Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


On the nineteenth of April of two thousand and twelve, at 14.30, the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) met in the Ícaro Auditorium of Lisbon Airport to discuss the following agenda:

1 – Approval of the minutes of the second meeting of the National Assembly; 2 – Voting percentages in the National Assembly; 3 – Updating of the performance/penalties process regarding monitoring in Portugal, developments related to the updating of Decree-Law no. 109/2008; 4 – Revision of the monitoring regulations – proposal from ; 5 – Performance of the , results of IATA 2011 summer monitoring; 6 – Work in progress, improvements in capacity expected for Lisbon and Faro airports; 7 – Any other business.

A presence sheet (attached to these minutes) was sent round and signed by the voting members and observers. The Chair of the Meeting, Filipe Raposo, arrived as the count of members was being conducted, due to a delay with his flight from Ponta Delgada, as a result of the air traffic controllers’ strike. Mr. Raposo thanked all the members for being present and began the meeting of the General Assembly at 14.47.

The Chair asked if there were any objections to the meeting being held in English, following a request from Netjets and because several foreign members were attending the meeting. No objections were raised.

1 - Approval of the minutes of the second meeting of the National Assembly

The Chair asked if there were any objections regarding the Minutes of the Second Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee. No objections were raised and the minutes were approved unanimously.

2 – Voting percentages in the National Assembly

A slide was shown containing a list of the members of the National Coordinating Committee and the respective distribution of votes. The audience was asked if there were any questions regarding this issue (Appendix 1). The representative from Lufthansa, Antje Mueller, asked if the list was updated every year and the representative from the private flights operator Netjets, Steve Fry, asked if the list referred to flights coordinated as of 31 January. The head of the National Slots Coordination, Isabel Cysneiros, responded affirmatively in both cases.


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

3 - Updating of the performance/penalties process regarding monitoring in Portugal, developments related to the updating of Decree-Law no. 109/2008

The Chair of the Executive Committee, Alexandre Coutinho, showed a slide with a summary of the actions taken by its working group, composed of the head of the National Slots Coordination, Isabel Cysneiros, and the representative and lawyer of ANA Aeroportos, Altino Pinto (Appendix 2), explaining that

 in March 2011, this working group had a meeting with INAC, in which INAC agreed and committed itself to amending the Portuguese legislation, DL no. 109/2008, in order to bring this more in line with European Regulation 95/93;  the following month, the Executive Committee met to assess the current situation regarding the meeting with INAC (Appendix 3);  later, unsuccessful requests for meetings with INAC were made on several occasions, with the aim of assessing the developments which INAC had agreed to in order to amend the Portuguese legislation – DL no. 109/2008;  in December 2011, since the working group had received no reply to its various attempts to schedule a meeting, a letter was sent to the Chair of INAC with a new request.

The head of the National Slots Coordination, Isabel Cysneiros, summarized the matters discussed in the previous meeting of the National Assembly regarding the penalties / court cases assigned to the operators, and stressed the commitment assumed by INAC to amend DL no. 109/2008 and the difficulty that the working group had experienced in contacting INAC, stating that the process was therefore pending.

The representative from ANA, Altino Pinto, explained the working proposal drawn up and sent to INAC, which aims to harmonize the Portuguese legislation DL no. 109/2008 with the European Regulation 95/93. He highlighted the existing difference between the penalties regimes of these two documents, given that the European Regulation requires repeated and intentional breach, while the Portuguese legislations applies a penalty for every breach. The airlines consider that the National Slots Coordination has the necessary tools within its reach to assess whether the behaviour is repeated and intentional and that it should be this body that reports breaches to INAC.

Mr. Pinto further explained the adjustment carried out regarding the regime for funding the service provided by the National Slots Coordination, so that this is effectively supported 50% (fifty per cent) by the managing bodies of the coordinated or facilitated airports and 50% (fifty per cent) by means of a charge levied on all the transporters or airlines which operate in these airports.


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

The representative of , Michael Otto, asked if only the Portuguese airlines would bear the cost of funding the National Slot Coordination service. Altino Pinto clarified the situation, stressing that the charge related to all the airlines operating in the Portuguese coordinated and facilitated airports.

Alexandre Coutinho asked INAC when it would be possible to schedule another meeting, since the last attempt had been on 22 March 2012. The representative from INAC, Fernanda Bandarra, thanked ANA for having moved forward with the project to change DL no. 109/2008 and informed the meeting that an internal document had been drawn up by INAC with the amendments regarding the slots charge and the amendment to the Portuguese legislation. However, this document had not yet been sent to the Government since it was considered that it would be better to wait for the conclusion of the revision of the European Regulation. Ms. Bandarra explained that one possible reason for INAC’s failure to reply to the requests for a meeting may have been the alteration in the Board of Directors which occurred at the end of 2011, and she informed the meeting that she would report back to her Board on the matters / difficulties discussed during the meeting.

The representative from RENA, António Portugal, informed the meeting that he had already met with the new Board of INAC, at which time the issue of penalties had been addressed, not only regarding the future but also those cases already initiated.

Mr. Portugal stated that INAC’s position regarding cases related to the past was to conclude these and that these could generate fines of up to one hundred thousand euros.

He explained that RENA was unable to understand the two positions taken by INAC, which, on the one hand, is working towards amending DL no. 109/2008 and, on the other, continues to apply penalties to airlines regarding breaches which occurred four or five years ago and when in most of these cases the airlines already had no documentation left.

