"V- MOMDAT, rSBBUABT 6. lMt;| fAGE 1WELV? Aitttrfa»0t»r EvnrtMO VmiDb y THE WBATHKB aVKBAOB DAO.T COtClXATION Fhraeeet * f O. 8. Weather LiSdy Roberts lodge, Dsughters Past Chief Daughters of Helen Vincent Sahrators of 90 Walnut IMward J. Goddard, 80, who told f*r the Bsaath *4 Jaawry, l8Se Tcy highway Wld aldewalk condi­ police be has juat baca relee eed tions here have been costing the of 8t. George, will hold iU regulu Davidson lodge, who maet on the BtTMt has been noUAsd of Ihs death ABOUT TOWN town about 1100 dally during the monthly meeting tomorrow evening secotid Tuesday In the month, will of hla fathM* In Potenaa, Italy, on from tfic county Jail, waa arreated gather at the home of Mrs. John O. January 8. H . waa 98 srsara of OB Main atreet Saturday at 3:15 6 ,1 7 2 Partly eloady aad ooMer loaIgMi past few days. It was said by Town In ths small loc^e hall of the Ma­ Meoiber ot the Andlt 5»t. MarRurpI * Clrrle, Pnu(rlitiTS sonic Temple. The meeting will be. .Pentland In the Centennial apart­ age and alao leaves a alster, Mrs. p.m. on a charge of Intoxication. Wemeailay (air. Trea.surrr rieorge H. Waddell Sat- Bureau ot OmiiatkMi* oT iMbrUs. wilt holrl Its r'-Rular lird.ay. About $2,400 of the $.1,000 gin promptly at It o’clock, as there ments, Tuesday evening of next Rom Marcantonlo of this town. Policeman Lucius Thrall reported monthly mpflinsr lopiomw I’vrnlng snow removal appropriation remains are candidates to he Initiated. A week Instead of tomorrow night. that the man had been panhandling MANCHESTER - A (TTY OF VIU.AGE ( HARM at 8 o'clock. In I hr K. of C. < lub- for use during thr balance of the social time will follow, with re­ \ Following the bualnesa meeUng of patrons of a diner. freshments served by the president. Campbell Council K. of C.* to be roomr Thr Stuily club will nu'ct winter. (Uaastflaa MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1939 (TWELVE IMAGES) PRICE rUKBE CBNTfi after thr bu:^inr.rs srsston. Itcfrooh- Mrs. James Leelle. Mrs Harold held in their clubhouse, Main and The regular meeUng of the Miwse VOL. LVnL, NO. 109 18) ments will be .'.crvefl by Mrs. A new .aeries of Bridge parUes Belcher and Mrs. Fred Parker. Dalmdat. atreat. tonight a roast nesf Club wlU be held In the club rooms Bratneo McCaith;' smi her <onimit- will be held at the Masonic Temple Better health aiippm* will b. served. tonight at 8 o‘cl(x:k. 'rr. each .Monday night beginning to­ Mias Orsce Robertson of Oakland night at . igld orbsk sharp. Part- street, who Is spending the winter for children Agffd Resident Flees Ohio Flood in Boat Old r.Z‘- t.i.': ' oMr. lioas tinvr :ij>- fiei.s will be Helecle<l and will con- in KJ. Petersburg, Florlila, enter­ (..roarhril the mark. Jl.rikt tlii'ie for five wceka. There will he tained at dinner Thiirauay, at her ROOSEVELT URGES OINIRAL 0 niCTRIC ahead of income for curb collections a J.nze each week and a grand prize home. The guests were Mr. and END OF SPANISH CIVIL of a c’car ."^go at thtr time, it u-.is at the conclusion of the series. All Mrs. C. K, Burr nnd Mr. and .Mrs. V. announce*! by toe Ta.\ Collector j mefolatrs of the .Mus.onic fraternity A. Verplnnck of this town who ate Over ?.l(k! jH'rsoiis h.ivr made the j are invited to take part. wintering In Idikelsnd. .Mra. .lames WASHERS .M. .'•hearer, Thomas Ferguson and 150 MILLION MORE payment, dtic before M inh 1. ' Harold Helm. - ONE CONTROL WRINGER XVo Given With Cash Sales In WAR SEEN IMMINENT; C*U For a COAL... Deliver Fa FOR RELIEF FUNDS DoetoF* Freecli pttoeat Old Company’s SPKCIAG at a Both These Stores All 10% Discount r,. K. W IU-IS & SON. INC. WEI.DON DRUG CO. 2 .Main St. Phone 3125 lower cost for fuel Preacripttea PhermaetoSs m J H HA M cotl I JAILED AND FINED $2500 NO FIGHTING IN NOR^H Innerspring 8M Mala atreat Day Tuesday TeDs Congress 'Emergeni^’ FOR RE.MOVLNG JAP LABELS : On Sleds and fNtE 70S e«i*l keep chlldmi a# the Seattle Feb. 7—(A P )—James MATTRESS S6oor« keep tbeoi warm on the floors Exists And Asks Irnmedi- DIdia was sentenced to 12 To Smile at Jolson j Negrin And Sopporters R®- Anthracite it never oqI« hoi keept months In Jail and fined $2500 : MAY RECOGNIZE Wood Stoves j on conviction of removing "made i Elowisf with a fteadj* erea beat to Th< J.W HAL€ co> ^ a t e Consideration; Fignre ported Swingb* Around In Japan" labels from goods sold DAILY MANCHISTIR C o n n * FOR o m : w k k k »12.95 keep cold tpoit and floor# kthhfaUy in his llaen store. FRANCO