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An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity

108TH YEAR—No. 49 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1957 PRICE-FIVE CENTS Gang Fighter Chicken Still Doing Round Clock Patrols Day’s Work Every Day PostmasterJob Area Citizens to Ballot That hard-working Leghorn Gets 3-Month For Holiday Weekend chicken racked up- another 13 To Ivins, Vet On Proposed $850,000 eggs in the official production In a concerted effort to curtail the week that ended Tuesday. Jail Sentence main intersections, manning traffic She now has laid 207 eggs in usual heavy accident toll over Me­ lights and issuing instructions 207 days at the Huntefdon County Mail Employee School Project June 6 morial Day weekend, Colonel Joseph through the use of public address Egg Laying Test in Flemington Cranbury Man Jailed D, Rutter, superintendent, New Jer­ and portable amplifiers. In a united sponsored by Rutgers University. Swearing-In Ceremony Jaycees Schedule Free Local Building Program sey State Police, has issued orders effort to keep the traffic moving in With every productive day, the record of “No. 16-3” gets harder In Default of $500 Fine to his troop commanders to have all an even and continuous flow, troop­ Slated Friday at P.O.; Includes 24 Classroom* ers have been instructed to suggest to beat, says Prof. C. S. Platt, Rides to Election Polls available personnel alerted for con­ contest supervisor, of the State For Striking Woman tinuous "Round the clock patrols" the use of\ alternate routes which In Service 30 Years The local Junior Chamber of Plus Ground Purchase have been cdrefully planned and are University’s poultry department. Commerce will conduct free taxi through Sunday. This is the longest sustained pro­ A 21-year-°ld Janiesburg resident in excellent condition, well marked service for anyone desiring trans­ Colonel Rutter, gravely concerned and are, in many cases,- a short cut duction that he knows about. Lawrence P. Ivins of 312 Park ave­ Hightstown and East Windsor m s sentenced to the Mercer County over the steadily mounting traffic nue will be sworn in Friday as post­ portation to and from the polls at j Township citizens will go to the home. Special instructions have Research of a sort now turns up the school election, Thursday, June workhouse for three months Mon­ deaths on our highways, will have been issued to the patrols to be es­ the fact that this ambitious bird master at a ceremony to be held at [polls Thursday, June 6, between 5 day as the aftermath of a near gang the post office building. The ap­ 6, from 5 to 9 p.m., President ; arid 9 pan. to vote on an $850,000 all main highways and secondary pecially on the alert for drinking has a drop or two of Irish blood, James Wood revealed at a meet­ fight in the area last week. roads under constant surveillance perhaps, and she’s to be known pointment was made known in let­ school building program. Polls are drivers. All stations have been ter to Ivins and the local Republican ing of the group Monday, Polls ' located in Walter C. Black School, Fred Dunfee of 30 Pergola avenue and patrol during this period of time equipped with Drunkometers, to­ hereafter as Meggi O’Day. are located in the W. C. Black was charged with assault and bat­ and radio reports of traffic tieups Besides, she took to brooding organization from the Postmaster Stockton street and Township Build­ gether with trained personnel to General’s office over the weekend. Elementary School and Township ing, Etra. tery when arraigned before -Magis­ will be reported hourly to Troop test those suspected of drinking. about that "16-3” label with its Building, Etra. trate Samuel Bard in local court. | Headquarters. hint of prison life. Miss O’Day He will succeed Jerome L. Becker ! The bond issue calls for the addi- Troopers will also be vigilant of oth­ Jr. who held the post for 10*4 years. The Jaycees favor the proposed i tion of 13 classrooms and 2 kinder­ The charge was made as the result ! Congestions can be avoided with er major causes of accidents—fol­ .still has to live in a coop, but she $850,000 building program. of a fight he allegedly had with doesn’t want to be reminded of it. Becker resigned last month to take garten rooms to the Walter C. Black | the cooperation of the motorists if lowing too closely, speeding, im­ a job with a Trenton firm. "The important thing is not so ; school, 11 classrooms, shop and caf- Bruce Crandall of Princeton on May j they will heed the advice of the proper passing on grades, curves and Meggi’s proud owners are Stern much voting for or against the 19 in the Main street parking yard. Brothers of Vineland. jeteria to the high school; adminis­ | State Police patrols and dismounted shoulder of roadways, as well as the proposed bond issue but that ev­ trative offices to the Home Econom- Police reported that Dunfee al­ men who will be stationed at all careless and reckless drivers. eryone avail themselves of the op­ ! ics House and the purchase of 25 legedly struck Crandall in the mouth portunity to take an active role in acres of laud or more from Mrs. three times with his fists. Last Peddie Prize Day the government of Hightstown by | Harry Leshin on South Main street March 15 Dunfee was fined $50 by Ashton Studio voting," Wood added. | for iuture housing. Bard on another fighting charge. Miss Harris Program on Sunday Wood asked citizens who wish The proposal has the support of Last week 21 youths, mostly from to avail themselves of this service ; numerous local organizations and the Princeton area were arrested The Peddie School will conduct Slates June, to watch the June 6 issue of The \ has been approved by the State De­ and fined $25 for unlawful gathering To Wed Quinn its annual, Prize Day program this Gazette for the Jaycee sponsored partment of Education and Depart- in East Windsor Township. It was Sunday at 2:30 p.m. on the center advertisement which will list the | merit of Local Government. reported they allegedly were plan­ campus in front of Wilson Hall. Music Festival telephone number to call for free ! Some 2200 local and 750 East ning a “revenge” attack against a On June 15 More than 100 students of the transportation. j Windsor Township residents are eli- rival janiesburg group. Upper School will receive recogni­ I gible to cast ballots. Magistrate Bard warned that strict tion for their leadership in the fields Three recitals will be presented 1 The Board of Education has rec­ measures would be taken against Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Harris of of music, dramatics and public by the pupils of the Ashton Studio ommended the program in order to gang fighters. Hightstown Heights have revealed speaking, school publications, ath­ of Music in a June music festival to April Primary take care of school districts grow­ the forthcoming marriage of their letics, academic honors and for cit­ be held in Eaches Chapel of the ing school population. Alvin Bostick, 37, of Cranbury, First Baptist Church. was handed a three-months jail term daughter, Miss Barbara Ann Harris, izenship. Some facts which necessitated the when he was unable to come up with to John E. Quinn, son of Mr. and Dr. Carrol O. Morong, headmas­ Saturday evening at 8 o’clock the Vote Lowest proposed building program are: a $500 fine also on an assault charge. Mrs. Aloysius Quinn of Consho- ter, will conduct the program and junior pupils will render a program 1. Functional capacity of build­ According to police, Bostick struck hocken, Pa. The weddjng will take the awards will be presented by the of piano and vocal selections featur­ ings at present is 1291—September Alice Bradford on the head, face place Saturday, June 15 at 3 p.m. in masters who supervise the various ing folk music of different countries. In Ni History 1956—pupils on roll 1518. and body with his hands and a shoe. the First Methodist Church. curricular activities. The senior group will be heard 2. The adult population of the Miss Jewwe Kvdwi -of Wikuiug-Uoiy. Friday at 8:30 p.m. and will be school district has grown 26% since avenue. Del. will serve as maid of honor. As sis ted by William Green Jr. who Uespite the greatest voter regis-. TOO. bridesmaids Miss Harris has chosen will present ea group of tuba solos. tration in New Jersey's history, the: 3. 262 pupils on half sessions this A ,30-day jail term went to Felix 9 Area Boys He is a pupil of Edgar Thomas, primary election on April 16 last j year—534 on half sessions next year, Fertitmdez of Mercer street in de­ Miss Margaret Craig of South Am­ boy, Miss Norma Kovacs of Leonia, school music director and held “first produced the least number of votes i September 1957. Ten elementary fault of $205 penalty on a drunken chair” this year in the State and Re­ in history. J classes (1st and 2d grades) are on driving charge. He also had his li­ Miss Reggie Cairo of Ft. Washing­ A Republican, Ivins was recom ton., Pa. Miss Barbara Wunderle Are Promoted gional school bands. mended by the local and county Re When the polls opened on primary ?'art -''ext year’ Septem- cense revoked for two years. He ; ber 1957, 22 classes in the 1st, 2d, 3d was arrested on May 20 and given of here will serve as junior brides­ The festival will close Saturday publican organizations. election day, 2,776,945 voters were j a drunkometer test by Trooper Ross maid. Nine area boys were among 45 June 8 at 8 p.m. with the intermedi­ A veteran" of 30 rears service with I eligible to 'cist ballots, the highest an,d The groom’s best man will be Els- ate pupils rendering the program. the local post office, Ivins has served nwmhernumber on recordrernrd with the secretaryserrefarvl .4 a. art time classes , lose , one -year Bayer of the local State Police Bar­ students who received certificates of of state. However, only 581,645 citi- i ^.schooling out pi every tour years, racks. He was found unfit to drive. worth Faust of Conshohocken. Ush­ promotion Thursday at the annual Participating are Cathy Barlow, in clerical capacities, dispatching and Wilimena Meyner of Allentown ers will be Charles E._ Craig of here, commencement services of the Jun­ Robin Barlow, Carolyn Koch, Bren­ as a local and rural carrier. He has zens showed up at the polls and cast * } “P1.1 . P°Pu‘atlon has BroW11 and Thomas Johnson of here receiv­ Charles Ramsey of Evansburg, Pa., ior School of the Peddie School. Dr. da McColl, Joann McColl, John held the latter post for the past 18 ballots in the 4,213 election districts l l f-la5t hve years, ed 30 days each in jail for becoming Russell McConnell of Bridgeport, Carrol O. Morong, headmaster, con­ Archer, Christine Babcock, Linda years. of the state. The total vote was the . She ifightstm un (gazette Heedless Horsepower by O. Soglow Rook dauieu < by Katin yn S. Dennis Established June JO, 1S49 GEORGE P. DENNIS, Editor and Publisher, 1912-1955 BIRTHRIGHT care, I don’t care. Black is as good as white. Dors PFC. GEORGE FOSTER DENNIS, Killed in Action, September 11, 1944 got more sense than mos^ folks.” By LETT1E HAMLET ROGERS That did it. She reported the discussion to her su­ MAY S. DENNIS, Publisher Literary Guild Edition. 318 pp. 52 perior before word came to him from another source" W. PALMER DENNIS, Editor “Birthright/’ the April Literary Guild selection, is a The Board of Education, of which Seth Erwin was serious novel about one of the most serious problems chairman, informed her that her contract would not 7 KATHRYN S. DENNIS, Business Manager and Book Editor the South has had to face and one which is going to be renewed for the next year. The youngsters in 5-a Member: take many years to completely solve. The problem is formed the Junior Citizens’ Committee and wanted to get up a petition to help Miss L. William Morrison New Jersey Press Association National Editorial Association desegregation and was brought most forcibly to the South’s immediate attention on May 17, 19o4. On May never very friendly with his father was all the more at Entered as second class matter at Hightstown, New Jersey, post office 31, 1955 the Supreme Court’s decision was reaffirmed. odds with him. Some of the parents withdrew their tinder the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Published every Thursday In her third novel, Miss Rogers attacks the problem children from Miss L’s room. at The Gazette Building, 114 Rogers avenue. Terms of subscription: one head-on and shows to what conclusions the leading The situation became quite difficult for Miss L to citizens of Peegram arrived and what action they the point that she no longer went to the Teachers’ year, $2; six months, $1.25; single copy, 5 cents. took when a young and attractive teacher tried to Room or downtown. The tension was so strong that explain to her pupils the meaning and rightness oi she wondered how she could last until the end of THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1957 desegregation. May. Then Ray Hibbard was killed. He was the bov Peegram, Miss Rogers’ imaginary Southern town, who had defended her—the Ray who tried to be like was the county seat of Erwin county. Like many an­ his father, the late Harry Hibbard, a former university other southern community, it still fought the Civil footbal hero who supposedly had committed suicide War on occasion. A Baptist town whose old and lead­ nine months previously. Ray and a sparrow were Flag Etiquette ing families were mostly Baptists, Peegram had its killed at the baseball game on May 13. Both were ruling family—the Erwin family aher whom Erwin struck by a ball. The sparrow was killed accidentally county was named. Two of the members—Carrie Er­ but was Ray? He wanted to follow his father all the 1. It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sun­ win Hibbard and Seth Erwin, the pastor of the First way, be like him. Maybe into death. rise to sunset on buildings and stationary flagstaffs in the open. Baptist Church—were the king and queen. There were Martha was warned not to come to Ray’s funeral 2. The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceromni- other Erwins in the town, but they did not count. It was feared a crowd would gather to cause trouble* Some of them were even colored. But she went anyway. When Seth took her home ously. In other ways Peegram was typical of some small from the funeral, she learned about Carrie and Harry 3. The flag should not be displayed in stormy weather. towns, whether they are in the North, South, East or Hibbard, about Carrie’s power and weakness and about West. Conformity was the law. Martha Lyerly, Harry’s despair. It is in this part of the book that 4. The flag should be displayed on all special days, weather twenty-five and more “sexy’ than a teacher of children one learns Miss Rogers’ story is more than a story of permitting. should be, had come to this smug, typical town via desegregation. It is also a story of individuals and 5. The flag should be displayed daily, weather permitting, on London, Paris, Rome and Salzburg. Born in Gate their emotions and desires clashing and resolving to City, “one hundred and sixty-seven lovely miles away fulfillment or failure. The segregation problem, a con­ or near the main administration building of every public institu­ from PeegrSrn,” the daughter of an Austrian immi­ temporary and important one, is the issue that en­ tion. grant, Miss *‘L” as she was called by the students and ables Miss Rogers to work out the human relations. 6. The flag should be displayed in or near every polling place many townspeople, was considered an outsider, not “Birthright” ends on a note of hope in an unexpect­ on election day. even a good “importation.” She was religious, but did ed way and gives one the feeling that the children of nut go to church—the First Baptist was “thee” church the South play an important part in this question. 7. The flag should be displayed during school days on, in or —partly because she was in love with Seth Erwin and Miss Rogers, through flashbacks and present day ac­ near every schoolhouse. did not want him to know. Her physical attractiveness tions, shows the desegregation problem from many The Travelers Safety Service When the flag is displayed from a staff projected from a was such that it caused gossip. Another strike against sides and even though her writing is uneven and at her. But the worst of all was the fact that she ap­ times is boringly involved and sometimes a little sar­ windowsill, balcony or. building front the union of the flag should proved of desegregation. It all came out in her Cur­ castic, she holds one’s attention. She makes the char­ always be at the peak of the staff unless the flag is half-staff. Killed 40,000 Injured 2,368,000 in 1956. rent Events discussion period when Seth Erwin’s son, acters seem very real. They do in given situations When suspended over a sidewalk from a rope between a William Morrison Erwin, a forthright youngster of what some persons do in actual life. Few teachers building and a pole at the edge of the sidewalk, the flag should be 10 or 11, asked about "this here Supreme Court deci­ come wrapped up in a “neat” bundle like Miss L, but sion.” Miss L knew she was treading on dangerous her love and understanding of her pupils is very sin­ hoisted out from the building union first. ground, but she explained at some length the justice cere and quite evident. The pupils (they are all boys) 0. When displayed over the middle of the street, the flag of New Jersey--Your State and Mine of ''de-seggergation” (William Morrison’s word). Be­ are interested in things in which all small boys indulge the U.S.A. should he suspended vertically with the union to the by J. JOSEPH GRIBBINS cause they loved Miss L the children decided among —baseball, fights, arguments, discussions. Usually themselves to keep what she said a secret. She told there are a Ray and William Morrison in a teacher’s north in an east and west street, or to the east in a north and south most holidays. Its main theme i: street. Making Ends Meet I them, however, that what she thought and believed classes or homeroom. Seth, an unusual minister, wears patriotism and a nostalgic remem­ was no secret. Quickly Ray, the quiet boy who always a hair shirt under his fashionable attire and through 10. When carried in a parade front with other flags, the U.S. Big N. Jersey Problem brance of those who gave up their appeared to be asleep, voiced his opinion in a thin, a considerable amount of soul searching finally admits lives in past wars to protect their high-pitched voice: “Dogs don't care . . . Dogs don’t the mulato Jim Erwin and Jimbo, his son,’ are his should always be to the marching right of the other flags, or to the country. front and center of the flag line. Trenton.