Mr. Portugal stated that the National Slots Coordination had provided good support in these cases and that it should be the body to filter these.

Isabel Cysneiros thanked Mr. Portugal for his compliment and stressed that she has a duty of transparency to supply the data requested.

Altino Pinto stated that past breaches were a concern of the working group and that it had been agreed with the INAC that these cases would not continue towards penalties without the National Slots Coordination first being consulted.

Isabel Cysneiros stated that INAC had consulted the National Slots Coordination to obtain information regarding past breaches, but that these contacts had decreased


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012 substantially. She also stated that at the meeting with INAC, on 16-03-2011, she was informed that any breaches which arose would be assessed in the light of the grounds agreed in the meeting and only those cases that were at an advanced stage would proceed.

António Portugal expressed his concern regarding the position of the new Board of INAC in relation to past breaches. He raised the question as to whether these cases, should they be brought to court, might rely on the support of the National Slots Coordination or the executive committee. In response, Isabel Cysneiros stated that it is the duty of the coordinating body to supply information on the coordinated timeslots, always complying with the principle of transparency.

António Portugal asked whether he might have in his possession the past minutes to present as grounds at trial.

Alexandre Coutinho once again referred to the importance of having a meeting with INAC as soon as possible in order to clarify all these issues.

Michael Otto stated he saw no need to delay amending DL no. 109/2008, since the new European Regulation would still take some time to be published and no amendments are foreseen regarding the relevant issues which are set out in the proposal for the amendment of DL no. 109/2008.

4 – Revision of the monitoring regulations – proposal from Lufthansa airline

Antje Mueller asked for the opinion of the Portuguese partners regarding the amendments to the European Regulation, namely regarding the alteration of the definition of series of slots from five to ten flights and the calculation of the 80/20 rule. Lufthansa did not consider this to be a positive development.

The representative from TAP, Alexandre Coutinho, was in total agreement with Lufthansa’s position and could not see the advantage in increasing the number of slots to constitute a series.

The representative from Sata Internacional, Filipe Raposo, explained that this measure would force the airlines to operate more flights in order to obtain their historical slots.

He expressed the difficulty already felt by airlines in complying with the 80% (eighty per cent) and that it would be even more difficult to comply with 85% (eighty-five per cent).

Filipe Raposo asked Michael Otto if he knew when the new European Regulation would be published. Mr. Otto replied that he did not think it would be implemented in the next two years. However, Isabel Cysneiros was of the opinion that some news about this


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012 matter might arrive before the end of the current year, and she stated that the President of EUCA had been invited to give a presentation on the subject in Brussels, and had assumed that EUACA’s position was to maintain the number of slots making up a series (5). Local rules could be used by the most congested airports to implement a rule which defines a series as being ten slots.

Michael Otto asked the head of the National Slots Coordination to give her opinion on ‚secondary trading‛. Isabel Cysneiros replied that, up until the present time, it had not been necessary to implement that system in Portugal. She also believed that this process would only occur in very congested airports, such as Heathrow, and that if the process is always transparent and only exchanges between historical slots, it is acceptable. She personally did not agree because smaller airlines would not be able to compete, thereby only leaving room for the larger airlines, which would lead to the concentration of the larger operators, contrary to the objective which is to increase competition.

Alexandre Coutinho did not agree with ‚secondary trading‛, since he believes it would limit access to the market by only giving an opportunity to airlines with greater financial capacity.

Filipe Raposo added that the smaller Airlines could access the markets via the status of ‚New entrant‛, like the status Sata Internacional has at .

Isabel Cysneiros explained that ‚secondary trading‛ should only be applied to historical slots and not to new slots.

Altino Pinto stated that the main problem regarding this issue was the fact that the traded slots would constitute slots not used by the airline but would not return to the slot pool, which is in conflict with that which is set out in the European Regulation.

5 – Performance of the Airlines, results of IATA 2011 summer monitoring

Isabel Cysneiros gave a presentation on the performance of the airlines in the Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Madeira and Ponta Delgada airports in the summer of 2011. No questions were raised in relation to this. This presentation is available in Appendix 4.

6 - Work in progress, improvements in capacity expected for Lisbon and Faro airports


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

Since the representative from Faro airport was not present, as had been confirmed the day before the meeting, no presentation could be made by Faro airport.

Jorge Barreira, the representative from Lisbon airport, gave a presentation on the Lisbon airport expansion plan. The presentation is available in Appendix 5.

The following questions were raised.

The representative from Sata Internacional, Filipe Raposo, asked whether the NOTAM of 18.00 would remain active for the established companies following the increase in the number of parking places. He alerted the meeting to the fact that towing aircraft to the TAP maintenance hangars entailed very high costs, particularly in the country’s current state.

Mr. Raposo expressed the hope that Lisbon airport might provide more facilities for established operators. He also asked if the main runway would be resurfaced and when the work would be carried out.

Mr. Raposo described a problem that Sata Internacional had had during the last works carried out on the runway surface: the last flight to arrive from Ponta Delgada had been delayed due to winds encountered en route and had clashed with the time for closing the runway.

Jorge Barreira replied that the NOTAM would not be withdrawn and that the airport would carry out the work during the night and the second runway would be used as an alternative.

