Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1933

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Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1933 m "^m- i f Slji'^^t -" > 4 re • ,i ^ 4-' - - f -, ^:C^.^ ^i'^^—-d Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/quipscranks1933davi !^ COPYRIGHT 19 3 3 ROBERT L McCALLIE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF WM. C. THOMPSON BUSINESS MANAGER Designed and Printed bv QUEKN ClTT PBINTINO CO. Enffravinns bv Chaslotte Engraving Co. Photography WOOTEN-MODITON QUIPS & CRAN KS 19 3 3 PUBLISHED BV THE STUDENT BODY OF DAVIDSON C OLLEG E FOREWORD ^VIDSON'S student life is in itself homoseneous and simple. Davidson's spirit is emblematic of the unpretentious denying itself the luxuries of form and show. Davidson's faculty, like her students, are alike in tastes and in pursuits. David- son's traditions are Few but powerful, making evident the sameness of the mould in which we are all cast. David- son's athletics speak eloquently of this same spirit of modesty. Davidson's activities add voices of modula- tion to the general tone. Of this life without superfluity and unwanted ostenta- tion Davidson's Yearbook attempts to speak. Therefore with simple lines and plain colors we have built a monu- ment to that Spirit of Davidson. 8^ I C A T I O N The Class of 1933 respectfully dedicates this volume of the Quips and Cranks to its best friend/ example and counselor/ to him f. who is the personification of all that is and should be the Davidson Spirit, Captain Norton Goodier Pritchett. I CAPTAIN NORTON G. PRITCHETT ^Y.^ O Rt> E R OF b;|>oks THE COLLEGE THE C LAS S E S ACTIVITIES ATHLETICS FRATERNITIES ^ THE COLLEGE Entrance to Chambers Building 1 t-^f The Martin Chemical Laboratory #" L tf 1 '^^^ *;''*>^. ?*' I vsj. ,.--v? H^ #' < -c^.- *», * ••* •.j':^* 'i^\ ,,.;;[ Walter Lee Lingle President FACULTY QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 The Trustees Officers (if the Trustees Dr. R. a. Dunn . President Mr. H. S. Richardson .Vice-President Mh. S. a. Robinson Secretary Mh. I''. L. Jackson Treasurer Exec lit ix'e Cti III III it tee Dii. R. A. Di'nn, ex-officio , . Chairman Ml!. S. A. Robinson, ex-offieio Secretari/ Mr. J. A. Cannon Mr. H. S. Richardson Rev. a. a. McLkan Mr. W. .1. RouiJEY Dr. C. R. Wilcox Mr. .S. (i.Av Williams Mr. H. \. I'liARit Dr. H. W. .M.Kay FiiKiiice Com iiiitlec Dr. R. a. Di'NN Mr. II. \. I'llARR Mr. W. ,1. Roi)i)EY Kdiieiitiiiii Ciiiii mitti'e Dr. R. a. Di'nn, e.r-officio Dr. C. R. Wilco.x Mr. II. S. Richardson Walter I,. Lincile, e.i-officio President J. M. McCoNNELi., ex-officio Dean Ihiildiiigs anil (Iniiiiids Cmnmittee Mr. S. Clay Williams Rev. A. A. McLean Mr. J. A. Cannon Dr. H. W. McKay Walter L. Lingle, ex-offieia President F. L. Jackson, ex-officio Treasurer Biiilf/et Committee Dr. R. A. Dunn Mr. S. Clay Williams Walter L. Lingle, ex-officio President F. L. Jackson, ex-offieio Treasurer f Eighteen QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 Administration Mark Eixjak Skxtklle Dean of Students A.B.. M.A. (Daviilsiin), M.A. (Vale). D.I).. LL.I). Joseph Moouh McConnicll Dean of Distructiun A.B. (Davidson), M.A.. Tli.D. (U: Virginia), (Cdlumliia I'liivo Frank Lee Jackson Treasurer B.S. (Davidson). (_.!'