Latest Covid-19 Having a East End street





MY advice staycation? makeover





Dizzee’s back! The Bow-born rapper returns to his roots - see pages 12-13 NEWS FROM TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL AND YOUR COMMUNITY

The last few months have been incredibly challenging for 4-7 // Healthier lives 22-24 // Walk with everyone and we’ve rallied together in Tower Hamlets to Staying in the know, Graham Barker support one another. We must continue to all play our part do your bit, shielding Trotting around the in ensuring that we do everything we can to prevent further advice, Covid- borough. spikes in Covid-19. If you do show any symptoms, please do 19 community get a test. champions, where 26-29 // Arts & While things are not fully back to normal, it’s good that to go for help, NHS events more children have gone back to school and, where it Test and Trace, get the Having a staycation, what’s is safe, more businesses have been able to reopen. As a flu vaccine as winter on listings. council, we’ve also begun reopening services where we can approaches. but you’ll have to bear with us as we continue to adapt to a 30-33// Community news changing situation. 8-9 // Young people and Recognition for borough super families volunteer, join us Nextdoor, I know that residents will be concerned about the economic united we’re stronger – impact of Covid-19. We’ll continue to support businesses Lifelong laughter and learning, #TowerHamletsTogether, new mural through this and will keep lobbying government, where borough partnership column. celebrates the NHS, East End street needed, to support all of our communities in the borough. makeover, music for the mind, on Responding to the impact of the pandemic has obvious- 11 // Clean & green board for volunteering. ly been a key focus for us here at the council in 2020. I Recycling: We can all play our part. want to pay tribute to our frontline staff and our partners 34 // Council news who have worked incredibly hard for you, our residents, 12-13 // Celebrating our Let’s Talk Tower Hamlets, a role for us throughout this time. borough all in tackling racial inequality. However, we have also continued to make progress on oth- Rapper returns to his roots. 35-36 // Reader survey er priorities: delivering new council homes; cleaning up the Give your views on Our East End. borough with our waste service, which was brought back 15 // Jobs & economy under council management earlier this year; and looking at Pavement dining to give Brick Lane 38-39 // Harmony ways to make the borough fairer. businesses a boost, Deborah’s dedication Council news in Bengali and Somali. recognised. We’re establishing a race commission to look at how we 40-41// History tackle some of the root causes of inequality. We’re taking 16-17 // Spotlight action to clean up our air quality and, through our Live- Slavery woven into the fabric able Streets programme, making it easier to get around The data crunchers of everyday life. the borough on bike and foot. This will deliver real keeping our borough improvements to make Tower Hamlets an safe. 43 // Council news even better place to live. Whatever it takes, a 18 // Safer blooming partnership, I’m sure that the next few months will Together check you’re up to date continue to be challenging for us but I and registered to vote. also know that we’ll get through them Fight to tackle drugs together. continues, action 44-45 // Know against ASB and As ever you can get in touch your council car bars. with me by emailing Contact details for the mayor and [email protected] or councillors. calling 020 7364 4000. 21 // Housing Car park makes way for brand new 46-47 // Useful information John Biggs, council homes, flat fire tragedy Council news, meeting dates and how prevented by fire safety work. to get in touch.

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2 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 3 KEEP Do your bit We all have an important role to play in ensuring we stay safe, including here at TOWER HAMLETS the council. This is especially important as winter approaches, bringing with it the SAFE seasonal health challenges and additional pressures for the NHS.

• Self-isolate for at least 10 days if you have tested positive for Covid-19 or have a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss of taste or smell. • Self-isolate for 14 days if someone you live with or share a PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS support bubble with has symptoms or has tested positive, or you’ve been told by NHS Test and Trace that you’ve been in contact with someone who has Covid-19. • Get a test immediately if you experience symptoms – do not wait. You can order a home testing kit or visit a test site near you. Visit or call 119. • Try to stay at least two metres (three steps) away from anyone you do not live with or share a support bubble with wherever possible, or one metre with other precautions such as wearing a face covering. • Wash your hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 Shielding advice seconds. You can use hand sanitiser if soap and water are not HANDS FACE SPACE available. If you are clinically extremely vulnerable and were advised to shield during the peak of the pandemic, you do not need to shield at the moment. You can now follow the • Wear a face covering on public transport, in shops and same advice as the general population but continue to take extra care such as working Wash hands Wear a face Keep a safe other enclosed areas. This is now a requirement for many from home wherever possible and keeping your overall social interactions low. more indoor spaces and venues, so don’t get caught out! You could be advised to shield again if the situation changes and there is an increase in the transmission of Covid-19. regularly covering distance • Shop safe and shop local. The details of people who were shielding are kept securely on the shielded patient • Walk and cycle to travel around where possible. list by NHS Digital and you will be written to if the advice changes. More information is available at • Follow the rule of six. You must not meet with people from other households Covid-19 community champions socially in groups of more than six, indoors or outdoors, including in private homes. Covid-19 secure venues, such as One way we’re helping to ensure our residents are informed and in