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Dr. John l„ Douglas. A.B.. MA.. LL.D. Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

Died January 5, 1937

Dr. Thom.\s \V. Li.NGi.i:. A.R., M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of fJislory Died March 2t\ 1<).^7

Dr. D.Win II. Howakh. A.H.. I'li.D. I'rofessor of Cliemislry Died April 26. 1936

Jennings Bkvan Ritchik. 1916-1936 Class of 1937

HoxiE Harry Thompson, 191.S-1937 Class of 1937

.\rchi;v Cami'kki.i, Ci.inf. jr.. 1915-1937 Class of 1938 #&#

VIEWS \>, i ^ K^^atiicac ivtatu lie 1 m atiLn K^hcfni^iltn ^J—apotcilotn .rS tiafi ar the <=-Z^ ^kc \^atiiv)iis y^kiitdi

iii i^r 7- •/ 7/ / y) Si^ ttance oi ^/la/n/ietA d'^nuduta ADMINISTRATION [^T DAVID 8 on ctnTEnniAL 1

l)k. \\'ai.t1';r L. LiNCi.K. President

The Trustees (if Davidson Colleije direct the administration THE nf the institution. their At mcetini^s thev receive reixjrts from the President of the College, wlio summarizes the various College

activities : from the Treasurer, who discusses the financial con- TEUSTEES ditions of the College; and from the various faculty committees. The Trustees are authorized to handle not onlv iirohlems of the needs of the College, but also to help in solving problems of the students.

The Trustees were originally elected from the Presbyteries o^ ., South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. At the ])resent, however, they come from only North Carolina and Flor-

ida : the other states are supporting their own institiuinns. They are also elected from the Alumni Association.

Trustees serve for a term of four years. The members are divided into numerous committees, the most imixjrtant of which

is the Executive Committee, composed of ten members chosen

annually. This committee e.xercises practically all of the powers of the Board of Trustees between the semi-annual meetings.



Mr. H. S. Richardson I 'ice-President Mr. S. a. Robixson Secretary Mr. F. L. J.\ckson Treasurer EXECUTI\"E COMMITTEE Dr. R. a. Duxx, ex-ofUcio Chairman Mr. S. a. Robinson, e.v-officio Secretary

Mr. I. P. Graham Dr. T. McDowell Richards Mr. W. J. Roddev Dr. H. W. :\IcKav ^[R. H. S. Richardson Dr. C. R. Wilcox Rev. a. a. McLean Mr. S. Cl.\y Williams FINAXCE COMMITTEE ^^. Dr. R. .\. Duxx Mr. S. A. Robinson Mr. J. Roddey EDl-C.\TIOX COMMITTEE Mr. H. S. Richardsox Dr. C. R. Wilcox

Dr. J. ^IcDowELL Richards Dr. R. A. Dunn, ex-officio President Walter L. LinglE, e.v-oHicio BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Mr. I. P. Graham Rev. A. A. McLean Dr. H. W. McK.w Mr. S. Clay Williams President Walter L. Lixgle. cx-ofRcio Treasurer F. L. Jackson, ex-officio BUDGET COMMITTEE Dr. R. a. Dunn Mr. S. A. Robinson Mr. W. J- Roddey President Walter L. Lingle. ex-officio Treasurer F. L. Jackson, cx-ofHcio

Dr. R. A. Dunn

Pr,-si(tcii.t of Ihc Bo.nd of Trustees

Page Twenty-one ) T DAVID son Gtm'EnniAL 1


The underlyint; and tunclanicntal streiiLitli nf everv iirjjaiiizatinn must neccssaril\- lie with

its administration. This .urouij is inevitahh Icicikcrl to tor wise 5,'iiidance in the many channels

of activity. .As its major functions, the achninistralinn ha.^ the election and sujjport of the fac-

ult\- and administrative aids, the aflcquate ^'uidance aufl cnutrol of the undergraduates, and the

niaintcn.ince of ;i liii;h financial and IcL'.'d standinsj.

.\I.\RK Edc.^r Sentelle

Ilcan of Students A.B., M.A. (Davidson). M.A. (Vale), D.O.. LL.D.

Fk.\.\k Lee J.\cksi>x Treasurer and Purchasing Agent B.S. (Davidson), C.P.A.

JoHx Wii.snx MacCoxxei.l

College Physician

.\.B.. M.-\. (Davidson). M.D. (University of Mar.\landl, ( Co- himbia University), (University of Edinhiirgh

I^'kedkrick Wii.i.ivm HKxr.EvEi.il

Rei/istrar and Secretary of the Faculty B.S. (Davidson)

MvKox Wallace McC.n.L Auditor B.S. (Davidson)

Conrad Frkperick Smith Alumni Secretary B.S. (Davidson)

I'raxk Donald Hobart Top Row: Sextelle, J.vckson. Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings Middle Roxi-: M.vcCoNXEr.r.. Hexgeveud. (Springfield College) Bottom Rozv: McGill, Smith.

Page Twenly-lwo m QUIPS Ann grauks LANGUAGE

Resinning with the change in communicatory thoughts and ideas at the tower of Babel, man has adopted many manners of ex- pressing himself. As the world has grown more international in thought and more closely knit in interests, a mastery of languages has become constantly more valuable. To keep abreast of this need, the department of languages strives first toward the per- fection of the student in his own language, and then endeavors through instruction in foreign language to open rich fields of foreign literature, customs, and culture.

Tof> Rozv: Bailey, Be-\ty, Bevthe, Gumming, Erwix, Fleagle. Bottom Row: Goldiere, Harding, Lii-ly, Shewmake, Vowles, Watts.

C.M.EB Richard lI.MiiuNG CtV\ RlCH.VRIl Vowi.ES

Professor of Creek Langimye iind Literature, Professor of Geniuiu Laiujuage and l.ileratur Emeritus A.R. (Yankton), H.A.. M.A. (b.xfnr,l ,). Ph.U. (fniversily of Chicago), I.itt.D. A.I!.. M.A. (navirtson). Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). Ernst .Albert Be.stv Edwin- Fr.\ncis Shewmake Professor of Latin and German Ahimni Professor of P.nglish A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (University of South Carolina), .M.A. (Columbia University), B.D. (CoUimhia Theological /\.B. (College of William and Marv), M.A. (Colinnbi.. Seminary). fnivcrsity), Ph.D. (University of Virginia). IIenhv Tr.vcy Lii.i.v Enw.Min Jones F.rwin Professor of I'.nijlish Professor of F.nglisli .\.l!. (Dav n). M.A. (Princeton Univcr ,). (Univer- itv ..f Viei: (Oxford University), (Uni' sity of Chi- A.B.. .M.A. (Davidson). (Columhia Tniversily). (I'ni- ago). vcrsity of Chicago). CiKniiCK Bvkon Watts Fred Ki-rti.and Fi.i-ac.i.e I'rofessor of freneh Professor of Spanish A.B. :Dartmouth), M.A. (Harvard), Ph.D. S.P... M.A. (University of Michigan). (I'nivcrsitv nf Pi.rto of Mini sota), (UniversTly of Berlin). (Univvrs Kico), (I'niversity of Chicago). pclicr).

JdiiN CuniiKs Hau.i-v. Ik. FrEIi F.EROY Bl.YTlll- I'rofessor of Creel; Laniiua

Histories of Madrid). A.B. (Davidson), M.A.. Ph.D. i I'rio, ,-i..ii i

Pane Tuenly-lbree DAVID son GtnTEnniAL

With the spiitliijlit of luim.in interest iiicrcasinf;ly focused on scientific tlionsrht and achievement, this division of education

has heconie ever more vital. The de[)artment of science, inchidins,' only the natural sciences, instructs the student in the j^eneral trutiis of natural phenomena and the operation of scientific laws.

Its goal is the presentation of svstematized knowledge concerning the varied aspects of nature which surrounds onr lives and the incitement of accurate. ;uialvtical thinking.

Tof> Rozc: Arbuckle, Douglas, Fulcher, Kimbrol-gh, Lvox, Mebaxe Bottom Row: Pattox. Porter, Ross, Thies, Wood.

J.\MEs McDowell Dolgl.ns Osc.\R Ji'Lii's Thies. Jr. Jomcs Buchanan Duke Professor of Physics Associate Professor of Chemistry A.B.. M.A. (Davidson). rii.D. (Johns Hopkins), (fni B.S.. M.A. (Davidson). (Massachusetts Institute of Tech versity of Chicago), (Cornell L'niversity), (Columbia Uni- nology), M.A. versity).

John Wilsox M.\cConnell Wn.LiAM Nelson Meb.^ne, Jr. Professor Physiology and Hygiene of Associate Professor of Mathematics A.B.. M.A. (Davidson). M.D. (Universitv of Maryland). B.S. (Davidson). M.A. (Cornell). (Virsinia Polytechnic (Columbia University). (University of EdinburRh). Institute). How.^RD Bell .-KuBfcKLE Chambers Professor of Chemistry Henry Emmett Fulcher A.B., M.A. (HampdenSydney), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). James Buchanan Duke Associate Professor of \\'lLLL\.M WOODHILL WoOD Physics and Astronomy Professor of Mathenialies and Applied Mathonatics B.S.. M.A. (University of Virginia), (William and Mary), (University of ChicaRo). A.B.. C.E. (University of Virginia). WlLLI.^M LORIMER PORTEK John Thomas Kimbroigh Professor of Geology and Geography Associate Professor Mathcvuitics A.R. (Tarkio). A.B.. M.A. (Yale). of B.S. (Davidson), (University of Chicago). Scorr C.\Rv Lvox Richard J. Reynolds Professor of Biology AvERV Patton A.B., M.A. (Southwestern Presbyterian Universitv). A.M. Assistant Professor Chemistry (Tiilanc University), D.Sc. (Southwestern), (University ol of Chicago). B.S. (Davidson). (Tulane University).

Page Twenty-jour ffi DAVID son ctm'EnniAL 1 ADMINISTMATIVE ASSISTANTS

111 tile >ii-tainiiKiit cif I'vciv large organization tlierc is a vast ainnnnt of drtaiU-d work to be t-xeciUed. The majoritv of this

painstaking and highly iiii|ioi-iaiit work falls to the adiuinistrativo

assistants. This d(']>arlii)i-iit n.-ndcrs cxrelk-iit assistaiici' to the a'l-

iiiinistratioii in tlir niainteiiaiK-e of the iiifirmarv and lihrary. the

supervision of the luiild.iiigs and grounds, the eare of dormitories

and acconipaining housing facilities, and the perforniruice of sec- retarial work.

Mk.s. Ai.ici- r.. Roiisox. R.N.T.

Supcrinloulciit oi I iifinir.irv


Sccrcfarx [^livsicul I'.diicutiou I \- part incut

.Miss ( )KKii-; Att,\i.i:xi-: ,Sti-;ki.f:

Secretary to tlic /'resident

.Mks. X. T. Smith

Siiperxisitr cf Lhiriniturics

Miss 1 Iattie TiioMi'Sox

.'Issistant to the Treasurer

Miss Ifl.IA l'\SMOKE

.Issistant Librarian

.Miss .\iiKi.i-; AKi;rc'KLK

Secretary to the 'I'reas-nrer

.M ISS DoRoTllN' l''lXl, \\ SOX

Secretary to the Peaii of Stnd'iits

Miss t'.\l(oi,lXK 1,1X(U,K

.Assistant to the .Ihnnni Secretary


\^ Arbickle Johnston ANNIVERSARY DAVID son ctnTEnniAL


The Newlv Organized Allmm Chapter at Columbia, S. C.

During the past year we have become more intimately acquainted with the history of Davidson College through the I'ageant, speeches, and various publications. In reflecting on the history of any institution, and especially that of Davidson, one is impressed by the effect of personalities upon the up-building or destruction of the college. From General \\'illiam Lee Davidson, for whom the college was named, to the present, our reputation has been made by those men whose names are synonymous with that of Davidson.

Rev. Robert Hall Morrison was the first President of Davidson, and it was he who really pushed the project of founding a college to its actual fulfillment. Under Reverend Morrison the old Manual Labor school was opened and was given an enthusiastic and highly successful start. The late Maxwell Chambers, an alert and crafty cotton merchant of Salisbury, indeliiily impressed his name on the hearts of Davidson men through his donation of several hundred thousand dol- lars, bv means of which the college was taken out of the "red"' and the old Chambers building was erected. During the Reconstruction period, Davidson upheld its former reputation and gained an enviable position among Southern and national colleges which she still holds today. I'nder the

leadershi]! of such men as Rev. George \\ . McPhail, Prof. John R. P.lake, and Rev. Andrew D. Heiiburn the college gained rather than lost prestige during the terrible davs following the ^\'ar Between the States.

In more recent years, the late President W'oodrow Wilson has brought a real honor to this college. Though he was not here long, as a student, President \\'ilson is readily claimed as a real example of the influence that Davidson exerts on all its students, .^t present, Mr. S. Clav Wil- liams and other of Davidson Alumni have received nation-wide recognition as leaders in all lines of human endeavor. Through their personal achievements, these men have made and are making Davidson the top-ranking liberal college, not only in the South, but in the nation.

Page Tueiily-eight QUIPS AllD GRAllKS

The job of keeping np an active Alumni organization was given to Conrad Frederick Smith, of the class of 1926. following Greer Martin's resignation last year. Fred Smith has been actively and successfully connected with the Charlotte Observer during the past several years and was editor of the Daridsoiiian during his student days liere. During the jiast year, he has published five Alumni Journals, each of which has brought enthusiastic praise from the Alumni.

The Centennial Homecoming day celebration was held on November seventh. Nearly four hundred alumni gathered together at their special banquet in the basement of Chambers building. Instead of after dinner speeches, a general discussion was conducted by Mr. W. Burney Thomas, president of the Alumni Association. The points discussed covered such matters as what qualities

and materials should be used or abolished as Dav son enters its second century of existence. Last- Iv Mr. Jackson, treasurer of the colle.ge, spoke on the help that the .Vlumni could give for the betterment of the old .\lma Mater. During the afternoon of Homecoming Day, the new stadium donated by the Richardson brothers was dedicated. However, the Davidson-Carolina football game was disheartening to Davidson supporters.

During the year the new building plan has been progressing. One million dollars was set as

the goal, since this amount would cover costs of a new library, infirmary, church, gymnasium, sci- ence building, dormitory, and a muchly needed social center on the campus. .Architects drawings were made of the proposed changes on the map of the Davidson campus and the campaign has been carried forward continuously but not rapidly.

The weekly Davidson College program was resumed this year in January ; and, as previously

it was broadcast over station WBT in Charlotte. N. C. The band, under the direction of Professor Pfohl, was the foundation for the broadcasts. In addition, a resume of campus news was presented by Tyler Port, a student, and an mterview with some prominent members of the administration was conducted by Fred Smith.

Several new .\Iumni chapters were installed throughout the country, the first of which was at Columbia, S. C. This new group was organized by Fred Smith, the Alumni secretary. Other

.\1k. \\ . Hi i President of the /tlumni Association

Pjf;,e Tui'iil)iii>H' .



Mii. C ixnAii 1'. Smith

.Ihiiniii Sfii't liiiv

ni'W cliapttTs wtTc iiistallei(a. 'I'ciin.. l-'lori.-nce.

S. e'.. Rdck Hill. S. (."., l.iiK-dlntun. X. C, -Mori^aiUcm. X. C. and Asheville. X. C.

Founders Day and Alumni Loyalty Day were both set for April 22. T'.v. At tlic >cli(inl. Dr. Archibald Currie dc-lixx-rcd a k-cture at special exercises held in Chanibi-rs Auditorium. That cncii- iuij -Mumni clia!iti'r> all owr tin- world held tln-ir amuial meetini;"s and paid tribute tcj their .\lma

.Mater on her hundre 1th birthday. Just i)re\'iousl\- to this. Dr. Currie had .i;one on a speakin.i;' tour in the north .and east, addressins.; . Mumni t;rou])s in the larger cities.

13 MIO>/T\C PW)P03I D VCVDl vfiC



A Camits SfKNi; 'I\\i

The bJK feature of the Centennial celel)iati()n was the Historical I'aneant iircscnti-cl diirini,' al'lair was nmlc,- the pn Coniniencenient at eight o'clock .Monday ni^ht, June eighth. The whole Most sonal suix;rvision of Mr. 'i'heodore N'iehnian, an experienced dinitur of historical i)ai;i-:nils. and sla^je work. Sev- of the i>arts were taken by students and students assisted in the managerial scati'd Cdinforlahly ni eral stages were erected on Kicliardson l'"ield. where the audience could he Pi the e.-irs nl all spectators. tlie staflium. .An array of loud speakers hn.nyht esery spuken word

at the end d the Thus ended the Centennial year for l)avids(jii. Tlie in.sitidu of DavilsdU will i.iik at the next Imndred years will dejiend on its alumni, and we are sure that then as miw it top ill institutions of learning '^'1 'J^'-*'' ^'"^ world. 'Z

PjIH' T/iirlyvie



Wade H. T50GGS Prcsidciil

Thomas G. Thurston ]'icc-Prcsi,lciil Howard W. Covingtox Sccrctary-Trcasiiier DAVID son CEnTEnniAL m


To write this history is to pause for a moment and remember what we did in four years of yesterdays. Four years, three summers, four Christmas holidays, many classes—innumerable night-; before reviews with their intensit\' and concern. Incidents, week-ends, friends and impressions pile

up and tumble over one another and leave us vith a sense of joy, regret and melancholia: for thosi' shall never he again. Fom- warm-blooded poignant years have sjicnt their force. Fvery day is a hi itter fire and every acquaintance, hook and events has been a relentless hammering —mould-

ing and bending, and as we Iea\e these halls we feel that a personal era has come to a close.

What has Davidson imparted to its Hundredth Class, and what does the institution ofl^er its

future himdred classes? One may devise some penetrating test and with the glee of fidfilled. ex-

pectation find that we cannot run a liusiness and are not doctors, lawvers or ministers, despite our four years' training. \\'e cannot lav claim to have become better monev-makers. pilers of wealth

—lieutenants of industry. \\'e have learned much., been disciplined much, hut those gains pale he-

fore a serener sun. Somewhere in the friendly atmosphere of Davidson, among great acquaint-

ances and strong influences, from the ideology of the campus, we have caught a glinipse of a

\\'ay of Living that will intrigue us evermore. V-."as it on a bright and peaceful Sundav afternoon?

Was it at a quiet \'espers? The moment whence we cannot say, but we have an ideal living in

a memory. And, too, we have a wherewithal, a Set of \'alues with which to plot our course. No

sordid boon. \\'e have drawn from David.son two wellsprings of a happv life.

As the Hundredth Class, fate and advertising has made us conscious that the Class of 19.37

is one of the unusual classes to graduate Within ourselves we feel that we ha\e a personnel a

Fjge Thirty-six QUIPS AHD CRAMS

bit finer and superior to the always fine Davidson class. This is reflected in high scholastic competition, constructive contributions to Student Government—and unusual prominence in ath- letics, journalism and forensics. The Class of 1937 has had to us a flavor rich in j^ersonality.

From 1933 to 1937— \ears full with the tide of historv in the outer world—we have wit- nessed a marked change in the college voiith. The jazzv "Joe College." of the tin-horn I'^I'^ era. flashes of whom we saw in uur earlier \ears. has undergone a metamorphosis. The disci un-aged, somewhat cynical, offspring of the depression has been fused with hope and determination. The student of 1937 shows a bit more steel and sterling. Entering at the depth of the depression, we have risen to the brink, we hope, of a recoverv. \\'ithin these fiuiet walls and during a youth- ful period, we saw and iiondered uiion a tremendous struggle.

< )ur late Senior vear has caught us with a regret for tasks undone, friends not made, but joy

for what we have. In the classrooms, in the dormitory : from many books and friendshii)s with the

facult\" : plaving on the athletic field, puttering in the Daiidsonian office: enjoying the incom- parable quality and beauty of a Davidson set of dances: listening to Dr. Charles Mvers, Ben

Lacv and Peter Marshall ; governing in the fraternity and in the student body : taking an October walk to the gullevs, clowning at the picture show: we have gained something we shall cherish, if only for the memory.

But, mine Sir, where is vour history?—Enclosed please find a list of degrees, a flurrv of honors—who did this and who was that—monuments shrinking to anthills. History ." h"!ach Sen- ior has his own history, his own background of impressions and events. Let him write it lor you.


Page Thirly-icrcn _r#*'"_ DAVID son CEriTEnniAL IB S E N I s

John K.\(».\ Abkkxkthv

\\'lNTi:i; II.WKN. I-'l..\.

./. B. in llislorv

I'i Kappa Alpha

Omicroii Delta Kappa; Junior Track Manager

(1. 2. 3) ; Glee Club (2, 3, 4) ; Photographic Club

(2, 3, 4): Editor of Qiii-s ano Cranks; Presi- dent Publication Hoard; Editorial Staff Quips and

CUANKS (1, 2. 3, 4).

GkoUC.K l'"k\.\KI.I.\ Al.nKIGlIT Bki.mont, N. C.

.-/. B. ill Education

Ministerial B;ind ; P.usincss Staff Qfips ANn Ckaxks: Tr.-nsfcrred from Pjelniont Abliey, 1935.

Jackson Citrki.l Ai.kxander Chari.ottk. X. C.

B. S. ill History

Philanthropic Literary Society: Ministerial Band

1. 2. 3); Wrestling (3l; Boxing f2. 3).

Pj^f Thirf)-eight QUIPS Ann crauks


Andrew S. Allax. Ju. Ferxaxdina. Fi.okida

B. S. ill Business Phi Delta Theta

Business Staff The Davidsonian (1. 2. 3) ; Busi- ness Staff Quips and Cranks (1. 2, 3); Dean's List.

John Darlen Allex, Jr. Louisville, Ky.

A. B. in English Phi Delta Theta Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Upsilon; Gamma Sigma

Epsilon ; Eta Sigma Phi ; Red and Black Masquers ;

Deiitscher V'erein ; Cross Country { 1 ) : Varsity Wrestling (2. 3); Glee Club; College Quartet;

Honorary Fraternity Council ; Eumenean Literary Society; Sec.-Treas. Sophomore Class: Sophomore Dance Committee; Jimior Cheerleader; Varsity (4') Debating Team ; Assistant in English (3) ; Honnr R.ill (1. 2. 3).

Robert Rufus Anders Charlotte, N. C.

B. S. ill Economics Pi Knpiia Alpha

Intramural Spcrts (3, 4); Business .Assistant (4); Transfer from Duke L'niversity.

PiiJiC Thirl y-iiitn DAVID son CEnTEnniAL SENIORS 1

John Okay Andekson, III

Tami'a, I-"i.a.

B. S. ill Matltcmutics

Kappa A1])1i;l

Sigma Pi Sigma; "D" Club; Manager Fresh-

man : I'Vcshman Cr(jss Country ; Track

(1) : Editorial Staff I'ojr/ (1. 2. 3) ; Dean's List; Assistant in Malbcmatics (3, 4); First Lieut. R. O. T. C.

Tom Baine Anderson Birmingham, Ai,a.

A. B. in English

Ministerial Band.

John Albert Cor.nelius A.vdrews Ger.mantiiw.v, I'enn.

B. S. in Mathematics and Economics

Sigma Pi Sigma; Varsity Manager; Fumenean Literary Society: .-Xthletic Council (4); -U" Club; First Lieut. R. O. T. C. (4); Dean's List; Assistant in Nfatbcmatics.


Edward Marion Arm field asheboro, k, c.

B. S. ill licoiioinics and Political Science

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Omicrun Delta Kappa: Football (1, 2, 3, 4);

Baseball ( 1) : Black Keys : Pres. Pan-Hellenic

Council; Court of Control (2) : Sophomore Dance Committee; Junior Speaking Committee; "D" Club

(2. 3. 4 ) ; Eumenean Literary Society.

iHN lU.AIK ArMSTROXG Bei.miint, X. C.

n. S. ill Political Sciciict

; Transfer from Basketball (3. 4) ; Baseball (3) Belmont Abbey.

RoBKuT Xeisox Baker Kjnt.s MorxTAiN. N. C.

n. S. ill Physics

>^\inphi I'.and (1, 2, 3, 4) ; RiHc Team (1).

Page Forly-oiii: DAVID 8 on CEHTEnniAL m SENIORS

OM.N I.KI-: IjANKIIKAI) IIami.i:t, X. C.

M. S. in History

Baseball (3, 4): Transfer from Mar.-. Hill Col- lege.

W'li.i.iAM Stewart Barnes (iki-F.NSBniio, N. C.

H. S. in Business

I'hi Delta Thcta

Scabbard and Blade; Business Staff (Jiii'S anmj

Cranks (1, 2); Co-Manager Students' Store; Basketball (1): Baseball (1); First Lieut. R. O. T. C.

R.vLi'ii Monroe Bell MooRnsviLi.E. N. C.

R. S. in Bioloqx

Fiige Forl)-lwo .



Rov Stixsox Bigham, Jr. Chaki.iitte, X. C.

.-}. B. ill Cliciiiistry

Phi Beta Kappa ; Gamma Sigma Epsilon : Eta Sigma Phi; Delta Phi Alpha; Chemistry Assistant

(3, 4) ; Captain, vStaff, R. O. T. C.

Edward ShiklEV Bivens Gastonia, N. C.

R. S. ill Business

Eumenean Literary Society; Track (1, 2); As- sistant in Psvchologv 1 4 )

William Ekxest Black, Jr. Ghkenwoui), S. C.

B. S. ill Clicinistry

Sii,'ni;i I'hi Hpsilun

Piige Forly-lhrc ;


Wadk Hamilton Boogs, Jk. Shrkvki'ort. La.

./. B. in Education Kappa Sij^ma

SiKiiKi L'psilon ; Alpha Phi Epsiliin : Eta Sigma ['hi; Oniicron Delta Kappa; International Rela- tions Club; Tennis (1); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet:

Student Council (3, 4) ; Forensic Council ; Vice-

President Y. M. C. A. ; President Senior Class: Varsity Debating Team (2, 3); Assistant in Education (4); Y. M. C. A. Board of Control (3. 4); Honorary Fraternity Council (3); Honor Roll.

i Iauuis Walton Br.\dley .\n\v Le.xington, Ohio

B. S. ill Chemistry Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Spanish Club; Han:l (1,

; A. 2, 3. 4) ; Orchestra (1, 2, 3, 4) Y. M. C. Cabi- net (3. 4); Honorary Fraternity Council; Assist-

ant in Chcmistrv (3, 4) ; .\ssistant in Music (1, 2, 3. 4).

Jack Elllso.v liKWCii \\ ASHIXGTON, D. C.

B. S. ill f'lilitical Science and Psxcliohx/v Phi Delta Theta Omicron Delta Kappa: Black Keys; Scabbard and Blade; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Pi;

Spanish Club ; Football ( 1 ) : Varsity Wrestling

Manager ; Athletic Council ; Pan-Hellenic Council

Honorary Fraternity Council ; Student Council

(2, 4) ; Junior Marshal; Lieut. Col. R. O. T. C; Students' Store Board of Control; .A.ssistant in

Political Science ; ,'\ssistant in Bible ; Sophomore

Dance Committee ; lun'or Speaking Committee Honor Roll: "D" Club.

Pjge Forty-jour ; ;



JtlHX tJUI.AXDO r.UANTOX Gkeenmlle. Miss.

B. S. in Business Phi Gamma Delta

Scabbard and Blade ; Football Manager (.4) ; Basketball (1); "D" Club; Spanish Club; Sopho- more Dance Committee ; First Lieut. R. O. T. C.

Class Golf (1, 2, 3); Dean's List.

Thomas McLaughi.ix Hreedex, Jr. Bennettsville. S. C.