The representative from Euroatlantic airline, Aurora Carvalho, asked if the airport would continue to ask the established operators to remove their aircraft from Lisbon airport regarding extended parking.

She explained the difficulties the company has in repositioning the planes, since it takes at least five hours to do this, which has an impact on the service periods of the flight crew.

Ms. Carvalho provided an example of one situation: if a plane is to fly to/from and the aircraft is parked in another airport, it is not possible to provide the service without the crew resting in Paris. If the aircraft is parked in Lisbon, there is no such problem. She asked if the airport was aware of the costs involved in removing the planes to other airports.

Jorge Barreira explained that the airport has a problem with 777 planes since it only has one sleeve available for this type of aircraft.


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

The representative from , Júlio Dias, stated that his airline does not have a problem with parking at a distance, provided that the airport supplies all the necessary airport infrastructures.

7 – Any other business. No additional questions were raised and the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) was closed at 16.09.


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012



Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

Anexo 1

Transportadoras aéreas / Air Carriers - 600 votes

TOTAL Operator Operator Name SLOTS 600,00 Nº VOTES Code W+S TP TAP AIR PORTUGAL 122.284 240 240 FR RYANAIR 23.966 114,35 114 EZY EASYJET AIRLINE 21.819 104,10 104 LH LUFTHANSA 6.653 31,74 32 S4 SATA INTERNACIONAL 5.079 24,23 24 EZS EASYJET SWITZERLAND, SA 4.022 19,19 19 IB 3.744 17,86 18 AF 3.484 16,62 17 HV TRANSAVIA AIRLINES 3.132 14,94 15 AB AIR BERLIN 2.816 13,44 13 BA BRITISH AIRWAYS 2.596 12,39 12 EI 2.462 11,75 12 TO TRANSAVIA FRANCE 2.424 11,57 12 YW 2.393 11,42 11 AEA 2.386 11,38 11 SP SATA AIR ACORES 2.248 10,73 11 LS JET2.COM 2.208 10,53 11 ZI AIGLE AZUR 2.143 10,22 10 ZB/MON MONARCH AIRLINES 2.078 9,91 10 VLG AIRLINES 1.758 8,39 8 SN 1.734 8,27 8 TOM THOMSON AIRWAYS 1.663 7,93 8 BCS EUROPEAN AIR TRANSPORT 1.541 7,35 7 SRR STAR AIR 1.534 7,32 7 3V TNT AIRWAYS 1.517 7,24 7 KL KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES 1.452 6,93 7 4U GERMANWINGS 1.164 5,55 6 GRR AGROAR Trabalhos Aéreos 1.141 5,44 5 DT TAAG - ANGOLA AIRLINES 1.046 4,99 5


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

X3 TUIFLY 1.046 4,99 5 RVP AEROVIP 998 4,76 5 WW BMI BABY 974 4,65 5 VR TACV - 938 4,48 4 LX SWISS 784 3,74 4 AT 712 3,40 3 WHT WHITE 693 3,31 3 UA/CO 650 3,10 3 TK TURKISH AIRLINES 648 3,09 3 LG 638 3,04 3 FX FEDERAL EXPRESS 527 2,51 3 TSC 522 2,49 2 SWT SWIFTAIR SA 517 2,47 2 TCX THOMAS COOK AIRLINES (UK) 454 2,17 2 HG NIKI LUFTHART 432 2,06 2 TVS/QS TRAVEL SERVICE AS 390 1,86 2 UN TRANSAERO AIRLINES 354 1,69 2 BE 346 1,65 2 US US AIRWAYS 334 1,59 2 FQ THOMAS COOK AIRLINES (BELGIUM) 298 1,42 1 DY NORWEGIAN AIR SHUTTLE 290 1,38 1 FPO EUROPE AIRPOST 288 1,37 1 OBS ORBEST 278 1,33 1 JAF JETAIRFLY 268 1,28 1 DE FLUGDIENST 264 1,26 1 PS UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES 252 1,20 1 BIE AIR MEDITERRANEE 250 1,19 1 IWD IBERWORLD/ORBEST 248 1,18 1 PF PRIMERA AIR SCANDINAVIA 242 1,15 1 EK 230 1,10 1 CJ BA CITIFLYER 220 1,05 1 OAV OMNI AVIACAO & TECNOLOGIA LDA 206 0,98 1 9U 202 0,96 1 CND CORENDON DUTCH AIRLINES 190 0,91 1 OR TUI AIRLINES NEDERLAND 190 0,91 1 ST GERMANIA EXPRESS 186 0,89 1 ENT ENTER AIR SP. z.o.o. 182 0,87 1 TU 176 0,84 1


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

AY 161 0,77 1 NJE NETJETS 158 0,75 1 WK EDELWEISS 134 0,64 1 LO LOT POLISH AIRLINES 88 0,42 0 SK SAS 88 0,42 0 QI CIMBER STERLING A/S 86 0,41 0 AEI AIR ITALY POLSKA 84 0,40 0 0B -TRANSPORT AERIEN 84 0,40 0 OS 80 0,38 0 3O MAROC 68 0,32 0 FHE HELLO 66 0,31 0 OHY 64 0,31 0 DK THOMAS COOK A/L 56 0,27 0 NT 54 0,26 0 850





Nº votes GroundForce/ spdh 110 Portway 40


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

ANA, SA 100 ANAM, S.A 25



Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

Anexo 2

Anexo 3

Minutes no1- Executive Committee Meeting

On the twenty-seventh day of the month of April in the year of two thousand and eleven, at two o’clock and thirteen nine minutes in the afternoon, the Executive Committee met in the meeting room from Lisbon Airport management, with the following agenda:


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

1- Information about the progress of point number 2 of the 2nd General Assembly: ‚Ongoing sanction process due to breaches of European Regulation EU95/93‛.

