Stephen F. Austin State University SFA ScholarWorks Strayed Reveller, 1969-1970 4-1970 The Strayed Reveller, No. 6 Jim Williams Stephen F Austin State University Harry McMurphey Stephen F Austin State University Gail Means Stephen F Austin State University Philip Gallo Stephen F Austin State University Deannie Francis Stephen F Austin State University See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Fiction Commons, and the Poetry Commons Tell us how this article helped you. Repository Citation Williams, Jim; McMurphey, Harry; Means, Gail; Gallo, Philip; Francis, Deannie; Bartlett, Jack; Whitney, John; Jung, Becky; Hopkins, Charles; Roberts, Wade; Lewis, David; Ryan, Jan; Adams, Cydney; Chevallier, Larry; Seacrest, Joe; Arnold, Steve; and Kleitx, Mary, "The Strayed Reveller, No. 6" (1970). Strayed Reveller, 1969-1970. 6. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by SFA ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Strayed Reveller, 1969-1970 by an authorized administrator of SFA ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Authors Jim Williams, Harry McMurphey, Gail Means, Philip Gallo, Deannie Francis, Jack Bartlett, John Whitney, Becky Jung, Charles Hopkins, Wade Roberts, David Lewis, Jan Ryan, Cydney Adams, Larry Chevallier, Joe Seacrest, Steve Arnold, and Mary Kleitx This book is available at SFA ScholarWorks: List o f Contributors Cover of Straye d Reveller - Jim Wi lliams The Barri er -Harry McMurphe y -2 Outworks of Broken Morni ng - Gail Me ans - 3 The Compass Rose - Ph illip Gallo - 4 ~ ssay ~ The Commu nications Gap - Deannie Francis - 5 Summer ' 69 - Jack Bartlett - 8 The Cont .