirtei At Show To amoUiMr of MahnB1 Quoad Cea> ■ a 0 ftlt - OWte . - •aaaeaaaaoaeaaa...... 8 SH% Oomum, Katbartoa eit ats 31,006 - r M - Both e p a ^ fltly eleetlen erideb (a- of tbo ItookTOlt PuWtoUkmry. n R I., tad ta amptapoi is a hardwara vfeteity of tba paa* affloA Oonaan, Mtebaal G. at ato 44J 06 af tha rtal pwpNlR ■*’ la boUovod that it waa eauaad by Clerk F. G. Hartenstein. ehurohta at Habroa otora. Ropdlx ,3344 tioaad by tba efftoer they admitted vorad tba pieJect by aa 8 ta 1 lu S S a y ^ Phesd At Work. Bath g t a s i...... 3714 Gorman, Susan ...... 43,437 13.443 margin, tha oily couneU vatad to Sum OTRmI Eitate YahNi K at to toaw tkMaptMMita BeBddAtSfogtonTowD tbt wntar trom a brokto watar mala lunday woo aoBMxrhat olfootod by A rth u r D a m ta a m antartatn- they bad run away from booiA — B - wlta hava praparty ta tkalt mntaa a (aw daya aco. Um grip optdomlo wblob is gotag Beth Btaal T. p fd ...... US Oormaa, T. T. aad Bpub- Mognell, CbOA J., A. B. aequlre 43.3 aoree at burrtaaM ad ^ Valtagr RrM n ehib last weak Borden ...... 184* Their home tows woa notUtad (areetol 4a The ■aeaM> tba roundA Howovar, tban waa a a t bar hOBM to W est W lUtagton. it woe understood tbMr ■nwet t ...... 4SJ 83 lar, Margaret ...... f 18,067 M ala 34.130 apt Ooaan Beech (or develop- HaB; Foil Profram Of largo ooBgragatlOB. aad tba talk ConneoUcut boya w ith eoUage Ooa P o e ...... fil* Ibneet and Adels 16,976 Gorman. Walter ...... 30.137 MaguiTA ivmiam J. 13,304 at Into a publte reereatlOn sen- Increiiet, That Of Can Rockville, Feb. T— F irs t Beleet* Mi a Osoiga Ragmelda a t RaglaviUa Case (J. D ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wora an route to ItookvUla tor. The Oeaeral Aeeemhto will Irtvao to ri^ R o r. Chartao Babolt of «ra n ^ pitaA RafroshminS ware tra inin g b) foraatry wm aeato and 34 Otarenea ...... 13JI31 Graham, Sarah ...... 11.318 Mxnoaay, EUtn 10.003 man Oeorga Behaata, ehatrman of Paaee, Wsah., waa graaUy aajoyad, Qerro Da Faa 411* Alton M ...... 31J 06 Oraat, Louto L...... 38.341 Malionr, Margaret V. IMM ^ O ffC O M E A ba ookad to authorise the rity to Afair. WAPPING aopoelally by tba youngar groups grads much ef Hit himbor bought OMo and Ohio ...... 84 Boat a 13.800,000 bond Issue to Drops; Personal Itemj tba Board of Baloetmon of tha Town M r. and Mi a John UlrU aad Mra. Unfle ...... 34.740 Greyaa, J. V. aad E W, 13.033 Man. Bldg and Loon •0.0T3 V K B D R O M MRS W. W. QRANT who UaUaod ottoBUvaly tonia ao- ta tbto atoto by tba Nortbaastom Qbiyslar ...... 734* . 8. A . aad A . D. . 14.704 ihta proiMCit. of Vernon, aonouneod tbIa morning Claraaoa Bmmi motoiad to Hartford Ooea Cola ...... % Greael, H. A., L, A. aad OoMt* Oh. S13J 83 BBOP, Manrhaatar count of hla mlselon work tir tbs far Saturday. Umber Salvage Administration. In 180 B e ki^t, Martha eat and Hartford—TbeOonneoUeut Reree Stamp; More Urettech. lUalivnia, Fab. T,— (inactaJ) — that pharlta M. B^ulraa would bo waatara atataa of Utah, Montana Col Oss and El ...... 31* Emma Brookla ...... 13.349 Mas. LodgA A. F. and A. Bbow AseeotatlOn at Ita annual ptoaba, Mab.— Vtaom t *,M i a Afati Woodworth. Mn. tba Hat of Junior ecatora hired by Local Stocks Earl Judata ...... 13.893 M. wW ba a Itoekvllfa DIatilet appointad tamporarv town traaaurar aad Waahlngtoo. Tbaro waa a spa- COmi lav T r ...... 334* Oruba, M artha...... 36JK)8 metUag arranged a Hat of ebow adltar af tha Mudmt nawmasar < ■oevit ahow on Saturday ava- A t tba laat meattng of tba Wap. K fM o th R oSh IS ob and Utaa Halan tba admlntotratloa appear the aanwa CoaU Sole ...... 114* E. M. aad a. R-. 17.140 datoe n r N aad realootad its ZTi to act during tbo iUnaaa of Town atai ORtbam by tha oomMaad oholra. J . & ...... 16.393 30,673 13 Wltb tha eamplalian ONigktm UBivwtatp. NBBtad at aitbt o'clock In tba niinv* ping Young Motbara' olub which Clerk and Traaaurar Fredarlok O. Mr. gabolt la oa a apaaklng tour ef IMUaaoa attsodod sarvtos at Oraea of five femer atudeato of forestry Cons BdUon ...... 331* 1 M4m. ifospltal .... SUM praridaat tanmel J. Blabesla et a t tUa iM Ia lar the lualeirmitar Kptooapal churah In Stafford Bprtngs Oana O il...... * Fhratahad by Futaam aad M f ll M a r y ...... 18,898 ten team ball. Tba abow will da- waa bald at tba boma of Mra. Wal- HarteeiUln. Ur. Harteeatste la tha atataa. at Conneotlout SUto OoUage aad 34 8 UoBtrai Bow - " - H — 1 R ealty Oa ...... •M 37 Gosban, yatr’a giard flat, iha Board a t Aa- btiag a baakfUlywSr nlet aomt a t the blfbiKbta In tbb Horses Fortar of Wapplag was a Buadav aMratag. Cont C o n ...... 384* Eat O. L. and « Trutt Co., Truataa .. Hartford— A eemttiaslqa reetnUy ■eaears baa turned ever to tita town knew* b li * "* dan V. ColUna, tbara waa a amallar aarloualy lU at the Rockvllla a ty AU bm sad glito ef Mamortal four erbo studied at the Tala School ■arUord, Uana. 11.787 T4JT 4 TlH»wy of tba RoekvUla dlatriot Hospital. collar on bla olatar, Mra. Mary of roreatry. Com Prod ...... *. 33 Heclcett. John ...... 64403 * W ater Oa ...... 14.607 Bamad to study tha ConaeeUeut Its appraiaal of tha rtal aad par-| TMItan'a and la a sart of tba oaiabratlnn attandanca than uaual on acoount church Sunday aebooi batwaan the Del Lack and W art...... 04* T atapbaaa 84181 Eat. Jennie A. .. 11.908 aleetion lawn eitth a vtow to revia- Mr. ggutraa la aaststast trssaursr Cummings guaday avanlng. Ha H. PhU Brandnar, atoto director 1:00 p. OA € an AruabM ta a cnmlqnmaat found E 14I. 0M erharo laat yoor It wm 14: 1%a rirat lat Claaa play to be given the latter part of are delivered at landing sttoe, grade Tiaeelara ...... 440 400 1 11,617 to ba tafeetad erib gernu ef an- worth gym and Fab. 17 BlOomfletd joyed. them according to tbelr alas and tbs Keaneeott ... eaeeeeoaaeeaa 8T % FubUe DtUnteo BirfcA W. K...... 18,031 HIU, HUma E and HartA kH P tO VVO i t * WP.OOKH, FOMfRAL U t e c t i l l . , ^ ilfi,fiM.|M, quits a drcmdurlBB tha Troop W ; aong, BaU Soout* taam will motor to Boutb Wlndaor the month. Lthlgh Val Rd 0 . E ...... 10484 \ 13A 69 WCeilOlNG ^tCHTARV Of KNICKft/C 0*AJNWSGc. aadftoak Farley 304 7 1 Oonsoltdated Rav, Oorp... M .811 . m th is mmm<’* . _ METM, aad M mar aoaw to M r BaB OhI Taalght. Tan O o rp ...... Bankers Tru st ...... 43 Ctamay, The F. w . On... . ' Jooaa, Mary A Wm. 'J. J 10.11B Bubay. Annie aad Andrew 1 Custer, Wm. and Martha. U, M ford. birthday. devoted to tha waJara of Tolland Forestry Department John P. Kea- Central Hanovar .... 1 . B Sullivaa, Joba F ...... 3 M Biim bwa af tha Tata muBd. tm n M M aad panntaS- Tha annual roD eul of Hope oounty and particularly to tha wal- The weekly reading club atot Moa- dlg, Manbetoa, Fannaytvania, Yale Timken Roll B .. 37 30 CkeneQr. Gs a i v ...... SSLe eseeeeeeeeteeevea B M 1 11 4 1 1 No. BO, O. B. B, wU be Mil# Margarat Jacobson enter­ John Horton, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Trans Amartea . Cbast ...... 304* 834* 1 4 lA W H SuUlvaa, UUtoa...... i GMs Hub wkm tba dtaaoMry M iM to town an aasaasM M IL - tained the Bridge Club at her home Edmund H . Horton, baa finished hla (art of tba temporary homa la Ver­ Jfy«t the borne of Mt a School of Foraatry, and (oraur CUC Cheney, Howsn ...... Joyce, Tbomas ...... U 446 dB . and Mai yaar wan M r f e e l tWa amataB a t a ^ t o'eloek. U. 8 . AJIaoq, poftpon^d from la«t Union Carbide .. Chemical ...... 43% 43H F . aad U . . . . lO J M Bunivaa, Jfsrgaret C ... l 6 484 Ai on Friday evening. < oouraa at ConnaeUeut Stats College non which la the moat important foreman Ui Vermont Herbert A. a t y y ...... % * Cheney. Jane aad Qyatbla J. A E Realty Oa . T m . . 43.7H I ] elU. C. and G. IIYIB 1 - D - 1 Fim sA Hungary, Fatand, 48448B. Bta. Rath A. tabmann. Worthy Ma Institution undar tha auparvlslon ef w««k on Moouat bad WMtoor. Union Fao 33 384 CbsMy, Jobir P...... rest Jearte L ...... 1 af tba ledga win praalde aad Mlaa JuUn Adamlek antarUlned He la at present employed at the Tbompsoa, Jr., Andover, New York Ualt Aircraft ... Ooptuantal ...... 13% 14% eeaeeeennn mthVWO3S.00S Latvia, FInlaad, IM M M amaa tgovum tba last masting of tba Obrla* Oub experiment aUtloii eouacUd with the board. Mr. Slawlek’a tann will Tbe Feopira maatlag Sun State Ranger School, Wanakene. Com Exchange ...... Gbenay. Katherine Bell.. Deaatoon. Carol C ...... iM t o a n fb ir a * O b a a aodaT fla w foD oi^ the oollega. expire October , IBM . U h lt O n p ...... 34* 83 84 Cb4Mgr. Mary Ptersen... Dolan, Edw. 0 ...... nt bar soma, ta w in g laaaona were 1 ^ oroalag eeaotatod of a ateroepti New York. Alton J. Wanan. Naw Unit Osa la^ ... F M t N a t l ^ ...... 1888 i m -K- 104M . D. FfwMr. hi laat year 3a eonttnuad undar tba dlrsetloa of Mlaa Gladys BoUow, daughtar a t Mlm BUsabath Edwyna Kibba, CM lecture; “From Cape Town to Loadoa. Maaaaehusetto Btata Col- .... 13% Ouaranto Trust ...... T CkiBay, PMUp ...... ~ l i ----- I I -T- A o to f i l m ___ C nha. a A. R. Mtsthw, V ■ Rubber .... 43% 343 38 Gbenegr,RuthtT. I BarangB w fll ba a maating o f Sabra B. H. Robuts. Tbo rofrsah- Robert Bollow, has gone to New SB, Ufa-long raaklant of Somara, Calm" ta U ^ tba plaoa of tbe regu legA Yato Bobool ot Foraatry aad U S S m e lt...... I r e t i« T r m t ...... 04* i 04* KaneM, Moths ...... n jim \ WM raparted iy Than WM B aNiM rin la Nw mont oommittae ware Mias Ada- York to be wlUi her father. Sines died Monday momlng at tba John- tor oourae of Bible study. .... 83 Cbanegr, Bharwood A . .... Tomer. Jaha.H. Jr. ... iVSlMF i€ ittOMlDNilDi i PiMf limn Chapter. Daughters of tbs tbe New York State OoUage ot U 8 Stoat ...... 881* ManigaeL Trust .... 38 46 Cbaaty. Wm. C...... KaaeiauakSA Chartoa and 13iHB Taylor. EUsabatb M. - E - 1 I to a arfuasi aan- 0 Revolutloa ca Wednesday Una Hoff, Miss Mary Ltpaky and the death of her mother, Mra. Marie ■on Memorial hospital hare follow­ Henry Hayden erltb a student Forestry, tormer OCC foreman and Western Union . Manhattan ...... IB Ig Anim •••••••##••■••••• 10,170 N . B. 1A43T . a to Mariden. Na tm yaar with EtM mw.to i S | b Mlsa Ethel Crickmora. The next Bollow, the latter's son Guatava baa ing a abort illneaa. Bha waa bom in .... 314* Ognattl, Fetor...... TadfOrd, Gaorta ...... yea r a a a .------Fsbruary Btb at tha friend from Trinity College, Hart­ employee of tbe Forest inaocu West B and Mfg ....11044 N. T. Trust ...... gg% 83% Ovelio, Mary J ...... Kearney, Edw. D ...... 10436 1B.S1B TblbOdaau. Joaepblna Eat. Bcultobto Ufa Aesur..OA 196466 a t hto bams s a tu r- tyw nt? Boaaa o f U ra. WlUlam P ra y of 73 meeting wlU be at the boms of Mias been living on the home place on the Somers. December 10, ISOO, the ford erere woek'^id gueata or Mr. Laboratory at New Haven. W oolwortb TIUe Guarantee...... 8% 8% Keating, Mary et ol .... 30,418 ; Samuel 17D4 MB 814 41 T ^ h m Mary Upsky. Bolton Road. daughter of Charles and Betsy Ann 48% Clough, Jolm ...... 13,164 Thornton. Hugh Bat .... . l U a fraetured hip. to n E TWsott avanua. The' spsakar of and Mt a W. Hoyt Hayden. Harold C. Walto, Jr^ WUUmanuc, Bee Bond aad Bbara (Curb).. 114* PubUe National...... 38 80 OoUligA Fradertek H. .. Keeney, Charlotte T. -... 13.490 i U .908 Msttant Btata Get- thomh then to m tan Iba aftaraeeB win ba John A. Bren- Miss 8 . Helen Roberta, Homs Mr. and Mra Samuel Smith and (Bradway) Klbbe. Har brother, Ar­ Tba regular maeUng of TOlaad U . 8. T r u a t...... 1800 lU O Keeney, Herbert 8...... 13,486 1 Ttokor, Anita E ...... Itaoai aaaseaed. TbM to family hava moved to Farmington thur KIbbe, died two weeks OonnacUcut Btata OoUitoA formorly OMonlal Board Co...... S3.3U Ttaher, Wm. ft Jr...... T - G - i I tbe reorament, after WBMa who Is connected with the Damonatratlon Agent, mat with a ago'. Oranga wUl ba bald at tbe Com­ la Japanese beetle oontrol work. Keith, Geo. B...... 100481 1 10.BH (aat mat thanm n m a m w A ta mz w leO Oeaamrvatlon Project. ^ Mr group of tan .vomen Thursday a ft­ where Mr. Smith has secured em­ Sha la survived by a slater, Mias OooA Power C o...... Ttokar, Wat Bat ...... yaara am tm faculty, af Or. BB- munity House tbto eeaning. Tba GUbert B. WUay, Wetbaraflaid. Uon- Oen eecM, L a w re n o e ...... Kemp, Anna O...... 13.400 1 37,441 Ooedato,, Annie...... lid R. Gtttobart, MMstmt pra- ' a f DMDF " ttWI iMifiNi Rsinw isn wlU show sUdss and ernoon at the home of Mrs. Burton' ployment, Mr. Smith formerly Grace Klbbe of Somers alao aavaraJ program wlU oonatot of music and Kemp, Samuel, J r ...... M.6M 1 Tienan, J. J. A M. 6 . . . . v > jm ' worked for Edward A. Smith on hU niecea and nepbawa. Funeral serv­ noeUcut Btata OoUaga, (ormor am- 1 OonveraA L. A. Br. and 104JM1 Graaowtte, Anna G...... mar a t atamaaataa. Batata aattm a rin ba aasletsd by Mr. Laramy who B. rUnt on Ripley HIU. A diaplav a Vatentlne oootaL Tbe refreahment ployoa a t tba Btata CoUega Foraatry (X)LUMB A INFLUENZA AHACR Klttel, Anna ...... 