—Like every housewife, even know which is white and which is black ,aud (Seth’s) relatives. Mother New Jersey is having a diffi­ It was not until two years after which is spotted. Dogs don’t stick up their nose at an­ The Supreme Court decision changed many lives in 11. When displayed on a float in a parade the U .S. flag should cult time to make ends meet these the Civil War when time had healed other dog ’cause he’s a different color. So if they don’t Peegram that year and henceforth. be mounted on a staff or, if displayed flat, it should be so suspended days and as a result the corridors many wounds, that the women of Columbus, Miss, strewed flowers on that its folds fall free, as though the flag were staffed. and legislative halls of the State cern on the part of some to indif­ that might not otherwise be assum­ House are in turmoil. the graves of both Confederate and •‘rich” to “poor” states, while the 12. Do nut drap the flag over the hood, top, sides or back of ference expressed by others. ed locally. remaining 77% “isn’t aid at all but Republican members of the Joint Union soldiers. The incident was any vehicle. When the flag is displayed on a m o t o r j^ the staffed reported in the New York newspa- If the proposal is adopted, the Some time ago, New Jersey tax- just round trip money collected in Committee TTtmoTH? targe St marketyng1 Trrra* Congressmen were in­ * string? W- flag should be attached firmly to chasis or radiator. have slashed Governor Meyner's pers a n d th e North TTrlHed^witTi tenderness. would be established and would! formed of the high cost of federal ! tached ior federally-controlled ex- 13. The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but budget of $342,463,902.24 by $10,233,- serve 17,(XX),000 milk customers. In 1868 National Commander John aid to New Jersey—computed at : penditure schemes.” aloft and free. 140 to avoid imposition of a general $2.40 in taxes for each dollar in sales or income tax in New Jersey. A. Logan of the Grand Army oi the Jersey Jigsaw The findings were detailed in a 14. To honor the passing flag, men in civilian clothes remove Republic issued an order designating Most of New Jersey employers, “aid” received—hardly a bargain. In brochure entitled "Federal Aid- As a result, Governor Meyner has all it was shown there were 14 headdress with right hand, hold it at left shoulder, the hand being rallied his 14 cabinet officers and is May 30 as the appropriate time to will receive higher unemployment I Quick Money or Quicksand?” which decorate the graves of comrades insurance tax rates for the fiscal! states whose taxpayers contributed was quoted widely across the nation over the heart. Uniformed men render military salute. Men with­ whipping up public opinion to pro­ test the proposed budget slashing. who died in the defense of their year beginning July 1 next . . .! more toward the overall federal aid j and in Congress. out headdress and women render hand to heart salute. country during the late rebellion. Manufacturing employment decreas- j program than was returned to the For example in (where The situation is not exclusive with state in federal “grants.” This, it 15. The U.S. flag should not be dipped to any person or thing, New Jersey. In nearby Pennsyl­ Legislature after Legislature enacted ed by 17,300 jobs last month, but an! $1.59 in taxes brings a dollar in fed­ the idea into law until Memorial increase of 20,500 jobs in the non-1 was generally assumed, represented Regimental colors, state, city, organizational or other flags are vania, which also has a Democratic the cost of so-called “rich” states eral “aid”) the “Flint Journal” un­ dipped as a mark of honor. Governor and Republican Legisla­ Day has become legal in nearly all manufacturing industries brought; ture, a similar appropriation com­ states. the state’s employment level to an; helping the remaining 34 “poor” derstandably called it “No Bargain” 16. Do not let the flag of the United States touch anything mittee slashed $94,500,000 from Gov­ This Memorial Day people all-time high for April . . . Governor! states—a sort of national “share the and the “Pontiac Press” cautioned, beneath it, such as the ground, floor, water or merchandise. ernor Leader’s biennial fund budget throughout the land will visit every Meyner has declared war on the; wealth” program. ; “There’S No Such Thing as Free 17. On Memorial Day, M ay 30, the U .S. flag should be dis­ recommendations. The total rec­ cemetery and churchyard to pay Republican Legislature in protest! ^ But how can 34 oi the 48 states be [ Federal Money.” In Maryland ($1.07 ommended budget in the Keystone homage to the departed dead—as against the proposed slashing of classified as “poor”? The New Jer­ for a Federal aid dollar), the “Bal- played at half-staff from sunrise until noon, and then flown at fine a gesture in the atomic age as $10,233,140 from his all-time high! sey Taxpayers Association under­ : timore American” was highly criti- full-staff from noon until sunset. State would provide $1,418,244,773 for the operations of the non-high­ one could find. budget of $342,463,962.24 . . . The ! took a study of the distribution of ; cal. Even in those states where fed- 18. Whether hung horizontally or vertically, the stars, or union, way phase of state government for Voting New Jersey Bell Telephone Com-; federal aid grants and costs. ! eral aid was assumed to provide a should be the flag’s own upper right corner, or to the observer's the next two years. Voters of New Jersey on Novem­ pany has been ordered by the State Through research it found that fed­ ibargain there was question. In Mon- ! tant where a federal aid dollar cost left. The money war in New Jersey has ber 5 next will probably have an Board of Public Utility Commis-1 eral aid really is a “centralization opportunity to vote on a change in sioners to suspend its proposed rate! package sold under an equalization jonly 53c the “Butte Montana Stand- 19. The U.S. flag should never be used as drapery, never fes­ produced the number one campaign ! ard” summed up the situation in an theme in the governorship race be­ the State Constitution to permit increases totaling $14,000,000 until! label”—that of the federal aid dollar tooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds. It should always be allowed tween Governor Meyner and State newcomers to the Garden State to September 1 next to await the out-j nationally, only 23% represents ; editorial captioned, “It Might Pay to fall free. Senator Malcolm S. Forbes, Repub­ cast’ ballots. come of a hearing in Newark on! money transferred from so-called i to Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth.” The. State Senate has already June 19 . . . Proposed establishment\ Bunting should be used for decorations, blue, white and red lican gubernatorial candidate. Mey­ of a ferry service between Cape I bunting should be used for covering a speaker’s stand, draping a ner claims a proposed budget re­ adopted a resolution which would duction ot $3,100,000 in the Depart­ put the question on the ballot. With May and Lewes, Del., has been re-! platform front or for general decoration. Such bunting should ment of Institutions and Agencies voter approval it would permit per­ vived in the New Jersey Legislature always be arranged with the blue above, white in the middle and will wreck a carefully built-up pro­ sons to vote in New Jersey after . . . The State Department of Agri- j red below. gram for the care of the mentally living here only six months instead culture announces the 1957 Federal- ill. The state commissioner of edu­ of a year and vote in a county af­ State aerial spray operation to erad- j 20. \\ hen displayed on a staff in a church chancel, or on a cation, the state highway commis­ ter living there only 60 days instead icate the gypsy moth has been com-! speaker’s platform, the U .S. flag should be to the right of the cler­ of 5 months. pleted . . . Improper passing is the sioner and other top officials are most prevalent cause of head-on gyman or speaker as lie faces the congregation or audience Any also growling because of similar re State Senator Walter H. Jones, collisions in-New Jersey, Attorney other flag should be to his left. If the staffed U.S. flag is displayed ductions. j Hackensack, who sponsored the res- General Grover C. Richman Jr. elsewhere than in the chancel or on the platform it should be placed The annual appropriations bill, jolution claims present election re­ warns . . . Road condition reports at the right front, and on the floor level with the congregation or which contains the proposed reduc­ quirements in an age when people will be broadcast over New Jersey tion will be introduced in the State 'are moving into New Jersey by the radios on weekends from May 31 to audience as they face the chancel or platform. Any other flag Senate next Monday by Senator j thousands, operate to disehiranchise September 2 . . . New Jersey teach­ should be at the left front. Wesley L. Lance, Hunterdon, chair­ j citizens lor nearly two years—in ers have rallied to. the defense of , 2I- A U .S. flag may be mended, washed or dry cleaned. Federal man of the committee which pre­ leases where they move into New President Eisenhower in his budget Code (Section 4, J) and proper usage provides that when the flag pared it. Despite opposition, it is Jersey shortly alter an election. controversy with Congress . . . Gov­ expected to be adopted without is so badly torn, soiled or faded that it is no longer a fitting emblem Prosecutors ernor Meyner has signed into law a change before the Legislature con­ New Jersey’s county prosecutors bill prohibiting the shooting of fire­ for display it should be destroyed in a dignified wav, privately and cludes its business session next are independent of control of the arms across any municipal, as well preferably by burning. month. State Attroney General, according as state or county roads or high­ Senator Forbes claims the state 22. When the flag is placed upon the grave, see that it will not I to a recent ruling of the State Su- ways, for the purpose of shooting must live within its income or im­ Ipreme Court. birds or animals . . . Wiretapping touch the ground. Do not leave it there indefinitely. In Arlington pose statewide sales or income taxes i In an opinion on wiretapping by New Jersey law enforcement and other national cemeteries flags are removed the following day to secure more money to meet its [ which outlined the evolution of the officials is illegal, the New Jersey grocery bills. As both Republican j two offices, the court not only made Supreme Court has ruled . . . New and Democratic parties are pledged ; plain that .wiretapping is illegal in Jersey families received $31,915,000 against any new taxes, Forbes seems l-N'ew Jersey whether or not it is in life insurance death benefit pay­ to be sitting in the catbird seat on ! arranged by law enforcement offi- ments under 24,040 policies during School Election the issue. j cers, but that prosecutors are on the first three months of this year. Decoration Day their own. Mining Residents will be asked to look ahead and share in deciding Memorial Day, which grew out of j Since the adoption of the 1947 Monazite, thorium and rare earth an act of kindness spreading across | State Constitution, sucli prosecutors minerals being discovered in New The simplest activities offer wonderful footage for the movies thal will the direction m which the children’s education of the community the country, is one of New Jersey’s j did not actually know whether or Jersey are usually uncovered with­ he the history of family life. will go 111 the coming years on Thursday, June 6. Thev will be 12 legal holidays. | not they should be bossed by the out the help of the famous Geiger asked to vote on the proposed bond issue which includes'the addi- Arriving when nature is in full 'Attorney General and the latter us­ counter. Make Movies of History in the Making tion ° i 13 classrooms and 2 kindergarten rooms to the Walter C. bloom and when every citizen is ually did nothing to dear up such State geologists explain that such ! mental confusion. alack school; 1 1 classrooms, shop and cafeteria to the high school; seeking an opportunity to get out­ equipment is less effective for New When it comes to recording to the built-in exposure guide- doors for a close look at the miracle 1 The new court ruling, however Jersey prospecting than in areas administrative offices to the Home Economics house; and the pur­ “family history” in the making, and ‘ you’re ready to aim of spring, Memorial Day also has a j stated definitely “that the proscu- such as the Plateau. There, there’s really nothing quite like shoot. Easy, isn’t it? chase ot land for a future school site. By taking advantage of the sentimental appeal that is lacking in | tors are largely independent of con- greater reliance is placed on the ap­ ' trol of the Attorney General, who a home movie camera. And more Another wonderful new 8mri most economical and efficient construction, it is estimated that the pearance of secondary minerals to and more families are finding out may intervene in the criminal mat- make a discovery of uranium or movie camera combines fixed' cost of building, furniture, equipment, architect fees, legal fees and how much shared fun and plea­ focus simplicity with the extri land will be $850,000. Our Legislators i ters of the county primarily by way other minerals. New Jersey, having | of super-session upon request or as more of the primary minerals, calls sure home movies provide—both convenience of magazine loading Members of the Board of Education are unanimous in recom­ In the Borough | otherwise specifically provided for for other techniques. in the taking and in the showing It's compact enough to fit ink mending the above program in order to take care of the school Mayor: Milton H. Cunningham. | by statute.” As a result, the State Department that proudly follows. pocket or purse, and so light n cistricts growing school population. This proposal also has the Councilmen: Joseph Hoch, presi­ | “Under ordinary circumstances, of Conservation and Economic De­ These, in our opinion, are rea­ weight it’s, an ideal travelinf dent, finance, sewer, industrial com­ the Attorney General is not war- son enough for this popular trend. full support ot the Hightstown Citizens Committee for Schools, velopment has revised a pamphlet companion wherever you mittees; George J. Dubell, streets j ranted in venturing into the county entitled "Prospecting for Uranium But we keep feeling that two Again, it offers 8mm film econo' the . I .A. the Lions Club, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the and lights; Roger K. Bentley, wa­ except upon request, or when there and other Related Deposits in New other factors may also have had ter, welfare; Daniel Feese, sanitation my, but the film comes in pre- Executive Committee of the Area Chamber of Commerce and many is no county prosecutor, or as oth- Jersey” to inform Jerseyites of the something to do with making threaded magazines that permt other organizations. It has also been approved bv the State Depart and garbage, industrial; Ralph I erwise specifically provided by stat­ new techniques in discovering rare home movies “better than ever”. Whitney, police, industrial; Howard utes,” said the court. “There is no the easiest, fastest loading Pos' ment of Education and Department of Local Goveg^pent minerals in the Garden State. First, there are the marvelous S. Birsall Jr., parks and public build­ I ordinary chain of command between The new edition, available for 10 sible. Though this model has al The public school system belongs to you d h T citizens of ings, fire. j the Attorney General and the coun- cents, also explains New Jersey min­ new easy-to-operate movie cam­ the versatility of more elaborati Hightstown and East Windsor Township. The Board of Education ■ ty prosecutors.” eras now available so inexpen­ equipment, it’s priced just belov EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP ing laws and mineral rights. is a.group ot people elected by you to set policy and manage school Milk sively—and secondly, many home the $100-mark. MAYOR—Tunis Conover movie makers are becoming affairs. Every dollar the public school system spends must he first New Jersey’s chaotic milk situa-l Taking advantage .of the low-61 Committeemen—T. Spafford Dey aware that even the best movies prices on cameras like these authorized by the legal voters. When new construction is contem­ Clarence Campbell. tion is expected to blow up again in j a few weeks. are improved by a little editing. many families have made homi plated, )our Board comes to you the voters for direction and sanc­ WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP Milk dealers are reported more' To return to the new cameras movies a regular part of then tion. It is your responsibility to register your decision. On the MAYOR—William Tantum. disgruntled than ever with prices for a moment—we’d like to tell leisure-time activities. T h e y shoo exercise of this voting responsibility rests the whole American Committeemen—Elmer A. Tindall being paid to farmers and many you about two of them we’re the youngsters playing out in tn System. Use your vote— use it wisely. Carl J. Klotz. producers are looking over the sit­ WATCH THOSE GIFT HORSES quite impressed with. One is con­ backyard, the family on vac uation with critical and watchful sidered by many movie enthusi­ MERCER COUNTY eye. New Jersey,, with its historical tion, a happy birthday party, background of independence—may asts the-best-little-camera-for- swim in the bright sunshtn Commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, Sheriff—Thomas A. Brennan Some dairymen are also opposed County Clerk—William Falcey be the. birthplace of a movement that the-money now on the market. Junior’s first day at school, General John A. Logan, issued the order designating May 30, 1868’, to proposals to add New Jersey's 13 hereafter will lead (he whole coun­ It s a quality camera—a maker Surrogate—John Curry ,.i upstate counties as well as several trip to a museum, a sandlot has ■ as a day for decorating the graves of the men who fell in the W ar Prosecutor—Mario H. Volpi try to look those federal “gift hors­ of really fine 8mm movies—that ball Bession, a romp with R°v® in New York to the New York City es’’ in the mouth. Between the States. Memorial Day reminds us that human freedom Freeholders—Robert J. Costigan. Order 27 area announced by the won't strain the family budget Whenever and wherever Joseph S. Holland, Frank J. Black, The gift horses tip for examina- because it costs just under* $30. family’s doing things they enjoy was bought at a great price and that anything we would have here United States Department of Agri­ tioiii are federal "grants-in-aid”— in this country must be obtained and preserved by hard work and Joseph R. Gruerio, Charles Kovacs, culture on May 10. In all, the reac­ With its fast pre-set lens, this Dad or Mother catches thei sto 3 Richard J. Coffee, Harry E. Lieb- supposed “gifts” from the Federal camera makes movie taking as consecrated effort. tion of dairymen has been reported Government to *tate and local gov­ on film from start to finish- as mixed, ranging from real con ernments to sponsor various projects easy as *n*pshooting. There's complete story in lull action. only one limple setting according -J o h n Van Guilder m m a , n ™ once*eS ^ destroyed after being used toilet with the facilities for the delivery thereto and use thereat of running water Trap-Internal Outlet of drain Distance in ram. containing |ess than 40) ’S ' “^"ol diameter internal dianie- feet without S-r;; ,-. 59., ALL BATHROOMS AND Section 31. No person shall sell or expose of a quality safe for human consumption Fixture m inches ter In inches i eventing OK WASHINGTON IN THE x y i r ,or °f «* w a r*'« p4 sale for human food within the Town- and a quantity necessary for the proper ; ( 'ILET ROOMS ir. every building except private homes, shall have the floors cov- f , t«TY OF MERCER AND PROVID- Paragraph IS. The offering lor b„ snip any meat, meat products, or any part use of such fixtures, which sink and water Wash for vehicles ® NpF\*ALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- closet or toilet and the pipe ami fittings ' 'S'l foil area with an impervious ma» "1 any cattle, calf, sheep, swine or goat Water Closet An impervious material shall also S a'nP t h e r e o f a n d PROVIDING cleaning"M nin'if^inJ”' and sterilization Pe'i'S°nt 'vitht"it after thorough the uV# unless such anunal has been inspected both used in connection with either of the same, Sion .sink with trap combined I E m c e n s in g o f b o a r d in g a n d • orc and alter slaughtering by a meat shall conform to the provisions of this or­ Pedestal urinal be used on the walls to a height of four Sfg m g .i.i.