tune with the places of worship, restaurants and pubs can still host larger latest Covid-19 advice is through our Covid-19 community champion programme. Staying in the know It’s simple. Residents sign up to become champions and we regularly share up to numbers in total but groups of up to six must not mix or form date advice and information on Covid-19 with them. Champions then share this with HEALTHIER LIVES we can to contain the virus by following larger groups. A single household or support bubble larger their families, friends and their wider communities and help them to understand it. government and NHS advice so we can than six can still gather together and educational and work continue doing the things we love and You can sign up to become a Covid-19 community champion and find out more settings are not affected. By LUCY FORDHAM avoid a local lockdown. online – visit Lockdown has been gradually easing Local lockdowns and restrictions could over the last couple of months, which has be imposed at any time in response to meant we have all been able to get back an outbreak. In July, we published our to some sense of normality. From seeing local outbreak control plan, which sets Where to go for help friends and family at a safe distance to out how we will work with partners, Other phonelines: eating out and supporting our favourite including Public Health England, to Go online local restaurants, many of us will have prevent and manage any outbreaks of for council information and support Concerns about children and started settling into a new way of life. Covid-19. The plan also looks at how we young people However, as restrictions have reduced, for fun activities and ideas to stay active will manage outbreaks in some of our 020 7364 5006 cases of Covid-19 have risen across high-risk settings, including care homes, if you’re self-isolating and need help or support Adult safeguarding London with the highest number of schools, places of worship and work. for the latest NHS information, advice and to book a test 020 7364 5005 positive test results among those aged Our team of public health experts 20 - 29. to check your symptoms with the NHS review Covid-19 data in Tower Hamlets Trading standards In Tower Hamlets, we are also seeing to keep up to date with government guidance and support 020 7364 5008 daily, to ensure cases stay low, any an increase in cases. There were 37 cases increase in cases is investigated and Domestic abuse recorded in June, which rose to 131 in To book a Covid-19 test call 119. residents are kept safe. 0808 2000 247 August. For medical help by phone call: Your GP or 111. Some of the most common activities Please protect your family, friends Department for Education If urgent 999 (or go to your nearest A&E department) helpline or events among people of all ages and communities by following advice For urgent help, advice and support from the council call: 020 7364 3030 0800 046 8687 who test positive include going on (hands, face and space) and doing your bit to help tackle the virus. Council tax holiday, eating out, shopping, travel and Wixii caawimaad ah, talo iyo taageero: 020 7364 3030 020 7364 5002 commuting. These activities make us all For up to date information and Lahadal 020 7364 3030 feel more positive but it’s crucial that we advice, visit ama booqo do them safely. We must do everything coronavirus or Poplar Harca volunteer at local food bank 4 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 5 BOOK A TEST


NHS Test and Trace – stop the spread Get the flu vaccine as We can reduce the spread of Covid-19 Book a test Sharing information Self-isolating by keeping a safe distance from others, winter approaches regular hand washing, wearing face If you have symptoms of Covid-19 – a Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 If you test positive for Covid-19 you Flu season is on the horizon and as winter approaches, those at risk should start coverings and importantly through high temperature, a new or continuous will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace will be asked to self-isolate for 10 days, testing and contact tracing. This is thinking about getting vaccinated. cough or a change in your normal sense by email, text or phone. Text messages from when symptoms began or if no done through the national NHS Test Flu can have a serious impact on health and every year people will sadly die. of taste or smell – you must immediately come from ‘NHStracing’ and calls will symptoms, from the date you took the and Trace programme. Testing people Getting the flu vaccine remains the number one way to protect yourself and can be self-isolate and book a free test. Tests come from 0300 0135000. test. with symptoms of Covid-19 and then If you live with someone who has easily and quickly done at your GP or pharmacy. following up with those they may have can be booked online at Children under 18 will be contacted by tested positive you must self-isolate for This year, the government is offering the most comprehensive flu programme in been in contact with while infectious, coronavirus or by calling 119. phone wherever possible and asked for 14 days. UK history. More people than ever can get the vaccination for free, including: will help us stop the spread of the virus. A mobile testing unit is operating permission from a parent or guardian to If you are informed that you have been • People who were advised to shield during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and It will keep everyone safe and ensure in the borough at Billingsgate Fish continue the call. in close recent contact with someone members of their household. that we all take action to protect ourselves Market, near , with The NHS will help identify who you who has tested positive (who is not from • All school year groups up to Year 7. and others, such as self-isolating. regular appointments throughout the have been in close recent contact with your household) you should self-isolate • All two and three year old children. day. However, there are also testing units and ask you for their contact details. for 14 days from your last contact with • People aged over 65, pregnant women, and those with some pre-existing Everyone can help operating in neighbouring boroughs, so These people can then be advised to self- them and remain alert to symptoms. If conditions. you can look out for these