11.737 10.0B1 Teoby, D. and Owytr, A. I aaaocUted with him In the coll of wash dresaaa were shown, their farm and lived In one of the houses ices will be held Wednesday after­ w E B T t x y r r iu u b L . A . J r ...... Klein, Anna and Jotoi.. . 1740A IDat ...... to Btoria Dr. Ounbart wm prtaet- tbay w a n sat a t njSSjSStm faat owned by Mr. Smith.. noon at tbs borne. Burial wlU be In oommittae w ill aerw a menu la ap- Oepartmant WaUaoo w A o ^ Daap 1A7M pal af Narwaik Hlab a e ka a i (a r M onaerraUen srork. At tha meet- material, workmanship and practl- tba oonaffon. 878- 13. WUttmaatto OMHon •Cook, R ob tosen...... Knofla, Adolpb ...... 16,040 Traoay, Jaaagk A Julia ,. Rg tbare wfll be a eollectlon taken Edarln Smith, aca of Mr. and Mra the North eamatem, Bonara. fm oiiata tar Rlvar, OonnaoUeut Btato OoUage, KEEPS POPE ABED Cooper, Robert L ...... 16SJ7S MTA eablUty diacuaaad. Another maetlna Tba W . F . A . men bavs been formerly aotatoyad igr tha Reoattia- Kobto, Emma ...... 10401 14.4M Trent. Gertruda M ...... 1______- H - X 1 Now hi tawB are 3M br tha banaBt o f cna a t tba thrsa w fll ba bald on March t at tha borne Edward A. Snsltb, baa raturoad to Rav. Kwidrlch (Irobat. pastor a t Onnghitii. Mlrhael j. .... H ra t^ Michael aad Anato U U BMrta Tm CtoMiitlwa Feraat _____ NM Ootmaatleui State OoUaga Ha apaat a d ^ Cram tha etoaaup work from mant AdaelalatnUeo aa a fotaot Oolnmbta taho ta 4 1 •aeeessaa 17473 Tretitr, Ataxandar B a t.. Htfd. Goon. Tn iit O a X.. ematntnjr Real Dauirblers. of Mrs. Wilton U. Rose. It wlU ba tha Firat Oeogragxttoaal ebareh of CknwnB. Albert L ...... T ro tte r, ta a a g k ...... _Di P ifli AiiM li0 iii iR iiin iii tii IM af Ihair MBw n leaden Anifliary. last week’s vacation at hla parento* Stafford Springa, will addraaa tba burrtoaaa daaaage la Tolland. tofihnleian. Monta D. Baivta. Mor- l u n H tfd . Gm O a award a t thim prism Bi«M 6BMHI vVSnHDHEpi; an all day meeting. Slip covert for home here. CudA RaroM E Bet. .... JM natter, TboA A Annie .. vst •164M BMNB to - I Tbo regular business meeting of chairs w ill be made. Wiuimantlo Area eUnlstors’ Union tbe Mother sad Daughter baa wlcb. Now York gtato Oollega ot tba waak-end wen niaity perfbet regular pbysletaa. Dr. Amtota M|- OmhlBg. Mary O ...... 14 KUi. N ittail 9u M i i i ly to tm peram ar grouB parforai- to i BBI the Mtbeway Miller Unit, Ameri- Miss Mabel Payson apaat the Fofvstiy, formariy wltb tbo Utx: In !| TniWagtoa. florm w and The Boya' club held a whiat and at tha Oongragatlonal church house quat to ba tponaored by tba Child Sunday aftenoen tha grounda at tonl, erbo boa attandad him atomit _ _ Y rttrt • a # e e e Dewey. Albert aad R IA- U. B V - g - 1 7 5 0 b o . aratie club this evening folIowInK ■way from motor dangers whara Tolland Grange tost Friday aveiuag Labaelda wan soUd Io a >00 one stato. tor a eonfmiaii ta b maa, Lseoard . . ..<...... TAS vaSuata. Frank .. 7 1 1,000400400 brnrlBB tandad tharo laat year w m M U J M . CongregaUonal church »111 hold lU g a rt Buckw heat He baa bean a resulted in aavan tablaa in play. The a 8 6 Vamtoitrook. C. L. aaanany. aaparate meetings at tha Elltnirion they can have all the fun they want resident of Btafload for many yaara Hebron Orange P. of H. N 111. bonld put hta ffmtee am anywhere room to tbe early aftamooet Dewey, Jaae N...... 13,747 M pan.' Louto U ...... 114U Tm aflioMpiaytaB Mat ta A Febniary meeting on the I 8th at travailing waa ley and many card WtU bold Its regular maating at tha and skate about. Advtoa AoHettlea Bwpeadad Vannard. T. W. a e e a s B B f Koba. Bolomoo A JerooM town hall. Town Chairman John without worrying about getting run and waa amployad aa a teamater Dmroy. Jaae sad Albert . 13,046 104M » I Mrs. Graham's Tea Room. Mrs. over by automobiles. It takas a fans OS fomiarty attand Ware ab- Community RaU tbto aventag at In Um aeontog aa a fun noon The pootUPa pbioletana adetasd Varplaaek. F. A « e a a a a ' ______D. Qlrardlnl will prealde at the Graham and Mrs. J. L. Schweyer for the lata George Gary. He re­ Dtainnnd, Uamriaa L. .... 31J 66 DAILY PATTERN committee meeting and PreeldenI great deal of worry off the parents tired from active work In IBM. He •enL Mra. Mabto N eym an M organ- eight e’e k ^ Tbe toetursr Mtoe shoeM on tbe shiny surfaee and oou- him to ramato Ig bis prtvata opart- D ig a iy . gnton, at ato .... 10,634 Vlot. MabM O. e a a o B a a a rUSNDLT GOMIP N O W t t m T D I I Paul Stocksar at the club cession. w ill be the boateaaas. . as well. ■oti aad bar eommlttee furotobad de­ Florence M. Jeems bos. planned a pieo gUdad along on BaMifa« ahstea ' SB oottettlr. The Ladles Association will hold to survived by a s'ater, Ura. Caro­ Dtaaaok. Lento a ...... 13J 61 L - L - 1 Is sta rt buOdta TonNADTDninBni^ There are several importnnt mat­ The Rev. H. R. Keen preached at line Bougbtoa of VUtao Hill, two licious rafteahmenta dutlag tbb program baaed am tba boms a lastead of to eanooo or aallboato Na itnmedlaia mdermatton w m DenobM Sad Jobaaon .. 36,636 ■FOAaOt.lbAT ters to be discussed bv the grnup a supper and antertainmant on the n a. m. scrTloe at 8L Peter’a social hour. > rsereaUon. Aleem tba abore eampdrao blaaad aeaUabla to Vattaaa etreleo m to — w — a f tm toaildA Toni February i« m the vestry, a . V brothers. EU and Leon Buckwheat DatUM. Paul F . aad M . M. 10.368 Lamrop. Ferkhm L ...... 1B4 M vataa of Fa^te JahB’s ; Fnutor Jahh'a] tnchidtng the Flood Control BUI from the theme of the parable of of ProvIdaBea, R. L For tbe past M r. and Mt a Rupert toast wort M r. aad Mt a Warren Oarrow a t and dtod down aa tba aatbara eon- tbe gravity of tba attaah. PwigliHtj. Fatrtek aot IMM brand new I 8M eertaM Loaaas A NatUataaCiA .. BT M BOiUBOrUUlF Tbit la th€ r>(pilar monthly meet* Leslie has arranged for pictures to the landlord who called workers Into Portland were vtoltoea at tbe home tinuad to warm alpptd dngara aad 4 pratoil ky ta rn be ehown. C^k books are to be ■avaral yaara ha had made bis home recant gueeto of Mt a Waats* brotliar, Tba pope was aetag treated by Duguet Marie N. eat .. 13.867 fcl.t?**'S?5_**** blonee nlUi-aklrt Waddan. Thos.. Br...... > Loby. Arms J...... 43414 h a m M d m ta . i&r of tba Democratic club. Ms vlneVard. There were 12 In the with bla niece on VUtoga HIU. Ira WUcox aad faaaUy at E a ^ of Mtoe Barbara FUA Buadoy, t o e A Dr. rtUppo R oc^, aaffataat ta Ma Wade, Annls and Chat .. Masttog Postponed. presented to all the ladles preaent. junior choir. Howard MarUa of New York Tba anbaorlpUoH drtea to aaouro The Febniary meeUng of the Men a vUto. Manafleld. Mr. toUoon Sat bean r^rular pbyalrtan, Dr. MHato, •gtX !“ j5k? SI52L5XS2L2 w»*evir Watab. WtDtam ...... Tha meeting of Uavflower Re- Charlea Phelps, son of Mr. aad taiOi.pacltatod eltb a aarlous attack spent the week-end at hto home funds la pay far tba ratodUtow of Tbe PopA nearly It, relibgbtii W atktm , B i m . to e ...... NOIKE haksh lodge, scheduled to be held ^ ^ oonJuncUon Mrs, Lewis W. Pbelpa, haa retumad of aeiatlea for aavaral -mrlro. "HA tbo toawlo to . . — E — Watktaa, C Btotore ...... il - M - ___ 1 am^MHIM this svenlnig In the L 0 . 0 . F. ball \ with thU eupper and entarUln- tnli week to Chicago where he la aa- wltk a nnmbir af ^Be H o o m e f FM tm n BBBB. m ta Tm Biaid ef RMtf Of OM' ment. a auggeetlon having been Arthur BuabnaU who baa Data HI Cbaitoa Hardy of BroMdyA N. T , ■otoB, Bdttb E Weldoo. A a n la ...... Maa. Tnmt Bala A Da- u n m FATHER af MeaMiMir, OianiBtliM . wm has bscn postponed until Tuesdav , gagad In chemical raaeareh work. He WILLINGTON ^aat Sunday eith hto parenta Mr. Ito mlm. taOeSd ItoM M w &rtS! adopted at the . let meeting of the for aavaral dayA to again able to at­ He i< ^ ao port to piilNIo aottM- ■ntyn Retd .... S M ^ fbltosM md safbmm WetbaraO. E Joeephtoa.. . jm^mm e a a ee* e V e e a a e B at tta Munmpi ovsnlng, Fsbruary 14tb. haa been at New Haven for ’ he past MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH aad Mt a George Han|y at tba home ' A tottar reeafvad by tha Rev- tIH but reoetvad a tew tottnmtad to 4 7 WUltomA F. V...... 3 430 n G R T I ll6 bfadtewe M. Tsber. Men's club to designate Feb. 14 as six montlia or so doing the same tend bu duttoa aa amu oanler from Ralph Rowtond aad road at the Edwy A Br. 13406 to make it umimally 1 M eyer A Meadelaoha .... TOlaad aad ftockrtU aad ratum. of Hart IL BueU. bto private aparttoMto and rnad RniBe, G. B. BB414 Madlena M ary U ih er. , of Ladles' Night. work. Hie friends here will greatly wda, Joseph taladmign offern twa ildito wttb Muaqbta. Harriett ...... C O L D l JOHNS ‘^etatoedm . fOBb I. M M B to 16 144 Mr, a ^ UrA. John BUta of A^ M r. sad Mt a Leon Fegll. of ICas- BuBday montog aarvlee from Hmr- many tetograma a t OOngrotuiattaBA- ^ WUUs, O. B. A Ben ...... 874M East Main atreet. died at New Ha- The Men's club at their laat meet­ mlaa him. aa ha apent hla week-aada Tha Cblnaaa fteltof FuBd neolved daU Frtok of Vratarbuiy. a oeton 30,673 whleb to wear tt Ono ta nimtad 1 Mohr. Frits, et m ...... 13484 MEDICINE F . 31. j ; ing also voted to hold another Fa­ ford announca the engagement' of from oatoMonanr aettatty trom ehaatar, aad Mtoa O a rs Parks a t B a n Bebadtaa Tbia W aak ~ an rm• m i W m A Oerty-tw y^mra ISiSlB tnisea Jrtm t and M- C . ; Moriarty. oBt Hugh aad ttonritay. FM . I* MM* B to It- hsan la health for tevaral months ther and Son banquet In March. Mlaa Floranca A. Smith, principal church tad oebeel haa aamuatod to Oaiobester, were Simday ealtoca at Be had a buW aekiduto ptonnad'^B JoAB G. .. 384M t n m a m m a . 1lm otkar to M ra K ^ Barab, 111 Joseph TheodoraiFUegel of WUling- tba boma of Mr. aad Mi a OaieiM e ter tba aad ef this WMk. ^ RfDaon. 8^ranota R ...... U 4 M On Saturday, February 11 the of the Seymour eiebool. W est H a rt­ about ISO. . W . B a n y AM , FM -_S, M M , B to gad recently underwent several tOA. aoa a t Me. and Mra. Joseph J . FogU. ^STroeSed Vt^bo^Msd to 13 7 Tan wm enjty iSw BfaoE * T - gparatlons. young People.'* C. E. society w ill ford. spent har uaual xmak end bare Rmecy Oeitab o(m af tba lorgoot look to r ths iteeyli tha Brat thing S atu r^ ta tbe tenth naWvwniy Dowrtnleo ... 11471 II 1 Mid a social for all young people i at the borne of her father. Edxia T. raegeL pouitrymen In Mwa attandad tbs M r. aad Mi a Howard Tryon o t of the romnnlHatlon betwe» dm Bfeodbrtdge. A*' R ...... She -waa bom In Rockville June Mr, aad Mrs Charlea Mtoke at- when oonriag tolo toem. aad pass Wrtght Henmb O ...... B4. I t 33, a daughter of Alvin and of the community. There wlU be ' Smith. Tolland County FoultryBMn’a BMOt- Buckingham wara etoltora at the tog tbniigh town neently. mlaaeti Holy Bee nad the ttaUan sU iA aad riee 1 II - P - 1 taaded a Hungarian daoco In Hart­ • a a » a a a the late Ellen (Dormn) Usher. She gamea, skits and surpriaaa for alL I Mlaa Nancy Kulynych waa home big bald at Taonmtoa HaM, Colum­ borne of Mr. aad Mi a Bton Buafl tbe N ght. tbe poiritff WM to addmas aU Ital- _M bnadfltoth. thta twaail W rig h t, Jm -J- •• ford Saturday evening. Wright Ifltai set a a am a > 1 Pboeato Motual Ufa 11440 sraa a pupil at Bt. Bernard's Pare- and refreahroenu of hot coffee and i from East Hamptoa for tbe wxMt- bia lost Wadnaaday owanlag. Bnuday evantag. glad t I t waa 1a bo ta ­ toa arobbtabops aad btabeps la bamburgera. end at the home of her parents. Mr. The flowen in both eburebaa this S ta f and Mi a Chartoa Flea and prtvata andltaao, daitBg whtaB it Mo m a Andlttani ) Ftaaay, Mas O ...... 