New Owners Announce Plans for Pirate Playhouse Byscoumattetl : to C Truot Operated by Aiaodco Awi Mstbunt

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New Owners Announce Plans for Pirate Playhouse Byscoumattetl : to C Truot Operated by Aiaodco Awi Mstbunt Vol. 23 No. 42 Tuesday, October 16,1984 Two sections, 25 cents New owners announce plans for Pirate Playhouse ByScoUMattetl : to c truot operated by Aiaodco awi Mstbunt. "We want to get this rolling ' Tne Pirate Playhouse stagejias been empty and Amodeo would not release the price be and bit the lights turned oil (or tbe put two years. Bur • partner p*Sd for tbt (heater. Farqutwrsan had been right away. I think we can wimtherioslngofthesaleol the »year-oid theater asking ¥325,000. - have the theater ready to open two weeks ago, there is a "very good chance" that Karouharsoia botoitht fb? toeater antS y irTnMr*rt1TTg Islanders wUI once again aee live theater al the 2.7-acre plot In Aprfl 1983 from Rath Hunter, who in 60 days." historic site this winter season with ber husband KUlip had operated tbe Hv« BobAmodeo Bob Amodeo sad lee MaUunt are She new theater for 18 yean. Philip Hunter died In December contrcdlng Interests In tbe theater. Captlva New owner restaurateur Jajnlc Farouharscii] told IPM* playhouse continued page 22A jtoin' It up BMRH units at Wil's Landing gain commission approval The units, were tentatively earmarked for first priority use by members of the Sanibel Police Department. ; By Mart Johnson The first step toward a new Below Market Rat* Housing development gained the blessing of Uie Planning Commission last Monday. Tbe board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of request for a specific amendment lo the land use plan tu permit five duplex units behind WIT* Lan- ding on Periwinkle Way. Tie request presented by Peter VolUn for Com- munity Housing and Resources, Inc., asked the commission to allow Ux> duplexes on a six-acre parcel or land, part of which is In the Lowland Wetlands ecological zone. The commissioners agreed to approve the request after CHK agreed to reduce Its original request tor six duplexes by one. A question of drainage lor tbe Lowland Wetlands portion of the property was solved.when ValUn showed the commission the commercial drainage system lor Wll's Landing could hold water run off from the housing development. I " The land forUK development was donated to the Sanibel Police Recreation Club by Rick Kennedy and Wll Schlowcr, developers of Wll's Landing restaurant and shopping complex. The land was earmarked for BMRH housing with the tentative condition that members of the Sanlbnl Police Department would have first option to use tbe units The next people In line would be Sanibel ctty «i iployeei and then members of the Sanibel Fire CwwotdJstrtrt. '"The proposal looks absolutely perfect." said ConuuUsloner Jerry Muencb. "Tbe density factor «reras perfect." Valiln aid the units for the property have beer marked as rental units at the present time. CEPD turns to computers for latest finance package By Scutt Kartell usbtatlvdy scheduled for Dec 10-14 Cotnllv or Riulll-fanilly residential. Stevens, renourlshment project Tee Optlva F-oston PrevenUftn Then the plan will lUuly go !o voter* In As much viable data as possible will director for the CEPD When we District baa turned to computers, in Its a February referendum be Included, tbnesch category will be • hive all the data, the computer allows latest attempt to come up wi(b a legal, The first step came Cast wee when "wrijued" — for Instance, the r*ct us to run several different analyses (air end explainable finance package jn cncJneerJag team <ro(n Tctrft-Teci^ Out a home Is at the G"l'«U1 welch [ciunt£tnethedoQanainoiints)". to cave r the cost of A *5.5 mill Ion beach visited Captlva lo accumulate dm^ <or anon ttu= the sbe of a lo( Ttte Comrclsloner Uoyd Wright said he renourlshmeatplaB. ,''•',• tbe con^uter Dau that wtu be dtlennlnlng laelor will be.benefit would have tome reservations untune -pElnad, and Deed for, a renonrksned could compare the new'flgurel with The idea behind the protect to to; compiled Includes evcrythmfi fn»n thn determine a udenuflc and' rattmal site, location cad value of a pica at the most recent Munldpa: Service .caot-tobeoettt ratio lor each CxpUvu property te the use « erosloa Each catacorr will be wacUed «US Taxing UnK petition figure! property (nvner* stevalion Ktrnctures such as "brartlt unite," wtik* w-Jl he aaalcied Sevens said James Humphrer, Alter lbs plan Is anplete II wm ba aoertaln dollar vahj*. discussed AirUg pftllc bearlags the foperty are paaaxstM. -neitunrUIhetay. continued page 21A lll^J?