Comparative Effects of Halogenated Inhaled Anesthetics on Voltage-Gated Na؉ Channel Function Wei Ouyang, Ph.D.,* Karl F

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Comparative Effects of Halogenated Inhaled Anesthetics on Voltage-Gated Na؉ Channel Function Wei Ouyang, Ph.D.,* Karl F Anesthesiology 2009; 110:582–90 Copyright © 2009, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Comparative Effects of Halogenated Inhaled Anesthetics on Voltage-gated Na؉ Channel Function Wei Ouyang, Ph.D.,* Karl F. Herold, M.D., Ph.D.,† Hugh C. Hemmings, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.‡ ؉ Background: Inhibition of voltage-gated Na channels (Nav) neurotransmitter release by the potent inhaled (volatile) is implicated in the synaptic actions of volatile anesthetics. We 2,3 ϩ anesthetics. The voltage-gated Na channel (Nav)su- studied the effects of the major halogenated inhaled anesthetics perfamily consists of 9 distinct genes that encode for the (halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, enflurane, and desflurane) ␣ on Na 1.4, a well-characterized pharmacological model for Na channel-forming -subunit (Nav1.1–1.9), each with tis- v v 4 effects. sue-dependent expression and functions. The potent ؉ ␣ ϩ Methods: Na currents (INa) from rat Nav1.4 -subunits heter- inhaled anesthetics inhibit native neuronal Na chan- Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 ologously expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells were analyzed nels5–7 as well as heterologously expressed mammalian by whole cell voltage-clamp electrophysiological recording. Naϩ channel ␣-subunits.8–11 However, the relative po- Results: Halogenated inhaled anesthetics reversibly inhibited tencies and channel-gating effects of various inhaled an- Nav1.4 in a concentration- and voltage-dependent manner at clinical concentrations. At equianesthetic concentrations, peak esthetics have not been compared in detail. Although Ϸ ϩ INa was inhibited with a rank order of desflurane > halothane Na channel blockade is of enormous therapeutic im- enflurane > isoflurane Ϸ sevoflurane from a physiologic hold- portance for cardiac dysrhythmias, acute and chronic ing potential (–80 mV). This suggests that the contribution of -؉ pain states, seizure disorders, and possibly general anes Na channel block to anesthesia might vary in an agent-specific ϩ manner. From a hyperpolarized holding potential that mini- thesia, systemic administration of Na channel blockers is associated with severe cardiac and central nervous mizes inactivation (–120 mV), peak INa was inhibited with a 4 rank order of potency for tonic inhibition of peak INa of halo- system side effects. Effects of anesthetics on central thane > isoflurane Ϸ sevoflurane > enflurane > desflurane. nervous system and peripheral Nav isoforms are there- Desflurane produced the largest negative shift in voltage-depen- fore likely to be involved in their anesthetic and some of dence of fast inactivation consistent with its more prominent voltage-dependent effects. A comparison between isoflurane their agent-specific nonanesthetic effects. and halothane showed that halothane produced greater facili- We characterized the effects of five potent inhaled tation of current decay, slowing of recovery from fast inactiva- anesthetics on the function and gating of rat Nav1.4 tion, and use-dependent block than isoflurane. ␣-subunits heterologously expressed in Chinese hamster Conclusions: Five halogenated inhaled anesthetics all inhibit ovary cells. The skeletal muscle Naϩ channel isoform a voltage-gated Na؉ channel by voltage- and use-dependent ,؉ Nav1.4 is expressed at the neuromuscular junction mechanisms. Agent-specific differences in efficacy for Na 12 channel inhibition due to differential state-dependent mecha- where it regulates muscle excitability. Nav1.4 function nisms creates pharmacologic diversity that could underlie sub- is inhibited by local anesthetic and antidepressant drugs, tle differences in anesthetic and nonanesthetic actions. and it provides a well-characterized model for studies of Naϩ channel pharmacology that is amenable to genetic 13–17 ␥ manipulation for detailed structure-function studies. BOTH ligand-gated ion channels, including GABAA ( - aminobutyric acid, type A) receptors, glycine receptors, The halogenated alkane halothane and methylethyl neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and N-meth- ethers isoflurane, sevoflurane, enflurane, and desflurane represent the principal volatile anesthetics employed yl-D-aspartic acid–type glutamate receptors, as well as 2ϩ ϩ clinically in the modern era. Detailed kinetic character- voltage-gated ion channels, including Ca channels, K ϩ channels, and Naϩ channels, represent promising molec- ization of their Na channel blocking effects is impor- ular targets for various general anesthetics.1 Depression tant for identifying common and/or distinct features that of presynaptic action potential