.... ;.vy,.7;— 7 ,,;; 7 •'• ,>■'■';'; v M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wedneaday, April 9, 1»86 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 CONNFC nc ii I SPORTS Republicans cool Whalers, In OT, CM S R H CAMPERS/ CAMPERS/ 8000 TNHMS mnCElLAIIEOUS Automotive IQ 1 1 FOR SALE 1 ^ TRAILERS TRAILERS TOUT FO O S M i i^ 'Ifor sale to O ’Neill plan dump Nordlques i 1978 Hondo - Automatic, 1978 Lincoln Continental 1971 Fan Camper 17'/i foot Truck Compernovi’l — O Irl Scout CookiM. Coll Oil Chcmoo. Lubo Oi flltor, 19U Cltotloii — 111 rufinlno Excellent condition. Must ... pajie 9 condition. Automatic. sunroof, AM/Fm. $1,500. — 2 door. Excellent condi­ sleeps 6. Shower, toilet, ... p a g e 7 443-W7S, 9-1 Monday thru $11.95. up to 5 quart* of oil 647-10B6. tion. Low mileage. Reaso­ very cleon. Awning In­ be seen. Coll otter 4:30pm, Friday. for most cor*. M & M Oil. Bonoed up rloM side. $500. 742-6894. 633-5654 otter 4ptn. nable. 646-U26 or 647-7787. cluded. Coll 647-7555. 649-S71. 78 AMC Concord Wagon. 1976 Toyota — 5 speed, oir On* woman owner. First 1975 Chevrolet Malibu • Picnic Cooler, $10; Mag­ 1910 Monts Carlo block, Good Condition. $800 or n m .s a i RECREATIOIML wire-wheels, T-tops, clean conditioning, top* deck, $1,200. Coll 8om to 5pm. tm ia r the Classifieds nus consol* organ & 649-9252. best offer. Coll 6434)243. EQUIPIIEIIT bench, $40; hl-fl Mog- 12,000 miles, good condi­ good condition, asking novox console, $25; chain tion. $2,750. Call Mike 51JIOO. Coll otter 5om, U G A L N O n C I sow 10* home light, $100; days 643-1136, evenings 647-9346. Pool*! Pooltl Pooltl AAA roll away bed, $35, dinette 646-4615. Certified lists of party-endorsed condidote* on the pool distributor must dis­ set, parkett* top, 6 gold 1984 R e lia n t w a g o n . the DEMOCRATIC PARTY In the Town of Bolton, CT. for pose of ontiro stock of A M /FM stereo cossette, election os DRLEOATR8 to tho c e n ve n tim of sold P o ^ leather chairs, $150; cell­ VW Squareback I960 - Specified below ore on file In m y offlee at 221 BMton ( ^ ^ now. loftovor. 1905. 31 ft. ing lamp, $30; 2 speed fan, standard transmission, Rood, BMton, CT.ond copies ore avollableforpuMIc distrlb­ family sixod swimming California born and bred 16,000 mile*. Like now You’ll Self It $10; movie prolector with uton: t $600. Call Bill 649-4426 pools with hup* sundock. screen I, splicer, $40; and condition. $5,200.00. Coll CONVENTIONS fonclng. flltor, ladders evenings, 527-3151 ext.570 iHaurliriilrr Hrralft many other miscellane­ 647-0564 STATE CONVENTION ) VlHnchnslPr A City i)l UiIIh(|(i GhJtm and warranty for only ous Itemst Call 11-5, 647- days. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION (2nd Olstrlct) 1970. Installation optional 1116. Faster with COUNTY CONVENTION and extra, flnondno oyall- INVITATION T O BIP SENATORIAL OISTRICT CONVENTION (4th Olstricl) able. Call Paul at 721-1004. 197$ Dodge Challenger - The Manchester Public A S S EM B LY O ISTR IC T CO N V EN TIO N (55th District) Schools solicits Mds for KIN ­ PROBATE CONVENTION rebuilt engine, run* well, DERGARTEN SUPPLIES 25 Cents Golf clubs - Mens, full set A prim orv will be held on May E), 19*6, If oslotoof opposition Thursday, April 10,1986 WANTED TO best offer. 643-1108 days, for the 19(6-19*7 school year. candidates for any or Ml conventions Is filed In accordance with bog and folding corf, BUY/TRADE 647-9557 evening*. Seoled bids will be received HERALD with Section* 9-3*2to F4S0, Inclusive, of the General Statute* and balls. Call 649-1794. until April 17,19*6,2:00 P.M ., not IMar than 4:00 p.m. of April 10,19*6. *75. at which time they will be Want To Buy a good used 1974 Dotsun - 710 Wagon, publicly opened. The right Is Petition forms. Instruction* ond InformMlon concerning reserved to relect any ond all the procedure for filing opposing candidacies, may be ob­ lawn mower, ond a *e- Standard, 4 cylinder, tained from llvl J. Cannon, Democratic Registrar of Voters, cond hand picnic table, many new parts. $350. bids. Specifications ond bid CLASSIFIED ADS Mercier quits IBOATS/MAIIME forms may be secured at the 2 Fernwood Drive, Bolton, CT. 646-137*. 