13437 d d a l aoiool. She leaves her month WlU he fumtohed by the W. Mlaa H attla Jew ett a t RoahxUla b o u t tethar, a alsUr. Bntrloe Usher and The choir has begun rehearsing i and Mrs. Michael Kul3mych. weq a recent guaat a t TaUaad son caivtB eaUad on Mi a A. a. Fast lar aad aaa Jb was baitoved ha wnoM awiala B e too. ***^ C.T.U. ta memory a t Franoea WU- pceeant atatM a t imatieaa bitaaM BRTBO two brotbars, Cbarias and AKin. for a cantata tor Easter, and will A committee appointed to do lard. frIendA and Mr. and Mi a Myron Post Bia- tana., wars wm r a n , r a t a I Jr., all of Rockville. welcome anyone not a regular something In a pubUi* way to help ■’— aftaraoon. a t Mi a wnitam Johae ba Vatteaa aad tba FMotat mglmA Fatten glM ta dtata —Y— The foUoerIng aow books have M r. and M i a John H. Btoeto bad ______OsicB to Meet. member who will lend their help for raise funds for the antl-tnfantOa *V Mt a Joseph Bairaoso TIm m reiattoM laeaatly tana Ba- 11. 13. IB. IT aad Uu = R - ___ 1 F - M. paralysis drive x hold a meeting bean received at the WUUngton Pub- •a recent gueeto several of tbelr ooeae atratood aa a laouR ad PMetat to>lr«a S S-B yards o ff TulyM, gamnel Ihata srtU ba a meeting of the this occasion. Reheariala are held i -111 WUUngton (TtaadA daughter Yelaado eaeat Bun- Tbo Faiento Dla(^iaalcn Group Tktr, Lncy 0 41474 "moS} Beaiwatoa Menbetlaii .. 31443 y. Fto. IB, MIB. B to B Ooiamnti Council of the Qty of at the parsonage on Friday eve- at SL Pater a Pariah HaU, Thursday eUc Ubrary: BaUay, -‘’TomorroWa day la Bpriagflald. MaoA win amot at the beam ef Mr. aad racial lawa aad Faeetot trM tam rial (Or tba alaatod Rmtaoea. ChrtoUaa ... 144*4 F* . II. UBB. B to ’J nlngi. evening. Clarkson F. Bailey is Promise";. Beeeett. "New fiagiaad Mt a Ruth Saab. fUgtotored auraA of catboWo Aetto*. a obarefe orptai Ik rr, Reoee 104M Roekvflle tbia svanlng with Uayoi Mi a Dm»M Woodward on Taioday B yaiM ef M-taeh mab Oaadt A. MlUa pcsalding. Among Next Sunday morning tha choir ohalrman. B o ro ": Btoetond. "Common Sanaa ta has batn busy for osvora] woohs m r a n . T k o n o Land . PtoUp- 3 .407 ptata; g Ad p m m ta r 1 PAGKAMT POgI aaaannnnn 1% B to^ tha hUla to ooroa up tor approval of the Mansfield Center church edll Mr. and Mra. Randall Tennaat Rock Garden": Burt. "Men of Moon attendance several dlflaront pb- Oa Baaday tba ta ptaamd la 11474 Mountain"; Byrd, "Alona''; Chrtotlc, ttonto at tba Jobasen MaoMrlai 14408 MaMoe GRy. Feta T - ara tboas for aaoer removal during ■mg for the momlng service bare, and aoo Malootm of Hartford, also TBOWSONVDU EDIIW attend a ponttflei maaa to B t f a t - -(AF>— An 1 8 ______1 Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert Adame and AppolBtment With Death’; Coch­ boepital. Petard eabedral 134N ■ - - the past two wsaka. It la ex- and the local choir wUI Mng at tha CURB QUOTATIONS ettobrnta thp BSC BeytaBB RBah Roricvffls .. faebad that tba Ugbtlng situation Mansfield Center church. Tbare wtU daughter Roberta of Wetheraflald ran, "Tbase Are the Vlrgta Islanda"; Leon CbordMs haa been boma ITtb aantvantry 4 f t o r lA Mm U 18433 ritual la tbe eon. w ; 83.044 T m GQfeinMB iB i K 0 UI esee U tHB again ba hcoi^t up for dis- Xiao be an ezchanga of orgaalsto. xrara Sunday vlaltors at the boma of Corbett, *«be Was Carrie Eaton": (torn Storra OoUaga (cr aevtral days SOCOIBS TO nUESS JB m ty y WM tba ta* NF 0.033 tha Mlatatty 481 There will be a uiilon aervlce here Jared B. Tennant aad hla daughter, Doaplng, "MaUca of Man"; Du durtag add year TTi itf"rfiiT rrt m uia annaanas 104M [ 522K2 *** ...... 38.187 OMt Sunday evening sponsored ny Mra.flohn Mitchell. Miss Barbara Maurtar. "Rebecca": Oamcn. Mt a A. A. Heaty to atm on ats Few aad u H ...... 3% amtoMly wttb a baart^^aS^Nsv. I* - 38408 p oaaaaaaammaaaaa 3B.T3T B S ? w S T n ^ Tba fnaacal of Mlm Ellen Cullen the CL E. societies in obsarvance of Taanant. who la employed In Hart­ “Orandma called It CSraal"; Bvar- to bar boma after aavaral weaks ^^00 C0 9 a a e a a a a aeeaeaanneaoa 8 n* 1348 to rw y* wffl aiGty. u t the a tm day vtalt ThompaoeeUto. F e A 7— (A F > — , < Bf T Ward atraot waa bald ota Mon- Youth FellowW ilp waak. Beverml ford, waa also bome'for the week­ hart. ’XUaee SUpper”; Farool. eritb a grip cold aad compUeattonA raup J. SuUteaa, . for tbe paof A M d O M M d B A ...... % A ltb ot^ M roeovarad tanm timt 10 00 inarming dmIgM hi Ota aow goek pageant wm at tha Ti *blu e c a end. 08 . U fkoaa tba Burka Funeral Home nelgbboriiig aoeieUas hava bean In- "Lonely Road”; FUnt. *T>aaooa’s Mi a Aaron Pratt of Windsor SO yaara odttor and toalneaa mmnm. ApB ^ O V a a a a a a e na a a nln • R teeaa. bis pbymdaao aaproaoM oon« 13 7 baip you hi vamr pyranddA _V_ a Mra. Daisy Humphraya of Hart­ Road”: Grey, ’TCaighto of tbe • • • • a a ann an na a a a a a a % O eatga 10.473 piMam md am ■ ■t Bt Btnaid't church, vlled. Stanley Kendlg of the Con­ mOaa th a t vtoit to bar Toltand gar of tba Thoenpaoa ellto P r o a dtod 8 ■tn leat witbiBad baa'tb M ke it law to twMty' ford visited her Hebron cottage Sun­ Range”; UoUirook. “Let Them PM eaeeaaaaaaaaaa 13418 iU M H ir ^ D oai tbo I adlor AUxii- necticut Council of Churches wUl ■omamr boma recently. ksra today after a loim UUm s a 48 dWtanlt tor him ta rartat oartber Valroltoa OO Ob...... 33,181 tm Bnt day at ’ af tbo A. O ..B.. attandad the ■peak. day. She has not been beia for live ": Halsey, ’?Vltb Malice Toward 0 O®d fldM ennaaaanna 11 % 30,418 Fattrnn ar kM some ttnoa pravloaaly. H e waa bora la It& ad aad had •GffrATB Bay. Joba Franola Cav- na": Hartator. "Horaa aad Bim- rrlmtiim to mi~Bimimil ■ad ban alaea ba was eight yaara LMM ...... a . 8% 1B4 M F M m pattam e g ______Mlifant paster ofndatad. Tampersturta can bt roughly told Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, who F Doetor^: Ftotober, "Myatory of t t M 0 IW aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8 % , J . and KM T H I W. G. GUNNEY CO. Uva la tbair new bungalow oa tba 5 )to eaiear. Tba moat famona of Froot ISIS to 1318 SuUteaa ema Durtag tba Aaaai ytar a t iJ M :| — w — _ s In Bt Bernard's eama- by Oniing a cricket's chirp. The ushiar Fool": L uU a *l((!HE9rER EVijNING HERALD. MANUHESTBR. CONN TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7.1989 P A O I N I M f STATE SOLONS ABOUTTOWN NEWORGANKATION imiisoioiaBrooo- M iliiorvvolt Arm am ent in Cancer.War Weissmtiller^s Mark Sent TIGERS WHIP PIRATES Third Contest In 3 Days Campbell OotinrU, KnlghU of QUESTION U S T WEEK NEW BRITAIN TROUNCES PA’S BY'51-3« Oolumbui, held a aoclal at the TAKES SHAPE HERE CREATE FLOOD Council rooma laat night when a To Oblivion By Schoolboy May Weaken PA *s Tonight (Osnttaaed rnm r iif« Om .) roaat beef dinner waa aerved to a FOR Y LEAGUE HONORS large gathering of membera the secret body investigating miinU By JERRY BRONDFIELD i.i.romped home in 4:47. There's no Tha Roc Banlor Laagus eleaaa lU k The West SIdaa, despits their m- C O m i U N T T Oiarlaa O’Dowd, grand knight, ap­ rlpal nffalra here. NEA Henk* Sports Writer Yank V McCarthy Worries-^ HOLY CROSS QUINT « Italian Junior League Form­ telling what he'll do in that event Local Sport pointed a committer to draw up flrst round at th* East Side Roe to-1 ability to aln, can’t be taken Itgntly. fontradlrtory To Testinmijr / --- • Just by getting In shape for IL” G ab Noth Straight Victory night and the big question is whetn-1 tn previous games th(>y've put up a (OnntlotMd ttoia Pmt« On«.) reaoluUona on tbe death of Chrla- Chicago, Feb. 7.~-8taa Braun- It was Just six years ago that BOBBY IVY SEEKS topher UcHale, a charter meml>er ed And Officers Chosen; The defense attorney sold then er or not the rollsh-Amertcana will whale of a battle In the ttrsi halt Too Much Materialf Maybe that such waa contradictory to what inger won’t aay It In so many words Jareez learned to swim by the low­ be able to defeat the Weat Sides | only to falter In the closing periods Chatter / GAINS EARLY LEAD P6»s jip»point*ei of former Governor of the Council and Ita flrat deputy but you gather by the reowrka he ly dog-paddling, water-awaUowtng grand knight. the witness told the trial Jury laat B j 5 1 13 To Caphtre: 23RD FISTIC WIN and thus annex top honors. This . but they may have enough on the A Crosr. who## term# expire lomor- week and produced a transcript of let. drop here and there that Otto method In one of Chicago's public •i* row. RDfl leafier# said the Incum- 1 Purposes Of The League. Jaretz, 17 years old and still devel­ clash mill open the twin Dill at 7:>u ball tonight to supply an upset a Tlz-o of Manchester’s leading pin- By JERRY BRONDFIELD .likes the 38 base* which GalUigbsr the testimony. parks. In a high school meet re­ o’clock, a shift having been mada tn defeat for the PA’s would give Osn- bents woi»W stay in offlrw aa hold- : iaa«f' McMullen, who Is here from oping, soon will be recognised os- cently, with five men In a narrow First Roond Title; Eagles ; i topplers took part In the -Forest NE.4 Serrtee Sport* Writer vstole in the American Association. TO DEFEAT CHAMPS ovrra for an Indmnlte period. i Nov» Hcotia will condticl gf«ii«-l Portions of this read by Mc­ the program to send Center BU-1 tor BUllarda a splendid chance to City bowling sweepstake* at Middle------1 Keller, one of the brightest Donough showed that the 4Q-yesr- the greatest free-atyle swimmer In pool, he tore off 220 yards In 3:11.8 - . _ ' meetlnga eac h evening thia week ex- A new organlrstlnn for young wo­ the world. just one second off the beat Ameri­ Hard! against Paganl’a Barbers In ' tie for the lead as the Braymen are town over the week-end but flnlwied New York. Feb. 7,—It might prospect* ever to come from the In- CJov. Ra\-mond F,. MaMadn Hatiirday. at 7:45 at rjoai»>l old New Haven lawyer had said he Drub Hawks, Soicides Nip Meets Victor Corchado In the nightcap at 8:30 o'clock. I favored to turn bark the Barbers far out of the money. .. .town cham­ aound like carrying coals to New- trrnalloiial League, appears to b* a failed to lake action on the high-j Center afreet. The gen­ men of Malian descent, the Italian ilsciiised the grand Jury taatimony And when Brauninger has Ideas can time for the distance. about swimmers you con forget all Otto la a much superior swimmer Under oMInaiy clrcumstanoaa th* In what should be a close battle. pion Charlie Kebart, away from castle, but Joe McCarthy, with Jiut j with only on* fault. The Locals Suffer 8t)LSeliiad[ h way rc.mmlaelonerahlp and the jK>al pupuj ^^.(n p, welcome, .llinlor I. ('omnila.sinner Wllltam North Methodlal church will meet waa at the peak of hla career. the third start for the Amarks in as Billiard cagers step fast to gain vic­ stronger for 1939 possibly In the away. tomorrow aftemrarn at o'clock at Hchool street. A few IntereateO "N o " would be the world’s best back- Goggino On Program. Ahraltls hit 104, 95, 116, 139, 89 and J. Cox and .Milk A lmlnlatrator S. 2 Can Hold Speed Over a Dtoti The Tiger* were supposedly j many days and they’re likely to Ond tory. The Green Is idle tonight, nav- pllrblng department ~ but If nothing At that. Keller prohshly will Join McLean Buckingham were also re- the church. Mra. .lamea T Pteklea young women met to assist In the stroker. luid It came to pass that 102 (or 642----W. Barthold ol Hock- A s U s t H a lf Rally Failt; "How about the other day? Which Adolph wound up an Olympic cham­ His development has been ‘ aed first round champs of the the Ntrain leading them into trou­ Ing completed Its schedule, and will out ol the ordinary happens maybe DIMaggio and Henrlch to givs tha reaa appolntcca ut the former Dem­ will be hoateaa. formation of this new lorlely la the truth ?" vllle copped first place with a bril­ Yanks one of the yxiungest outfleld* , The primary purpose of the new­ pion. ,tremely rapid, TTiree yeara^ tCA intermediate League tn-o ble, especially as they’ve been hav­ remain In fourth place no matter liant six-game score of S25 . . we’ll make 11 four straight." ocratic chief executive, and like the l/Tvy Instated he had not dlaciiaaeit his best time for the waa Hartford, Feb. 7.