B. S. in Business Phi Delta Theta

Scabbard and Blade ; Black Keys ; Freshman Track Manager (4): •'D" Club; Band (1); Bas- ketball Manager ( 1, 2) : Business Staff Quips and T. Dean's Cr-\nks (L 2) ; First Lieut. R. O. C; List.

Charles Lixwood ISrown Concord. N. C.

A. B. in Bnylisli

Sigma Upsilon ; Eta Sigma Phi Philanthropic Literary Society: Ministerial Band.

Page Farlyfivt DAVIDSOn CEIlTEnniAL 1 SENIOR


I IsucHDWi'f, Kv., China

B. S. ill Chemistry

Phi Beta Kappa: "D" Club; Track (1. 2, 3, 4) :

Cross Country (3, 4) ; S. V'. M. (1. 2. 3) ; Soccer (2): "Y" Cabinet (4); Y. M. C. A. Board of Control (4); Honor Roll; Red and Black Mas-

quers ; Deutscher Verein ; Assistant in Biology.



Wade Robert Bustle Statesville, N. C.

.^. Ik in History

Ministerial Banil.

\^II,I.IA^r Albert Cade, Jr. Wilmington. N. C.

B. S. ill Business

Editorial Staff TIic Dafidsoniaii : Editorial Staff

Scrifts '.V Pranks; Football (2l: Boxing; (1).

Richard Earl Caldwell MooRESVILLE. N. C.

B. S. in Phxsics

Pti^e Fiirly-iei'i'H ;

DAViDson ctm'EnniAL 1 SENIORS

t'AKi. I\A.\ Carlson, Jk.

I iKi'KNSUdKo, X, C.

H. S. ill Eiii/lisli

Ka])]):! Sigma

()iiiiiri.ii IH-lta Kaiipa ; "D" Chili: Eunienean Literary Society; P.lack Keys; P'ootliall (1); Ten-

nis (1, 3, 4): Editorial Staff Scripts 'N Pranks;

Pres. Sophomore Class ; Vice-Pres. Student Body Student Council (2); Dean's List.

Ai.uKUT M Alu-ici.i. rs CATlll•.^ ijAvin-HN, X. r.

/)'. .v. /;/ I listary and I'uUlical Science

> \r Cluh; P.asehall (2, 3, 4 ) ; Kitle Team ( 3. 4

I'rF.DEKICK Al.liXAXDEK Cathkv. \\<.. CaspiNIA. X. C.

B. S. in Business

Beta Theta Pi

Scabbard and Blade; "D" Club; Football (1. 2.

3); Basketball (1, 2, 3): Track (1); Vice-Pres.

Sophomore Class ; Capt. R. O. T. C. ; Dean's List.

Piige l-orly-eig/jl QUIPS AnD GRAllKS


Henrv Lf.e Choate huxtersville, n. c.

B. S. ni Bioloi/y

Track (H.

Ben Terry Clark. Jr. NoRRis. Tenn.

Biisiiics. B. S. ill Ecoiimiiiis and

Wrer-tlins: (4).

Hemax Rubinson" Ci..\kk

i''.\vettevii.i.k. n. c.

A. B. ill Political Science

Sigma Al]iha Epsilim

Track (1) ; ; Basketball (1) ; Football t 1. 2. 3. 41 Literary Court of C'cintrul; "D" Club; Eumenean Society.

P^ge rorly-niiie :

UAViDson ctnTLnniAL


AirriHk ( )\vKN' CuoKK Greicnsboro, N. C.

./. li. in Political Science

I 'hi riamnia Delia

SiKMKi Delta I'i : P.usiiicss Staff 77;.- David- solium (1, 2); Business Staff )'««'/; Intramural Sports; Ca])t. Class Teniiis (3); l''irst Lieut. R. (). T. C.

Thomas Goi.DSHOUoucni Coi«bix I"ki:.mi>nt, X. C.

/^. S. in rolitical Science caul Business I'i KapiM I'hi OmicroM Delta Kai)i)a; I'.lack Keys: "D" Club: Pres. Atliletic Association; l-oothall (1. 2, 3, 4); Baseball (1, 2); Student Council (2); Second Vice-I'res. Student Body; Rifle Teani (1); Busi- ness Staff iVni'/; 'I'im I'liarr lilciclcinn Award and Millis 'frophy.

IIowAKi) Wall Co\ixgtox Rockingham, N. C.

H. S. in Business Administration

F'lii Delta Theta

"D" Clnli; Atbletic Cotnicil ; Varsity Tennis Manager; Junior Tennis Manager; Sec.-Treas. Senior Class; Red and Black Masquers: Student Store (2, 3, 4): Business Staff Davidsoiiiaii Freshman Track; Assistant Applied Mathematics; Assistant I'reshnian Malliematics.

r,ige iijly QUIPS MD GRAllKS


W'li.i.iAM Dl-.\i..\p Covinctun WAUKSmiRll. N. C.

B. S. in Physics ri Kajipa Phi Pan- Scaliliard and Blade; Sigma Pi Sigma; Freshman Hellenic Council ; Varsity Track (2) ; Basketball; Qrips and Cranks Editorial Staff Band (1, (1, 2); Football Band (1, 2); Concert Editor Vim-I; Diividsonian (1, 2) ; 2) ; Associate First Lieut. R. O. T. C; Assistant in Physics; in Glee Club (1, 2, 3); Dean's List; Assistant Society; Photo- R. O. T. C. : Eumenean Literary Honor- graphic Club; Red and Black Mas(|uers ; ary Fraternity Council.

William Foscue Cox Jacksonville, N. C.

B. S. in Biology Pi Kappa Alpha

Track (\).

Roscoh; Cox KLIN Crabis, Ju. Midland, Te:vAS

B. S. ill Phxsics

Pjf,e nin-'i'ic DAviDson ctnTEnniAL IB SENIORS

(."iiAKi.Ks I.aCostk CkaMv llR^lll<^, X. C.

./. H. ill liii

'.V Junior Tennis Manager: Siripls I'ranks (4) ;

Glee Club (A) : Editorial Staff Davidsonian (4) ; Dean's List; Transfer from Lenoir Rhyne College.

Jamivs Claude Ckowem., Ju. Charlotte, N. C.

B. S. ill Psycholo(/y Kappa Alpha

I'an-Helk-nic Council; Business Staflf Dai'id-

so)ii(i)i ( 1. 2) ; Business StafT Quips and Cranks (!. 2i; Junior Speaking Comiuittee; Dean's List.

Albkut McEver Cumbie R.\i

B. S. ill Political Sciriirr Kajjpa .\lpha

Football (1, 2); Basketliall (1, 2); Baseball

( 1, 2, 3, 4) ; RecordLT : Assistant in Physical Edu- cation; Intramural and Inter-Fraternity Sports.

Pjge Fijly-tuo

'fr^ • — :


James Allen Dickson, Ju. Gettysburg, Penn.

B. S. ill Chemistry Kappa Sigma

Alpha Epsilon Delta: Gamma Sigma Epsilon;

• Football (1. 2) ; Baseball (1, 2. 3, 4) : D" Club: Business Staff Quips anu Cra.n'ks (1).

J\MEs AN'alter Dickson. Jr. AxiiERs;)X, S. C.

A. /). ill Pliilosof^liy Pi Kappa Alpha

Omicron Delta Kappa; President \'. M. C. A.

Varsity Track (2, 3, 4): Stu.'ent Council (4)

Freshman Track ; "D" Club ; Eumenean Literar;

Society; Vice-Pres. Y. M. C. .\. ; Orchestra (1)

Band (1); Friendship Council ; Ministerial Band Dean's List.

William Alexander Dougl.\s, Jr. Rock Hill, S, C.

B. S. ill Pliysics

Sigma Pi Si.ijma ; Eumenean Literary Society

Honorary Fraternity Council ; Friendship Coiuicil

I'liXC Vijly-lhi ;

DAVID son ctnTEnniAL


Wn.iuR SiuuuDS Edwards ClIARI.OTTi:, N. C.

.]. B. in Economics

Beta Theta I'i

President Student Body : Prcs. Student C\iun-

cil ; Alpha I'lii ICpsilon; Omicnm Delta Ka]>pa Scabbard and Blade; International Relations Club; Adjutant of Battalion R. C). T. C; Y. M. C. A.

Cabinet (4) ; Red and Black Masquers; Eumenean Literary Society ; Orchestra (2. 3, 4); Forensic

Council (3. 4) ; Debating Team (1, 3).

Charles Carter Elder Greensboro, N. C.

/'. .v. ill Business and Hconomics Kappa Sigma

Soccer (3, 4); Co-Captain Soccer.

Abner Moselv Faisox Durham, N. C.

B. S. in Education

Football (1, 2) ; Tiack (1. 1. 3. 4) ; "D" Club; Ministerial Band; Assistant to Intramural Sports Director (3, 4); Student Manager Football Pro-

gram; Sigma Delta Psi ; Red and Black Mas- quers.

I'age rifty-joiir ir QUIPS AflD CRAMS SENIORS

Edward Ssioot Finley North WilkKsboro. N. C.

B. S. in Biisinrss .-Idiniiiistnition Kappa Sigma

Scab1>ard and Blade: Eta Nu Pi Society: Vars- ity Track (2); Eumenean Literary Society; First Lieut. R. O. T. C: Y. ^L C. A. Sunday School Teacher; Assistant Scout Master: Photographic

Club ; Dean's List.

Willi.VM Scott Frikze, Jr. Concord. N. C.

A. B. ill Eiifilisli

.Alpha Psi Omega : Red and Black Masquers .Assistant in Library (2, 4): F.n.elish .Assistant.

Kenneth Ev.\n'S FryFogle Greenville, S. C.

A. B. ill Political Science Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Black Keys: First Lieut. R. (). T. C. ; Business

Staff Daz'idsoiiiaii ; Freshman Ueliating Team; Dean's List.

Page Fijiy-fivt DAVID son CtDTEnniAL 1 S E N I O K S


ATr.-WTA. ( ii;iii

. /. H. Ill /'liilosiipliy

I'lii laa SiKiua : 1 iDimrary l-'ratcrnity Council,

riiilaiitlircipic Literary Society; Ministerial I'.and;

Asst. in English; Dean's List; Transfer from

( ieorgia Tech.



B. S. ill business

\\;i])]M .\l]ilia

Scabhard and I'.ladc; 'Prack (I, 2).


B. S. ill liiii/lisll

Kappa Si,L;iiia

Football (1); I'.asketball (1); I'.aseball (1)

Sec.-Trea.s. Athletic .Association ; Assistant in Psy-

chology Research ; Student Director of N. Y. A. Dean's List.

I'iige Fifty-s/x Illv QUIPS AHD CRAllKS


Carl W'kslkv Grooveu, Jr. Bali. Ground, G.\.

A. B. in Chemistry

J.\MES \\'.SLKER H.XRl'ER .\rGrsTA, Ga.

B. S. ill Cliciiiistry

Sigma I 'hi Ep.silon

Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Dean's Li.st; Transfer from Junior College of .-Augusta.


B. S. ill Business

Basketball (3. 4): "D" Club; Business .Assist-

ant ; Transfer from Blucficld Junior College.

Peine Pill)-iii(.ii DAViDson ctnTmniAL IB S E N I s

Jlill.N Run AKIl 1 Ia\\\ DKTll

1 IlC.II I'(J1NT, N. C.

/i. S. ill I'oliliciil Science

I'lii Caninia Delta

W'li.i.i AM Harrison IIiggins Richmond, Va.

/)'. .V. in i lu'inislry

Kapjja Si.t;nia

Red and iilack Masquers; Alpha Psi Omega; Freshman Cross Country; I'Veshman Track; Edi-

torial Staff, Pcn-idsoii'ian (1); I'"ditorial Staff,

Qiips AM) Ckanks (1, 2, 3).

La w kk .\ CK K 1 x G Hill STATKSV1I.U-;, N. C.

B. S. in Kiisincss

I'i Kappa Alpha

"D" Chih; Varsity Footl)all Manager; Business

Staff. Vo'u'l (1. 2, 3).


^ Page Fijty-eight QUIPS Ann GRAllKS


William Pai.mkk llii.i., Jr. Richmond, \'.\.

B. S. in Bioloijy Kappa Sigma

Asst. Basketball Manager (1. 2, .) ) ; Pan-Hel- lenic Council: Business Staff, Ihividsoniiiii (1, Z,

3); Business Staff, Quips and Cranks (1, 2, 3).

Emmet Field IIoui.xe, Jk. LouisviuLE, Ky.

A. B. ill BiujVisli

President, Delta Phi Alpha; Sigma Nu; Eu- nicnean Literary Society.

Geokge Autis Hok.nbeck RocKv Mount, N. C.

B. S. ill I'liysics

Sigma Pi Sigma ; Alpha Phi Epsilon ; Tennis

(2, 3, 4); Philanthropic Literary Society; "D"

Club ; Physics Assistant.

PiiRe Pilt)-n/nc DAVID son CtDTraniAL SENIORS

I'kUSTON AsUUKV lloWAUI) Cornelius, N. C.

H. S. ill Ihtsiiirss

Hascball (1, 2. 3, 4) ; "D" Club.

Ji)i;i, RiciiAKi) llowiE Monroe, N. C.

B. S. in licoiwiiiics

I'i Ka])]).'! I'hi

Transfer from I'rcvard Junior Colk-gc.

Biscd RkdmOiNd H(>\vi:i.i.. Jr. T.SHIIOKO. X. C.

-i. /)'. //; Business Adininistvation Kappa Sigma

Freshman Tennis Manager; Editorial Staff, Dai-iilsoiiian (1, 2); Asst. Editor Y. M. C. A. Handbook (3); 2nd Lieut. R. O. T. C. (4).


4» Piige Sixty ;



Paul Oehler Hudson MooRKSVILLE, N. C.

B. S. in Business

Glee Club (3) ; Quartet ( 3. 4 ) ; Lees-McRae Junior College (1, 2).

Joseph Lonsdale Hunter Charlotte, N. C.

B. S. in Business Pi Kappa Phi

Omicron Delta Kappa ; Sigma Delta Pi ; Span- ish Club; Scabbard and Blade; Football (1, 2, 3,

4) ; Pres. "D" Club ; Court of Control ; Junior

Dance Committee ; Captain R. O. T. C. : Black- Keys; Dean's List; Junior Marshal.

James Davidson Johnston Barh'm Si-kings, N. C.

B. S. in Political Science Kappa Alpha

Omicron Delta Kappa ; Scabbard and Blade

Sigma Delta Psi ; Football (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Basketball (1); Track (1, 2, 3. 4); "D" Club; Captain of Track; Athletic Council; Honorary Fraternity

Council ; Assistant in Bible and Astronomy ; Dean's List; 1st Lieut. R. O. T. C.

Page Sixly-oiie DAVID son CEnTEnniAL SENIORS

RoHKUT I Ikkvk's' Johnston, Jk. Lebanon, Kv.

H. S. in Polilical Scinicc and Biology

lieta Tlicta I'i

Black Keys ; Paii-Hellcnic Council ; Judge Court of Control; Editorial Staff. Davidsonian (1): Staff. Business Staff, Dafidsoninn (1, 2) ; Editorial Quips .-knd Cranks (1, 2, 3, 4).

RlCIlAKl) S.WDLSKY JllllNSON Charlotte. X. C.

B. S. in Political Science Sigma Alpha Epsilon

l-Veshnian Track; Alt. Captain Freshman Foot- hall: Varsity Track (2, 3. 4); Varsity Football

(2, 3, 4) : Captain Football (4) : "D" Club: Vice-

President Athletic .Association (3) ; Athletic Coun- cil (4).

Robert King, Jr. Johnson Citv, Tenn.

.-/. B. in History

Glee Club : Dean's List : Senior Monitor.

Pjge Sixty-luo ;


Kenneth Helwig Knoru Staunton, Virginia

B. S. in Economics Pi Ka]:)pa Alpha

Sigma Delta Psi; Basketball (1. 2. 3, 4) ; Fresh- man Baseball; Varsity Football (3. 4) ; "D" Club; Secretary - Treasurer of Pan - Hellenic Council

Vice-President of Athletic Association (3) ; Ac- tivities Editor of Quips and Cranks; Dean's List.

Harry Lehman Kuvkendaij, Greensboro, X. C.

B. S. in Business Kappa Sigma

Captain of Cross Country (4) ; Varsity Track (4); "D" Club; Athletic Council; College and Editor, R. O. T. C. Bands (2) ; Managing The Void: Editorial Staff of The Duridsoiiian ; 2nd

Lt. R. O. T. C. ; Assistant Football Mgr. ; Assist- ant Mgr. Wildcat Handbook: Intramural Boxing.

Robert Hervev Laffert^-, Jr. Charlotte, N. C.

B. S. in Chemistry Pi Kappa Alpha

Gamma Sigma Epsilon ; Freshman Cross Coun- try and Track; Editorial Staff Dai'idsonian (1, 2) ;

Davidson Scout Troup; Bible Assistant (3) ; D. H. Howard Scholarship.

Pane Sixly-lhree ;;


JdllN XKWTON LEK I'auiim Si'Rint.s, N. C.

B. S. ill I'olitical Science

Sigma Delta I'si ; "D" Cluh : I'nr.tball (1. 2. 3. 4); Track (1, 2. 3. 4); Intramural Boxing; llon- orarv I'Vatcrnity Coiiiitil.

William Caliioux Link, Jk. CiiAKi.iirrii, N. C.

B. S. in Chemistry

Epsilon ; German Soccer C.amma Sigma Club ;

•"reshman Track ; Kumenean Literary Society

Orchestra (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Glee Club (2) ; "Y" Cabi- net (4).

j \MEs Rali'Ii .McCleli.am). Jr. Atlanta, Ga.

A. B. in Political Scicjicc anil I-'rrncli Phi Delta Thi'ta

Le Cercle Francais ; Scabbard and Blade; Black

Keys; Golf (1, 2, 3, 4) ; "D" Club; Athletic Coun-

of Golf ; Cap- cil ; Playing .NIgr. and Co-Captain

tain R. O. T. C. ; Eumenean Literary Society

Senior Blazer Committee ; Business Staff of Tlic Davidsonian {\, 2); Basketball Manager (1. 2);

Associate Editor of ''Y" Handbook ; Dean's List.


A\'n,i,iAM Lee ^[acIlwinex Favi-ttkvii.i.i:. X. C.

B. S. in Iliif/Iish

Sigma Upsilon; Tr;ick Team (1. 2); Intra-

mural Volley Ball (1. 2. 3. 4) ; Tennis (1) : Red and Black Masquers : Editorial Staff of Quips and

Cranks (1, 2, 3); Editorial Staff of Scripts 'N

Pranks (1. 2, 3, 4) ; Editorial Staff of D

(1, 2) ; Assistant in English; Glee Club; Assistant to Librarian; College Band (1, 2); College Or-

chestra ( 1. 2, 3, 4) ; Sophomore Dance Committee.

Fredeiuck Hall ^IcLean Lenoir, N. C.

B. S. in Mathematics

Spanish Club; Eta Nu Pi: Football (1, 2);

Baseball (1) ; 1st Lt. R. O. T. C.

Edward John Mack mooresville, n. c.

B. S. in Economics

Eumenean Literary Society; Cross Country (1,

4) ; Track (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Captain R. O. T. C. ; Assist- ant in Accounting; Dean's List.

Pane Sixly-fivs DAVID son CEOTEnniAL m S E N I s

Francis M. Mack, Jr. I'onT Mii.t.. S. C.

B. S. iit /'/(v-v/c?

Sifrma Pi SiKina: Wrtstling (2. 3. 4); F(X)tl)all

I 1 ) : riiilaiitliropic Literary Society; Assistant tn the Lihrariaii (3, 4).

CtiARi^Es Warwick M aczk Kansas Citv. Mn.

/>'. /;; . /. History

Ka|)]ia Alpha

Alpha Phi I. Epsilon: R. C; Basketball (1) ;

Quips and Cranks (1, 2, 3); Business Staff of

The Daridsonian (1, 2, 3) ; Debating Team (1, 3,

4 ) ; Forensic Council.

RoGKK I'addisux AIki.Tox


B. S. in History

Football (1. 2. 3): Track i 1. 2. 3. 4).

Piige Si.\l)-.iix QUIPS AHD CRATIKS


Henry Tiiomsox Mills. Jr. GkEEXVII.LE, S. C.

B. S. in Political Science

Sigma Alpha l-'psilun

Football (1) ; Business Staff of The Daz'idsoii'uiii

(1, 2) : Business Staff of Yowl (1, 2, 3).

.\lex.\xder Stuart MoFFEtt D.^VIDSON, X. C.

A. n. in Greek

Kappa Al])ha

Scabbard and Blade; Eta Sigma Phi; Football

(1 ) ; Track ( 1 I ; 1st Lieut. R. O. T. C. ; .\ssistant in Greek (3. 4) ; Dean's List.

J.\MEs I'oLK Gam.MUX ^Foffett D.wiusoN, N. C.

A. B. in Philosophy Kappa Alpha

Wrestling (2. 3); "D" Club; Eta Sigma Phi; Dean's List.

Piif^e Sixly-ifi'i'ii DAViDson ctriTEnniAL 1 SENIOR

\\'ll.l.l\\r lll.AC'KW KI.I. MoOKK


/>'. .S". ill lUisiiicss

\'i Kappa Aljilia

P'oothall (1): I'.ascball (l); Wrrstling (3).


I'knui.kton, S. C.

/>'. .S". ill riiysics

Si.i;iiia I 'hi I'.psildii

Sigma Pi Sigma; Wrestling Manager (1, 2, 3).

( )iu:\ MdoKK, Jr. CnAKi.(]T'n:. X. C.

B. S. ill Biology

Beta 'I'heta I'i

Football ( 1, 2) ; Track (1 ) ; Wrestling (2, 3. 4).

P.ige Sixly-eight :;


James Thomas Morton Bri.uicK, X. C.

B. S. in Ecfliioiiiics Sigma Phi Epsilon

Omicron Delta Kappa; lllio's IVIw Among American Students: Editor of The Davidsonian Freshman Advisor; Manager Freshman Baseball;

Publications Board ; Student Council ; Junior

Speaking Committee ; Vice-Pres. Junior Class "D" Club; Second Lieut. R. O. T. C; Editorial Staff the Vozi'l: Business Staff the "Y" Handbook;

Eumencan Literary Society ; Intramural Boxing.

Baxcroft Ficklen Moselev Greenville. N. C.

B. S. ill Eiujlish Kappa Sigma

Football (L 2) ; Track (3, 4) ; Boxing (1) ; Eu- menean Literary Society ; Business Staff the Quips

.\ND Ck.\nks (L 2. 3) ; President the Student Bible Class.

Troy Dewitt Mullis Matthews, N. C.

A. B. in English

Philanthropic Literary Society ; Intramural

Basketball (3) ; Ministerial Band; Assistant to Librarian; Dean's List.

I\ige Sixly-iihio DAVID son CtDTEnniAL SENIORS

Dknn IS- Eugene Mvi;us. Jk. Chari.ottk, X. C.

li. S. in Chemistry

I 'hi Delta Tlieta

lUisincss Suiff tlie Qrii's am) Cranks (3) ; luiiiKiu'aii l.iteiarv Scicictv; !iUrr\niufal Sports

(2. 3) ; Transfer 'tmin Duke

George Stark Xorfleet, Jr. Winston-Salkm, N. C. A. B. in Business Kappa Sigma

Business Manager the Qiii'S and Ckaxks; Busi-

ness Staff The Daridsonian (1, 2) ; Business Staff

the Qnrs ami Cran-ks (1, 2. 3, 4) ; Football Man- ager (1, 2): I'Vaternity Golf (3, 4); huramural

Coif (2) ; Dean's List; Black Keys.

Hubert Howell Onekto.n. Jr. Grkk.nsi!oro, X. G.

/>. S. ill Ihisiiicss

I'hi (".anima Delta

Oniicron Delta Kappa ; Sigma Upsilon ; Scab- bard and Blade; Editor Scripts 'X Pranks; lyiio's IVIio Among Ainrrictin Sliidrnts: Finance .Man- ager of Student Store; Publications Board; Cap-

tain R. O. T. C. ; International Relations Club; Sec.-Treas. Junior Class; -Associate Editor The Daz'ictsonian : Managing Staff the Q v i p s and Cr.\nks; Eumenean Literary Society; Court of Control (4).


Charles Warner Parker .MurxT ^[nLR^E. X. C.

B. S. ill Political Science

Baseball (1) : Wrestling (2. 3, 4), Captain (4) "D" Club; Athletic Council.

Harry Edmunds Parker, Jr. Sumter, S. C.

A. B. ill Business Pi Kappa Phi

Symphonic Band (1, 2, 3, 4).

RussELi, H. Patterson, Jr. Trenton, Tenx.

/•>'. .S". //) Business Phi (jamma Delta

Phi Beta Kappa ; Delta Phi Alpha; Inter national Relations Club; Pan-Hellenic Council

Scabbard and Blade ; Court of Control (4) President Junior Class: Student Council (3) Varsity Track Manager; Band (1); Business Staff of Daindson'um (1, 2); Business Staff of Quips and Cranks (1, 2) ; German Club; Honor Roll (1, 2).

I'lige Seventy-unc DAVID 8 on GtnTEnniAL m S E N I O K S

Maukick U. l'l•;AH()l)^•, Jk. Davidson, X. C

B. S. in Business

Sigma Delta Psi ; Scabbard and Blade; Kootball

(2, 3) ; Track (1. 2, 3) ; Basketball (2, 3, 4), Co- Captain (4); •!)" Club; Athletic Council (2);

Si;,'ni Phi Xiilbiii ; Dean's List; 1st Lt. R. O. T. C.

RoBUKT Trout I'ktkus, Ju. Bi.UKi'iEi,n, \V. Va.

B. S. in C'licinislry

I'i Kappa I'lii

Black Keys; Freshman Basketball; Freshman

Cross Country ; Intramural Sports ; Red and Black Masquers; Junior Cheerleader; Business Staff

of Qrips AND Cranks (1, 2, 3) ; Business Saff of

Voii'l (1, 2, 3) ; Assistant Track Manager (1).

Frank Swiit Poe Greenville, S. C.

.-/. B. in French

Eta vSigma Phi; Lc Ccrcle b'rancais; Track (1, 2, 3. 4); Cross Country (4); Orchestra (1);

P.and (1, 2, 3) ; Red and Black Masquers; Basket- ball (1); Fainicnean Literary Society; Photo- graphic Club; 1st Lt. R. O. T. C. Band'

Page Sevenly-two ;


Arthur Tvuer Port Winston-Salem, N. C.

A. B. ill Economics

Phi (ianiiiia Delta

Sigma L'psilon ; Eta Sigma Plii ; Scabbard and

Blade : Alpha Phi Epsilon ; Omicron Deha Kappa ; Football Announcer; President Honorary Fra- ternity Council: International Relations Club; For- ensic Council (3, 4) ; Debating (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Cadet

Captain R. O. T. C. ; Eumencan Literary Society Ql'IPS and Cranks (1, 2); Red and Black Mas- quers (2, 3. 4).

Frank K. Purdv DAViDson CEnxEnniAL SENIORS

Cui-i'oKi) Cakr (JL'ICK Chaui.ijttk, X. C.

B. S. in History

Omicron Delta Kappa; ScaMiard and Blade Football (1. 2. 3); Basketball (1. 2, 3. 4): Cap tain Basketball (1. 3, 4); Baseball (1. 2. 3, 4) Captain P.aseball (1. 4): Vice-Pres. "D" Club

Atbletic Council (3, 4) ; Assistant in R. O. T. C.

Sisni Phi Niithin ; Student Store Board of Control

Chakles .Mo.ntcomkkv Ra.mskur LiNCOI.NTON, N. C.

B. S. in History

Phi Delta Theta

Band (1. 2); Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); College Quartet (2. 3, 4); Rifle Team (1); Intramural Vol lev Ball; Dean's List.

