
a m B errien Co. R ecord. Model W orks,

A BEPUBLICAN .NEWSPAPEE. Manufacturers o f all kinds o ij


—BT— JO H V G-. BLOIiMES. Call or Writs for Estimates.!

T jrm si-SLSO per Ye^r. Furniture & Sewing Machines TiTABtE IX TDVANCR. REPAIRED TO ORDER. VOLUME xvn . BUCHAMN, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, 1, 1888. N U M B E R 4 OFFICE—In, Record Building, Oak Street. MAIN ST., BUCHANAN, MIOH.

GEKERAILY PERSONA!,. Theological Mathematics. F or Dyspepsia, “That’s easy enough,” said Bawshay. '*■ Pictures b y the Mile. VERSCHIEDENHEIT. “ You keep a fancy store, don’t you ? Business Directory. B usiness Directory* C os tiTen.es Si DECLINED WITH THANKS. Those who have recently had experi­ A subscriber who has read the Bible Sick Headache, “ Come, while the dew on the meadow, glitters, ‘Well, open up an artificial flower de­ There is a bill' before the New York IjIARMElis & MANUFACTUREKb BANK, Bu* Come where fhe starlight amiles on the lake." partment; ask the proprietor to let this ence with venders of cheap oiLpaint- more in'seeking a solution of the fol­ Legislature prohibiting the giving of SOCIETIES. JD chauau, Mich. All butifnesa eiiirusiuu to Cais Chronic Diar­ Bank will receive prompt aud personal attention. rhoea, Jaundice, “Not mnoh,” she said, “for I don’t like bitters, beauty wait on you; improve the ac ings, who have visited Buchanan, will lowing than ever before, contributes chromos and other presents-to the cus­ 0 . O. F.—Bnchanan Lodge No. 75 bolds It* And the dew and miasma compel m eto take. • regular meeting, at Odd Fellowa Hall, on each Wm.Pears, Pres.; Geo. il.lticharas, VicePres.; Impurity of the quaintance. and trust to luck.” he interested in the following bit of in­ this problem for the benefit of suffer­ tomers of stores.- iuesday[ evening. ACF; Ross, Cashier. B lo o d , F ev er apd Qhlnine and whisky, dog-fennel tea, “ Capital!” said Xnowlton. “ I’ll do W hisky and quassia, qnantnm sufT., formation from the New York Sun: ing sinners: RS. FRANC WHITMAN, Agent for Victor Ague, Malaria, it!” And he did. A lettey from Mayo, Ireland, says «fc A . M.—Summit Lodge No. 193 bolds a teg* , Dogwood and whisky, whisky free, Oil paintings 24x36 inches, mounted A young Bible student was asked, there wilLbe an extraordinary emigra­ F . n|ar meeting Monday evening on or before the MSewing Machines. Attachments,oilnudueed- an d a ll D iseases The bonnet reached Freetown in atil moon in each month. lest'nrolshed for all machines. In Bradley's Pho­ caused by De- Quinine straight, and all Such stuff.” due course and many blessings were in­ and stretched, are sold in this city at a “ How many hoys are there in your tion from that? neighborhood to Amer­ tograph rooms, Front st. ra n g em en t o f 3Liver, B o w e ls aodSidncyst voked upon Bachelor Xnowlton’s head profit of $50 a hundred. Eight artists ica this year. - . & A . M.—Buchanan Lodge No. 68 bolds a rag- NACGHTTCAL. have been known to produce 125 of class?” He replied, “I f you multiply F.___ alar meeting Friday evening on or before the )UCHANAN MARBLE WORKS, iloanmentt SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Mies Flora MoFllmSeyMoVeigh by the delighted editor’s wife, who had the number of Jacob’s sons by thenum- The Duke of Newcastle is visiting bill moon in each month. 1> aud Headstones o f all designs and kinds o f Bad Breath* Pam In the Side, sometimes the been informed of the incidents of the these paintings in a day. Large, hand­ Marble. J. S.Beistle. W ent sailing in Wallabout Beigh, Florida, and causes quite a flutter paliIn is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for purchase and who wore the husband’s some, flat Dutch gilt frames for rhe ber of times the Israelites compassed OF H.