— (Special) — ' ever to play In the major Icaguea— i*ountv commlsalonerx their terma A month a mind maaa for the re- ly-formed I>e«gue. aa set form by There's nothing In sports so fra­ 100 ek* ago but the schedule was ex­ ing cbnsllerable difficulty In stay* What th* outcome of the two games. The Yankee chtcftaln gives you to Girls Lose, 14^11. the testimony with the county de­ gile aa swimming records, but John­ A year later hr had It down "Lightning never strikes twice" ac­ Ing in the winning column wltk any The West Sides art hopelessly mtml luui. It might be added, one of tbs will continue Iintll auci eaaora are i poae of the aoul of the late Mra. I the three ehnrler members-Lucy tective and aald; tended three weeks and last night A fine picture of Fordbam's understand that something out of best. ' .lohn OrltTln will be held tomorrow ny Weismuller’s mark of 51 seconds i flat. Now it hovers above 51 and cording to an old adage....but Us consistency this season. In th* cellar. the ordinary means anything from i qualified or they ar. reappointed Barrera. Irene Pola and Jennie Key- "If I gave that answer I mlaiiD- a new world mark, which Is his the Tigers had to do It all over clas.sy relay team, which recently SAYS OF.HRIG STILL HAS morning at 8 o'clock at Rt Krldget'a mander—Is to unite young women for 100 yards has stood since 1927. | certain to strike more than once to­ an epidemic of the pip to a siege of | The Pollsh-Amerleans travelsd 'B tie flood oimmlaelon la to con- deratood the question." "And Jaretz," says the Medinab i goal. again, drubbing the Pirates by 51-13 turned In the fn.xtest mile of the PLENTY LEFT church. night when Bobby Ivy of Hartford. season. .’1:21.2 at Jersey d ly . ap­ Injuries such as suffered by the > McCarthy, among other things, of the dtrectf'r of the atate wa­ The defense attorney asked Levy Club coach, "already has swum the > Possibly the most amazing thing for uialr ninth straight triumph un 1 While Sox a year ago. There ap|rears New Britain last night and suffered iter commlaalon and four other Repuhllcan women In Manchester how many corrections be bad made distance tn 51.7 and I predict he’ll about the youngster Is his abU‘“ It tmpoaslbl* for them to George Pepe of Meriden and Red peared In Sunday’s Herald-Trlbunr to be no other worries. denis* Lou Gehrig la through. "Cold their eighth defeat In thirteen Peltab membera namnl hj the governor. It are remlnrlrd-of the inei-tlng of the In hla various atorlea to which the smash Weismuller’s record before hold his speed and power fa jM & b e lead in the final games next Guggino of Hartford step Into the . . . .George Leary, erstwhile M. H. figure* might Indicate he had a poor ,S. half mile ace. nine Uis first leg His pitching problem ? Not really M* second period tbsy began The Senate paaaed two Hmiae Cormrted Hla TeeUinany Expected to bh a valqable aid in the war on cancer is tfiia new mil> title defender. Otto then waa picked only to polish his sense of pace and tle featured. Idol of Meriden fight fans will com­ of the relay team. . . . BemIs Cum­ hs* a watchful eye on Boston. clasamate at Wharton Hcbeen record In Minnesota. To them were bom stop SIrianI, who’* gained a lot o( style. Today Conn and the youth­ thony's, Middletown Garibaldi's. (Special I—On* ot th* fsaturss ot (Oentfmmd from Page One) 3 Bucher, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 ers that kept them In the win col­ yanu is get his diploma la Juas . . , famine as (or as twto-pototoRi wars judge of the tosvb court of Seymour thoroughly dlaciiaaed by the ctlHiier Shows Recital Inlermpled seven children, four daughters and experience lo New York rings, and ful Patrick Edward Comiskey are New Havsn fit. John Colletrians and thU year's New England High Mmosraad. and of Harry B. Lewie tq be a coun­ the witness stand Friday? 1 Turkln^on, rf .. 0 0-0 0 umn. The game was very close bools, boola and give It tka eld VETS TO DISCUSS PLANS nienihera and waa prearntt'd last The grand Jury record pertaining A No. three sons, Dr. Carl G, F. Franzen knowrs all the angles. the only Irishmen .among the better others___ for further Information ty commlastnner of New London night for the approval of those prea- of Bloomington, Ind.. Mrs. D. C. gress not included the live per cent ADMITS TURNING 4 Stratton, U : , ____ 4 0-1 8 Georg* Pepe and Ha^rgerty are from the opening whistle and the bruisers. school boakstboll tournanssttL th* ooUlteh try, kid . . . the golf pres _"PMa" am, Kwalaht aim B. to Ix-vy s teallniony only, hrieasrd Both branchea adjourned until to- J FOR HUB CONVENTION By-Laws was read and accepted hy Court Judge Ernest A. Inglla last A —No. 8 "ThU proviso," the President de­ not seen the Worcester slugger In Conn wrould like to make the The Hartford CoiMy ,YMCA will morrow after brief eesatone. Franzen. Davenport. la., Mias Har­ STATE'S EVIDENCE 3 Converse, o ...... 4 1-8 9 action, and the fans are about to be with tha Olenney outfit having the weight and fight for the middle­ contain more than the pictures, Bp Ibom aad Jimmy Hlaea take It davoky and Obuckowokl proved to the group. week, showed that the witneaa'a re­ Q —You are certain? clared, "leads to the conclusion that better of the going but with a few hold It* annual Injlnor track meet He lies Of Hearbiga cital had been Interrupted so that riet K. Franzen of Manchester, and 1 Geer, rg ...... 8 3-9 8 pleasantly surprised. weight championship. Mike Jacobs nsmsa and numbers ot this year's away from them at bridge . . . S-Jt* be Um high sootan lar tha loeato. Priisprcilve menilH-is of Ihr A—Poaltlva. the Congress stands ready during 0 Borst, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 seconds to play Tommy Martin at Hartford PubUb High gym this Bonura Is vtsiUng pals la Tsxas aad Lrglaletora girded themselves for Andcrson-Sht'it I’oHt MrmhvrN l-eagvie must l>e Italian or of Italian Iwvy could go tn New Haven with Mrs. Arthur Tail, West Hartford, the balance of February and the. (Continued from Page One.) plant'a bout for him with Meilo ooropstitor. It Is planned to mok* Ia tka prtlUntoaiy tha PA g b ll McDonough resumed reading from who with her husband survive. 1 Server, Ig ...... 1 0-0 3 threw a double decker to Ua th* ball Saturday... .eompetlUon will take the prosram a historical pared* ot they say he look* aa staak sad ollm a eerlea of committee beniings dut- To Meet This Kvening At drsrriil slid luiiat la- lietwerii the Hickey. month of March to reconsider actual BstUna. the bright light from Bea­ place In th* CMat. Junior, prep. In kHRUto u.BwaatkatrtoalhtMfi Ing the efteiniKiu portions of the special grand Jury Rev. and Mrs. Franzen lived In. gam*. In th* overtime period Roy UM past 14 touraanMnto, a ratbar aa a raoe bosa . . . ha weat to n ta tkirtasn leoffnaN auctt.otacto. TbaTha apaai (Jrfrn T o DisctisH l)«‘lall<>. Bgca pf etglitrrii and thirty. Mem- Hr satd today that neither on the needs In time to Increase before ed with conspiring to contrive and Helm, who did yeoman oerviee for con, N. y., who Is recognised here­ termedlat* and senior class... .It 1* a.^ A- ^ A . a . ConoecUcut teachers and Uielr way to that city nor on the return minutes made available to the de- Hartford for 16 years where Rev. 14 18 6-13 38 abouts as th* light heavyweight oompiste synopsia balag prsparsd party which lastod till 4 a.m. and PfW W VO WV liei Ithip la not llnUlrd to rraldriita of fenae by Diiperior Court Judge Franzen waa pastor of the Swedish April 1 the appropriation for the operate a lottery. Seera at half, IS-T Sutcldea. GOTTSEUG LEADER Glenneys, tossed In a eoupla of sxpsctsd tM t a number of local didn’t so nrmoh ss blow ths foons off ptaatoattfetWi repreeentatlvea wars at the capltol IJMuichraler alonr. but Is also open trip had he talked of hla testimony. lart three month* of tbs flscal year.” Ung. What's more Conn Is big athletes vriU participate In the Present plana call for « pletur* of S U T & ^ Initial plans will lie made tonight Ernest A. loglls last week and re­ Lutheran church. They left Hart­ Srhoenhau* alao Idaatllled oem* at ~ RafOrea, Oewlea. hoop* but th* Martin boyt nit the one . . . the way Lou Gehrig fai add- sOy^toMtany thd t t e n u r to preaa their claims for enact meni Hi titr t*>‘>n!hlv bniilnrRR, to thoae living within a radius ot Earlier he told the Jury that ev­ lating to I.,evy only. Mr. Roosevelt said In hU inoasage ta r^ t three times la rapid succes­ enough and good enough to move in meet.. all the poet champlonA Baeh tourna­ itoriir toiiSIv af* of a tenure of ofTk'e for eiltu'atlonal ford for a pastorate In Iowa In 1910 the meticuloua records which th* Overtime, 83-82 end a t regulation lag thoo* gray botra, hFU ouesad fertto a om oa top. New I mcftinK f*f ArniriR'n Shi'M IN>xt Iwriily miles Those who desire to ery check he received from this city that the “facta" constituting an sion to win the game. Bobby hitting select heavyweight circle*. ment wlir be briefly reviewed, Ul« BOM oat an top. Now BMIato ampioyra The bill has been before This was done for the piirp'Hie of and returned to Manchester in 1926 quick-tempered Dutchman required game. OF SCORING AGAIN Trie ipsakar os Um “O rw Bagla" of ■ed to hSva R tttfla mean nt liir Crorn f«>r Ihr Join ttie l.,engue may do so hy aji- of Waterbury had been cashed In and have aince lived here. Rev. emergency were aa follows: —the flrat written evidence of th* the bull's eye twice and bis brother His Immedlste foe, Apostoli, Blll/ICeish. former Trade School acoree of all gamaa Ineiudad, several pravloua leglslaturra getting more of Levy’s testimonv claims th* middleweight title, as box aoore of the championship Um majort. •toytog nowar tksa dto l i S Nurr of fhf unit mI Ihr Nntloniil idy^iiK to any member of the Kxecii- the city hall. ThIa was his reply Franzen often auhsHtiited tn the 1—That the WPA rolls should be fabulous wealth of the Schultz syn­ TIgon Tom one*. Runda and Hanay Frey aUiMe, suffered a fractured nose In The Judiciary committee bitd up before the secret body Into the trial who doasn'L but ih* title, recog­ ffioe*, th* oll-atar taam, five la ^ n g Whoa* name ( bsaldsa Mungo’s) VFW I'onvniiion M»ln ««iimnirr In llve committee when McDonough asked him If at record. pulpit of the Emanuel Lutheran held at their present 3.000,00(1 dicate Introduced In the case. p. B. F. T. also played a very good gam*. a tjA t* game played for the bsnsflt for nearing an amendment to the any time there had been on the wit­ nised only In this stato and Califor­ of the Infsntil* paraivsi* fund at soorara and IndJvlnual records In was mentioned when Um Msssrs. viBiiuaa iiaraavaRy featurad far B<»^l»>n. f'ornnuinilrr Isnwrrno# At an o|ien nier-ltng held laat Last week. Levy admitted during church during the paatorate of Rev. through February and March to 3 lemltia, rf ...... 0 0-1 0 In the nightcap th* Plumbing and state housing authority act which ness' desk In hla New Haven law Dewey Produce* Message* Chicago Star Gets Back On nia, won't be on the line for the 16- Hartford last weak...,he's a mem­ eluded in tha sumnaaty. Terry, MeKeohnJs aad MaePkall Um p a a o gins toa a iea ia g Hwlmnn h'vprii tiv hnyr nn nr«r TOO night III the Fraiiklln Hiilldliig. lil- cross-examination that he had lied P. J. O. Cornell. prevent undue suffering and to care District Attorney Thomas E. 0 WleraMckl, If . ... 3 1-1 6 Supply team stacked up against the permit aalr of housing authority prr rrnt rrprr»rnlMtl«»n In Hnnton office a check from the city of Mrs. Franzen waa a member Of Hollywood squad and bad iltUa trou­ roimd duel this week. Conn, s ber of the Traveler's quintet. It Is the plan of tbs oommitta* to went lato a buddls after the baae- wbU# Beaawttaad bonds to private agemiea The Fed­ leen new meml>eiB weir receiver, in­ to the grand Jury In stating that for persons certlfled aa In need but Dewey produced telegraph meeaagea 8 Vtoeek, e ...... 8 3-8 8 hearty feeder, la way ahov* the bell writora* fasdT . . . OoL BUI for tha wtaaara Bad searant HR iHiMlhir. fttul With that plan in Waterbury. the Emanuel Lutheran church and 0 Katheveck, rg .. 2-3 4 ble putting them away 39 to 36, al­ not only sail ths** couvanlr pre- eral government has aet aatde al­ to the League. Alter a thorough he kept all of the money—the atate have not been given employment. In Schoenhatia'a handwriting, and 1 Top In National Hockey 160-pound llmiL Fran Leary, we bear, was In oom- Keefe of the New Orleana TlaM » ^ MawMtotoBm(BI) pr»«H|»rot. wayir nn.| incnnR f>f rMHcuasloii of the Ideals and purpose Asked If hr ever took any checks charged It waa more than 8100,000 active In the church organizations, 0 BycboiakLJg ... 