2 - Constitution of the task force to work on: ‚ a document to be presented to INAC detailing how to proceed in cases of non-compliance while Decree Law no. 109/2008 remained in effect with this proposal gaining unanimous approval‛ as per last General Assembly, please see the minute attached.

With the following attendance: TAP – Alexandre Coutinho NAV – Eduardo Graça ANA – Altino Pinto BA – Alan Campbell DCNS – Alexandra Joaquim

The president of the executive committee, Alexandre Coutinho, informed that received a huge support from Altino Pinto and Isabel Cysneiros for the all process with INAC. In the meeting wit INAC, on the sixteen of March this year, INAC recognized that DCNS is the only entity that can do monitoring and subsequently inform INAC to impose sanctions. INAC also informed that they accept to change the Portuguese law in accordance to the EU regulation 95/93, but because of our current political situation they can not say when this will be done.

Altino Pinto, also said that at the meeting with INAC, ANA expressed their concerns regarding the all process of sanctions and INAC was welcome for suggestions or proposals. So, ANA purpose to INAC that although our national law says that airports are the ones who have the duty to inform directly INAC of any misdemeanour in the future nothing will go to INAC without the previous knowledge and approval of DCNS. INAC again recognizes that the Portuguese law 109/2008 is not in accordance with the EU regulation and accepted that if there is a misdemeanour that needs to go to INAC it will be the DCNS that will send it directly to INAC and no other entity.

The representative of British Airways, Alan Campbell, asked who will then in the future send the sanctions to airlines INAC or DCNS.

Altino Pinto, replied that the sanctions will always be made by INAC.

Alan Campbell, then asked what about the Portuguese law, these new procedure will not follow the actual national law.

Altino Pinto, replied that the national law will be changed in accordance in a near future.


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

Alexandre Coutinho, then informed that for INAC is clear that the spirit of the national law is not in accordance with the EU regulation, but because is difficult to change the law in such a short period this new ‘gentleman agreement’ about the process of sanctions is the best solution for the near future.

Altino Pinto, then informed that all the past actions that are still on INAC can not be stopped, but that INAC made the commitment that for all those past process they will contact DCNS to have a better understanding of the all picture.

Alexandre Coutinho, insisted that all the sanctions process that are already in the Portuguese court have to go ahead.

Again, Altino Pinto, pointed out that the all administrative processes that are already in INAC, even after consulting DCNS, they can go ahead to court or not only depending on the opinion of the INAC.

Alexandre Coutinho, said that after the June IATA Slot Conference another meeting with INAC will take place for follow up.

The representative of NAV, Eduardo Graça, asked how many process are still for analysing in INAC or even already in court.

Altino Pinto, said he do not know the number of process that are in administrative process in INAC neither the ones in court, but anyway for the ones in court INAC can’t do nothing about it. The expectation is that most of the court process will be owned by the airlines, and if by some reason the new national law is published while some process are still in court then they will automatically end. In meantime also the law about the financing of DCNS will be published and this will helpful to handle the questions made by the European commission.

Regarding item 2 from the agenda, Alexandre Coutinho, informed that he thinks it no longer make sense to go ahead with the task force, taking in consideration the last results. Everybody agreed and Alan Campbell asked if it is possible to maintain BA informed of all the progress with INAC.

Eduardo Graça asked if then DCNS will take advice with the coordination committee before sending information to INAC.

Altino Pinto, replied that on the past INAC already asked DCNS and the airlines involved for information about the misdemeanour that then they analyse and decided by themselves if they go ahead or not with the sanctions, in the future it will be DCNS through monitoring that will analyse and decided what is serious enough to go to INAC.


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

Alexandre Coutinho, explained once again that TAP is happy with this solution because it is in accordance with the EU regulation.

Alan Campbell, then expressed is gratitude on behalf of BA and all the airline community for the effort made to change the procedures in Portugal. And notice that we can all be happy to have all over Europe the same procedures.

With no further issue raised for discussion, the meeting ended at three o’clock and thirteen nine minutes in the afternoon.

Anexo 4




Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


 Late Handbacks: Slots returned after IATA Slot Handback Deadline - the difference between the slots held at the SOS (Start of Season) and the slots held at the Use it or Lose it;

Go Show: Flights operated without a previous allocated slot;

No Show: Allocated slots that were neither operate nor cancelled;

Off Slot: Series of flights that operated with a deviation superior to 16 minutes in comparison with the allocated slot.