—Buchanan Grange No. 40 meets on Khi.heumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels When her lover he met her, upset her, and paintings sell for $1. These are whole­ among the social ambitious maidens P .t h e second and fourth Saturday of each month, O. HAMILTON, Milk Dairy. DelivcrsMllk generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; wet her appreciated gift so daintily and with Jericho, and add to the product the >t 2 o’clockr. a. W . In all parts of the corporation daily Resi­ the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, sale rates. The pictures retail for of the “sunny South,” dence,head ofFrout street. All over with old ocean's sprelgh. an air of such supreme elegance as to number of measures of barley which with considerable loss of memory, accompanied from §2 apiece up, and one of them has It is related of the famous Spanish. r O. G. T.—Buchanan Dodge N o. 856 holds Its with a painful sensation ofleaving undone something „ Miss Flora she thought It qnite rough, win at once the applause and envy of Boaz gave Ruth, divide this by the L. regular meeting on each Honday evening.. 1IIAS. W . SMITH has a lot o f Carriages from which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough the village. Bawshay- himself had been sold as high as $250. They are banker, Don Jose do Salamanca, who " (j the celebrated Louis Cook manufactory, for and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often And called her bold lover amough; sold chiefly by peddlers, who carry number of Haman’s sons, subtract the sale i p. Bnchanan.Mich. more solid comfort for five dollars died recently, that-in 1858 he gave a A. R. Wm. Perrott Post No; 22. Regnlm mistaken for consumption; the patient complains But her lover he caught her, and taught her stocks of them through nil the mining o f weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled; _than' any fifty dollars he had ever number of each kind of clean beasts single dinner that cost $90,000. a . meeting, on the first and third Vednesdav fACOB F. HAHN,, Undertaker. AltiUauucom that water towns Of the west. Many show an cvening of each month, in Good Templars Hull feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation "spent.- w plete assortment of Gaskets anti Uolims con o f the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, ‘ Dike riches, is unstable stongh. amount of labor and skill in execution that went into the ark, multiply by the A Boston man has ten shares of tel-^ Visiting eomrados always welcome. stantiy on hand. Burial Robes a specialty. and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene­ And while this “love of a bonnet” ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to MATRIMONIAL. which it would seem impossible to number of men that went to seek phone stock which he took reluctantlY-^-''” '" C .T .U . OF BCCHANAN holds its regnlai H . TALBOT, Machinist. Engines,Threshing try it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several created such a sensation in Freetown, in lieu of $18, owned bv a hoarder. • meeting at the Presbyterian Chnrch on each The hride-was led up the broad aisle. it was exerting a powerful influence command for ten times the price asked. Elijah after he was taken to Heaven, W W .a n d Agricultural Machines repaired. Cider of the above symptoms attend the disease, but eases Got up in the most killing staislo. He is feeling more contented over it Tnesday at S P. 21. mill screws, Saw Arbors, Ac., made to order. Shop have occurred when but few o f them existed, yet still in New York. Following his lit­ They are all landscapes-, as nothing else subtract, from this Joseph’s age at the on Chicago street. examination after death has shown the L iv e r to W hen asked it she'd he sells so well. The paintings come in now. have been extensively deranged. erary friends advice, Xnowlton became time he stood before Pharaoh, add the ATTORNEYS. A true virile to h e, many sizes, "but the price does not vary Beware o f using the ink pencil, un­ AME 8 CASE, Florist, keeps all kinds of Flower She promptly replied,*! should smnisle.’ a customer at the store where the now number of stones in David’s hag when J and Vegetable Plants for stile. Good plants at It should ho used, by all persons, old and famous example o f the milliner’s much. They generally represent a-riv- less you are willing to run the risk of AN RIPER & WORTHINGTON, low prices. One mile north of Bachanan. young, whenever any of the above er, mountains in the distance, a, bit of he killed Goliah, subtract the numbei and Counselors at Law, and Solicitors In Chan­ VOLUNTEERS WASTED. skill had been purchased. According some one- transferring your signature, f symptoms appear. country with fences and trees, and cery. Collections made and proceeds promptly T.M OKLEY, Star Foundry. A full line o f There was a young lady in Worcester to programme and arrangement with of furlongs that Bethany was distant a process which is not at all difficult, remitted. Office oyerKinyon's Store, Buchanan. . South Bend Chilled Plows, end repairs for Persons Traveling or Living In Un­ Who could crow quite aa well as a ros- here and there a farm-house. The tints jJ. . J„------TAX KIPER. . ------woiennxQTox. ------B the owner, the blooming young girl from Jerusalem, divide by the number as two transfers may easily be made. Kalamazoo, Oliver and Three Rivers Plows. Also, h e a lth y L oca lities, by taking a dose occasion­ cester * are well blended, and at a distance Iron Beam Plows. Casting done to order. Comer ally to keep the Liver In healthy action, will avoid who had fascinated his senses at first of anchors cast out when Paul was A bin containing 3,000 bushels of AYH> E . HlNStAN, Attorney and Counselor otFront and Portage streets, Bnchanan. all M alaria, Bilio u s attack s, Dizziness, Nau­ She could whistle and sing— sight waited upon him. produce a pleasing effect. This is es-' 01 at Law* and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It D o m ost anything - pecially true of the pictures intended shipwrecked, subtract the number of cotton seed at Lancaster, Texas, ex­ uade and proceeds promptly remitted. Office in She was not as diffident as he ex­ n,^lfch. nVRANK.MERSON, proprietor ot Central Meat will invigorate likea glass o f trine, o u t is n o In­ That hoys can,.except ploded from the generarion of gasi s. Sough’s------..block, ----- Buchanan,. toxicating beverage. pected. She served him with exquis­ for the eastern trade. Thirteen years persons saved in the ark, and the re­ X* Market. Cash paid for all kinds oi livestock That she wasn’t adept The • report could he heard two miles, aud produce. South side Front street. ago,’ when tlie industry was begun, £ 1 EORGE F. EDWARDS, Attorney and Coan- If You have eaten anything hard ot At climbing with no one to borcester. ite grace, answered his questions, lis­ mainder will ffie the answer.” and was of terrific force. U sellor at Law. Office, comer Alain and Second digestion , or feel heavy after meals, or sleep­ tened to his diffusive and'effusive re­ loud, flaring colors and broad effects Streets. Niles. Mich. VOHN WEISGERBER, manufacturer of Lnmhcr less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. A TWR. marks with an enchanting air,seemed to were in demand, but now such paint­ In’London/Mrs. Murphy, drunkeuly i ) vnstom sawing done to order. -Min on South A spruce and conceited young Mr. ings aro only wanted in tlie far west. Profits of Street-Begging. HORNTON HALL, Attorney and Counsellor Oak street. Time and Doctors* Bills vrill bo saved like the young fellow immensely; and .engaged in household pursuits, fell, T at Law and Solicitorln Chancerr, Buchanan. by always keeping tho Regulator F ell in love with another chap’s Sr, There they want the gayest colors, and, and her head striking in a tin sauce­ Michigan. after .a few weeks tlie proprietor Happening to pass through Four­ In the House! With his sweet little cane, thought he had done a very good thing, above all, they must have a castle. teenth street yesterday afternoon I no­ pan, just filled the utensil and fitted so For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly At tho end of the lane, Castles of the most