Bradford Jexnings Reed WiNTHRop, Mass.

B. S. ill Biolni/y

Piiilantbrnpic Literary Society; Football (2, 3,

4) ; Monitor (3. 4) ; Glee Club (4).


Robert Hoke Robinson CdlAMBIA, s. C.

A. B. in Economics Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Business Manager The Davidsoiiiaii ; Business Manager the V. M. C. A. Handbook (2, 3); As- sistant Business Manager the Qrips and Cranks (3); Court of Control (2); First Lieut. R. O.

T. C. : Dean's List; Freshman Basketball.

Ch.\RI.E.S r.L'RDETTE RoSS, Jr. Charlotte, N. C.

B. S. in Economics and Business

Phi Beta Kappa: "D" Club; Golf (L 2, 3. 4) ; Manager of Golf (3) ; Captain of Golf (4) ; Ath- letic Council (3. 4); Eumenean Literary Society; Rifle Team (1); Honor Roll (2, 3); Dean's List.

M.\RSH.\LL Clement Saneord MoCKSVILLE. N. C.

B. S. in Chemistry Kappa Alpha

Symphonic Band (1, 2, 3. 4) ; College Band (1,

2, 3. 4) ; Second Lieut. R. O. T. C. ; Business Staff of Votvl (L 2. 3) ; Photographic Club (1, 2, 3. 4).

P^iXf Scrcmy-fin *T DAViDson ctm'tnniAL 1 SENIORS

K H \ m:t 1 1 Mrxnci Sc(itt 'IVlNAN, I'lllNA

.t. li. ill Chcmislry and I'hilosoj^liy

I 'hi Ueta Kappa; Alpha F.psilon Delta; Scab- hard and Blade; Sigma Nu; lua Sigma Phi; Gam-

ma Sigma Epsilon ; Delta I'hi Alpha; Red and Black Masquers; Alumni Association Medal (1);

Captain R. O. T. C. Band; Student Council (3. 4) ;

V. M. C. A. Cabinet (3, 4) ; Glee Club ( 1, 2. 3. 4) ; Student Organist; Rille Team; Freshman De- bating Team; I'rcshnian Cross Country Team; Soccer Team.

I). will i\\l^l•.^ Sl'.l.l.ARS MlKI.I.NC.TON. N. C.

A'. ,S'. /)/ Economics

I '.eta Thfla I'i

Freshman Iviotball Manager; "D" Club; l-'irst

Lieut. R. O. T. C. ; Sophomore Dance Committee; Junior Speaking Committee; Intramural Football

( 1. 2, 3, 4) ; Intramural Volley Ball (3, 4).

I'"k.\.\k McPhekson Sixfi.AiK W ir.MINGTON, N. C.

B. S. ill Business

Glee Club (1.4); 'rraiisferred from \. C. State College.


Pjge Serenly-iix QUIPS ADD CMTIKS


Baxtkk Ck.wex S^riTii, Jr. W'akui.t.a. N. C.

B. S. ill Business

Dean's List, Transferred from Presbyterian Jun- ior College.

GiBsu.N" LtJCKE Smith Ch.\ri.otte. N. C.

. /. B. in History Kappa Alpha

Sigma Upsilon ; International Relations Club Dean's List; Monitor; .Assistant in History; .\s sociate Editor Scril'ts '.V Pranks (4).


.\r.icicvii.i.i;, .\[..\.

B. S. in Hconoiiiics

Sii^ma Phi EpsildU

Baseball (1, 2, 3) ; Second Lient. R. C). T. C.

I'iigi' Si'vcrily-H'i'i'ti DAVID son CEnTEnniAL SENIORS


B. S. in Chemistry Kappa Al])ha

Xlpha l-.p-iliiii Delta: SccrL-tary-Tri-asuri.T Stu- ck-iit I'.iidy iJ); I'liivtrsity (jf Virginia (J).

CliAIIAM I'iS.NH Si.jL'lUKS XllUllll.K. \'a.

li. S. ill I'liiliisiiphy

I'.Dxing (1, 2) ; Soccer (3, 4) ; Eumcnean Liter- ary .Society; i'owl Business Staff (1, 2); Photo- graphic Chib Qlips (1, 2) ; and Cranks Editorial StatT (1. 2. 3).

RiimCKT ISkovvder Sti;\vakt MuNTGOMKKY, Al.A.

A. B. in Economics Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; International

Relations Club ; Eta Sigma Phi ; Alpha Phi Ep-

silon ; Debate Manager ; Forensic Council ; Eume-

nean Literary Society ; Sophomore Dance Com-

mittee ; Honorary Fraternity Council; Varsity De-

bating (3,4) ; Assistant in English (3,4) ; Editorial Staff The Davidsonian: Qrips and Cranks (1, 2,

3) ; Rifle Team; Candidate for Rhodes Schol- arship; Friendship Council.

P.i^e Set e>tl)-L'/g/jl QUIPS AHD GRAMS SENIORS

Haroi^d Gray Sugg GREEXVII.I.IC. N. C.

B. S. in History and Economics

Phi Gamma Delta

Omicron Delta Kappa; Sigma Upsilon; Inter-

national Relations Clul) ; Court of Control; Presi-

dent Forensic Council ; Debate Manager ; Debater

(1, 2, 3, 4) ; Managing Editor of The DavHsunian and Vozil; Associate Editor Scripts '.V Pranks: Symphonic Band (1, 4): Honorary Fraternity Council; Assistant in History and Economics;

Class Historian (2, 3) ; Alpha Phi Epsilon.

Thomas Davis Talmage Atlanta, Ga.

.-^. B. in Psychologv

Intramural Basketball (4); Dean's List; Foot- ball Band ; Transfer from Presbyterian College.

John Young Tempi^etox, III MOORESVILLE. N. C.

B. S. in Chemistry

Gamma Sigma Upsilon; Alpha Epsilon Delta Eta \u Pi; Philanthropic Literary Society (3): Gym Instructor.

P'lK^' Scft'Niy-'iiiK- DAVID son ctnTtnniAL SENIORS

James Johnston 'Pkuuv Petkrstown, W. \"\.

/)'. .S'. ill Economics

I'.cta Thcta I'i

'rraiist'crrcil I'nnn Ccuicmil Sl.-iK- and I'liu-ru-ld College.

lloNIK, IIaURV TiKiMI-SON. J K. ll(.r-TnN, Ti;x.

/i. S. ill I'.ioiuniiics

\ 'hi (iamiiia I )(.-lta

Hand (2, 3); ()rclH->tra (2); Transferred from Selireiner Institute.

TiioAFAS Fran Ki, IX Tiidmi'son Castoma. X. C.

B. S. ill Hiisiiirss . Idiiiiiiislrulioii

\\ii\)\>a. Sisjnia

Varsity Basketball Manager (4); v'^OL-cer (3);

Track (2) ; "D" Club; Athletic Council; Assistant.

Political Science ; Dean's List ; Editorial Staff

Qiips Axn Ckanks (1. 2. 3); Thr Pin'idsoii'hvi (1).

^ 4» J^ Piige Eighty QUIPS AflD CRAMS SENIORS

Thomas Gaudinek Tiiukstox, II

Tavi.(iksvii.i.i;, X. C.

B. S. ill Clinnistry

Phi Beta Kappa; Football ( 1. 2. 3. \) : 'l)" Club; Eta Nu Pi; Alpha Epsiloii Delta; Vice-President of Senior Class ; Assistant in Sociology.

RciBEKT Emmeksox Tissue Mt. Hoph. W. \'a.

£>'. S. ill Polilicol Science

I'i Kaiiii:! I'hi

Ei,BEUT DavmiiM) Tuuxek. Ju. (lAlNKSVlI.I.K. Im.A.

.-1. B. ill Spanish

Sigma I'hi l^psiloii

Spanish Club; Sigma Delta Pi; I'.ta Sigma Phi; Fumenean Literary Society; P;.n-1 lellenic Coun- cil; Associate Editc r Tlir Ihrridsonian : Secon;l Lieut. R. O. T. C.

Pdfif litg/'lyoni- DAVID son CEIlTEnniAL 1 S E N I O M S

RoHKUT Mkuckk \ ANCE

Cl,INT(lN, S. C_ .

/}. .S'. in Business Administration

Kappa Aljjlia

.' I'oi.tball Manager (1. ) ; Ivlitorial Staff of (Jrii'S AN-i) Cranks (1, 2); I'.ditnrial Staff The Din'idsonian (1, 2, 3).


.1. /)'. in (,'ri'(A' (iml linijlisli

Eta Sigma Phi; I'lKitball (1, 2, 3, 4j ; Wrestling Liter- (4) ; "D" Club; Ministerial Band; Eumenean ary Society; Student Ministerial Association.

Francis Eugene X'ogler, Jr. \VlNSTON-S.\LE.M, X. C.

B. S. in Business Phi Gamma Delta

Soccer (3, 4), Co-Captain (4) ; ''D" Club; Band Society; I 1,2) ; Glee Club (3) ; Eumenean Literary

Junior Cheerleader (3) ; Varsity Cheerleader (4) ; (). (".ymnast'cs Team (3, 4) ; Second Lieutenant R. T. C; Intramural Sports (1, 2, 3. 4); Bo.xing (1, 2L

Pjge Eighl)-tuo QUIPS Ann CRAMS


James Mason Westall asheville, n. c.

B. S. in Business

Plii Delta Theta

Eunienean Literary Society ; Editorial Staff of r/it- Davidsoiiian (1, 2); Editorial Staff QiiPS AND Cranks (1, 2, 3).

Robert Manton Wilsox, Jr. RlCHMONTi, \'a.

A. B. ill English

Cross Cnimtrv (1. 4l ; Track (1, 3, 4) ; Soccer

(2, 3) ; Band ("l, 2. 3, 4) ; Glee Club (1. 2) ; S. V. M.

John Cukrv Winn Greenville, S. C.

A. B. in French Beta Theta Pi

Phi Beta Kappa ; l''reshman Football ; Le Cercle

Francais ; Eta Sigma Plii ; International Relations Club; Student Council (4): Editor of Wildcat

Handbook: First Lieutenant R. O. T. C. ; French

Assistant (3, 4) ; Editorial Staff The Davidsoninn.

Managing Editor (3j ; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (4).

fjge Eial'ly-iht DAVID son ctnTtnniAL


IIakman W'oddw aui), Ik.

I'.i.ri:i iij.ii, W. \'\.

/)'. .S". i)i lUtsiiirss .Idiiiinislratiuu

I 'i Kappa I'lii

( niss Comitry 'Prack (1); 'I'lack (1, 2): Red

:m(l Ulack Masquers; Alpha I'si Omega; Scabbar.l

:iii(l Blade; Sophomore Dance Committei-; Iiitra-

nuiral Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Intramural \>;W-y Ball.

Track. Baseball (2. .1 4) ; bMrst l.ieut. H. O, T. C;

V. M. t". .\. Bovs' Work.

LKn.NAKI) ]{m fll':i.l) W'l JlMlW AKI)

Srr.s.NKKT. 1.. L, .\. ^^

/)'. .V. /;( ir„il(niy

Basketball ( 1. 2. 4 ) ; Tennis (1. 2. 3. 4) ; Soccer (3. 4); Baseball (U; Intramural Sports; Fresh- man Tennis Coach.

lli;i<.M \\ Ckiu'cu \'i:ai<\\(i(ii)

\\ wrnx, X. C.

li. S. ill Matlh'iiiatics and I'sycholuijy

Transfer; Basketball (31; Basel^dl 1 3. 4l; In-

tramural Football (,i. 4l ; Vnlley Ball (41.

Pjge Eighly-jour SECOND SEMESTI


LuTHKK Iamks Morris

Saxforii. X. C.

.i.B. in Education

William Henry Snow

High Point, N. C.

B.S. in Political Science

I'i Kaiipa Alnlia

"1'" ( Band i ; Varsity Golf (2. 3. 4) ; Concert ) Couii Club: Junior Speaking Committee; Athletit- College (!> cil (3) : Ilidh Point


immy frowns on Patterson takes Salty at work Not so bashful, Bob that stuff his stand

The football team gets Picture Charlie, take to the incroft and Bill before the ready to take Seller mountains shower a trip

Tom and Horse Gene and Tricky Dave "Spring is definitely here' JUNIOR


James K. Dorsett President Haywood N. Hill ikc-Prcsidcnt Secretary-Treasurer J. Elmore Holt DAVIDSOn CEnTEnniAL 1


Allie Cooper Adasis Petersburc;. Tcnii. Robert Akerman Trii)let. \ a. I.EfiN .McDii.!. Ai.i.isiix. Jk Davidson. X. C. I'nii.ii' Hei.i.Ek Akkcw smith /'/ Kappa I'lii Florence. S. C. Joseph Peden Baii.ev Kappa .llpha Rock Hill. S. C. Charles Thomas I'.akek Atlanta. C.a. Xeh.e Alexaxdek Uakkr Fayetteville. X. C. Henry Wade Barkow Kappa Si(/iiia Denver. Colo.

Charles Richmond IIlxler I laddonfield. X. J. Robert Cornelius Blue I'.ariuni Sprin£,'s. X. C.

William Pi.ummer Br.ndburx Beta TItcIa I'i ( )rleans Parish. La. Fred Hunter Bradford Davidson. X. C.

William Alfred Broadway Sujr.ia I hi Epsiluii Shelby. X. C. .Alexander Lawrence Brown .Mount L'lla. X. C. Charles Thomas Urowx. Jk Kappa Si lu.i Charlotte. X. C.

Tames Marion Brvaxt Bramwell. \\ . \ a. Alton Riley C.\tes, Jr Jackson. Ala.

\.\lph Leland Chandler, Jr / / Kappa Phi .Southern Pines, \. C.


111. jA^rES Edward Chrismax. . . . Bloomington,

KuGKNE FiELDixr, Ci.AKK Charlotte, \. C. Pi Kappa Alpha

Major 1 LwES Clark Dnthan. Ala.

Gordon Baylor ClevELAXd Staunton. \a. Pi Kappa Alpha

Archie CAjri'BELL Cltxe. Jr Concord, N. C. Pi Kappa Alpha

William Owen Cooke Greensboro, X. C.

Phi Gam III a Delta

Samuel Alexander Cothrax. .Charlotte, X. C. Phi Delta Thcta

r)rT.\vius McR.vE Covingtox. . Wadcsboro, N. C. Pi Kappa Phi

Alii.Tox Boved Crist Welsh, W. \'a. Pi Kappa Alpha

William Battle Crooks, Jr.. . Meridian, Miss. Phi Delta Theta

I lendersoiL 1 Iexrv FiTZHUCH D.SDK Ky. Siijina Alpha Epsilon

Clmie Thomas Dailev .Monroe, .\rk.

TiKJMAS Bra.vti.v Daniel (Jxford, N. C.

I'.adin, Willi AM 1 Iakold Davis N. C.

I'kKi) William De.nms CiMifonl. .\. C.

Kappa . Ilpha

.Mciniihis, 'l\-nn. William 1 'arks I )ixon

Kappa . Ilpha

'I'cini. [AMES Earnest Dooi.en. Jr.. . Knowille.

/'/(/ (iaiiiiiia Pella

1 )oRSETT Salishnrv, \. C. J wiES K^ E I'hi (iaiiiiiia Delta

J U N I S ^ f^l

I'JK^' l:ii^hl\-Hiiie DAVID son ctnTtnniAL "U


Jri.irs Clifford Harrison. .. .Salisbury, N. C.

Hartzog Erlaiiger. N. C. I \MES W'vATT

Iri.i \.\ Wilbur Helms Charlotte. N. C.

William Dallas Herring. .. .Rose Hill, N. C.

Havwood Northrup HiLi Richmond. \'a. Kaf'pa Si(/iiia

James Jerome Hill Sharon. S. C. Pi Kupl^a Phi

JA^rI••,s Elmore Holt Greensboro, N. C. Phi Gaiiiiihi Delta

[onx Richardson Horton \lbcmarle, N. C. Pi Kappa Alpha

Samlel Cli.n'TOn Howard. Jr.. .Glennville, Ga.

.\lbert Lester Ingram. Jr Wilmington. Del. Pi Kappa Alpha

Daniel Iverson, Jr ]\Iiami, Fla. Sigma Phi P.psiloii

Ra',- JiRowN Johnston Concord, N. C.

JosEi'H Manville Kei.lam Biscoe, N. C. /''/ Kappa Plii

RiiiU'RT Nelson Kellogg. , .Mnn',ij;omery, W. Va.

l'iiHKLm' Kex N I'A. J !;... I'rankfort, Ky.

Kappa . lipha

Ri'SSEi.L M.\RTiN Kerk. . . . I'lcsseincr Citw N. C.

William IScrns Kiesewkttek. Chestnut Mill, i'a. I'hi liaiiiiui Ihila

Ci'RTis IliiwAki) l\i.\G Grcensbiiro, N. C.

Kappa Sii/iiia

llMiiirsi. II, Kill. .1. Iliir. ll

Page Nincly

K. m


He-N'sox Eugene Mapi.es T^inehurst, X. C. Pi Kal^pa Phi



Thomas Watson Street Talladega, Fla.

Robert |oseph TERR^ Leland, Miss.

Pi Kappa f'lii

Robert Hoi, land Theiui.nc. Jr.. Charlotte, N. C.

Idz ARD John Tinga Castle Hayne, N. C.

Joiix Wallace Tonisse.n' ... .Jacksonville. Fla. PM Delta Tlicta

Ricii.vRD Beckm.sx X'owles. . . .Davidson, N. C.

Sii/iiia Phi Epsilon

D-v.xiEL Lee Walker Burlinyton. N. C.

Rl'EI'S Monroe Wallace York, S. C

WiLLL\M MuNROE WiCKER .... Charlotte. N. C.

WiLLL^M x\ndre\v Wilkerson . .Durlianu N. C.

IJAILEV Williams Clintun, S. C.

Si(/iiia .llpha Hpsiloii

I'l.wTER Brown Wilson, Jr Cliarlntte, N. C.

J.VMES Young Wilson Lake City, Fla. /'/ Kappa riii

kiciiARi) Brandon Wright. ... Salishurv. N. C.

J U N I ill

Page Ninely-fn'e The President comes Col. Branch goes Midsummer-Night's Dream to Charlotte to drill

S. P. E.'s dig the prize graveyard Ryburn, Artist Gym Team SOPHOMORE


H. Robert McClEi.lax President

E. Cagk Brewer I'irc-Prcsidcnt

RAV^tOND L. PiTTMAx Sccrctary-Trciistircr DAVID son CtOTEnniAL 1


TiKorAs Wood Abbott, Jr Charlotte. N. C. Robert Ephrai.m Abeli." Jr Chester. S. C. AIiLi.ARn IIen'Rv Alcorx.Jk Blackey. Ky. jAAfES \\'n.i.iAi[ Armstrong Charlottesville. \'a. Oscar \'axce ARirsTRONC. Jr Saluda. N. C. Richard Xobi.e Avcock. Jk I.incolnton, X. C. Claude Esmoxd Baii.ev Chattanooga. Tenn. Hen'Rv Browx Bakei? Creeneville. Tenn.

James Lester B ai.i.akd. |i< Davidson. X. C. Rex Beach Lenoir. X. C. William Cathcard 1!e\t\ Ruck Hill. S. C. Ovid Hall Bell Fulton. Mo. Robert Bonds Bexfield Sinks Grove. W. \'a. -Alkred Lvox BixlER Haddonfield. X. J. JoHX Fairly Black Creenshoro. X. C. William Alfred Bovd \tlanta. Ga. Edward Cage Brewer Clarksdale. Miss. Joseph Hiram Calvix Decatur. Ala. Kendall Caul Campbell Lakin. Kans. Mark Waverlv Cauble, Jk Winston-Salem, N. C. JoHX Delber Ch/\lk, Jr Rockingham. X. C. Camerox Carl Clark Xorris, Tenn. Jon X Kelly Clixe Lincolnton. N. C. Edward Lamar Cloyd. Ir Raleigh, X. C.

Page Ninety-eight QUIPS AHD CRAUKS

CoRNEuus Wesley Coghhj,, Jr Rocky Mount, N. C. Parker Evans Connor, Jr Edisto Island, S. C. Paul Stockton Cooper Roanoke, Va. Joe Deane Craver Salisbury, N. C. Joseph Henry Cutchin, Ju Whitakers, N. C. Kenneth Carleton Darby Florence, Ala. George Dannei. Davidson, Jr Wadesboro, N. C. Preston Marshal Davidson Prestonburg. Ky. R. L. Deaton Mooresville, N. C. George Fennell Dempsey Fayetteville. N. C. \N'iLi,iAM Augustus Diehi Winston-Salem, N. C. John Milton Dimm Newport News, Va.

Jerry C. Doster • Gibson, N. C. Tohn Franklin Doty Rogersville. Tenn. Robert Cheatham Downie Little Rock. Ark. Thomas McLean Dunn Laurinburg, N. C. Norman Bruce Edgerton Orangeburg, S. C. Edwin Lee Ellis Wooster, Ohio Nesbitt Elmore Montgomery, Ala. Ivan Alexander Erwix. Jr Laurinburg, N. C. John Robert Florence Kilgore, Texas Stepha.\' Fowler Washington, N. C. Phh.ii' p. Friberg, Jr Waycross, Ga. Robert .McIlwaine Friend Petersburg, Va. SOPHOMORES



Jamks Sgibert Gamble Linculnton. X. C.

I lAkK\- Lace Gasteiger . . Johnson City. Tenn. W'arnen' I'-ovi) Gaw Greensl)oro. X. C. Georce Rorekt Gi'^ii. ]k lUnefit-lil. W. \'a.

TiKiMAS Albert I Iacknkv Lake Cit\ . Via John Rf)DERiCK IIallum Davidsnn. X. C. Frank Robinson Hand Charlotte. X. C. Parks Wilson II \m> Low.'ll. X. C. JoSEi'H Reii) Harmon Jacksom ille. l'"Ia.

I''r.\nk .McK.\mie I Iarrison . Salishurv. X. C. \\'.\i,TER RiTTER Heilman, Jk Giceueville. Tenn. S.VMUEL -Mills Hemrhili Marion. X. C. Stei'HEn Thomis Hendi.kson. Jk Charlotte. X. C.

John William Hickman. Jk . Fort Smith. Ark. James Dwight Hicks Lanrindale. X. C.

Charles Anderson 1 Iinks, Jr Greenshoro. X. C. LoL'is Mavnard Hii'p, Jr Greenshoro. X. C.

Wn.i.iAM Marshall Hoiston 1 luntersville, X. C. John Robinson Irwin, Jr Charlotte. X. C.

I Ialvor Edward Iverson Miami. Fla. Charlton Bidwell Ivev Rock Hill. S. C. Grant F. Johnson Stanford, Conn. William Cargill Johnston Leesburg, Fla. George Grimslev Jones Greensboro. X. C.


Robert Rogkr Kixg, Jr Boone. X. C. Lemuel \\'eyher Kornegay Rocky Mount. N. C. RoL.vxD OcT-Wius L.ANG. Jr Faimville, X. C. John Acstin Latijeer Washington, D. C. Kenneth \'aughn Lawson Haiian, Ky. J.NCKSON PiERN.VRD LeE \tlanta. (la. Ei'GENE T. Liii'FERT W'inston-Salcni. X. C. Mark Hii.l Ltulard, Jr Jacksonville, Fla. Frank Preston Lincoln Harrisonburg. \"a. John Addison Long Statesville. X. C. Horace Cleveland Lutz, Jr Hickory, X. C. Samuel Horace McCai.l. Jr Troy, N. C. Howard Robert ^TcClellan Johnsdu City, Tenn. Henrv Scott McConneli \hingdon. \'a. ^L\Rcus Eugene McConnell, Jr Livingston, Ala. Kenneth McLE-VN Lumlierton. X. C. D.wiD Gavin Mc^Iill.\n Xorfolk. \'a. David A. ^McQueen Jacksonville, Fla. Tho.m.vs Isbell ALvgill, Jr Lenoir, X. C. Presti:)N Speed ^Larcha.vt Greenville, S. C. AX'iLLiAjr HoGE Marquess, HI Macon. Ga. Hunter ^Larshall Charlotte, X. C. James Howard j\L\unev, Jr Lincolnton, X. C. John .Vi.exaxder Mawiiinxev. Jr Xaxera, \'a. SOPHOMOBES

King DAVID son ctnTEnniAL

1 .5 S mmmi


JoHx .Scott Rayxal Statesville. N. C. John Henry Reisxer. ]r White Plains. N. Y. Joseph Sherrard Rice Richmond. Va. James Gordon Riggax Raleigh, N. C. Charles \\'niBERi.EY Roberts Rainbridge. Ga. Walter Stitt Robixsox. Jr Matthews. N. C. Decatl-r Hedges Rogers, Jr Martinsburg, W. Va. Robert G. Rosser Vass. N. C. John Peter Rostax, Jr \'aldese, N. C JoHx Henry Rudisill. Jr Chenvville, N. C. Charles Walker Sample Fort Pierce. Fla. James Raymond Sample Fort Pierce, Fla.

David Staxtox Sherrod 1 ligb Point, X C. Alfred Lister Skinxer Mount Berry. N. C. Perry Altstix Sloan Durham. \'. C. Richard Saxby Spencer Rock Hill. S. C. Jl'Liax Gray Squires Charlotte, N. C. Fred Rogers Stair, Jr Knoxville. Tenn. Joseph John Summerell, Jr Raleigh. N. C. Richard Pelham Taylor Oxford. N. C.

\\'ii.i,iAM \\'elsh Telford • Miami, Fla. James Houston Thompson, Jr Mocksville. N. C. John Philip TicE Blackey. Ky. Tack SiewERS Tillotsox Winston-Salem. N. C. SOPHOMOMES

Raynal SfT DAVIDSOn CLIlTtnniAL 1 k^m iiJ FRESHMAN

James T. Morton, Adz'iscr DAVID son CEDTEnniAL 1



For the first time, the facult\- institjated (Orientation Week for the incoming; Freshmen. Before this vear onlv two davs had lieen allowed for the Freshmen to heeonie familiar with the campus.

On September tenth the new men arrived and were housed in East and West dormitories both for the convenience to the college and to give the members of the new class a chance to become ac- quainted with each other. Duriny; this jx-riod of time, the Freshmen were told about college life by Dr. P. H. Gwynn, who had charge of the Orientation period. Dr. John McSween came from

Chester, S. C. to make his inspirational address on September eleventh.

In November of the present college year, Jim i\Iorton was elected as advisor to the Fresh-

man Class. Although the Freshmen had plentv of the usual Freshman spirit, "Tiger" Jim kept the

boys under control and everybody enjoyed even the two weeks camiius. Judge ?^>oh Johnston and

his court of control were ver\- active throughout the year, pronouncing se\-ere punishment where


In the Spring of the current college year, the student body voted to have the Freshmen ad-

visor elected by the rising Senior Class during the regular spring elections. This advisor was to

I'e one of the class and was to take over the leadershiii of the Freshman class the follinving year.

'I'his amendment was voted into the constitution to be carried out each vear.

