Audion-Circuits, of Which the Following Is Tion Is to Provide Means for Effectively Pre 55 a Specification
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DE FOREST, AUDON CIRCUIT, 1,377,405, APPLICATION FED APR 27, 1920. Patented May 10, 1921. O90999. S, a..." by y. "oral tal UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LEE DE FOREST, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR TO DE FOREST RADIOTELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH. COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., A CORPORATION of DELA WARE, AUDION-CIRCUIT. 13,405. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented May 10, 1921. Original application filed April 9, 1915, Serial No. 20,173. Divided and this application filed April 27, 1920. Serial No. 377,051. To all whom it may concern; detected by the operator who at once gen 50 Be it known that I, LEE DE FoREST, a citi erally knows that when the audion is not zen of the United States, residing at New properly functioning it has become par York, county and State of New York, have alyzed. made a certain new and useful Invention in The Special purpose of my present inven Audion-Circuits, of which the following is tion is to provide means for effectively pre 55 a specification. venting and overcoming this paralyzed con This invention relates to audion circuits, dition of the audion, and while I have and is directed to subject matter divided shown and will now describe my invention O from my co-pending application, Serial as applied to an audion with all of the Number 20173, filed April 9, 1915, for se cathode and anode electrodes inclosed there 60 lective audion amplifier. in and as used as an amplifier or relay, I The object of the invention is to provide do not desire to be limited or restricted an audion circuit which is simple and par either to this construction or particular ap 5 ticularly adapted for amplification usage plication of an audion. of the audion where the same is used as a re Referring to the drawings 65 lay as one illustration for either wire or I show in Figure 1 one audion circuit ar wireless purposes. rangement embodying my invention, and It has been found by experiment that which is a substantial duplication of Fig. 1, 20 relays of the audion type become paralyzed A. my co-pending application above identi when certain conditions in the normal op ed. 70 eration exist. For example, where the de Fig. 2 shows a similar but slightly modi vice, is used as an amplifier or relay with fied arrangement. the current to be relayed and amplified re The same part is designated by the same 25 ceived through an input circuit and the reference numeral wherever it occurs amplified current delivered by an output throughout the several views. i5 circuit, if the incoming current is excis Referring to Fig. 1, I show my present sive too large a charge upon the grid elec invention applied to a selective amplifier trode of the audion causes the same to system of the audion type wherein the 30 paralyze. Similarly, it frequently happens audion will perform its amplifying func that a sudden signal impulse will effect the tion selectively. In other words, incoming same result, namely, the paralysis of the currents or currents of certain frequencies so audion. Also, if the plate current is ex received by the audion will be amplified to cessive the effect of the paralysis is likewise a greater degree than currents of other fre 35 produced. And if a critical adjustment of uencies, and especially currents of lower the plate and filament current sources is se requencies. In addition thereto, the prin cured the normal incoming signal is apt to ciple of selective amplification can be em 85. produce the paralyzed condition of the phasized as much as desired or necessary audion. So it will be apparent that while so that, if desired, the normal voice currents 40 the effect is the same, that is, the audion. before going in on a telephone line, for ex becomes paralyzed, the causes of this con ample, can first be distorted and the higher 90 dition of the audion may be aily one of a harmonics thereof made of greater ampli number. tudes so that after these latter currents are Where a perfect vacuum has not been reduced in amplitude by the distributed ca 45 obtained in the bulb this paralyzed condi pacity of the telephone line, the composite tion of the audion is frequently evidenced current will arrive at the distant receiving by a blue glow or haze although the par station in its normal. or original form. alyzed condition may frequently occur with This feature of selectiye amplification forms out any such visual evidence thereof, and is the subject matter of my application, Se 1877,405 rial No. 20173 above identified, and does not I utilize the same in addition to the uses per se, form the subject matter of the pres hereinbefore set forth as a damping re ent invention except in that the present in sistance to reduce the amplitude of the po vention is disclosed therein. tential surges delivered from the oscillating Reference character 1 designates an ex circuit H, E, to the grid electrodes, as above 70 hausted audion bulb, in this instance of the described. usual well known double plate. and double The natural period of vibration of this grid structure both located within the bulb. oscillating or parasitic circuit depends to It is apparent, however, that I do not desire a great extent upon the amount of induc O to be limited with respect to the particular tance of the coil E and the amount of the construction of the audion, or whether or not capacity of the condenser H. This fre 75 the electrodes are all located within the bulb quency also depends upon the constants of or exterior thereof, as it is well known that the audion itself, the brightness of the fila audions vary somewhat in their construc ment F, the applied potential from the bat tion and in the number of electrodes em tery B, the amount of resistance J, and the 80 ployed therein or therewith. As is custom amount of resistance D which forms a leak ary, however, I have shown a filament elec path between the grids G, G, and filament trode F which is heated from the current F, and is likewise made variable. source A and controlled by the variable re In addition to the first oscillating or para 20 sistance R in the usual well known manner. sitic circuit, if desired, a second similar cir 85 The grid elements or input electrodes G, G, cuit comprising elements C, J, E, H', are preferably arranged on either side of identical with the corresponding elements the filament F and are connected in parallel. of the first circuit may be connected between The wing or plate electrodes W., W., are also the grid and plate electrodes, but the oscil 25 arranged on respectively opposite sides of lating circuit E", H, should be tuned to a 90 the filament F and at a different distance different frequency or natural rate of oscil therefrom relative to the grid electrodes, lation than that of the first oscillating cir G, G. The incoming current to be ampli cuit. Similarly, a number of oscillating fied is led from the line to the primary coil circuits, each tuned to a different frequency, 30 S of a transformer T, preferably a step-up can be connected to the audion. transformer. While I am not to be limited It is not necessary, however, to connect 95 to the specific arrangement shown, I pre Such a parasitic or reinforcing circuit to the fer to have the secondary coil of the trans audion for each different frequency it is de former T wound in two parts disconnected sired to amplify. I have found that one 35 from each other as shown at O, the parts such circuit, the natural fundamental fre 00 thereof possessing a large capacity relative quency of which may be such as to cause . to each other. One end of one winding of it to tend to oscillate approximately 1500 the secondary coil of the transformer T is times per second, will cause incoming cur connected directly to the filament F of the rents having frequencies considerably higher 40 audion 1, while one end of the other coil is than 1500 to be amplified to almost the same 05 connected to the grids G, G, of the audion degree, while at the same time not permitting 1. If desired, in the transformer and grid currents having considerably lower fre circuit, a condenser may be inserted, as quencies to be thus auto-amplified. I have shown in dotted lines at P. The plate or 45 found that two such reinforcing circuits, the wing electrodes W. W., are connected natural period of one of which is such as 110 through an inductance coil of a transformer would cause the audion, to deliver a sus V to one terminal, preferably the positive tained note of a frequency of about 1500 terminal of a source of current such as a bat per Second, if free to oscillate; and the tary B, the current, preferably the negative, natural period of the other of which is such 50 turminal of which is connected to the fila as would cause the audion to deliver, if free ment F of the audion 1. The outgoing cir to oscillate, a sustained note of about 2500 cuit L is connected to the secondary of the per second, will reinforce currents of all transformer V. An oscillating circuit con frequencies between 1200 and 3000 per second.