appointments isolate and remain alert to the symptoms • People aged 50 - 65, later in the year. You will help to contain Covid-19 if you you do develop any of the symptoms of as well when booking a test. You will be of Covid-19. • Everyone living in a residential or nursing home and everyone who cares for an follow public health advice and get tested Covid-19, then you must book a test. offered your nearest location at the time All information shared with NHS Test older or disabled person. if you’re symptomatic. Testing not only If you return from a country abroad of booking. You must book a test before and Trace is secure and your identity will which requires self-isolation on arrival in protects you but your friends, family and The expanded vaccination scheme is part of plans to relieve winter pressures on attending a testing unit. never be shared. the UK, you must self-isolate for 14 days. the wider community. emergency care. We would encourage everyone who is eligible for the flu vaccine to Children under five years old are If called by the NHS, you will never You must continue to self-isolate, Visit take up the offer in the autumn before there are any flu outbreaks. Protect yourself, testandtrace for more information about required to have a clinical assessment be asked for bank or PIN details, to even if you receive a negative test your family and your communities. NHS Test and Trace, self-isolation and before being tested, which can be done make a payment or for anyone to visit result in this time, as the disease may Visit for more information. support available. by a GP or by NHS 111. you at home. still be incubating. 6 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 7 child is under five, you will need to trains than normal to support social call 111. distancing. Walking, cycling or NEWS Current evidence tells us using a scooter are the best ways to BOROUGH PARTNERSHIP children are much less likely to avoid overcrowding, or a long wait, catch Covid-19, spread it or become when going to and from school. very ill from it. If anyone at a school Finally, a big thank you to our Education has symptoms, they will be sent home and supported to learn from school staff for supporting children is essential and young people to learn during there until it is safe for them to Working together for a better borough return. Health experts will be asked lockdown and preparing our for a child’s to assess the risk and manage any schools for everyone to return. James Thomas, Corporate further response from the school. They worked really hard to get development, At every step, the goal is to manage things ready and are continuing to Director, Children and Culture, the risk of infection and stop the work with government guidance so it is crucial Tower Hamlets virus spreading within a school and to help keep children at school and within our community. we get children Council Don’t forget, when travelling realise their potential. to school, you should try to avoid Visit safely back to My first few weeks OUR SCHOOLS ARE public transport if possible. There backtoschool for the latest advice, at the council will be less space on buses and information and support. school. have been both enjoyable and intense. How strange it has been meeting most people SAFE PLACES AND virtually and not in person. So who am I? I am a Londoner, social worker, father of three, cyclist, passionate public servant and experienced director. I THE BEST PLACE intend to stay in the borough for the long- term and work with my team to make a real difference to the lives of our children, young people, families and residents. What leaps out at me first about Tower Hamlets is the energy, passion and all- TO LEARN round brilliance of our young people. I’ve prioritised meeting those who have stepped up to represent others – our Youth Council, Children in Care Council Visit and our special educational needs and disability (SEND) ambassadors. They have impressed me with their commitment, thoughtfulness and desire to make a difference. I have been equally impressed by our staff, partners, schools and volunteers who have continued to deliver services for the most vulnerable throughout this extraordinarily challenging time. As we approached September, my priority has been to get every child and young person back to school. It’s so important for them, their learning and their physical and emotional health to be back in school – with their teachers and friends. This will, in turn, help parents and carers to get back to more normal rhythms of daily living. You may be worried about the virus, Lifelong laughter and learning especially if you are from one of our Black, Asian or minority ethnic communities, YOUNG PEOPLE year. They are places where teaching A school is the best place School adjustments living with older relatives or have AND FAMILIES staff worked all summer to prepare. to learn Important new measures are in place to family members who are shielding. I’ve Staff who looked forward to the sound of manage the risk of Covid-19. These will witnessed the great lengths our schools laughter and learning filling their empty By DAVID HARDING The benefits of being back at school limit the spread of infection in schools, have gone to in preparation for a safe classrooms again and who have now Do you remember the feeling of a include proper support for learning, a between families and across Tower return to school, putting in a variety of welcomed our children back. new school year? After the long summer routine, being active and mixing with Hamlets. They should give students measures to reduce the transmission of you were itching to get back. Your new other children. The Chief Medical and staff the confidence to be at school Covid-19. They have followed government shoes waited for impatient feet. Pages Our schools are safe Officer for England, Chris Witty, recently without worrying. guidance and have worked closely with were clean and pencils were sharp. Fresh places said: “Education is essential for a child’s We have made simple changes like our public health experts and colleagues stories sat on an excited tongue, ready to development, so it is crucial we get more hand washing, small groups, in trade unions. impress your friends and teachers. Well, You should speak to your school if you children safely back to school.” better cleaning and asking people