amplitude involving Naϩ might contribute to agent-specific pharmacological pro- channel blockade has been implicated in inhibition of files. We report here that all five anesthetics inhibit Nav1.4 at concentrations in the clinical range in propor- tion to their potencies for producing anesthesia in vivo, * Research Associate, ‡ Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Departments of ϩ Anesthesiology and Pharmacology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, which provides additional support for Na channel New York; † Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Anesthesiology, Weill Cor- blockade as a plausible mechanism of inhaled anesthetic nell Medical College, and Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Campus Mitte, Charite´ University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany. action. In addition, agent-specific differences in their Received from the Department of Anesthesiology, Weill Cornell Medical Col- relative potencies and involvement of state-dependent lege, New York, New York. Submitted for publication July 8, 2008. Accepted for mechanisms could contribute to differences in their cen- publication November 18, 2008. Supported by grant GM 58055 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, (to Dr. Hemmings), and by fellowship tral and peripheral pharmacodynamic properties. HE4554/5-1 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany (to Dr. Herold). Drs. Ouyang and Herold contributed equally to this study. Address correspondence to Dr. Hemmings: Department of Anesthesiology, Materials and Methods Box 50, LC-203, Weill Cornell Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, New York, New York 10065. [email protected]. Information on purchasing re- Cell Culture prints may be found at or on the masthead page at the Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with rat beginning of this issue. ANESTHESIOLOGY’s articles are made freely accessible to all ␣ readers, for personal use only, 6 months from the cover date of the issue. Nav1.4 -subunit (a gift from S. Rock Levinson, Ph.D., Anesthesiology, V 110, No 3, Mar 2009 582 INHALED ANESTHETIC EFFECTS ON NAV1.4 583 Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Uni- pette (diameter, 0.15 mm) positioned 30–40 ␮m away versity of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colo- from patched cells. Concentrations of volatile anesthet- rado) were cultured in 90% (v/v) Dulbecco’s Modified ics were determined by local sampling of the perfusate at Eagle Medium, 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum, 300 ␮g/ml the site of the recording pipette tip and analysis by gas G418 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), 100 units/ml penicillin, chromatography as described.5 and 100 ␮g/ml streptomycin (Biosource, Rockville, MD) under 95% air/5% CO2 at 37°C. Cells were plated on glass Statistical Analysis coverslips in 35-mm plastic dishes (Becton Dickinson, IC50 values were calculated by least squares fitting of data to Franklin Lakes, NJ) 1–3 days before electrophysiological ϭ ϩ Ϫ ϫ the Hill equation: Y 1/(1 10((logIC50 X) h)), where recording. Y is the effect, X is measured anesthetic concentration, and h is Hill slope. Activation curves were fitted to a Boltzmann Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 Electrophysiology ϭ ϩ equation of the form G/Gmax 1/(1 e(V1/2a – V)/k), where Cells attached to coverslips were transferred to a plas- G/G is normalized fractional conductance, G is maxi- tic Petri dish (35 ϫ 10 mm) on the stage of a Nikon max max mum conductance, V1/2a is voltage for half-maximal activa- ECLIPSE TE300 inverted microscope (Melville, NY). The ϩ tion, and k is the slope factor. Na conductance (GNa) was culture medium was replaced, and cells were superfused ϭ calculated using the equation: GNa INa/(Vt –Vr), where INa at 1.5–2 ml/min with extracellular solution containing ϩ ϩ is peak Na current, Vt is test potential, and Vr is Na reversal (in mM): NaCl 140; KCl 4; CaCl2 1.5; MgCl2 1.5; HEPES ϭ potential (ENa 69 mV). Fast inactivation curves were fitted 10; D-glucose 5; pH 7.30 with NaOH. Studies were con- to a Boltzmann equation of the form I/I ϭ 1/(1 ϩ e(V ducted at room temperature (24 Ϯ 1°C) using conven- max 1/2in 18 – V)/k), where I/I max is normalized current, I max is maximum tional whole cell patch-clamp techniques. Patch elec- current, V is voltage of half maximal inactivation, and k is trodes (tip diameter Ͻ 1 ␮m) were made from borosilicate 1/2in slope factor. INa current decay was analyzed by fitting the glass capillaries (Drummond Scientific, Broomall, PA) using decay phase of the current trace between 90% and 10% of a micropipette puller (P-97; Sutter Instruments, Novato, ϭ maximal INa to the monoexponential equation INa A· CA) and fire polished (Narishige Microforge, Kyoto, Japan). Ϫ ␶ ϩ exp( t/ in) C, where A is maximal INa amplitude, C is
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