Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1951
J '.'< !>>>* l i ia l O' 'tf'MMt t if T i I iMliHwifpl ] itl > C ijlil i ii |i wi» << ftj^)Jj;ilMllwm[ilU!i|.X | ^ ilLfTili Mir fg^/ (PktLp B Tri'-A^ EX LIBRIS COLLEGII DAVIDSONIENSIS ^J^eA^ln^t^d mi THE FAMILY OF MR. MYRON MCGILL CLASS OF 1922 Library of Davidson CoIIc.'re Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/quipscranks1951davi lupv and litanies msmO BY THE SENIOR CLASS DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C b Business Manager ^J^-^/S !^ 1^1 KE "education, ' "friendship," and "spirit," "Davidson will always be diHicult to define. However nianv our experiences— the smiles, the cheers, the lectures, the books, the meetings, the friends—the list remains forever incomplete, as if coaxing us to lengthen and deepen our definition, to make it adequate. In a sense. Quips and Cranks 1951 is a visual dehnition of Davidson: what outsiders might see of the school if they looked enough and examined the record. But for students, especially Seniors, the pictures herein are only reminders of memories which lie deeper than pictures. Then memories, too, may fail to compose the definition some seek; for \'alues elude even the plunging of memory into the well of experience. ;v '^^^'^m Nevertheless, for the enduring \alues which you may detect"'**' •'•^!»>^>-wi - •:"6»fWnMT<t1Jfl 1 ^i''.''i'«>*<"»*'«<H di 1 r' 1 I and picture, we present this annual, conlident that •>...,»,->'u;rt^>^| - ... .>»„viiK»y.i»j>+«vv^tl the smiles, the cheers, the lectures, the books, the '^'•^''^'^^•M^^^^'il^y^^^^^^^^^^ meetings, and the friends symbolize if they do not 4?,ftXSt^'S:!T^^^S!S^^^^ Davidson, whose real \aluc is vet to be felt thr()o»lv-tW"ftt-^W'>>r:^;i discordant world.
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