Mai-12 2_


NO GO Deviation Slot handback after flights CODE NAME SHOWS % SHOWS % sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord. TP TAP AIR PORTUGAL 26 0,05 4 0,01 20.505 38,19 1.977 3,55 53.722 EZY EASYJET AIRLINE 0,00 1 0,02 825 13,15 285 4,35 6.273 LH LUFTHANSA AIRLINES 4 0,14 0,00 777 27,61 140 4,73 2.818 S4 SATA INTERNACIONAL 0,00 1 0,04 733 27,00 393 12,64 2.715 AF AIR FRANCE 2 0,09 1 0,04 328 14,03 -28 -1,21 2.340 IB IBERIA 0,00 0,00 1.105 48,30 80 3,38 2.288 BA BRITISH AIRWAYS 0,00 0,00 360 20,75 -1 -0,06 1.735 AEA AIR EUROPA 4 0,33 0,00 383 31,29 12 0,97 1.228 EZS EASYJET SWITZERLAND, SA 0,00 0,00 341 29,02 -1 -0,09 1.175 VLG/VY VUELING AIRLINES 10 0,86 0,00 295 25,72 69 5,63 1.157 SN/BEL BRUSSELS AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 273 29,14 -7 -0,75 937 KL KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 182 20,97 0 0,00 868 ZI AIGLE AZUR 0,00 0,00 145 21,67 137 17,00 669 RVP AEROVIP 0,00 0,00 48 7,62 -10 -1,61 630 4U GERMANWINGS 0,00 0,00 180 28,85 -4 -0,65 624 EI AER LINGUS 0,00 0,00 171 27,67 2 0,32 618 CO CONTINENTAL AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 194 38,04 4 0,78 510 VR TACV - CABO VERDE AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 328 66,40 262 34,66 494 FX/SWT FEDERAL EXPRESS/SWIFTAIR 0,00 0,00 168 35,44 394 45,39 474 AT/RAM ROYAL AIR MAROC 0,00 1 0,21 188 39,75 147 23,71 473 DT TAAG - ANGOLA AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 204 44,25 97 17,38 461 WHT WHITE 4 0,87 1 0,22 163 35,90 112 19,65 458 HG NIKI LUFTHART 0,00 0,00 153 34,93 -4 -0,92 438 LX SWISS 0,00 0,00 62 14,29 0 0,00 434 HV TRANSAVIA AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 218 51,42 -42 -10,99 424 BCS EUROPEAN AIR TRANSPORT 0,00 0,00 96 22,70 11 2,53 423 TK TURKISH AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 126 32,14 -82 -26,45 392 NJE NETJETS 0,00 0,00 112 29,55 -379 - 379

Best performance / Worse performance Mai-12 4_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


NO GO Deviation Slot handback after flights CODE NAME SHOWS % SHOWS % sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord. US US AIRWAYS 0,00 0,00 121 35,80 16 4,52 338 TAY/3V TNT AIRWAYS 0,00 0,00 110 35,95 4 1,29 306 SRR STAR AIR 0,00 0,00 51 17,00 10 3,23 300 PS UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 117 59,69 -14 -7,69 196 OBS ORBEST 0,00 0,00 81 43,32 117 38,49 187 TSC AIR TRANSAT 0,00 0,00 66 35,48 18 8,82 186 AY FINNAIR 0,00 0,00 33 19,76 0 0,00 167 OAV OMNI AVIACAO & TECNOLOGIA LDA 0,00 0,00 56 33,94 -41 -33,06 165 GRR AGROAR Trabalhos Aéreos 0,00 0,00 70 47,95 -146 - 146 IWD IBERWORLD/ORBEST 0,00 0,00 45 33,09 -24 -21,43 136 WW BMI BABY 0,00 0,00 48 38,10 -2 -1,61 126 TM LAM LINHAS AEREAS DE MOCAMBIQUE 3 2,42 0,00 62 51,24 0 0,00 124 YW AIR NOSTRUM 0,00 0,00 28 23,93 -3 -2,63 117 HEA HELIAVIA TRANSPORTE AEREO 1 0,88 0,00 59 52,21 -114 - 114 SFR 1 0,95 1 0,95 58 55,77 -105 - 105 9U AIR MOLDOVA 0,00 0,00 38 40,86 11 10,58 93 OHY ONUR AIR 0,00 0,00 46 52,27 18 16,98 88 PVG PRIVILEGE STYLE 0,00 0,00 52 60,47 -86 - 86 0B BLUE AIR-TRANSPORT AERIEN 0,00 0,00 45 53,57 0 0,00 84 TU TUNISAIR 0,00 0,00 32 41,03 182 70,00 78 5K 0,00 0,00 45 67,16 -67 - 67 8F/STP STP AIRWAYS 0,00 0,00 39 60,94 -4 -6,45 66 MMZ EUROATLANTIC AIRWAYS 2 4,35 0,00 29 65,91 -46 - 46 UN TRANSAERO AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 16 44,44 14 28,00 36 SWG SUNWING AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 23 82,14 -28 - 28 LY ISRAEL AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 9 37,50 -24 - 24 BGH BH AIR LTD 0,00 0,00 8 44,44 0 0,00 18 MWA MIDWEST AIRLINES 0,00 0,00 17 94,44 -18 - 18

Best performance / Worse performance Mai-12 5_


NO GO Deviation Slot handback after flights

CODE NAME SHOWS % SHOWS % sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord.