REGIME LUNCHEONS warm. Yon know Uwi antiiraeite la tko . W Represents Cut In Bill. The trial yesterday was thr To View They Mnst Yidd; W. E. HIRBARI) lowed cotl modem beat. Do yon know Hale*s Tuesday Spedals first here on charges d violating NO. MX IN HTIiriFT KEMP'S that oar lervice will help yon mt beat* : a customs regulation that goods IN SHI^T TIME 3 5 c In* roAtt even more? It cotlt nothing CfHDUSC^SON. Washington. Feb. 7 - tAPi —; I made in foreign countries must Azana Abandons AD Pre* AmI Dp for the lieqi of healing service when DouBle Green Stamps Given With INC. President Roosevelt told Congress | I hear labels sho^tig the place of you order 7oor Penntylvaaia Aatkra* manufacture. tenses Of Clinging To HOTEL . Cash Sales All Day Tuesday. today an ‘‘emergejicy" exists In re- ' "t- Britain And France Consid­ rite Coal from-^ Get the Tuesday Shopping Habit lief and asked “Immediate consider­ ATLA^nC SHERIDAN ation" of an additional approprls- ering Action To Prevent His Post As Plresi^ert. SCRANTON’S TUESDAY SPEOAL and Save With Double S. & H. Uon of $150,000,000 for WPA for I Rayolite the next five months. i HOUSE GROUP Delicious Home G. E. Willis & Son, Green Stomps. This figure represents the cut | Spread Of German And BULLETIN! Featherproof Pillow Ticks Congress made In hla request for ValeaoiA Feb. 7e-(AP>— Cooked Foods $875,0(K),000 lo carry WPA from FAVORS BILL Gee. Jeae MhsjA rowunanfiar a( Range Oil HURRICANE Inc. February through June. The White Italian Influence In Spain. ell erasle* In the eeatral sene House announced earlier today the remaining to Uw P pnnlUi g*v<- a Gallon DAMACE Catering To Weddings, Cool, I.nmhvr, Maanns* Supplies, president had signed the $725,000.- enmwnt, deeinrad tsnigbt that w m 100 gal. Iota is not expensive to clear Banquets and Parties Palnl. 2 9 c ea. — 4^ for $ ^ .00 000 bill last Saturday. FORJEFENSE RIXIJTTIN! "aa loag aa tbarn la a plat *t In asking Immediate consldera- I" gronnd left In nay i away during the next two 2 Main St. TeL 8128 I^ndon, Ft<h. 7,— (A P )—The 7 For Reservationa Call tlon on what he termed the "simple flgbt SA” The Spanish government eenbasay months when we are not so Renew those old plllowa. Striped ticking, regulation size, and alarming facts" In the relief While upstream the Ohio river receded nnd flood refugee* were returning to their homes, this aged Alto* Pky* "snrier ^ Madri S835 guaranteed featherproof. HALE'S SELF SERVE Chaimian May Says MQHary aannunred today that the guv- edged Uw rushed. 7H t SOLID rUiL $08 SOLID COMPOST outlook, Mr. Roosevelt said Ip a resident of the eastern part of Clnclnnnti loiuli-d househoM belonj^.iigs into>.i boat and fled the men­ erament of Premier Juao Negiin FUEL OIL ace of rising water. In some sections of the city W l’A trui ks were used to remove families from the ta Catalaala bat isiataa uwa TREE SURGERY The Original In New England! message to Congress that with only would proceed to Valencia "be­ Hollywood. Feb. 7.— (A P )— To Iks govaraaiaat aun was *ki a ANI» TRIMMINt; $725,000,000 available, WPA either Committee Unanimonsly Ohio’s path. ' p fore the end of this week" and « r AI Jolson tell It, he’s a suckri splendid paatUen” la bald ant la Reg. 39c Fine Quality must reduce Its rolls abruptly in 6 c gai- TEL. 8597 "continue lealstanre t o the end." for coming back to the movie*. Alt hla eeatral Madrid • Valeaela AND HEALTH MARKET April 1 by 1.000,000 persons or be­ The announcement mnde n* ha’s getting Is a few smile* from gin on that date a week-by-week re- Approve The Major Part mention of negotlallons at the’ Alice Faye and $6,000 a week. JOHN S. WOLCOTT Glass and Dish Towels ducUon which by June 30 would French-Npanlah border for peace It’s screwier thnn radio,” aald Perpignan, rranee, Feb. T— (A F ) LT.Wood Co. 117 Hollister Street drop emplo.vment from a present STATE SOLONS In the two and oae-half-ye*r- AI. "I have to get up at 5 A m. —An end to Uw dvil war which baa PHONK 4496 -I.OOO.OOO to "a figure well below Of Roosevelt Program. LEVY ‘MISUNDERSTOOD’ Range and Fuel Oil TUESDAY SPECIALS old Spanish rtvil war h«t Indi­ Ilka a milkman. At 8, the camera- paralgraed Spain and aadangsrad tha ^ 1.500,000 persons,” cated at least a temporary re- mnn puts a tape measure to nw as 24 HOUR SERVICE Would Slaali Frogram In Half If I were ready for a eofflA a ef Buro|w for thirty nwatba , Washington, Feb.
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