Queens' College 1967-1968
QUEENS' COLLEGE 1967-1968 MARCH I969 QUEENS' COLLEGE AS AT 1 FEBRUARY 1969 Visitor HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Pmoness HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER President ARTHUR LLBWllLLYN ARMITAGE, M.A., LL.B. Fellows ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLELAFFAN, M.A., formerly Tutor, Bursar and Director of Studies in History. CYRIL MomAGU SLEEMAN, M.A., formerly Tutor and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. A.RCHIBAI.D DOUGLAS BROWNE, M.A., formerly Vioo-Presiden.t and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. EDWIN ARTHUR MA:xwm.L, M.A., PH.D., Keeper of the Records and Director of Studies in Mathematics. JAMBS RAMSAY,ARTHUR M.A., PH.D., F.R.s., Director ofStudies.inNatural Sciences. REv. HENRY ST Jmrn HART, M.A., B.D., Dean of College, Hebrew Lecturer and Director of Studies in Divinity and Oriental Languages. Sm HAROLDWALTER BAILEY, M.A., F.B.A., LL.D. (Perth), Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit, Life Fellow. HAROLD SrnwART KIRKALDY, c.B.ll., M.A. Emeritus Professor of Industrial Rela tions, Vire-President, Senior Bursar and College Lecturer in Indwtrial Relations. DOUGLAS PAR.MEE, M.A., Director of Studies inModern Languages. CHARLES SYDNEY DBAKIN, M.A., Life Fellow, formerlyJunior Bursar and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. JOHN HOLLOWAY, M.A., D.PHIL. {Oxon), D.IIIT. (Aberdeen), College Lecturer in English. JOHN EvAN BALDWIN, M.A., PH.D., Bye-Fellow. MAxwEu. MARsoEN Buu., M.A., M.D., B.CH., Senior Tutor and Director of Studies in Medicine. HENRY CoHEN, M.A., PH.D. (Dunelm), Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. DEREK Wll.LIAM Bowm, M.A., LL.B., PH.D.
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