Pit^e One Hundred Six QUIPS AHD CRAllRS

^ ^ ,f

Beall, Birmingham, Black. First Row—Abernathv, Akers, Allison, Anderson, Austin, Second ffow—Bolin. Borthwick. Boyce, Broadway, Brown, Burch, Birton, Cagle. Third /?oh-^annon, Casali. Charlie, Clark, Coates. Colhoin, Coltrane, Colvin. Fiiiirth A'liK-—Cooper, Crabb, Crane. Minden, Ci-rrie, Davis. Dickson, Dixon. FKESHMEN

Miss. Thomas Jackson Abf.rnathy Gastonia, N. C. William SchlEvright Cannon. ..Meridian, Welch, W. Va. Charles Walter Akers Charlotte, N. C. John Tonv Casali Wiiminnw CiiAKi.iK Charlottesville, Va. RcFL-s Kite Ai.USOn Charlotte, N. C. l.DMi Sali.shury, N. C. James Leland .Anderson, Jr Greenville, S. C. IIahkv I,i;k Ci.MiK

1 1 ARuv CoATES .'\tlanta, Ga. Erle Harris Austin, Jr Rocky Mount, N. C. Georgi- Vickshurp, Miss. James Harper Beam., Jr Lenoir, X. C. Robert Cati.ktt Colhoun Concord, N. C. VVm. Edward Bir.mi.scma.'i, Jr Trenton, Tenn. Lester Durrtt Coi.trank William Black Greenshoro, N. C. David Coleman Colvin Cliffsidc, N. C. Henderson, N. C. Herbert Jci.ian Bolin, Jr Ma.scot, Tenn. James (kau iimii ('(idi'er. Jr Slmmriick, Texas \Vm. Hudson Borthwick. .Winston-Salcm, N. C. JciiiN I'.iiw Auii (KAHii Davidson, N. C William Henrv Boyce Wadeshoro, N. C. Slll^|:^• Dimin Crane Charles McBraver Broadway Shelhy, N. C. Tom CiirciiToN Minden, La. Raeford, N, C. HiMPiiRKV Bi-TLER Brown finldsWiro, N. C. James Gordon Ci'Rrik Davis Montgomery, Ala. William Ferrell Birch, Jr Rcidsvillc, N. C. Walter Hiram ..CJastonia, N. C Rov Edwin Burton Wcaverville, N. C. I'.KKK Ti-MiM i-rns- DicKSoN, Jr. Daviii V'i;kc,i-r Dixon Kinslon, N. (". Daniel F. CAr.i.E Roanoke Rapids, N. C.

Pjgc Otic WiiiulrcJ Siren _r^ DAVID son GtnTEnniAL 1

First Rtnr—DoTY. Down. Dinford. P.Edwards. R.Knwviins. F.vvns. Ezfll. FER(;rsoN. Secnud Row— Fu KLLN, FiNLAY, Fisher, O. Fitzgerald. W. Fitzgerald, Fosci"E. French, Filler. Third Roic—J. Gammon, R. Gammon, Garrett, G.\RRor. Gildersleeve, Gilliam, Gilmore, Gladden. Fourth Row—E. Glenn, T. Glenn, Grier. Glion, Hall, Hexlev, Harbin, Harnsbercer. FMESHMEN

Robert Douglas Dotv Rogersville, Tenn. Joe Moore Gammon Minas. Brazil William Carey Dowd, III Charlotte, X. C. Richard Rhea Gammon Minas. Brazil James Harold Di'nford Petersburg, Va. JoH N BosTiAN Garrett Rockingham, N. C. Philip Edgar Edwards Rocky Mount, N. C. Philip Henry Garrou Valdese, N. C.

Richard Lee Edwards Conway, S. C. Harold Eagles Gildersleeve Brooklyn, N. Y. Wm. Harman Evans, Jr Concord Depot. Va. Joseph Daniel Gilliam Washington, D. C.

William Carey Ezell. Jr Spartanliurg. S. C. William Campbell Gilmore. Jr Rome, Ga. John Thomas Ferguson Richmond, Va. William Ross Gladden Chester, S. C. George Milton Ficklen Washington, Ga. Edwin F. Glenn Greensboro, N. C. Thomas Pelham Finlay Greenville, Miss. Thomas Joy Glenn Spartanburg. S. C. Ellis Wood Fisher Salisbury, N. C. Glenn W'arren Grier Smithfield, X. C. Oleander Lafayette Fitzgerald, Jacksonville, Fla. Thomas Hyman Guion New Bern. N. C. Walter Cleveland Fitzgerald Crewe, Va. Thomas V. Hall Barnesville. X. C Donald Crosby Foscue Maysville, N. C. William Dawson Henley Davidson, N. C. Billy Foster French Lumberton, N. C. Fred Franklin Harbin Statesville, X. C. Charles Best Fuller Lumberton, N. C. Thomas Littleton Harnsbekger. .Kiangsu, China

Page One Hundred Eight QUIPS AllD CRAllHS

Henni.no, J. Holland. First /foti'^-HARPEH, Harris. Harrison. Hashauen, Hendrick, Henlev, Hixter. Second RoH—\V. Holland. Hollis, Hott, Howell. Hldson, HioHEi. Hllen, J. Jones. Third Rou-— L. Hi xter. Hitchinson. Isom, .Iacobs. James. Jeter, Johnson. H. Klnz. Fourth Kuu-—J. Jones. Jovner. Kelloci.. Kennkiiv. Kenvon. D. Kinc. W. Kino, FMESHMEN

Ale.xander City, Ala. VV.SLTER \V.\TSo.v H.xRi'EK Tarboro, X. C. Laiciilin Smartt Hunter.. N. St.snford Eugene H.\rris Lenoir, N. C. Ralph Bennett Hutchinson. .Rockingham. C.

. N. C. C.M-DWEi.L Bennett H.\rrison Milan, Tenn. Ch AULi-s Dandridce. Isom, Jr. .Charlotte, Fred Ernest H.vshacen Charlotte, N. C. John Clinton Jacobs, Jr ScottsliDm, .Ma. H.\RRV V.\nce Hendrick Cliff side. N. C. .Alex Long James, 111 Laurinbnrg, N. C. William Dawson Henlev Davidson, N. C. Frank Hamilton Jktkk, Jh Raleigh, N. C. Richard Townsunu Henninc. .Albemarle, N. C. Burton LaRue Johnson Lenoir, N. C. Moorcsville, N. C. John VVisno.vi Holland Jackson, Tenn. Harry McCollough Jones. ... William Willis Holland Durham, N. C. John Paul Jones Mooresville. N. C. Victor Konsaville Hollis Santce. Ga. Oscar Lorenzo Joyner Kernersville, N. C. Brooklyn, N. Y. Donald Clyde Hcjtt Keyser, W. Va. RoiiKKT ( )RcrTT Kellogg I'ort Gibson, .Miss. William Laurence Howell, Jr.. .I'llkrbe, N. C. John W. Kennedy Karl Orier Hudson Raleigh, N. C. .•\llen Richard Kenyon Gainesville, Ga. Krank Wade Hughes Helhaven, N. C. David DkWitt King, Jr Lumberton, N. C. Elmer Culbertson Hulen Horse Cave, Ky. William Smith King Wilmington, N. C. Davidson, N. C. John '".bav Hintkk (jrtcnsboro, N. C. Walter I^rnest Kunz

P^ge One Hundred Nine DAVID son CEnTEnniAL m

First Row—Lacv, La K

John EnwiN Lacy Long\ie\v. Texas Stephen Alderman McLean. .Morganton, X. C. Richard West La RoyuE Forsyth, N. C. Thomas Rodwell McLean.. Red Springs, N. C. Robert Edgar Laskowski Progress, Penn. Frederick Nims Mack Fort Mill, S. C. Rgx Walton Lalch Washington, D. C. Robert Howard Manx Davidson, N. C. Julian Lee Lokev Thomson, (ja. Burton Manning Spartanburg, S. C.

Warren Van Gilder Lvdlam, Jr., Meridian, Miss. Paul Blaine Marion Charlotte, N. C. Edward Allen Lukens Burlington. N. T. WiLi.LVM Watson Martin Charlotte, N. C.

.-Xtlanta, Charles Gillespie Luther, Jr. . .Beaufort. S. C. Charles Mashburn Ga. Thomas Eugene Mc.\lpine ..Darlington. S. C. William Kavanaugh Masters. .Okahumpka, Fla Benjamin Gales McClintock. .Charlotte, N. C. Charles Floyd Melchor Mooresville, N. C. Neill Graham McFadyen Morganton, N. C. Leonard Carv Menius Lillington, N. C. Paul P.'vtm.^n McGaritv Charlotte. X. C. Robert Hu.mberson Miller Welch, W. Va. John David McGeachy Tryun. X. C. Robert S. Miller Winston-Salem. X. C. Daniel Deupree McKee Greenville, Miss. George L. Milne Xew York, N. Y. Thomas H. McKnight, Jr Memphis. Tenn. Jake Solomon Mock Winston-Salem, N. C.

David Alexander McLean . .Eagle Springs, X. C. J \-MKS Jonathan M«)NEY Davidson, X. C.

P^ge One Hundred Ten QUIPS AHD CRATIKS

Parker. T. Parker, Pegbam. ISSH^Firat Rou>—Meyers, Norman, Ogblrn. Oglesby, Owen, L. Second ieoiw—PENNiNGTON, Perdfw. Perrin. Phipps, Pope, Powell. Preston , Pridgen. Third Row—Rackley, Ragsdale, Ramsey, Reeves, Reynolds. Rice, Richmond, Rider. Fourth ifou^RoBERTS, Ross, Sain, Scarborough, Schabel. Sk\ru;ht. Shaw, Sherman. FBESHMEN

Thomas Meyers Laurinburg. N. C. John Elvin R.\ckley Warrensville, N. C. ^ Jean .Mooresvillc, N. C. Thel Hooks Ragsdalk Smithlield, N. C. William Marshall Norman . Ramsey Jonesboro, Ark. John Lee Ogburn Sarasota, Fla. Robert Wilson Lakeland, Flp. 4 Stuart Roscoe Oclesbv Atlanta, Ga. Horace Prince Reeves, Jr Wilmington, N. C. Robert Grisson Owen Longview, Texa^ Benjamin Bradi-ord REVNor.i)>. N. C. Lewis Barnes Parker Mount Mourne, N. C. Roger Mills Rice Reid.sville, Concord. N. C. Theodore Holmes Parker Sumter, S. C. George Hazard Riciim(i.si) Staki-ord Riper Winston-Salem, N. C. Charles C. Pegram Petersburg, Va. John Roberts .. Kings Mountain, S. C. Jessie Marvin Pennington... Jasper, Ala. Thomas .Albert N. C. William Edgar Peruew Wilmington, N. C. William Goley Ross Raleigh, Sain Morganton, N. C. Thomas Samlel Pekrin, Jr.. .Spartanburg. S, C. Henry Theron Scarhokoiuii Eastover, S. C. John Robert Phipps, Jr Palloksville, N. C. Robert I.ee Memphis, Tenn. James Kenneth Pope Mount Mourne, N. C. Theoihire Betts Schabei Sicaright Statesville, N. C. Walter Hacne Powell, Jr Whitcsvillc, N. C. Henry Brown William Wiley Preston Soonchun, Korea Oglesby Shaw Quincy, Kla. Sherman Montgomery, .Ma. John Blaney Priix;en. Jr High Springs, Ma. Charles Wicker

Pane One IliinJnd Ehtert DAVID son CEriTEnniAL m

Fiisl A'oir—Shields. Simmons. Sutkr^on. Sum\: C. Smith. It. Smith. .Sotk.s, Sriiiu. Seroiiil Fdw—Spenckr. Sprint. Stei'Henson. STT,H-.vnT. Stuwe, Sh askv, Ienniv. Ih Third Rutf—Throop. Trent. Vai-chn. V'erner, Watkins, Weluon. Wells, White. Fourth RoW'-H. Willis, J. Willis, Winters. Withers, Wood. Vates. FMESHMEN

D.\NiEi. Rlsskli. Shields Gastonia, N. C. James Natkaniei. Thomas Ramseur. X. C. FR.^NK Simmons, Jr Mobile, Ala. John Scysier Throop, Jr Water Valley, Miss. Beecher \V.\rd Sitterson Kenansville, N. C. GuivEK .\1angus Trent, Jk Roanoke, Va.

Vaughn. .. .Townsville, X. C, HiXH W.\SHiNGTON Suonp . . . . Mooresville, N. C. William Alennis

Ch.xrles H.vrrison Smith. .. .Independence, \'a. High David Verner Forest City, N. C. R.w Nelson Smith Callaway, Va. Eii\v.\i(D Takry Watkins Vance, N. C. M.\RViN Clifton Sours Charlottesville, Va. X.\thaniel VV'arren Weldon, Jr.. .O.xford, N. C. Theron Keith Sparrow Ransomville, N. C. Tho.mas ^losLIN Wells, Jk Sumter, S. C. Sami'EL Reid Spencer Columbia. S. C. William Henry. White, Jk .Abbeville, S. C. David W. Sprunt Wilmington, N. C. High Hitek Willis, Jr Culpeper, Va. WiLLiA.M Trierson Stephenson. Columbia, Tonn. Ja.mes Wckiiirow Willis Davidson, N. C.

DiGALD Stewart, III Lauiinburg. N. C. Richard R. W. Winters, West Palm Beach, Fla. George Washington Stowe Belmont, N. C. John Lewis Withers Davidson, N. C. Herbert Swasey Lalocland, Fla. Robert Hancock Wood Davidson, X. C.

Rea Coley Tenney Atlanta, Ga. Charles Gillespie Yates, Jr. .. Greensboro, N. C.

F.tge One Hundred Twelve





Wadi; Hamilton Bncr.s Jack Ellison Branch

James Walter Dickson, Jr.

WlLlUK SlIIKLIlS HuwAuns Jamks Thomas Morton

Kknnkth Mi'NRo Scott John Clrry Winn


Charles Thomas Brown, Jr. James Kve Dorsett

Jn.u-s Clh-E(iri) Harrison Martin Lithek Laeeerty


Howard Robert McClellan

Perrv AisTiN Sloan- Samuel Clement Webb

LAiii'.kTv Bark(iw C,aw


WiLBiR Shields Edwards President

Martin [.ether Laeeerty rWst I "uc-Prcsidcnt

1 Ienry Wade Barrow Second I ice- President

Warren Boyd Gaw Secrelciry-Treasurer

Pjge One Hundred Sixteen QUIPS AHD CRAllKS


Hardly as old as the Colle.sre, Davidsim's plan of student self-government dates hack to some indefinite time when certain class orsjanizations took over the responsihility of enforcing the Honor System. In the decade, 1900-1910. the Student Body was organized as a unit, a Student Council was formed, and a definite system of student government was adopted. Today the student government rests in the hands of the President of the Student Body and the Student Council, composed of six other Seniors, four Juniors, and three Sophomores. L'nder the guidance of President Wilbur Edwards, rapid strides forward have been made. A reform in the selection of the Freshmen Adviser was made. This spring a revision of the Con- stitution was drawn up in order to jnit the document in a more convenient furm, and was adopted bv a vote of the Student Rodv.

S'l L'DK.X'l' (OLNCII.

7'o/> Koiv: Boccs, Branch, Dickso.v, Mukton. Scdtt. Middle Kow: Win.n-, Brown, DoRsixr, Harrison, I.aitkrty, Holliim Kozo: McCi.Ki.r.AN, Si.oan, Wkiib,

P.igc 0)u IliinJiiJ Scvcnieen DAVID son ctm'EnniAL m


KoriKKT IIkrvkv JoiinsT(.'N. Jk Judge

I Iari i.D Gray Slgg Recorder

1937 Joseph Lonsdale Hlnter RussEL Horner Patterson, Jr.

1938 Philip Heller Arrowsmith William Rattle Crooks. Jr.


THn.\lA> Wood .-\bB0TT, Jr. Locke White Johnston

Top Rcnv:

J. L- Hunter

];. H. Patterson

II. G. Sugg

Middle Roic:

P. 1 1. Arrow s^riTH

\\'. B. Crooks

T. W. Abbott

Bottom Rozv:


Pr? TT.riT'.nG :r. THI 5ix s:mps sippino cidets. 'GtniaL janr



The first issue of the Ouips an'd Cran'ks made its ajipearance on the Davidson campus in the sprini,' of 1X95, and since then it has been pub- lished annually with onlv a few interruptions. This year's issue of the yearbook is the work of the Centennials under the guiding hands of John Abernethy, editor-in-chief, and George Nor- fleet, business manager. Both were ably assisted by underclassmen staffs. Again this year the expense of the individual pictures was met by the campus tax each student paid with his college fees last autumn. This plan was inaugurated last year and was so successful because it guaranteed the publication a definite source of income that it has been used again. By this system every student is assured of a i)icture. and thus the Ouii'S axd Cr.vnks presents a more accurate picture of the Davidson student body.

Ptige One Hiimtrcd Tiienly QUIPS AnD CRAIIBS

STArr or the 1937 quips and cmanks


JoHX Kxo\ AbernEThv I'.ditor-in-Chicf Geokce Stark NoreleET Business Manager

RiCHARti Beckman Vowles 'iports Editor Archev C'ami'HEll ClixE, Jr Assistant Ihisiiwss Maiuigrr

Ei'ci.ir Taylor Faxt Plioloiiraf>ltic F.ditor JamI'S Elmore Holt Issisfant Business Manager

Haywood Xorthrop Hn.t Ulk-ilics Editor Lawrence Gibson Reid Assistant Business Manager James Kye Dorsett Enitcrnity Editor John I'jiMrNii McQrEEN Colleetion Manage: John Ocdex Laeeerty Siiatshols Editor William Wooiirow Rauer Colleetion Manager Samtei. Galloway Lowe. Jk Issistonl Editoi

loiix Wallace Toxissen Adz-erlising Manager Gilbert Watson Palmer. Jr Issistant Editoi

Lowe. Tol> Kou-: Dorsett, F'ant. Hill, Eaeeerty, (^^2= Middle Kow: Pai.mi:r. Vowi.KS. Cline, Holt. McQueen. ^^^vS^t liotlom Row: Rahek, Ki'im. Tonissen.

I'.ii'e One IliiihlnJ 'l'weill)-iiiie DAVID son ctm'EnniAL


A feature of this year's Daz'idsonian was the cuUivation of expressed student opinion. Tlie Student Leaders on the campus throuj,di the paper made a great manv heh>ful criticisms and sug- gestions which reflected the general opinion of the student body and made for the betterment of Davidson students and their col- lege. Tlic Dai'idson'ian presents probably the best method of reaching students, facult)'. and alumni readers and has had a pro- found unifying influence. The editors and managers keep in close contact with outsifle news events pertinent to Davidson and espe- cially with other college and university publications. A first-class rating was maintained for the two preceding years and this year's iraper has, we believe, maintained the same or a higher level.

The editorial staflf met each week on Monday evening to regu- late the aflfairs of the coming week. Freshmen and Sophomores under the supervision of the upper-classmen covered the news events and held interviews. The Juniors and Seniors had columns of their own in the different sections.


Ptige One Hundred Tuenty-two QUIPS AnD GRAMS

THE DAVIDSONIAN EDITORIAL STAFF James Thomas Morton Editor-in-Chief W'n.LiAji Owen Cooke Managing Editor Samuel Alexander Cothran Managing Editor EfCLiD Taylor Fant Managing Editor Neill Hector McGeachy, Jr Managing Editor Richard Beckman Vowles Managing Editor Yates Wellington Faison, Jr Sports Editor Harry Lehman Kuykendall 4ssociatc Editor Hubert Howell Overton, Jr Associate Editor Harold Gray Sugg Associate Editor Elbert Daymond Turner Associate Editor John Curry Winn Associate Editor Samuel Sharp Ryburn Art Editor Henry Fitz-Hugh Dade Copy Reader BUSINESS STAFF Robert Hoke Robinson BKsiiwss Manager William Wilson Lowrance Circulation Manager Ralph Leland Chandler, Jr Circulation Manager Charles Robinson Moore Collection Manager John Robert Moir Hali Advertising Manager James Jerome Hill Assistant Business Manager

Top Knw: ('oTHRAN. I'"ant, McCeachy, Vowles. liollom Kuui: Faison, Chandler, \\\<<. Ilni, Lowkamf

Page One Hundred Twenty-three DAVID 8 on CFnTEnniAL


Scripts 'ii Pranks made its first ai)i)earance mi tlie Davidson campus this \ear as successor to Tlic Yozi.'!, humor magazine luibiished during- the past few years. The new magazine is de- voted both to humor and to literary effort. Its humorous iiortions are jokes and cartoons taken largely from student talent. The literary departments contain poetrv and short stories from bud- ding writers. ( )ne of the most interesting features this year was a poll of campus opinion of favorite .girls* .schools, orchestras, radio programs, magazines, etc. Scripts 'n Pranks also spon- sored a contest to determine the superlatives in girls' pictures on student desks. The editor of the magazine, elected by the three ui)i)er classes, chooses the editorial staff, ^ which is composed of art editor, associate editors, and managing editors. The business manager ^s picked by the publications board, and he in turn chooses his business staff. " T'le magazine is published four times annually during the months of Xovember, December, March, and May, and is distributed to the students, outside sub.scribers, and fifty leading col- leges of the country. It has a circulation of approximately nine hundred copies per issue. QUIPS AHD CRAUKS


Hubert Howkh, Overton Editor-in-Chief

Samuei, Sharp Rybirx ''' Cditor

R(JBEKT HeRVEY JdllXSTON- Issociiitc lultlor

GiESOX Locke Smith -Issociiitc lUlitor

Harold Gr.\y Sicg Issocintc Editor Richard Reckman Vowi.es Managing Editor OcTAvioLS McRae Covington Managing Editor

W'li.l.IA.M WooDKow Rader Mamuiing Editor


Henry Brown Uaker Jik"'' (.'. Duster

Edward Cage Hrewer l,i>i ke W miti


Robert 'I'roit I'eters Husiucss Manager

hsistani liiisincss Manager Henry I,ee H arkey Charles Kevh. Mai.one IssislanI fUisincss Maiuigcr

/<"."".•.« Mana,,, r Robert Joseph Terr-. • '""'"'"


Paul Stockton Cooper (.kokgi.; Iionmj.i. DAvmsoN DAVID son CEm'EnniAL


ImiN l\\(i\ AnKKXKTin'. I'rcsidcnl \Mi:s 'J'Il()^rAS MouTtJN I


Mk. 1'naxk T.i:i-: I \CKsn\ I'kiii-. Fki:i) Krirri.ANi) Fi.kaglf, PUniJCATIOXS MAXAGEMENT r.KORGE Stark Noupleet Robert TIoke Robinson Robert Trol-t Peters

Article XTT, Sectinn 4, of tlu- Con^tituliiiii nf the Student (/overnnient of Davidson College savs. "There shall be cho- sen annually a body to be known as the Publications Board." This P.oard shall have complete supervision over the finan- cial administration of the three student publications."

Thus is established a Board composed of five menil^ers, three students elected by the Student Body, and two Facultv members appointed by the College .Administration. The staf? of each of the three campus publications. Quips ,-\nd Cranks, TJie Din'idsonian. and Scripts 'u Pranks, appoints two of its number as nominees, from which nominees the Student Bodv election is made. At its first meeting, a newly-elected Board chooses its own president from among the student members. Meetings are held periodicall)- thrcjughciut the \ear, at which sessions reports are presented to the Board by the Business Managers of the various publications for inspec- tion. The Board has authoritv to reniove from ofifice any •Afanager of a Publication who should show himself ineffi- cient nr unworthy to hold his position.

P.ilt,e Oiif Uioidreil Tueiily-six RELIGION DAVID 8 on CEIlTEnniAL 1

Y. M. C. A.


Jami-s \\'.m,teh Dickson, Ju.

I 'resilient

liAYWdOll XdUTHKOI' llll.I,

y 'icc-l' resident

WlI.I.IAM MclNKDi; WUKI-R 1 I' lee- 'resident

Ai.BKRT B. McClurk General Secretary

linGi.s Brown Scott Hii.i. \\ icki.u BOAMD or CONTKOL FACTLTV MEMl'.ERS Dr. Howard Beil Arhicki.E. Chairman Proi'Essor John Crooks Bailey, Jr. Mr. Frank Lee Jackson STL'DEXT -AIEMliERS SENIORS Wade ilAMiLT(]N Bor.c.s. Jr. Frank .\uGrsTrs Brown Ken-neth Munro Scott JUNIORS \>. Haywood Northrod Him. Wh.i.iam Monroe Wicker MEMBERS EX-r)FFICIO

Dr. Wai.tek Lei; Lingi.e James Walter Dickson, Jr. Dr. H. M. Moeeett Albert R. McChre ^ ^> J^^"^

l'.i)ie One lliimlred Tuenty-eighl ffi DAVID 8 on cunTtnniAL

OFl-ICKRS 1,(K11I.AN ClMMING VaSS. Ill Pirsitlcnl Wii.i.iAM Andrew Wii.kkksox

/ 'ice-Prcsidcnt John Rodman Williams, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer MEJ\rBERS 1937 George Franklin Albright Jackson Citrell Alexander Tom Baine Anderson Charles Linwood Brown John Stephen Brown William Caskey Brown Wade Robert Bustle James Walter Dickson, Jr. Ja.mes Herbert Gah.ey, Jr. Roger Paddison Melton .Alexander Stuart Mofi-ktt Troy DeWitt Mulliss LucHLAX Gumming Vass, III 1938 Robert Cornelius Blue Charles Rich man Bixler James Edward Chrisman Major Hayes Clark Clyde Thomas Dailey Leonard Stephen Fisher, Jr. Bronston Shelby Kenney, Jr. William Robert Laws, Jr. Richard Harold Lindsey Donald Overton McInnis William Talley ^L\NSON, Jr. Frank W. Pharr. Jr. Charles Edward Raynal, Jr. Daniel Durham Rhodes Wallace Brown Scherer Thomas Watson Street William Monroe Wicker William Andrew Wilkerson 1939 Alfred Lyon Bixler Warren Boyd Gaw John William Hickman, Jr. Halvok Edward Iverso.v David A. McQueen, Jr. Hn.LERv Herbert Reid Kewland Joseph Sherrard Rice James Gordon Riggan John Rodman Williams, Jr. Ellard Melton Yow 1940 David .\lexander ^IcLean Leonard Gary Menius George L. Milne Stuart Roscoe Oglesby Roger Mills Rice, Jr. Henry Brown Se.«ight MISSIONARY CANDIDATES 1937 I-'r\nk .\ugustus Brown. Jr. Kenneth Munro Scott 1939 Robert Rogers King. Jr. Reiben -Archer Torrey ^ iiN Knox Wilson 1940 F-irsI Roll.-: Albright, Alexander, Anderson, Brown. C. L., Brinvn. F. .\.. Sidney Dixon Crane Brown, ; Second Ro~ii:: Brown, W., Bustle, Dickson, Gailey, Melton, Mot- Burton Manning J. t'ett ; Third Roiv: Mulliss, Scott. Vass, Bixler, Blue, Chrisman; Fourth Rozc:

Clark, Dailey, Fisher. Kenney, Laws, Lind.sey ; fifth Roiv: Mclnnis, Man-

son, Pharr, Raynal, Rhodes, Scherer : .Si.r(/i Rozc: Street, Wicker. Wilker- son, Bixler. Gaw, Hickman; Seventh Row: Iverson, King, McQueen, New- land, Rice, Riggan; Eighth Roi>.': Torrey, Williams, Wilson, Yow, McLean, Crane; Ninth Roiv: Manning, Menius, Milne, Oglesby, Rice, Searight. ROSTRUM DAVID son CEniEnniAL



H.xRoi.n Gray Srcc rnsiilrnl 'kc-Presidciil Arthl'u TVI.F.R Port /'>-?' ' 'icc-Prcsidcul WiLiu-R Shiklds EnwARDS SciomI I

Cii ARi.KS Warwick Mai-zi- l raisuycr

Waiii- HANrii.TDX BoGGS Secretary

Robert Browdkr Stkwart Dihalc Mamujcr


Joiix Daklh-v Alukx, Jr. Haywood Xokthkop Hill

CiiARLKS Warwick Maize

Aktiii'k Tvler Port Robert Browder Stewart

Harold Gray* Sugg


\\'iLLiAM Burns Kiesewetter

John Henrv Reisxer, Jr.

Jo.'^Ei'ii SiiERR.vRD Rice

Tlie Davidson Debating Team this year con-

tinued to follow its policy of engaging outstanding institutions, meeting colleges and universities not usuallv met on the athletic field.