remarkable design" safe purgative, alterative and tonic can in allowing Jenny to wait upon his thing ticed an intelligent looking man with closely that she could not remove it, PHYSICIANS. E. A. GRAHAM & CO., never be out o f place. The remedy is harm less He met and he fain would have kr, new customer, as he took up too much are thrown in anywhere. They are an empty sleeve. He was begging—a and she died o f suffocation. and does not interfere with business or But he trod on her train, of his own time over small purchases, erected on the side of a Steep moun­ common enough sight in-New York— S. DODD, M . D., Physician and Surgeon. pleasure. At the end of the lane, M. le YicompeteD’Haussonville, who X!/. Office in E. S. Dodd *fc Son’s drug store. Res­ and seemed to be waiting her, rath­ tain or on an island in tlie wild woods. but this beggar was an aesthetic. He E And a slap on bis face made a blr. 011 has written a book on America, says idence on Day's Avenue, east-side, Buchanan, Mich. D E A L E R S IN IT 13 PURELY VEGETABLE, er than she on him. They must have plenty-of turrets and was sitting beside a-huge music bqx And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or battlements. that even the third-rate papers in the R. .1.51. ROE, Physician and Surseon. Propri­ Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A t last he remonstrated. The next that probably cost $100, and in front United States are better than the lead­ D etor of Roe’s Throat Balsam. Offiso. in RoeV A Governor's Testimony* time ne went in to buy he found the One of the largest of these oil paint­ of it was a handsome poodle dog, care­ >lockv over Severson's drug store, Pschs**??.. Mich Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my ing manufactories is in- Greenwich ing journals of Paris. familyamtlw forIn* sometain* rim*time, andnnA T I am. m satisfied I.it is _a charming young lady inore cordial fully combed and trimmed, arid in his r . r o s s w . PiERuifi, Physic!1 x t t xvr- LUMBE 9- valuablei additioni ' to the medical science. A LOVE OF A BONNET. than ever before and his intoxicated street, where there are rooms filled mouth R’ small basket. The man had The United States Government for D Office over Waite & Woods’ sw^, J, Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. with racks containing hundreds of fin­ its heaviest guns uses powder the MicMich.D senses reeled with delight; so that lie a soldier’s cap in his hand_ and the Hon* Alexander XT* Stephens, o f Ga., “I promised to buy my wife a new did not know—as ins'" grandmother ished paintings. On an upper floor a group was an effective and artistic one. grains of which are one inch square. says i Have derived some ’benefit efitf from the use of bonnet,” remarked the editor of the Lim e and Salt, Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a used to say—whether he was "stand­ reporter saw eight persons, six of Curious to see how the dodge succeed­ That- is to give comparatively slow D further trial. Recorder as he crossed Canal street, ing on his head or on his he'els.” whom were young women. They were combustion. They are made in-m olds, arm in arm with his bosopa friend, ed I stood aside for a few minutes and Berrien Springs, Michigan. “ The only Thing that never fails to All. at once the fair girl’s voice sf art- hard at work, and painting rapidly. saw fully half a dollar dropped in pen like caramels. tit" W. SLOCUtf,Homeopathic Physician and R elieve.” —I have used many remedies for Dys­ A l. Xnowlton, dodging a trunk as he ed him beyond measure. In silver The proprietor, Wm. Levin, is ah ar­ nies and nickels by the ladies who were i l l . Surgeon, Buchanan. 