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.... ;.vy,.7;— 7 ,,;; 7 •'• ,>■'■';'; v M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wedneaday, April 9, 1»86 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 CONNFC nc ii I SPORTS Republicans cool Whalers, In OT, CM S R H CAMPERS/ CAMPERS/ 8000 TNHMS mnCElLAIIEOUS Automotive IQ 1 1 FOR SALE 1 ^ TRAILERS TRAILERS TOUT FO O S M i i^ 'Ifor sale to O ’Neill plan dump Nordlques i 1978 Hondo - Automatic, 1978 Lincoln Continental 1971 Fan Camper 17'/i foot Truck Compernovi’l — O Irl Scout CookiM. Coll Oil Chcmoo. Lubo Oi flltor, 19U Cltotloii — 111 rufinlno Excellent condition. Must ... pajie 9 condition. Automatic. sunroof, AM/Fm. $1,500. — 2 door. Excellent condi sleeps 6. Shower, toilet, ... p a g e 7 443-W7S, 9-1 Monday thru $11.95. up to 5 quart* of oil 647-10B6. tion. Low mileage. Reaso very cleon. Awning In be seen. Coll otter 4:30pm, Friday. for most cor*. M & M Oil. Bonoed up rloM side. $500. 742-6894. 633-5654 otter 4ptn. nable. 646-U26 or 647-7787. cluded. Coll 647-7555. 649-S71. 78 AMC Concord Wagon. 1976 Toyota — 5 speed, oir On* woman owner. First 1975 Chevrolet Malibu • Picnic Cooler, $10; Mag 1910 Monts Carlo block, Good Condition. $800 or n m .s a i RECREATIOIML wire-wheels, T-tops, clean conditioning, top* deck, $1,200. Coll 8om to 5pm. tm ia r the Classifieds nus consol* organ & 649-9252. best offer. Coll 6434)243. EQUIPIIEIIT bench, $40; hl-fl Mog- 12,000 miles, good condi good condition, asking novox console, $25; chain tion. $2,750. Call Mike 51JIOO. Coll otter 5om, U G A L N O n C I sow 10* home light, $100; days 643-1136, evenings 647-9346. Pool*! Pooltl Pooltl AAA roll away bed, $35, dinette 646-4615. Certified lists of party-endorsed condidote* on the pool distributor must dis set, parkett* top, 6 gold 1984 R e lia n t w a g o n . the DEMOCRATIC PARTY In the Town of Bolton, CT. for pose of ontiro stock of A M /FM stereo cossette, election os DRLEOATR8 to tho c e n ve n tim of sold P o ^ leather chairs, $150; cell VW Squareback I960 - Specified below ore on file In m y offlee at 221 BMton ( ^ ^ now. loftovor. 1905. 31 ft. ing lamp, $30; 2 speed fan, standard transmission, Rood, BMton, CT.ond copies ore avollableforpuMIc distrlb family sixod swimming California born and bred 16,000 mile*. Like now You’ll Self It $10; movie prolector with uton: t $600. Call Bill 649-4426 pools with hup* sundock. screen I, splicer, $40; and condition. $5,200.00. Coll CONVENTIONS fonclng. flltor, ladders evenings, 527-3151 ext.570 iHaurliriilrr Hrralft many other miscellane 647-0564 STATE CONVENTION ) VlHnchnslPr A City i)l UiIIh(|(i GhJtm and warranty for only ous Itemst Call 11-5, 647- days. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION (2nd Olstrlct) 1970. Installation optional 1116. Faster with COUNTY CONVENTION and extra, flnondno oyall- INVITATION T O BIP SENATORIAL OISTRICT CONVENTION (4th Olstricl) able. Call Paul at 721-1004. 197$ Dodge Challenger - The Manchester Public A S S EM B LY O ISTR IC T CO N V EN TIO N (55th District) Schools solicits Mds for KIN PROBATE CONVENTION rebuilt engine, run* well, DERGARTEN SUPPLIES 25 Cents Golf clubs - Mens, full set A prim orv will be held on May E), 19*6, If oslotoof opposition Thursday, April 10,1986 WANTED TO best offer. 643-1108 days, for the 19(6-19*7 school year. candidates for any or Ml conventions Is filed In accordance with bog and folding corf, BUY/TRADE 647-9557 evening*. Seoled bids will be received HERALD with Section* 9-3*2to F4S0, Inclusive, of the General Statute* and balls. Call 649-1794. until April 17,19*6,2:00 P.M ., not IMar than 4:00 p.m. of April 10,19*6. *75. at which time they will be Want To Buy a good used 1974 Dotsun - 710 Wagon, publicly opened. The right Is Petition forms. Instruction* ond InformMlon concerning reserved to relect any ond all the procedure for filing opposing candidacies, may be ob lawn mower, ond a *e- Standard, 4 cylinder, tained from llvl J. Cannon, Democratic Registrar of Voters, cond hand picnic table, many new parts. $350. bids. Specifications ond bid CLASSIFIED ADS Mercier quits IBOATS/MAIIME forms may be secured at the 2 Fernwood Drive, Bolton, CT. 646-137*. 