to stay I hope all our families feel reassured by this year was no exception. have concerns about being back at school If you’re cycling to school, don’t miss at home if they are unwell. Remember, this and that we keep seeing children back The government has said every child or call the council’s Family Information Transport for London’s free online cycle getting tested for Covid-19 is free. You at school to both learn and develop and must be back at school – schools which Service, which is available from Monday skills course. For tips and to sign up visit should call 119 or visit benefit from seeing their friends. look a little different from this time last to Friday, 9am - 5pm on 020 7364 6495. coronavirus to arrange a test. If your Sara Ali returning for a new school year at Kobi Nazrul Primary School 8 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 9 Recycling: We can all play our part SCHOOL AND NURSERY These are items are ideal for recycling: CLEAN & GREEN

ADMISSIONS 2021 By CHRIS HUMPHREYS Improving the way we recycle was a priority in Tower Hamlets long before 2020, but with so many of us spending WHO CAN APPLY more time at home, consuming more and producing more waste, it’s now more important than ever before. Nursery place We know that many of our residents If your child was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, then you can take recycling seriously – reusing where they can, separating items carefully and apply for a nursery place for September 2021. putting their waste in the right bin – but we also know we’ve still got lots of room for improvement. Primary school place Why is recycling so These items aren’t suitable for recycling and should be disposed of in other ways: important? If your child was born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017, then you can apply for a primary school place for September 2021. Tower Hamlets is a growing borough. Over the next ten years the population is expected to rise by another 50,000. The number of businesses and people working here is increasing and, as a Secondary school place result, so is the amount of waste being produced. If your child was born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010 then you can Disposing of that waste is not only apply for a secondary school place for September 2021. expensive, it’s also damaging to our environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish sent to landfill. With most UK landfill sites full, often rubbish has to be transported over longer distances APPLYING FOR A PLACE to dispose of it, which then has an additional and significant environmental about what can and can’t be recycled closures in response to Covid-19 – and bag for life) to collect and carry your cost. and we hope the handy guide on this thinking they can’t recycle without them. recycling in before depositing the Secondary Nursery Recycling much closer to home page will help to make that clear. But in contents in the bin? Alternatively, if you uses less energy and is far more Tower Hamlets, like other inner London What can you do? can find clear sacks in the shops, you can Applications open – 1 Sept 2020 Applications open – 1 Sept 2020 environmentally friendly. boroughs, homes also tend to be more use those in the same way as you would Deadline for applications – 31 October 2020 Deadline for applications – 16 Feb 2021 compact, with many people living in Let’s start with the recycling sacks. We use one of the council sacks. Please don’t What’s stopping us? flats. Residents have told us they often provide the clear sacks as we know it use dark coloured bin bags – the teams Outcome – 1 March 2021 Outcome – 7 May 2021 struggle with space to separate out and helps but there are other options. don’t know what’s in them so it can cause Deadline for acceptance - 16 March 2021 Deadline for acceptance – 21 May 2021 Making the case for recycling is easy. So store their recycling. Others are relying If you live in a flat with a communal collections to be missed or delayed. why are we still seeing so much waste on getting hold of the clear council recycling bin, you can put your recycling It’s also important to know what disposed of in the wrong way? recycling sacks – something that has in loose. Why not use a cardboard box or you can and can’t put in your purple Some people might just be unsure been more tricky due to Idea Store other container (such as a supermarket recycling bin. Reception Applications open – 1 Sept 2020 Recycling other household items is Deadline for applications – 15 Jan 2021 Ho easy if you know how. App l w to appl You can make use of the Reuse Outcome – 16 Apr 2021 y online dir and Recycling Centre in Yabsley Deadline for acceptance – 30 Apr 2021 Tow y Street, E14. There you can drop off er H ectl furniture, electrical items, mattresses www amle y and garden waste. If you can’t get Counci lto to Yabsley Street but you’ve got big from Sep items to get rid of, why not make at use of our free bulky waste collection tember service. Visit uk/bulkywaste to find out more. 2020. Clothes and textiles can be taken to charity shops or dropped off at clothing banks – we’ve listed some at Batteries can be recycled at most supermarkets. You can also usually recycle batteries and small electrical items, like kettles and toasters, at Idea Stores. This is currently unavailable due to Covid-19 but we hope to have this offer up and running again soon. Members of the borough’s waste team getting ready for the day ahead 10 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 11 “One day I was in class at Redbridge College and I asked myself why I was there. I knew I could be in a proper studio doing this so I dropped out and later that year I Luv U came out.” “There was already a big buzz on the I didn’t want streets and across the country on an anything else. I underground level as we were doing radio sets, raves and making tapes that wanted to be the would get around.” “When I put out I Luv U on my own best MC, make the label, then finally signed to XL and put out an album, it went crazy. I won a best beats and be Mercury Music Prize but I didn’t realise at the time how important that was around the best because it was not really in my sights.” crews to jump on “There were dark times and stuff I couldn’t get my head around but because my beats. I just I was so busy, I had tunnel vision moving