5Uch. Office at resi­ pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never uttered the words, and stubbing the A Minnesota farmer advertised that dence, corner Main and Third streets. have foundi anything to benefit me to the extent tones of dulcet softness, with a world tist who studied four years under Ge- passing, all evidently attracted by the Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sene from Min­ toe of a tight boot against the earth in if the man who had run off with his Sell all kinds of of insinuation in them, she leaned rome, in Paris. Finding very little fine face of the beggar, the clean look­ ■^£RS. E. FT ANDERSON, M. D. Office andres- nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for cons’ qnence. I money in .high art, he invented a pro­ wife, two children and $500 would ___. idence, Portage St., Buchanan,<.Mich. Office such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim­ over the counter, beaming on him ing dog, and the musical strains of the bring back the young ones, lie might hours from 2 to 4 p . m. Diseases o f women and ilarly affected to rive it a trial as it seems the only “ Well, now that you are in town, with a melting smile: cess for the rapid production of cheap tireless box as it jingled out an aria children madea specialty. Patients boarded while thing that never tails to relieve. and on Broadway, you ought to keep keep the wife. P. AL Jajcnity, Minneapolis, Minn. “You are becoming very fond of me, paintings. from “Somnambula.” No one stopped under treatment If desired. Will attend calls in w m . your word, and buy her the nicest bon •the village or country. D r. T. W . M ason sa y s: From actual ex­ aren’t yon ?” The paintings are made on heavy to consider that beggars are not sup Canadian papers Teport the arrival net you can find,” answered his friend, perience in the Use of Simmons Liver Regulator in Like Clark Hassell’s “ Grosvenor” in muslin, which is first wet and stretch­ posed, to he able to" buy $100 music of a new bird in considerable numbers it . ADY, M. D., respectfully tenders his my practice I have been and am satisfied to use as he steadied the newspaper man, re­ J * services to the citizens oi Buchanan and vicin­ W ill deliver all kinds of and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. a cross sea his mind was taken “all ed tightly on long frames. It is then boxes, but every tender-hearted wo­ which preys upon the English spar­ ity. Chronic diseases a specialty. Office at resi­ storing him to his equilibrium. cut into the required size, and stretch- rows. No description is vouchsafed, dence, Front St., Buchanan, Mich. Jg^^Take only the G enuine, which always aback,” and like the vessel, he was in man dropped her mite and passed on, “ Yes, I know I ought to, but you see danger of sinking wrong end first. ect~by a machineon a square pine frame, save it is a native of Egypt. has on the Wrapper the r o d Z T rade-M ark we country editors are not blessed, thinking she had done a charitable ac­ RS. MAARLA DUTTON, Midwife and Nurse. B uilding M eterial and Signature o f J. U . Z E IL IN & CO. “ Because,” continued the lovely 'where it*is made fast. Next tlie mus­ tion. Two hours afterward I passed ___ AU calls promptly attended. Front Street, usually, with as many dollars as there Illinois derives an annual income of FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. girl, “I don’t want to create a falseim- lin is tinted a light blue, and after this the beggar and* found him still scoop­ Buchanan, Mich. are quads in the case. I have come on half a million from the Hlinois Cen­ presrion, I am married. My husband has dried it.is ready for the painter. ing in the nickels at-a furious rate. In Buchanan to New York to buy material, and to A coating of oil is first put on it, and tral -railroad. It is propose! to ex­ is an invalid at present, but will not No doubt he realized eight or ten dol­ pend this in improving the wagon roads DENTISTS. SliUHiUAiN u K A lR A i HAlLKOAb see about commission merchants’ ads, then a stencil plate is laid on the mus­ and I must not run myself ‘ short. always he so, and I expect to leave lars before sunset. There is a story of the State. \ m T M. WILSON, Dentist. Office, first door north W rite them or eall at the Tele­ ai.vinr u s * . this