- iNG HOUSESHOTTSES AND PROVIDING *>' cac“ °( a,Iy cup, drink* dinance; provided, however, that the Board i - 1 feet above the floor. Such impervious nh gu^s 01 other drinking vessel mv inspector duly appointed by the United Urinal trough materia! shall be of a composition and fin­ Penalties f o r t h e violation states government, or by some other officer of Health may grant permission for use for Laundry tubs V/ pEN**~- p hair“ brudshh' 1” “?’ ('? k- •**». ”J""1, comb, human habitation of a house or building is- t::at can be easily cleaned and as ap- nair brush shaving brush or shaving mug who has been approved by the Board of Kitchen sink? (residence) V/i 1 Vi 1‘t 'Ved by the Health Officer. ordained by the Board of Health Paragraph 16. The maintenance for con?: Health, and all such meat shall have been not containing the . facilities specified in Kitchen sinks (hotel or restaurant) . 2 Trap must be T o f S p ot Washington, in the mot. use of any device usually known as approved as fit for food for human use, this section only temporarily and for a vented Section foi. Whenever it shall appear to OJ tu.cT of Mercer and State of New Jersey ■tnu shall nave been stamped with a proper period not exceeding six months in anv Pantry or soda fountain siuks t;ie > : auction ol said Board of Health County o year. 1SA 2 PtlJ?"uSicnali be those adopted by the State De­ f and the word “permit” as used water connected to same, for each fifteen partment of Health. PJin sUB mean the permission m wnt- Paragraph 19. Coughing or sneezing or distribute from any wagon, push cart occupying a separate room or rooms in a 12 or other vehicle, or from anv stand or building used for human habitation. The 3 (15) females employed. Each of these toilet t y ,3 iht Board, issued according to this without an earnest attempt to cover the 0 r • 'ins shall be separate from each other, Section 61. Whenever said Board of ,, amendments or supplements mouth and nose with the hand or with a counter, m or about the streets or high­ said fixtures and connections thereto and 4 4S 12 Her,.- ’. -'Kill have satisfactory evidence that ways, or at fair, carnival or circus grounds, the disposal therefrom to comply with Sec­ 5 % and marked cleariv as to the sex. The , fn nr the rules, regulations or resolu- suitable piece of gauze or handkerchief 36 Toilet room shall have no direct communi- j any public water supply has become pol­ f t the Board, and the word •Tight” Paragraph 20. Maintaining any vehicle at game fields or grounds or other similar tion 57 of this ordinance. 6 16$ 84 lute': and rendered unsafe for potable use. places on or off the streets or highways, (c) A well for each family unit or single 105 cation to the rooms where food products i a notice requiring the discontinuance of tilte d " as used herein shah mean nat- used for hire, or for the transportation of within said Township any ice cream, ice 8 4-h are produced. Sal, external light, or adequate artificial dhioii 1C’ U1 3 C irty or unsanitary con- person occupying a separate room or rooms 7” >IJi2,,y ot 5uch polluted water shall cream cones, ices, sherberis or other frozen in a building used for human habitation. Section 5L The respective maximum. Paragraph 5. CLUB ROOMS. LODGE . served uPon or sent by registered mail confections, unless each portion thereof sold, ROOMS, DANCE AND ASSEMBLY a The word3 “Contagious disease" Paragraph 21. Maintenance of any sta- Said well to comply with Section 46 of this within the walls of, or under, any buildings, j or persons who shall have delivered or distributed be completely wrap­ ordinance for such exceptions as are here­ must be medium weight ca-.t iron pipe, iwje HALLS. All Club rooms, lodge rooms, -,een supplying said water, and such per- , II nrlnde any disease of an inlectious, ble, barn or other shelter for animals in an ped in a vegetable parchment or other san­ dance and assembly halls, shall be pro-1 pestilential nature with which unclean or unsanitary state or condition; inafter stipulated. less than four (4) inches in diameter. Gal- i - » or per- ti- shall thereupon, ypoii receipt ity waterproof wrapper. Such above mentioned properly construct­ vanized wrought iron, galvanized steel, o r ! yided with water closet accommodations i notice, immediately discontinue Cm Srwn may be sick, affected or at- any manure pit, box or other receptacle for both sexes as follows: *”i.A and anv and all diseases and atl- without a tight fitting cover, or without Section 3). No person shall sell, or offer ed and properly located well, where located brass pipe, may be used above the ground 1 r .... .polluted water or proceed under the or expose for sale, any ice cream, or any on a single lot- or other parcel of land only. Where house drain is run above the At least one (1) water closet, and one j T1 tint have been, or may hereafter lie, having tne contents thereof completelv re­ (!) lavatory with hot and cold water con- | tUah ',,-/, i-'V the’1 source c ,al1 of pollution. B‘?n! ol HsahI' to T cnated as such by any law of the State moved at least once each week, or within water ice or sherbet, within said Township, whereon more than one building used or cellar floor, ii must be supported at inter­ dpmateq MA the Department of which contains any ingredient the sale of intended to be used for human habitation vals of not more than eight (8) feet, by nected to same, in women’s toilet room for! thirty feet of any dwelling; or any collec­ each fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of boarding and rooming h o u ses health of said Stati or by said Board of which separately shall be unlawful, nor anv > placed or located, can and may be used eight (8) inch brick or coucrete piers, ac­ fiec-iori 62. No person, firm or corpot*.- tion of manure, garbage or other waste in ice cream, or water ice or sherbet, which for ail such above mentioned dwellings pro­ cepted iron brackets, or be suspended from floor spare, or fraction thereof, and men's which the larvae of insects mav breed, or toilet room shall be provided with at least . sr,aJI manage, conduct or operate the Bf2fem 5. The terms "Township,’’ "The has been made from milk or cream which vided the Health Officer in his discretion the floor beams by heavy accepted iron business ol keeping a boarding’ house o*- in such a location as to cause contamina­ has neither been boiled nor pasteurized, nor deems it feasible and proper. hangers. The house drain shall be supplied one (1) water closet, one (1) lavatory with j - S l i p ” aud "This Township,” shall tion of a stream or well. hot and cold water connected to same, and rooming house as defined in this ordinance, iean the Township of Washington in the any ice cream, or water ice or sherbet, The discretion of the Health Officer shall with at least two four-inch “Y” cleanouts: Paragraph 22. Depositing, accumulating, which shall contain more than five hundred not apply to such buildings situated on the first at or near the point where the one (1) urinal for each fifteen hundred! foStf having ob1!aia?d a or dumping auything that offers or pro­ (1,300) square feet of floor space or frac-j % trf herCia Provided. C% S »V Mra e '’»«nn "Health Officer” as thousand (500,000) bacteria per cubic cen­ land which may be hereafter separated or house drain leaves the foundation wall and Bot rd}V-« nouse is herein duces a breeding or hiding place for ro­ timeter thereof. divided into parcels and which parcels with on the inner side thereof; the second at tion thereof. defined to be any budding in which three n-if herein shall mean the Health Officer dents, vermin or insects. Paragraph 7. PLACE OF WORSHIP. In of the Township of Washington in the Section 35. The owner, proprietor or per­ buildings thereon may be conveyed to other the end of the bouse drain near its junction 3) or more persons not related by blood Paragraph 23. Collecting or conveying son in charge of every factory, store, mar­ than the same person or persons. with the main soil stack. In no case shall all places of worship having a seating ca- ] ,fnarn?gc to the owner or operator of County of Mercer. through, across or along the streets’ or pacity of fifty (50) persons, or more there Section 7. The term .“person ' as .usee ket, resturant, delivery wagon, truck or Section 45. No home, building or other said cleanout be more than thirty (30 feet -such business are lodged and served meals highways of said Township of any garbage, premises constructed prior to the enactment apart. When underground, the cleanout shall be provided separate water closet ac­ for-* consideration. w in shall be held to include both singu, other place or vehicle’ within said Town­ commodations for both sexes as follows: la, and plural, and both masculine and swill, offal, dead animal or other offensive ship wherein or whereat any food or drink of this ordinance shall be rented or the must be extended to the surface of the Sjct'tm 64 A rooming house is hrrein matter, except in vehicles or containers, human 'occupancy thereof otherwise permit­ floor. All soil pipe and soil pipe connections One (I) water closet and one (1) lavatory feminine, and also individuals, corporations, for human use is manufactured, prepared, i women's toilet room and one (1) water i- furnished and in such manner, as may be approved handled, sold, stored, served or transport­ ted, unless the same has the following min­ shall be caulked with oakum and over which ‘'S ren'cf f‘OT 4 considcrati'ui to societies, firms and associations. by the Health Officer in writing under the imal facilities or the equivalent thereof in­ closet, one (1) urinal and one (1) lavatory tq.e, (J) O, more peraon, not related br ed, shall permit the Board of Health, the shall be poured hot iead, the lead caulked in men's room. Section 8- The term fo?d as 1is? i h?rei rules and regulations of the Board of Health Officer and its or his authorized stalled pursuant to the provisions of this after it has become cold. Twelve (12) oun­ in shall include every article used for food Health. ordinance. ces of lead shall be used per inch of pipe. Such toilet rooms shall be accessibly lo­ S t K S 1 to " ™-Mr» drink by human beings, every ingredient representative to take such samples of any cated and plainly indicated. All lavatories Paragraph 24. Any dug well which does such food or drink therefrom as may be (a) If there is located a privy on the Section 53. Waste pipes shall be galvan­ Section 65. An application tor license to hi every such article, all comectionery, and not have a waterproof wall at least six (6) property, said privy must comply with shall be supplied with hot and cold run­ all drinks and beverages known as soft necessary for examination, upon tender of ized steel, galvanized wrought iron, cast ning water. manage, conduct and carrj- on the business feet below grade nor does not extend at proper payment. Section 48 of this ordinance. iron or lead. When using lead the connec­ oi a Boarding: or rooming house shall be least six (6) inches above grade, nor which (b) If there is a well on the property, tion shall be made with a wiped joint. All Paragraph 8. RAILROAD, AIRPORT, made in writing, under oath, signed bv the Action 9 The term "Communicable dts- Section 36. Whenever any ■ substance in­ BUS STATIONS AND TERMINALS. operator, to the Board oi Health on such shall include all diseases .that have does not have a tight-fitting waterproof tended for food or drink for human use said well must comply with Section 46 of pipes shall be thoroughly reamed and pipe Toilet accommodations for males and fe­ top. this ordinance. dope put on the male thread only. All fit­ fe™ mar Provided by the Sen, or m ay hereafter be, designated as Section 19. The Board of Health and any shall be found being offered or exposed for (c) If there are no plumbing fixtures m tings used on waste lines shall be of the males shall be provided and maintained as S ’ by the Department of Health of the of its members, agents or employees, shall sale, or held in possession with intent to the house or building and there is a well galvanized drainage type. Suitable clean­ follows: foltafing: H'a,h SiuUI fet tf" State of New Jersey or by said Board of possess the right of entry into and upon sell within said Township, which shall be, and privy on the property, a sink with run­ outs shall be used at gverv change of di­ At least one (!) water closet, one (1) (a) Fnl! name and address oi proo-irtor any public or private building or premises in the opinion of the Board of Health, unfit ning water must be installed in said house rection. urinal and one (1) lavatory for males and ^Section 10. The term "Isolation" shall for the purpose of enforcing or determining for human use or likely to cause or trans­ or building and connected with piping to one (1) water closet and one (1) lavatory roomffgHouse boardi,“r hous' °r mean the separation of a person affected mit any disease, the Health Officer shall Section 54. The smallest main soil vent for females and such additional water clos­ whether the provisions of the Sanitary comply with Section 57 of this ordinance. extending through the roof shall be four iith or suspected of being affected with, Code, the rules and regulations of the Board, order the same to be removed and dis­ (d) If any house or building has neither ets, lavatories and urinals as the Board of and i f e r e l ' 1* CTraer the prOTU!« a carrier of the infectious agent, any posed of, and thereupon it shall become the (4) inches. All roof flanges shall be of Health may direct. the Sanitary Code of the State of New Jer­ well nor privy on the property and does either lead or copper, and shall be made (c) Location of the boarding house or communicable disease, from other persons sey, or the rules and regulations of the duty of the owner or person in charge of not have interior plumbing facilities, then Such toilet rooms shall be kept open dur­ rooming house. in such a manner as will prevent the direct such substance to immediately remove and water tight. Every dwelling constructed ing the hours of traffic. All lavatories shall Department of Health of the State of New said house or building must comply with after this date, which is to be used for (d) The number and locations of bedrooms or indirect conveyance of the infectious Jersey, are being complied with or obeyed. dispose of the same at his or her own cost Section 46, Section 48 and Section 57 of this be supplied with hot and cold running wa­ to be used for boarding and rooming and and expense according to the directions of human habitation, must have an outlet left it. tne size of each room. agent to other persons, . No person shall oppose, hinder or interfere ordinance. in the plumbing system for an automatic Section 11. The term “Quarantine shall with any such entry of the Board of the Health Officer, in the event that the Paragraph 9. RESTAURANTS AND fe) Statement as to number of baths and be held to mean the restriction of move­ owner or person in charge of such substance WELLS washer, a conventional washer, or a wash SIMILAR PLACES OF BUSINESS. Res­ toilets and their location. Health, nr any of its members, agents or shall fail to immediately remove and dis­ Section 46. All wells in Washington Town­ tub. A four (4) inch vent must be installed ment of any person who has been exposed employees, in the performance of their over the baffleplate on the inlet side of a taurant; and all places where food is pre­ u Su-c!’ application shall be referred to the to a communicable disease, by the confine­ duty. pose of the same in compliance with such ship heretofore or hereafter constructed or pared and offered for sale and eaten on the Health Officer for inspection and report. If ment of such person within a restricted directions, the Health Officer may cause maintained shall be at least twenty (20) septic tank it used, or connected into a tee premises, heretofore or hereafter construct­ the report of Health Officer discloses no VITAL STATISTICS such substance to be removed and disposed on the inlet side of a cesspool, if used, and area, and the exclusion of other persons feet deep. extended eight (8) inches-above the grade ed, reconstructed or maintained, shall pro­ violation of the Sanitarv Code, a lfoenae from such area. Section 20. All reports of births, deaths of at the cost and expense of said owner (a) Dug wells heretofore or hereafter con­ vide suitable water closet accommodations may be issued by the ’Board of Health, Section 12. The term “Contact" or 'S us­ and marriages shall comply with the laws or person in charge thereof. structed or maintained shall have a water­ level and protected by the use of a vent for both sexes as follows: which license shall be for the calendar pect" shall mean any person who has been and regulations of the New Jersey State Section 37, The Board of Health shall proof wall or casing at least six (6) feet cap. One (1) water closet, one (1) lavatory year. It the report of the Health Officer sufficiently near or exposed to an infected Department of Health. have power to close any factory, store, below the ground and which shall extend at Section 55. No water closet, lavatory, and one (1) urinal in toilet room for males discloses a violation of the Sanitarv Code person to make probable the transmission COMMUNICABLE DISEASES market, bakery, restaurant or other prem­ least six (6) inches above the ground. Ev­ and bath tub shall be installed in an in­ where the seating capacity for patrons is no license shall be issued. of the infectious agent to the person so Section 21. The reporting, quarantining, ises within said Township where food or ery well shall have a waterproof covering closure where there is less than thirty-five less than fifty (50). and one additional wa­ All applications for renewal of license near or exposed. isolating and handling of all communicable drink intended for human use shall be man­ extending at least three (3) inches beyond (35) square feet of floor area. A single wa­ ter closet and urinal for each additional shau be made by November 15th of the Section 13. The term “ Carrier shall and reportable diseases shall be done in the ufactured, prepared, handled, stored, sold or the well casing. Earth or other approved ter closet shall not be installed in any area fifty seats. There shall be at least one fl) year preceding the license year. mean anv person who harbors an infectious manner and under the rules and regulations served, whenever, after written notice from material shall be banked against the well less than thirty (30) inches by forty-two water closet and one (1) lavatory in toilet Section^. The fees for said license shall agent, but who at such time, has no symp­ as set forth in Chapter II of the New Jer­ the Health Officer, the owner or person in casing so that surface water will be di­ (42) inches. No water closet shall be in­ room for females and one (1) additional wa­ be as follows: toms of the disease. , . sey Department of Health State Sanitary charge of such establishment or place shall verted away from the well. stalled closer than fifteen (15) inches to ter closet provided for each additional boarders or roomers. Section 14. The term “Infectious Agent Code, as revised and enacted by the Public fail, refuse or neglect to keep such estab­ (b) Spear point driven wells of a size any wall or other obstruction. The mini­ twenty-five (25) seats. Where the seating Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year. shall mean the virus or organism, capable, Health Council of the State of New Jersey, lishment or place in a clean and sanitary- pipe from one to two inches shall be in­ mum width of a bath room shall be four capacitv is more than one hundred (100) « OT wtnUm- opwtrrg ’m-'-sT! «rr *»■■<*• <*>**- 'ijf, t—...... mm,...... person engaged in the practice employed, be in attendance at or be engag person m charge ofif such establishment or TTray"mrggr— “““—»— *.... - ery, or any person who makes a business HOUSE DRAINAGE ing at least eight (8) inches m diameter or oared. All lavatories shall be supplied with prior thereto. ed any work in any store, shop, stand, place, and shall remain in effect until the mechanical ventilation as approved by the or’ vocation of rendering aid, treatment or market, restaurant or lunch room in which objectionable condition shall have been Section 47. No privy vault or cesspool hot and cold running water. 