. A. William Richard Grey J ice-President A.Ii. (Davids.in). I'll. I). i.ImIhk I li>i,l<iM,s). MvRON Wallace McCiill Auditor B.S, (Davidson), John Payne Williams Dean of Freshmen B,S. (Davi.lson). (Coliinibia I'nivi-rsity). M.A. (New York University). I'redekick William IIe.vceveld lieffistrar and Seeretari/ of tin- Faeull// B.S. (Daviils(Mi). PBOF. WILLIAMS MR.HENGEVELD Nineteen QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 Languase Calki) Richmond Hahdino Greek I^anguaqe and Literature A.B., M.A. (Davidson). I'li.D. (Johns Hopkins). William Richard Grey Latin Language and Literature A.Ii. (I)aviilsun), IMi.D. (Jolins Hoplcins). EinviN Fkanci.s Shewmake English iMuquaqe and literature A.li. (William and Matv). M.A. (Columbia Univer- sity). I'll. I). (University of Virginia). Edward Jones Erwin English Language and Literature A.B., M.A. (Davidson). (Columbia University), (University of Cliicago). Fred Kurtland Fleagle Spanixh Language and Literature .\.I1.. M.A. (Universitv of MicliiKanl. (University of I'orti> liico), (tiniversity of Cbieago). (ii ^ Richard Vowles Ciernian Language and Literature \.H. (Vankton College), B.A.. M.A. (Oxford Univer- sity), Ph.D. (University of Chicago), Litt.D. PROF. FLEAOLB DRUOU/LES John Crooks Bailey, Jr. Greek Language and Literature A.H. (Davidson), M.A. (Johns Hopkins), (Universi- ty of \'irginia), (University of Chicago), George Byron Watts French Language and Literature A.H. (Darlniuntlii. M..\.' ( H.irvard), Ph.D. (Univer- sity of Minii,s,,t., I. ilTiiMTsity of Berlin), (University of Montpelier). PROF, BAJI.I.S' 1>R iv'.virr; Fred Leroy Blythe Spanish language and Literature .\.B. (I)avi(l~..ii i. M.'\. I'liiiversitv of North Caro- lina!. (Uni\.-iMl\ .il ( liir.iL'ol. (Colunihia Universi- tv). (IniMiMli Ml \ir;:iiiial. (University of Mad- rid). (N.itiuiial L'i!i\er.silv of Mexico). (Middle- bury Spanish School), (El Centre de Estudios His- toricos de Madrid). Ernest Albert Be.\ty Latin Language and Literature .\ n (Da\idson), M.A. (Universitv of South Caro- PROP. BLVTHK- PROl^- BBATY lina). M.A. (Columbia Universitv), B,D, (Columbia Theological Seminary). i William Patterson Gumming ( fl] English Language and Literature A,B, (Davidson), M,A„ Ph.D. (Princeton), (Univer- sity of Chicago). AuGUSTiN Victor Goldiere French and Spanish A.n. (Dartmouth). M.A. (Vale Graduate School). DR. CUNAJVlINi; PROK GOLDIHRE (Universitv of Caen). (University of Xorth Caro lina). (University of Cliicago), (El Centro de Estudios Historicos de Madrid). Twenty QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 DC I ence John Leiohton Doucji-as Pure Mathematics A.B.. M.A. (Davidson). LL.D. (Johns Hopkins). James McDowell Douglas Physicx A.n.. M.A. (Daviilson). rii.l). (.lolms Hopkins). John Wilson MacCo.vnell Pit i/siologi/ and Ili/giene A.I).. M.A. (Diivi(l.son). M.D. (Univer.sity of Mary University). (Univers Etlinliurgli). William Woodhull Wood Applied Mathematics and Astronomi/ A.n.. C'.K. (TTiiversity of Virginia). IIowahi) Bell Auiu'ckle Che mist ri/ A.B.. M.A. (Ilanipcleii-Sv(liH-vl. Pli.D. (Jolins Hopkins). William Lorimer Porter Geology and Geography A.n. (I-arkio College). A.I).. M.A. (Vale). Scott Carey Lyon Biologi/ A.B.. M.A.. D.Se. (.Sontliwestern I'roslivterian fni- versitv), M.A. (Tulane Univeisifv l. (University of Cliicago). Oscar Julius Thies, Jr. Chemistry U.S.. M.A. (Davidson). M.A. (Cornell). (Massaclui- .setts Institute of Teclinology). William Nelson Merane, Jr. Mathematics B.S. (Davidson). (Virginia