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CLASSIFIED ADS, Foges C-5-11 DX Coaches filefttenina SPORTS C Set to Outline WASHINGTON, D. C„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1957 Position Today Statement Expected Kentucky Tourney Giving To Point Up Stand On Eytra-Time Pay a The District public Idgh p| ¦ school coaches were ready to iUPMBI MkMEBm announce their stand today in; Tar Heels First Big Test the long argument with school; officials over extra pay (or ex- ;~ aP wßpwaßja : ip Jxggp tra time worked. Details of the statement, i ST. PETER'S FIFTH VICTIM Classy Gophers drafted by the D. C. High School j JOTJ^ Coaches Association last night! Colonials Seek First Opponent at Roosevelt High, were not re- leased immediately. First, Hustle Is Answer For copies had to be delivered to Champions Dr. Hobart M. Coming, school 2d Win Against By th« AxocUted Prm superintendent; Carl P. Han- To Hoyas' Streak North Carolina’s Tar Heels, sen. assistant superintendent ¦ whoi had all the answers a year in charge of senior highs; Wal- By BILL FUCHS were this good.” he said happily. ago,, put their book of basket- ter T. Tobrtner. president of W<onight There was a look of sur-: Ken Plchette, who. like Clark, | ball knowledge to its first seri- | :,. v%:; 4j|n ftflfll the Board of EducaUon, and prised delight, appropriate at comes from Binghamton. N. Y.,j -1 ( ous test of the new college sea- Mrs. Manson B. Pettit, chair- Qeorge Washington and this time of the year, on the; and played against his fellow-!, son tonight. '>.'¦. Washington vi Hhhmhi man of the board's committee St Lee. two teams faces of Georgetown Univer- captain In high school, said he The Tar Heels, skipping ¦ ¦¦.. sity's players *> ’ k that have discovered how fleet- basketball last; would make rash predic- - ¦>/•¦':¦¦•?'; ;s^B studying the problem. i no , along on a carry-over 36-game ¦ ''¦' ing glory i Jj The possibility exists that basketball can be. night in tne dressing room at tlons. “But I’ll say this.” he , winning streak, play unbeaten s^'*' play each other 8:30 tonight McDonough Gym. said. ‘‘We have good, hustling the coaches are prepared to at a ; Minnesota in the opener of the jat Ullne Arena. They had upset pre- team.” j, jr.' *Bp . take the same last-ditch stand Just class-jammed Kentucky Invi- that taken Oeorge Washington, a na- viously unbeaten Bt. Peter’s of "Hustle” is the word in vogue , tation tournament as recently by their tional power ago. at Lexing- fellow coaches In Prince a few seasons Jersey City, 81-66, the fifth at Georgetown these days It Is , ton. is attempting to get come- straight victory Hoyas go. Georges County. The Prince a for the what makes the team ac- Minnesota is ranked 10th back organized. Washington St close, cording Tommy Nolan, Georges coaches after a opening defeat at to Coach inj the Associated Press poll announced Lee Is trvlng desperately to get "We're going to give that they will not put any Princeton. all the ball , and is 3-0 against the likea ex- off the skids after rising as a Co-Capt. clubs we play good tra time into coaching next John Clark said a battle.” , of Southern lowa Southern Conference power of most “We're not a Methodist. school year unless paid for It what was on the minds Nolan said great , State and Vanderbilt. the last two years. In the room. major team, but the boys hustling ! If A committee is studying that A in eco- are the Gophers can't do it. then GW has won only one game nomics. Clark Is not a waster all the time. They went out matter also. this season, but It was a heart- of there the Tar Heels will be confront- words. "I didn't think we and did a real Job. Now tonights Plan Studied ening one. The Colonials beat I go home and ed with West Vir- Hansen can enjoy ginia -Kentucky in Meanwhile, plan Wake Forest last Tuesday after ! winner tha a has been five losses year Christmas.” finals tomorrow. suggested by Hansen whereby this and 10 In The Hoyas have known dis- a row counting last season. appears all the teachers would be given Charles Town appointing seasons. A lack of Either match more a problem extra pay for work. The Won 20 Last Year : drive, a let-down by individual 1 of than the "new extra defending national cham- coaches studied a copy of this The Generals last season won players and a propensity to look” Plan last night, but today’s 30 games runnersup Track Due to treat the ball like something pions have had to solve IS and were I ] tacking B/G MAN, LITTLE ADMIRER statement made reference Virginia diseased are among the things victories over Clem- no to to West for the con- j ; son, George Washington. it. according to John ference title. This year they've that have made Georgetown ; Fur- Fontaine, Calif., fan) to Little Bobby AVt, of San Jose, who has a long way to go Jankowski, president of the lost both their conference starts Be Sold Soon fans wince in the recent past. ; man and South Carolina last to match big Jim McCusker, Pittsburgh tackle, gazes in admiration as Coaches Association. and four i row altogether CHARLES TOWN. W. Va.. None of these year’s 32-0 record. in Dec. 20 UP).