'um uricr or revocation oi any license advice to others for the puropse of alleviat­ Health Officer. ..sued, prior to December 31st of the year any article of food for human consumption remedied. It shall be the duty of the owner shall be constructed within said Township Section 56. No sink, lavatory, wash tub. Paragraph 10. TAVERNS. In all places ing physical or mental illness. is ‘ exposed for sale, served, prepared or or person in charge of such establishment unless a permit for such construction shall or any other fixture trap may be connected where beverages W*ith an alcoholic content not entitle the bolder of any ORGANIZATION AND POWERS cooked...... _ or place to immediately comply with and have first been obtained from the Health to the waste line by the use of locknuts, or are offered for sale to be consumed on the "tense tnereof to reimbursement for any Section 23. No person shall sell or offer obey such order and notice, and to conduct Officer. Cesspools will be permitted only premises, heretofore or hereafter construct­ pro rata portion thereof. The license lees Section 16. The Board of Health shall slip nuts, except when the locknuts or sap hereinabove fixed for issuance of such li- elect annually at its January meeting for sale within said Township any food or no further operation prohibited or sus­ where there is no inside toilet. nuts are on the house side of the fixture ed, reconstructed or maintained, shall have President and a Vice-President from among drink for human use which has been ex­ pended thereby until permission therefore No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or trap and are located above the water seat at least one (1) water closet, one (1) urinal ufaSon5 ,mposed for the f,urPoses of reg- posed to any contagious or communicable shall be granted by the Board of Health. drain field shall be constructed within fifty and one (1) lavatory provided for male pa­ its members, and shall also appoint a Sec­ of said trap. In all other cases fixture Section f7. Each building licensed as a retary to said Board and, at its January disease, or mislabeled or adulterate^ within HOUSING feet of any well or spring, within twenty- traps must be connected to the waste line trons. Where females are served, at least the provisions of the laws of the State of five feet of any stream of water, within five one (1) water closet and one (1) lavatory boarding house or rooming house under the meeting held at the expiration of each suc­ Section 38. The owner or person in by the use of solder bushing, solder ring, a shall be provided. Where there is more terms os this ordinance may be inspected cessive period of three years, shall appoint New Jersey, or which contains or has been charge of any store, factory or other build­ feet of any party line or fence, within screw thread, or a wiped joint. exposed to anv injurious contamination. fifteen feet of any boundary' of any street than one (!) person employed in serving as often as the Department of Health may a Registrar of Vital Statistics for the term ing used for business purposes shall provide Section 57. Sinks and other small fixtures drinks, additional accommodations shall be deem it necessary. If any of said inspec- Section 24. The owner, proprietor or per­ an adequate supply of water therein or nor within twenty-five feet of any door or such as bath tubs, lavatories, laundry trays, of three years. son in charge of every factory, resturant, window of any house used as a dwelling. provided as the Board of Health may di­ tions discloses a condition existing in the The said Board of Health may appoint a thereabout, shall provide water closets and drinking fountains, home washing ma­ rect. In each building wherein a tavern is building tending to create a violation of Health Officer, and such sanitary inspect­ store, market, hotel, room or other place wash room facilities as required in this Any drainage or over flow from any privy chines, etc.; but excluding water closets, within said Township where food or drink vault or cesspool shall not be allowed to situated where presons live or are employed the samtary code and such condition is not ors, plumbing inspectors, clerks and other code, and shall cause all plumbing to be slop sinks and other fixtures using a trap apart from said establishment, water closet { ten 0®) days after notice in for human consumption shall be manufac­ kept in good working order and sanitary flow upon the surface of the ground, nor size of over two (2) inches; shall nave a officers and assistants as said Board may tured, prepared, handled, stored, sold or into any stream of water, but the same accommodations shall be provided, separate ik ,, . J !„n^ _ . . ------r?wTe,r r/ operator ^ .a i v t of the tucaam said deem necessary. at all times. two (2) inch house drain and a two (2) and distinct from those in the tavern and business, tne Healtn Department mav take The employees of said Board of Health served, shall cause such place to be prop shall be’ disposed of in a sanitary manner. inch stack through the roof and have con­ summary action. erly lighted, ventilated and drained, pursu^ Section 39. The owner, lessee or person In the instance of an irregular lot or s situated as to be accessible without shall be governed by the rules of said in charge of any building containing six or nected to such drain not more than tour passing through any part of the premises Section 68. No room in any boarding Board, and may be removed for cause by ant to the provisions of this ordinance, and parcel of land wherein the regulations set i4) such small fixtures. Where the house shall permit no bedroom, water closet or more apartments shall provide adequate forth in this section cannot be conveniently used for the sale of such beverages. All nouse or rooming house shall be so over­ said Board. janitor service at all times for the purpose drain is laid in earth or concrete the pipe lavatories shall be supplied with hot and crowded tnat there shall be afforded less The Board of Health shall not contract urinal within or directly connected with any complied with, the said Board may modify shall be two (2) inch medium weight cast room or place in which food or drink for of keeping said premises clean and sanitary said regulations or adopt special regula cold running water. than three .hundred (300) cubic feet of air any debt or debts of any kind beyond the and shall cause all garbage, ashes and oth­ irou pipe. There shall be placed a Wye Paragraph 11. THEATRES AND AUDI­ space of eacn child under twelve years of amount of the appropriation made for the human consumption is manufactured, pre­ tions. cleanout on the inside of the toundation pared, handled, stored, served, or sold, and er household waste from each apartment No privy vault or cesspool shall hereafter TORIUMS. Each theatre, auditorium and | a,;£, .lesf rhan four hundred fifty (450) use of said Board by the Township Com­ to be removed daily. and at every change in direction on tne motion picture theatre shall be provided! .® _ /efyf°- air space to each person over shall provide adequate washing facilities in be permitted along the line of or adjacent house drain and waste lines to said small mittee of the said Township. Section 40, It shall be the duty of every to any sewer in any street in said Town­ with separate toilet rooms for each sex as L“c a*f Gi tWeiV'e >'ear5- No greater rmm- The Secretary shall perform such duties convenient locations for all workmen and person, firm or corporation who or which fixtures. A fixture shall be connected into follows: |ber of occupants than thus established employees. ship unless the use of such sewer would be the vertical stack so that the base of the a; the Board of Health may direct, and Section 25. The owner, proprietor or per­ shall contract, undertake or agree, or shall impracticable because of the low grade of In toilet rooms for males, one (1) water | n>^ _ e 1>ennut t0 sleeP any one shall transmit an annual report, after ap have contracted, undertaken or agreed, stack shall always be washed by the fixture son in charge of every factory, store, mar­ the lot on which such privy vault or cess­ waste. Such fixture or fixtures shall con­ closet, two (2) urinals and one (1) lavatory! Section 6> Fverv • proval by the Board, to the Township Com­ orally or in writing, to heat, or the furnish pool is situated, or under special circunv mittee of said Township. ket, resturant, hotel, room or other place heat for, any building within the Township nect to a properly constructed cesspool, or • hall bv installed far each six hundred WTO bearding hitM U r a S t g hoa»? itTthe within said Township where food or drink stances tn which instances the said Board septic tank and disposal field, as the Healtn seat- or less. In toiler rooms for females. Tonowhip of Washmgton shall haye I dew The Health Officer shall act as the exec occupied as a residence by more than two may permit such construction. Stive officer for the Board; he shall make for human consumption shall be manufac­ families, to furnish sufficient heat to any Officer may direct. one '!> water dose: tor each three hut- between Soor and ceiling of not leM tured, prepared, handled .stored, sold or Upon the completion of, and before cov­ stack shall connect to a properly construct dred f300) seats or less and one (1) lava-; -}-an sey^n (v\ T. . , . ‘*ss investigations for, enforce the ordinances served, shall cause such place, together occupied part of such building to maintain ering with earth or using, any such privy and regulations of, and perform such other at all times between the hours of six o’clock ed cesspool, or septic tank and disposal tort for each six hundred <600' seats or Uimenjiuns’ shall te "nAless than s £ S “(7) with ail dishes, utensils, equipment and vault or cesspool last hereinbefore referred field, as the Health Officer may direct. less. One (!) drinking fountain shall b e if« t aml ,, h » • fll “ T T f1 yj. duties as he may be directed by, the Board appurtenances to be kept in a thoroughly in the morning and ten o’clock at night a to, the said Board shall be notified in writ­ installed for each four hundred (400) seats j smalier than sixty (60) square feet 5 ? of Health. He shall have, possess and ex­ minimum temperature of sixty-eight de­ ing that all ot the regulations and require­ Section 58. or less. In addition, one (1) water closet , ,n. - J P«r P«- ercise all the power and authority con­ clean and sanitary conditions at all times, shall conduct all operations connected with grees Fahrenheit. The supply of heat here­ ments governing the construction thereof Paragraph 1. GENERAL WATER CLO­ and one (!) lavatory shall be installed far Section To, Every room itsed for sleettimr ferred upon or vested in said Board by the manufacture, preparation, handling, inabove required shall be furnished for or have been complied with; and said Board SET ACCOMMODATION. The owner or the use of toe moving picture operator, | purposes in a hoarding house or rooS Sf law, when he shall be engaged in the per­ storage, sale or serving of such food and to all buildings or parts thereof used for may order an inspection thereof. owner*, lessee, or agent, of any building, or situated conveniently to tne booth of tne house shall have a wind™ placed^n 11 formance of any such duties. business from the first day of October in Section 48. All privies heretofore or here­ premises, used in any manner for occupa­ operator. . Section 17, The Board of Health shall drink in a clean and sanitary manner, and each year to the first day of May of the tion by human beings for business, dwelling, outside wall, such window constructed so shall protect such food or drink during all after constructed, reconstructed, altered or All lavatories shall be supplied with hot tr.at it can be opened easily by the occu­ have the power to adopt such rules and succeeding year, provided that the require­ maintained in Washington Township shall place of employment, amusement, or other and cold running ware-. _, regulations as it may deem necessary con­ processes and at all tunes, including the ments of this section shall not apply to purposes, shall provide and maintain in pant of tne room. All windows in toilet delivery thereof, from flies, dust, dirt, ver­ have constructed a water-tight, concrete, Paragraph 12. PLACE OF EMPLO\- rooms, sleeping rooms, dining rooms and cealing any matter which involves the pro­ buildings or parts thereof used for any trade brick, block or other masonry vault, not good serviceable and sanitary condition, MENT. Each factory workshop, office, tection or promotion of health, and all per­ min and all foreign or injurious containm- or business m which high or low tempera­ -sufficient water closet and urinal accommo­ kitenens of a boarding house or rooming atinn; and all workmen shall wear clean less than thirty-six (36) inches deep and store, or other place of employment, here­ house shall have placed on the outside of sons concerned shall comply with the pro­ tures are essential. The term “Contracted" extending at least six (6) inches above the dation for each sex, with proper washing tofore or hereafter constructed, reconstruct­ visions thereof. clothing at all times while working in any as used in this section shall ba construed facilities in proportion to the number ot suen windows a full length screen, o? a such place. . , , t level of the ground. Upon such vault shall ed or maintained, shall be provided with size mesh to exclude mosquitos aud k-*pr in NUISANCES Live poultry shall not be kept in the to mean and include any written or im­ be constructed, reconstructed, altered or re­ separate water closet, urinal and washing good repair, on the 1st day of May of plied contract, lease or letting, and the paired a privy building. Every privy shall ° 1 3 ^ Y h'T E SE 5E ,S ? OR APART facilities for each sex employed therein as Section 18. Whatever is dangerous same room or compartment in which meats MENT HOUSES. The term tenement or eac.i year and remain thereon until the 1st detrimental to the public health, whatever are prepared, stored or exposed for sale, nor presence of any heating outlets, radiators, have a tig h t’fitting self-closing door. Ev- follows: , ... dav of October of the same year. risers or returns in any hall, room or other ery ventilating opening or window opening apartment house shall be taken to There shall not be less than one (1) water renders the air, water, soil or food a haz­ shall live poult®- be kept in any adjoining every building which or a portion ot which Section 71. In every boarding house and ard, menace or detriment to human health room or space except by permission ot the part of a building shall be prima facie shall be tightly screened against flies and closet and one (1) urinal, for each twenty rooming house there shall be toilets and evidence of an implied contract. The pres­ other small insects. Every privy shall have is occupied, or to be occupied as a resi­ (20) males, or less provided .however, that including the following specific acts, states, Board of Health. . ence of any central heating plant, furnace dence for three or more families, living m r'*i4uire(f by the plumbing sections or conditions are, each and every one, is Section 26. No person shall expose for a self-closing, tight-fitting lid so construct­ where less than five (5) males are em­ *bt5 code. All doors on toilet rooms or or boiler under the control of the owner, ed that it will cover the seat opening when dependency of each other and doing their ployed. urinals may be omitted. There shall hereby declared to be and constitute a sale within any store or building, or in own cooking on the premises. Every ten­ uatn rooms shall be equipped with self nuisance: anv other place, within said Township any lessee or person in charge of said building not in use. All privies must be cleaned on be not less than one (1) water closet for cHsing springs or other devices to close shall be prima facie evidence of an implied or before the excrement reaches the height ement house hereafter erected and even' each fifteen 05) females, or less. In fac- the door Paragraph 1. The disposition or main­ food for human consumption which is or­ existing property that is altered or tenance of any foul, decaying or offensive dinarily consumed without cooking or w-ith- contract. of the ground level. AH privies must be tories and workshops, the washing facilities j Section 72. Clean sheets and pillow cases Section 41. The owner, lessee or occupant finished on the inside with an impervious eled for use as a tenement house shall have shall be provided on a basis of one G) i shall be provided each week for each bed matter in or upon any lot. yard, street or out further cooking, with the exception ot within each apartment one water closet, in any private or public place. fruits, vegetable and berries, unless the of any tenement, house or dwelling, or any material or if constructed with wood be faucet, with run n in g water, for each tea 1 occupied, in all boarding or rooming houses part thereof, within said Township shall painted on the inside with at least three one lavatory, one bath tub or shower, and (10) Persons, nr less, employed. Tnese, Section 73. At least ten Cifti Paragraph 2. The maintenance of any- same be in closed containers. one sink. Every bathroom shall be sep­ Sectnn 73. At least ien (10) foot candles sunken lot, spot or excavation, or any cans, ^11 bread and other bakerv products cause all rooms, passages, stairs, floors, coats of paint, the final coat white and washing facilities may be provided bv ffltratination shall"be“ nrovided over the windows, walls, ceilings, privies, cesspools with a hard finish. arate from any other apartment, and ven­ dividual lavatories, or wash sinks piaced entrance, in the entrance ha!'< a barrels or other receptacles where water which shall be offered or exposed for sale tilated according to Section 55. The floo. . . . . ■ , ...... —. and in all I"*? stagnate, or mosquito or other insect or handled in process of delivery within and drains of the house, or the part of Section 49. No drainage from any closet, convenient to the toilet rooms or tn the inienor halls of r all •’ • boarding - ’ -houses or the house of which he or she shall be the bath tub, laundry tub, kitchen sink or. other of every such compartment hereafter con­ toilet rooms. All washing facilities shall rooming houses. larvae breed. said Township shall be suitably wrapped structed. shall be constructed according to . Paragraph 3. The throwing or overflow and covered in such a manm* as to be owner, agent, lessee or occupant, to be I similar fixture or appliance shall be per­ have hot and cold running water to same. Section 74. In every boarding house or thoroughly cleansed to the satisfaction of mitted to flow up on the ground, nor shall Section 59. The walls of said compartment In offices, stores and other places of em­ J"8_of any water, slops, stable drainage, completelv protected from dust, dirt, or shall be enclosed on all sides with plaster rooming house ail wool, cotton, or other "Quid filth, cesspool or privy contents upon other unhealthlul contact or contamination. the Board of Health or the Health Officer, any such drainage be diverted into any sur­ ployment not less than one (1) lavatory, coarse rugs or floor coverings shall lie as often as may be required by said Board face or sub-surface drain intended to carry partitions carried from*floor to ceiling. Each with hot and cold running water to same, any public or private property. Section 27. No food, shall be sold or ex­ sink and lavatory have both hot and cold cleaned thoroughly once a week. AH ex- Paragraph 4. Any polluted stream of posed for sale from any push cart wagon or said Health Officer, and shall cause the away the natural flow of surface or rain shall be provided for each water- closet in- rxised Wooden floors or imperviousrn pervious Moorfloor Water» spring, well or source of drinking or truck or other vehicle or any stand on walls and ceilings thereof to be cleaned or water, nor upon any public highway. stalled. Each factory and workshop, at covering shall be washed thoroughly with water. or S c *"!