Improved Water and Land Management in the Ethiopian Highlands: Its Impact on Downstream Stakeholders Dependent on the Blue Nile
Improved Water and Land Management in the Ethiopian Highlands: Its Impact on Downstream Stakeholders Dependent on the Blue Nile Intermediate Results Dissemination Workshop February 5-6, 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Organized by IWMI Subregional Office for East Africa and Nile Basin, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Compiled by Seleshi B. Awulachew, Teklu Erkossa, Vladimir Smakhtin and Ashra Fernando Improved Water and Land Management in the Ethiopian Highlands: Its Impact on Downstream Stakeholders Dependent on the Blue Nile Intermediate Results Dissemination Workshop February 5-6, 2009 Compiled by Seleshi B. Awulachew, Teklu Erkossa, Vladimir Smakhtin and Ashra Fernando IWMI receives its principal funding from 58 governments, private foundations and international and regional organizations known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Support is also given by the Governments of Ghana, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) supported the project, the workshop and the outputs reported here; IWMI together with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Cornell University (CU), USA; the Omdurman Islamic University, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources (OIU, UNESCO-CWR), Sudan; Bahir Dar University, Addis Ababa University, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Forum for Social Studies, Ethiopia have implemented the project and the papers presented here. Awulachew, S. B.; Erkossa, T.; Smakhtin, V.; Fernando, A. (Comp.). 2009. Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands: Its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile. Intermediate Results Dissemination Workshop held at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 5-6 February 2009. Summary report, abstracts of papers with proceedings on CD-ROM.
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