Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1951

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Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1951 J '.'< !>>>* l i ia l O' 'tf'MMt t if T i I iMliHwifpl ] itl > C ijlil i ii |i wi» << ftj^)Jj;ilMllwm[ilU!i|.X | ^ ilLfTili Mir fg^/ (PktLp B Tri'-A^ EX LIBRIS COLLEGII DAVIDSONIENSIS ^J^eA^ln^t^d mi THE FAMILY OF MR. MYRON MCGILL CLASS OF 1922 Library of Davidson CoIIc.'re Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/quipscranks1951davi lupv and litanies msmO BY THE SENIOR CLASS DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C b Business Manager ^J^-^/S !^ 1^1 KE "education, ' "friendship," and "spirit," "Davidson will always be diHicult to define. However nianv our experiences— the smiles, the cheers, the lectures, the books, the meetings, the friends—the list remains forever incomplete, as if coaxing us to lengthen and deepen our definition, to make it adequate. In a sense. Quips and Cranks 1951 is a visual dehnition of Davidson: what outsiders might see of the school if they looked enough and examined the record. But for students, especially Seniors, the pictures herein are only reminders of memories which lie deeper than pictures. Then memories, too, may fail to compose the definition some seek; for \'alues elude even the plunging of memory into the well of experience. ;v '^^^'^m Nevertheless, for the enduring \alues which you may detect"'**' •'•^!»>^>-wi - •:"6»fWnMT<t1Jfl 1 ^i''.''i'«>*<"»*'«<H di 1 r' 1 I and picture, we present this annual, conlident that •>...,»,->'u;rt^>^| - ... .>»„viiK»y.i»j>+«vv^tl the smiles, the cheers, the lectures, the books, the '^'•^''^'^^•M^^^^'il^y^^^^^^^^^^ meetings, and the friends symbolize if they do not 4?,ftXSt^'S:!T^^^S!S^^^^ Davidson, whose real \aluc is vet to be felt thr()o»lv-tW"ftt-^W'>>r:^;i discordant world. «^•*^',^''^>f^''-: m - >•, .%..iiiM(,i^^*)j>t;^;v^-r^^ ad cotliea^ Uii^twul^^ ana time . 4* A mk r- H ^1 I I ^s ^prina i6 upon U6, and graduation jzx\ cloie'-iv^^. orlnanna'9 anotnanoiner uear at esDaviddon to d ^ V n THIS BOOK ^CLASSES 28 RCTIVITIES 86 RTHLETICS 116 ^"" FRRTERniTIES .... 154 DERn JOHn C. BRILEY In oratet'ul appreciatit)n ot the many 'X times he has eounseled and guided us, and in Full realization that his policies have been designed to make of us better men, we humbly dedicate the 1951 Quips and Cranks to Dean John C. Bailey-a scholar, a gentleman and a ^^nC3^ friend. :> IB*. /'ll.fJC Sl.V/fC ' ., ..,.v,...r,...j..,».,,>5;ni».> Pa^e Seventeen tv*< -«^*»*'-»v^**^<*"'''IM<«»*1 Pnge Eighteen /'njjc Nineteen OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT February 15, 1951 Dear Friends: You come to the end of your college course in a time of confusion, conflict, and uncertainty. You will need, as you will deserve, the best your Alma Mater has been able to provide, not only in the areas of instruction, but also in morsJ. and spiritual guidance and vigor. 1 trust that the sum total of Davidson's impact on your body, mind, and spirit, will prove a lasting asset to your life and career. Men in the past have not become great through ease and freedom from challenge and diffi- culties. I would urge you to meet the strain of the times with courage and faith. Out of such qualities and such leadership we may yet see the better day that is to be. Our affection, our confidence, and our prayers will accompany you on your way. That you will prove true to the trust v^ich is yours, we have highest hope. Cordially yours. JRC:EWB Pflge Twenty Board of Trustees Jicen Dh. J. iMcDowiiLL Richards Presidcnl Mr. J. A. Cannon Vice-Pre^idenl Mn. F. P. Mall, Jr Secrelary Mr. F. L. Jackson Treasurer (L-xecutiue (^oimnittee Dr. J. McDowell Richards, ex-officio Chairman Mr. F. p. Hall, Jr., exofficio Secrelary Rev. a. a. McLean Mr. Scott Candler Mr. Harvey W. Moore Mr. C. R. V\'ilcox Mr. J. A. Cannon Ur. Oiien .Moore Dr. H. W. McKay Rev. R. S. Arrowood Rev. |ames A. Jones Dr. T. D. Sparrow Mr. T. S. McPheeters Rev. VV. T. Thompson Mr. J. I. Smith Mr. D. R. LaFar, Jr. Mr. Ivey W. Stewart ^ruiteei Mr. J. P. Booth Rdministration Cecil Kenneth Brown Denj! of Factihx A.B. (Davidson I. M.A., Ph.D. (U.N.C.). J V ^ s^ Frank Lee Jackson Treasurer B.S. (Davidson), C.P.A. Ernest J. Arnold Assistant to the President A.B. (Presbyterian), B.D. (Yale). ^ Fredrick William I Iengeveld , ..