©hr litgbtstmtm (SktjriL An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 108TH YEAR—No. 49 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1957 PRICE-FIVE CENTS Gang Fighter Chicken Still Doing Round Clock Patrols Day’s Work Every Day PostmasterJob Area Citizens to Ballot That hard-working Leghorn Gets 3-Month For Holiday Weekend chicken racked up- another 13 To Ivins, Vet On Proposed $850,000 eggs in the official production In a concerted effort to curtail the week that ended Tuesday. Jail Sentence main intersections, manning traffic She now has laid 207 eggs in usual heavy accident toll over Me­ lights and issuing instructions 207 days at the Huntefdon County Mail Employee School Project June 6 morial Day weekend, Colonel Joseph through the use of public address Egg Laying Test in Flemington Cranbury Man Jailed D, Rutter, superintendent, New Jer­ and portable amplifiers. In a united sponsored by Rutgers University. Swearing-In Ceremony Jaycees Schedule Free Local Building Program sey State Police, has issued orders effort to keep the traffic moving in With every productive day, the record of “No. 16-3” gets harder In Default of $500 Fine to his troop commanders to have all an even and continuous flow, troop­ Slated Friday at P.O.; Includes 24 Classroom* ers have been instructed to suggest to beat, says Prof. C. S. Platt, Rides to Election Polls available personnel alerted for con­ contest supervisor, of the State For Striking Woman tinuous "Round the clock patrols" the use of\ alternate routes which In Service 30 Years The local Junior Chamber of Plus Ground Purchase have been cdrefully planned and are University’s poultry department. Commerce will conduct free taxi through Sunday. This is the longest sustained pro­ A 21-year-°ld Janiesburg resident in excellent condition, well marked service for anyone desiring trans­ Colonel Rutter, gravely concerned and are, in many cases,- a short cut duction that he knows about. Lawrence P. Ivins of 312 Park ave­ Hightstown and East Windsor m s sentenced to the Mercer County over the steadily mounting traffic nue will be sworn in Friday as post­ portation to and from the polls at j Township citizens will go to the home. Special instructions have Research of a sort now turns up the school election, Thursday, June workhouse for three months Mon­ deaths on our highways, will have been issued to the patrols to be es­ the fact that this ambitious bird master at a ceremony to be held at [polls Thursday, June 6, between 5 day as the aftermath of a near gang the post office building. The ap­ 6, from 5 to 9 p.m., President ; arid 9 pan. to vote on an $850,000 all main highways and secondary pecially on the alert for drinking has a drop or two of Irish blood, James Wood revealed at a meet­ fight in the area last week. roads under constant surveillance perhaps, and she’s to be known pointment was made known in let­ school building program. Polls are drivers. All stations have been ter to Ivins and the local Republican ing of the group Monday, Polls ' located in Walter C. Black School, Fred Dunfee of 30 Pergola avenue and patrol during this period of time equipped with Drunkometers, to­ hereafter as Meggi O’Day. are located in the W. C. Black was charged with assault and bat­ and radio reports of traffic tieups Besides, she took to brooding organization from the Postmaster Stockton street and Township Build­ gether with trained personnel to General’s office over the weekend. Elementary School and Township ing, Etra. tery when arraigned before -Magis­ will be reported hourly to Troop test those suspected of drinking. about that "16-3” label with its Building, Etra. trate Samuel Bard in local court. | Headquarters. hint of prison life. Miss O’Day He will succeed Jerome L. Becker ! The bond issue calls for the addi- Troopers will also be vigilant of oth­ Jr. who held the post for 10*4 years. The Jaycees favor the proposed i tion of 13 classrooms and 2 kinder­ The charge was made as the result ! Congestions can be avoided with er major causes of accidents—fol­ .still has to live in a coop, but she $850,000 building program. of a fight he allegedly had with doesn’t want to be reminded of it. Becker resigned last month to take garten rooms to the Walter C. Black | the cooperation of the motorists if lowing too closely, speeding, im­ a job with a Trenton firm. "The important thing is not so ; school, 11 classrooms, shop and caf- Bruce Crandall of Princeton on May j they will heed the advice of the proper passing on grades, curves and Meggi’s proud owners are Stern much voting for or against the 19 in the Main street parking yard. Brothers of Vineland. jeteria to