/ T?if> ISLANDER TMetaay. October U, law K. *m TVf S^stbe! Kwunistei's home cfaurdi What's inside Weather watch ISLAND contributes to iocai binlcftng fund Everybody Raymond Puff f once HUdyocouJ never go tame spam — ilf tu vnnc »» Ihr llrhSgt IB talks about it...' ftaymend Puff, a yeari" visitor to Sanibel, died SHORTS ^^ cow nf uie itm Ricnan) and France* tinrt Tuesday. Oct. 8, 1884, at hie home in Fort Wayne, .Sictr.rfSsnlbel Last week the Ot y of S*nC*J .p. 1U Intl. He was SZytars old. Comm unity news tti Augiwl the Stea» w«K home to pnivt4 tbc devtlopaM* oemut iar Puff Is Mirvlved by his wife, Loretto. of Fort c«a*Uvctlea «f tbe cWch on •Cotomimfc. -Ohm. Jar * visa. While CIa»taeds US Pair weather ttouM ctwMinue this week with highs Why w; and by his deugblei-, Betty Puff of Sanibc). and ann<Hjr»cerrT>er.ti r forecast in (he low to nitd Ms, tows In the low 71* B0Q1 Ow»e «veat» Ufcrty apUta the GubnewB 7B under clear rtiea about your fnemJs and-net of Ctitnct. preached ID ha tonnrjr 0«± hlew Ki}Krj*ed ilte Lk'wMe«artJwgtore4ajfd«keptbM y Hi the Bmad Street United Methollrt p**s>to 0* Su>in the Sanlbel-Captlv« Ctatbber of Commerce was at George Mueller Church. pC 0M> sue ttecfc from Cnmword puzzle 20B follows: The Columbut church nude quite An Columbus to dturcb oaaderabjr fund Georgff Mueiler, part-time resident of Saoitwl for Where were you *TB.C? p ol tbr visil aad presumed chjirraan Emltx Bsrefteid. Entertainment, moviea 18 -wTj- specuil otferiufi — a RAIN many yean, died Sept. 24, 1984, In Indianapolis, Tut paraOr wfll start lnd.,Hewa»63. PtshhigUpc SB to. V J* ja. tm Periwinkle McocUy.OcLt trace Mueller and bis family began vacationing on If you "were an the «*f « CasM Ybe3 Road Tuesday, Oct 9 67 0 Sanlbel in the 1960s at Periwinkle Trailer Part and ami win travel west u> Obituaries SA Wednesday, Oct. 10 57 0 TBIJWC Bay 3ioad then bought a mobile home there In 1970. Islands, there's a special Thursday, Oct, II 69 0 Mueller and his wife, Janie Lou, owned os unit in turn njac To Florence 10A Friday. Oct. 12 67 place for you in the city's MSA and HCTMK Palm PoUcebeat the first building at Points Santo condominiums and Saturday, Oct 13 a lot on Angel Drive, where they had planned to birthdav celebration. * Ridge Road w Wooster Sunday, Oct. 14 l*ne and end at the Cltv Schoolnews UA build a house. Hall complex Mueller founded the liquor distributing firm Queen and grand Service directwy 1SB Stadium Distributing Co., In Indianapolis and Were vou on the roarsnaU ior the enttn.* served as president of the company until it closed Islands B.C. — "Beta* pandr wUl he tong-Unw Shelling Ups SB five years ago. He was the former executive owner Stmoer already das a ami well-known Sanlbel of Mooney. Mueller and Ward. Co., a wholesale drug CaUSffWBi?" IT SO firm tiUrtcd by his great-grandfather. there* * special plac* Joog laa of resHkrxes, residentfi Esperanza Sports 10E wtm Tteri; ten is prv- Tl and Edmond In addition to His wife he is survived by daughters turtiuiay ceiebraUon Cmmtvxy iMyt, tat be ain Lynne Sweeney, Julie Hoycr and Sally Mueller; eon Tim.IV- wants to make sure w Alter the parade Tides 9B John Mueller aitd sister Marjorte Jean Mueller. '• Cfcuck Sfcioner. «ne is nverkwked is the participant* and Services were Itdd in Indianapolis. Memorial coontmaiar for the seaxeb. If you verr berr spectator* art- invited to TodayatCltyHftll HA contributions can be made to the American Cancer parade tbat wOi kick ofl and jJ ymi'wmitd like tr Joro In fun and games Society or to the donor's favorite charity. tbe tecuviSies al u a_m- parUcipaie is Uie with entertamnient and mat Gay, TKBML. to bear rerrestameBtB at the CH\ iron; everyone on reeeivf a baUns te wear Hall complex. Al 3 p.m. Sanibcl and CajrtivB .boasting your long the Island Historical -who wa» brrr bcinnr the association with the HtttcoiD at the "Uncle" Island youth adopts anew Causrvav opened m comaci Stun- Oarencc Rulland house .\ovraititT 19F2. adjacent to City Hall KODAK L Try Italian Tonight AJtbougta the exact still ac- wiU be dedicated. Heather Stablln has adopted her VIVIIAR plsDtr <&TT not {in&l^cdL ceptmg entries iar tbe The birthday •mom* DianneMcCinty. POIAROIO Skinoer says all parade. The list so lar celebration wUI end HcGinty married Heather's father. YASHJCA "S.Cex" uiH have a wtals 132 entries Irani wlis a fireworks du7>l2>- Paul SUtilin. las! October, and TAMRON speoal place in the local service dute to Saturday eveniog from Heather decided si* wanted a mom. KIRON parade and aetivib« at marching bands, e th* Cauttvi)-. -We don't believe in Uw title 'itep OUR OWN City Hall iollowine flM sheriff's posse and Everyone is invned to moOer.' and Jleatbcr wanted someooe PRINT SERVICE proceision dawn classic cars. Call join in the iesUvtbes at bomc to cxQ TOOBL," said McCinty.
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