—Then was evident last Jim signs Bobby’s autograph book, at Santa Clara where McCusker is No details were made public, after two opening victories over will be no 1 night. Two Other Tourneys horse racing here next month preparing for the annual East-West Shrine game at San Francisco but Hansen's proposal appears Mason-Dixon teams. Even when the Peacocks The two-day* Blue Grass It was W&L that unexpect- and the track will be sold, a December 28. AP Wirephoto. to follow the reasoning of Dr. drove back from a 13-point - tournament also opens to- Coming, edly source close to Mrs. Albert J. who told the Board started the Colonials on deficit to within two points of night at spin only Boyle, widow of the owner, Louisville with the of Education at a meeting last their downward that a tie in the second half, and ; play- showing signs said today. host Louisville Cardinals week that extra pay for all now Is of being Hoya fans had reason to fear ! ing halted. Boyle, who took over In 1035 Army, and San Fr?n- teachers, not Just for coaches, the .worst, there was unity and cisco meeting Seattle, Two ago Co- the track he built three years anothef would be a more equitable seasons the 1 coolness in Georgetown's moves. West Coast power, and the Car- solution. lonials were at their peak and earlier, died November 1. Buckeyes Set The big stars last night were rousel tournament continues aj had beaten West Virginia The West Virginia Racing 0\ “Such a proposal is fine with dur- the co-captains. “You can't Charlotte I ing with semifinal the regular season to Commission had set aside dates actioß OR us.” Jankowski said. "We will rank say enough about them,” Nolan matching Tennessee against WIN, LOSE first for 1958, starting January In the Southern Confer- 4. accept any reasonable pro- ; said. "They give us that con- Louisiana Tech and Alabama posal. ence. Washington & Lee was but did not formally award | Trip But what we are releas- trol. They keep it moving all against Lousiana State. For No. barely them pending Bowl with a place word from Mrs. ing today is not proposal a. In the boys By FRANCIS STANN Mi a or the championship Boyle. time. The sure’moved Unbeaten Tennessee last night DRAW counter-proposal. conference nicely. a It Is a state- The source, who declined St. Peter’s was using won its fourth straight. 89-71, ment on the united front See COLONIALS, Page C-« use sort zone, we of his name, said Mrs. Boyle ; of three-man but over Bucknell behind the 25- Top Shape took last night. It tells exactly , our boys spread out well and point. 16-rebound play of In definitely would not apply Gene how for we stand on the matter." then went down the middle.” iTormohlen, a 6-foot-7 import I) th* AuorUtttf Pt*u Andy Pilney's Mother the dates. He said the track is On a Bookish Note Last night's meeting was the up for sale, Area Rivals Next from Indiana. Alabama, with The football fever enveloping but it will not take ON THIS DAY FRANKIE MANN, the old flght pro- See Page C-4 Dies in Chicago at 74 place until after The Hoyas will return from four starters hitting 16 or more the PaciAc Coast will gain more COACHES. January 7 moter, was mincing along the sidewalks of Georgetown { MONTGOMERY, Ala, Dec when appraisers of Boyle’s es- the holidays to play three area points, fought oft Clemson, 78- momentum tomorrow with .20 </P).—A message 75. Freshman Jackie More- and happened to spot a book store. Staring him in the Ohio State’s Big death was tate are expected to make a . rivals George Washington Ten cham- waiting for Andy Pllney. January land's 18 points helped Louis- face was a thin edition called “British Boxing.” pions and Oregon $40,000 Contract Tu- report. 8. American U. Jan- scheduled to lane head coach, when corporation uary Maryland iana State, led by Dom Merle* bought leave for and their he Another has ob- 11 and Jan- He it, later discovered that It was in his own California arrived here today to uary 24.