forward so fast. wanted to make “When you blow up like that, if you’re not in the studio, you end up music. travelling around different countries, doing interviews and shows. You travel Dizzee helping to distribute vital food parcels during the pandemic to places like Japan where they have a sometimes. It feels like home as soon as different culture, you’re used to people I’m out the Blackwall Tunnel.” jumping around at shows but there they After a tough upbringing following watch your show and you think they’re the death of his father, he experienced a not feeling you when you’re performing rapid rise to stardom with a major label but they wait for the end of the song and record contract and a string of awards in go crazy.” his teens. Add in a Brit Award, an Ivor Novello Looking back on his early career, prize, star collaborations and an he said: “I didn’t want anything else. I appearance on the Band Aid 2004 wanted to be the best MC, make the best Christmas number one single, the last beats and be around the best crews to hit to sell a million physical copies, it’s jump on my beats. I just wanted to make clear to see how the Bow boy is now A music. There was no plan B. list. “My advice would be to know what you Dizzee’s new album E3 AF (how he want to do and you may have to give your describes himself – E3 African) marks life to it. It’s not easy for everyone to do a return to his roots with several star as people have got bills and families.” collaborations and the finishing touches He struggled to settle at a string of made in his newly renovated home secondary schools but honed his skills studio. after first practising music production “I’ve been at home through lockdown on his games console. and I managed to finish the album in my feeling the beats in preparation for his new album E3 AF “I’d started learning to make beats on studio which was built while I was away a PlayStation game called Music 2000, last year. I’d recorded most of it before Taking time out for a photo with a local family one of the first sequencers and it went lockdown. I started working on it two from there. years ago trying different ideas and I got or mainstream moments and garage how I am going to make the best music “The music programme at Blessed to a point where the songs were ready to influences there. It’s going to knock that will give people that excitement and Rapper returns to his roots John Roche wasn’t amazing but I met record. people sideways. people from my generation are going a lot of MCs and people into garage “I’ve done a lot of the production His latest video was shot in Bromley- to go back through the lyrics to hear it and drum ‘n’ bass there. Afterwards I and worked with different artists and by-Bow, one of many to be shot in the Each edition, we focus on a person or place that makes again.” went to St Paul’s Way where the music producers. A lot of the songs start with borough. E3 AF is out on Friday 9 October. The Tower Hamlets so special – celebrating our borough. facilities were good and a teacher called a beat. I meditate and vibe with it, “I make albums to express myself and Tim Russell got me into using Cubase sometimes I’ll start flowing with a few to test myself. What can I do next that I album cover gives a nod to the borough [music production software] to start words and the rest comes. Sometimes and, funnily enough, to the council too. food parcels to local residents as part haven’t done? Who can I work with and CELEBRATING programming music and learning about I start with a hook or sometimes it’s a of Kitchen Social, a Mayor’s Fund for how can I make this work stand out?” It is available to pre-order on vinyl and OUR BOROUGH production. verse, I can never plan.” London programme. He donned PPE “For this album, I’ve just focused on digital download from “I was aware that I wasn’t really “I wanted to go back to make the best to support local families and posed for By THOMAS BROWN getting on in other classes. When I got music I can and forget everything else to socially distanced pictures as people You can take the man out of the East End to Langdon Park, I knew so much about focus on being an artist and a producer. began to recognise him. but you can’t take the East End out of music that they could put me in the “The album is wicked. I’m proper A lot of the songs start with a the man as we catch up with Bow-born The rapper, who turns 36 this year, back room where there was a studio. A proud and it bangs!” rapper, songwriter and record producer said: “I was asked to get involved with teacher, Mr Smith, let me just get on His seventh studio album features beat. Sometimes I start with a Dizzee Rascal. the Mayor’s Fund and it was a no-brainer. with it and make beats.” guest appearances from London rappers It’s almost 20 years since he first It’s nice to go back, although not so He’s widely regarded as a pioneer including East Enders like , hook or sometimes it’s a verse, gained acclaim on London pirate radio much under those circumstances. The of music but he says that wasn’t and Kano as well as producer on his way to becoming an international school is literally across the road from his idea. “I didn’t put that label on my Steel Banglez. I can never plan. I wanted to go music star. Platinum albums, rave my first secondary school [Blessed John music but I just got tired of fighting it. I “I look out for younger artists and you reviews and a string of prestigious Roche] and the adventure playground knew early on that my stuff was different like their vibe but there can be different back to make the best music I awards followed as he scooped the where I used to play so it brought back in 1999 and 2000 when I was working politics. When it comes to working Mercury Music Prize for acclaimed memories. with Nasty Crew, MC Stormin and with people more from my generation, can and forget everything else debut album Boy in Da Corner. “I’ve moved out of east London but Sharky from Newham. The first tune I it’s more about who do I think is cold, Dizzee, whose real name is Dylan funnily enough I was in Vicky Park made with them was called Ready for serious lyricists and writers who bring to focus on being an artist and a Kwabena Mills, regularly returns to the other day to see some friends and War and that’s when people knew my their A game. It’s nice to hear the cream his roots. He recently visited Bygrove I remember playing there as a kid. The stuff was different. I was well known on of UK spitters on my beats. producer. The album is wicked. Primary School in Poplar during area’s changed a lot but some places pirate radio stations like Flava FM, Deja “It’s not just a straight up rap lockdown to help distribute emergency don’t so it can feel like a timewarp Dizzee giving food to a local resident at Bygrove Primary School Vu and Heat FM. album, there are still some more party I’m proper proud and it bangs! 12 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 13 Deborah’s dedication SME Energy recognised Improvement Grants up to £5,000 available