rolvteelniic Instifnio). .M.A. (Cornell). Henry Emmett Fulcher Physics PROF. >ABiSAMfi PROF- F-ULCHEIV B.S.. .M.A. (University of Virsinia). (William and Mary). (University of Chicago). John Thomas KiMBRoutiii Mathcjnatics B.S. iDavid.son). (University of Kentucky), (Carne- gie Institute of Technology). Emmett Smyer Brannon Biology PROF. HlMBROUGl PftOF BPvAKNON A.n. (Davidson). Txveniy-one i QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 ocia I s c I ence Mark Eikjau Skntkllio r/iilnxiii,liii (111(1 Bible— A.B.. ^r.A. (Davi(lsi)Ti). M.A (Valel. D.I).. LL.l). Joseph Moore McConnell lliyihuii .\,H. (Davi(l.son). M.A.. I'li.D. (University of Virginia), (Columbia University). Thomas Wilson Linole llisl,,,!/ A.B.. M.A. (Davi(I.son). I'li.D. (I.eipsic). (Priiii'.-lini). (Hei(lelberft). (Strau.sburs ami (Neucli- tel), (Sorboiine). Archibald Currie lir.inuniiis anil I'nJifirnI Heiciirr A.H. (Davidson). ((<ilnMil)ia University), (Cciniell). Frazer Hood /'.s//r/,„/.,f///— A.B. (Soutbwestern), M.A.. rMi.D. (YalV). (.lohns Hopkin.s), (Cliicaso), I,itt,I). Charles Malone Richards BihU- mill PI,ilosophl/—A.B. (Davidson). D.D. Kenneth Joseph Fohema.v rhiliixiiplni aiirl Bible—A.Yi. (Davidson). M.A (I'rineetoii). S.T.B. and S.T.M. (Princeton), (Uni- versity of Pennsylvania). Cecil Kenneth Brown /..i-.„„„»„-.s— A.B. (D.ividson). M.A.. Ph.D. (Univer- sity of North Carolina). (University of Besancon). (Columbia University). John Payne Williams lliisini'xi! Admiitixfrnfion—B.S. (Davidson). (Columbia University). M.A. (New York liniversity). Norton Goodier Pritciiett riiiislral ErfHrafioii— (University of Tennessee). (University of Louisville), (University of Wiscon- sin), (Harvard University). Louis Bevens Schenck Bible- -.\.l^. (Davidson), B.D. (Union Theological Seminary). S.Th.M (Princeton). Price Henderson Gwynn, Jr. ICihiiiitiiiii —A.B.. M.A. (University of North Caro- lina), B.D. (Y'ale Divinity School). Ph.D. (Y'ale). Andrew Heath Whittle Phiisienl E(hirr,fioii—B.S. (Davidson). Military Major John T. Kiiett Mllilnni Srience and Tartir, Mmjot U. S. A., A.B. (University of South Carolina), (l.S.C. Eligible Jist Graduate G. & G. S. School. Infantry School D. O. L. Advanced Course. Franklin Miller Cochran Militani flrienre mill Tactics—Capt. Inf. U. S. A., (U, S. A. Infantry School). Charles W. Seifert Militnn/ Scieiicr and Tactics—Capt. Int. V. S. A.. G.M.G. (Infantry School). Tzeeniy-two i Jerome B. Clark President of the Student Body STUDENT GOVERNMENT ^-3 CHAMBERS '^^ (i QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 I WEST BROXUJS- .^NScPHAIL I Twenty-four QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 1 Ivi^FFERTY WEST Student Government OFFICERS Jerome B. Clark President John W. Lafkerty Vice-President Ji'LiAN \V. West lice-President John C Mackorell Secretari/Treas-iirer The Student Council 1 9 3 S Eugene Bolivia Cannon John Robert Howard Jerome Bayard Clark Duncan Daniel McBryde Robert Glascjow, Jr. Walter Allen Mehane Edward Bruce Pearody 10 SI, William Tii'ton Johnson Frederick I>ewis Smvre Lanier Ward Pratt Julian William West losr, Gordon IIaviland Brown Douclas McKay Glasgow Ernest Fredehick McPhail Txventy-five QUIPS AND CRANKS 1933 TWRIGHT RIl/ES POTWBLL KOSE The Court oF Control 1933 William Adams Flinn, Judge Frederick Irvin Dickerson David Meade Bernard, Jr.
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