The \'arsity Debating Team, selected at the he.ginning of the school \ear. consisted of John D. Allen. Heywund Hill. Charles Mauze. Tyler Port, Bob Stewart, and Harold Sugg. The alter- BoGGS Edwards nates on the team were Bill Kiesewetter, John Mauze Port Stewart Reisner, and Sherrod Rice. QUIPS MID GRATIKS


Tuft ko'u': Ai.LEN. Malze, Port. Middle Rozi\- Stewart, Succ, Hn.r,. Bi'tlnir. Rozc: KiESEWETTER, Reisner, Rice.

Dr. C. K. P.rown again .served as coach for the team, and worked with them .steadily, .\hist of the del)ates were non-decision so as to allow nmrc ticxihih'ty and lietter deliates. T!ic team made .several steps forward this year, by taking three subjects instead of only one, by debating lioth sides of a question, and by other such changes.

The subjects for debate used this \ear were: first. "Ivesolved: 'i'hat wealth as well as man

power should he conscripted in time of war'': second, "Resolved: That Congress should be em-

powered to fix minimum wages and ma.ximum hours for industry'': and third. "Resolved: That

college athletics should be o])enly subsidized." The second (if these (|uestions was the official sub-

ject for intercollegiate debate aiifl the Davidsi n team uplield botli ^ides of it.

Debates took place on the Davidson camjius witii Washington ancl l.ee I 'ni\ersity, the Uni-

versity of Florida, and Georgia Tech. The last of these was broadcast.

Tyler F'ort and Harold Sugg joined to.gether to debate on the northern tour. They debated against Washington and Lee, Swathmore, Lafayette, the Iniversity of Richmond, and the Uni- versity of Virginia.

The southern team, John .\llen and Hob Stewart, met the College of Cb.irleston, Rollins Col- lege, the I'niversity of Florida, and Emory L'nivcrsity. Ileywood Mill .ind Charles Mauze were the members of the we.stcrn team and debated with Sewanee. Centre, ami tin- I'niversitx' of Ken- tucky. . SP* C.eorge .Milne, aiid' Those .selected for the freshman team were : Bob Kellogg, Dick Kenyon, Wi, competed among Piob Ramsey ; Jack Holland and I'aul Marion were alternates. The freshmen themselves in a flebating tournament. _r^">^ .^.t^ DAVID son GtHTEnniAL m EUMENEAN LITERAEY SOCIETY


jiiuN- l)Ai

l''.ll\\ ARIl Smoiit l-'r\i,As

W ir.r.iAM CAi.iiorx I, ink, Jh.

Eduaud John Mack. Jk. Jamics Thomas Morton

Bancroft Ficki.en Moskf.ey Frank Swift Por Robert Rrowder Stewart Wm^ Er.BF.RT DAYMOXn TlRNER


Chari.es Tho.mas rii((iw.\. Jr. Henry Fitz-High Daoe Wn.r.iAM WooDROw Rader

Thomas Watson Street Robert Joseph Terry

RiCHARn Beckman Vowi.es

Wii.i.i.\M Monroe WickEk

1939 Joseph Hiram Calvin

Georoe Donnei.l Davidson

John .Alexander Mavvhixney, Jr.

\V.\ltkr Stitt Robinson, Jr.

Fred Rogers Stair. Jr. Thomas English Walker Samuel Clement Webb


James Daniel Gilliam

Robert Orci-tt Kellogg Ai.LEx Richard Kenyon

first Ron-.- .Mien, Finlay. Link. .SVcdii,/ A'dii'.- Mack. Morton. Moseley,

Poe, Stewart. Third Rote: Turner. Brown. Dade, Rader, Street. I'ourth

Roiv: Terry, Vowles, Wicker. Calvin, Davidson. I'iflh Ron': Mawdiinney.

Robinson, Stair, Walker, Wehl.. Sixth Roi,'.- Gilliam. Kellog.g. Kenyon. QUIPS AllD CRAUKS

First Rour Brown. Bustle, Cade, Clark, Crane, Faison, Galley, INIcIKvinen, Mulliss, Reed; Second Rout: Smith, Woodward, Baker, C. T., Baker, N. A., Broadway, Clark, Fisher, Harkey, Hill, Horton; Third Roiv: Howard. Kerr. Lindscy. Mclnnis, Manson, Ryburn, Sadler, Schercr, Smith, Walker; Fourth Row: Aycock, Doster, Hickman, Johnston, McConnell. McQueen, Rodders. Torrey, Towill, Williams.


Founded in 1S37

1937 Ch.^rles Linwood Brown Ch.\rles LaCoste Crane, Jr. Troy DeWitt Mulliss Wade Robert Bustle Abner Moseley Faison Bradford Jennings Reed Wir.uAM Albert Cade, Jr. James Herbert Gaieey, Jr. Baxter Craven Smith, Jk. Ben Terrv Clark, Jr. Wilt.iam Lee Macilwinen IIakman WiioDwAnn


Charles Tho.mas Baker, Jr. Ja.mes Jerome Hill William 'Pali.ivV Manson, Jr. N'kill .'Xlexander Baker John Richardson Horton Norman Le


Richard Xobel .AYCfKK, Jr. William Carcill Johnston Reuben Arciikr 'I'orkev Jerry C. Doster Henry Scott McConnell Richard Judson Towill John William Hick.man, Jr. David Arnshan McQueen, Jr. John Rodman Williams, Jr. Decatir llEni'.Ks R.onc,KKs, Jk.

1940 Thomas Jackson Abernathv Donald Clyde Holt Leonard Cary Menius Hu.mi-hrey Butler Brown Oscar Torenzo Joyner, Jr. Robert Grissom Owen I)ANn:L F. Cagle John Edwin Lacy William Wiley Prest William ITar.man F.vans, Jr. David Alexander McLean Beecher Ward Si'iters Joe Moore Gammon William Kavanauoh Masters Roy Melson Smith

OI'FICKRS Bradeorii Jennings Reed I'rcsidcnl Henry Lee Harkky Vice -I' resident David Arnsman McQueen, Jr Secretary Wh.mam Cakcili. Johnston Treasurer :

DAVID 8 on ctniEnniAL m



jniiN 1)af<].i;n Ali-EN. Jk.


11 iUAuii Wai.i. C'ivincti.'N

W'lI.I.IAM Dl'Xr.AP CoVI.NT.TOX Wii.iuR Shields Edwards

Ai;ni:i( Mosely Faison

Wii.r.iAM Scott Frieze. Jr. Wr'.i.n.M Harrison Higgixs

William Li:r. McIlwinEn

Frank .^wiit Vcv.

Robert Trciit Frri^us. Jr. Arthlr T^LER Port

Harmo.v W'lioDWAitii. Jr.


He.nrv Wade Barrow

.Archie Campbell Cline. Jr. OcTAviovs McRae Covington Milton Bovn Crisp

1 1 ENRV 1''itz- 1 1 \ CM Dade William Dallas IIerkixc Clrtiss llowARn Kixr.

Neil Hector McGeachv, Jr. James Yoing Wh.sox Kk'harii Beckmax Vowles



l-irst h'nzc: Allen, Bmwn, CnvMiKton. H., Cnvingtnii, I).; Sccoud Rojv: Edwards, Faison, Frieze. Higgins; Third Riyw

Mcllwinen, Peters, Poc, Marquess; fourlh Roiv: Port, Woodward,

Barrow, Clinc ; I'ifth Roic: Covington, M., Crisp, Dade, llt-rring. Sixth Roiv: King, McGeacliy. Wilson. Vowles. MUSIC DAVID son ctriTEnniAL


Proi-. Jamks Christian PidHi,

IHrcctor of Music

Proi'. Thank linuARn McDonald

Warren Perry Babcixtk

Prf^f One Hundred Thirty-eight QUIPS AIID CRAUKS


During the past year the musical organizations of Davidson College have brought credit and praise once more to the college. Under the direction of Professor James Christian Pfohl and Thane McDonald, who was added to the music department last fall, music at Davidson has attained new heights and has established Davidson more firmlv as a leader in this field among Southern schools and colleges.

The Football Band, composed of sixty-five members, distinguished itself on the gridirons in the this fall while lending excellent support to the Wildcat football team. An unique feature the Band developed for the night games was the drill executed in the dark with red lights fixed to the cap of every bandsman. The Band drills between the halves of the football games drew highly favorable comment from the public. The Symphonic Band has been the feature of the Davidson College Radio Program, broadcast weekly over Station W'BT in Charlotte during the winter and spring months. Off the campus the Symphonic E'and has presented concerts in eight cities and towns in North and South Carolina and Georgia, while it gave three concerts on the campus during the year.

The Glee Club, this year under the direction of Thane McDonald, is made up of thirty men and has given a splendid account of itself. Concerts were presented in several near-by colleges and cities by the Glee Club and the Little Symphony ( )rchestra, these two groups appearing to- gether on each occasion. Two concerts were given bv each group on the campus. As a special function the Glee Club has served faithfully as a choir at the Sunday evening X'esper services in Chambers Auditorium. L'pon numerous occasions all the organisations have furnished special music for other college activities, tlie most elaborate being the work done in connection with the Centennial Pageant.

The college Concert Series, sponsored by the Music Department, was produced again this season on the campus. Artists of national fame were brought here for the concerts and received enthusiastically by the lovers of good music in the college and community. The Boston Sinfoni- etta opened this season early in the fall. Wilson Angel, bass, was the second artist to appear on the series. Later in the winter The Salvi Instrumental Quintet was secured and earlv in the .spring the Siberian Singers closed the season.

Pane One Hundred Thirly-nine DAVID son CtDTEnniAL f ' =i 1 m pa \

7"o/i; FonTBALi, Band Middle: CoxcnRT Band Bottom: Salon Orchkstra MILITARY T DAVID 8 on CEIlTEnniAL w


AlK 1".I.I.IS(I\ I'.KANCIl

Edwards Kiesewetter Fixlav Branch Bingham Mack

THE STAFF Jack Ellison Branch. Liculciumt Colonel Batliilion Coniiiuin.'.cr WiLBLR Shields Edwards, Major Battalion Executive Officer Edward Smoot Finlav, Captain Adjutant Hubert Howell Overton, Jr., Captain Personnel Adjutant Roy Stinson Bigham. Jr.. Captain Plans and Training Edward Joh n Mack. Captain Supply Officer William Blrns Kiesewetter, Sergeant Scrgcant-Major COMPANY A J R. McClelland. Jk Captain l-irst Lieutenants Second Lieutenants A. 2nd. in J. C. Andrews. command J. T. Morton J. O. Branton J. A. Somerville T. M. Breeden, Jr. T. F, Thompson J. Y. Wilson, First Sergeant QUIPS MD CRATIKS

Sergeants E. F. Clark E. T. Faxt W. S. Pharr

S. A. COTHRAX W. W. LOWRAXCE J. \V. SmITH F. W. Denxis H. H. McFadyex P. M. Wallace B. B. Parcell COMPANY B T. L. HuxTER Captain First Lieutenants H. Woodward, Jr.

\\ . S. BarxES, 2nd. in eoniniaud C. B. Gladden M. E. Peabody, Jk. Seeoiid Lieutenants D. R. Sellars H. L. KuvKEXDAi.i. AI. L, Laei'erty, First Seryeant Sergeants A. C. Adams G. B. Gaxier A. T. McLean J. G. Gamble S. B. Goodman A. O. Shelby COMPANY C A. T. Pout Captain First Lieutenants F. H. McLean K. E. FryeoglE, 2nd. in eoinmand Second Lieutenants A. O. Cooke F. E. Vogler. Jr. A. S. MoFEETT A. C. Clixh axd AL B. Ckisp. First Sergeants Sergcan.ts

J. E. DooLEY W. T. Manson L J. Tinga E. J. Ganier C. R. Moore W. M. Wicker A. O. Spoon COMPANY D F. A. Cathey. Jr Captain First Lieutenants R. H. Robinshx

J. C. Winn, 2nd. in eontinand E. D. Tihner J. G. Anderson, III Second Lieutenants J. D. Johnston B. R. Howell, Jr. J. K. DoRSETT, First Sergeant Sergeants \V, U. CcHjKE J. E. Holt S. G. Lowe F. L. Fort R. M. King R. A. Theilixg BAND K. M. Scott Captain First Lieutenants R. H. Patterson, Jr. W. D. Covington Second Lieutenants F. S. PoE M. C. Saneord

J. W. Helms. First Sergeant .'iergeants T. B. Daniel C. H. King N. H. McGe.\chy H. L. Harkev G. W. Palmer DAVID son CEnTtnniAL

Lt. Col. Rh i: i i \

Silliiuj: Akl.i.AX, 1j., i,v.mm..,x. J.. C\l,ii;. l-'uv-uhi; \i,ii. I'lilm.i.N.

Kncclmyr KuNZ, Perrin, Woodward. J., Withers, Lidi.am. Wei.ls. Standing: Theiling, Wari.ick, Ramsev, Ogbi'rn. Myers, V., Pharr, Captain.


sponsor the Student Body

Wii.BiR S. EiiwAKDS, President


. MHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^ U^ s.ata ice

Sj^onsor the V.M.C.A.

J, Walter Dickson, Jk., I'residenl i^^ d^ata ci^lcvaiJ sponsor the Aililelic Association Thomas G. Cukbin, President fii atiatic aiu^e ilil

Spdustiy till Senior ( 7

I'.r.s, I'ifxiitnil III/ cr^/'t' t/i c ill I ti^ ^a I

sponsor Oini's and Cranks IdiiN K. .\i!i;kni:tiiv. I'.difor 1«*»- "^'•>.)J^'

^yletedit/t ^^:r~roLAetLn V sponsor Ouii'S am) Cranks

I'.FXiRci- S. N'i)iirt,i;rr, liiisiiu'sx M,iihi

sponsor The IhiTlJsoiiiuii

J.\Mi:> 'P. MnnToN, lidihn- :«^. a^


/^i (^dMe .^-zJ,^Kr^

sponsor The Pin'Idsoiiidii K. llnKi. KuFirNsdN. Husiiu'ss Maihi/ir u^ J^ciiisc ^^vetlofi

sponsor Scripts 'n Pranks R. llowKu. Ovr.uTiiN. Jk.. Editor i^s <::^kitUij czA-^nn eietd

sponsor Scripts n Pranks RfinKRT T. Pktkrs, Biiswcss Manae/c '

U^ //S Ic VI /LA i C' Cj Ic

Sfoiisor I'arsitx Cheer I.eodc F. Elgene V0GI,lM<, Jk.

I yyih^ <=,UJotailu aaweII 7 1

S/'niisiir /III- luilldliiiii

Jack H. Ukancm, l.icntcihint Cutoiu-I IH atcjatclte <::^iuiy.ian

sponsor the "/)" Club

loHi'ii I.. lI'VTrr. /rr

Spiiiisor till' Junior Class

J.\.\ii;s K, iJoKsr-TT, I irskltiil f^i l/^o^eniatii ta^^

sponsor llic Sopliomurc t hiss

H. R(ii)i:kt McCi.Ki.i.AN, Frcsidcnl L^^ ^ LatLLiiiL (P^tittain ^ f sponsor the l-rrsliiiuni (.lass

Jamks T. Moutdn, . /(/ii'.viT f4i Jane z-~T~isioii

sponsor the Court of Control

RcpllKKT II. InllNSTcJX. J'.uhjC THE C THF SXillTCnir. THI CLOSIT Dan RHODES ar.C rK'.inr Touch football Campaign Manager Pharr 'D" Club initiation

Brown in his Democratic rally Teeny makes The inspiration is library faces turned the wrong way

Hill and Arrowsmith Late for class, The morning after The band forms talk it over hurry

Captain Quick Queens at bat First floor west scoops one up Monday night Lab explosion Their first smoke grunt show An exciting momeii in Charlotte

Davidson's newest Who won the newly-weds ball game?

Cheer leaders at rest Signals . .

to '*»* Anything from a debate Tin?* !>""»• What's the game? bull session midnight oil


I ' ,^ 1 f f


'I'hc Daviflson College atliletic ]irn.^'r,iin for the past vear lias been under the able and effi- cient direction of a new man. N'orniaii M. Sliei)ard. re|)lacin(i Capt. Norton (i. I'ritchett. now at tile L'niversity of Xirffinia. She])ard. an ahminus of Davidson and a fjradnate of the I'niversitv of Xorth CaroHna. came to Davidson from l\andol])h-Macc)n after making an excellent record at that institution.

The varsity football team, i-.-ijilained liv Dick j(ilin>on. completed a remarkably successful season, winninfj five <;ames and losini,' only four. .Marti'i "'I'chiu" l.alTertv. of Concord, was ini- r'oubtedly the star, but the success of the .season was by no means due tf> him alone. Lafferty was ablv assisted in the backfield by Corbin, Dennis, and .\rmfield. while Williams, lohnson. and llnnter excelled in the line.

The basketball team was probabl>' tin- best in the Last five years, winniiis.; thirteen j^-aines .-ind losinj; ten. (Juick captained tiie team throUi,di the season, while so])bomores I licks and Iverson plaved noteworthy basketball. The wrestlins; team, as has been true for the last few years, com- pleted an excellent season, takint; tliird place in the Southern Conference and tieing for first in the state. Charles I'arker was the ca])tain.

.\s the siirinr; term }jot under wav. the tennis and ,i,'olf teams showed fine ])ros])ects. The racketeers took four out of five sjames in their southern tri]), while the golfers took their opening games also. The baseball team showed only a fair degree of success, while the track team was unusuallv deficient in material, (juick and Jim lohnston were the respective captains of baseball and track. Probably the greatest loss that Davidson College athletics suffered was in the resignation of Coach "Doc" Xewton. to take o\cr duties as head coach at X. C. State. While at Davidson. "Doc" did an excellent coaching job and turned out well-tutored teams with enviable records. David- son will miss "Doc"' exceedingly, but, on the other hand. Xewton will have an able successor in Gene McEver, who was promoted to the position of head coach. His place will be filled bv Chet Chapman. The newest addition to the coaching stafif is T.awrencc Spearman, who hails from Chester, S. C. In that i>art of the country. Spearman's higli school team made football history. Thus, with a complete and able athletic stafif. Davidson College looks forward to another successful vear of athletic achievement.


Ni)RM.\N H. Shi;p.\ki) Ifhictic IHrccloi- Gene McEver /notbtiH Fl-AKE L-MRn Bciskcthiill and Bascbdll Heath Whittt.e Tnuk Chet Chapm.ax I'nnthatl Parks Harrison U'rrstliiui Lawrence Si-EArman ['nolhall and Traik

Whittle Spearman iiii-; .\i;\\ Ku'ii AKDSiix Stadii'm

Wahi'. Hakkiiw •Wlt.t.AKn IJIXUN C.KNI-: Vni-.M'K {I'.irxily ( lu-,r l.nnhi)

lu.MDKi; I Ini.T ( liiifloiii )


-.Tul,.; ,



Toir CouHix P(wcrfiil h'ockinii hack on the foolhall Icaiii

Joe Hunteu /,////( All-Amcr'nan Tackle

Bill Quick Caf^tiiiii mill i/uard on the Ihn'idson qnintct

CiiAKLEv Parker Captain and star of the ^crestliin/ team

Bkonston Kenney Xninhcr one man in tennis

liiijh-poinl track Wade Barrow . . . Consistently man for Daiidson

Charlie Ross Lotv scorer on tlie Golf team

Paj^e One Uiindred Serenly-two ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION


Thomas Golusboriiuch Corkin _:• ^''' ;'*'"'''"' Fked William Dennis I ici'-Prcsiclcnl Henry Wade Barrow ' 'ice-Presidciit Ned Edward Iverson Secretary-Treasurer ATHLETIC COUNCIL Richard Sandusky Johnson, Capia-m Fontl)all Lawrence King Hill, Maivager Fonthall Clifford Carr Quick, Captain Basketball Thomas Franklin Thompson, Manager Basketball Charles Warner Parker. Captain Wrestlinj! Jack Ellison Branch, Manager Wrestling Clifford Carr Quick. Captain Baseball John Albert Cornelius Andrews. Man-agcr Baseball James Davidson Johnston, Captain Track Russell Horner Patterson. Jr., Manager Track Carl Ivan Carlson, Jr., Captain Tenni.- Howard W'all Covington. Manager Tennis Charles Burdette Ross, Jr.. Captain Golf James Ralph McClelland. Jr., Manager Golf Thomas Goldsborougii Corbin Athletic Association

I'agc One lluiiclreil Sfvoity-lhree VAKSITY rOOTBALl RESULTS

Davidsd Duki-








Davids. 9 .


First Rozi.': Knorr, Hintkk, Akmiiei.d. Johnson (Captain), Purdy, Corbin, Johnston, Thurston. Sccoiit Ron:: Warden, Hill, NL^this, Dennis, McClellan, Lafi-erty, Sears, Stair. Third Row: Williams, Clark, Graham, Goodman, Vass, Lee, Nicholson, Hill (Manager) Fourth Row: Chap.man (Coach), McEvER (Coach), Newton (Coach), Harrison (Coach), Davis, Kinc Beattv, Iverson. VAMSITY FOOTBALL

Davidson, — Duke, 13 Opening the 1936 season with a Southern Conference dL-but, the Davidson Wildcats dropped a closely con- tested game to Wallace Wade's highly-tooted Blue Devils by a 13-0 score. The Dukes, encountering stubborn opposition from the lighter red line, managed to shove over touch- downs in the first and third quarters, .\fter a 46 yard jaunt by "Honey" Hackney, the most sensational run in the game, Harwood Smith carried the ball over for Duke's first touchdown. Smith also chalked up the second tally and converted. Davidson's break came in the last few minutes of the third period when Bailey Williams, flashy 'Cat end, recovered a Duke fumble nn their ten yard line. Laflerty attempted to pass to Williams on the first play but Parker knocked it down. Then LafTerty rammed right tackle for a two yard gain. .-Kftcr two more running attempts at a score, the ball went over to Duke on the one yard line. In this first game of the season, "Teeny" Laflferty was the main cog in the Wildcat attack, carrying the ball in sixty percent of the Davidson plays. Captain Dick Johnson, Joe Hunter, and "Ventz" Johnston playe

Davidson, 6 — Navy, 1 Unable to cope with Navy's tremendous reserve power, the Davitlsmi "Irmi Mei ' li.^l l')-6 to the Middies in a game battle. The score does not indicate the fierce bombardment by :iir iind la III thai ihe Wildcats lircd at Navy. The Middies, clicking in the first period, carried the ball in a concerted drive ti> the Red and Black two yard line, where a fumble gave Davidson possession of the ball. In the second (|uarler, with a whole new .Middle team in the game, .Antrim look the pigskin on a reverse from Schmidt and raced around left end for a touchdown. Imbuc Williams to Dermis, completely the 1. KxoKK, Biu-k

2. PlRDY, Ccilli-r

3. Johnston. J. I)., (iiuini

4. CoKUiN, /)iir/>'

5. I.AriKKTV, li

6. Matthis, Ciiiird

7. HiNTKK. Tcnkli-

8. McCi.KLi.AN. End

9. Akmiiku), Hiuk'

10. JdiiNSiiN. Dick, iiiuii;!


11. TiiriiSToN. liai-k

12. Dknnis. Back

VAKSITY FOOTBALL men. Tricking the Middies again, this time on a fake line l>uck, LafFerty handed the ball to Dennis, who car- ried left end. Armfield made the touchdown on a pass from LafFerty. In the third period, Dayidson completely outplayed Xavy, keeping the pigskin deep in the Blue territory most of the time. In the final period, the Wildcats succumbed to Navy's fresh reserve strength, and allowed the Midshipmen two more scores. Armfield and Hunter played smashing defense ball for the Wildcats while Purdy and the two Johnsons spilled Navy backs time after time. N\'illiams and McClellan stood out on both defense and offense.

Davidson, 38 — V. M. I., 13 Unleashing scoring powers that carried them to touchdowns in each quarter, the Davidson Wildcats swamped the V. M. 1. Cadets with a variety of smashing plays and deadly aerial tlirusts. The first touchdown came in the first three plays as a result of two passes, Dennis to LafFerty and LafFerty to Armfield. Jim Johnston converted from placement. Charlie Sears, bantam back, entered the game shortly after the score, taking the place of "Teeny" LafFerty, who was forced out due to injuries. Dermis and Sears, leading a series of reverses which netted 26 yards, again placed the ball in scoring position. Sears carried the pigskin across for a second score. Later in the same quarter, Williams recovered a V. ^I. I. fumble on the Cadet six-yard stripe putting the Wildcats in scoring position once more. This time Sears lateraled to Arm- field, who raced around left end for a third tally. Scars garnered the fourth score in the last of the second period. All attempts to convert in the second quarter failed. The home team's fiftli tally came soon after the second half began, as a result of a tremendous land and aerial attack. The Flying Squadron also scored in the third period on a short pass from Roberson to Como. Both teams inished across tallies in the final period to end the scoring orgy. Charlie Scars. 14(1 pound package of dynamite, played his most brilliant game of the year, as also did Fred Dennis. Davidson, 21 — Citadel, A fast heads-up Davidson football team outsmarted and o\erpciwered a stubborn Citadel outru on Rich- ardson Field, when it punched over three touchdowns, to win 21-0. With their eyes on coming contests against Furman and Carolina, Doc Newton's boys played "Under wraps," kicking regularly on third downs, and waiting for the breaks. The Wildcats carried over the first score early in the game, when Lafferty hurled a 30-yard pass to .Xrmfield who toted the ball over the line. There was no more scoring until the third period. Fred Dennis broke into the scoring column when he intercepted a Citadel aerial on the forty, swung around toward the sideline with a mass of interference, and crossed the linal white stripe for Davidson's second. Al- though Teeny Lafferty carried the ball on nearly all Davidson plavs, and paved the way for many a touchdown, his turn to score did not come until the final period of the Citadel 'contest. Teeny took Ed Hall's kick-off on Citadel's 45, and toted the pigskin for a third and final tally, behind some amazing interference. Corbin and Dennis continued their spectacular blocking! while Dick Johnson and Jim Johnston added an- other stellar performance to their string. Sophomores Dave Warden and Bob McClellan showed special promise, and will see regular service all next year. VAKSITY FOOTBALL

Davidson, 13 — Furman, 14

An inspired Furman football team, playing heads-up ball and taking advantage of all the breaks, nosed out the Davidson Wildcats by a one point margin, 13-14.

Davidson opened the scoring in the tirst period when "Teeny" Lafferty faded back to his

forty-yard stripe and hurled a high floating pass to Bailey Williams on the Furman twenty.

Williams brought down the pass, shook himself loose, and scampered across the goal line standing. Jim Johnston's placement kick was low.

.\ pass from (ireve to Captain Bob King, in the second quarter, paved the way for Fur- man's tirst tally, which came three plays later. King converted from placement. Then a series of punts ensued until a kick by Lafferty was blocked in the end zone, where King dived on it for Furman's second touchdown. .A minute later .•\lternate-Captain Armfield re- ceived Furman's kick-off in the shadow of the goal and raced 96 yards through the entire opposing line, for Davidson's second score. Johnston converted.

Da\ idson threatened again before the game ended, but during the closely contested second half, her drives were checked by blocked punts, intercepted passes, and inopportune penalties.

The Wildcats felt heavily the loss of Corbin and Dick Johnson, who were nursing injuries sustained in the Citadel game. The play of Armfield. Dennis, Lee, and Williams was out- rtanding for the 'Cats, while Captain King starred for the Purple Hurricane. 1. VAESITY FOOTBALL

Davidson, 19 — Wake Forest, 6

Displaying some of the most l)ril!iaiit jxiwer ever exhibited on Richardson Field, the Davidson Wildcats wound up their gridiron season by completely annihilating a favored Wake

Forest eleven, 19 to 6.