3 0-2 4 though th* Service Five was always grama at th* gamsA but to sand most 820.000.000 for housing prvi- tlnnnrlntf llip trip »if ihr pout mrm- the Ladles' Aid and Mlaalonary Will Require "Draallc" Cut money order checks to show trans­ He held a seven and a half pound petition in Jersey City last Saturday PteayuiM Is ea a eae-maa nnpaga of the pro|Mi.sed Ilallaii Jiiiuor to .New Haven the witness replied -he received In the pagiie of Manchester, the following 111 but aald he later corrected this ver­ 2 -That the 8725.000.000. If not 88.000 on another and 85.000 each 3 Sumlelaaki, It , . .. 3 3-8 6 League Standings. copy to put on thali rafsranea book Bridgeport, Hartford. Norwalk and workril. <'»ut nt thr nirrtlMK ' .You're'poattlve of that?" Mc- Funeral plana are Incomplete but supplemented, will require a "very ners and Toman and Driggs ware rounds her* In December, and he event indoors___ afforts to obtain tbelf. made araUabls aU ever tha aouth were elected to serve during the tlrsl sion and waa ready “to lalj,e the on two others to Otto (Abadoba) 3 Ruhacha, c ...... 3 0-3 4 4 r . Dohaeh,a ...... • 6-i Waterbury. Thp AnrlrrfAonShfH Klfr and IHinoiigh queried. - friends may visit the home at any hitting the hoop In fairly good probably will have a slroUsr pull In furtbsr infermatloe on th* nssat . . . Loyola (Loa Aagaissi may he year of thr organlintlon's rxiatrnca; consequences." drastic reduction" in the roIU start­ ^rman, who waa supposed to have 0 OenoflI...... 1 0-3 3 . A t th* present Wsndall Maaaltsld Among the blits before the Motor Dnihi CorpR will defrnd It* Nation- "Yea, " came the reply. time. ing April 1. which would result in Parchlak, Ig . fashion for the Hollywood tMm. Madison Square Garden Friday. bay* been unavailing. of Springfield eollaga, tha toumn- delayiag that football anaeunoemant ? • dm Vehicle Committee for argument PresUlenl Irene Pola; vice presl- Before the trial Jury he aald he fixed pari-mutuel payoff figures at 8 ... 8 0-3 6 Montreal, Feb. 7.— (A P )—There’s jkl ofK'n ch.imptanahlp ut Htmion f(»t Burial will be tn St. Paul’s Luth­ removing people In numbers far be­ — — . —— ■ __ .tfanchrster Plumbing A SU|ipj^ly Co. This la no guarantee he will win. mant monagar, hoe eomplatad oU until it oaa (oal ant Pop WaWaiRsr were several on eumpiilsury liability denl, Jennie Kryniander. correa- Seeka Week-Rnd .Acrounling spilt the money with Kelly. ractftracks—on which the numbers After an absanea of five monthk !; ... . • a . 1-3 Uu' Inrjji'Rt raslf |»ilrrH rvrr ofTrrrtl eran cemetery In Ardmore. Pa. yond that could be absorbed In tn- f 31 9-30 51 a rather peciillAr situation in the B. T. The San Franciscan ia amaamg- photos show Johnny Rigaey Insurance. One would require .Hie |MuiiUiig secretary. Lucy Bairrra: Karly In the resumption of crusa- The grand Jury testimony rea.l There will be no bearers and It la game winners were determined— to ly good the second time out sgslnst from this territory, Oanno O'Ma- orrangamanto to put th* locaJ suta 8 Chit, Ig. I f 3d 3-9 In H VI‘AV cM»nvcnllttn TUv rorp« dustry, resulting In widespread want Pirates National Hockey League scoring Taggart, rf . 2 ai 4 armory In tip-top hap*. A looal Jlraihymy Ilyksa of th*tk* VVhiit 6ox aad ollcy holder to aasuiiir the Aral flnanclal secretary, Anne Pola; examlnallon following the usual by McDonough showed that Lev> especially requested that flowers be protect the syndicate from heavy Pish, rf ...... anyone. Hs beat Solly Krieger, hdney, 331 pounds, formsr world 4 la tmnl at work on arv«rnl n^w and distress. P. B. F. T. list wdilch becomes more evident as 6 1 II commute* Is to b* formed to tok* Jo* (ironia of Um Boaneatars Mar> 250 liability in eases of aeetdenla. drllli which will t>r prrfpctrtj In treasurer, Rose MIstrrtta; Ixiard of Week-end reccu McDonough sought had told Alcorn while testlfylhg be­ omitted. loaaes. O’Oonnell, If 3 1 7 recognised as champion 1^ H>e champion and Irish Free Stats sol­ bering up with snow balls . . . Ii was 3T ■•39 S3 r to determine 'what Ihe'-Mrltness did fore that body that be had imdcr- 3—TTie need for "opd*rly plan­ During the 23 weeks In which tha 8 Gallnst. rf .. ___ 0 0-0 0 tha New York Ranger* and Toronto dier, returns to Foot Guard Halt In cor* of tb* antartolnmant o f visit­ tinjc for thr a.iHrfnhlv an«1 onnipc- directors. Angela Valenti, Lillian 0 SulUvan, If ...... 1 0-J) 3 McNeill, c .. 9 1 11 Natkmal Boxing Association, In ten written Into ths last few oeatracto tltiona after he left the stand last Friday, taken the rate survey because he ning" of the relief progtam ramiires payoff number* were manipulated, Maple Leaf* take the play away M. Weiss, rg 0 0 roundA then stopped him In five in Hartford night. He alll meet Jock ing team* and offictola and datoil* P. Beyinandcr. Margaret Kurflnl; audi­ Mary Ellen Hill* that the administrator sheuld mow 0 Sloan, I f ...... 0 0-0 0 0 of this are to be announced by Babe Ruth algnsd with Um Yoaks Thr mini of SHki.iMki ha> t>rrn ur- tors. Sanllna .Salats. Viva Ogiietll particularly aa to whethar he had considered It would give him "some Schoenhaus tertlfled, th* gross from th# crippled New York Ameri­ R. Duke, Ig . 1 0 2 a return match. Ha lost to Young League, 381 pound* of brawn from that be could rstira from ths gaato 8 OfauebowriU, i f » d-T/ amount of prestige" to work for a .Mias Mary Ellen HUIa a former by early March what funds will be proflU of the syndicate were 8690.- 4 Brown, c ...... 1 3-6 6 cans. The league-leading Boston tbs Rio Oranda country, la th* main another week. 6 rurrd In tlnAlirr th»* ronvrntton discussed testimony with either spe­ 8 Bora. 0 ...... Corbett HI, tn ten roundA got an­ whenever bis dogs bogen barioag. gnfh. » ...... ; 9 THIN FINE SNOW cial Prosecutor Hugh M. Alcorn or municipality. resident of Florence, Mass., for at bis disposal after April 1. and 000. . . . . 0 0-1 0 Brutna don’t have even one threat event ot the arrestilng card. LaagtM Word coming In from the other 0 Vojatk, I f ...... 0 width 1h t»rlng aivon.^orf*!! hy thr 8 Bland, rg . ... ___ 16 a 88 other bout and woo on a technical County Detective EMward J. Hickey. Worked for Bankgroond. forty years, died at the Manchester that due to the time required for Testimony by the flebultz book­ 0 1-3 1 for the Individual scoring title. two wssks ago bald itovs CSrsy for parts of Now England revooi that 6 < Morfiavriiy. a 4 MuH^aohuHctta I>rpnrtmrnt, Vil^pr* 3 Ocnoviai, rg .. ___ 1 3 Belijrwood fiervles Five knockout In eIgbL Glen Lee gave ana of Forrlffn Wnra It ta Levy laid that upon leavtng the Lat-y said be wanted that experi- Memorial Hospital yeaterday after­ congraaslonol action, this can be keeper yesterday fmiowred that of 1-1 (Jhlcairo'a Johnny Gottaellg re­ 0 Fraher, rf ...... i 2 4 him a Btiff batU* the first Urn* they 40 minutes althout a fall; b* Is half Montpallar Is uadsfsntad tai Vor- I Kovta. a ...... d BlANKm STATE H O Sm AL NOTES brought about only by my rqpertlTtC 4 Tuttle, I g ___ — 1 0-0 3 prrtr*! to be thr laTjjfHt convention stand Friday ha went "upat«lrA" aoce as a background to aid him In noon following a brief Illness. Mlaa retted Chief Inspector at PoHea — _ __ turned to the top of the list during 0 Toman, If ...... s 0 lO msL Tbs next Urns ApostoU cut Irish aad half Indian and claim* ra- mont. Hop* High of Frovidsnee will * Opalaah, ig ease m0/' similar work in the theater Held. to the Congres* on the Rtuatlon at - tha past wreck, scoring a goal and 6 parndr in the hlattiiy nf the I The third floor of the courthouse Hllla bad been living In Manrhestar John O’Brien, who cam* from 19 4 Ortgg*. c ...... 8 0 6 him to pieces. lattonsblp to Jack Dempaay. b* Rhode lalond'a favorite, Bristol, GEORGETOWN LOOMS 1 Saveriek, n ...a 3 ' fri»m Pmjt* iRnri Admitted yesterday: Roberta The minutes showed that Alcorn this time " Florid* to testily that former Police 4 8-10 13 three aoslats to bring his season's 1 Carney, r g ...... i j 3 Falkoakt, Ij a Vfnr-tvM ex-arrvicr organlzHtlan where the grand Jury held Its hear­ with her sister. Mrs. Janes W. Pres­ Score at half, 34-8, TIfar*. 4 Those and othsr victorlsa have Manehaator, TorrtogtM and Bridge­ 0H> ■d ■ ( 'oinimin«lrr Krilrnan rcquratu ■ Marljirhlan. 142 Eldrldge street. ing while Inveetlgatlng Waterbury had asked Levy whether Waterbury ton. since lost May. She was bom The President said 8366,000,000 Commlaaioner James 8 . Dolan total to 29 points. Tied tor second 0 Duke, I f ...... 1 0 3 placed ApostoU at the top of hi* Popular Bmsst Pat Ksliy. Sit port Caatrol ar* among otrong Cem- boat had gone down during a storm. Frank IVnelte. Rockville. Referee, Cowles. a point behind him are two of the AS STRONG THREAT - - - .... •» - ...... I full Mltmilamr »»f offlcriA ami municipal aftaira and the location of wasn’t hla "beat meal ticket," i In AUtead. N. H.. Feb. 2. 1864. Be­ would be needed to employ S.OOO.i ordered him to reduce the size of the elaoA although tha National Boxing peiiOciA Tsanssssa Unlvaralty star, nacUcut toama. South Portland and lid? at ^ Tn« od^foot pvirar nrlner dlRippeRr- t>ertt at InnlEht B p.*!»t mrrttnE at Discharged yesterday: Gloria part of Alcorn’s headquarters.) The witness replied that he did side* her slater, Mrs. Preston, abc 000 at the prevallliig average month squad that had been hauylng th* Amarks. Tommy Anderson and » . n 4 86 Aaaodation calls Krlagsr king. will tneppl* with Bddla Newman. Jflnalow look g$m m ta Matoo watia 9eo»a m Boiy Oratfi 88 Marcario. Boltoo. Mrs. Anna Irish, not believe ao. ly coat of $61. leaving 6389.0i00.000 Baglm Sylvanus Appo. Boston's leader 884 peuad Ohio ttato mat champ New Terk. Feb. T.—(AP)— The witneaa aald that whUa he la survived by three niece*, two pdlcy sj-ndlcate. P. Score at half, 16-10 Plumbing and That llttla matter wUl be straJgb^ Maacbaator Wait, OMoerd and Ber­ PAAC 38. ^ While the Red eHtlmated ______to Depot Rquarr. Mrs. Francis '~I think I could have done bet­ for April. May and June, or an Dawey has contended that Hlhes B. F. T. and tha only Bruin within ten Mints wbo beat Jack Smith eC Salt Lake Georgetown, a ratbar uncertain Refer**, HSWIU. was "upstairs” for about flva min­ grand nieces and one grand nephew. 1 Armstrong, rf .. 8 0-0 Supply Co. Referea, B. Blaaell. onad out soon. MUm Jaoob* Is work­ lin ar* Ukaly to eem* through from the Ohio floods affeeled 10.000 tami-, t||nPn I IfllTC TA l-riA Covllle, xnd Infant daughter. 179 ter," he answered the prosecutor. average of c ^ y 8130,000,000 per "broke" policemen who annoyed tha 6 of th* pace eetUr, la Bobby Bauer, ing on a fight bstwssa th* two. a t y on laat wssk's card. TWO etber quantity before tb* atort of ttM Ttow;H aw ; 10 mtatola pertoda. Oakland atn-el utes he talked with Arthur Lock- Mias Hills was one of the oldest 0 Chapell, I f ...... 1 0-0 2 who has 19 points. Now Bampshlr*. Qutaiey appaan ilea In live sutes, the Kentucky AItID l K L Iu H IO 1U L t A U wood and George Horwita. ' Also during the grand Jury ques­ members of the Second Congrega­ month—enough to employ slightly 8chultz combine, and former Tam­ CUfferrs Men's aad Boys' Shoe ApaateH gavorlta Ume-llmlt mat^hss bstwesa natloe- eastern interooUsglato Confarsaes Boora to/pariodai Slate Health IVpartmeut • ruaheil Death: Yeslerilay. Mias Mary tioning ba disclosed In the minutes 3 DIMInlco. If . . . . . 6 0-1 10 strong tn sastom pUssachuesm In direct testimony last week. tional Church of Florence, Mass. fewer than 3,000.000. many Leader John F. Curry yester­ The expianatloo. o t eouraa, la that P. B. F. T. Until it comsa off th* boxing In­ ally known wrastisrs com plat* the boslistbatl esasen. bow hwka fike Holyaly O oii .... 6 14 18 lT*-dl typhoid vaccine for 250.0(H) persona Hills, 74, 26 Oak Grove street. read by McDonough Alcorn asked Must Kama DrtfaUtely tat Marek. a Wilkls, 0 ...... 8 0-0 6 tha Boaton ItaMup Is ao well program at tha High stirast drill wbUa hara in Waatara, Wercsstar Levy Idantlfled Lockwrood as a Mid­ Funeral services will be held day repeated hla testimony that 8 F r ^ r f ...... 8 6 dustry suing* nleog with ApostoU. CMmaarea, Fitchburg, Wastfiald and Um strongaat threat to CknMgta PAAO T 6 11 In stricken countlei of the eastern VISITORS TO FAIR SITE Admitted today: Mrs. Helen the accused why he was not In the “The operations of the W PA ore 1 Browb, 0 .