VAX 9000 Series Digital TechnicalDigital Equipment Journal Corporation Volume 2 Number 4 Fall 1990 Editorial jane C. Blake, Editor Barbara Lindmark, Associate EditOr Circulation Catherine M. Phillips, AdministratOr Suzanne J. Babineau, Secretary Production Helen L. Patterson, Production Editor Nancy jones, Typographer Peter Woodbury, IllustratOr and Designer Advisory Board Samuel H. Fuller, Chairman Richard W. Beane Robert M. Glorioso john W. McCredie Mahendra R. Patel F. Grant Saviers Robert K. Spitz Victor A. Vyssotsky The Digital Technicaljoumal is published quarterly by Digital Equipment Corporation, 146 Main Street MLO I-31B68, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754-2571. Subscriptions tO the journalare S40.00 for four issues and must be prepaid in u.s. funds. University and college professors and Ph. D. students in the electrical engineering and computer science fields receive complimentary subscriptions upon request. Orders, inquiries, and address changes should be sent 10 The Digital Tecbnicaljournal at the published-by address. Inquiries can also be sent electronically 10 D'I:
[email protected] Single copies and back issues are available for $16.00 each from Digital Press of Digital Equipment Corporation, 12 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730-1493. Digital employees may send subscription orders on the ENET to RDVAX::JOURNALor by interoffice mail to mailstop MLO I-3/B68. Orders should include badge number, cost center, site location code and address. U.S. engineers in Engineering and Manufacturing receive complimentary subscriptions; engineers in these organiza tions in countries outside the u.s. should contact the journal office to receive their complimentary subscriptions. All employees must advise of changes of address. Comments on the content of any paper are welcomed and may be sent to the editOr at the published-by or network address.