SPACE RESOURCES RouNDTABLE II November 8-10, 2000 Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado LPI Contribution No. 1070 SPACE RESOURCES ROUNDTABLE II November 8-10, 2000 Golden, Colorado Sponsored by Colorado School of Mines Lunar and Planetary Institute National Aeronautics and Space Administration Steering Committee Joe Burris, David Criswell, University of Houston Michael B. Duke, Lunar and Planetary Institute Mike O'Neal, NASA Kennedy Space Center Sanders Rosenberg, InSpace Propulsion, Inc. Kevin Reed, Marconi, Inc. Jerry Sanders, NASA Johnson Space Center Frank Schowengerdt, Colorado School of Mines Bill Sharp, Colorado School of Mines LPI Contribution No. 1070 Compiled in 2000 by LUNAR AND PLANETARY INSTITUTE The Institute is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NASW-4574 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Matenal in this volume may be copied wnhout restraint for library, abstract service, education. or personal research purposes; however, republication of any paper or portion thereof requ1res the wriuen permission of the authors as well as the appropnate acknowledgment of this publication. Abstracts in this volume may be cited as Author A B. (2000) Title of abstract. In Space Resources Roundtable II. p x.x . LPI Contnbuuon No. 1070. Lunar and Planetary Institute. Houston. This repon is distributed by ORDER DEPARTMENT Lunar and Planetary Institute 3600 Bay Area Boulevard Houston TX 77058-1113 Phone: 281-486-2172 Fax: 281-486-2186 E-mail:
[email protected] Mail order requestors will be invoiced for the cost of shipping and handling. LPI Contribution No 1070 iii Preface This volume contains abstracts that have been accepted for presentation at the Space Resources Roundtable II, November 8-10, 2000.