.,sv-^^" co^' ,cv^^^^"^-^^^"^ CX'^ \v ..<\« s^^' #^«5' S \ L 1^"^"" \\^' ... sc^^"' ,„.l, Vl\l:1 .ndS^'' v^i^ C,^^^^''' \^^^'' ..l^^^^'" ,Ac^'' :,.r^'' ..0^ ^ov ,oovV^' cO^-^^ ci^ 01^ ^Vc-^^' ,.-^^^^' .tod^^" ,.00^^^ cov^\^^ ^ .vO>^' l^: i|-' '' \d>^^ u>r o\ V,u^ A'-'' •cu^^' M lu'' fOV ,1 L^'- 0^ *'^' A^^'"" ^,0^-^ l>^ lU^' Q\3^ .d\*^" lu^^ lu' d^^^' 0^^' a>i" rev*' a^^^^ rd^'-' .Uo- ,d^^ ,\\1\^^- lOi' •AHVV' 1<01^- tlic ;,VC to .1 ,^V0 si*^^' 0^^' o^- ^^'^ , A^ .d^^^' „ M,\^''"' ,Acd^^ all u-^"'. „..>""" ,...r--' c:r ^n y lie III c 1 1 a in Dr. John l„ Douglas. A.B.. MA.. LL.D. Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus Died January 5, 1937 Dr. Thom.\s \V. Li.NGi.i:. A.R., M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of fJislory Died March 2t\ 1<).^7 Dr. D.Win II. Howakh. A.H.. I'li.D. I'rofessor of Cliemislry Died April 26. 1936 Jennings Bkvan Ritchik. 1916-1936 Class of 1937 HoxiE Harry Thompson, 191.S-1937 Class of 1937 .\rchi;v Cami'kki.i, Ci.inf. jr.. 1915-1937 Class of 1938 #&# VIEWS \>, i ^ K^^atiicac ivtatu lie 1 m atiLn K^hcfni^iltn ^J—apotcilotn .rS tiafi ar the <=-Z^ ^kc \^atiiv)iis y^kiitdi iii i^r 7- •/ 7/ / y) Si^ ttance oi ^/la/n/ietA d'^nuduta ADMINISTRATION [^T DAVID 8 on ctnTEnniAL 1 l)k. \\'ai.t1';r L. LiNCi.K. President The Trustees (if Davidson Colleije direct the administration THE nf the institution. their At mcetini^s thev receive reixjrts from the President of the College, wlio summarizes the various College activities : from the Treasurer, who discusses the financial con- TEUSTEES ditions of the College; and from the various faculty committees. The Trustees are authorized to handle not onlv iirohlems of the needs of the College, but also to help in solving problems of the students. The Trustees were originally elected from the Presbyteries o^ .North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. At the ])resent, however, they come from only North Carolina and Flor- ida : the other states are supporting their own institiuinns. They are also elected from the Alumni Association. Trustees serve for a term of four years. The members are divided into numerous committees, the most imixjrtant of which is the Executive Committee, composed of ten members chosen annually. This committee e.xercises practically all of the powers of the Board of Trustees between the semi-annual meetings. Pjge Tuenty QUIPS AHD CRAIIKS TMUSTEES or DAVIDSON COLLEGE OFFICERS OF THE TRUSTEES Dr. R. a. Duxx President Mr. H. S. Richardson I 'ice-President Mr. S. a. Robixson Secretary Mr. F. L. J.\ckson Treasurer EXECUTI\"E COMMITTEE Dr. R. a. Duxx, ex-ofUcio Chairman Mr. S. a. Robinson, e.v-officio Secretary Mr. I. P. Graham Dr. T. McDowell Richards Mr. W. J. Roddev Dr. H. W. :\IcKav ^[R. H. S. Richardson Dr. C. R. Wilcox Rev. a. a. McLean Mr. S. Cl.\y Williams FINAXCE COMMITTEE ^^. Dr. R. .\. Duxx Mr. S. A. Robinson Mr. J. Roddey EDl-C.