the high school; adminis­ | State Police patrols and dismounted shoulder of roadways, as well as the proposed bond issue but that ev­ trative offices to the Home Econom- Police reported that Dunfee al­ men who will be stationed at all careless and reckless drivers. eryone avail themselves of the op­ ! ics House and the purchase of 25 legedly struck Crandall in the mouth portunity to take an active role in acres of laud or more from Mrs. three times with his fists. Last Peddie Prize Day the government of Hightstown by | Harry Leshin on South Main street March 15 Dunfee was fined $50 by Ashton Studio voting," Wood added. | for iuture housing. Bard on another fighting charge. Miss Harris Program on Sunday Wood asked citizens who wish The proposal has the support of Last week 21 youths, mostly from to avail themselves of this service ; numerous local organizations and the Princeton area were arrested The Peddie School will conduct Slates June, to watch the June 6 issue of The \ has been approved by the State De­ and fined $25 for unlawful gathering To Wed Quinn its annual, Prize Day program this Gazette for the Jaycee sponsored partment of Education and Depart- in East Windsor Township. It was Sunday at 2:30 p.m. on the center advertisement which will list the | merit of Local Government. reported they allegedly were plan­ campus in front of Wilson Hall. Music Festival telephone number to call for free ! Some 2200 local and 750 East ning a “revenge” attack against a On June 15 More than 100 students of the transportation. j Windsor Township residents are eli- rival janiesburg group. Upper School will receive recogni­ I gible to cast ballots. Magistrate Bard warned that strict tion for their leadership in the fields Three recitals will be presented 1 The Board of Education has rec­ measures would be taken against Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Harris of of music, dramatics and public by the pupils of the Ashton Studio ommended the program in order to gang fighters. Hightstown Heights have revealed speaking, school publications, ath­ of Music in a June music festival to April Primary take care of school districts grow­ the forthcoming marriage of their letics, academic honors and for cit­ be held in Eaches Chapel of the ing school population. Alvin Bostick, 37, of Cranbury, First Baptist Church. was handed a three-months jail term daughter, Miss Barbara Ann Harris, izenship. Some facts which necessitated the when he was unable to come up with to John E. Quinn, son of Mr. and Dr. Carrol O. Morong, headmas­ Saturday evening at 8 o’clock the Vote Lowest proposed building program are: a $500 fine also on an assault charge. Mrs. Aloysius Quinn of Consho- ter, will conduct the program and junior pupils will render a program 1. Functional capacity of build­ According to police, Bostick struck hocken, Pa. The weddjng will take the awards will be presented by the of piano and vocal selections featur­ ings at present is 1291—September Alice Bradford on the head, face place Saturday, June 15 at 3 p.m. in masters who supervise the various ing folk music of different countries. In Ni History 1956—pupils on roll 1518. and body with his hands and a shoe. the First Methodist Church. curricular activities. The senior group will be heard 2. The adult population of the Miss Jewwe Kvdwi -of Wikuiug-Uoiy. Friday at 8:30 p.m. and will be school district has grown 26% since avenue. Del. will serve as maid of honor. As sis ted by William Green Jr. who Uespite the greatest voter regis-. TOO. bridesmaids Miss Harris has chosen will present ea group of tuba solos. tration in New Jersey's history, the: 3. 262 pupils on half sessions this A ,30-day jail term went to Felix 9 Area Boys He is a pupil of Edgar Thomas, primary election on April 16 last j year—534 on half sessions next year, Fertitmdez of Mercer street in de­ Miss Margaret Craig of South Am­ boy, Miss Norma Kovacs of Leonia, school music director and held “first produced the least number of votes i September 1957. Ten elementary fault of $205 penalty on a drunken chair” this year in the State and Re­ in history. J classes (1st and 2d grades) are on driving charge. He also had his li­ Miss Reggie Cairo of Ft. Washing­ A Republican, Ivins was recom ton., Pa. Miss Barbara Wunderle Are Promoted gional school bands. mended by the local and county Re When the polls opened on primary ?'art -''ext year’ Septem- cense revoked for two years. He ; ber 1957, 22 classes in the 1st, 2d, 3d was arrested on May 20 and given of here will serve as junior brides­ The festival will close Saturday publican organizations.
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