The Deacons drew first lilood in the opening quarter, when

Daniel, dropping back to kick, took the ball around left end behind a mass of interference, and ran 60 yards for the score.

The try from placement was blocked. Later in the half, Laf- ferty intercepted a long Deacon pass and carried the ball for 25 yards. Dennis added 58 more yards when he took the pigskin from Lafferty on the famous "hip play." and a little later

"Teeny" crossed the line for the 'Cats lirst tally of the game.

In the second quarter, the Wildcats chalked up their second and winning score after a 59-yard march. Lafferty again was the scorer. Then at the beginning of the second half, Armfield, duplicating his feat of the Furman game, took the ball on the

kick-off and carried it through the entire Wake Forest line for

95 yards and a third touchdown. .\nd with tlii--. .Xrmlljld

clinched the title of "High-scorer in the Southern Conference."

In this Thanksgiving classic, Lafferty was the outstanding

man on the field, but Armfield, Hunter, Corbin, Lee, Dick John- son, and Jim Johnston ended careers of which they can be justly proud. VAESITY BASKETBALL

With all of last year's team back and a crop ol pruinisiiig soplioniures

in a til support tlicni, Coach Flake Laird moulded a (luiiitet which ended

live tie for eiglith place in the Southern Conference staiidint?. winning out of thirteen conference tilts. Out of their entire schedule of twenty-three games the 'Cats were able to garner thirteen victories.

Sophomores Ned Iverson and 1. D. Hicks broke into tlie starting

line-up. forcing lettenneii otT the team, but supporting Captain Ouick, Pea- liody, and Armstrong very ably from the start. Before the en:l of the season Bill Hancock and Bill Kiesewetter had played enough to earn their

letters, and toward the very end Johnny Tice, another sophomore, had

.served the twenty-three lialves rei|uiri.(i for a nionograin.

The Catawba Indians were llrst victims of the Wildcat campaign, in a

game which the Davidsons won AX-M. In another game here before the

Christmas holidays the team nosed out the semi-pro Unique Furniture OriCK. Capluin combine only 37-35, in a truly nip-and-tuck battle. In the first game after

the holidays the 'Cats showed the good effects of an early return to training

by trimming the Charlotte "V" ,% 2.S.

Then came the lirst Southern Conference fracas, that with Duke.

Playing in Winston-Salem the Devils ended on the long end of a 4-3-?

score, after a hotly and closely fought struggle. But tlie Lairdnicn rebounded from this loss to eke out, in an

e.Ktra period of play, a 35-33 victory over the defending conference champions, the University of Xorth Caro-

lina White Phantoms. Peabody made himself hero of the occasion liy tiring the winning shot through from the

center of the floor.

Groves-Thread, a semi-pro outfit led by Sam Turner, former Tennessee star, banded Davidson a wallop-

ing. -K)-38, and seemed only to set the pace for X. C. State, which sneaked up and pa-^sed the 'Cats in the last

minutes cf play to win 41-35. South Carolina joined in the parade by nosing out the Wildcats 39-35 a few

days later, and Duke again proved their superiority by handing Davidson another licking, 32-27 this time, .\fter

that North Carolina gained revenge for their earlier defeat with a decisive 34-20 drubbing.

Then the Wildcats took a trip through South Carolina, a trip which

restored in some measure their self-respect. They took Furman into camp

45-31 and then walloped Citadel A(>-i'\ On the same trip they breezed

through the College of Charleston 39-18. 5n> r. Returning home the Davidson quint added another victory at the ex-

pense of Guilford. 46-26. and then met State again. This time it looked

A^^^^*^ bke Davidson's day. as Hicks held Connie Mac Berry well in hand during

^^^^^Hp^^^^^ the first period. .At the half the 'Cats were leading and thcv held their

Thompson, Manager lead for about ten minutes of the second half, until Berry turned on the steam and led the Terriers to a 51-34 win. But the 'Cats redeemed themselves with Tice on the trail of Wake Forest's shooting artist and confer- ence high scorer at that time, Jim Waller, the Lairdmen decisively whipped the Deacons by a score of 4.3-31. They continued their victory march by defeating Citadel again, this time 46-34, and then by taking the College of Charleston into camp again, 51-34. But just when the race for berths in the conference tournament was getting hot the Wildcats slumped to lose two. one to South Carolina, 29-40; and the other to Wake Forest, 44-33. Stepping out again they licked Catawba 45-37, but were in turn beaten by the Lenoir-Rhyne Bears, leaders in the North State Conference race. Then Quick, Peabody, .Armstrong, and Hancock, playing their last game at Davidson, teamed together to aid in whipping Erskine 45-31 and to close the season. This record left the Wildcats tied with Maryland for eighth place in the conference standings. The flip of a coin gave Maryland the coveted entry into the conference tourney at Chapel Hill, to which only eight teams are invited. During the season Davidson scored a total of 871 points as against only 815 for their opponents. Coach Laird had such a rich supply of available material this year that he divided his team into ".\" and "B" squads. The "B" squad played several preliminaries to the varsity games and also played games with several junior college teams. Leading luminaries of this group were Dan Iverson, Wade Barrow, Bill Boyd. Perry Sloan, and Jack Lee. These men will next year advance to service on the varsity squad. The captain for next year's team will not be chosen until the season begins, but Johnny McQueen has been elected varsitv manager and Charlie Rvnal will uianage the freshman team.

skwkttku, IIuks. t'roiil Rozi.-: Rf.id, !.. , __ lock, .Akmstkonc. Kn

fiack Rozi': Laird (ChuIi). Tick, B.\kRow. Bovn. Quick Wal^laiii). Pk.miohv. McQlkk.n I. .Issislaiil Maimncr). RESUME

Davidson 41 Catawb.i 34 David.son 4<^i Citadel ,% Davidson 37 Cniquc I'urniture ....35 Davidson .VJ College nf C harlcston IS Davidson .Vi Charlotte "Y" 25 Davidson 4'i ("nil ford .. 26 Davidson 34 Duke 40 David.son .54 K. C. State 5! Davidson 35 North Carolina ^^ Davidson 43 Wake Forest 31 Davidson .3S Groves-Thread 4o Davidson 4<^i Citadel 34 Davidson 35 N. C. State 41 Davidson 51 College

\'( )TAL Davidsf)n K71 Opponents 815 Won. 13 Lost, 10 VAMSITY BASEBALL

Practice sessions for the 10.^7 edition of Coach Flake Laird's varsity baseball sciiiad liegan on Monday afternoon. March S. when twenty candidates answered the call. Present were nine vet- erans of the game— P.ankhead. Clark, Dickson, Howard, Kellain, LafTerty, Clover, Neal, and Quick —who were to form the backbone of the squad this season.

I'ntil March 23, Richard.son Field was every afternoon the scene of strenuous iiractices as the Wildcats baseballers got the feel of the horsehidc into tlieir lingers once more and started bat- ting balls all over the lot. The i^itching staff is re-inforced by two sophomores. Ilicks and Steere, who were stars on the freshman team last spring. Other sophomores who have earned positions in the "first string" line-up were John.ston, first baseman, Hemphill, second baseman, and Rudisill, outfielder.

While the rest of the students were ofT for the Easter vacation, the \\'ildcat nine started the season with an extensive southern tour. The fir.st game, with WdlTord in vSpartanburg, was a

stirring season opener and ;i victorv lor Davidson. 9-4.

The next dav saw the "Cats droi) their game to the Presbyterian College P>lue Stockings.

l-,\ in spite of Ilicks' excellent work on the mound. On to .\tlanta went the squad where they

split a two-game series with the ( )glethorpe University Petrels. S-2 and 0-5. Turning north once more, they raided the camjj of the Erskine Seceders to win by a score of 6-4.

Returning to the home grounds, Lady Luck turned against the Davidson club when they lost a two-game scries to the Duke P>lue Devils. 11-16 and 4-29. The game scheduled with the L'niversitv of South Carolina on April 6 was postponed becavise of the inclement weather in Co- lumbia.

Then the 'Cats again tasted defeat, this time at the hands of X C. State in a two-game series, .5-10 and 2-11.

P.ut on ]\rondav. Ajiril 12. the worm turned and the Davidson club turned back the invasion of the Tar Heel baseball team from the L'niversity of North Carolina by a score of 7 to h. Still the greater part of a long season faces the team at this writing, and jirospects are good for a credit- able record from the Wildcat team.

ClifTord C. "I'.iir" Quick, Senior Ictterman. is captain of the .scpiad, and John .Andrews is var-

sitv manager.

Page One Hundred Eighty-two RESULTS

Wofford , 4 Davidson 9

Presbyterian 3 Davidson 1 Oglethorpe 2 Davidson 8 Oglethorpe 5 Davidson

Erskine 4 Davidson 6

Duke 16 Davidson 11

Duke 29 Davidson 4

X. C. State 10 Davidson 5

N. C. State 11 Davidson 2

Carolina 6 Davidson 7 Duke Davidson Duke Davidson Catawba Davidson Wake Eorest Davidson Wake Forest Davidson Oglethorpe Davidson Oglethorpe Davidson Catawlia Davidson

N. C. State Davidson Andkews, Manager N. C. State Davidson Carolina Davidson South Carolina Davidson Wake Forest Davidson \^'ake Forest Davidson

Knccliny: VKAKWfKH), Howarii, Stkkkk, Lafi'kktv. yuicK {(. n/'tiiiii ] , Ki'insii.i., I Ikmimiim,. llANn,

Slandiny: Anmrkws {Muniujcr), Johnson, Movkr, McCai.i., \,.\\m) iCooili), Manson, Takkku, Akmstkonc, Lindsay.

I'tifie One IliinJnJ liighty-lhrci! TKACK

Johnston, Ciiplniii i ' \TTKkSnN, Maiuujcr

With Jim Jdhtistun as ca])tain tlic \arsitv track team went thniiirjli a vcrv succcssfu! st-asun this sprint;. Wade i'.arniw was iisiialh tjodil for at least seven points and "lloo" Walker could usually he counted on to take first in the two n:ile.

The varsitx' track team this \ear was coached hy "Pete" \\ hittle, who was assisted hy "diet"


Tiic team suffered from the loss of several of last year's consistent iioint winners, but these were replaced by men from last season's freshmen and reserves, .\nioni; the men who were missed this year were: Lee, Pittman. Parker. ^Merchant, and Shnford.

As a pre-season meet Coach Whittle took several of his men to the Southern Conference

Indoor C.ames at Chaiiel Hill. The competition ])royed too stiff for the hovs who had been train- ing out of doors for this indoor meet, and they failed to place.

In the first retjular meet of the season, the \\'ildcats met and smothered Catawba. 118-8. This meet was held on a cold and rainy Satinxlav. and none of the times were exceptional.

Three days after Sjiring Holidays, the W ildcats went to Columlaia, S. C, to meet the Uni- versity of South Carolina, whom they defeated 74-57. Hickman took a first place in the -140 yard dash, and Dickson won the broad jump. \\'icker won the high hurdles and Barrow the lows.

The following week-end Coach Whittle to )k the varsitv to Charleston, S. C, where the 'Cats

Pag^e One Hundred Eighty-jour took Citadel into camp by a score of 77-49. In this meet again Dickson won the broad jump.

Purdy took a first in the pole vault and Crisp won the shot put, while in the 880 yard run Melton

took a first for the "Cats.

In their fourth meet, the 'Cats made it four wins in four starts, bv defeating \'. P. I. 17 to

49. Although Douglas of \'. P. I. set a new Richardson Field Record with a high jump of six

feet two inches, the Gobblers were clearly over -shadowed from the start, after Davidson took the lead in the first event and held it throughout the meet. Barrow was high scorer with 13 points to his credit. Davidson took ten first places while \'. P. I. took only four.

.-\s the annual goes to press these are the only results available, and the team still has its two hard meets coming up. These are the Duke meet and the Sfiutliern Conference meet, but these are being held so late this year that the results could not be published.

Bollom Row: Mnseley, Meltnii, Poe, Purdy, Peabody, Johnston iCaptnin), Dickson, Faison, Cunibie, Moore, Rccd, Hunter. Second Rmc: Patterson, Telford. Bixicr, Walker, Hickman, Turner, Wilson, Sears, Woodward, Sadler, Fort, Crisp, Chapman (Coach). Third Row: Whittle {Coach), Edgerton, Deaton, -\bbott, Hipj), Parcel!. .Miller, Kerr. P.arn.w, Patterson {Man- ager). Top Row: Mack. V'au.se, Baker, Johnson, Warden, Sample, Pharr. MESUME OF VAKSITY WEESTLING

Parkkk, Captain Branch, Manager

L'nder the ahle coacliiiii,' of I 'arks Ilairisim, tlic wrcstlini^' team Cdiupletecl a rather siiecess-

t'lil season, wiiinint; fciiir matches, tyint.'; tliree, and losiiii;' two. 'I'he .urapplers took tliird phicc with

N. C. Slate and the L'niversitv of North Carolina I'or first in tiie state.

The S(.)nthcrn Conference wrestlers for Davidson were as follows, with respective weisjhts:

r.lue. 118 Ihs. : l.owrance. 12'. Ihs. ; Sears, l.v^ llis. : Parker. \A':^ Ihs. : Fort and Sadler. 1 .x^^ lbs.;

Ellis and Gamble. I'lS lbs.: \'ass. 173 lbs.: .McFadyen. unlimited.

McFadyen. who took the Conference title in the unlimited class, was elected captain of the

team for the ne.xt >ear. Jerrv Harris will serve as inanager.


Davidson 1-1 Spray VMCA 14

naviflsnn....ig Wiiiston-Salcm YMC.\ 12

Davidson.. 9'/.> High Point VMCA..18!,<

Davidson .... 21 1 )iike 13

Davidson.... 6 Carolina 22

Davidson.... I -1 V, P. 1 1-1

Davidson .... 16 X. C. State 12

Davidson. . 14"j Tennessee ISjj

Davidson. ... l.S Maryvillc 11

TOTALS Front A'oji'.- McFadvk.n-. \'ass. (Iamri.k. Eli.is. Fort. Parker (Captain) I.owRANcic. Skars. Davidson . . 129 Opponents 132 Hack /?(>te.' Braxch (Manager), Cravi;k. Ci.ark. Wilson, Baii.i-v, IIansei. Won, 4—Lost, 3—Tied, 2 Blue. Harrison (Coach).

Piif,e One Hundred Eighty-six CovixGTox (Manager), REiNHAunx. Wikuiwahd. pRAMproN, Boccs, Carlson iCa^taiii). Kennev. VAMSITY TENNIS

Davidson's tennis team led by Captain Carl Carlson had a fairly successful season, making a notable start

on a schedule of seventeen matches by losing only one match out of the first seven of those booked.

Kenney. number one man, was constantly in danger of losing his ranking to either Carlson, Frampton, or

Boggs, who were shifted about in the number two, three, and four positions during most of the season. How-

ever, the lineup at the first the of year was as follows ; Kenney. Frampton, Carlson, Boggs, Reinhard. and Wood- ward.

The season was openefl with an easy 9-0 win over Presbyterian College, this being the first of the matches

on the usual Southern trip taken during the Spring Holidays. This was followed by a victory of A-,^ over the

University of South Carolina. The match with Emory was rained out.

Davidson suffered her first defeat of the season at the hands of Georgia Tech. 8-1. Next .Mercer I'niver-

sity was defeated 9-0. Then in turn matches were taken from both Rollins College and l''urman. each being defeated 6-2.

On the .Vorthern trip Davidson encountered worthy opponents in the . Willi.nn and Mary, the Country Club of Virginia, and the University of Virginia.

Though Br)ggs won the Spring Tennis Tournament, be ])l;i\e(l .\nmber b'oiir during the greater part of the season.


Davidson 9 Presbyterian

Davidson 6 South Carolina .1

Davids'in 1 C.eorgia Tech 8 Davidson 9 Mercer Davidson 6 Rollins 2 Davidson 6 Furman 2 Davidson North Carolina State Davidson University of Richmond Davidson William and .Mary Davidson Country Club of Virginia Davidson University of Virginia Davidson Frskine Davidson University of North Car.ilina .... Davidson North Carolina State Davidson Duke Davidson Washington and I,ce

Page One Hundred liighiy-ieten G O L r

Wf.staix, Snow, Ross {Caplniii). McClem-anp. Maples.

The golf team this year, composed of Charlie Ross, Bill Snow, Henson Maples, Jimmy Westall, and

Ralph McClelland was one of the strongest athletic teams produced at Davidson in several years. With Charlie

Ross as captain, and Ralph McClelland as student manager, the team won ten nut of twelve dual matches, placed second in the State Tournament, and fifth in the Southern Tournament.

The season opened with the Wildcats blanking Hanipden-Sydney 18-0. During Spring Holidays, a trip through the West and South was taken, the team defeating the University of Tennessee 14-4: Amherst, in an intersectional tilt, 16-2; the strong University of Georgia team P'/.-S'/S; and losing only to a strong and powerful Emory University team 41<-13!j.

Returning to Davidson the team defeated Wake Forest ll'j-'^>'j. and then left for the Southern Intercollegi- ate Tournament at .\thens, Georgia, encountering and defeating the I'niversity of South Carolina 12-6; and the

University of .Mabama WYz-TVz before the tournament. In the tournament the team placed 5th in a field of

17 teams.

Leaving on the state trip, Davidson met and was upset by the I'niversity of Xorth Carolina 6-12. In the

State Tournament the Wildcats placed second, I)eing beat only by the invincible Duke squad and placing well ahead of the University of North Carolina. Next Wake Forest was encountered on their home grounds and defeated 14-4.

The team defeated Citadel at Davidson to close the scheduled season with a record of 1(1 wins and 2 losses in dual meets.

The season was finally closed with the Southern Conference Tournament held at Pinehurst b>it which had not been played at the time the annual went to press.


Davidson 18 Hampden-Sydney Davidson 14 L^niversity of Tennessee 4 Davidson 16 .•\mherst College 2 Davidson 4!/ Emory University 13^^ Davidson 9J^ L^niversity of Georgia 8vS Davidson 9yz Augusta College 8'/^ Davidson 11^ Wake Forest 6y< Davidson 12 University of South Carolina .... 6 Davidson 10'/2 L'niversity of Alabama 7^2 Davidson 6 University of North Carolina 12 Davidson 14 Wake Forest 4 Davidson WV, Citadel 6;4

Runner-up in State Tournament Fifth in Southern Intercollegiate Tournament

Paf,e One Hundred Eighty-eight FKESHMAN FOOTBALL

The Davidson Wildkittens had a successful season in spite of the fact that they lost three games and won

only two. Those that they won were the first and the last. The team was hampered by being small and light

but showed speed and brain work in all the games.

The Freshmen started out with a 25-0 victory over Presbyterian Junior College in a fast game. Rackley.

Watkins. McClintock, and Richmond were outstanding in this game. Jim Currie, substitute quarterback, fur-

nished e.xcitement for the fans by intercepting a pass and running 35 yards for a touchdown. Both the back-

tield and the line showed up well.

After losing games to Wofford, Duke and South Carolina, the 'Kittens wound up the season by defeating

a fighting Blue Ridge team by a score of 12-0. This game was hard fought l)ut Blue Ridge never threatened to

score. The Hilltoppers used laterals to gain a large amount of their yardage, but the many forward passes

that they attempted were usually broken up by the 'Kitten backfield. Blue Ridge took to the air after being

stopped by the strong Davidson line. For Davidson, Hunter and Rackley were outstanding in the backfield.

Rackley carried the ball farther than any other player, but it was Hunter that made both of the touchdowns

for the Wildkittens. Rice and Richmond showed up best in the line. Both played line defensive ball. Edney

and Miller furnished stiff competition in the Blue Ridge backfield. Faggard, who played center for the Hill-

toppers, was their best linesman.

The game with Presbyterian Junior College was played here, but the 'Kittens went to Spartanburg, S. C,

for the WofTord contest. They played Duke Frosh here, before going to Columbia to meet South Carolina

The final game was on Richardson Field.

Ww 0^m muff

^ > P^ .4^ m

Ironi Row: Pennington. McLean. D., C.\gle, M.vck, Riciimonp, Wat- kins, Rice, McLean, A.

Middle Kow: Reeves, CrmiiE, Wilms, Hakkiss, Phipps, Fekckrson, Mun-

TEk. G.

Top Kuw: Laiku (.Coach), Winteks, Mii.i.kk. Harnshi-hckk, .\IcLintock. Raclev, King, Powell.

Page One Hundred Eighly-niae .

Bollom Ron-: Hariisbcrger, Tluiinas

(.Co-C(if>l(iiii) , Tenney, Ilarrisnn

{Ci>-copt(ii)i) . I'icklcti. Hliipps.

Top R(>~a-: AmkTSDii [ Mmitinri). CIciin. \Vi«i:I, Casali. Spencer. Sittcrsnii, riKipinaii U ci/c/i).


I'roiil A'(i;r; TlimiKiv, lliinlcr. Casali.

Kioo. W-riifr, IIiuIm'Ii. I''itzt;i-r-

alcl, l'"icklen. Caglc.

Mii/ill.' kozc: Dunford, Rol.ens Cil-

iiinn-. Ilarrison, Harper, t unit- Si >ur>, I'liipps, Hashagcii. f. _jf .? licuk' A',.7.', .Mnrl.m { M,„uifi.-r ) . .\K- ^o*'**" <*1 "'°*' Loan, .Mashlmrn, IViut-ll. Kclloj;^;, MOSI SM

Sparrow. t 1< i ii W a s , Slu-phcrd

( Cihuli 1


The Freshman 1)asketball team h; an unsuccessful season as far as the final scores indicate Kut the 'Kittens

plaxed many good .games and only li t to strong opposition. The Freshmen were handicapjved liy the height of the players on the other teams. The 'Kittens lost their first game to the Carolina Freshmen, though they were ahead at the half. Ne.xt Charlotte High won a thriller by only three points. The Freshmen were leading at the half against State but lost the game 34 to 27. Duke and Carolina handed out decisive defeats, but the \\'ildkittens got revenge for their defeat by Charlotte High. State and Wake Forest ne.xt met and defeated the 'Kittens. In the last game with Wake Forest the Freshman team showed its liest form. The season for the Freshmen was short and difficult, but several men showed their ability and should do well next year. Tony Casali, Tommy Glenn, Benny Harrison, Bob Phipps, Rea Tenney, and Jim Thomas saw the most service on the team. Harrison and Thomas were elected co-captains for the team at the end of the season. RESULTS Davidson 22 North Carolina 50 Davidson 17 North Carolina 53 Davidson bS Charlotte High 21 Davidson 2i Charlotte High 22 Davidson 27 N. C. State .34 Davidson 19 N. C. State 30 Davidson 15 Duke S3 Davidson 19 W'ake Forest 56

Davidson 27 \\'ake Forest .46 FEESHMAN BASEBALL

With the F'reshman baseball season over half through, the 'Kittens have shown up well in winning four of the games and dropping only two of them. There seems to be some good material in the freshman team, which will help the varsity ne.xt year. The Wildbitten team has shown up well in all of the games. The two defeats were suffered at the hands of stronger teams and no fault of the 'Kitten players. They won two of the games by the slim margin of one run, Imt played hard and won fairly. RESULTS Davidson 10 ,


The team is composed of Tenney. Hunter, E.ell. Beall, Wood, and Schabel, all of wh„m finished well v,n toward tne hnals ' of the Spring tennis tournament for the Freshmen.

""''*' '°'' ''' ""'"""'^^ ,1?' '" ^- -^^ "'^' ^'^'^°"' '^^ "^'^ '^'°- -">' "f 5-4 on our home courts InI match?Tf'f "T ... however, the team revealed that a number of its members would be strong in later matches .^h,cb included W mston-Salem, Charlotte. Wingate, and Presbyterian Junior College. RESULTS "' ' Winston-Salem 5 Davidson _ Presbyterian Jr. Col.. .- °''''"^'°"""'"f - Winston-Salem - Davidson - Wingate _ Davidson _ Presbyterian Jr. Col. - FMESHMAN TMACK

The Wildkitten track team has had a stiff schedule this year. iMrst. it nut Charlotte High School and was soundly defeated by a sere of 19-/, to 97-^3. Its next meet was with the V. P. I. freshmen here in a dul meet, when he U dkmens , agam were defeated by a score of 72 ,„ 45. In the tiff with the Furman here, several Freshmen mdn.duals showed real power, btrt the tean, as a whole could not get by the Violet opponents.opp losing 80 to n"t 3/. The P. J. C. meet is yet to be run. Bob Kellogg, in the mile, has shown plenty of power aiid endurance and it looks like he will be winning material m another year. Bdl Black takes the high-jump easily, and Tom McAlpine runs an excellen "r mile. In t- pole-vau cZ t Joe Gammon consistently placed in the upper three and has line possibil ies D ve -Sprmit and "Red M. Her have to.ssed the w^eights thmughnut the season.

McGeachy I Co-iihimitirr) . Tenney.

Ezell, lleall, Scliabell, Hunter,

I'VucbteiilnTger H'o nhniuiirr).

/'nnil A'„n.; ||,,t(, I'n.stdii, King,

'.illiaiii, CaKin, .\kers. Masters,

Allis.rii. Dicksnn. Imiscuc.


McMpic, Cleiin, K,,s.s, .\hinii b'reiich. \..iniaii, Spnnil, Mi

C.eachy. 1' i ri r d g e , Speanii.in,

(( «(i,7i).

/;./,/,• Kow: l.ask.iwski. .\lcl..'aii. Kel-

logg, lilack, llariier. Canim K.,

(.ainiiKiii, J., (lilderslecve. I'allon.

Pjlff One 1 1 undid Ninely-one INTRA#MUKAL SPOKTS

© p e f ? r V \p '




Phi Gamma Him \, luisL;'ih,tll t lunnfs S0PH0M01tU^, lhlsL\llhtll ( lninifS I'm Cam MA l)i;i.r\. I:;>ii:iii i :illcy Hull Clmml^s

liiuk- and tin- al.lc manaticmcnt L-n:lcr the supervision of A. Ileatl. W took a new interest in intra-nmral of A. M. Kaison. classes and fraternities track were added last sprniK t.. the sports. Golf, horse-shoe pitching, and inchuled football, volley ball, basket- list of intra-mural sports which already ball and baseball. eliainpionship- m the brsl tliree The Phi Gams took the inter-fraternity INTMA^MUMAL In the inter-class Ranies the sports, f.XJtball, volley ball and basketball. basketball, and baseball, droi>pmg Sophomores won first places in football, Kappa Sigs had a close meet with the volley ball to the Seniors. The SPORTS Kappa Alpha's but finally won the track championship. among the stu- The Intra-mural Sr)orts are Kaining wider poi)ularity as well equipped physically as dents and nearly every Davidson man leaves and showed wonderful mentally The Gymnastic team put on exhibitions won the Gym- mats. .1. Y. Templeton skill and training on the bars and the Physical Improvement i rophy. nastic competition and Sam Ryburn won

Piijie One llntiJrtJ Ninely-lhne



ArmFieU', President OFFICERS

F.DWARn Marion ArmField President

Kexxeth II. Knorr , , Secretorx-Treasiirer


Russell Horner Patterson, Jr. Plii Gmnma Delia William Palmer Hill, Jr. Kappa Sigma Robert Hervey Johnston, Jr. Heta Thcta Pi Kenneth H. Knorr Pi Kappa Alpha James Claude Crowell, Jr. Kappa Alpha

Edward Marion ArmField . Siijma .llpJia Epsilon William Dunlap Covington Pi Kappa Phi Jack Ellison Branch Phi Delta Thela Elbert D.wmond Turner. Jr. Sii/ina Phi Epsilon

The l^an-Hellenic Council this year may be justlv proud of its fine recorfl. This group, made up of representatives from each of the nine social fraternities on the campus, has worked hard and has given Davidson students dances which will long be remembered. P.esides this, the Council has been active in making reforms in rushing practices and in improving; the relations between the fraternities.