*...... 4 0-0 S ao ployar'ksa baen aMe to gat more B. Wsiss, If ... ahad. Tseh's supremacy. dletown Uiaatar aiaa who Indirectly Thursday afternoon at two o'clock Htnea, aa s'" district leader, had s ' Perietti. rg ...... 8 !*.!!! 1 0 8 H* la clever, fast and a cnial Northampton appear to b* among Kantuclcy mountains Scblaldge, 433 Gardner street. Mlaa theater buotoeoa than. That waa of ouch magnltuda,” Mr. Rooaevalt power to effect police transfers. 8 0-4 4 than M i Mara o f th* goals and 1 Runds, 0 . . . . . Out of eonferane* ooropeUtlon Dorothy Germaine. t05 ^nton influancad him to coma to Water­ at Watkins Funeral Home. 143 East 1 SouUwrgUL rg .. a 1-1 0 8 though non-paralyatng hitter. Hs th* favoritaa. New Britain (Mrie (14)_ Pneumona. health workers said | when Levy spoke about the "pree- asserted, "that If a reduction such 6 aaelsta and that the Bruin defense 3 T. Martin, rg . • * s a s 6 1 11 has more ring an(nry than Conn nnd Bristol suffsrad Its fourth ast- since R)ld-January, the Hoyas ptoh- New 5'ork Feb 7 ( AP) VUI- street. Frank Cosille. 179 Oakland bury In 1930 to undertake the power tlge" attwched to municipal work. Center atreet. Manchester, and in­ aa I have above daacribad has to be 1 Oabbey, i g ...... 1 0 -1 8 is so good tbsy don’t need to be high back of tha ssasnn lost night ta «aa the greatest danger tn the flood. ' tora wont have to ask Irafllr cojia survey. terment will be AUtead. N. H. 0 B, Martin, Ig ...... 4 0 ■ grant reserve powarA He eras com- ed up wbers thsy left off lost night Kaaowik. r f ., described b> ;>ie Kentucky stale | street The atArt of the new week-ef the carried out. orderly and efficient Lions are ventriloqulsta. In that soorsTi to win games. bearing to New Britain, 88-8S, ta 'a by trimming'West Virglnla'a dnn- the way to New York s World's Fair Discharged today: Mrs. John Horwlts be Idaattflad as a real ae­ 11 n fast at tha cloaa of thtU first Oeoak. If . . . . . health cnmmls.sioner aa the worst ■ trial was delayed slightly owrtng to planning requires that this be they "throw” their roar to deceive t t TIm Rsagsrs, howevar. have both 8 , _ 16 4 84 gasM that waa alp aad tuck aU the geroua oiiUlT 60 to 88. to thair „last UrhaiMWteA they can Just follow the amber YaVinsky and Infant daughter, 173 tata man who drova tha automobile tha lateness of two defenae attor­ known definitely by the first week Hawks beUnee and defensive strength, yet In the history of the mountains. ; Mra. C. H. Traey. pursued prey. toy’s This last werrytiw BlUy aay. w a y... .Now Brttaia gained Ita mar- Sports Roundup prevtoua 61011 thdy kad trimmed Kewal, a ...... lights 51rKee street. Mra Lincoln Murphey whan Levy and Kally held one of the neys. Joslah Peck and Frederick in March. It Is equally important p. a r . T. they now have six player* antong gta la tha Snal atiauto o t play. Newport. K y . authorltiaa esU- 1 Fogoriy. It ...... 1 1 6 "Thai' dfitoi I waa tirod at tha sad the Mountaineer* at Morgaatown NiadSwtecH e City officials announced that and infant daughter. 83 Clinton ■eriea of oooferancaa dafcribed by Waterhouse, sttomeye for Leary, ' Funeral scrvlcea for Mr*. Dora that th* axccutlT* branch of the 0 OssInalil, rf ... .0 0-1 0 th* first 34 loedars on the list, a q u ^ 1 T. Wilson, If . By BODIB mated tkto families h)sd been remov­ S.OftO new amber gloties would be In- the wUaaoa last weak during which M. Tracy, who dlod Monday at her 0 Brown, I f ...... 1 1 8 of the first fight Wall. I had dona d. os pa that oceaslaa, tost Rude, rg ..,.i •treet. Mra Ztgmund Goads and in­ who were delayed by the snow government b* tnfonnad at the The hous* of the king of Ugan­ 0 0-0 0 ling the Amsrfcs' total. JUnong 0 Rslm, e ...... 9 Now York. Fab. 7— (A P I—Mas ed from homes when the water stalli«d on slieets leading to the fant son, TalcottYtlle. Mra. Fred Al­ Kelly waa quoted as urging him to homo in Holyoke, will be held to­ 3 Zapadka, I f ...... them are Biyan Hextall and Alsk 0 18 tea hard rounds with a good maw night's gams put Oeorgetown Into Smyke, rg ... flooded 3.5 city liiKks. Preparations storm. aarlleat poeetbla momantwhat adiJi- da. at Kampala, baa a lire burning 1 0-0 2 8 F. Wilson, Ig . a SehoMltog'B visit la puaaltog th* Mg oecond plao* -lehind Camegla, fair's site in Kliiahing The lights len and infant son. 25 Edgerton remain allent coticanilng payraenti morrow afternoon In that city, with at Ita entrance which la permitted 0 McCarthy, U . . . . ShlUcky. cniTMt geal-gctting load­ 8 This fight Is for 16 louadA I ’m Dobeck, ...... (Sere maile t<*r further evacuations tional funds, if any. wUT be aval!- 6 1-1 1 0 R. Haugh, % . • * • 0 0 IMPORTANT MEETING town . . . the OaroMa Is dotato aboe- Apparently BInMr lll^ey'* will be strung along tsi miles of street, Mra. Hazel Jidinaton, 240 received In the survey and their ul­ burial In the cemetery at North­ to die out only whan a king of the 0 B. Wilson, c . . . . er* with 18 tsIUaa each. Toronto 0 tratailag for that Jlstaaea and ru M.anxined \ t Vliaint Hnud able on and after April U" 1 4-8 6 lutaly aothlag mwapt to g » to the steeihrtag Inflneaee was aO Oeorge- arterial highways \Vo«'>dhrldge street timata diapoaltion. A deer onHnarily.gheda Ita antlers ampton. country dies. 1 Oaofla. c ...... 0 00 wen m neented. hut Appe ba In ahapa to go H at top apaad." * 7 34 The storm covered northern Idabn The President said It had been 0-0 0 8 14 4 88 mevlas and plays earda la hla hetol ’ wa aaadad to tnaka a irtoaii out C'ensiia; T2 patients Asked Aboat .Ucon during tha breeding oea^n. Mrs. Tracy was the mother of E. 0 Murphy, r g ...... 8 0-1 4 kad Gordon DriDeo. rivals for top Omm la a mnart o o a g iia r with OF EAGLES TONIGNT and eastern Washlnrton with snow McDonough asked If Levy had honor* lost yoaz; hn*e b*an movlag WW6^ ML OM* XWM9 that lift haad, .vpootoU ia hard to dulto . . . oonfidaaWally. Rad ftoUt o f the erraUe 1886 aquad. The Oerty Tracy of thu town, men’s J Hies, rg ...... 1 0-0 3 Mao'* Shop. Rafeiraa, B. and drifts maroc«ned 20 patrond of talked to Alcorn during the wreek- and boys' secretary at the Man- up fast and two ether* ar* among m. tag hut Billy kapt bangtag Mm 00 o t tha roahs isn't aandtiff frlendk Hoyas hava woe three out of four rsky, rf a Mount Hood resort Fights Perkins i - i 1 efippiags of Um oeorea ha Is auklag conference fsaMS, a* compared to and. There are approximately 1350.- ebesUr Y. M. C. A. Prior to re- the leadera. tha ebtat with hla left aU alghL Brofokokl, If . . . . Nev Cngland was crippled by a DID YOU KNOW T H A T - 0—Dtdnt you call up either Mr. roovlim to Holyoke a few year* ago. Although Andenon had to drop When OMm Mbwod down tas tha Stsiler Aad' latsriMdiata la Um Oonoord (N. H.) hridg* Carnegie's (our and on* record. muI Krejewakl. U . . . . 000 sutomohlles, trucks and buacn M r 8-U 16 anow.storm that grounded planes Hickey or Mr. Alcorn on the tele- I Mr*. 'Tracy had lived for 40 year* Gus Broberg Hottest Soph W baek aftar one week in the lead, tha NOTED SPEED DRIVER late rouada aaost tana thought h* TsRfihs Hold 8666l t R ~ A t 7 laagu* . . . If you weat to knew la and out o f th* elreutt Uisy have Lojeaki, e ...... Th# W«Rt#rn nt#!#* bav# ahown In New York aty. Score at half. 14-t Ea(Iea. and Imocilr, eca and land Iraflic phone from a pay station ? in Hartford, and took on active Referee, Oowleo. Amarks still SN tops as ^ y . was arm waniy from punching. O’clock To Dfocoos ftitaro. how to too* your Mtirt ta lour days, relied up sight rictorles to (our de­ Waeklewlet. a .. R ^90 p^r c«n t lnrr«AR4 tn tiM Bum- A —No. makers, aehrinar leads with U ss- ask John C Hetalag, b4Mkar cf tka feats. The 'all ranged from ore to two bar of milk cowH Etace th# ISTO'a. part tat church and community ac- NEAR D ^ IN CRASH Tha Flttcburgb boy is rsfrsinlag A. Mordaviky, rg Inches In northern New England to 43—Arc you certain? tlvltiea. Besides her husband she Basheteer In The Country Biats and Andcfaon M tied with De- ly direct He haa bMn a fighter or late Oulfstraam karae traek la Pittshurgb. carasgte’s loa* con­ Beryenskl, Ig < * > - white thf North AUantlc 8 Uta« A—-Yee. Three drop* o f *kank musk will treit's M si^ Barn at IS. Tha aectt sot BoglaA T. M. C. A. Florida . . . foothaB eoaokas: Duteb queror la Um elreult, atippsd back live at Cape Cod Ballroada and bav*a Rhoi^Ti only i flvt par eeot In- 'leave* another son. Ralph A. Tracy BO r CRBURlRgs IR A r- baen trying to break taito tha gaCM trolleys generally msintaii eil thMr i Q— Didn’t you Inquire at Mr. Al­ aceat an area of about oue mile I of Syracuae, N. Y., and Last Night *b Fights Red Hocnar a t ‘Torento. who does ever siaea ha' can remembar. Out- Mayor of Texas Uhriation win toD to third place wUb two victories of wlnaiag utoriy cr^RHa. hi* tasting on the penalty bench. atiU t4RR0bil6 M bh ap. S R ffm Intsrmsdiato and* Saoler Laagu* hopelaaa t b * schedules but motor traffic (ras dan-' corn or Mr. Hickey bow you did on square. I grandchildren. ^y JBRRT BRONFIELO ^ho^stars are g r ^ ahoU, but poor Sid* a t eeUng there Is aothlag he you how b* does It la a big maga- end OB* defesL but bai about an ^ Bcore at half PAAC 6 Holy iCMmo heeds the list of "bed mee" with a PfifisIMs Bratai iRjRrjr. ehnmplcsia will hold a vary Import- oven cbooc* at the championsbip. geroua Egg tamlah can be removed from NRA get* tee gparta R itter ; defensive players. Or great ahots wroud rathsr do. Ha is a cgM iag g|na ooma October, Provideaot, R. L—Joey Archibald. total a t an hour and three mtaiuto* sat meet lag this ovealag at 7 r The Panthars already have piaysd Refer**, Bewitt. .pracastera predicted the storm table silver by rubbing with motat : and medktere floor men. Broherg la la |>efinm*n. KadtaaspoUs. Psh. T— (A P)->A a nmn on tha old eettsra. He la as, Tb* situaticn balag what R I would abats lata today and that the table salt. New Torh. Feta ..—It’* a atranga | first and last a dangerous ooortag 3F9 1-4, Pawtockat. R. L. racognie- ing talked as a Uk*l> candidats for e’eleek at tha T. M. C. A. Prof. Joa Striim iriU delay addtag the two games agaliMt Tech wbll* Score by pertoda: ed in New York as -orld'a faatiMr- Paeordi o t the leadtag ■feorera; ordinary highway arcldsRt put WU- mercury would fall to 20. , echo which bouncaa bach from th* threat, but he alao is a c *""y de> a bout with Joe tJoulM. A m asTtial grievsnean aad rumors a oeura* la bokUat out to his Or­ Georgetown has had eaJy on* and Holy c r o s s ...... 4 weight ebamploa, outpointad Albert Player, OBh G. JL Pto. Uam C (Wild BUI) CttaambM*. 88. In New York soft, light enow ' Tha "Y " In the 'T e " of such signs H e r F u s e la g e W a s B u ilt In 2Y2 H o u r s New Hampshire bin* theae days.' fenatve player and a smooth ball- He might be at that He would havs sprouted In the past few weeks. lando baseball school until next year toot it. They mart again at Waab- P'* AC ...a, 6 You about: "Who's th* basat basr handler, Mancinl. 128 1-4, Provklenee. R. L, Gottaellg, Chicago ...13 17 29 of ladtanapoUa nearer death today be a welMine change tram the Qa- liigton, Feb. 16. dacorated tteee during the night.! aa "Ye Hotte Dogge Shoppe." should than ever bafage Is years a t eeto- It ia very urgent at ttals time to . . . truth will out dspL: The of­ ketban player tn New England?" tHeta New Rceatd (10, non-tlUa). Anderson, N. T. Am . .10 16 36 laotoA the Baers aad tha MovaA Meonarbile Pitt has Its chance to but changed tu ratn tn tha mununy. | be pronounced aa "Th " Bchilasr, iUaaricnna . t 16 26 idObUe r u te f MMUlthted by hfen can a maatlag aad aach and every ficial program o f the Bsttlna-Foa Sklaa were dark the temperature and the answer returns: When Lon Jourdet took Ua WaaWngtoo —Toey Ctoeo, U 4 1 -8, tiu* yieu^ man who raaDy Ukes to "ebacspioaahlp" fight tbs other catch up tomorrow when It plays AppA Toronto ...... i f 16 86 9ft"9«t Ms U 66 Ao-mlle race hare. Bieaibar a t tha etsb is tequasted to PSBB Stats, lotb challenging out­ w>M Juet above treaxing and colder "Gue^ Broberg — haven’t you j Pennsylvania teaip up to Hanover Norriatowa. Pi,, ootpefeuad Jlauay Bany. Detrott...... 