Sept. 25, 1956 A. R. KNIGHT V
Sept. 25, 1956 A. R. KNIGHT 2, 764,698 CONTROL SYSTEM Filed Nov. 23', 1942 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 F/ ‘6. .2. /MM a“F E C MM V a, a.1 Em C m0 W k m d ,a b 5J WWW/1%? FIG. 3. F76; 4 . TIME 7/045 F 16.5 . 77,15 Sept. 25, 1956 A. R. KNIGHT 2,764,698 CONTROL SYSTEM Filed NOV. 25, 1942 5 Sheets—Sheet 2 m+ _ lzvve/vraq 42 TH up 2 K/waw 7 United States Patent '0 2,764,698 Patented Sept- 25, 1956 2 Figure 21is a sirnilar‘view of 'a reference image on an other iconoscope for purposes that will appear later. 2,764,698 Figure "3 illustrates the ‘relationship of'lig'ht- intensity with‘respect to time ‘fortheiicon'oscope mosaic of Fig CONTROL SYSTEM ure '1. 1 Arthur¢R.‘=Kniglit, Dayton,‘ Ohio Figure 4"il1u'stra-tes the relationship ‘of the'light' intensity with respect 'toltime ‘for‘th‘e iconoscope‘mosaic .of Fig Application November 23, 1942, Serial ~No.-.466,972 ure 2. ~ . ‘Figure 5 illustrates the differential light intensity with 8‘Cla'ims. (Cl; 250-214) I 10 ‘respect to‘ time (of the two iconoscope mosaics represented (Granted under Title 35, U.:S. Code ‘(1952), sec. .266) in Figures 1'and'2. Figure 6 illustrates‘the circuit diagram of one form of my invention. Figure 7 illustrates the. time relationshiprof the square The invention described herein may be-manufactured vwave voltage of the circuit, the sweep voltages of the and .usedby or ‘for vthe Government for governmental iconoscope, and the differential output voltages ‘of the purposes, without .the payment to='me of any royalty two iconoscopes.
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