- sid ew alk * street ot said painted as often as may b« required by said PLUMBING “ plra'sraphT SERVICE OR GAS STA- least one M.) drinking fountain shall be j bot water and soap or detergent once a Board or said Health Officer. TIONS. Every service station or ga, sta­ installed on each floor w.,-.! week. Paragraph 5. Shaking any mop, duster, Township unless such food and all recep- DEFINITIONS , , . tion constructed after this date shad nave broom or other cleaning utensil or device tacles wherein such food is con' a,.ned' Vld Section 42. Whenever any building, or PLUMBING SYSTEM—The “Plumbing Paragraph S3 HOTELS ROOMING; Section 75. In every rooming house or part thereof, within said Township shall be at least a water closet, lavatory, and floor AND BOARDING HOUSES. In each ho- , hoarding house all garbage or trash that out of any window, or throwing any dust anv such vehicle or siand, shall be niani- and Drainage System” of a building in­ drain in the Ladies Room ami a « ater or dirt out of any window. tained in a clean and sanitary condition found to be in such condition as to be a cludes the pipes within the building dis­ tel, rooming and boarding house where sep- accumulates, shall be placed daily in a menace or detriment to the health of per­ closet lavatory, urinal, and floor dram m arate water closet accommodations are no. < ~eta! container with tight-fitting lid an Paragraph 6. Taking any dog into, or and in conformity with the regulations tributing the water supply, the plumbing S e Men's Room. A garage catch basin; Permitting any dog to enter, any store or adopted by the Board of Health sons occupying the same, the Board of fixtures and traps, the soil waste and vent provided for each room or suite, separate:-he outside of the building. Such garbage Health may order such building vacated, of the proper size and construction, m be water closet accommodations shall be pro- or trash shail be disposed of at least once other place where food is exposed for sale Section 28. The owner, proprietor or per­ pipes, the house drain and house sewer, approved b> the Health Officer, shall be m- within two feet from the floor thereof. son in charge of any place within said and may require such building to remain with their devices, appurtenances and con­ vided for each sex as tollows: a week in a manner that shall not be vacated until such time as the unhealthful stalled in the wash room of each station. One (I) water closet, one ! sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. The *txp- Paragraph 8. Sleeping in, or permitting cleaned, every second daK'„an'L n’nfficrr (b) Lack of water or lack of a potable of amusement, heretofore or hereafter con­ Paragraph IJ. SCHOOLS—PUBLIC ANDNn (>ly of heat hereinabove required shall be any other person to sleep in, any cellar or quently if required by the Health OffKer. the same to the house drain, soil or waste PRIVATE. In all schools, separate water Section 29. No meats, sea food, ’•egeta­ supply of water on the premises. stacks. structed. reconstructed or maintained, shall i u mi shed for or to all buildings or parts Other place that is or may be in a condition (c) A chimney that is a fire hazard or be' provided with suitable water closet ac­ ! choset accommodations shall be provided thereo: used for dwelling purposes from the Prejudicial; to health. bles or other articles to be sold or TRAP—A "Trap" is a fitting or device for sale within said Township for food for the lack of a chimney. commodations for both sexes. Not less than ; for each sex as follows: first day of October in each year to the .Paragraph'SL= Any 'chimney, smokestack, (d) A building in the opinion of the so constructed as to retain a water seal to one (I) water closet and one (1) lavatory first day of May of the succeeding year. prpe or Hjie, or any-" part thereof or any human use shall be stored or ^ prevent the passage of air, or gas. through Water Closets: within eighteen inches above the floor* Health Officer that contains too many ver­ in women's toilet room and one (1) water Giro—Grades on through eight 'section 77. All boarding houses and connectlonTtherpwirii, ,fchat is,so defective or min and or too many insects. a pipe without materially affecting the closet, one (1) urinal and one (I) lavatory One to 25 pupils rooming houses shall be kept free and clean cut.of repair As to allow coftl*gas or other all such articles shall.be suitaWvprotMted free flow of sewage or waste water. from contamination with dust, dirt or itoor (e) A building that is not weather-tight in men’s toilet room. The number of. per* Bovs-—Grades one through eight aud shall not harb:r flies, bed bugs, rjjfous fumes to escape into any building; because of a leaking roof or leaking side STACK—“Stack" is. a general term for **>us to be accommodated shall be based One to 40 pupils cockroaches, ants, mice, rats or other in­ ana also any gas-pipe or other fixture any vertical line of soil, waste or vent pip- upon the actual number of persons accom­ Girls—Grades seven through twelve sects or vermin. ymch allows illuminating gas to escape r's«tion30. It shall be the .duty of'the walls. . , owner, proprietor or person in charge ot (f) A building that is in such a location SOIL OR WASTE VENT—th* “Soil or modated in stationary seats or benches as One to 45 pupils Section 78 The exterior grounds of all “ j? at,y building. any risturant, hotel, tearoom, lunch coun­ that because of its surroundings, whether follows: One water closet for each 400 Boys—Grades seven through twelve boarding houses and rooming houses shall Paragraph 10. Any unclean or unsanitary Waste Vent" is that part of the main soil males, or fraction thereof. One water closet be kept clean and orderly. ter, lunch room, ,ce cream parlor soda it be a high water level in the earth, nox­ or waste stack extending through the roof One to 60 pupils in any ^ cellar, room or building, fountain, inn. tavern, bar or other place ious odors or vapors, or other external for each 200 females, or fraction thereof. Urinals Section 79. There sha’l! not be kept, an? ^yirnperfect plumbing, sewer appli- causes deemed by the Health Officer to be and above the highest fixture outlet. One urinal for each 200 males, or fraction Bays—Grades one through six maintained, or harbored any cat, dog, or nce or fixture, from which may issue any within said Township where food or drink PLUMBING FIXTURES—“Plumbing Fix­ -her animal in the house or on the foul (or human use is sold or aenred to’ promde a hazard to the health of the occupants tures" are receptacles intended to receive thereof. One additional lavatory shall be One to 30 pupils or noxious odors or liquids. and use adequate facilities for the treatment therein. provided in each water closet compartment Boys-—Graces seven through twelve grounds of any boarding house or rooming *^ra8raph 11. The housing of horses, (g) Any building that does not contain and discharge water, liquid or water car­ for each additional 400 persons or fraction One to 45 pupils *use in the Township of Washington. Nor c?«le, swine, goats, sheep, rabbits, fowl or T all cooking and eating at least 500 cubic feet of interior usable ried wastes into a drainage system with thereof, and it shall be assumed that the shall any parakeet, parrot, pigeon, chicken therein or thereabout with boiling wa*er» which thye are connected. When flushometer valves are used, they ut a 03 or an}f °f same in any building ;v‘ im under pressure or other suitable space per occupant. . . number of persons attending such places hall be provided with approved vacuum or other fowl or bird be kept, maintained, sen as a habitation for human beings. ih) Lack of adequate ventilation in the SIZES AND LENGTHS-The given cal­ shaH be equally divided as to sex. or harbored in or on the grounds of any , * ara8raph 12. The keeping of any cattle, means and all such utensils intended for iber or size of pipe is for a standard i breakers. boarding house or rooming house, unless ■ aiain. including cooking pans, pou. nal diameter, except for brass pipe other Paragraph 5. BAKERIES AND ALL Lavatories nit,* H,leeP> goats, rabbits, poultry, fowl, sels CUPS, glasses, knives, forks spoons kU(i) Ap accumulation of filth in the build­ BUILDINGS WHERE FOOD PRODUCTS l Boys and Girls—All grades—One to 40 the person, firm or corporation shall have nti °n?’ ,Parakee*s, parrots, canaries or H in tvTlhlllZ w a- ing that the Health Officer may deem than iron pipe size, which may be outside received a written permit from the Health m d 1dlihV.! skin V Washed in bulling « • diameter ana the leiffeth of the pipe is its ARE MANUFACTURED. Bakeries, and jntptls shi?r ar<8 or animals within said Town- or shall be treated after > u U > l.h r prejudicial to the health of the occupants all buildings where manufacturing of food ! Ratio shall include individual classroom Officer for the keeping of such animal, bird •lJP uF W un(ler conditions approved by therein...... developed length along its center line. products is carried on heretofore or here­ j fixtures, except that there shall be at least or fowl ^ •. * Health Officer in writing. steam under pressure for at least three Section 43. Every owner of land within Section 50. The respective sues of trap Section 80, No gas, coal, oil or electric ... shall he treated I'V any other and waste branches for the following re­ after constructed, reconstructed or main­ ! two lavatories in even* general toilet room, ara8raPh 13. The escape of any gas said Township upon which land shall here­ tained. shall be provided with suitable toil­ j Drinking fountains shall also be provided range or shwe -w- any other apparatus or nr i i •0r smoke which may be a menace after be constructed, altered or converted spective given fixtures, drain traps or waste appliance shall be used for the cooking or traps, and the respective distances from a ets and washroom. Where males and fe­ —One (!) for each two hundred (200) pu- to human health, or which or placed upon or moved in any new or old males are employed, serrate toilets ana i pils or less. preparation of food or shall be installed in ions a’ reason of disagreeable or uox- building intended for human habitation, vent at which any such fixtures may be washrooms shall be maintained as follow*: i Kindergarten rooms shall be equtpped any room in any boarding house or room* us odors therefrom or therewith, a source shall cause to be constructed or placed installed without reventing, shall not be When less than five (5) persons are em­ j with separate water closet facilities. (Continued on page 6) vii'inf*Com.ort or distress to persons in the therein a sink and.also a water closet or less than as follows: vicinity thereof. fer.itsfeJi.'-.m r;- w m m THE GAZETTE CARDS OF THANKS "BRITISH CARS" PUZZLE ^ We wish to thank the Hightstown Post 5700 VFW and William S. Heyer for their acts of kindness at l 3 * 5 6 7 ' 8 f w ACROSS ' % the time of the passing of our fath­ 1. Sports car It U 11 it er, John H. Archer,—The Archer named alter Family, * ' ^ p o t h . member of 15 *6 17 •8 cat family d ill I wish to thank my relatives, 6.— - Healey 19 20 11. Low-priced I friends and neighbors for the cards, British 21 23 * 25 2 6 27 flowers and gifts while I was a pa­ sports car tient in Princeton Hospital and since 1956 Hunters Fish Division 12.----- Royce 28 14. Unit 1 my return home. Also Dr. Louis 15. Man’s name 30 31 32 Fishman, Dr. David Miller and Rev. 17.Tinv------Leon Gibson.—Mrs. Hiram Pullen.* Got 940,593 |To Liberate 18. British 33 39- Motor Cor- i I wish to sincerely thank my rel­ poration 35 16 37 atives and friends for their cards, Game Pieces 480,000 Trout (abbr.) flowers and gifts during my stay in 20. Leading 3 8 39 *0 ♦1 * 2 w 4* HEYER FUNERAL HOME Princeton Hospital and since my re­ ! European PHONE 8-0002 202 STOCKTON STREET New Jersey hunters harvested! Superintendent Robert Hay ford car-manu­ 14 *7 turn home; also Rev. L. Gibson and 940,593 pieces of game, including I "Ports that the netting of ponds at facturing i Dr. L. Fishman.—Mabel D. Boyce. . . . . , , , the Hackettstown Fish Hatchery SO 51 52. rabbit, sqmrrrel, duck, pheasant and,and ^ coilection Qf fish for the nation (see *8 * 9 center inset) DA VINO.—Mrs. Joseph Davino quail during 1956, the State Division current season's trout stocking has Sr 22. ----- and 53 and family of here wish to thank of Fish and Game reported today to j progressed to the point where it is Andy 1 Joseph E. McLean, commissioner of I now possible to estimate more ac- 25. their friends, relatives and neighbors Conservation and Economic Devel- curf cl>' th.e f ' f 1 number of trout 28. A ctor----- 45. Egyptian DOWN English and for expressions of .sympathy receiv­ to be stocked this year, the State goddess American car ed during their recent bereavement opment. Chaney Tomato Plants Division of Fish and Game said to­ 29. Pronoun 45. Expel English poet, 23. ------in 1,000 the death of a beloved husband In a survey of the wildlife harvest day. 30. Fuse, in 48. Unit of wrote “Para­ (formerly and father and also tor the beauti­ FIELD GROWN . . . NOW READY in New Jersey last year prepared by Approximately 480,000 trout will glassmakir.g resistance dise Lost” “Minor") ful floral tributes. * Charles W. W right, assistant wild-j be liberated by Memorial Day. Ad- 32. A lan----- 50. Religious (Initials) 24. Bulbous Varieties: RUTGERS and GARDEN STATE life manager, it was estimated that j ditional stockings during early June 33. Fish eggs philosophy plant I wish to sincerely thank my 51. Lubricant Turkish 26. American : friends, relatives and neighbors for, hunters bagged 4^8,241 rabbits,^231,- will bring the total figure for the 34. Mouth officer 618 squirrel, 105,575 duck, 92,371 current year to approximately 520,- 35. Hillman----- for your author j the cards, gifts and flowers sent me j Rover British econ­ 27. Types of car, I while I was a patient in Princeton j pheasant and 52,788 quail. 000 trout. 36. Walking omy sedans stick 53. Sunbeam----- like Morris, Hospital and since my return home.' $4.per Thousand Estimates of the harvest of the This figure, while below the rec­ 54. Kind of car, are low on Hillman. ; —Mrs. Marion Parfian. five important game species during ord breaking 600,000 liberated last 38. Bone (Latin) ----- con­ 39. ------likeTR3 MGA, Austin. Rover ^ the 1956 hunting season were re­ year—a figure which the State Fish Triumph. sumption 31. School books I wish to sincerely thank my rel­ ceived from the response to ques­ 44. SouthAmer- and Game Division had hoped could ica (abbr.) Jaguar, etc. Land 32. Scotch lakes atives, neighbors and friends for tionnaires mailed to a randomly se­ be equalled this year—represents 35. Every car Answer to Puxxl# measure theird cards, gifts and kindnesses j PEPPER, CABBAGE, SWEET POTATO lected sample of 8,150 hunters li­ average production for the past sev­ 5. Roasted has one while I was a patient in Princeton! censed to hunt in the state in 1955. en years. 37.----- Court, 6. ----- Mater Hospital and since my return home; A reply in some form was received While it would be possible to W HiO British auto also the local first aid squad and! AND BROCCOLI PLANTS from 3,680 of the 8,150 firearm hunt­ 7. We show center stock 600,000 fish this spring, doing 8. Piper’s son Dr. Fishman.—Charles Howard. * ers. The number of respondents so would jeopardize the size and 40. Journey who stated they did not purchase a 9. Incorporated number of fish available for the (abbr.) 41. European -1 NOTICE firearm hunting license in 1956 to­ 1958 season, the division said. river Take notice that George E. Compton, t/a taled 456, or 12.74 per cent of those 10.Compass 42. British auto Four Acres Tavern, has applied to the OROL LEDDEN and SONS Township Committee of Washington Town­ to whom contact was made. Fish liberated this year have av­ point racer, Sterl­ ship, Mercer County for a Plenary Retail Dr. A. Heaton Underhill, director eraged slightly better than ten inch­ 13. Illuminated ing ----- ^ Consumption License for premises situated es in length. Among them have been 16. Absolute 43. Part of M at State Highway Routes 130 and 33, be­ SEWELL, N. J. PHONE UL 7-1000 of the State Division of Fish and more fish over 12 inches than have tween Windsor and Robbinsville. Game, in submitting the report to (abbr.) motor $ Objections, if any, should be made im­ Commissioner McLean, said there been stocked in the past, and also 18. Battalions 45. Evil spirit 1 mediately in writing to Fred U. Drake, Send for Catalogue more fish in the 7 and 8 inch size (abbr.) 47. Hill Clerk of Washington Township, Windsor, was a reduction in the total game Young cow bag during 1956 in rabbit, duck, group. Partial reason for this great­ 19. 49. Exclamation (Signed) GEORGE E. COMPTON, 49-31 pheasant and quail and an increase er spread in the size of trout stock­ s m d b e q E O E E a i a 21. Name of 52. Pronoun R.D. 1, Robbinsville, N. J. in the bag of squirrel compared with ed and a production somewhat low­ H. Gazette, May 30, June 6, 1957 Fee $4.05 the previous year. er than last year has been the neces­ sity to reduce the labor required for "Extensive posting of land sorting fish and efforts to eliminate throughout New Jersey during the the cristly tying up of ponds with hunting seasons of 1956 may be re­ slow growing fish. garded as the principal cause of the reduced bags of quail, rabbits and Shorter working hours and higher Bill Jackson came home from the Air Force, pheasants, rather than possible re labor costs necessitate these meas­ skilled in the tools of modern airpower . .. ‘ duced populations of these game ures so that the State Division of species,” said the report. “With the Fish and Game can remain within Bill found a job in the booming building industry. its current budget. exception of quail, another influence His progress has been steady . .. the last to be considered is the increase that occurred in the number of individ­ YMCA Baseball house he built was his own! uals who hunted these five game species.” Schedules HERE’S Somehow, though, he felt something was missing. __ Dr. Underhill reported the total PEANUT LEAGUE Maybe it was the powerful roar of an engine run-up . . license figures produced by the sur­ Thursday or how it feels to talk airman’s talk ... vey through the statistical sampling, A-Ue« & Sinks vs SLangle & Hum are very dose lo the actual number BILL JACKSON Maybe it was that sense of "belonging,” of being of licenses issued by the division Umps—Redmond & Hewins during the year, Monday part of a fine group of guys working together The estimated average seasonal Hights Pharmacy vs Zaitz & Sons A SUCCESS on a great Air Force team ... bag per hunter seeking that species Umps—Laird & Reill during the year was listed as fol­ Tuesday And then he did what thousands lows: Rabbits, 4.2;- squirrels, 4.03; Field & Son vs Allen & Stults of other men like him are doing ... duck, 3.8; pheasant, 1.2 and quail, Umps—Thompson & Cooke TWO WAYS! 1.7. The report also said that sea­ Wednesday He joined the Air Force Reserve! sonal bags of 30 or more ducks, 20 Shangle & Hunt vs Hights Phar. or more quail, 35 or more squirrels Umps—Edgar & Warded Now he’s part of the team again ... Content that and 40 or more rabbits were taken he’s doing two big jobs . .. happy to be among by a few hunters in 1956 on lands MIDGET LEAGUE open to public hunting. It is esti­ Thursday those trained Air Force veterans who stand ready to mated from the survey data also, American Legion vs Hageman lend a hand in the business of defense. that about 335 licensed duck hunters Umps—Slover & Powell in the state each bagged 30 or more Monday For information about YOUR place in the ducks during the season. Hightstown Rug vs Pullen’s Umps—Napravnik & Ivins Air Force Reserve, call, write or visit Y Baseball Standings Tuesday Hageman’s vs Decker's Peanut League Umps—Sander & Cranstoun Hights Pharmacy 4 1 Wednesday Cunningham's Pharmacy 3 2 Zaitz & Sons 3 2 Allen & Stults 3 2 Shangle & Hunt 1 4 Field & Son 1 4 Announcement Game of May 20 rained out post- poned until later date. BEGINNING JULY 5, 1937 Midget League The American Legion ' 3 1 HIGHTSTOWN BOWLING Hightstown Rug 3 1 ALLEYS Pullen’s Fuel 3 1 Decker’s Dairy 2 3 will be under new management Euferaia’s Sweet Shop 2 3 and known as Hageman’s Insurance 0 5 Game of May 20 rained out. Game Jack’s Bowling Lanes of May 28 postponed. Mercer St. Hightstown, N. J. iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMimmiuuimiimiiiiimiiiimiMimimHi SMART SHOPPERS BUY | 1 BLENDED WHISKY 4.99 Full Quart 35 KINDS OF BEER ON HAND AT ALL TIMES “It Pleases Us to Please You”