7M MISTRAL AIR SRL 0,00 0,00 12 75,00 -16 - 16

DBK AIRLINE 0,00 0,00 4 33,33 -2 -20,00 12

IG MERIDIANA 0,00 0,00 4 33,33 -12 - 12

Best performance / Worse performance

Mai-12 6_


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Mai-12 7_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

LISBON SUMMER 2011 – Monitoring Results

Mai-12 8_




Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

PORTO SUMMER 2011 – Airline Performance End Of Season

IATA/ICAO AIRLINE NO GO Deviation Slot handback after Flights Flights Flights Flights CODE NAME SHOWS % SHOWS % sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % matched Coord. operated Coord. Use it or lose it TP TAP AIR PORTUGAL 7 0,05 4 0,03 3885 25,91 310 2,02 14.993 15.000 14.997 15.310 FR RYANAIR 17 0,18 2 0,02 2480 25,61 4.837 33,27 9.685 9.702 9.687 14.539 EZY EASYJET AIRLINE 0 0,00 0 0,00 551 28,17 128 6,14 1.956 1.956 1.956 2.084 YW AIR NOSTRUM 7 0,44 0 0,00 754 47,07 -27 -1,71 1.602 1.609 1.602 1.582 EZS EASYJET SWITZERLAND, SA 2 0,15 0 0,00 363 27,54 0 0,00 1.318 1.320 1.318 1.320 LH LUFTHANSA AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 274 21,04 0 0,00 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 TO TRANSAVIA FRANCE 0 0,00 2 0,17 429 35,93 -134 -12,64 1.194 1.194 1.196 1.060 S4 SATA INTERNACIONAL 0 0,00 0 0,00 208 30,32 -94 -15,88 686 686 686 592 SRR STAR AIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 90 14,95 18 2,90 602 602 602 620 ZI AIGLE AZUR 0 0,00 0 0,00 118 23,79 -60 -13,76 496 496 496 436 EUROPEAN AIR BCS TRANSPORT 2 0,41 0 0,00 54 11,25 14 2,82 480 482 480 496 3V TNT AIRWAYS 4 0,86 0 0,00 123 26,57 -157 -50,65 463 467 463 310 SN BRUSSELS AIRLINES 1 0,23 0 0,00 91 20,87 -3 -0,69 436 437 436 434 AB AIR BERLIN 0 0,00 0 0,00 148 35,58 6 1,42 416 416 416 422 LG LUXAIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 72 19,25 162 30,22 374 374 374 536 SWT / FX SWIFTAIR / FEDEX 0 0,00 0 0,00 46 14,84 558 64,29 310 310 310 868 WHT WHITE 0 0,00 0 0,00 52 26,26 46 18,85 198 198 198 244 IWD IBERWORLD/ORBEST 0 0,00 0 0,00 38 30,89 11 8,21 123 123 123 134 AT ROYAL AIR MAROC 0 0,00 0 0,00 45 40,91 68 38,20 110 110 110 178 TSC AIR TRANSAT 0 0,00 0 0,00 31 32,29 -4 -4,35 96 96 96 92 DT TAAG - ANGOLA AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 39 55,71 -70 - 70 70 70 0

AF AIR FRANCE 0 0,00 0 0,00 36 56,25 -2 -3,23 64 64 64 62 Best performance/ Worse performance Mai-12 10_




Mai-12 11_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

PORTO SUMMER 2011 – Monitoring Results

Mai-12 12_




Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


No G0 Deviation Slot handback after Flight Code Name Shows % Shows % Sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord.

FR RYANAIR 15 0,18 6 0,07 1.617 19,65 193 2,29 8.244 EZY EASYJET AIRLINE 0 0,00 1 0,02 1.578 25,53 -6 -0,10 6.182 ZB / MON MONARCH AIRLINES 3 0,12 0 0,00 616 25,50 -21 -0,88 2.419 HV TRANSAVIA AIRLINES 4 0,20 0 0,00 593 29,96 -273 -15,96 1.983 LS JET2.COM 2 0,11 2 0,11 595 31,92 -20 -1,08 1.866 TP TAP AIR PORTUGAL 0 0,00 0 0,00 302 23,05 -8 -0,61 1.310 EI AER LINGUS 0 0,00 0 0,00 374 29,13 -28 -2,23 1.284 TOM THOMSON AIRWAYS 1 0,10 0 0,00 235 23,31 7 0,69 1.009 AB AIR BERLIN 0 0,00 0 0,00 346 35,52 2 0,20 974 WW BMI BABY 1 0,11 0 0,00 239 27,04 3 0,34 885 BA BRITISH AIRWAYS 0 0,00 1 0,11 272 30,80 -15 -1,73 883 X3 HAPAG LLOYD EXECUTIVE 1 0,14 2 0,29 109 15,82 -28 -4,23 690 TCX THOMAS COOK AIRLINES (UK) 0 0,00 0 0,00 134 32,52 102 19,84 412 BE FLYBE 0 0,00 0 0,00 89 24,86 2 0,56 358 NJE NETJETS 1 0,31 0 0,00 - - -321 - 321 LH LUFTHANSA AIRLINES 1 0,33 1 0,33 68 22,30 -2 -0,66 306 SN BRUSSELS AIRLINES 1 0,33 2 0,65 111 36,51 -3 -0,99 305 4U GERMANWINGS 0 0,00 0 0,00 97 32,33 0 0,00 300 DY NORWEGIAN AIR SHUTTLE 0 0,00 0 0,00 60 21,58 -2 -0,72 278 JAF JETAIRFLY 1 0,58 0 0,00 36 21,05 -6 -3,61 172 FQ THOMAS COOK AIRLINES (BELGIUM) 0 0,00 0 0,00 33 24,81 -1 -0,76 133 GXL XL AIRWAYS GERMANY 0 0,00 0 0,00 50 37,88 -24 -22,22 132 CJ CHINA NORTHERN AIRLINES 2 1,64 0 0,00 40 33,33 2 1,61 122 QS TRAVEL SERVICE AS 0 0,00 0 0,00 50 41,67 -40 -50,00 120 OR TUI AIRLINES NEDERLAND 0 0,00 0 0,00 26 25,00 -24 -30,00 104