6 16 37 ba praasotaa aach iadivtdual's viewa Bight faaturad a pteturs of Jeha Jooee, I M 1-4. aaRtoMre, |8 ). BM paMMf dar hR a aMt fits go Into action Saturday, Pitt I WRESTLING weather was forecaat for tontgbt WOMAN E.ARN9 TITLE. hoard?" I h* came away aba king hi* band. Blah* . M e a tie e l...... U 16 M •Utu m r aaar hoM laat aight, sia i«- moot ha dtaeanoad to tha fnllset *x- Hanry Lawla eapttaad‘nght-haafy- Colder wreather overspread me * Hew Toefe— Aide Rpoldl. 186, sralght champion of ^tka world" . . . against Tempt* and Georgetown "MRA. DA.MEL BtNt.Nt.' To sack any other anaerer-f | "That boy Broberg," said Loo.'who Hantall. t t . Y. R a n tm 14 13 86 ed through a raO guardiM s h*l5 i toaL aad mattora asMt ba tberougb- Mlaelaeippi valley and a severe cold Italy, nuopeaa Ughtwelght akaoi- m against Penn State, and those around Hanover, at least—is to baa been around for lo. theaa many Stawnit. Amefleans ..IS 18 86 approach and tumbled 80 feet into ly thraabad ooL the doUs out on U Pnclflc coast games rive thorn chaness to tt* for wav* has hit the northern Rocky court aomathtaig aktn to diaostcr, year*. "goaa down In my book ae ptoo. oatpoiated Noraeot Quariaa, fiiBith. fU n g e n ...... 10 16 35 HOCKEY have voted W*a Ferrall the beat Montreal—b u m Keag Gox. S4A St. Lxiuta—I API — To her hus­ 188 1,8 . Rleharfcipd. Va,. <•). Lick creek, tkrowriag him oa tdc The MtuAUoo eC porUaipaUng m tb* lead. Carnegie plays only oon- LodL Ckfff.. defSatm Stramriar Mountain region. band. Mra Mildred Maraalak ot bacauaa Dartmouth caga fans get o*M of the great basketball pUyere Wntoea. Ranger* ....10 16 88 faoo lalo two feet M looklag major laoguer . . . Von Lear Occasional snows were loircast Plttokuifk—Aadre JeMurun, 166, Basse, Detroit ...... 1 0 14 84 tha deeaod rouad o f the "Y " league oonference rivals this oreck. meat- suburban Kiikwoikl la "Mrs more ecstatic about Guatav ISwcdel of aU time." pnUed him out By AfffflXiATED nUMR win be dioeiMaed, an wan aa imms- (K y) high anat ko«e had aa off lag Wcstmtnstsr oxtlght snd Oso- for BBost of the middle west tonight Daniel Boone " Broberg every time they aec him tn Ih e 36 points ha m Hew Tork. outpoialad Pete Oeruaae. Oner. A m etlcnas...... 18 U 88 Bight raoontly whan tt waa drubbed 186. Woauheeter. N. T „ (M i. DrlDca, Torento .....Y 8 10 S3 cad aarcd Mm Dom drown l ^ TONIOBYW BOCBBY fiCBEOULB dtou plaaa smmt be asedo e*r,ceni- sva Saturday. D, N. J/-Baas Btolifeai and tomorrow.. action. against the Quaker* ia a new league at baskatoaM. IM to 8. Harvaid, oUU a estsadar far She earned the tule when, ex­ Cideaft^-Keo (HacBk. 161 1 -A Hoynen. Meatrael . . . . 4 M SO a ertttesJ ( iag the efttbe' beafeetbell teaau 847. New Tofb. drew wRk the O o S asperated by a rabSlt that nib­ mark for a single game. WMimm, Afoertcaas . 8 lY SO Vi future ahd hen playera ar* asked to Dartoaouth's topmost in tb* sastsm «u TWrer, 80S, New Yatfe teas fM RepreaontaUve J. Parnell Thom­ Nor are they completely' out at I f bis hich-ceared scoitag sntica D*e*tar. HL, eatoelktod A1 QualU, Toronto at A Port Worth tta to Mac kad otda- Intsreoilsgtato isogua. plays Ito b le her fall fkwers. she grabbed 163 8-4. Ptttahargk; tio i. . HfiMr. R o a ga ra ...... 6 U SO ^ifftoai^ to be preeent as walk traffle by filling a show irto- aoeb to one hour i avhlch Is imperfect... .the more nearly perfect we become, the more l o s t AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SAi.E 4 FUEL AND FEED 49-A HOUSES FOR KENT finement on the straight-backed I ADDITIONAL FUND ASKED chairs and benches, when the super- gentle and tolerant we grow towards J 5 i r —SUM OK MONEY between 1938 NASH SIX sedan. condlUoned FOR SA LE -SE A BONED HAKU SEVERAL MODERN BIX ROOM GULFSTREAM TRACK Intsndsnt arose and. Instead of the the defects of others. Mmchester and Hartford. Phone air, 9000 mllea, 1937 Naab ux wood, for furnace, 84..10 load. Tele­ single houses, albo two family Uata Movie Scrapbook usual dismissal, announced: "And Manchester 6^59 or return to 96 sedan, radio and heater, small mile­ phone 8628. E. Olgllo. In' excellent locations. Apply Ed­ FOR PLANE RESEARCH now, children, let me introduce Ur. RF..\n IT OR NOT— F ft A M O S K A School street. Reward. age. Uesstei Nash, 10 Henderaon ward J Hou. relepbone Mancnea- CLOSES SUDDENLY Smith, who will give u* a short Jell>-flsh are nearly 90 (toad Telcphon* 7288. ter 4643 or 8028. water. HOUSEHOLD UINIDS 51 OAAL talk." LOST—SMALL, BROWN poc.ket- Washington, Feb. 7.— (A P I— Mr. Smith smilingly arose, and book Friday evening, .near the Cen­ 1931 PLY. SEDAN. 8235; 1934 Ford President Roosevelt asked Ckingreaa a ft^ gazing Impre.-slvcly around Your Day coach. 816.1; 1933 Ply. coach. 1168; HUNDREDS OF USED Furniture ter, cotitalning money and post bargains. 3 rooms furniture 878. today for an additional 86,723,000 Mntoel Bankroll Withdrawal the elajssroom, began with: "1 hard­ Do not leave the day office money order. Reward. Re­ 1931 Ford coach. 880. No down pay­ for airplane experimentation and ly know what to say---- " when the When done with It ment—Small monthly payments— l-kuy terme. Pbnnc or write lor a turn to 9.1 Center street. •'Courtesy Auto". Alherts Furni­ ASSASSINS SHOOT research. whole school waa convulsed to a ."i trampled rose Cole Motors. The President wrote Speaker Upon the ground LOST —ALUOATOR pocket taxik. ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. Forces Move; Plan To Re­ hear a small thin voice In the rear! Bankhead asking for the supple­ Jta^U t: "Say Amen and sit down." With only a dusty scent valued as gift. Finder plea.se re- KELT BASE YARD goods and felt mental funds for the National Ad­ To cling to your feeL tuni to Herald Office. Reward. BUSINESS SERVICES 2M0RE0FHCIALS base rug samples, up to 3x3 feet. visory Committee for Aeronautics. open In A Few D a y s."^ O P f k Blurb—They say that veils But pin Its loveliness OFFERED Ui He proposed that 84,000,000 of the l o s t —FOX HOUND, white with 12r. Inlaid Linoleum samplrs, up 1#r women are coming In style I L’pon your coat suggested outlay he used for a new black and tan markings. License I f ’OMMF.RCTAL AND Domestic rT- lo .3x3 feet, 39c. Watkins Brfilhers, V/ftS KICKCPC3UT OP wonder why that Is. That others, too, may know frlgerstor service. Refrigerator re- Inc... 938 Main street. , ORAWtne SCHOOL IN research station at Sunni-yale, Hollywood, F3a.. Feb. 7— (A P )— Mr. Blurb—I understand the wo­ Its haunting breath. 3022 Manchester. James Rolston, Chinese Members Of Japa* Calif., and 82,140,000 be used for 29 Haael street. Manchester. Tel. ; finishing, reconditioned refrigera- euM PCSr ecOAuSE S h8 Qolfstream Park, 81.400,000 horss men are ashamed to show their faces FOR BALE-BEAyTfnjLTmpm- new equipment and facilities at track which opened with Uie biggest 8707. j tors, new and reconditioned Com- V/ASSOSJIAl u Liangley Field, Va. when they go out wearing those ed rug. approximately 9x12. Never racing throng In Florida's clf^ ta stnat are so filmy merclsl refrigerating machines. nese Reformed Govern­ An accompanying letter from D. Telephone 497H. W. W. Phillip's. 63 used, sacrlflcpi 820.00. Write Box and closed after four days, O. Herald., W. Bell, acting director of the budg­ • STORIES Walker street. open shortly If Its youthful | -I Am a Salesman" ment Killed In Shanghai. et, aald the estimates "are required dent has bis way. Manchester to meet contingencies which have _ uer ordera which I produce keep John C. Homing. 28-year-olB ouf'plant operating and entitle me IN STAMPS MOVINi;—TKrCKING MACHINERY AND arisen since the tranamisalon of the tractor who started building ths Evening Herald TtMHi} 52 budgeL” to Just compensation for my serv­ STORAGE 20 Shanghai. Feb. 7.— (A P ) — plant for others and took It over as ices. CLASSIFIED FORDSON PARTS, PULLEYS, Assassins today shot and killed two his own project with the ortginai AUSTIN A CHAMBRKS when ydu When sales resistance, due to tractors used and rebuilt, new and officials of the Japanese-sponsored backers dropped it, said the first weather or general busitiess condi­ ADVERTISEMENTS want the beat In Local and LonK announcement that the 40-day meet­ DIntance Moving Dally ^preaa used machinery. Dublin Tractor reformed government, bringing to TWO PRIESTS SUaUM B tions. becomes greater, I put on ex­ ( • ' ( - -'5 • Count Ell avarag* worde to a llna Co., Wllllmantic. ing was cancelled w-as Incorrect. tra driving power. I do more think­ Hart/ord. Mancheater^ liocKvitie live the number of (lolltlcal assass­ loltlaU. BumMra and aburavlailuna John L. Letcnd.-e, managing di­ ing, more planning. In short, I work aMb count aa a wurd and eumpound Phone 6260.—61$ HoHlater atreet. inations here In three days. rector, made the statement. i , \ vorda aa two wurda Minimum eoat la Chow Chl-Tnng, counselor of the FROM CRASH INJURIES harder. prtea of tbrao llnoa. BOARDERS WANTED .'i9 A "We are arranging to reopen In a I am not a hitch-hiker on the road Lin#' ratat par day foi trantieni government's ministry of finance, L ik e s TO HutfT A& few days—as soon as possible," ada. • KEFAIKING U FOR R liN T - ONE FURNISHED was shot while filling through the WInsted, Feb. 7.—(A P ) — Two of business. I am the vehicle that Streets of the International .Settle­ g a m e An O F l6 ^ . Homing said. "While the first an­ carries the load. I recognize the fact Set Up Weather Bureau nrartiv* Hareh IT. lERT room with board. Also n.eala serv­ priests Injured In an automobile ac­ nouncement was that the meeting Cittb I’harga JOHN HIt-LMAN the iipholatcrer, ed dally. Mrs. Simpson, 163 Mam ment. cident In New Boston, Mass., died that my time during working hours At the North Pole I CoBMcutlva Uaya 7 eta t Ola Hprtn^ retied, cushions refilled and The gunman pinned on his body today In the Litchfield county hos­ bad been cancelled it really was belongs to my company. t Oenaarullva Daya I Ota il Ola street. Tel. 3384. nothing more than a postpone­ 1 Day . — ...... II oU< It Ola glueing. Modem SBmplea to choose a note In Chlne.se characters saying pital here. 1 watch my personal appearance. T'H E Russians pradlet fraaly that All ordart for Irragulat lna»'rtiiina ■from. Tel. 8448. "You are a traitor." The Rev. John F. Madlgan of S t ment." I am careful to express myself In a within five years alrplants car­ vltl ba ehargad tha ona ttma raia APARTMENTS, FLATS. Soo Che-Dong, a tax collector, Thomas parish, Cleveland, and the Meanwhile the veil of mystery positive way. 1 am an optimist be- rying 100 passenger* will fly reg­ SpaclaJ rata# for long 'arm avar^ KOOKINU A HlUINU Estimate, also was shot while riding In the Rev. Neal Sheehan of Assumption tha^ first surrounded the sudden canse I havs within me what It ularly between the Soviet Union day advarttatng givan ut>un raguadt TENEMENTS 6:< closing was lifted slightly. An as­ Ada otdarad bafora tha third of flftb freely given Workmanship guaran­ International Settlement. college, Sandwrich, Ont-, were In­ takes to produce orders. and the United States by way of day will ba abargad oni> for iba aa* teed. Time payments irrangeo FOR~irENT-TWO ROOM fiimlstT- Gnerrlllaa llaraae Japanese. jured last night when their automo­ sociate of Homing's explained that I f a proud of my company be­ the North Pole. tlial aumbar af tHnaa tha dd appaar* Palntin. and carpentry A A Dion ed apartment with private bath, Chineae guerrillas, meanwhile bile skidded on an Icy road about a the "mutuel bankroll," about 860,- ad. ebardlng ai tba rata aarnrd but cause It successfully rods through The Russians ara eonfldent of Inc. 81 Welle street. Phone 4868. second floor. 