Route 130 & Stockton St. Phone 8-0574

iHitiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimHiiiiHimtiiniimuiiiiiiimiiimiiimimiumiinuiiiiii] FOR SALE WANTED WANTED 1951 HUDSON Super Six, good RIDERS from Roosevelt or MAN, summer vacation, part time. condition. Cash for quick sale. W. Hightstown from 9 to 5.30. Call af- Inquire Henzler’s Esso Sation. A. Driscoll, Shady Rest Trailer ter 6 p.m., Hightstown 8-0531,J-2. ra1-ES__2 cent* » word. Minimum, 60 cents in advance; 70 cents, Park, Hightstown. 48-2t* THAT'S n FACT k^j-ge 20 cent* additional for large head. White space, 75 cents per BOOKKEEPER wanted. Pleas­ REGISTERED or practical nurse. ant surroundings and insurance ben­ , gox number 25 cent* extra. The Gazette does not assume respon- 1949 CROSLEY Station Wagon in good condition, $100. Call Plains- Day or evening shift. For appoint­ efits. Call Bennett & Mount Co., LAND OF * for errors in ad* telephoned in. . . . Credit for typographical ment contact manager, Sunnyfield 8- 1100. boro 3-2731-J-ll. Ask for Mrs. OPPORTUNITY " ” * limited to one insertion. . . . Deadline, Wed., 10 a.m. Call 8-0373. Langston, Nursing Home, Inc., Cranburv, N.J. •rror ______Phone Export 5-0641. ’ 43-2t MAIDS. Must be honest, capable FOR SALE MANITOWOC upright freezer, 14 of doing all general cleaning work. cu. ft. Very good condition. Phone FOR RENT Call The Peddle School, Hightstown 36” CALORIC range (bottle gas), 8-0481, for appointment. T uEfte AXB 35 AmES:C4« 8-1928. * THREE room and bath apart­ COXPOXATIONS WITH ASSETS OF timer, light, full oven and broiler, 0\£* OHE BtUJON eO U A R S'f storage space. Dabrowski, Hights- THREE piece living room set. ment, oil heat ,hot water, garage. town 8-0274-R-12. * Refrigerator, gas range, kitchenette Call at 124 Broad street. 36tf DAYTON set. Phone Hightstown 8-0273-W. * THREE room and bath apart­ Fwell'ent location, easy, walking Twe NUM3S? OP ELSCTZe FOR SALE TWO upholstered living room ment, hot water and heat furnished, Try the Classifieds PAsses in use has sxcmn to store, school and church. occupancy June 1. Call 8-1982. * fftov ho. ooo to i?1*", ‘ lias 4 rooms, enclosed We Offer A chairs, slip covers included. Phone CHSH 1,650,000 TOOAY/ CHEAPER - TO - BUY - THAN 8-2127 between 7:30 and 9 p.m. I n 030 U.5 BOASTS? lavatory, modernized kitchen FIVE room house in Etra, all im­ § ,0 0 0 CASS. TODAY. T-&?g porch',hinets G.E. dishwasher, gas RENT - HOUSE provements. Phone Hightstown APE 0.£* S2,000,000/ 'iaS

~ 7 TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON MERCER COUNTY Washington Township AN. ORDINANCE TO REGULATE AND Dam Could Cost CONTROL THE KEEPING OF SWINE . ? An Ordinance I: 1HH l.t ill-M H U hJ J IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WASHING­ TON, IN THE COUNTY OF MERCER (Continued from page 3) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIimilHMIlllMlimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimiHIIIIIIMIIUIIII AND PROHIBITING BRINGING OF NTTaxpayers$21Million GARBAGE INTO THE SAID TOWN­ ing house which is occupied or K , SHIP FOR USE AS FEED FOR SWINE arranged or designed to be Mcudiedd(d' cm G$%*£Kive AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR sleeping purposes, nor shall any j ,?r move in and take over this project THE VIOLATION THEREOF. cooked or otherwise be prepared’ J b' Newark—A Federal dam in Hells Be it ordained by the Board of Health m an>‘ T*™ m any boaJding hou.™ 4 Canyon, Idaho, will cost New Jersey from the investor-owned company, of the Township of Washington, in the rooming house, which room is occuX 01 | Hightstown Television Co. it would involve the scrapping of the is intended, arranged or designed 4 or taxpayers $21.5 million in Federal County of Mercer and State of New Jersey copied for sleeping purposes® “ * be oc' MAY WE WITH MOOEST company’s three-dam project and as follows: Section 81.. It shall be unlawful for „ taxes, if Congress approves a bill 1. No person, persons, firm or corporation, | TELEVISION - RADIO - APPLIANCES MANNER. PEEP substituting a single high level dam. as principal, agent or employee, shall keep, lessee, proprietor or operator of any (S. 555) authorizing the project. The This would mean the loss of millions raise or maintain, or permit to be kept, mg house or rooming house to leT S ' S AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE FOR > w e 'v e never seem let, rent or permit any boarding h0S°d bill is scheduled to come up for Sen­ of dollars and 18 months construc­ raised or maintained, at or upon any prem­ rooming house or any part therijf A PATRON WEEP'": tion work already invested in the ises owned, controlled or occupied by him, purpose of being occupied br am- b‘ ate debate and action early next them or it, in the Township of Washing­ | RCA - ZENITH project, the State* Chamber pointed ton, aforesaid, any swine, more than fifty sou or persons with the 'priyilL.” 1', week. installing in any room which [ S B A out. in number, without first having procured or intended, arranged or designed . "'J4 1 Television and Radio 5 This estimate was made today by In discussing the Hells Canyon from the Board of Health of the Township occupied as a sleeping room an? S t0 bt the New Jersey State Chamber of of Washington, a permit for that purpose. oil or electric ranje Sr "ove 21 %£■ I We Service All Makes of Television = dispute, the State Chamber also Any sucli permit may be revoked at any apparatus or appliance to be used U Commerce, and is based on a study pointed out that public power groups time bv the Board of Health, when such purpose of cooking, storing prepared by its Washington research revocation shall appear to said Board of have taken steps to block the devel­ Health to be necessary for the public health, ( FRIGIDAIRE office. The State Chamber’s esti­ opment by the Idaho Power Com­ safety, or refusal to comply with the pro­ mate of New Jersey’s share of the pany. These include court appeals visions of this Ordinance, No permit shall ^ liefa d^tSkXc'00”* | Refrigerators - Freezers - Washers - Dryers = cost of the Federal project at Hells through the U.S. Supreme Court and allow the holder thereof to have, keep, raise name and permanent address of each^ tne Canyon is based on official govern­ and maintain, on any premises mentioned audsiS.,owmg the room « £ & * $ » « repeated efforts to get Congress to in such permit, more than one hundred E Hot Water Heaters RCA Estate Ranges I ment figures which give $509.7 mil­ make the project a Federal under­ 1100) swine. No fee or charge shall be made Section S3. There shall be nosi.j lion as the total cost. This consists taking. for any such permit. conspicuous place in every boarSn? t'“ 1 of $353.7 million for project con­ 2. All buildings, yards, enclosures or and rooming house of four’ (D S ,!!? llousc premises in which any swine shall be kept, *>“?; J copy of this ordinance0Vhirff Wr' 1 146lio Mercermercer oirecLStreetc Phone 8-1056 = struction, $26.5 million for interest The State Chamber observed that shall be turnished bv the T . . , r ^ raised or maintained, shall at all times be Washington. 1 e iow*»hip of c s during construction and $129.5 mil­ all of these steps have failed and kept in a sanitary condition. The failure llllIllliflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllHIililllllllllHUIl lion for transmission facilities. added, “All that can be said for their or refusal to keep said buildings, yards, Section 84. All operators nf j The State Chamber calculated that efforts is that they have delayed the enclosures or premises in a sanitary condi­ bouses and rooming houses shall „fS“rdlIIg CRAIG production of power from this tion shall he the proper basis for revoca­ Plication under the provision 0f tff, New Jersey taxpayers presently bear tion of any permit. aiice within 30 days after final urd:n' U W OcJi adoption of this ordinance. Ui9a«* and Sunheat Fuel Oil BUDJES XVSERVICE 4.22 per cent of the total Federal tax source.” 3. No permit provided for herein shall be O/L-O MATiC Eu m kS issued unless prior thereto the premises on penalties burden. Since Federal expenditures A measure to authorize construc­ which swine are proposed to be kept shall Oil Burner Sales & Service are met by taxation, New Jersey's tion of a Federal hydroelectric proj­ Section 85. Any persons who shall i be enclosed with a substantially built fence late any of the provisions of i 10' PHONES HIGHTST0AN 8 00S7 share of the $509.7 million Hells ect at Hells Canyon in the Snake to restrain and confine said swine to said of this ordinance for the violation V w h H Canyon project will be 4.22 per cent, River has been introduced in every premises, and shall provide proper shelter no penalty other than revocation h HigTitstown 8-0296—DAY or shelters for the swine. Said shelters or suspension of any license or Urm 00 A d m i r a l or $21,509,340, the State Chamber Congress since 1£49. It has yet to shall be located not less than 100 feet from other penalty other than fine or 2 ’ °r Hightstown 8-1462—NIGHT said. reach floor action and a vote in the any road line or any property line. ment has been hereinbefore provide*? Let Us Give You A Free Estimate Prompt Service 'til 10 p.m. For the Federal Government to House. 4. Application for permit hereunder shall m addition to, in exclusion o f S d n l S ? on installing an OIL BURNER in C LA YTO N ’S be made to the Secretary of the Board of standing any penalty or revocation reci= your FURNACE. Health in writing, . and such application ston or suspension ot any license nr-'rJCC s' Authorized Dealer (blanket lengthwise across two lines shall state the location of the premises on or other penalty other N haT hne which said swine are proposed to be kept, pnsoumem, m this ordinance proved Phone 8-2268 SPORT SHOP YOUR covered with a folded sheet. ,The the name and address of the owner and op­ a penalty for any such violation S t W double line distributes the weight of erator of the said premises, the number of such person shall act as prmcipM o ?aS „ William C. Pullen, Inc. If no answer, call 8-0203, 8-1442 SPORTING GOODS (a wet blanket over more area so it swine proposed to be kept on said prem- agent, servafit or employee of any nlt ‘3 GA./?Og^ pursuant to said permit. No permit person, firm or corporation .shall S FUEL SERVICE won’t stretch and sag. The padding shall be issued for a longer period than one 157 Stockton St., Hightstown (1) year. conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a p e f f i Hightstown. N. J. Fishing Equipment helps prevent ugly line marks. Turn of not less than two dollars CS2 tin „ty the blanget end for end several 5. Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply greater than one hundred dollars ($l«oS 31 tf Electrical Appliances to, affect or cover the keeping or maintain­ m the discretion ot -the Court, ior each f a times. Gently straighten and pull ing of pigs of less than two (2) months of every violation. If any person so cmvicW Bicycles - Tricycles - Repairs By Your Rutgers Garden Reporter into shape, being careful not to dis­ age. as atoresaid shall refuse or neglect to oaJ tort it, 6. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the amount of any such judgment render^ Browning Guns or cover the premises where less than fifty agattist him and ail the costs and charges LOANS IRIS FILL-IN The nap in the blanket can be (30) swine are kept and maintained. Incident tnereto, such person may MAC’S Hunting Clothing Among the hundreds who came to raised after it comes from the dryer /. No garbage or decaying vegetable mat­ nutted to the common jail of tftc Ommv or the line by brushing vigorously ter, decaying flesh of any animal, fowl or of Mercer for a period not exceeding n S For Any Farm Purpose Beacon Falls Footwear Rutgers last week to enjoy the col­ fish shall be imported into Washington days. In case any person shall have be™ MEAT MARKET orful spectacle of the iris garden on both sides with a nylon or pet Township for any purpose in connection twice convicted, within the space of Long Term Mortgage Loans 114 MERCER STREET Bear Archery Equipment were many gardeners just getting up brush. It will be so fluffy and soft with the raising or feeding of swine. months, of a vmiation of any of the their first enthusiasm for iris. that it will look and feel like new. 8. Any person, persons, firm or corpora­ visions of this ordinance, and due proid ol Short Term Production Loans HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Woolrich Woolen Clothes tion who shall violate any of the provisions such fact is made, the Court may, in add; Phone 8-0578 Some of you who had questions Press the ribbon binding with a arid regulations of this ordinance upon con­ lion to the imposition o[ the petulty here iunung. Fishing, Archery Licenses about iris got answers from Dr. warm iron and a pressing cloth or a viction for the first offense, shall pay a mabove prescribed, cause suciYpersdn ttTbe William E. Snyder, who is in charge steam iron set at low temperature. penalty of not less than Two Dollars ($2.00) imprisoned m the common jail or the w,irk Cooperative Farm Credit jffiL™.1 One Hundred Dollars bouse of said County, with or without hard R. G- CLAYTON, Prop. of the garden, and his associates. Your blanket will then be fresh and ($100.00), the amount thereof being in the labor, ior any number of days not exceed- Or you may have been content to clean for storing and ready for im­ discretion of_ the magistrate before whom mg one tor each dollar of the penalty Each ASSOCIATIONS Greeting Cards, Magazines .24 Mercer St. Phone 8-1088 look around and wish now that mediate use when cold weather hits such conviction is had. Upon failure to day that any such Violation shall be oe-. Hightstown, N. J. next winter. pay the fine so imposed the magistrate may 'r U U l°a exlst, -dtcr conviction thereof 212 Mercer Street, Hightstown someone would fill you in on iris, '^P °se a penalty of not exceeding ninetv especially as it will soon be time to (90) days in the County Jail. In case a Sense ”' J 3 S' Para" a,,d Cigars, Cigarettes Capitol Capers defendant shall have been twice convicted Phone 8-0992 plant or transplant them. within the space of six (6) months of the GENERAL Maybe you’d like to know that The purchasing value of the New violation of this ordinance, the magistrate Section 86. Alt ordinances and all nrovi. BODY FENDER iris like a sunny spot for a special Jersey consumer’s dollar was worth may in addition to the penalty hereinabove sums thereof inconsistent with this brdia- Stationery, Pipes 47.8 cents in April, compared with provided, cause the defendant to be im­ ante are hereby repealed. reason. During the resting stages prisoned m the County Jail or Workhouse Section 87. If any section, or any nro- RAYMOND following blooming their rhizomes 100 cents in June 1939 . . . Liquor with or without hard labor for any number vision tnereof, of this ordinance, or the sd- REPAIRS or thick fleshy roots need exposure totin’ juveniles who travel to New of days not exceeding one for each dollar plication of any such section or provision to the sun. But they’ll stand partial Jersey short resorts with supplies of of the penalty. pt rs?n Sr toLan>‘ specific situation, LINCOLN, SR. CARTER’S 9. If for any reason any provision, section shall be declared to be unconstitutional in­ Auto Painting shade. alcoholic beverages in their cars and or paragraph or any part of this Ordinance valid or inoperative, in whole or m 'part. Iris soil should be well drained, drink on the beaches and streets shall be determined to be unconstitutional by any court ot competent jurisdiction, such Painting & Paperhanging 108 MAIN STREET Auto Glass Installed but able to retain moisture. Or­ of the municipalities, would face ar­ or otherwise illegal, the validity of the re- section or provisions hereof shall, to the mainder ot the said Ordinance shall not in extent that it is not unconstitutional, in­ Radiators Cleaned and Repaired ganic matter can be added every rest as disorderly persons by a bill an>: way be affected by such determination. valid or inoperative, be enforced and effec­ Exterior & Interior Spray Painting spring, but be sure that any manure which has passed the Legisfature. P ,s ordinance shall take effect thirty tuated, and----uticiimutiiion no such determination sna.. „ shall 1 Wheel Balancing -, days after publication thereof as nro- deemed to invalidate or make ineffectu; Plain or Multiple Colors is rotted, as manure only par- W edby law:...... ■ 1,7 mgl «****■«■any“ sihir------seetion------or-^,____ TTaTTy- decomposed’ can “Harm the beetjon 88. This ordinance shall tak BULLDOZING WORK Complete Repairs on Ail Makes , NOTICE _ f . NOTICE R.D. #3 Freehold, N. J. roots. I ake notice that Stanley Copeland has effect thirty days after publication there; Of Cars and Trucks The foregoing ordinance was introduced as provided by law. Phone Freehold 8-4225 Tansplant Soon applied to the Mayor and Common Council at * n’eetmg of the Township Committee ol the Borough of Hightstown for a Plen­ of the Township of Washington held on the v . , NOTICE 41tf DIGGING CELLARS Most iris specialists divide and ary Retail Consumption License for prem- 13th day of May, 1937 and passed on first Notice is hereby given that the foregoin POTTER & HILLMAN transplant roots in June or July, or - -tuated at 104 Dawes Court, Mights- reading, and the same was ordered publish­ Urdinance was introduced and passed o ed according to law: and that the said hrst reading at a meeting of the Board t shortly after blooming. During this Objections, if any, should be made im­ ordinance will be further considered for final Health of \\ ashmgton Township held o GRADING FORD SALES & SERVICE resting season the old feeding and mediatey in writing to Elsie M. Liedtke, passage at a meeting of the Township May 13, 1957, and ordered published in ac anchorage roots disappear and a Uerk ot the Borough of Hightstown, N T Committee to be held at Windsor School- cordance with the law'. Said ordinance wi CRANBURY INN new set is formed. (Signed) STANLEY COPELAND, house, Windsor, New Jersey, on the 10th be considered for final reading and adoptio Call Hightstown 8-1124 Phones 8-0940 and 8-0941 h n _ ,, „ Hightstown, N. T. day of June, 19a/, at eight o’clock p.m.. at at a meeting of the Board of Health to b If you let the job go too long, H. Gazette, May 30, June 6, 1957 Fee $3.78 which time and place all persons interested held on Monday at Windsor School Hous< PACKAGE STORE Hightstown, N. J. plants may not become established win be given an opportunity to be heard Windsor, New Jersey, on the 10th day c « , . , n o t ic e concerning said ordinance. June. --- 195/... at eight uuw o'clock.a P.M., aiat wniwhic 25 tf in time for flower buds to begin de­ lake notice that on June 3, 1957 at 9:30 FRED U. DRAKE, time all persons interested may appear I MAIN ST. CRANBURY velopment and the result could be a.m. at 120 S. Montgomery street, Trenton, »*• passag-e Ordiuanc no bloom next spring. u i ’ 1 sl?a • ?xP?se to Public sale one 1953 H. Gazette, May 30, 1957 %% JOHN J. SCHEIDELER Hudson, Serial No. 207533, seized and re­ Secretary Choice Domestic and Imported Gardeners with iris know-how di­ possessed front William B. Jones by virtue Washington Township Boa Notary Public vide roots every three or four years, w eac,h a,conditional sales contract SUF.ER,0R COURT OF NEW JERSEY „ of Health. as plants spread rapidly, get crowd­ dated March 22, 19o7 and pursuant to the CHANCERY DIVISION, MERCER H. Gazette, May 39, 1957 Fee $271. Wines and Liquor ^ ~ /oriE Sales Act of New Tersey. COUNTY ed and soon use up the soil fertility. The Commerce Investment Company re­ ...... Docket No. M-4169-56 NOTICE FREE DELIVERY W. P. DENNIS serves the right to bid. ANN BEVERLY TABLER, Damasco’s Also, clumps left too long may get TO: JOHN and FRANCES SULE Plaintiff, full of insects, especially the iris The Commerce Investment Co. c/o Mrs. Brightman Phone Cranbury 5-0609 Office at Hightstown Gazette borer. 