Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1996 No. 97ÐPart II House of Representatives REGARDING THE PEOPLE'S Polytechnologies has a representative office rials critical to the production of enriched REPUBLIC OF CHINA in the United States; uranium to a non-NPT signatory, Pakistan; (3) the General Logistics Department of (3) China National Precision Instrument Mr. COX of California. Mr. Speaker, the People's Liberation Army owns and oper- Import-Export Company, a Communist Chi- pursuant to House Resolution 463, I call ates a large international conglomerate nese military industry, sold nuclear-capable up the resolution (H. Res. 461) regard- known as Xinxing Corporation, which has a missiles to Pakistan; ing United States concerns with human representative office in the United States; (4) China Great Wall Industry Corpora- rights abuse, nuclear and chemical (4) the People's Armed Police, which is tion, a Communist Chinese military indus- weapons proliferation, illegal weapons partially controlled by the People's Libera- try, sold nuclear-capable missiles to Paki- trading, military intimidation of Tai- tion Army, is responsible for the occupation stan; wan, and trade violations by the Peo- and suppression of dissent in Tibet and the (5) Poly Group, a People's Liberation Army owned company, sold $1,200,000,000 ple's Republic of China and the Peo- execution of prisoners throughout China, provides guards for the forced labor camp worth of arms to the military rulers of ple's Liberation Army, and directing Myanmar (Burma); the committees of jurisdiction to com- system in Communist China, and owns and operates China Jingan Equipment Import (6) In contravention of the United Na- mence hearings and report appropriate and Export, which has a representative office tions embargo, China North Industries Cor- legislation, and ask for its immediate in the United States; poration (Norinco), a Communist Chinese consideration in the House. (5) the export of products by these enti- military industry, sold chemicals critical to the manufacture of nuclear weapons to Iraq; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ties allows the People's Liberation Army to (7) Poly Group and Norinco, Communist Clerk will report the resolution. earn hard currency directly, which in turn Chinese military industries, attempted to The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- can be and is used to modernize its forces sell 2,000 AK 47 rifles, 20,000 AK 47 bipods, lows: without being reflected in official reports of 4,000 30 round ammunition magazines, and 2 H. RES. 461 military spending; machinegun silencers, and offered for sale Whereas the People's Republic of China (6) consumers in the United States are 300,000 silenced machineguns and ``Red Para- has long enjoyed most favored nation trad- ordinarily unaware that revenues from the keet'' missiles (stingers), RPGs (rocket pro- ing status with the United States notwith- products they are purchasing from or pelled grenades), 60mm mortars, and hand- standing significant policy and security is- through such entities contribute to the fi- grenades to United States law enforcement sues in our bilateral relationship; nancial benefit of the People's Liberation authorities conducting a so-called ``sting'' Whereas, despite the positive influence Army; operation; that United States trade with the People's (7) trade with the People's Liberation (8) according to the May 21, 1996, United Republic of China has had in encouraging the Army effectively is a subsidy of military op- States Customs Service affidavit against the abandonment of state control over all as- erations of the People's Republic of China Communist Chinese representatives of pects of the economy by the Communist gov- that is inconsistent with our national secu- Norinco and Poly Group, at paragraph 96, ernment, serious human rights, trade, secu- rity; and one of the Communist Chinese representa- rity, and weapons proliferation issues have (8) free trade in world markets is based tives bragged that a ``Red Parakeet'' mis- remained and often worsened during the pe- on the assumption that the import and ex- sileÐwhich he was offering for sale in the riod of this trade policy; port of goods and services are conducted by United StatesÐ``could take out a 747''; Whereas this experience has made clear independent enterprises responding to profit (9) these and other enterprises owned by that of itself, the extension of most favored incentives and market forces, and commer- the People's Liberation Army and the Com- nation trading status (and the potential of cial activities by the People's Liberation munist Chinese military industries regularly its annual non-renewal) has been inadequate Army are fundamentally inconsistent with export a variety of products to the United to address the many policy and security is- these precepts; States, including clothing, toys, shoes, hand sues that characterize our bilateral relation- Whereas, with regard to Communist Chi- tools, fish, minerals, and chemicals; ship; nese military activity and weapons prolifera- (10) the People's Liberation Army imple- Whereas these policy and security issues tionÐ mented an unprovoked, dangerous, and ag- include, with regard to the economic activi- (1) it has been reported that United gressive campaign to intimidate Taiwan in ties of the People's Liberation ArmyÐ States intelligence has estimated that Com- July of 1995, and again before Taiwan's first (1) according to the Defense Intelligence munist Chinese military industries have be- direct presidential election in March of 1996, Agency, the People's Liberation Army of come a leading supplier of illicit precursor with military maneuvers, live-fire exercises, Communist China is in fact engaged, through chemicals for use in Iran's chemical weapons and missile tests in close proximity to that controlled enterprises, in government-con- program; island democracy; and trolled and subsidized trade overseas; (2) in contravention of Communist Chi- (11) the People's Liberation Army seized (2) the General Staff Department of the na's commitment to the Treaty on Non-Pro- territory claimed by the Philippines and People's Liberation Army owns and operates liferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the threatened the United States Navy's right of Polytechnologies, which is the weapons trad- China National Nuclear Corporation, a Com- free passage in the South China Sea; ing arm of the People's Liberation Army. munist Chinese military industry, sold mate- Whereas, with respect to human rightsÐ b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7027 H7028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 27, 1996 (1) according to the United States De- Whereas, with respect to Communist Chi- of their compliance with the criteria for partment of State's Country Reports on nese trade and economic policyÐ WTO membership; Human Rights for 1995, the Government of (1) the United States Trade Representa- Whereas given the number and gravity of Communist China ``continued to commit tive's 1996 National Trade Estimate Report these issues, the debate over Communist Chi- widespread and well-documented human on Foreign Trade Barriers notes that ``China na's most-favored-nation trade status cannot rights abuses, in violation of internationally continued to use standards and certification bear the weight of the entire bilateral rela- accepted norms, stemming both from the au- practices which the United States and other tionship between the United States and the thorities' intolerance of dissent and the in- trading partners regard as barriers to trade''; People's Republic of China; and adequacy of legal safeguards for basic free- (2) the report indicates that ``Despite its Whereas these issues should be promptly doms. Abuses included arbitrary and lengthy commitment under the 1992 market access addressed by appropriate legislation: Now, incommunicado detention, forced confes- Memorandum of Understanding to publish therefore, be it sions, torture, and mistreatment of pris- all laws and regulations affecting imports, Resolved, The Committee on International oners. The Government continued severe some regulations and a large number of di- Relations, the Committee on National Secu- restrictions on freedom of speech, the press, rectives have traditionally been unpublished, rity, the Committee on Ways and Means, and assembly, association, religion, privacy, and there is no published, publicly available the Committee on Banking and Financial movement, and worker rights''; national procurement code in China''; Services will each hold hearings on the mat- (2) in April 1996, the Communist Chinese (3) the report finds that ``China's market ters described in the preamble to this resolu- Government launched a major anticrime for services remains severely restricted''; tion insofar as those matters fall within (4) these practices limiting American ac- campaign called ``Strike Hard'' carried out their respective jurisdictions and, if appro- cess to Communist China's market have con- nationwide by the Public Security Bureau priate, report legislation addressing these tributed to an increase in the United States (PSB), and in Tibet and Xinjiang (East matters to the House of Representatives not trade deficit with China from $10 million in Turkestan)
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