109 Foster street. Tel. continued to harass Japanese troops mile and a half the other aide of the 000 which was hauled to the track the storms Of a treat depression. this because they have alresi^ m» allewanaa at rafuada can ba mada lo an armored car each day for usa •a gig tf»a ada grhppad aftar tba 6806. on widely separated fronts. HeiOHT,5«ET. AiNCHES-weCHi; ConnectIcutrMaasachusetts s t a t e I have a thorough knowledge ot tested the weather conditions at In Cheklan provlnre. down the line. In the betting windows, was with­ «rtb day. ^ IIEI.F* WANTED— 410 POUNDS.AuSuRN KAlfZ, BROWN the product I sell. I try Intelligently the Pole through their own bu­ No '*t]|| forbid#**: diaplay Itnaa not KOIt KENT TIIHEF: or four room coast from Shanghai, the Chines* -tYEJ''. Rescuers worked an hour to ex­ drawn. aald. apartment. furniHhed or ui.tiirntnh- to understand not only the needs ot reau established there lor an Tba Uarald will aoi ba raaponatbla FEMALE tore up several miles of railroad born, Bu d ape st, fe$. i, iq n . tricate the two men from their ma­ "The money wasn't ours; It was my customer.M, but the customer rd. Call Ontennlai 4131. track after a three-day battle near S he RiOES, 6WIMS, chine which went dowm an embank­ arranged for," said Homing. "I eight-month period. It turned out far mora than ona Incorraci inaarttnn UHMAoaiBD. HAS LCAOIHG. himself. to be the world's most hazardous WANTED — AN EXPERIENCED Kashlng, Interrupting Shanghai t e n n is ment and turned over. •f aay advartlaamant erdarad for r o l e - m *THe BoCCANEER." (\AVS AND SHIS. knew nothing about the withdrawal •era tbaa ana tiata shirt Ironer. Inquire New Model FOR RENT TWO ROOM apart­ Hangchow rail traffic. Hospital authorities said ths vic­ I am the equalizer In the ma­ bureau and Its keepera wart rts- until 11:30 o'clock yesterday. chinery of business, I produce orders Tha Isadvartaat omiaaioa of moor* Lkundary, Rummit streeL ment. Inrludeg hatn, kitenenette auerrlllas also reported they ha I tims died within a short Urns of Naturally we couldn't obtain so cued finally by a Soviet lea break­ faat pabliaaiiofi of advarilaing will ba new stove end hot AUter r^eater when they are moat needed and er. But Moscow stiU ^ im s that raatliad aaly by eancallaOnn of tha dynamited a Japanese troop train each other. large an amount of caah on such aharaa auidt for tha aarvica randarad Redecorated. Orfoir. Bldg , 86tf near Kwaniien, on the Tlenteln-Pu- from Spain aa soon as the civil war whan It Is most profitable for my the Polar route is certain tor to­ SmiATIONS WANTED— ended. If not earlier. short notice so our races had to ba Alt advartlatmania muai aunforrh M'*n Apply Marlowe. kow railway northwest of Nanking, EDITOR ASSERTS temporarily postponed.” company to have them. Upon my In- morrow. ni atyla. aopy and typograuh# with MALE killing or wounding .300. The British were reported to have teUlgsnce and producing power de­ The Polar weather bureau ex­ ladalatloaa anforcad by the puuiiah- FOR RENT—THREE r%oms. all Im­ accepted Clano's denial that In this The Miami Herald said Harry L afp aad cbay raaarva iba right to Halt KIs-er Crossing. Fink, Miami Beach hotel owner, pends not only the success of my pedition was headed by selantift CARPENTER WORK 60c hour or provements at 27 New -.ptreet. ARMY TO REMAIN matter the Italian press had been compiuiy, but of every one connected adit. ravtta* ar raiaai any copy eoa* In North China, another Japanese fiiotations— stated he withdrew |4S,0 8301. Chinese maehlne-gunners wiped out —Judge MacNeille, .rtl..rB, but Great Britain and France" caused mobiles were pouring Into the park­ w6r the one about the guest minis­ •way from tb* Pol* on a tiny tliB CASH RATES will b« bec*t,i«d u, FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement. Werner O. Smith company, Ameri­ no surprise In Italy. control by the Insurgents. except for hla name and the fact ter who came to preach for hIs Jagged cake. They were able to Gayda charged that “new pres- ing lost and UiraUlea were eUcUng, FULL PAYMENT It . bIS bi tb. bit.1- 104 Woodbiidge street, all improve­ can wood oil exporters with head­ The question In Fascist rotwla, that his father Is President of the Xplacopallan friend: rescue enough food for several atss sfftBB SB M b.for. tk* MxniB quarters at Cleveland, Ohio. No Gayda said,- waa whether BriUun m m and diplomatic intervention" United States. Ordera went out to abut tta gatM 4sir tsUawlBS Ik* Seal inMrlloa at ments, newly renovated. Tel. 6U6U, were being jdanned agalnat the In­ and sell no more tickets. Admis­ Ractor—Do you. wish to wtar a weeks but they nearly lost their asak kS .Ikarwla* Ik. OH a HUE or Inquire 98 Foatei street. Americans were reported Injured, "iincondltlnnally awallowa the In­ —Jtan Tnlly eommeuting on lamrs aurpUcsT live* in the undertaking, dodging MATS wlU k. .ullMi.d No ro.pon.l- however. transigent and one-sided policy of surgents. Boeaevelt's Hollywood Joh. sion prices wers refunded to thoee alreedy Inside. l^ ito r—SurpUca! Surplice! I am the huge blocks of ic* that piltd bUUy far srrora la i.i.pnoa.4 *d. France against Italy and Germany a MsthodtsL What do I know about up and Jammed around them. «U1 ka aamiBMd aad tk.lr aa.araer EMERGENCY and their claims." BAN Pl'BUC HEARINGS. If I had any money to Invest, I’d Joeeph R. Stein, chairman at tta aaaaat k. ■aaraaiaad TITRNDAY JUNIOR LEAUI K Invest It in a way to cure this cold. - state racing commission, sold a aiirplices? AU I know about Is a The party was rcscuad Anally Asks Italian Inteotlona. deficit. by a Russian icebraaker in Feb­ The British ambassador to Rome. Washington, Feb. 7.— (A P ) — —Miriam Hopkiaa, movie aetrrae, meeting would be called to dtecuss INDEX OF The Tuesday Junior League teetifylag la aa taivaatlgatloa the closing. Hs bsUevsd eommls- ruary of 1938. When Dr. Papanin Jones' Special Lord Perth called on Count Ctano Unless Republicans upset present The captain of the ship approach­ and his eompanlona returned to CLASSIFICATIONS should furnish some excitement to­ late yesterday to ask how Italian plana, ths Senate-House committee Into "Uted** bonds sold In HoUy- Fon approval was needed for ro- CALLS 6-Room House— 20 min* night p i the East Side Rec when opening. ed the young lady leaning over the Moscow they received the highest LIrtha A 1 leaders reconciled Intentions at­ appointed to Investigrate the TVA rati: Mn«aBa«aaig ...... m utea from Mancheatcr on im­ the East Rides and High Hatters decorations oif the Soviet Union. tributed to them by Gayda with will make Its report to Congress Captain—Watting for the moon to Now, claim the Soviets, the .next Marrla^aa O proved road. Electric iiKhta, clash. These two teams are tied tor the Brltlsh-Itallnn friendship without additional public hearings COUNTRY CLUB LEAGUE It is probable that no bird that ^aatba o first place with seven wins and one ever Inhabited the earth was Capa­ come up? step is commarcialtzing the Polar Onrd af Tbanke •••«••••••••••« M hot and cold water, bath, lot nr-reenient which went Into effect Democratic members of the group, Seasick Maiden—Te gods! Has POLICE loss chalked against each team, llils Nov. 16. The CJountry club bowling league ble of chewing its food, although routs. Tha rescue ol tta Kien' Sa MaasortnM ••a****.*...*.**. W 80x204. Fine place for aum- which was voted sn additional that got to come up. too? t^at aad l^aaad • m» t game will he the aecoml attraction The agreement provided that 825,000 yesterday, aald two recent will meet tonight at Farr's alleys some prehistoric birds did have tists la shown here on a new Aaaaaaaamaaig .#••#••••••••••• % mer boardera. Muat be aoM of the evening and will go a long Italian troops would be n-lthdrawn developments favored the course. at 8:00 o'clock. teeth. Soviet stamp, one of four oom- ^raaaala ...... | 4343 at once on account of death. w-Sj In deciding the league champs. Tlte busiest person always gets memorsUng tha Papanin a x p ^ ' Aataaaabllaa the moat bustneas. tion. Automobllaa for dala ...... • Total price $1,600, amall The first game will bring the Autonobllaa fur Cicimriga ...... h caah payment, lialance $10 Meteor's against the Comets and In Auto Aecaaaorlaa—Tlrta ...... « FIRE monthly with intereat. the last game the Wildcats will play Aato Rapairing—l*aiotlng ...... 1 the AU Stars. FREI.'KLES AND HIS FRIENDS By BUmmy Ante Bchaoia ...... t-A Several barffaina on Spring Aatoa—Lbtp by Track ...... • 5432 HOLD EVERYTHING FLAPPER FANNY, iBy SylviR Aatoa—For UIra ...... f S a^. XM.ssaaaMT.sfv^ Oaragea—Sarvlca—Biorage ••••• 1# NORTH e O Y , VSJOULOMT IT e e Motorcyclar—Bicyclae ...... i| ------Phone 7247 ------Wanted Autoa—MntorcYclaa .... tl vA/ONoeRPui. r s o m e hollyvsjood Rwalaaoa OAd FrwfaoaWMl Paratraa 4321 MORE DAYS PRODUCER. 5MOULO HKAR OUR. Buslnaas barvtc«a Offarad .... II II a « 1 SON0 AND WANNA B U Y IT^ Houaahold Barvicaa Offarad ....U-A SOUTH Jones' Furniture U NTIL Bylldlng—H^oniracttag ...... S3 Oak Street Ftarlata—Nuraariaa ...... ii SPRING Funaral Diractora ...... u Baatlng—Prximbfr.g—Roofing n laanrc your car for $15,000 inauranaa it AMBULANCE Liability and $5,000 Proper­ MtIHnary —DraMmaklng ...... it Moving—Trucking—atorage •... tv (IKHJCAN) ty Damage for $50.92 a year Public Paaaangai darvlca ...••.K A TOWN ADVERTISEMENT with a $7.63 refund if yon Fainting—Papering ...... ii Profaatfonal Barvieaa ...... it 5630 have no accidenta. Bapatiing ...... u Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... t« (HOI.I.ORAN) N o n a OF THE Remove AH Worriea— In- Toilet Goode and Aarvica . tt Wanted—Bofflnre* Harvtca It 8ore In The Aetna. Cdurailoual 3060 TAX COLLECTOR Coorcae aad CUeeae ...... tl Private Inetructione It (QUISH) AU penona liable by law to pay Danalng ...... u a The Old Age Assistance Tax of Robt J. Smith. Inc. Muateal—Dramatic ...... ft H I Mala Street 4340 83.00 In the Town of Mancheator, MM sau 8746 Wanted—Inet rnrt tone ...••as»«.F tv are hereby notified that I have a FlMBUrlal rata bill for the Enrollment of 19SS, Banda—8torka—tlongagea • • • • a SI Bualneae Oi>portuniile» ...... |> HOSPITAL due and payable on February 1, Money lo Idoan is 1939. ’ 1 U N C O UP A ^ Hela and tlfuttoua SAID TAX PAYABLE AT THE bClTTA ,<3UYS O N SHORT- Help Warned -Kemala ...... It W -e-X 4SS-J TfcST- Help Wanted Mala ...... M 5131 TAX COLLECTOR’S OFFICE IN WAVB > THEYIRC OOAJNA INO • W TRE ABOUT Baletmtn Wan.ad ...... It-A THE MUNUnPAL BUILDINQ TAVERN LISTEN I I F 'tOU CAN 7b BROADCAST AN Help WaM»<1--Maia o? Female.. 17 FROM FEBRUARY lat TO ALL F IT IN H E R E , ORIdMNAU e O N S WRIT*- Agante Wanted ...... 17-\ MARCH 2nd, 1939 INCLUSIVE. Sltuatlone Warned—Female It WATER DEPT. WEtL REALLY PUT T EN BY A C O U P LE •Itoattona Wanted—Mala ...... It Boon: • A. M. to 8 P. Al, taoM- FOR SALE ON A 6H O W / O P MY. PAHA — AMS Bmplnrment Agenctee ...... «a lag Batuidaya. eaoep8 n ariffay, WB ON m s AIR? Uve gtaefc. Fata .iSimltry— Fabiviaa Doga—Bird#—1‘ata ...... 4]' 3077 Febraary 10, Tharafiay. FahnnUT On account of duth in Live Stock—VaMclea ...... 4] (A fter 5 P.M .) tS. TModay. February tfi aaff Wad* fniRily. will oell reasonably. Faultry and Suppitaa ...... 4t aeailay. March I, whoa homa w ~ RxcaDMt opportunity for Wanted— f*'#— Poultry—Block it ba from • A. M. to t P. M. Far aalo—ltloaalluua«M 7868 RRyoiw, cspcdally Poliah or AitteUe tor Sale ...... 4t Penalty of 8100 will ba added If Boats and Aecaaaurlaa ...•••• «t Lithuanian. Sh at 221 Building Matarlala ...... et MANCHESTER the ta.x Is not paid within 30 daya North Main at reel, Manchea- Diaewnd^-Wsiebaa—Uawelry •• 41 from February 1, 1939. Blaetiica) Applianaaa—Radio .. 4» SAMUEL NELSON, JK. tar. Conn. "You won’t catch me go in’ awimmin* there next gammer— Faal aad Faad ...... 4»*a WATER CO. Tax OoUactor. **nwt'a what PVE alwaya Granted to d » —ahig aomebodyP It’g too dem cokL" Owrdaa—Farm— Dairy ProduoU to BauMbold Good# ...... |i Maablpary and Toata ...... tl Mwetasl laatmmanu ...... It 5974 OFIaa and Btara Cguirsaat •••• tl MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE It*! Working IMtelali at tba Biaraa ...... tt By THOMPSON AND ( OI.L waartM Apparal—Fum ...... ii W—tad Ta Buy ...... || GAS CO. MaaMa Ben d llotala Baaerta MOM.’THEM, UAUEr W AKES YOU Baacauruata Baama WUbuai Board ...... tt TMKJK v(xj a r e OUALIFSD I Boardara Waotad ...... m .a 5075 TAME CARE OF THE PRECIOUS Obtwtfy Board—Baaorta •••«.•.• M d o l l y DABUMF WHERE d o y X I Matatb Baatauraata ...... tl JfaBtad—Baama—Board tt VMCXtK uerri Baal Baaata Fas Baal ELECTRIC CO. ABWOtatawta, Flata. Taaamacu •• •• Bmtimm Laaattaaa fas aant ... tt Lcosaa For Baat ...... tt MeuytaB Far Bast 5181 . Bumiuar Haiuaa f lUat ...... Wastad la Bast Matste Fas Bala ABaitMSt BsUdlsg far Bate . Evening Herald BsaiMaa FiaBiitf far Bala •••

• e e e e e e a adUta t w f aaia •••eee*«eeeoeeeeee 5121 Ksaart e iakwtj Car a w «•.• • • U.kartaa (sr 8aW Raal Xatau for Eaakaaga . .... Tr.BUd-1-awI llama ...... j a s L j4srar.jS r-.»..* RsM tw HenU Adn.