143 E. State Street RICHARD E.'TABLE R, 535 Lafayette Avenue LIQUOR STORE Trenton, N. T. West Trenton, New Jersey Btf When you get to the dividing job, „ r' w Mcrgins, Collection Mgr. Defendant. Phone 8-0373 H. Gazette, May 30, 1957 Fee $2.70 TAKE NOTICE that I, Richard Speran- dig the whole plant and throw the CIVIL ACTION za, as agent for the Michigan National 107 Stockton Street old and rotted parts of the rhizome NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFEND­ Bank, under and by virtue of the provisions away. Every new set should have a NOTICE ANT OF ORDER FOR of an act of the Legislature, entitled Chap­ Hightstown, N. J. Take notice that on June 3, 1957 at 9-15 PUBLICATION ter 32 of the Revised Statutes, R.S. 46x32-25 good fan of leaves attached -to a aflffi. at 120 S. Montgomery street, Tren- etc., Uniform Conditional Sales Law, shall CESS POOLS small piece of rhizome, which will ™ 1 , a11 „exP°se to Public sale TO: RICHARD E. TABLER: sell- One 1953 4 Wheel, National House Imported and Domestic usually have some roots. one 195o Chevrolet, Serial No. B55BQ83909 Trailer at a public auction to the highest Asphalt Paving seized and repossessed from Frederick Jones ComtCourt ’of of New Jersey,ran Chancery of tke Division Superior bidder in accordance with the aforesaid stat­ To make replanting easier, clip the by virtue of the breach of a conditional made on the 20th day of May, 1957 in a ute on Wednesday, June 5, 1957, at 10:00 Wines and Liquors SEPTIC TANKS leaves to about 6 inches and cut the sales contract, dated March 10, 1955 and the nla!nHffWheo'" An“ Bever>>' Tabler is o’clock in the forenoon, (Daylight Saving roots back to 3 or 4 inches. Jersey01 l° *16 ^ ni!orm Sales Act of New Time) at the premises of the Robbinsville All Work Power Rolled Phone Hightstown 8-0365 VACUUM CLEANED >ouvou PJ™ are herebyW K nd required you- “I 6 to the answer defendant, the Trailer Sales, Inc., State Highway No. 130, New plants or new divisions usu­ The Commerce Investment Company re­ Compiamt of the plaintiff on or before the Robbinsville, New Jersey, to satisfy the Local Licensed Worker ally are set about a foot apart and serves the right to bid. find day of July, 1957, by serving an an­ balance due on contract dated March 23, -Sidewalks, Parking Areas, Driveways not too deep. When plants are T,hce Commerce Investment Co. swer on Samuel Bard, Esquire, plaintiff's between the Michigan National Bank Prices $10 and up growing you can see the rhizome on 145 E. State Street attorney, whose address is No. 102 \iain and John and Frances Sule, together with Free Estimates J. J. VETICK All Work Guaranteed Trenton, N. J. ft« e t. Hightstown, New Jersey and n rejiossession and costs of this sale, the surface of the soil. So, when u r .. w Mergms, Collection Mgr. DATED: May 23, 1957 Upholstering, Slip Covers, Draperies you set new plants, the part of the H. Gazette, May 30, 1957 Fee $2.70 dered U against afnl?f you SUCh as the Court shall shall be think ren- Also Grading Work Included J. B. COOPER RICHARD SPERANZA Aluminum Storm Doors & Windows rhizome attached to the fan of Agent for Michigan Call Hightstown 8-2018 leaves should not be in the soil SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSFY = i T oU;°eLic5eht t p £ „ National Bank CHANCERY DIVISION, MERCER JOHN SCHLOSSBERG, Attorney Furniture Repairing 44tf deeper than half its thickness. COUNTY HoJ,ethL ^ f « L ST e j ° ^ rt'i„S,« ? Main Street R. J. HICKS Higlitstown, New Jersey The standard remedy for iris bor­ procedure!*1'” ’h' °f « £ t Shampooing SUSAN eIT e MIXG. M 3851 “ H. Gazette, May 30, 1957 Fee $4.30 er is 50 per cent wettable DDT, 2 . The object of said action is to obtain > Venetian Blinds—Sales & Service tablespoons to a gallon of water. Plaintiff, Box 307 Route 130 NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE AUTHORITY Spray when plants are 5 or 6 inches JOSEPH HOWARD LEMING, liffTnd,Vold,V°'t' bc‘W"“ ,he said P^n- 18 Years in Same Location Dated: May 22, 1957 Offers Call Hightstown 8-2007 tall next spring. Defendant. Real Estate for Sale I lifted this information from a CIVIL ACTION SAMUEL BARD Sealed Bids for about 177.19 Acres 171 Stockton Street Attorney for Plaintiff Located in Washington Township, 39tf y » n t*[. bulletin, “Garden Iris,” by Dr. f' OTANTTOSAo l! ,E rR DFE0?REND- 192 Mam Street Mercer County Phone Hightstown 8-0095 Charles H. Connors, former author Pursuant to a procedure adopted by the of this column, who was No. 1 iris TO: JOSEPH HOWAM™EMING H. Gazette, May Lommissioners of the New Jersey Turnpike |fl?f Authority on Wednesday, May 25, 1955, n> man around the Experiment Station ' o q j Jersey,^Chancery” K NOTICE Sealed Bids will be received until 11:00 until his retirement last year. made on the 29th day of April, 1957. in a A.M. (Daylight Saving Time) Tuesday, civd action wherein Susan E. Leming is TAKE NOTICE, That Michael V. Halay- ve ryd"nS ski and Mary Halayski, husband and wi/e June 18, 1957 and publicly opened at the the Plaintiff and you are the defendant, you trading as “Robbinsville Liquor Store/' has Office of the Real Estate Department, New are hereby required to answer the Com­ Jersey Turnpike Authority, Administration C?>mnv n? \fthC Towij ship of Washington, plaint of the plaintiff on or before the S t County of Mercer and State of New Tersev Building, New Brunswick, N. J. for the SamnilJn y'a19r ' servj nS an answer on sale of the following described real estate. Samuel Bard, Esquire, plaintiff’s attorney Mceuse& e E r * #D-I n of. picniry for premises Re,aii situate on The Authority shall reserve the right to whose address is No. 102 Main Street! Highway #130, Windsor, New Jersey reject any or all bids. Hightstown, New Jersey, and in default Objections, if any, Should be made DESCRIPTION thereof such judgment shall be rendered All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of itt Oun. against vou as the Court shall thinkTqufi . t0 Ftjd U. Drake, Qerk of the land and premises situate, lying and being able and just. You shall file your answer DATED" M a/ia7,T , r n' NeW J' rSef- in the Township of Washington, County of C lfrT Z ttZ l in duplica,e with tht Mercer and State of New Jersey, containing MICHAEL V. HALAYSKI about 177.19 acres and referred to as Par­ Annex, Trenton, Pv°r New - M r , ,, ,, P-D. Hightstown, N. J. Director of Real Estate. Yes, there's more of everything The names of the officers of the Club are- H- Gazette, May 23, 30, 1957 Fee $5.59 H. Gazette, May 30, 1957—31 Fee $18.33 tation or rubbing the fibers against Paul Babmec, President, R.D. Hightstown Packard and Hudson Cars good In our each other. Therefore, with a dryer, preheat on high heat, if dryer has T Wwvflej'K: JVi“ Presid" “ ’ H-D. Sob- temperature selector, for at least five minutes. At the same time, heat Al * § w i S V ^ rdin* Sccre,ar>'- s-D- PARTS SUPPLIES REPAIRS z s s r 7°hn Poliak, Financial Secretary, Cranbury, B. P. O. ELKS O i d e n , GOLDEN GUERNSEY «'• five or six bath towels in the dryer. TIRES BATTERIES They will reduce the rubbing caused Paul Hozdala, Treasurer, R.D. Robbinsville, t 7 * d « U f by the tumbling action and keep folds of the wet blanket from rub­ Miirtin Steck Trustee, R.D. Hightstown, Announce the Facilities of Their Ballroom & B In Business Here for 44 Years foam... bing against each other. Both ac­ Joseph Nekarda, Trustee, R.D. Hightstown, tions tend to cause a stiff matted Are Available to the PUBLIC George Porubski, Trustee, R.D. Hights- Telephone 8-0030 blanket. town, N, J, Conover’s Tumble the blanket with the hot Objections, if any, should be made irame- Parties - Meetings - Banquets Solicited towels for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove diately m writing to Fred U. Drake, Clerk the blanket before it is bone dry to of Washington Township, Windsor. N, J. 1913 1957 Hightstown Guernsey American-Czechoslovak Jimmy Craparotta, House Manager reduce wrinkling and again to avoid Farmers Gub, Inc. Dairy felting. Paul Babinec. President Route 130, Hightstown Phone HI 8-19! _ R-D. Hightstown, N. J, Hightstown 8-0269 Now for line drying. Place the H. Gazette, May 23 , 30, 1957 Fee $9.18 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1957 Sevea On occasion, neglected or inade­ day, a little longer the second, and j Nitrogen Best in Installments age. Emid is used at l-d pounds of ; to kill the broadlaved ones. Many quately cultivated strawberry fields so on. It’s a pretty well accepted fact, the active material or 2 pounds of I farmers work a spray into their become infested with weeds. Broad- 2. Don't turn hungry cows into | leaved weeds can be controlled by that an acre of corn needs at least the 75 per cent commercial product, schedule and do a good job of con- legume pastures. See that they get j Once the weeds in corn are up, trol, but this does not kill the an- Ya to l/z pound of 2,4-L) acid equiv­ 100 pounds or nitrogen to produce a their fill of dry roughage before sizeable yield of ears or silage. You use one-fourth to one-half pound of j nual grasses that are knocked out alent per acre. 2,4-1) should not be turning them out. used before harvest or during the can count on manure to furnish 5 the amine form of 2,4-D to the acre j with the pre-emergence spray. period of blossom differentiation. 3. Have hay available in hay racks j pounds of nitrogen to the ton and (Do not apply 2,4-D in the spring on pasture. When cows get their this can, of course, be deducted from by Richwd Lippincott. Mwrcwr County Agricultural A*ent to the fruiting field. The last ap­ fill of high moisture legumes they the amount of nitrogen needed. will head for a dry feed if they can. Strawberry Weeds plication should not be later than Sidedressing is one of the most | of weed seed for approximately one the end of August.) 4. Keep cows off legume pastures efficient ways to use nitrogen. Youj “We Service What We Sell” fields of strawberries planted this month unless heavy rain dilutes the 2,4-D is not effective against at night and following a warm rain can put some fertilizer on the field ,Dring will be much more easily material in the surface layer of the grasses, nor will it control chick- or heavy dew. broadcast, or in the row with the I managed if chemical weed control weed or henbit. Growers should use planter at planting time. But most; measures are taken. Most annual soil to a point below effective con­ If bloat does occur, there are sev­ DAVE’S SERVICE centration. Such treatments can be | a nonvolatile formulation of 2,4-D eral things that can be done. Bloat should be sidedressed in “install- j weeds can be effectively controlled | to avoid injury to crops in adjacent can be very serious and a fast killer. merits" of around 50 pounds. by applications of Crag Herbicide made throughout the growing sea­ The first sidedressing can be used, son and into October. The fall ap­ I fields. Call your veterinarian immediately. LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TRACTORS Ro. 1 or S.E.S. Late Blight Warning Bloating cows will generally wan­ to good advantage when the corn is plications have given good control up 4 to 6 inches and the other at j Crag No. 1 should be applied at of chickweed if the material is pres­ j Late Blight is reported from one der off by themselves and lie down. Chain Saws approximately 3 pounds per acre in j area in both Gloucester and Salem But keep them on their feet and the last cultivation. ent in tlie surface layer of the soil Which nitrogen carrier? That’s! 40 to 100 gallons of water. The field when chickweed seed is germinating. 1 Counties on southern grown plants, moving, if possible. This will en­ U.S. Route 130, Hightstown, N. J. Tel. 8-1015 should be carefully cultivated and courage belching and relieve some up to the farmer who is using it b u t: As Crag No. 1 may inhibit early i With cool, wet weather either man- it seems sensible to use the one! needed to remove all weeds before root development, it should not be j eb or zineb at \l/2 pounds per 100 of the pressure. With chronic or Member N. L. D. A. milder cases of bloat, this may be that delivers a pound of nitrogen at j each Crag No. 1 application. One used while early runners are rooting j gallons should be applied in the next the lowest cost. application will inhibit germination during the first 2 or 3 weeks of June. ! insecticide spray on fields of south- all you have to do. | ern plants. Home gardeners or local Standing a cow with her front feet Weeds in Corn ! plants will probably not need the higher than the back ones may help. Moist soil and warm weather j fungacide unless the situation gets Temporary relief can be obtained bring out weeds almost as fast a s1 a lot worse. by placing a sawed-off broomstick field corn, and this calls for spray- 1 THE DISCOUNTS ARE TERRIFIC Since Late Blight is present on the handle in the cow’s mouth. It can ing with weed-killing chemicals to! southern grown tomato plants to a be held in place with a rope or rope give the corn a chance. very slight degree, the potato grow­ halter. The cow will chew on the An application of l r/2 pounds of; AT ers should watch temperature and wooden bit which stimulates belch­ 2,4-D ester just before the corm moisture in the near future. If cool ing. If she can belch at all she is in comes up will kill weeds and allow: wet weather continues the potato no serious danger. As a last resort, the corn to grow weed-free until it growers should add zineb or nabam when a cow is down and near death, is tall enough to be cultivated to , and zinc sulfate to their next in­ she can be tapped with a trocar and control weeds that might sprout lat-; COLUMBUS secticide application. canula or a jackknife on her left er in the season. Use just enough 1 Flea beetles are prevalent. Still flank. This method could introduce wafer to cover the surface area—10 i too early for corn borer. We will infection and should not be used to 40 gallons an acre, depending on j ; release timely information on that unless absolutely necessary. equipment and nozzles available. FARMERS SHOPPING score. Keep Birds Laying The weed specialist reports that MARKET CENTER & Periodical Cicada Expected Keeping birds laying in hot a new weed killer coming on the I Brood XIV of the periodical Ci weather is a major poultry manage­ market is expected to be cleared un-1 Thurs. 10-10 FOOD FAIR jeada will emerge this year in much ment problem. der the terms of the Pure Food and ■ Fri.-Sat. 1-10 Tues. thru Sat. of the northeast. In New Jersey, Comfortably cool houses are of Drug Act. This is Emid, a 2,4-D j j between mid-May until late June or great importance for continued sum­ acetamide. It has the advantage of lasting! CHARLES W O O DW O RK SHOP 8-0176 ! early July, the insects can be ex- mer egg production. An abundant — ------FREEHOLD RD. HIGHTSTOWN ------i pected to appear in large numbers supply of fresh clean water with longer into the season and not being Free Parking for 3000 Cars ! in small areas in Bergen, Mercer, extra fountains in pens on extreme­ as likely to vaporize and be carried | Burlington, Gloucester and Cape ly hot days also is vital. by the wind to crops it could dam-; 250 Merchants Competing for Your Business | May counties. However, with land High feed intake must be contin­ All Under One Roof j clearance, real estate developments ued with a decided increase in mash and other community expansion, it consumption. Mash consumption NEPTUNE Selling Food, Household Furnishings, j is expected that Cicada emergence can be increased by supplementing will be smaller than in 1940. with pellet feeding at the rate of 2 I MUSIC CIRCUS I Clothing, etc. - - plus For 17 years the grubs or nymphs to 3 pounds per 100 birds daily. Neptune, N. J. have fed on the roots of trees and More frequent operation of auto­ 3 Mil** West of Atbory Park on N.J. 5 2 LARGE AUCTIONS shrubs deep in the earth. The adults, matic feeders has some effect on PRoipect 5-8100 easily recognized by their red eyes increased eating of mash. Stirring 2 WEEKS - JULY 1-14 and red-veined yellow-tinted wings, of the mash in conventional hoppers 'THE PAJAMA GAME" Now Open will emerge in tremendous numbers, also encourages added consumption 1 WEEK - JULY 13-21 riddling the ground with holes. of mash. "!" A shrill din—the composite love Culling is a third management I WEEK - JULY 22-28 THURS-FRI-SAT song of thousands of males will an­ practice to help maintain produc­ nounce the transformation of the tion. Birds showing molting and "SOUTH PACIFIC" nymphs into winged adults. The return of pigmentation are not 1 WEEK - JULY 29-AUG. 4 Vi-way bet. Mt. Holly & Bordentown on Rt. 206 Cicada, uukc-s Ml 4k* noise; profitable for pfodwtion and shotffd "PLAIN & FANCY" the female, though mute, does some be removed from laying pens. This Is the time! damage to trees and shrubs. The egg-slits she makes in the twigs and stems are not particularly damaging HAVE IT INSTALLED NOW to mature trees but can be very in­ jurious to fruit trees, young shade trees and nursery stock. Be Ready for That Hot Summer Heat After about a month above ground, the adults will die and the multitude of larvae emerging from the eggs laid in the branches, twigs GE Thin Line Air Conditioner and stems, will fall to the ground, burrow in and attach to nourishing roots. Here these nymphs will wait Full Line for Any Size Home or Office for the year 1974 to roll around. Protecting Cows from Bloat Legumes are blamed niost fre­ quently for bloat when cows are turned out on pastures, but don’t shy away from legumes for this CRAIGj & SON reason, because they are a low cost, nutritious feed. "Here’s what you can do to avoid HIGHtSTOWN, N. J. PHONE 8-0057 most bloat trouble: 1. Change from barn feeding to pasture gradually—an hour the first NO ONE IS IMMUNE! TO THE DISEASE THAT STRIKES 1 OUT OF EVERY 12 PEOPLE!