situation soon. I took it to keep lin, This stencil is of thick paper, with extant of a man who tried unsuccess­ y ♦ of the Bank. Charges reasonable and satis­ Then, again, it is a matter of two hun­ tlie wolf from the door, and I haven’t all sorts of odd shapes cut in it. A boy A ft er the wedding f r f - B f f - faction guaranteed. phone* 3-tl dred miles to Freetown, and I must fully to get employment, and at length found it necessary lo grow pale and stands on one side of the table and a sat down on the curbstone, exhausted the unmarried Senators will he Mr. l'nav » nt*I,— Nov I^. ISM!. go up the river on business before I go G. MANSFIELD, Operative Dentist. All work thin over it; and I always believe in girl on the other, and near them are by fatigue and hunger. He fell asleep Anthony, of Rhode Island, aged 88; • done at the lowest living prices and warranted {N ig h t home; so that on the whole, the ex­ several small pots of paint, They .daub J to give satisfaction. Rooms over JOnjon’s store. ♦ M ail. * A c c o n . •looking at the bright side, I am, my and his hat slipped, from his head and Mr. Hampton, of South Carolina, 65, E x p re ss pense and trouble of carrying the the paint into the holes of the stencil and Mr. Jones, of Florida, about 50, 3 4 0 P . M . friendf tell me, younger looking than lay upturned beside him. When lie JM cago..*,..... L y . 6 45 A Id 9 10 p . to head gear is too much. I guess Angle vcIlBlUgtOD...... ? 3 h 4 30 1 0 0 0 I am.” plate with great rapidity. When the awoke he found nearly a dollar in small 5 18 will have to do without it." Oscar 'Wilde, since his return to Lon- CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES. * a k e ...... s i r 10 4 0 Xnowlton was dazed, but be heard stencil is removed the muslin is seen coin in his hat, and seeing that beg­ llchigaa C ity..,.. 9 13 6 00 11 S3 “Do without it!” exclaimed Xnowl­ to be spotted here and there with paint. dou, is reported to have said and writ­ TT^EAVER & CO., dealers in Clothing, Hats, i b w Buffalo...... 9 2 7 6 25 every word as she went on: 1 1 5 5 ton, With a wealth of reproach in ging was profitable, sat on the same ten all sorts of unkind and sarcastic T i Capa and Gents’ Famishing Goods. Front .’uroe Oaks-.....* 9 42 6 40 “Now, I like yon very much. I liked Another stencil is then used, .whose spot day after day with -his hat before jtreet, Buchanan, Mich. ? 0 6 12 32 A. »’ things about America, and Americans. iu cU a ca z L ...... H l O his tone. “Do without it! You are you the first time I saw you. It seem­ holes correspond to other parts of the ■filen...... 10 2 t 7 87 1 2 4 5 a pretty fellow to grumble about ex­ him. So w’ell did he succeed that he It was to have been expected. HE ARCADE Clothinj'Honse, Buchanan, Mich. • rwagir* ...... » 0 5 3 8 U6 1 1 2 ed so gooff of you to urge your friend muslin, and more paint is daubed in. was able at last to go out west and J. M. BERNARD, Proprietor. 8 3 3 penses and distances! Your generosi­ T «4C&tur...... 11 i s 4 37 so earnestly to buy a bonuet for his Two more stencils follow, and when purchase a farm. It is quite true, and President White says, as to the co­ kWtOD...... l i s t 8 53 1 5 5 ty is about as poor as vour grammar. the work is* done the -muslin is com­ education of the sexes at Cornell, that EORGE W . NOBLE, general dealer in Boots, tlamazoo...... 12 1 2 P . M & 3 0 wile. You continued the conversation 2 3 0 You say you have ‘come on’ to New the man is living still. In fact, beg­ U’ rv— Shoes, Men's, % Boys'" ' and ’ "Youths* Clothing. *” a le sU u P g ...... 1 2 3 3 about it, that had evidently/begun in pletely covered with a . patchwork of ging is a profession, arid men and wo­ in the classes men outrank: women in Central Block, Front St., Buchanan. C r e e k ...... 1 03 , 3 20 York to buy printing material; now I varied colors. It is then handed to a study, and that a few will he far ahead, Urshall...... 