Tower Hamlets Council is making available grants to support Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to make energy efficiency improvements to their premises. Any project that will lead to a reduction in your energy use will be considered, including the use of renewable energy sources. Deborah Millington Grants can be used to cover up to 50% of the costs of A council officer who volunteered to put any improvements (up to a maximum of £5,000). her experience of supporting start-up businesses to use as a mentor for the Grants are only available to SMEs whose premises borough’s young people has been named are in Tower Hamlets. London Enterprise Adviser of the Year. By day, Deborah Millington works To apply and for further information please with budding entrepreneurs to help visit them put their ideas into action. Last year, she saw an opportunity to use the or email [email protected] knowledge and skills she had developed in that role and signed up to support the London Enterprise Adviser Network’s school careers programme in her spare time. Since then she has worked with students from Canary Wharf College Diners checking out Brick Lane’s new pavement dining providing them with opportunities to meet real life employers and get a genuine insight into the world of Pavement dining to give Brick work and the variety of careers that are available. Deborah was able to put her contacts Shop safe. Lane businesses a boost from her full-time role to good use, connecting students with businesses that she had supported through the council’s and a boost for the area’s eclectic mix of Fournier Street and Princelet Street to Shop local. JOBS AND ECONOMY Start Up Ready and Retail Marketing restaurants, cafes and shops. aid the traffic flow. Ready programmes. She was also able to The changes mean that until Thursday Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman, Cabinet work with graduates of the Natwest Bank 5 November there will be no motor Member for Work and Economic By CHRIS HUMPHREYS apprenticeship programme to produce vehicle access on Brick Lane between the Growth, said: “Brick Lane is synonymous Parts of Brick Lane have been temporarily a question and answer video to inspire following junctions: Chicksand Street with great food and drink as well as its Keep your distance from those around you. pedestrianised to provide safe space for young people at Canary Wharf College. restaurant customers to sit outside. and Fashion Street; Fournier Street and popular street art and markets. Local Volunteer advisers are asked to Since Thursday 27 August, sections Princelet Street; Princelet Street and businesses need our support now more commit to just one hour per month of the iconic street have been closed to Hanbury Street; and Buxton Street and than ever and I’m pleased that we’re able but many do more than that. A vehicles. It is hoped that the closures, Pedley Street. to make this change.” support structure is in place to make Wear a face covering when instructed to do so. which will last 10 weeks, will be a timely Access will be retained on the side Any Brick Lane restaurant or café the experience a rewarding one and to boost for the street’s iconic restaurants as streets for deliveries and essential that wishes to apply for an outdoor table provide the environment to share ideas they face some of the most challenging services. A temporary one-way system licence should email streetmarkets@ and achieve the best outcomes for young trading conditions for a generation. will be in place on Fashion Street, people involved. Mayor Biggs said: “It’s great to see Deborah said: “I have been part of this Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds. East End businesses slowly returning programme for less than a year, so it was to normal, albeit with the necessary a welcome surprise to receive this award. safety guidelines to protect staff and Supporting these young people fits well customers. We hope that the offer of with my work in the enterprise team and Follow NHS advice if you have symptoms. outdoor seating, greenery and more it’s an experience I’ve really enjoyed. space for pedestrians will encourage It’s great to see East End businesses “I’m looking forward to next year and residents and visitors to support local a return to more normality. It will be shops, markets and businesses.” slowly returning to normal, albeit with great to build on what we’ve achieved Brick Lane’s restaurants have made so far with more tangible support and Support businesses close to where you live. sure to follow all appropriate Covid-19 the necessary safety guidelines to protect face to face experiences. Meeting real safety guidelines since the lifting of the life employers in person is still such lockdown but visitors have been slow to staff and customers. We hope that the a necessary and important step in return. young people’s exploration of career Under new rules, food businesses offer of outdoor seating, greenery and opportunities and we’re looking forward can apply for a licence for table service more space for pedestrians will encourage to making that a reality.” outdoors, which will allow them to If you’re interested in volunteering welcome more customers in a safe residents and visitors to support local or finding out more about the London environment. It’s hoped the change in Enterprise Adviser Network visit www. layout will see an increase in footfall shops, markets and businesses. 14 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 15 We’re now in a position where we can look back at the course of the Covid-19 pandemic and learn from our experience of how quickly the virus spreads and how it responds to measures to prevent it being passed from person to person.