644-2833. Business Office, 45 North CATHERINE K. LEINER Iequiprent School Street, Manchester, TOWN CLERK OF BOLTON Connecticut. LIOM. NOTICt 021-04 643-2711 0304)4 16 foot Mad River canoe, poddies Included. Used A csrtiflad list of REPUBLICAN party-endorsed candidates on the slate of district deleootes to the State Convention In board, says four times. Excellent con­ the Fourth Sonatorlol District In the towns of Bolton, Col­ dition. seoo. Please coll umbia, Glastonbury, Hobron, and Monchester, Is on file In 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- mv office at 41 Center St., Manchester, C T., and copies ore 9946 0:30 - 5:30. Ask for available for public distribution. A Primary will be held on Mov 20,19*6 In said senatorial district If a slate of opposition Bob. condldales tor such convention Is filed pursuont to Section 9- 40S of the Cenerol Statutes, not later than 4:00 p.m. of April GOP divided HobI* Cot 14 foot, good IS, 19*6. condition, extro soil. Petlllon forms. Instructions and Information concarninothe By Kevin Costelloe Good starter boot $1,200. procedure for tlllnp opposing candidacies, may be obtained from the Republican Registrar of Voters of any town In the TAKE The Auocloted Press By Alex GIrelll Call Mike 643-1136 days, 646-4615 evenings. district. Associate Editor EDWARD TOMKIEL TRIPOLI. Libya — A govern­ TOWN CLERK OF MANCHESTER ment official, echoing C^l. Moam- Republican Donna Mercier has mar Kbadafy’a statement that resigned her seat on the Manches­ A Libya has prepared for a military ter Board of Directors, effective confrontation with United States, LIOAL NOTtCB immediately. said today that his country doe* not Mercier, serving her second A certified list of party-endorsed candidates an the slots of want a fight but is ready “ in caM Teacher selling Bundy the D EM O CR ATIC P A R TY In the Town of Manchester for term on the nine-member board, student flute, excellent election os D E L E G A TE S to the conventions of sold Party war breaks out.” said Wednesday her chief reason condition, $175.00. 643- specified below is on file In my office at 41 Center St., Man­ CHANCE President Reagan, calling Khad- for resigning was a lack of 7431. chester, C T. and copies are avollable for public distrlbuton: afy “the mad dog of the Middle cooperation from her two fellow CONVENTIONS East” told a news conference State Convention Republican directors, William Di­ Congresslonol District Convention Wednesday night that bis adminis­ ana and Thomas H. Ferguson. PETS AND Senatorial District Convention tration still is gathering evidence Mercier, 33, said she had been Assembly District Convention that might link the Libyan leader m SUPPUES County Convention thinking about resigning for some to bombings last week aboard a time and made the decision A Primary will be held on May 20,19*6, If a slate of opposition TWA airliner and in a West Berlin Free Kittens - Adorable 6 condldalss for any or oil conventions Is filed In accordance Tuesday night, What convinced with Sections 9-3*2to 9-450, Inclusive, of the General Statutes IN nightclub that together killed five weeks old. 643-0062. her to quit was the fact that several not later than 4:00 p.m. of April IS, 19*6. Americans. (See story on page 5.) caucuses of the Republican direc­ Petitions forms. Instructions and Information concerning Earlier, Reagan told newspaper Wanted, a good home for the procedure for tiling opposing candidacies, may be ob­ tors on the town budget were MItxle. Port terrier, 1 year tained from Herbert J. Stevenson, Democratic Registrar gt editors the United States was “ not canceled because some of the GOP old. Is spaded and hos Voters, 41 Center ST., Manchester, C T. going to Just sit here and hold still” directors could not attend them, rabies shot. Will be availa­ THE amid the escalating attacks. He EDWARD TOMKIEL she said. ble by Sunday 649-9079. TOWN CLERK OF MANCHESTER said Kbadafy was “definitely" “ I ’m too much of a team player 032-04 suspected of responsibility. and we never seem to be able to DO NN A R. MERCIER Ibrahim Seger, Kbadafy's infor­ MISCELLANEOUS develop a team,” she said. successor unclear LCQAL NOTICI mation director, responded to Diana and Ferguson said today FOR SALE Reagan in a telephone interview they were sorry Mercier resigned. Certified lists of portv-endorsed candidates on the slate of with The Associated Press. He said the R EPUBLICAN P A R TY In the Town of Bolton, CT. for "WE’VE GOT YOUR NUMBER” Both praised her work as a Mercier said she had been asked to election as DRLBGATRS to the ceaveaheas of said Party Libya was “ not looking for war. director, but denied the charge seek the minority leadership of the 3 - 2 tabby kittens 6 weeks Specified below are on file In mv office at 222 Bolton Center But if they (the Americans) attack call 644-4092. Rood, Bolton, C T. and copies ore available for public distrlb­ that the Republican minority bad party- hut thought, that job should uton: us, we have to defend ourselves.” failed to work together as a team.
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