1 E0 3 4 6 the street. Mr. Xnowlton, my marri­ men stand in the-dust asking for alms, 4 1 2 say ‘come on’ and buy a bonnet for young woman, who blends the back­ but that women have a better general PCT51. POWERS. All kinds o f work made to or- 2 1 3 ed life has been Very happy, and al­ who are really richer than those who 3 0 5 7 0 5 A . M . 6 00 your wifel You can do the opposite, ground. She uses several brushes in average. V V der, and particular attention paid to repairing. 6 25 though my husband is sick, he is in a bestow them. The superintendent of Also, ready-made Boots on hand and warranted. trass Lake*...... « 3 32 7 2 3 but shg will bless the expense if it is a running the colors into each other, and -3 58 7 51) 6 5 0 condition to' get well again, and the the police once pointed out an old man Rhode Island’s Reform School for 8 03 * 6 0 6 handsome hgt, and she can let her finally goes over all with a large cam­ as&uuta w ua MBLcmsi 4 1 5 future is bright 'with joy. I have to me who, he said, owned’a whole row boys has no locks on the doors and no Vnn I r b o r ...... 4 S 7 S 2 5 6 25 neighbors know it came all the way el’s hair brush. Tlie result is surpris­ 8 4 3 rt 4 1 thought all alohg that you wanted a of dwellings up town, the rent of INSURANCE, 7psi1aut1 ...... — 4 55 from New York.” ing. The patenwork becomes a har­ bars on the windows. There is very v %yne Junction. 5 20 9 03 7 06 good wife and I'have picked out one which were, over $15,000 per annum, rarely an attempt to escape, though .E xcels A ll O thers 6 00 9 45 7 46 “No. I guess 1 won’t get it this A. PALMER, Notary Public, Fire and Life 1 T Junction.... for you, who, if you take to and are monious combination o f blended tints. and all this .valuable property had been .. A ' 6 16 i r o n 8 00 time," said editor Bawsllay. the 150 inmates nclude many lads who , V * Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Repre­ -IN- fortunate enough to wiu, will make The muslin then goes to a man- who paid for by begging.—Baltim ore Amer­ sents ten: of the oldest and best Companies in the Locill hi “ But I guess you will though.” re­ have been considered incorrigible. Mu) Acccn your life happy. I have a sister who blends the foreground in the same man­ United States. Office w ithD . E.Hm man SWEETNESS OF TONE f plied Xnowltoi,. “I’ll give you no ican. D e.ro ii...... Lv ,4 00 * u0nm 156-pm fOrpi is just like ma in everything—a coun­ ner. Next it is dried and passes to the A family o f eight persorifin Cleve­ In evory reeti. d . C. Juuctiun,.... *4 15 i l& 6 11 815 peace until you furnish a fine love of a ARMERS’ MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE AS­ 7 65 6 42 terpart, in fact. She is employed in a finisher, who works from a model hung land county, Ala., drink nine gallons SOCIATION o f Berrien County. Oulj’ farm •Yayiifr .luuctioi 4 43 8 45 bonnet for that charming woman to A Tickled Hoosier. F fy s lla c ti...... 5 23 7 05 ! 08 store something like this further up on her easel. She outlines the trees, o f coffee a day, three at each meal. They risks taken. W m. Haslett, Sec’y, Buchanan. OUR ABILITY 5 05 whom you refer so carelessly as *my ion Arbor...... 5 19 8 45 7 24 925 the street. I will give you a letter of fences, shrubs, and other accidents of An Indiana farmer walked into the paid last year as much for tobacco as In ovary part. Jextur...... 5 36 9 08 7 48 9 44 wife.’ Come, now, we will begin With : 9^5 8 06 11 00 introduction if you wish. I sell flow­ scenery with eXtraovdinary rapidity. house the other day with a tickled bacon, so a dealer who suppliedjhesi^ . AUCTIONEERS. Ihelsea ...... 6 50 the first store where is the least likeli­ PERFECTION Irasa ...... 613 9 50 8 S2 1030 ers, she sells feathers. You can make The colors are mixed ready to her look on his face and called out: says. The males took tobacco and the rncksoii...^ .... 7 02 10 20 900 11 05 hood of finding one. Here, old fellow, hand and she has simply to. lay them \7 HAMILTON, Auctioneer. Will attend to a? In every detail of manufacture.. 11 0