and local sources. They also work closely people, practising good hand hygiene, with GPs and academics based at Queen wearing a face covering on public Mary University of London to get even transport, in shops and in other enclosed more detailed local data. Sam’s day-to- areas and getting a test and self-isolating day role involves collating and analysing if you experience symptoms of Covid-19. this data into a dashboard, so we always Getting tested is key to prevent the have a clear idea of the current situation spread of the virus. Sam, Abi and Juanita Abi Knight, Associate Director of Public Health in the borough. are able to use data to understand Sam added: “Having real-time insight whether we need to do more testing on how the pandemic is progressing within the borough means we get an and how well the NHS Test and Trace early alert if it looks like cases could programme is working in the borough. be rising. This means we know if we Rates of testing are compared to other may need to take local action to keep London boroughs and nationally, which people safe, such as reintroducing some helps us to understand whether there are lockdown measures or tailoring local any barriers to residents accessing a test. advice.” We can see from the data that the These alerts are ranked with a traffic current rate of testing in Tower Hamlets light system, where typically green is relatively low compared to other areas, requires no additional measures, amber which is why we’re doing everything we requires some measures and red would can to encourage residents to get tested. require strong local intervention. The council is currently working to Thanks to our residents’ ongoing increase local testing capacity so that it’s efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19, as easy as possible for people to get a test Tower Hamlets has been ‘green’ against when they need to. these alerts in recent weeks. However, in line with what we are seeing across Sam’s ongoing efforts mean we have London, new cases are on the rise in an outstanding surveillance system that Tower Hamlets. we can rapidly respond to as well as As we continue to adapt to a new giving us a steer on where we need to normal, it is important that we all focus our efforts. follow government advice. This includes Thanks to Sam and the wider team for keeping a safe distance from other helping to keep Tower Hamlets safe! Juanita Haynes, Senior Intelligence and Performance Manager

Sam Jones, Intelligence and Performance Manager, hard at work analysing public health data Daily Coronavirus Cases in Tower Hamlets The data crunchers keeping our borough safe Cases SPOTLIGHT will work with partners to prevent and to keep transmission rates low, increase outbreaks.” PUBLIC HEALTH DATA manage Covid-19 outbreaks that may awareness of NHS Test and Trace and Part of Sam’s role is knowing which occur in the borough. It also looks at how protect our most vulnerable residents. locations in Tower Hamlets and within By HANNAH JOWETT we will manage outbreaks in some of our Sam said: “We’re now in a position which groups of people there is a higher high-risk settings, including care homes, where we can look back at the course of risk of transmission and greater impact Meet Sam Jones, the brains behind schools, places of worship and work. the Covid-19 pandemic and learn from of infection, so we can take steps to public health data and intelligence at the Sam has been in his role as our experience of how quickly the virus prevent outbreaks in the first place. council. His number-crunching and data Intelligence and Performance Manager spreads and how it responds to measures To do this, Sam and his colleagues analysis is making sure everything is in for Public Health for nearly three years to prevent it being passed from person Abi, who works in public health, and check when it comes to Covid-19 cases in now and currently interrogates Public to person. This, combined with keeping Juanita, intelligence and performance, Apr 20 May 20 Jun 20 Jul 20 Aug 20 Sep 20 the borough. Health England (PHE) data to spot any track of local trends every day, means we work across the council, NHS partners The council has put together a local changes in trends of cases. His vital work can put warning systems in place so we and PHE to bring together and map all Source: outbreak plan, which sets out how we means the council can take swift action can plan for and respond to any future available data from national, London 16 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 17 Fight to tackle drugs continues


By LUCY FORDHAM Although the pandemic has meant changes to council services, Covid-19 has not stopped our community safety We’re cracking down on drug dealing 15 hours free team continuing its vital work. Our ready to play enforcement officers together with our Operation Continuum early learning and learn CCTV team have remained vigilant in their quest to tackle antisocial behaviour Tower Hamlets Council is working with police partners to crack down on drug dealing at two and support police efforts in the fight and make neighbourhoods cleaner and safer. We’ve conducted five operations this against drug related crime across the year which have resulted in: Apply for the code now for a January start borough. This joint effort has resulted in two £315k Visit: Operation Continuum raids over the past 54 53 six months. The most recent raids both Development for children people charged and • Learn through play targeted Mile End, as a result of receiving remanded in custody with in cash seized under the Available for total arrests 138 drug supply charges Proceeds of Crime Act • Make new friends resident reports on drug dealing and • Build confidence 3 and 4 year olds drug taking alongside wider intelligence. In total, there were 23 arrests for Opportunities for parents • Gain free time drug supply offences, £20,000 seized – • Get into education or training believed to be linked to criminal activity 45 10 39 • Go back to work For more information, please visit – and large quantities of Class A and B dangerous weapons Community Behaviour To find out more call 020 7364 1553 or contact your drugs recovered by police. recovered including Orders applied for in court to nearest Children’s Centre. warrants executed Mayor Biggs said: “We know that one firearm last 5 years post convictions To apply visit HMRC helpline 0300 123 4097. our residents have remained concerned about crime during the pandemic, especially drug dealing and taking, which is why we have continued to work 1 84 with the police to conduct operations Large quantities of Class that actively disrupt local drug markets, cannabis café shut down high visibility weapon which are a