\TIOX COMMITTEE Mr. H. S. Richardsox Dr. C. R. Wilcox Dr. J. ^IcDowELL Richards Dr. R. A. Dunn, ex-officio President Walter L. LinglE, e.v-oHicio BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Mr. I. P. Graham Rev. A. A. McLean Dr. H. W. McK.w Mr. S. Clay Williams President Walter L. Lixgle. cx-ofRcio Treasurer F. L. Jackson, ex-officio BUDGET COMMITTEE Dr. R. a. Dunn Mr. S. A. Robinson Mr. W. J- Roddey President Walter L. Lingle. ex-officio Treasurer F. L. Jackson, cx-ofHcio Dr. R. A. Dunn Pr,-si(tcii.t of Ihc Bo.nd of Trustees Page Twenty-one ) T DAVID son Gtm'EnniAL 1 ADMINISTEATION The underlyint; and tunclanicntal streiiLitli nf everv iirjjaiiizatinn must neccssaril\- lie with its administration. This .urouij is inevitahh Icicikcrl to tor wise 5,'iiidance in the many channels of activity. .As its major functions, the achninistralinn ha.^ the election and sujjport of the fac- ult\- and administrative aids, the aflcquate ^'uidance aufl cnutrol of the undergraduates, and the niaintcn.ince of ;i liii;h financial and IcL'.'d standinsj. .\I.\RK Edc.^r Sentelle Ilcan of Students A.B., M.A. (Davidson). M.A. (Vale), D.O.. LL.D. Fk.\.\k Lee J.\cksi>x Treasurer and Purchasing Agent B.S. (Davidson), C.P.A. JoHx Wii.snx MacCoxxei.l College Physician .\.B.. M.-\. (Davidson). M.D. (University of Mar.\landl, ( Co- himbia University), (University of Edinhiirgh I^'kedkrick Wii.i.ivm HKxr.EvEi.il Rei/istrar and Secretary of the Faculty B.S. (Davidson) MvKox Wallace McC.n.L Auditor B.S. (Davidson) Conrad Frkperick Smith Alumni Secretary B.S. (Davidson) I'raxk Donald Hobart Top Row: Sextelle, J.vckson. Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings Middle Roxi-: M.vcCoNXEr.r.. Hexgeveud. (Springfield College) Bottom Rozv: McGill, Smith. Page Twenly-lwo m QUIPS Ann grauks LANGUAGE Resinning with the change in communicatory thoughts and ideas at the tower of Babel, man has adopted many manners of ex- pressing himself. As the world has grown more international in thought and more closely knit in interests, a mastery of languages has become constantly more valuable. To keep abreast of this need, the department of languages strives first toward the per- fection of the student in his own language, and then endeavors through instruction in foreign language to open rich fields of foreign literature, customs, and culture. Tof> Rozv: Bailey, Be-\ty, Bevthe, Gumming, Erwix, Fleagle. Bottom Row: Goldiere, Harding, Lii-ly, Shewmake, Vowles, Watts. C.M.EB Richard lI.MiiuNG CtV\ RlCH.VRIl Vowi.ES Professor of Creek Langimye iind Literature, Professor of Geniuiu Laiujuage and l.ileratur Emeritus A.R. (Yankton), H.A.. M.A. (b.xfnr,l ,). Ph.U. (fniversily of Chicago), I.itt.D. A.I!.. M.A. (navirtson). Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). Ernst .Albert Be.stv Edwin- Fr.\ncis Shewmake Professor of Latin and German Ahimni Professor of P.nglish A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (University of South Carolina), .M.A. (Columbia University), B.D. (CoUimhia Theological /\.B. (College of William and Marv), M.A. (Colinnbi.. Seminary). fnivcrsity), Ph.D. (University of Virginia). IIenhv Tr.vcy Lii.i.v Enw.Min Jones F.rwin Professor of I'.nijlish Professor of F.nglisli .\.l!. (Dav n). M.A. (Princeton Univcr ,). (Univer- itv ..f Viei: (Oxford University), (Uni' sity of Chi- A.B.. .M.A. (Davidson). (Columhia Tniversily). (I'ni- ago). vcrsity of Chicago). CiKniiCK Bvkon Watts Fred Ki-rti.and Fi.i-ac.i.e I'rofessor of freneh Professor of Spanish A.B. :Dartmouth), M.A. (Harvard), Ph.D. S.P... M.A. (University of Michigan). (I'nivcrsitv nf Pi.rto of Mini sota), (UniversTly of Berlin). (Univvrs Kico), (I'niversity of Chicago). pclicr). JdiiN CuniiKs Hau.i-v. Ik. FrEIi F.EROY Bl.YTlll- I'rofessor of Creel; Laniiua<ie and Literature Professor Spanish of A.B. (Davidson), (Univ.