The rushing season last fall 'negan on Monday, September 14. and ended with iiledging cere- mf)nies on Tuesday night, September 22. The Council, working together with the Faculty Com- mittee, on Fraternities, drew up a set of rules to govern rushing activities and a code of ethics to be observed by the chapters. This year, for the first time, expenses were limited to $1.^ a da\' and no parties were held ofT the campus.

Pji>e One Hundred Ninety-eighl —


The Pan-Hellenic Council made its social clebut with a Football Dance in the Hotel Char- lotte Ballroom on Saturday night, October 10. following the Davidson-\'. M. I. game. The music for the occasion was b\- Joe Burke and his Duke Ambassadors. The Homecoming Dances were held on the week-end of the Davidson-Carolina football game, Xovember 8-9. Jimmie Poyner and the X. C. State Collegians played for the two dances held at the Charlotte .-\rmory-Auditoriinn. Two interesting innovations were introduced to Davidson students: sjiecial decurations on Fraternitx' Court for the football game and house-parties after the Friday night dance. Xew to Davidson w;is the Thanksgi\ing Dance ^pmisured b\- the Cnuncil and the "IV' Club. Jack Wardlaw and his orchestra can;e up from Columbia, South Carolina, to pla\- for the dance held in the Hotel Charlotte Ballroom on Thursday night, November 26. However, the jieak of the college's social season was reached when the Fan-Hellenic Council presented the music of "C.enial Jan" C.arber and his orchestra at the ]\ fid-Winters set in the Char- lotte .\rmorv-.\udit(n-iuni on the week-end (if Feliruary 12-1.1. ( )nce more the sub.scription plan was used whereby students might bu\- tickets with live monthly payments. And again the Council pioneered, this time bv giving the students the added attraction of a tea dance on Friday afternoon.

The great hope of both Council and students is the possibility however remote, ot "Finals" a set of dances at Commencement.



7'()/' A'i'ir. Kiinrr, ( ci\ iii(;l(iii, (_'r(iw-

MhI.II,- Iu

Hnlloiii A'.'ir, l..hM^|nll, r.raiu-h. ^1^

I'liHe One- lliDiilnJ Niiicly-iiiiic _n? DAViDson ctm'tnniAL 1 BETA THETA PI

- {7 -->

f-irsl Rem': Catiikv, Edwards, Johxston, Moore. Sellars. Terrv. Second Row: W'inn, Bradbl'rn, TIaix. Maloxe, McLaughlin, Ransox. Third Ro7v: Abbott, Benfield, Gamble, Irwin, Squires, Walker. Fourth Rati': Warden, Burch, Dowd, Howell, Isom, ^Tartin. ^ Pifth Row: ^FcClintock, McKnight, Pegram, Ramsey, Smith.




Dr. Walter L. Lingi.e Mr. Ch.\lmers D.widson Prof. Frontis Johnston



Frederick .Vi.e.s.xnuek C.nthev, Jr. WiLBiR Shields Edwards .\ugu.st 18.19 Robert Hervev Johnston, Jr. Founded al Miami L'niversity. 8,

Oren Moore, Jr. David Rainey Sellars Colors; Pink and Blue Flower: KiUirncy Rose James Johnston Terkv John Cvrry Winn


William Pllmmer Bradburn John Moir Hall Charles Kevil M alone Harry Dotcer McLaughlin

John Lester Ranson, Jr.


Thomas Wood .-Xbbott Robert Bonds Benfield James Seibert Gamble

John Robinson Irwin. Jr. Julian Gray Sqiirks Samuel Haywood Walker Arthur David Warden


WlI.LIA.M F, BuHCH WiLLiA.M Carey Down

William Lawrence Howell. Jr. Charles Dandridok Isom William Watson Martin- P1c(Irc

Albert L. Mc.-\ulay— Pledge Benjamin Gales McClintock Thomas Harrison McKniciit

Charlks C. Pecram Robert Wilson Ramsey Charles Harrison Smith— PlcdRc

P.IVC Tun llnilJnil Oin rr DAVID son ctnTEnniAL 1 PI KAPPA ALPHA

rirsf Rmv: Akkrxktiiv. Andkus. Cun. Dickson , Hill. Kxokr. R. H. Lafferty. Second Row: MonuE, Snow, Ci.ark, Clkxeland. Cum:. Cuisi'. Diuham.

< >. I'arker. Third Rozc: Horton, Ingram. M. I.. Laffektv. J. I.akfkktv. Xkal. C. E. R.WNAL.

.'oiiiili Row: Spoon, Connor. Long. McCi.Ellan. Mr.Mii.i. \n. J. S. Ravnal. Robinson.

/•('///( Ro7i': Turner. Weuh. .\keks. Allison. Anderson. Co.vtes. Coltrane. Sixth Roz^': FisiiER. Grikr. Henning, Miller. Rue. Stei'henson. Willis.

Ptige Tuu Hundred Two QUIPS AllD GRATIKS

FRATRES IN FACULTATE PI KAPPA ALPHA Dr. Howard Bei.i. Arblckle Dr. Edwin Fr.\xcis Shewm.^ke


1937 John Knox AberxEThy Robert R. .Anders \Vnxi.\M FoscvE Cos. J.\MEs W.\LTER Dickson, Jr. L.^wRENCE King Hill Ke.vneth Helwig Knorr Founded at the L'niversity of Virginia. March 1. 1869 Robert Hervev L.\ei'erty. Jr. \\'iLLi.\M Bl.vckwell Moore William Henry Snow Colors: Ganict and Cold Flower: Lily-of-lhc-\' alley


E. Fielding Clark Gordon Baylor Cleveland .Archie Campbell Cline. Jr. Milton Boyd Crisp John Rlssell Dirham John Richardson Horton Albert Lester Ingram, Jr. Martin Luther Laeferty John Ogden Laeferty RlTHFRFORD DoLGLAS NEAL .Allen Julian Parker Charles Edward Raynal. Jr. Arthur Ogburn Spoon

1939 Parker Ewan Connor John .Addison Long Howard Robert McClellan David Gavin MacMillan John Scott Ravnal Walter Stitt Robinson, Jr. David Stanton Sherrod— Pledge Thaddeus Jones Turner Ernest Julian Webb


Charles Walter .Akers Rifus Kvte .Allison James Leland Anderson, Jr. George Harry Coates Lester Durett Coi.trane Ellis Wikid Fishek Glenn Wakren (iRiER, Jr. Richard Townsend HenmnG" Pledfie Kohekt Ha.mbekson Miller, Jr.— Pledge Roger Mh.l Rice, Jr.— Pledge V\lLLIA.M FrIERSON STEPHENSON Hugh Hiter Willis, Jr.


I'irst Rlw: Anderson, Ckowkll. Cimrik. C. 1'.. (".laddkn, Johnston. Mauze. A. S. MoFFET.

Secdiul Row: ]. P. A1oEi-i:t, SanEokd. Smith. C. W. Si'kl'nt. N'ance. I'.aii.Ev, Dennis. TliinI Rmc: Dinon. (',kaii.\m. Kennev. I'ai.mek. .Sadlek. Abell. Downie. Tayi.or. I'liiirth R(w: I Tines. Lttz. Xewell. 1'katt. I'kevek. Summerell. ^). I'iffh Ro-a<.- W'ooDWAun. HrNFORD. W. R. ('.eauden. I.auck. :\rcGAR!TY. Marion. Perrin. Sixth Ro7v: Schabel. Spencer, D. W. Si'RUNt, \\'inters. uli P'igc Tiro Hundred Four QUIPS Ann GRATIKS


Proi'. John Crooks Bailey. Jr. Dr. Fr.\zer Hood Mr. Fr.\.\k Lee J.vckson Dk. H.\rrv McCleli..\xd Mofi-et Dr. Ch.\rles .M ai.one Richards



John Grey Anderson, III James Clalde Crowell, Jr. Founded at Washington and Lee I'niversity, December

Albert McEver Clmeie 21, 1865 Charlton Banks Gladden James Davidson Johnston

Charles Warwick Macze Colors : Cri}iisoii mul Gold Alexander Stuart Mofi-et Flowers : Magnolia atid Rose James Polk Mokeet Marshall Clement Sani-ord Gibson Locke Smith Charles Worth Sprl'nt Robert Mercer Vaxce


Joseph Peden Bailey Fred William Dennis WiLLARD Parks Di.von John Bordkn Graham Bronstox Shelby Kenney

Gilbert Watson Palmer. Jr. John Henry Sadler


Robert Ei'iirmm .\bell. Jr. Joseph Hira.m C.m.vin Robert CheathaiM Dow me Charles Anderson Hines, Jr. Horace Cleveland Li'tz

Samuel Wmlfam Newi:i.i.. Jk. James Marion Pratt

William Yost Preyer. Jr. Joseph John Si'mmerkll, Jr.

Richard Pelha.m Tasi.hr, II

Joseph IIhu akh W juakd - I'lcdgc


James II.\Riir,D Dineord W. Ross Gladden Rex Walton Lauch. Jr. Paul Patman McGakitv, Jr. Paul Blaink Marion Thomas Sa.viiel Perkin, Jr. Theodore Hktts Schabel Sa.mlkl Kkh) Spencer— Pledge David Worth Sprunt KicHAKU Kizkr Walker Winters— Pledge

P.iMt' T:io Ihunlncl Fii fV DAVID s on ctnTEnniAL n


I'irsI A'oTi'; Arm KiKi.n. Ci.akk. I'*K^|•(l<,I,l•;, jmi xsi ix, Mii.i.s. RdnixHiix. Dadi-;.

Sroiiul h'o:c: 1''aim]X. A. T. McLkax, .\[ai'iiis. Mchiri-:. Xk'iku.si ix , I'iixrk,

U'^i-^'t W'lI.I.IAMS. it«'r^-~^?0 '/"''"''/ AV)7i'.' Cal-bi.k. ])rx\. Ei'CKUTiix. 1-'k\\ix. Flukkxh-k. K^KXl;GA^. Latimek. I'l'iirtli R(w: \\.\vksk\. K. M. McLkax. Maiu'iiaxt. Mili.ku. Si.han. Whit- A\*'J=4!57ir J^llM^^n^ I.nCK. WlI.I.IXCll \M. > ?^5^|fe^ /////( Roi,.<: CuicHTOx. CruKiK. Fu'ki.kx. P'kexcii. Fn.i.i-u. IIakkiscix, Jac(ibs. m ^7.1-//; Rozk': James, S. A. .McLean, .Mveks, Powell, Thu.mas, W'uod. ^.

F.ige Tuo HiinJreJ Six QUIPS AnD CRAllKS


Prof. Archibald Currie Dr. J.A.MES McDowell Dougl.\s Prof. Edw.vrii Jones Ervvix Dr. Scott C.\rv Lvon Dr. Johx Wilson M.\cConnell Prof. William Woodhull Wood FRATRES IN COLLEGIO 1937 Edward Mahiox Armfield Hem AN Robinson Clark Kenneth Evans Frvfogle

Richard Sandusky Johnson Founded at L'niversily of ."Mahama, .\larcli 9, 1S56 Henry Thompson Mills. Jr. Robert Hokk Robinson

Colors: Royal Purfilc and Gold FlowEk : I'ioUt 1938 Henry F'itz-Huch Dade Yates Wellington Faison, Jr. Alexander Torry McLean, Jr. George Kirby Matthis Charles Robinson Moore William Shepherd Nicholson Walter Springs Ph.vrr Bailey Williams

1939 Mark W'.werly Calble Thomas McLean Dunn Norman Bruce Edgertjn Evans Alexander Erwin John Robert Florence Thomas Albert Hackney Lemlel Wilson Koknegay John Austin Latimer Preston Speed Marchant Kenneth M. McLean William Coleman Miller Perry .\ustin Sloan Nfil D.widson Whitlock Frank MM.r.Anv \\]llincii.\m


Tii.m (kjchtin James (iohdon Currie (JEORGE Milton Ficklen Bii.lv Foster French Charles Best Fuller Caldaell Bennett Harrison- John Clinton Jacobs, Jr. Alex Long James, III Stephen Alder .man .McLean Jean Tiio.viAs .\Ivers Walter Hagne Powell, Jr. Ja.mks Nathaniel Thomas Robert Hancock Wixju

P.igc Tiro UiiiiJicI Self II DAVID 8 on CtDTEnniAL 1 KAPPA SIGMA

l-'irsl Row: llnccs. (.'.\ki,s(ix. Dicksiin, Ei

Srcinid l\'o-u': llil.i,. linwEl.L, Kuvkendall. MnsELKV, XorflEET. ThomI'SOX, Harrow.

Tliird Row: I'iRowx. Faxt. 11. .\. ilii.L. Kixc. .McCkacim'. McOiekx. Wv.vtt.

I-oiirth R(m<: ('..\w. Hexdershx. IIiit. I'ittm.xx. Si'KxnCK. \\'.\i.ki;r. Webh.

/•'///// A\;tv'.' White. I'.lack. Cdni'ER. Cilexx, IIudshx, IIlxtek, .McAli'Ixe. \>. Sixth Ro7\.': Ogeesbv, Parker, Ross, Sours, Yates.


Pjge Tuo HunJreJ Eight y

QUIPS Ann craurs

FRATRES IN FACULTATE Mr. Frederick \Vii,i.iam Henceveld IMr, Greex Feake Lairii Mr. .\ndrew Heath Whittle



Wade Hamilton Bogcs. Jr. Carl Ivan Carlson James Allen Dickson, Jr. Charles Carter Elder of Virginia in US(i7 Edward Smoot Finley Founded at the I'liivurMty Hlgh Catron Grace Higc.ins William Harrison Colors: ScurLi. It'liilc. uiiil liiiirrald Crccii William Palmer Hii.l FlowKk: l.ily-uf-ll,c-l 'alley Bisco Redmond Howell. Jk. Harry Lehman Kuykendall Bancroft Ficklen Moselev George Stark Norfleet Thomas Fkanki.ix Thompson

1938 Henry Wade Barrow- Charles Thomas Brown, Jr. El-clid Taylor Fant, Jr. Harry Hastings Frampton, Jr. Heywood Northrop Hill CiRTis HOWARD King Neill Hector McGeachy, Jr. John Fdmlnd McQueen Robfkt J(in Wyatt


Warren- Boyd Gaw Stephen Thomas Henderson, Jr. Louis Maynard Hipp, Jr. Raymond Ll-pton PirTMAN, Jr. Richard Saxby Spencer Thomas English Walker Sam Clement Wehb LtxTKE White. Jr.

1940 William Black James Craw- ford Cooper RiiwARu Forbes Glenn Karl Grikk Hidson John Gray Hunter Thomas Eugene Mc.Xi.pine -I'1i-(1k'' Stuart Roscoe Oclesiiy, HI Theodore Holmes Parker Plfdwc William Goley Koss Marvin Clifton Souks Edward Torky Watkins Charles Gillesi'ik Yates

Pugf Two HuiIclnJ Nitit fT DAVIDSOn CLnTLIiniAL 1 PI KAPPA PHI ^^

l'ii\ i . Ilowii:, I'ictkks. 1-irst Row-' fSvKius. W . P. m.tux IUxtkk. I'akkkk, Wood- ward.

Sccoini Rnw: Aruowsmitii. Ciiaxdi.kr. < ). M. Covixc.ton. Davis. C.ood.man, Hill, Kki.lam. Third Ro7^': l.ixDSKv, Mai'lks, McI.kan. Mi;li-ihik. Stowk. Tkkrn-. W'u.son.

I'ourlli k'dw: I'.ai.i.ard. ConrHK, Davidson, (hsii. 1 I i;m ni ill. IvKV. I.awson.

I'iftll /?(W.- 'I'owII.L. lio^A'l', CoLVIX. l'".D\\ \KI)S. 1 1 K NDKIC KS, KlNC, LoKKV.

Si.vtii Rot>.': Ma.w, Trent. ill ^



Prof. Ernest Albert Beaty Colonel John T. Rhett Dr. Guy Richard Vowles



Thomas Goldsborough Corbin William DrxLAp Cdvinctcin Joel Richard Howie 1901 Joseph Lonsdale Hvnter Founded at the College of Charleston. Decemher 10, Harry Edmonds Parker, Jr. Robert Trout Peters, Jr. Colors: Gohi and ll'hilc Flower: Kcd Kosr Herman Woodward, Jr.


Philip Hkllkr Arrowsmith R.\LPH Leland Chandler OcTAVius McRae Covington William Harold Davis— Pledge Spencer Brown Goodman

James J. Hill Joseph Manville Kullam Richard H. Lindsey Henson Eugene Maples

I. William McLean

Richard J. Melchor Samuel Pinkney Stowe. Jr. Robert Joseph Terrv James Young Wilson


Ja.mes Lester Ballard. Jr.— Pledge Pai'l Stockton Cooper George Donnell Davidson George Robert Gish. Jr. Sa.muel Mills Hemphill Charlton Bidweli. Ivev Kenneth Vaughn Lawson

Richard J. Towill


Wii.i.iA.M HiNin BoYCE David Coleman Coi.vin Richard Lee Edwards Marry Vance Mendkick Daviii DKVVrrr King Julian Lee Lokev Robert Howard Mann Glover Mancus Trent— Pledge

F^ge Two IhiiiJrcJ l-.tcveil DAVID son CEDTEnniAL


I'irsI Kmu: 11ka.\T(in'. A. ( ). Choke. ( )\'EkT()\. 1'attkkS(i\. I'ukt. 'riKiMPSOx. Stewart.

Scroiii! A'oTi'.- SiT.c. N'nr.LEK. \\'. (\ Cooke. ^)ooEE^. Dohsett. K. (. CiAMEk.

C. I',. Ca.mek. Third Kcnv: Hoi.T. Kiesewetter. Keed. Baker, Hrewek. Darby, Elmore. \:iyH.'^ \v I'ourth /?07C'.' JoxE.s. IjiPFERT, Miller, Xewbolp, Xorthcross. St.mr, Tillotsox. ?y,. fifth Rem.': Bolix, Fixlav. Gilllvm. Harxsberger. 11oll.\xd, Kellocc. ^^cKEE. Sixth Row: Richmond, Stowe, Throop.

111 ^>

F^ige Two Hundred Twelve QUIPS MD CRAIIRS


Dr. William Patterson Gumming Dr. Thomas Wilson Linc.le Mr. Evgene McEvek Dr. George Byrox \\ atts



John Orlando Branton Arthur Owen Cooke Hubert Howard Overton, Jr. Russell Horner Patterson, Jr. Founded at Washington and Jefferson in 1848 Arthur Tyler Port Hoxie Harry Thompson, Jr. CIciiiati. Color: Royal riirtli' Fi.owRR : I'lirf^lc Robert Browder Stewart Harold Grey Sugg Francis Eugene Vogler. Jr.


William Owen Cooke Joseph Earnest Dooley, Jr. James Kaye Dorsett, Jr. Elie James Ganier Gene Bradford Ganier James Elmore Holt William Burns Kiesewetter Lawrence Gibson Rfid


Henry Brown Baker Edward Cage Brewer. Jr. Kenneth Carleton E)arby Nesbitt Elmore George Grimsley Jones Eugene Transou Liipfert Walter Rutledge Mir.i.ER David Earl Newbold Wilson James Northcross, Jr. Fred Rogers Stair, Jr. Jack Siewers Tili.otson


Hekbi kt Jii.ia.s Biii.in-. Jk. Tho.mas Pelham Finlav James Daniel Gilliam Tho.mas Lvttleton Harnsberger, Jr. John Wisdom Holland Robert Okcutt Kei.i.dgg. Jk. Daniel Dkupree .\IcKei-: George Hazard Richmond, Jr. George Washington Stowe, Jr. John Scystkh Throop, Jr.

PiiRe Tun llunjrcil 'I'hirlccii DAVIDSOn CEIlTEnniAL


I '.ui:i::ii;n l-'irst No7c: Ali.an'. Ai.i.kn. I'.ai^m-s, llkAxrii, , Chxixcthn. McCi.ici,- LANI).

Second f\o:c: I). E. Mvicus, Kamseuu. Westaij., CuTiikw. Ckhoks. I.. 1).

Imuchtexbergek. J. B. Greene.

Third lunc: \\. L. (tKEEne. ^IcKmciit. Reimivkdt. TdMSSEN. !'>:•; \T•r^^ I'.ei.l. lUivo.

\>. I'ourth Row: Chalk. Hanman, Ixekso.n. Lee. Lill.\ki). Al.skurEss. .\. 11. .MduuE.

!-iftli Row: J. I*. MddKE, .\. (i. Myers, Beall, Gilmore. Glenn. Kexvox, LUDLAM.

Si.vtii Rote: 1,1'TiiEu, Masiiburn. Ogri'rn. ScwKnnkdrcii. TENNE^. Wells, Withers. !!";,'' ^

Page Two Hundred Fourteen QUIPS AIID CRAMS

FRATRES IN FACULTATE PHI DELTA THETA Dr. Cecil Kenneth Brown Dr. Kenneth Joseph Forem.'^n Prof. John P.^yne \Vn.Li.\MS FR.\TRES IN COLLEGIO


Andrew Allan, Jr. John D.arlen Allen, Jr. \\'iLLi.\M Stew.^rt Barnes Jack Ellison Branch Thomas McLaughlin Breeden, Jr. Howard Wall Covington Founded at Miami University. December 26. 1&48 James Ralph McClelland Dennis El-gene Myers. Jr. Charles Montgomery Ramseur Colors: Aiyciit and A::Hr, Flower; U'hitr Canuitioii James Mason Westall

1938 Samuel .Alexander Cothran VViLLiA.M Battle Crooks Lloyd D. Feuchtenberger, Jr. Ja.vies Brent Greene Robert Lewis Greene Colbert .Augustus McKmght James F. Reinhardt John Wallace Tonissex

1939 William Cathcart Bkaty Ovid Hall Bell William .Alfred Boyd John Delber Chalk, Jr. Joseph Read Harman Halvor Edward Iverson Jackson Bernard Lee Mark Hill Lillard, Jr. William Hoge Marquess Ja.mes FralEY Moore .Arthur Howard Moore .Ar.BEKT Gallatin Myers


James Hakper Beall. Jr. Roy E. Burton WiLLL\M Campbell GrLMoRE. Jr. Thomas Joy Glenn Lauchlin Smartt Hunter Allen Richard Ken'yox Warren Van Gilder Ludlam, Jr. Charles Gillespie LuTiri-K, ji<. Charles Mashburn John Lee Ogburn Robert Lee Scarbohougii Rea Colev Tenney Thomas Mosun Wells, Jr. John Lewis Withers

PdRC Two lliiiii/nii Ihjlcen .



First Row: IIi.ack, J. W. Hakpek. -Mihiki-;. Mukthn. E. I). Tckxek. Somervillk, W. A. BROAD^v.\^ ^W// Second Rozc: Harris, Iversox, Lcjw raxce. Lioxs. Radkr. Sawyer, \'o\vles. DiiTv. Third Ro7i-: Cami'REij.. Cinw). CnciULL, CcTCHix. J. I'. Friberg, Heil- M AX.

I'ourth Roiv: MuLi.Ex, Pldxk, Porter, C. \V. Sample. |. S. Sami'le. Tice. ^ M. A, TrRXER. fiftli Row: White, C. y\. F.roadw ay, Casali, Crabb, R. D. Doty, Fitzgerald, Harbin.

Sixtli Roiv: W . W. Harper, Kuxz, Pridgex. h

Page Tuo Hundred Sixteen QUIPS Ann GRAMS

FRATRES IN FACULTATE SIGMA PHI EPSILON Prof. Henry Emmett Fvlcher Dr. Price Henderson Gwynn Dr. James Thom.is Kimbrovgh Prof. Avery P.\ttox



WiLLi.^M Ernest Black, Jr. James Walker Harper nuidcd at tlie University uf Richmond, November, 1901 Jeitekv Philander AIoore James Thom.\s Morton Colors: Red mid Blue Elbert Daymond Turner. Jr.

.Alfonso Somerville ! John Flowers: 'inlet and AiiiLricaii Beauty Rose


W'u.LLVM .\. Broadway John Pearson Harris, Jr. D.vNiEL Iverson, Jr. William Wilson Lowrance William Henry Ly'ons William Woodrow Radkr Walter W. Sawyer. Jr. Richard Beckman. VowlES


Kendall Carl Campbell Edward Lamar Clovd. Jr. Cornelius Wesley Coghill, Jr. Joseph Henry Cutchin, Jr. John Franklin Doty Philip Peter Friberg Walter Ritter Heilman, Jr. Thomas Wilson Mullen, Jr. Rueus Sloan Plonk. Jk. Terrell Perry Porter Charles Walker Sample James Raymond Sample John Philip Tice Marvin Anderson Turner Hiram Hutchison White, Jr.


Charles McBrayer BRnAiiwAv John Tony Casali John Edward Crabb Robert Douglas Doty Walter Cleveland Fitzc.ek ai.h F'red I-'ranklin Hahhin Walter Watson Hakpek Waltek Ernest Kunz John Bi.anev Pridcen, Jk.

I'jf'e Two IliiihlnJ Seleilleni


Miss Cornelia Ro^fAiNE Amri-'iELn

Sponsor Pan-HcUcnic Council

E. iNI. ArmfiELDj President


I fii auf c (l^tai/et N). f sponsor Pi Kappa .Uplia

^ yyiai L^yfait L^LCtliatt

S'puiisor Beta 'I'lifla I'i yl/LL^^L^^ (^uTaoctli^^iLjaueLU L^^^^^amnion

\>, sponsor Siiiina Alpha Epsiluu ^ yVliH ^^tacc ^^:/-n-ai^vwtLck

sponsor Kappa .llplia iM {P^etk Ml\am.a^

\). sponsor I'i Kappo Phi

kx y\/il^^ Jane (^^Lien Jauiat

sponsor Sli/iiia /'hi lil'silon m J4iu Atatii atca^ ataLiLC} if ''I ^ sponsor Phi GiUiuna Delta

^ Ml. jZ». liklam^ sponsor I'll! Delia Thcta i9 w- sS lA^ 'da \^atii^an.



Aktii ru 'Pvi.KK I'oKT, I'rcsidcnt I. R. C.

Wii. 1,1AM DiM.Ai' CiiviNC.TdN. I'lcr-I'irsidcnt Utl'" /'<' Omega

Alplui I'hi lipsihm I lAKdi.i) (".KAV Src.c, Sccirlary John Daui.kx AllKN .S";V/mu I'psUon

IIakkis Wai.Tiix r.KAni.v.v Caiiui Si;iiiia I'.psilcii

]mk Klj.lSi.N Ukantii Siohhiinl and Kladc

Jack F.i^lisox I'.kam-h S'ujma Ihlln Pi

W'li.i.iAM Dr.xi.Ai' C"()\ixc.T()\ l^cd iiiul lyhick Masquers

Wu.i.iAM Ai.KNAxiih'.K Dorr.i.AS, Ju .S';(/;);(J /'/ Siawa Wilbur SmiElos Eowakds Omicvou Delta Kappa

James Herbert GailEV. Jr. I'hilanthrnpic Society James Davidsox Johnstox Siyma Delta Psi

Kenneth Munro Scott l^t'"' t>.s-;7r)); /),//.; Kenneth Munro Scott -G/a Siyina Phi Robert Browder Stewakt Enmcnean Society

Le Cercle I'raiicais John Currv Winn .