644-2833. Business Office, 45 North CATHERINE K. LEINER Iequiprent School Street, Manchester, TOWN CLERK OF BOLTON Connecticut. LIOM. NOTICt 021-04 643-2711 0304)4 16 foot Mad River canoe, poddies Included. Used A csrtiflad list of REPUBLICAN party-endorsed candidates on the slate of district deleootes to the State Convention In board, says four times. Excellent con the Fourth Sonatorlol District In the towns of Bolton, Col dition. seoo. Please coll umbia, Glastonbury, Hobron, and Monchester, Is on file In 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- mv office at 41 Center St., Manchester, C T., and copies ore 9946 0:30 - 5:30. Ask for available for public distribution. A Primary will be held on Mov 20,19*6 In said senatorial district If a slate of opposition Bob. condldales tor such convention Is filed pursuont to Section 9- 40S of the Cenerol Statutes, not later than 4:00 p.m. of April GOP divided HobI* Cot 14 foot, good IS, 19*6. condition, extro soil. Petlllon forms. Instructions and Information concarninothe By Kevin Costelloe Good starter boot $1,200. procedure for tlllnp opposing candidacies, may be obtained from the Republican Registrar of Voters of any town In the TAKE The Auocloted Press By Alex GIrelll Call Mike 643-1136 days, 646-4615 evenings. district. Associate Editor EDWARD TOMKIEL TRIPOLI. Libya — A govern TOWN CLERK OF MANCHESTER ment official, echoing C^l. Moam- Republican Donna Mercier has mar Kbadafy’a statement that resigned her seat on the Manches A Libya has prepared for a military ter Board of Directors, effective confrontation with United States, LIOAL NOTtCB immediately. said today that his country doe* not Mercier, serving her second A certified list of party-endorsed candidates an the slots of want a fight but is ready “ in caM Teacher selling Bundy the D EM O CR ATIC P A R TY In the Town of Manchester for term on the nine-member board, student flute, excellent election os D E L E G A TE S to the conventions of sold Party war breaks out.” said Wednesday her chief reason condition, $175.00. 643- specified below is on file In my office at 41 Center St., Man CHANCE President Reagan, calling Khad- for resigning was a lack of 7431. chester, C T. and copies are avollable for public distrlbuton: afy “the mad dog of the Middle cooperation from her two fellow CONVENTIONS East” told a news conference State Convention Republican directors, William Di Congresslonol District Convention Wednesday night that bis adminis ana and Thomas H. Ferguson. PETS AND Senatorial District Convention tration still is gathering evidence Mercier, 33, said she had been Assembly District Convention that might link the Libyan leader m SUPPUES County Convention thinking about resigning for some to bombings last week aboard a time and made the decision A Primary will be held on May 20,19*6, If a slate of opposition TWA airliner and in a West Berlin Free Kittens - Adorable 6 condldalss for any or oil conventions Is filed In accordance Tuesday night, What convinced with Sections 9-3*2to 9-450, Inclusive, of the General Statutes IN nightclub that together killed five weeks old. 643-0062. her to quit was the fact that several not later than 4:00 p.m. of April IS, 19*6. Americans. (See story on page 5.) caucuses of the Republican direc Petitions forms. Instructions and Information concerning Earlier, Reagan told newspaper Wanted, a good home for the procedure for tiling opposing candidacies, may be ob tors on the town budget were MItxle. Port terrier, 1 year tained from Herbert J. Stevenson, Democratic Registrar gt editors the United States was “ not canceled because some of the GOP old. Is spaded and hos Voters, 41 Center ST., Manchester, C T. going to Just sit here and hold still” directors could not attend them, rabies shot. Will be availa THE amid the escalating attacks. He EDWARD TOMKIEL she said. ble by Sunday 649-9079. TOWN CLERK OF MANCHESTER said Kbadafy was “definitely" “ I ’m too much of a team player 032-04 suspected of responsibility. and we never seem to be able to DO NN A R. MERCIER Ibrahim Seger, Kbadafy's infor MISCELLANEOUS develop a team,” she said. successor unclear LCQAL NOTICI mation director, responded to Diana and Ferguson said today FOR SALE Reagan in a telephone interview they were sorry Mercier resigned. Certified lists of portv-endorsed candidates on the slate of with The Associated Press. He said the R EPUBLICAN P A R TY In the Town of Bolton, CT. for "WE’VE GOT YOUR NUMBER” Both praised her work as a Mercier said she had been asked to election as DRLBGATRS to the ceaveaheas of said Party Libya was “ not looking for war. director, but denied the charge seek the minority leadership of the 3 - 2 tabby kittens 6 weeks Specified below are on file In mv office at 222 Bolton Center But if they (the Americans) attack call 644-4092. Rood, Bolton, C T. and copies ore available for public distrlb that the Republican minority bad party- hut thought, that job should uton: us, we have to defend ourselves.” failed to work together as a team.