^ Registrar B.S. (Davidson). "^ t^^ John C'R()f)Ks Bailev Dean of Students A.B. rDavidv.nj. M.A, r|olins I lopkinsj. I'djic I u fill)' ihrvc Faculty of G. L. AuEllNETiiY . I'rofessor of Hiilowphy . A.B. CBiKkni'll), M.A. (Obcrlin). Pli.D. II. A. IJauma.n . AssiiliDit I'rujesiur uf liihlc . A, 13. (llaii.ivcTj, B.I). (Louisville-,. E. A. Beaty . Projesior of Lulin and Cer- nmn . A.B. (Davidson^, .M.A. (South Carolina). B.D. (Columhia Theoloyical Semi- nary). E. F. Berc . Assislani Professor of Music . A.B. (Concordia). B.M., M.M. (East- man School of Music). D. J. Bettinger . .B.S. (Miami University), .M.S. (University ol Cincinnati). F. L. Blythe . Professor of Spanish . A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (North Carolina), M.A. (Middleburg College Language School), Diploma (El Centro De Estudios Historicos Madrid), Certificate (La Universidad Nacional ol Madrid). E. E. Brov\tv . Associate Professor of hiolofy . A.B. (Davidson). Ph.D. (Cornell). Y. Causey . Professor of Spanish . B.A. (Virginia), M.A. (North Carolina), Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Diploma (University oF Madrid). P. G. Cheatham . /\.ss;sfni;( Professor of Psychology . B.A.. .M.A,. Ph.D. (Virginia). \V. P. CuMMiNG . Professor of Eiigd's/i . A.B. (Davidson), M.A., Ph.D. (Prince- ton). T. Daggy . Assistant Professor of Bioloe.y . A.B. (Earlham), M.S.. Ph.D. (North- western). C. G. Davidson . Professor of History and Director of the Library . A.B. (Davidson), M.S. in L.S. (Chicago). M.A.. Ph.D. (Har- vard). G. A. Douglas . Professor of Sociology . A.B. (Michigan), Ph.M. (Wisconsin), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). E. J. Ervvin . Professor of English . A.B., M.A. (Davidson). H. M. Frantz . /)is(rnc(or of .Music . A.B. (Franklin and Marshall College). M.S.M. (Union Theological Seminarv), Mus.M. (Westminster Choir College). H. E. FuLCHER . The ]ames Buchanan Duke Professor of P/iysics and Astronomy . B.S.. M.S. (Virginia). I. B. Gallent . Professor of Chemistry . B.S. (Davidson). M.S., Ph.D. (North Carolina). C. GoDCHARLES . Professor of Psic/jo/ogi . B.A. (Buckncin. .M.A., Ph.D. (Duke). n i neteen avidson A. \'. GoLDiERE . Professor of French . A.B. (Dartmouth). M.A., Ph.D. (Yale). A. G. Griffin . Associate Professor of Economics and Business . A.B., M.A. (North Carolina). E. O. GuERRANT . Associate Professor of International Relations . A.B. (Davidson), M.A.. Ph.D. (Southern California). G. B. Hathorn . Assistant Professor of Political Science . A.B., M.A. (Missis- sipppi), Ph.D. (Duke). C. R. HoLLOMAN . Assistant Professor of Political Science . B.S. (Western Caro- lina Teachers College), LL.B. (Duke). C. L. Ives . Professor of Latin and Ediica tion . A.B., M.A. (North Carolina). F. VV. Johnston . Professor of History . A.B. (Davidson). Ph.D. (Yale). Mathe- J. T. KiMBROUGH Professor of matics . B.S. (Davidson), M.S., (Chicago). H. T. Lilly . Professor of English . .A.B. (Davidson), M.A. (Princeton). T. S. Logan . Professor of Chemistry . B.S., i\LS. (Emorv), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). VV. G. McGavock . Professor of Mathe- matics . B.S. (Davidson), M.A., Ph.D. (Duke). J. A. McGeachy . Associate Professor of History . A.B. (Davidson), M.A. (North Carolina), Ph.D. (Chicago). VV. N. Meba.se . Professor of Mathematics . B.S. (Davidson), M.A. (;Cornell). K. \\. MooBE . In the Department of Music . B.M., B.S. in Mus.Ed. (Illinois), M.S. in Music (Juilliard School of Music). L. E. Orange . Instructor of Ennlish A.B., M.A. (Duke;. G. Owen, Jh. hf,iruclor of Ltij^/isli A.B., .M.A. (.North Carolina;. J. C. Pfoiil , . Professor and Director of Music . \l.\\. (North Carolina;, M.M. (^MichiKany. C'. J. PiEiKNPOi. Profeswr of Physics . B.S. (Pitlsburi-h;, M.A. rClolorado). Ph.D. (N.Y.U.;. ifty-one Faculty of U'. O. PucKETT . Professor of Biology . A.B. (Davidson), M.A. (North Caro- lina). Ph.D. (Princeton). |. S. PuncELL, Jr. Assistant Professor of En)ilish . A.B. (John B. Stetson ), M.A.. Ph.D. (Duke). J. W. Heid . Professor of Geofiraphy and Geolofiy . B.S. (Davidson), M.A. (Colum- bia). Ph.D. (Peabodv). C. W. RoBEms . Assistant Professor of Spanish . A.B. (Davidson), M.A. (Emory). L. B. SciiENCK . Professor of Bihle . A.B. (Davidson). B.D. (Union Theological Seminarv). M.S.T. (Princeton). Ph.D. (Yale). L. C. Sellars . liislrticlor in Physics B.S. (Davidson). E. F. Shewmake . Ahimni Professor of English . A.B. (William and Mary), M.A. (Columbia). Ph.D. (Virginia). V^'. l\. Starnes . /iislriictor iii Economics . A.B. (North CaroiinaJ. O. J. Thies . Associnle Professor of Chem istry . B.S., M.A. (Davidson), M.A. (Cornell). B. D. Thompson . Associate Professor of History . A.B.. M.A. (Williams), M.A. (Harvard). G. R. Vowels . Professor of German Lfliignflge and literature . A.B. (Yank- ton). B.A., M.A. (Oxford). Ph.D. (Chicago), Litt.D. G. B. Watts . Professor of French . A.B. (Dartmouth), A.M. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Minnesota). I. G. Wilson . Assistant Professor of Bihle . A.M., B.D.
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