When belief oufomobilei are bull! Buie! will build Ihem

e set out to make this the most luxurious these har e been designed to a new excellence. Wautomobile our stylists and skilled crafts­ men could create. w ith equal pride, we invite your judgment And we believe that when you see it, sit in it of the magnificent performance here. and drive it, you will consider it the most mag­ For only here—among all fine cars—do you nificent fine car on the American scene today. have the smoothness and instant obedience of Variable Pitch Dr-naflow—plus the might of Naturally, the superb new interior of the Buiek s newest and most powerful V8 engine. Roadmaster 75 is what you will judge first. For the seats are fashioned in super finished Motoring’s Newest Advance wool broadcloth or nylon, with backs topped — Air-Cooled Aluminum Brakes in hand-buffed leather. They are wide, deep, Add to this the extra luxury and surety and superbly soft—and flanked by fully uphol­ smoothness of air-cooled aluminum front stered and cushioned doors. brakes—the newest and finest in the fine-car Mental health illness victimizes more people The chromed and safety- field—and you have the heart of the story. than polio, heart, tuberculosis, cancer — padded instrument panel, the all other diseases combined. wide-sweeping armrests, the Your Buick dealer will be glad to show you With proper equipment and trained deep-pile carpeting—even Buick’s new Roadmaster 75. See him this week. personnel — so desperately needed — as many as 70% of all mental health patients can be returned to a normal livelihood. THE MOST COMPIETEIY CHANGED G iv BUJCK IN HISTORY I fynq (he BM to M ental


Ui' "kortlmmaat canlrlbufod by Public Sunk* Hoctrk and Got Company A-176-57 MAY 30, Page Eight H1GHTST0WN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, Tues., 8, Prayer service. ADV. Wed., 8, Sermon by Rev. P vj b y Bryan of St. James A.M.E. Church'. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t h e Rev. Norman R. DePuy, Minister Seen Fri., 8, Diaconate meeting. by BOB MAYERS Sunday, 9:30, Jr. Choir. 9-45 Church School, it, Communion and Worship Service, sermon, “Light In to Darkness” by Rev. Harold F White Horse Bowling Academy Has Bowling Stoddard Jr. Wed., 8, Adult Education class. With 40 Automatic Alleys, Cocktail CHURCH of C H RIST, SCIENTIST Princeton. N.J. Lounge and Banquet Facilities Sunday, 11, Church Service, Sun- Bowling from 9 a.m. till closing is. He is a past president of the New ■ ing taken for league or team bowl- Wed., 8:15, Testimonial Service. , , Horse TW 1- : Jersey State Bowling Association ing next season in September, > i Wed., 8:14, Testimonial Service. featured at the White Horse Bow ^ A gtm an officer o{ the group j The White Horse Bowling Acad- ing Academy, on Bordentown road,, Qlar[es jrox ;s proprietor of the | emy also has music nightly and an TO P TO RN AD O ES O F 1956 ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL Pl«c» Dead Injured Damaa* White Horse. j White Horse Bowling Academy, es- attractive cocktail lounge and Show­ Hudsonvilie. Grand LUTHERAN CHURCH Rapids, Mich. 910,600,000 BOX SCORE Rev. Ansis Kiraields. Putor case Bar. There is also a luncheon- Van Buren, Allegan, l i p ^ , r “ 1 *. i Forty automatic alleys are avail- J tablished in 1942 and long popular Kent Counties, Mich. No. 6 Moat lives loat...... AVVV aIR ! ette and the establishment has am- Flint, Mich. No. 1 Moat property damage.$10,500,000 Fri., 6:45, Catechetical class. 8 able for your bowling pleasure at M i bowling enthus.asts in this W hite County, Ark 8ta*e worat hit—Michigan, with 21 dead, | pie comfortable facilities for ban- Monroe County, M ill. injured, $23,010,000 _dam»g»< _ Choir rehearsal, B irm ingham , Ala. this modernly-equipped and well run gummer ]eagUe bowling starts the ! quets and wedding parties, seating Marion, Ind. Sunday, 9:45, Church School. 11 Henderson County. Tenn Berlin, Wls. Service, sermon, “Why Can't \vj establishment, which is directed by ^rst weej< jn June and inquiries are up to 200 persons. Lincoln and Creek Counties, Okla. Have Peace?” Holy Communion. 3 Bill Thornton, general manager, who j welcome. There is open bowling ev- Call Export 4-5492 for all infor- Muskegon, Mich. Cuyahoga County. O. Executive Committee, Synodical Lu-’ has been in this field for 22 years, ery night. Reservations are now be- i mation. Belleville. 111. Cowley County, Kan. ther League. 7, Luther League. Bancroft, Wls. Mon., 8, Steering Committee at MAJOR TORNADOES of 1956, as compiled from possible rescue work. In addition, if a -hit home of Mr. and Mrs. John Keeo Yardville Concrete Supply Co. Has Fleet preliminary Weather Bureau data, clearly point locality is declared a major disaster area by the Tues., 3:30, Brownie Troop, to Spring as a time for special watchfulness by President, as happened in Numbers 1, 3, 6, and Of 16 Transit-Mix Concrete Truck, Sells residents of the central United States-—the world’s 10 above, the Federal Civil Defense Administra­ Twenty-seven companies at Fort most dangerous tornado area. Civil defense units tion can provide funds to aid communities in Dix entered volunteer singing are on special call throughout this vast region for temporary repair of public facilities. (FCDA Photo) groups in postwide chorus competi­ All Masonry Material, Block, Sheet Rock tion in 1956. Yardville Concrete Supply Co. of, faster service to their many custom-. growing with the area it serves so ~ 11 tt . i . Vnr/tvriiip ic o ers. well. They have a large and efficient w a r MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, 10, Church School. 11, South Broad stree , ’ j All masonry materials, including j staff of 30 employees and serve cus- Rev. J. S. Swann. Paitor Morning Worship. 7:30, Holy Com­ complete masonry supply hrm, iea_' concrete and cinder block, sheet jtomers throughout Mercer, Burling- Fri., 8:30, Business meeting. munion. there's a turing ready-mixed concrete and al- Jath and other materials are j ton and Monmouth counties. CHURCH SERVICES i;»4 nmducts sold by the firm, which has two George Mozer is president of the slide-off trucks for block deliveries. firm and Ed Smith is vice president A fleet of 16 transit mix trucks is “Quality and Strength,” is the and manager of the concrete divi­ operated by Yardville Concrete Sup­ motto of Yardville Concrete Supply sion. For all concrete and masonry BIG ply Co. They are radio equipped for Co., established for 11 years and supplies, call Owen 5-1408. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Higher Crop Yields difference 106 Mercer Street Jerry Martini B uilds Sewers, Cesspools Rev. Paul Gibilisca. Paator in FORAGE BLOWERS Sunday, 9 :45, Sunday School. | 10:45, Morning Worship. 7:45, Eve-! FROM BETTER SEEDS And Septic Tan ks, Also French Drains ning Service. Tues., 7:45, Evening j Jerry Martini, of Poland street, water line trenching, too. . All of his work is fully guaranteed Service. Trenton, specializes in construction Having all modern equipment, Mr.land he serves both residential and UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CERTIFIED CLARK & F.C.A. HAWKEYE of sanitary systems, featuring instal­ Martini does a great deal of work j conimercial needs, CHURCH OF MILLSTONE throughout a 30 to 50-mile radius. He| Ca„ Mr Martini at Owen 5.5335 lations of sewers and making sewer Perrineville, N. J. is now doing the Pennington road 1 . , , . ,.A Rev. Harold A. Jenkins, Pastor SOYBEANS line connections. sewer line job. 1*or estimates and advice on quality Thurs., 7, Senior Choir. 8, Prayer | Mr. Martini builds cesspools and In this field for 15 years, Mr. Mar- j sanitary installations. The many meeting. septic tanks and French drains and tini has been established in business jobs he has successfully completed Fri., 6, Junior Choir. also cleans them. He does sewer and for himself for ten years. are your assurance of fine work. Sunday, 9:45, Sunday School. 11,1 Check With Us For Your Soybean Needs Morning Worship. 7, Young People. | Dr. Rudolph A. Komarek, Morrisville PENTECOSTAL MISSIONARY ASSEMBLY X. * % !/. % ” you’ll see it r.HirnnrQrtnr. H a s General Practice Across f rom Hochalutz Farm, Et- IMMEDIATELY ra-Perrineville road. Service on' for Spinography and Electro Car­ groups, being a member of the Sunday, 4 p.m. Elder 0. Hannah, j / with a KOOLS BLOWER Dr. Rudolph A. Komarek, chiro­ practor, engages in a general prac­ diography. Chiropractic Society pastor. — SEED CORN STILL AVAILABLE IN ACTION Dr. Komarek has been engaged in and the International Chiropractic tice at his office, Room 208 in the practice for eight years, starting FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Any farmer, with any experi­ Stockham Building, 10 S. Pennsyl­ practice in Morrisville after being Association. CHURCH N. J. No. 8 N. J. No. 9 DeKalb 406 ence in handling silage or mow Dr. Komarek receives patients by Rev. H. Barry Keen. Minister drying hay . . . w ill recognize vania avenue, Morrisville. graduated from the Lincoln Chiro­ immediately the engineering, Treating men, women and chil­ practic College, Indianapolis, Ind., in appointment. Call his office at Cy­ Sunday, 9:45, Church School. 11, Morning Worship, Sacrament of the labor-saving advancements of a dren patients, Dr. Komarek has an 1950. press 5-5811 for appointment, and if High Yielding—For Grain or Silage Kools Blower. X-Ray lab and is also fully equipped He is active in professional no answer call Export 6-9807. Lord’s Supper and Reception of New Members. • EXCLUSIVE SHRED KNIVES... handles wilted hay at Mon., 8, Board of Deacons. full capacity Suburban Const:ructors, Speciali ze in Tues., 7, Boy Scout Troop 59. • PTO DRIVE . . . N o belt slippage Wed., 3:30, Jr. Choir. n Homes, Remc>deling • THREE WHEELED MOUNTING Building Custor BETH EL SYNAGOGUE F. C. A.| A ft for a demonstration . . « Rabbi Meyer Korbman carpentry, including playrooms, stair Suburban Constructors feature the started within 48 hours with the Hebrew School, Sunday, advanced erection of custom built homes and work, masonry, pointing, plastering, completion date stated in the con­ heating, garages, flooring, porches, tract. All materials and workman­ classes, 9-10 a.m., beginners’ classes, Adjoining Tri-County Auction all types of residential remodeling plumbing, roofing, electrical work ship are fully guaranteed for one 10-11 a.m.. Sunday school, 12-1. Isaac Barlow & Son work and improvements. and tiling. Operating mainly in Mer­ year. ST. JAMES CHURCH Phone 3-2704 The firm, of Woodside road, Yard- cer and Bucks counties, Suburban Frank F. Gilbert, who has been in Rev. P. W. Bryan, Pastor Hightstown, N. J. Phone 8-1470 ley, and with a Trenton office at Constructors have worked for your( this field for 35 years, is owner of Sunday, 10, Sunday School. 11, PLAINSBORO, N. J. 242 E. Hanover street, builds new neighbors and are recommended by the firm, which he established 12 Preaching. 3:30, Program by Mrs. homes from the ground up, handling your bank. They offer liberal terms years ago. Call Trenton at Export Evelyn Smith of Prinecton. the entire operation. with no money down. Credit is ap­ 6-1040, or Yardley, Hyatt 3-2221 for In the remodeling field, they do proved in 24 hours and work is estimates and advice. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Rev. Louis F. Co*an, Pastor Rev. William A. Capik, Asst. Beco, Inc., Trei iton, Have Com plete Line Mass every Sunday at 7, 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Of Kitchen Cabinet Materials, ()vens Masses on Holy Days, 6, 7, 8. Confessions on Saturday, 3:30, 5. Beco, Inc., of 1823 Liberty street, Formica sheets, carrying a large breakfast nooks are also sold by the 7:30, 8:30 and on evenings of Holy Trenton ,have all materials and stock of 20,000 square feet. firm. They have power tools for the Days and first Friday, 7:30. 8:30. equipment for custom kitchens, spe­ Beco, Inc., also sells Tappan built- do-it-yourself enthusiasts. cializing in selling everything re­ in ovens, for which they are author­ Joseph Al. Bahelka, who has been FIRST METHODIST CHURCH quired for beautiful kitchens. Rev. Leon W. Gibson. Pastor ized dealers. They are now display­ in this field for many years, estab­ Sunday, 9:45, Sunday School. 11, Expert advisory service on kitchen ing the new electronic oven at their lished the firm last July 31. They Morning Worship, sermon, “Chosen planning is provided by Beco, Inc. showroom. Elkay stanless steel are open from 8 to 5 daily and 8 to and Ordained.” 6, Int. Fellowship. They have a complete line of Phil­ bowls and sinks with hardware, Nu- 12 on Saturday. Call Owen 5-3407 8, Evening Worship. ippine mahogany, and all sizes of tone exhaust fans and hoods and for all information. Mon., 7, Commissions on Missions and Membership. 8, Official Board. J. J. Wilke Does Roofing and Variety Show HIGHTSTOWN GOSPEL MISSIONARY SOCIETY A variety show, “As Time Goes Siding, Repairs, Alterations By,” will be presented by the local Sunday School, 1:30. Preaching, PTA Friday at 8 p.m. in the high 2:15. 220 N. Main street. J. J. Wilke, contractor, has an apt rials. He also does repairs and re­ school auditorium. Richard Archer Tues., 7:30, Prayer Meeting at 242 slogan for the many building serv­ building and all kinds of alterations, will act as master of ceremonies. Ed­ Monmouth street. ices he performs. It is: “Quality residential and commercial. He is a gar Thomas is in charge of the mu­ work at sensible prices,” a policy dealer in Meadow Stone and makes sic and general assistant to Mrs. FIRST PILGRIM CHURCH that has served him and his custom­ installations. Ruth Wagner, chairman. Jamesburg, N. J. ers well ever since he went in bus­ Operating anywhere in a wide Among the highlights will be folk Rev. C. F. Kresge, Pastor iness in 1926. area, Mr. Wilke is a member of the songs, barbershop quartet, dances, Sunday, 9:45, Church School. 11, Located at 11 Everitt Alley, just Chamber of Commerce and does rock n* roll, etc. Morning Worship. 7, Young Peo­ 100 feet from the main entrance to fully guaranteed work on buildings ple’s service. 7:45, Evangelistic ser­ Sears, Trenton, Mr. Wilke does all of every type. Consult Mr. Wilke at Hightstown Gazette $2 a Year vices. Thurs., 7:45, Prayer meeting. roofing and siding work and is an Export 3-1081 for estimates and ad­ approved installer of quality mate­ vice on quality work. A. Farfalla, Trenton Jeweler, Has Quality Line of Jewelry " ... but... the case o f the A. Farfalla, jeweler, of 203 N. ship as a jeweler under Jack Lencer but.,. Broad street, Trenton, has a quality in this same store and took over the line of jewelry, clocks and watches, business 13 years ago. He numbers ... but... handling famous Longines-Wittnau- a great many regular customers, er watches only. having built up a fine patronage lady I ” dishwater Bond [ Rings, pins and many other items with quality merchandise and expert of jewelry and gift items are sold service. by Mr. Farfalla, who also offers ex­ Mr. Farfalla’s jewelry store is Once a practical, romantic young man pert watch, clock and jewelry repair open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. six (you can be both) married. service. days a week. Call him at Owen 5- For their anniversary being practical, Mr. Farfalla served his apprentice­ 7740 for all information. Please, gentle readers— if your dealer doesn't have he bought his wife a U. S. Savings Bond. our paint on hand, don't bawl him out; it's probably And, being romantic, he slipped if under her dinner plate. not his fault. Some stores just can't seem to keep Then he forgot it until, drying the dishes, tUj? iFirat flmilnitrrian QJhurrlj enough in stock. . . it sells too fast. he spied it m the detergent The Bond looked all washed up. NORTH MAIN STREET Don't get mad, have him phone us. W e'll see that But it wasn’t After a letter from the young he gets the quart or gallon you want by Special man, the U. S. Treasury replaced the HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY Delivery. That's one reason he handles Solfo prod* Bond with another bearing the original, REV. H. BARRY KEEN, Minister ucts— our factory is nearby. date of issue— the couple’s anniversary tt ^ tT le st?,ry illustrates the safety of COMMUNION SUNDAY, June 2 11:00 a.m. U. S Savmgs Bonds. Any of your Bonds SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER that are lost stolen or destroyed will n f a A be replaced without charge by the U. S. Meditation by Mr. Keen Treasury. And remember this! Your “0 Magnify the Lord With Me” Lynn Chancel Choir your Bonds safe- . guarantees sures uthe » «,«. rate ofOI interest.interest Offertory Solo, “God is a Spirit” Scott So start saving this safe, sure way. Sign belongs in u.s. Sav.V^s Bonds Mrs. Rutheda Wagner up for the Payroll Savings Plan where IN THE HIGHTSTOWN AREA DISTRIBUTED BY you work or buy Bonds at your bank. 9:45 Church School. 11:00 Nursery for children, Parish House. HIGHTS FARM EQUIPMENT “0 TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD” Route 33______Hightstown, N. J. Sty? IjtgijtHtoum dagrttp)