/'''/'<' /'/"' Rov Stixson ISigiiam • '/r/'c

Aktii iR 'IAi.er Port


Page Two Hundred Thirty QUIPS AMD GRAMS

Top Roiv: Allen, Bradley, Bran-ch, Covington. Middle Row: Douglas, Edwards, Gailey, Johnston. Bottom Roiv: ScoTT, Stewart, Sugg, Winn. HONOMAMY FEATEMNITY COUNCIL

or- The Honorary Fraternity Council is composed of om- rciMescntative from each honorary

fniteniitics on >,'anizatif)n. inchuiin^' the two literary societies. Tt has control over all the hoiior.irv

to an\ honor;iry or,s,'anization if it iloes not con- the I iill. llv its constitution it has the power cxik-11 form to the rules and regulations set down by it. Any new honorary fraternities must he i)assed anfl acccjrted by the council before establishint; itself. A schedule of meeting dates was arrani^ed whereby each fraternity was assij^ned a siiccitic time for siuh assemblies.

Kach honorary fraternity must elect its representatiye before .Mav lOih. and the by-laws of the council must be read to each honorary t^roup liefore ( )ctoi)(r .Mst of cich \e;ir. Thus, the coiinci is a real pfjwer on the cam])us.

Page 'I'lio llunJrtJ Thirl)-niie DAVID 8 on CEIlTEnniAL m PHI BETA KAPPA


Founded at Williniii and Marv. Deccnilier 5. 1776

I'kATKl'.S IX FACn.TA'I'l".

1 lowAKii r.Ki.r, Auiut'Ki.i-: Frank Lee Jackson

JolI.V CR(I(IKS PiAILKV, JK. Frontis Withers Johxston

Ci'A'ir, KRNNiiTU Muowx TTexrv Traiv T.ii.lv

\\'ii.i.iA>[ Pattkusox Gumming Walter Lee Lingle

Akciiibaij) Cl'urie JoHx Wilson ^iFcGoxxell

James ]\IcDo\vei,Iv Douci.as Avery Pattox

Edward JdXF.s F.rwin William Lorimek Porter

Kexxeth Josei'!! Foreman' Gharles Malone Richards William Richard Grev M\RK Edgar SentellE

Price Hexdersox Gwvxx, Jr. Edwin Francis Shewmake

GalEb Richard IIardixg Oscar Julius Thies, Jr. Frazer Hood George Byron Watts

WiLi.iA.M WooDiULL Wood


John Darlen Allen, Jr. Russell Horner Patterson

Rov Stinson I'.igham. Jr. Charles Burdette Ro.

Frank Augustus Brown. Jr. Elbert Daymond Turner, Jr. Robert Hervev Laffektv loiiN Gurry Winn .\RMON Woodward


' ,-A!a«: Page Two Hundred Thirly-lwo QUIPS AnD GRAMS

f'irsi Roi,'.- Ai.i.r.N. BiciiAM, Kor.cs. Bkapi.kv. i'.ii.wui. Si-cimd Row: Hkown, Laiikktv. Pattkushx. Russ, SchTT.

Tliiril A'fin'.- Sti: \Ai

cdllc-c "I William aiil Marv. W illiams- '\'\\v I'lii I'cta Kiippri societv was orKani/nl al llic ,.ri;anizal calkM] tbr "I'l l Mat" whul. was Imru. \ii-inia. in 177^.. It was pm-cck-d bv a m dctv .-mhI .iiaptcrs. it has ,L;ni\vii steadily in iKcnihcrs a* William antl Marv in I/SO. Sincr its luMriiinirii are in North farulin.a. TlR-re are now one liuiidrcd and t.,iirtci-n chapters. (,l which llncc t'-e Miinir Society, whose ideals The cliai)ter at Davidson was established in V)22. lei.laciim Tlie ,:WuXi.-y mem hers ol and i.rinciplcs were practicaHv the sain-,- as these of IMii lieta Ka])i.a. rofessor \N W Professor W. I., roiiev. 1 the society here at Havidson were Dr. W. J. M.rtin, Wood, and Dr. K. I*. Sliewmake. maintained a eon, iiiend.ihU' aetivitv. The stand- Since its beuinnin;,' here I'hi I'.ela Kappa has ).,vidsMn Cnllei;.- .ni.l il has .,lwax s l.ec^ ards and i.lealsof the societv has inlhienced the e,ampns,,f 1 an ideal and a jioal fur stiid

Panv 'I'll II llnihliil Ihirlylhr DAVID son GtnTEnniAL "H OMICRON DELTA KAPPA

I I.eadcrsliip I

Founrlcd at W'ashiiiKtnn and Lee I'liivcrsity m l'M4

DKLTA ClRn.!'.

Established in 1917


HowARn Bell Arbuckle Henry F^m.mett Fclcher John Wilson MacConnell

Ernest Albert Beaty W'li.i.iAM Richard Grey I.T. Col. John T. Rhett

Cecil Kenneth Brown F'kkherick William HENGEVEi.n Charles Malone Richards

Andrew Murklanh CrNxiNOHAM F^RANK 1,KK Jackson Lewis Bevens Schenck

ARCHiBAr n Irkun; F"rontis Withers Johnston Mark Fdgak Sentelle James McDowell Douglas Green Flake Laird Gly Richard Vowles Edwarc Jones Erwin Thomas Wilson Lingle Andrew Heath Whittle

Fred Kirtland Fleacle Walter Lee Lingle John Payne Williams


Frep Ktrtland Fleagle Henry Emmett Fulcher Giy Richard Vowles

Frank Lee Jackson



John Knox Abernethy James Walter Dickson. Jr. Hubert Howell Overton. Jr. Edward Marion ArmField WiiBiR Shields Edwards Russell Horner Patterson

Wade Hamilton Boggs. Jr. .\bner Moselev Faison .Arthur Tyler Port Jack Ellison Branch Lawrence King Hill Clifford Carr Quick

Carl Ivan Carlson, Jr. Joseph Lonsdale Hunter Kenneth Munro Sc^tt Thomas Goldsborough Corbin James Davidson Johnston Harold Gray Sugg Tames Thomas Morton


Henry Wade Barrow Haywood Northrup Hill Richard Beckman Vowles James Key Dorsett Martin Luther Lafferty Bailey Williams

Pufie Tun Hundred Thirty-four QUIPS AnD GRAIIKS

/'irsl knzi': Ap.KRNKTHV, AkMriKLii, Bi:or.s. Branch. Cahi.son. Si-cdiiii /<07i': CoRniN, Dicksiix. Euuards. Faison. Him.. 7'luiil Rinc: Hl-.\tem, Joh.nston. Morton, Ovkrton, Patti-.rson. fourth Rou-: Port. QricK, Scott. Srcr,. OMICMON DELTA KAPPA

'I'liis hiiiKirai'v fratcniitv . lioiKirint; stiulciU Icadcr.^liip. wa.s foiinded at Washini^tim and I,ee L'nivcr.'-itv in 1914, and the Delta Circle wa.s estahli.shed at David.son Collefje in 1017. The or^'ani- zation conducts two tap day.s in the colle^'e chapel each year, admitlinj; to menihcrship only those who show distinctive qualities of leadership, and wlm hold dffices of service and responsiliilitv fin the campus. .Ml that its name irjiplies. Oniicron Delta Ka|)pa lakes the initiative on the i>i\ids(iu campus in the promotion of ideas and pro<;rams which will he for the advancement hI the colleire. I'e- hinfl every constructive anfl successful student movement, its iulluence. collecli\el\ and individu- ally, mav be felt. 'Phroutih it. facultv-stndent cooperation is achie\ed. .\t the fraternitv's conclave in .\tlanta this sjirinf; Mr. Frank L. Jackson. Treasurer of D.uid- son ColJcpe and lone active in the service of Omicron Delta Kappa, was elected to the national jiresidency of the organization 'i'he election f)f one of its number to this hich iH)sition reflect honor on Delta Circle of f (micron Delta Kappa as well as on the college as a whole.

P.iKC 'I'm/ IliiiitlriJ rbirl)-ftve DAVID son CEIlTEnniAL 1



Ernest Ai.bkrt Beaty

Ckcii. Kknnkth Brown


Cii Ar.MKKS Gastiin Daviiisox

Enw ARii JcixEs Erwin

AfGUSTix Victor C.oi.dikrk

Frazer I loon

Hexrv Tracv Lii.i.y James IIervev Ross



JoKx Dari.ex Ali.ex Wade Hamii.tox Boggs Charles Linwood Brown-

Ernest FiELr HoRixE

\\'ii.MAM Lee McIi.winex

HrBEKT HowEi.i. Overton-

Arthur Tvi.ER Port Rob Roy Pirdy

Kexxetii MixRo Scott

CiiBsox Locke Smith

Robert Rrowder Stewart

Harold (jray Sugg


Henry Wade Barrow-

Alton Kilev Gates Hexry Fitz-High Dade

Euclid Tavl-ir Fant

Wm.i.iam Bi-Uns Kiesewetter

^rrtdi.nERT Augustus McKnight

Richard Beck.man Vowles I'irst Rozv: Allen. Boggs. Brown. Scckik! I


( Hondrary Pre-Mcdical r''rateriiity)


Scott Carv Lvon


Avi-nv Patton

Jamks Hi:ini:v Riss



Jamks Ar,i.i:\ Dickson

C.wii. \\'i;si.i:\ ( luiKiVKH

Mahsiiam. C'l.KMiiNT Saxfdkii

Kknm:T]I MrNUil >-\i)TT

C'iiaui.ks Worth Spncnt

John ^'oi'nc-, Ti:Mi'i.i;in\

Thomas (' mouxkk 'I'liOKSToy

( )i T\\ lors McK Ai; Cihincton

John 1',iikiii:n ("kaiiam

\\ il.l.lAM I iKNln- I.VONS

.|\.\li:S l''l< \i\Kl.lN RhiiNllAKIlT

Ull'll Mill Itli KMAN Vour.KS m

1'ir.tl h'liu-. lJiik»)ii. (iriiiivcr. Saiiford. Si'iniiil Kuw: Sc-iitl, Spriiiit. 'rrmplcton. Thiril Kim-: Tliiirstoii, C.'oviiigloii, (iraliam. l-uurtli Km,': Lyons. Ki-inhardt. Vowlc-s. ;

DAVID son GtDTEnniAL 19



Si.'alili.n(l and lUailc. iiatinnal luninraiy iiiilitarv fratrrnit y, \va> f(iun(k-il at tlic I 'nivcrsity (.f

( I nivci>ity cadet cciri>s. Tlic l)avid-(jn i,'liai>lfr, Wisconsin ill T'd I l)v tlic ScnidV inuTrs at llic kniivvn as "I'." C'lmipany was fnundcd in 1''23.

'["his year the Davidscm (.iiai)ter lias liccn unusually active. It set for itself tlue; major ob-

jectives and was \er\- successful in lluir conii>letinn. Tlic-^e were: lirst, to ]>ut u|i the Ainei-ican

to best drilleil conipan\- in the hattalion, another to the flag every (la\- : second, to jiresent a cuii the

hest drilled iilatonn. and another lo the hest drilled soldier: and third, to ^ive a u'.ilitarv hall in

the Charlotte Armory as a climax of the season.

Character, leadershi]), efficiency, and knowledi^e of military tactics are necessary re(|uirements

of memliershi|). Thi-^ spring the ch.apler initiated fifteen Junior ( )fficers who are to carr\ on the

work next year. It also initiated five new honorary members at the same time. Social activity is

becominii more and more imiiortant to the cha; ter.

"11" I), hibnston. N'ice- I'resident I'.raiich. : The officers of Company are: J. Iv Tresident J.

T. O. Firanton. Treasurer: and R. fl. r\-itterson. Secretary.

rekitionship in the ( )ne of the most imi)ortant ijurposes of the chapter has been to make the

military de]iartment closer. Good fellowshii) has been i)romoted among its members.


Lt.-C(U.. John T. Rhi-tt Ma;. Ch.vri.ks \V. Suii-kkt

R. Aarox MaJ. J. L. BAI.t.AKl) Capt. Thomas

M.\j. 1'"r.\nki.ix M. Cochkan Lt. C. C. QiiCK

F'ra.xk Pko]-. I''. K. Fi.EAc.i.E AIk. L. Jacksox

Mr. F. W. IIf.ngevkld Dr. SciiTT I. vox

Dr. Fkazi:k Hood Dr. H. M. MorrETT 4> QUIPS AHD GRAllRS



William Stewart Barnes Jack Ellison Branch John Orlando BRANniN

Tom McLalt.hlin Bkkkuen, Jr.

FrEIiRK'K Al.KKANDKR CaTHEV William Dinlai' Covington WiMUH Shields Edwards

Edward Smoot I'"ini.av

Charlton Banks C.i.adden

JoSEI'll l.oNSDAI.i; HrXTKR James Davidson Johnston Alexander Sti'art Moi-i'ett

James Kai.i'H McClelland. Jk.

lliHERT lIowKLi. Overton. Jr.

RrssELi. lloKNER I'AriKRsoN, Jr. Mairhi: Elmore I'eahodv

Art in R Tvler I'uRt Kenneth Minro Scott John Ci'RRV Winn

Harman Woodward, Jr.

lirrcilc-ii. I'lrsl Knic: lianas. Braiidi, llraiilnii. Sccon,! I<




liiw \uii Maui n Aiuini:!.!)


'I'lIM McI. ArC.III.IN PiKKKIli:.\, Ju.

H i\\ Aiiii Wai.i. C(ivixr,T

Caui, I\\\ Caui.siin

TlClN'AS (".(ll.llSHOUlirCH ('llUHIN

Kknnkth Evans iMiVi'CCui;

Ri;r.iN'Ai.n I.kk IIauuis

.l:i>i;i'n LoxsiiAi.i; Hcntkr

RdiiKut 1Ii;iui;v J(iiinst:ix. Ju.

Jamks Rai.i'II Mtl'i.ii.i.Axn, Ju.

(ricoKGK Stark NoRiaKKT

Rrssicr.r. Horner Patterson, Jr.



Pllll.l.ir lIl.l.l.l'.R AliROWS.NHTH

I IkXRV W'.Mli; I'jAKUnW

\\'ll.l.I.\.M rjATII.i; (.'rooks

J.\Ml-:s Kl.MoUK lIlll.T



HAll.l;^ Wii.i.iNMS


Rohi:rt ]'.. .\i!i:i.i.. Jr.

John Rorkrt 1'"i.ori:nck


First Rozi-: ArmrieUl, liraiicli, ISrieik-n, Carlson. Sicniid Ro-o . Corbin, Covington, Fryfogle, Hunter. 77ii>(/ A'oii'.- Johnston. Mc (lellan;!, Nortleet, Patterson. I'ourlh Row: Peters. Arrowsmith, Harrow, Crooks. Piflh .'u'a'.' Holt, King, Mattiis, Williams. Si.vfh

R. a'.- .\1h-11, I'loronce. QUIPS Ann GRAllKS


AlliliV- a la ['c(k rati, 111 tie I/Alliancu I'rancais

laahli I'll 1<»2,S


l{uNi:sT Ar.iiKkT IjKatv

Wll.I.lAM I'aTTi:kS(1\ CfMiMING

lli'.Nrn TuAcv I.ii.r.v

(H'liKOi; l^uiix Watts



Jami{s Ralph Ak(."ij-:i.i.ANii. Jr.

I'ka.vk .Swiit I'di.;

JiiiiN CiKin Winn


Li'ON McDiii, .Ai.r.isiiN, Ji<.

IIi;nij\' W.Mii.; |i\i;i'i\\

.Al.Tnx R||.|.;n (,\ti:S. Jr.

Wll.I.lAM ()ui:n t'liiiRi.:

.^VMI 11. \|.|.:\,\.\Ii|.:r {llTIIRAN

I. I li II I hi\v \Rii McI''aiim.:n

III I .1 \ li;\in Rkisnkr

I ll;^JR^ .\i,i;,\,\.\iji.:r Sii'.miin

JiiiiN Ni'WTiiN Smith

l\l(ll Mill lli;i K M.\N VdUI.KS

Oscar V.wri; .\wmstr(inc,

^'Hl^•l;^ |)i\cin I'ram;

I,i:m i'i:i. Wa\ iii:k Kokm:!-, w

'ri:i(i(i;i.i. I'krrv I'imitkr

JciHN SliiTT Ran N.M.I,

J H \ I'KTKR M ISTAN, II'.. .>=• • /ir.'.l h'„u. McC'kll.iiKl, I'm-. Winn, ,S, .,-(/,/ /w,;.', Allis.,,: Jack Sikwkhs Th.i.hts in S=^ - mimniiii' Hnrn.w, t iiU». Tliinl />'"n'. (i.i.kf. C'ctlinin. Mrl'a yen. l-,iiirlli Khw: UfisiuT. SiKinoii. Smith, l-'ifllt Kiw: Vowli-s, .XriiislrniiK, Rf'I'HK.n' .Archku 'I'iirhi'V (ram-. Sixth Kinc; K«rii<-K;iy, I'mter, Kiiyii.il. Scvciilh Kaw: Koslaiul, 'I'illutsrm, 'rorrcy. DAVID son CEnTfcnniAL 1



CLASS OF l':)37

John Darlen Allen, Jr.

Wade Hamilton Hoggs, Jr.

Carl Carlson-



Russell Horner Patterson, Jr. Arthur Tyler Port Gibson Locke Smith Worth Spkixt Robert Browuer Stewart Harold Gray Sugg

I'^RANcis Eugene Vocler John Curry Winn

CLASS OF 1938 Henry Wade Barrow

James K. Dorsett Haywood Northrop Hill


Martin Li'Ther Lafferty

Neill Hector McGeachy. Jr. Richard Beck man Vowles

CLASS OF 1939 Edward Cage Brewer

Joseph Hiram Calvin-

Joseph Sherrard Rice

Fred R(x-,ers Stair, Ir.

first /uKi'.- .\!leii. llngoj. Carl>nn. l-Mwards. Scouid A'dic Overton. Patterson, Port, Smith. Tliinl R



Established in 1^28

Eta Sigma Phi is a national honorary fra- ternity for students interested in Creek and classical literature.


John Cko'iks B.mi.kv. Jr. Ernest Albert Be.vty

Wit.i,i.\M RicH.Mtn Orev

C.\i.EH Ricn.\kii H.\uni.\'G

("lUv RicH.\Kr) Vowi.Ks



John n,\Ri.E.N' .Ai.i.EN'. Jr.

Roy Stinson- Hicham, Jr.

W.^DE n.\Mii.To\ P.oc.cs, Jr.

Frank Swiit I'oe

Artiivr T> i.ek Port Rob Rov Pirhv Kenneth Mi'nko Scott Robert Prowher Stew.\rt El.BERT D.WMOND TlRNER

I,nCHI..\N ClfMMINi; V.ASS, III John Cirrv Winn

Ar.i.iE Cooi'ER Ad.vms Clyde Thomas Dailkv James Kye Dorset

Henry I.ee IIarkey William Dai.lis IIerrinc Ri'ssELL Martin Kerr

William Roiiert Laws, Jr. Thomas Watson Street I inl k'/ic: .\llcii. lii«li;iiTi. I'.i.i;k~ .^ri ")/

DAVID 8 on ctriTEnniAL m


( Athletic

Founded at the L'liiversity of Indiana in 191-





James Davihsox John'stox, Jr.

Kenneth HKi.wir, Kxorr

John Newton Lee Roger Paddison Melton

Matrice Ei.more Peabody. Jr.


Francis Leonard Fort

Bruce Fraley Parcell

1939 Thomas English Walker



First Roiv: Johnston. Knorr. Srroiid Row: Lee. Melton. Third Row: Peabody, Fort. Fourth Row: Parcell, Walker. QUIPS Ann GRAIIKS


( Dramatics)

Fniindcd at Fairmont College.

Fairmont, Wes^t Virginia




Howard Haix Covington

\\ii.r.iAM DfNLAp Covington

\\ ii.i.iAM Scott Frieze

VVir.MAM Harrison Higgins

Robert Trout Peters, Jr. Frank Swii't Poe IIarman Woodward

1938 HtCNRV Wauk Harrow

(Htavkh s McRai; Covington

lli;.\KN l''lTZ-llrC.II Dadk CfRTiss Howard King

Neii.1. Hector McCeachv, Jr. Richard Beckman Vowi.es James Voung Wilson

'''"' '<'>^^ Cvi.iKioii, ... 11., CviiiKion, I)., iTiczc. Second Row n>Kg,ns, Peter, -/•/„>,/ IV«.. /^,„,,.. W,„,u,.ar,|, Barrow. Coving: " "'''•• ^'"^- •'^''•^'^='^''y- /'•/"' '?"«• u"i5on. " Vowics, DAVID son CtDTEnniAL IB


(.CluMiiistry )

Foiindfd at Oavidsdi Cnllcsc in I'HO



IlowAun Hi:i.i. Akhicki.f. AVKKY Pattox OscAK Jri.irs Thiics. Jr. Iamks Hkkvkv Ross



John Darij-.n Ai.i.kx. Jr. Rov Stinso.n Bigham Harris Wai.t:ix Bradley

Jamks .\i.i.i:n Dickson James Wai.kkr IIakpek Robert lii:K\\ Laiiektv Wii.i.iAM Cai.hoin Link Kenneth Mlnko Scott JniiN YoiNC Te.mi'I.ETon

1<)38 James Marion Bryant John BoRiiKN (Jraha.m Holmes Rai.ston Hansel HavWOCD NORTHRIP Hll.l. .\lbert Lester Incram John Ooden Laieerty Hi ch HowARii McFadyen

I. William McLean James Fr.vnki.in Reinhart RiriiARii Be-Kman Vo'.vi.es


RNi;i.n s Wesley Coghill CKE White

Inst t\ou : .\llcn. Bigham, Brailky S.c.'iut l<,,u-: Link, Dick- son, Laffcrty. R. IL Third Ron;: Scott, Harper. Tcmpleton. Fourth mmRow: BrYant. (jraliani. Hansel, fifth Rozc: Hill, Ingram, Laf fcrty. J. 6. .Si.i-(/i Rozc: McFadyen. McLean, Reinhardt. Sczciith Ro:^\- Vowlcs, Coghill, White. )



[ German


Ekxest Albert I'.f.atv Caleb Richard Harding

IIen'Rv Tracy Lilly AvERv Pattox

James IIervey Ross

Guv Richard \'(i\vlES



R()^ S'l'iNSdN I'lic, II AM. Jr.

Russell Horxer Patterson. Jr.



TiiiiM \s l'ii

|(ill\ kmtl'.KT Mnli; I I Al.l.

William Dallas I Ikkrinc,

1 1 1 \^ wiKiD .XiiKTiiNiii' In.L

Ai.i'.KKT Lester Inckam. Jr.

Willi \M I'.urns Kiesewetti'K

\Mi:s Im

Wai.tkk Wesi.en Sawvek. Jr.

i\hm \kd i'.i'u'kman n'ovvi.es

W ii.i.i \M MiiNRiiE Wicker

Willi \M .\m>rkw Wilkershn


|ami;s GoRDiiN Kic.c.w lirxl Kinr: limliaiti, I'.iltcrsori, .-Mnit. Snoii/ Kuw: Daniel. Hall. HcrriiiK. Third Kow: Hill, liiKrani. Kicscwftlor. iaiirlh Knw: KcinhaRlt. Sawyi-r, Vowles. I'iflli /

>i4^* H «t

all Mooresville and Class is out Pfohl swings it points north

Faison and the boys on the air Stud Street Major Seifert shows *em how

Gsrm exhibition at a The Scabbard and Blade Swing it Chubby Basketball Game Banquet rr^x-aaccor.ni-ji TEs::?;t5 aiu;r^: su;j;v RiFRiSHminisfouTHJmus'.cians "d"ci.us PLave u:hiill DAVID son GEHTEnniAL 1


• • I'll stick to

not wadded undershirt still there at night - MisTEB. il you want an around your waist. Hanes is too that fits like a potato-sack, you for that. want Hanes. But if you like long don't buy shorts, be your ribs—Hanes is When you go to it snugging crotch, sure to ask for Hanes. Legs, your dish. No matter how much cut to keep you free you wash these shirts, they look and seat are friction - nothing binds or and feel clean-cut! from fast. See your dealer Here's another thing about pulls. Colors H. Hanes Knitting Co., Hanes: You tuck the tail into your today. P. Winston-Salem, N. C. shorts in the morning, and find it QUIPS MD GRAllKS

QualHi/ (tiid Service Have Proved Our Success

For candy and all kinds of confectioneries, tobaccos, cigarettes, cigars, paper and school supplies SEE CHAS. MACK WHOLKSALK DEALER


A NEW DAVID son diDTinniAL


128 N. Tryon Street CHARLOTTE. N. C.

-liiitcli/f'.s Fl(ru 11 QUIPS AHD CRAMS


Published hfi

The Students of Davidson College

For a Better Dcwidson

For 20 \'eai'.s the Davidson College Weekly

May every Davidson man sti'ive to make The Davidsonian a more

influential news org-an during Davidson's second hundred years

J. T. MoKTON. Editor

\{. II. KoiiiNsoN. Business Mun/u/er











IN inrjjycciEjj--jycciEJjriE^RNiEiD


TIttlE lEXIPIEIMllENClE GAIINIED UN iwrnn YiEAiKf or rrroiwr, amid mmis orriEiP^riD iby





In C'll.Mil.OTTK



I'll.-) Sdutli 'I'l-von Sintt Moorcsville Ice Cream Company

Incor|)orati'(l IJ'lurf IlU/JnsI QiKiliti/

Micis Ijru-c.st I'ricis


Drink ORANGE CRUSH Made from Fresh Oranges

Drink NU GRAPE A Favorite with Millions

Drink Dr. Herring's Ginger Ale

Orange Crush Bottling Co.

205 Alexander St. CHARLOTTE, N. C.

•/r.v Ka.si/ tu Pai/ tlw Uavfrtfi H'tii/' THE FRIENDLY STORE

Rugs — Radios — Refrigerators and Furniture


227 North Tryon Street QUIPS AllD GRAllKS

Swinson Food Products

Manufacturers of -^ REMEMBER . . . You Aluays Save at — S&P — Belk Brothers! Peanut Butter—Salted Peanuts Peanut Butter Sandzciches

You'll Appreciate the 818-20 East Seventh Street

CHARLOTTE, N. C. QUALITY and VALUE "1 our Assurance of the Best"

Found in Belk's Smart CLOTHIXG Blythe Isenhour And P'urnishings & Generad Contractors


"Charlotte's Home of Better laities" 133 Brevard Court




\orth Carolina's Oldest \ational Bank. Free Catalogs Offers Every Modem Banking Facility.


R. A. Df.NN, Chairman of the Board

I. \V. Stkwart, President

.\. T. SfMMKY, J'ice-President

J. P. HoBsoN, Cashier and Trust Officer

M. T. Williams, .Issistant Cashier

J. B. DoAK, .Assistant Cashier

FiLLKH Henuhix, .issistant Cashier

221 North Grnl.^rn S. Phone 5317 CHARLOTTE, N. C. DAViDsonctnTtnniAL

^'""/'/'"""'v of


• Southern Fruit

Smart Men's Company Wear C'liAui.oi ri'., X. C


Wholesalers of Charlotte, N. C. FRUIT, VEGETABLES Next to Johnston Building EGGS, PRODUCE





Vou tcill find (it our store the tliiii(/s i/ou'll enjo// K'etiriiif/. 6m:i^ Xot loud and e-rfraraoant . hut in qnnd taste

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W. 1. VAN NESS & CO. Stiidrnlx mai/ come and students mail go; 213 .North Tryon Street Davidson College maif grow and grou\ CHARLOTTE. N. C.



And Pliiitd Siijijilics

But Courteous and Solicitous Service Re- mains Unchanged When Dealing With

White Drug Co.


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Anywhere at Any Time

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Little Pep Sandwich Shop

Davidson. N. ( .

Charlotte, N. C.




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132 Fayetteyille Street


Largest C(jllcgc Annual Photographers

in the S(}itth

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>^i^' 'ix '^ m f, w ';('

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^f: i^iry \^ ^ 'v.V, r -r-'y. ii^