-rsitv of Virginia), ( Un A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (I'nivcrsitv of North Carolina), of Chicagn), M.A. (Johns Hopkins). M'niversity of Chicago), (Colnmhia I'niversity), (Univn- VVii.i.iAM Patterson CiMMisr. -ilv of Madrid), (Nalion.ll t'nivcrsitv of Mexico). M.A. (The Middlrhiiry Spanish School), (El Ccntro <lc Estudio. Assoelale I'rofessor of I'.nnlish Histories of Madrid). A.B. (Davidson), M.A.. Ph.D. i I'rio, ,-i..ii i Pane Tuenly-lbree DAVID son GtnTEnniAL With the spiitliijlit of luim.in interest iiicrcasinf;ly focused on scientific tlionsrht and achievement, this division of education has heconie ever more vital. The de[)artment of science, inchidins,' only the natural sciences, instructs the student in the j^eneral trutiis of natural phenomena and the operation of scientific laws. Its goal is the presentation of svstematized knowledge concerning the varied aspects of nature which surrounds onr lives and the incitement of accurate. ;uialvtical thinking. Tof> Rozc: Arbuckle, Douglas, Fulcher, Kimbrol-gh, Lvox, Mebaxe Bottom Row: Pattox. Porter, Ross, Thies, Wood. J.\MEs McDowell Dolgl.ns Osc.\R Ji'Lii's Thies. Jr. Jomcs Buchanan Duke Professor of Physics Associate Professor of Chemistry A.B.. M.A. (Davidson). rii.D. (Johns Hopkins), (fni B.S.. M.A. (Davidson). (Massachusetts Institute of Tech versity of Chicago), (Cornell L'niversity), (Columbia Uni- nology), M.A. versity). John Wilsox M.\cConnell Wn.LiAM Nelson Meb.^ne, Jr. Professor Physiology and Hygiene of Associate Professor of Mathematics A.B.. M.A. (Davidson). M.D. (Universitv of Maryland). B.S. (Davidson). M.A. (Cornell). (Virsinia Polytechnic (Columbia University). (University of EdinburRh). Institute). How.^RD Bell .-KuBfcKLE Chambers Professor of Chemistry Henry Emmett Fulcher A.B., M.A. (HampdenSydney), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). James Buchanan Duke Associate Professor of \\'lLLL\.M WOODHILL WoOD Physics and Astronomy Professor of Mathenialies and Applied Mathonatics B.S.. M.A. (University of Virginia), (William and Mary), (University of ChicaRo). A.B.. C.E. (University of Virginia). WlLLI.^M LORIMER PORTEK John Thomas Kimbroigh Professor of Geology and Geography Associate Professor Mathcvuitics A.R. (Tarkio). A.B.. M.A. (Yale). of B.S. (Davidson), (University of Chicago). Scorr C.\Rv Lvox Richard J. Reynolds Professor of Biology AvERV Patton A.B., M.A. (Southwestern Presbyterian Universitv). A.M. Assistant Professor Chemistry (Tiilanc University), D.Sc. (Southwestern), (University ol of Chicago). B.S. (Davidson). (Tulane University). Page Twenty-jour ffi DAVID son ctm'EnniAL 1 ADMINISTMATIVE ASSISTANTS 111 tile >ii-tainiiKiit cif I'vciv large organization tlierc is a vast ainnnnt of drtaiU-d work to be t-xeciUed. The majoritv of this painstaking and highly iiii|ioi-iaiit work falls to the adiuinistrativo assistants. This d(']>arlii)i-iit n.-ndcrs cxrelk-iit assistaiici' to the a'l- iiiinistratioii in tlir niainteiiaiK-e of the iiifirmarv and lihrary.
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