Mai-12 14_ Best performance/ Worse performance


No G0 Deviation Slot handback after Flight Code Name Shows % Shows % Sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord. EZS EASYJET SWITZERLAND, SA 0 0,00 0 0,00 9 9,38 -2 -2,13 96 ABR AIR CONTRACTORS 0 0,00 0 0,00 21 25,00 -4 -5,00 84 LG LUXAIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 12 14,63 -22 -36,67 82 LLP SMALL PLANET AIRLINES (Warsaw) 0 0,00 0 0,00 39 48,75 -80 - 80 FPO EUROPE AIRPOST 0 0,00 0 0,00 18 22,50 -80 - 80 PF PRIMERA AIR SCANDINAVIA 0 0,00 0 0,00 14 20,59 8 10,53 68 WK EDELWEISS 0 0,00 0 0,00 8 12,12 0 0,00 66 S4 SATA INTERNACIONAL 0 0,00 0 0,00 15 24,19 -6 -10,71 62 TO TRANSAVIA FRANCE 0 0,00 0 0,00 33 55,00 -2 -3,45 60 OF AIR FINLAND 0 0,00 0 0,00 16 29,63 0 0,00 54 ZI AIGLE AZUR 0 0,00 0 0,00 16 29,63 2 3,57 54 EDC AIR CHARTER 0 0,00 0 0,00 - - -53 - 53 HG NIKI LUFTHART 0 0,00 0 0,00 7 13,46 -12 -30,00 52 OAV OMNI AVIACAO & TECNOLOGIA LD 0 0,00 0 0,00 - - -50 - 50 FHE HELLO 0 0,00 0 0,00 10 20,83 -6 -14,29 48 RAE REGIONAL COMPAGNIE AERIENNE EUROPEENNE 0 0,00 0 0,00 10 20,83 -6 -14,29 48 BLX TUIFLY NORDIC 0 0,00 0 0,00 8 16,67 0 0,00 48 EFF WESTAIR AVIATION 2 4,17 0 0,00 - - -48 - 48 ADN AERODIENST 0 0,00 0 0,00 - - -46 - 46 AY FINNAIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 29 65,91 0 0,00 44 LMJ MASTERJET 0 0,00 0 0,00 - - -43 - 43 IWD IBERWORLD/ORBEST 0 0,00 0 0,00 8 19,05 2 4,55 42 ENT ENTER AIR SP. z.o.o. 0 0,00 0 0,00 36 90,00 -40 - 40 HCC HOLIDAYS 0 0,00 0 0,00 19 52,78 -36 - 36 UN TRANSAERO AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 14 41,18 6 15,00 34 Best performance/ Worse performance

Mai-12 15_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


No G0 Deviation Slot handback after

Flight Code Name Shows % Shows % Sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord.

TSC AIR TRANSAT 0 0,00 0 0,00 12 40,00 -2 -7,14 30

J7 CENTRE AVIA AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 15 53,57 -28 - 28

SK SAS SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 10 35,71 -15 -115,38 28

JTG JET TIME 0 0,00 2 8,33 11 50,00 -22 - 22

YAP YES Airways 0 0,00 0 0,00 4 25,00 -16 - 16

IGA SKY TAXI 2 12,50 0 0,00 3 21,43 -16 - 16

Best performance/ Worse performance

Mai-12 16_




Mai-12 17_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

FARO SUMMER 2011 – Monitoring Results

Mai-12 18_




Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


IATA/ICAO AIRLINE NO GO Deviation Slot handback after Flights CODE NAME SHOWS % SHOWS % sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord. TP TAP AIR PORTUGAL 2 0,04 6 0,12 1.244 25,13 54 1,08 4.952 S4 SATA INTERNATIONAL 2 0,12 1 0,06 302 17,82 184 9,78 1.697 EZY EASYJET AIRLINE 0 0,00 0 0,00 478 30,14 8 0,50 1.586 SP SATA AIR AÇORES 0 0,00 2 0,15 100 7,31 824 37,59 1.368 TOM THOMSON AIRWAYS 2 0,36 0 0,00 143 25,81 2 0,36 556 AB AIR BERLIN 0 0,00 0 0,00 132 24,91 -4 -0,76 530 TO TRANSAVIA FRANCE 0 0,00 0 0,00 120 35,09 22 6,04 342 X3 HAPAG LLOYD EXECUTIVE 0 0,00 0 0,00 42 16,94 -6 -2,48 248 DE CONDOR 0 0,00 0 0,00 42 21,43 0 0,00 196 LS JET2.COM 0 0,00 0 0,00 69 37,10 -2 -1,09 186 FPO EUROPE AIRPOST 0 0,00 0 0,00 78 43,82 -46 -34,85 178 BIE AIR MEDITERRANEE 0 0,00 0 0,00 81 47,65 -78 -84,78 170 HV TRANSAVIA AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 34 20,24 -6 -3,70 168 QS TRAVEL SERVICE 0 0,00 0 0,00 59 35,54 -104 -167,74 166 NT BINTER CANARIAS 0 0,00 0 0,00 24 17,91 -82 -157,69 134 HG NIKI LUFTHART 0 0,00 0 0,00 30 22,73 14 9,59 132 GRR AGROAR 0 0,00 0 0,00 46 35,66 -129 - 129 FQ THOMAS COOK AIRLINES (BELGIUM) 0 0,00 0 0,00 37 31,36 -4 -3,51 118 TCX THOMAS COOK AIRLINES (UK) 2 1,72 0 0,00 41 35,96 -2 -1,75 116 JAF JET AIRFLY 0 0,00 0 0,00 19 20,21 -2 -2,17 94 OR TUI AIRLINES NETHERLAND 0 0,00 0 0,00 20 23,81 -2 -2,44 84 SWT SWIFTAIR 0 0,00 1 1,20 29 35,37 228 73,55 82 ZI AIGLE AZUR 0 0,00 0 0,00 33 44,59 -12 -19,35 74 OS AUSTRIAN AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 11 17,74 0 0,00 62 AY FINNAIR 0 0,00 3 4,76 14 23,33 -8 -15,38 60 LG LUXAIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 10 17,24 116 66,67 58 MON MONARCH AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 22 42,31 0 0,00 52 YW AIR NOSTRUM 1 1,92 1 1,92 17 33,33 0 0,00 52 ENT ENTER AIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 35 72,92 -48 - 48 PF PRIMERA AIR SCANDINAVIA 0 0,00 0 0,00 22 47,83 -4 -9,52 46 UN TRANSAERO AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 16 50,00 -32 - 32 6Y SMARTLYNX AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 11 45,83 -24 - 24 DK THOMAS COOK A/L 0 0,00 0 0,00 8 33,33 -4 -20,00 24 FB 0 0,00 0 0,00 7 43,75 -16 - 16 SK SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES 0 0,00 0 0,00 9 90,00 0 0,00 10 QI CIMBER AIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 1 10,00 0 0,00 10 Best performance/ Worse performance Mai-12 20_




Mai-12 21_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

MADEIRA SUMMER 2011 – Monitoring Results

Mai-12 22_




Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012


IATA/ICAO AIRLINE NO GO Deviation Slot handback after Flights CODE NAME SHOWS % SHOWS % sup. to 16' % Use it or Lose it % Coord. SP SATA AIR AÇORES 0 0,00 0 0,00 1.544 33,97 1.697 27,19 4.545 S4 SATA INTERNACIONAL 2 0,07 0 0,00 750 27,01 39 1,38 2.779 TP TAP AIR PORTUGAL 0 0,00 0 0,00 56 22,40 -2 -0,81 250 PF PRIMERA AIR SCANDINAVIA 0 0,00 0 0,00 42 41,18 -4 -4,08 102 AB AIR BERLIN 0 0,00 0 0,00 27 43,55 0 0,00 62 OR TUI AIRLINES NEDERLAND 0 0,00 0 0,00 50 80,65 -62 0,00 62 JTG JET TIME 0 0,00 0 0,00 46 88,46 -6 -13,04 52 FB BULGARIA AIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 21 45,65 6 11,54 46 AY FINNAIR 0 0,00 0 0,00 15 37,50 -14 -53,85 40 TSC AIR TRANSAT 0 0,00 0 0,00 10 29,41 0 0,00 34

Best performance/ Worse performance

Mai-12 24_

PDL SUMMER 2011 – Monitoring Results

Mai-12 25_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

Anexo 5

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

3rd Annual General Meeting of the Portuguese National Coordination Committee

1. WIP – Works in Progress 3 2. Capacity improvements expected at Lisbon 5

03 May 2012 2_

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

• Lisbon Expansion Plan was not completed due to problems arising with the contractor. In result the works had stop in middle 2011;

• We are waiting the result of a public tender to have a contractor that will regain works;

• We expect to conclude Lisbon Expansion Plan in middle 2013.

03 May 2012 3_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

Still awaiting to be completed:

• New passengers arrival area with four (2+2) disembark gates;

• New boarder control area (arrival and departure);

• New check in room;

• New baggage terminal (arrival and departure).

• Works in TWY;

• New pavement in RWY 03/21.

03 May 2012 4_

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

1. WIP – Works in Progress 3 2. Capacity improvements expected at Lisbon 5

03 May 2012 5_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

Runway capacity • Expecting in late 2013 increase movements from 38 to 40 per hour. Parking gates • Completed, we increased from 55/61 to 63/71. Terminal • Due to operation changes in T2, we will be able to increase on departures from 4.000 to 4.700 passengers per hour (∆ 17,5%); Plus 300 Non Schengen passengers departing on T2 (∆ 20%); • The departure Non Schengen capacity didn’t go along with the decreased number of border boxes (DEC09) due to use of ABCS (Automated Boarder Control System – RAPID); • However we weren't able to increase capacity on arrival for the use o ABCS due to the architecture of the room and characteristics of passengers on peak hours.

03 May 2012 6_

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

• We expect to be able to substantially increase capacity with the conclusion of works in terminal . The new boarder control area and the new baggage terminal will allow it.

03 May 2012 7_


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the General Assembly of the National Coordinating Committee (CNC) 19/04/2012

3rd Annual General Meeting – Portuguese NCC

03 May 2012 8_