blight on the community. with drugs, cash and A and Class B drugs sweeps conducted in drug (cannabis) seized dealing hotspots I am committed to making Tower weapons seized Hamlets a safer borough, and with the police we will continue to carry out these operations, targeting those intent on breaking the law.” We know that our residents have remained concerned If you have any information about drug dealing call the police on 101 or about crime during the pandemic, especially drug report it online by visiting www.met. dealing and taking, which is why we have continued If you don’t want to report a crime to to work with the police to conduct operations that the police, you can do so anonymously actively disrupt local drug markets, which are a blight through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or by visiting on the community. Action against ASB and car bars Throughout August, residents in Bethnal urination; use of nitrous oxide and other Green reported repeated episodes of drugs; littering; public disorder; and antisocial behaviour (ASB) in and violence. around the Boundary Estate. Residents A number of fines have been issued – were being kept awake by ‘car bars’ (cars for urination totalling over £2,000, 169 where large groups of people gather after Columbia Market is an exceptional place which inspires children parking tickets valued at over £10,000 bars have closed, listen to music and to learn. Our outstanding nursery has free full-time and part-time and £300 worth of fines for the use of party), late at night and throughout the cannabis. A number of car bars, which places available for two, three and four year olds. weekend. Our enforcement officers, council were disturbing local residents, were funded police officers and the police also closed down by police. began conducting joint patrols of the Ongoing patrols will continue. Sign area to enforce against those involved up for regular community safety news at in antisocial behaviour, including: Police on patrol 18 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 19 Free boiler upgrades for home owners Car park makes way for brand new

Tower Hamlets Council has re-launched its council homes award winning Boiler Replacement HOUSING providing 77 new council homes between them. Programme, a free scheme to replace old The new development is named after and inefficient gas boilers. By CHRIS HUMPHREYS the late Max Levitas, the veteran anti- fascist campaigner who took part in the A former car park that was once a Battle of Cable Street and died, aged 103, magnet for antisocial behaviour has in 2018. He was a hero of the East End If you have a boiler changed through the been transformed into 24 new council and lived in Tower Hamlets for much of homes in Green. Programme, you may also be eligible for his long life. Levitas House, in Jubilee Street, is the Mayor Biggs said: “I’m delighted replacing faulty radiators, old heating latest development to be completed as we’ve delivered these new council homes part of our pledge to deliver 2,000 new controls, draught proofing and insulation. which will provide much needed housing council homes. It is the first of three to people on our waiting list. They sites due to be completed this summer, are part of our programme to deliver To qualify you must be in receipt of a 2,000 new council homes and help our qualifying benefit and live in a property you residents who are bearing the brunt of the housing crisis. These properties will own or with a family member who owns and have a transformational impact on the also lives at the property. The existing boiler lives of those who move in and they are These properties also a very fitting tribute to honour the will also need to be checked for eligibility. memory of Max Levitas.” will have a Levitas House will be managed by Tower Hamlets Homes. It will include transformational larger flats that are suitable for families, each with its own outdoor space. Two of impact on the lives the flats have been designed specifically for families with disabilities and include 0800 508 8364 of those who move Cllr Islam and Mayor Biggs at Levitas House wider hallways, space for wheelchairs, in and they are bespoke showers with safety equipment, light switches lower down the wall the specific needs of residents with the playground can also be accessed among other adaptions. disabilities. separately for nearby residents to enjoy. Tower Hamlets also a very fitting This is part of Project 120, a The building boasts a very large play As part of the council’s local lettings council initiative that brings together area with a climbing frame, swings, tribute to honour plan, 25 per cent of the new homes will be occupational health specialists with seesaws and trampolines as well as a the memory of Max the housing team and the architects to sizeable open area. While it was built allocated to residents of the surrounding make sure 10 per cent of the new council as part of the development and can be estate who were on the housing register Change a child’s life Levitas. homes being built are designed to meet accessed directly from Levitas House, and in need of more suitable housing. by fostering Flat fire tragedy prevented by fire safety work

Local children need foster carers now. People Destruction caused by a seventh-floor intervention of our housing officers, kitchen blaze at a property in Whitechapel this incident could have had disastrous of all different backgrounds foster. Get in could have been much worse had it not consequences. touch now and find out if fostering is for you. been for a warning from our diligent “The licensing process is safe and housing officers less than a year earlier. regulated. It’s there to protect managing Firefighters were called to a fire where agents and tenants alike in different Tower Hamlets Council offers carers a wide they found the kitchen in flames. The ways. Our work with landlords, their range of support including extensive training fire, believed to have been started by representatives and those living in these an electrical fault in the fridge freezer, opportunities, 2 weeks paid holiday per year properties is essential if we are to achieve caused considerable damage to the our goal of raising safety standards right and allowances and fees up to £491 per kitchen but did not spread further into across the private rented sector.” the property. Crucially, the three tenants The selective licensing scheme, which week (per child depending on age). were able to escape without injuries. has been in force since 2016, covers In September 2019, our officers all privately rented properties in a set instructed the landlord of this property to area. It also includes smaller houses in Call 07535 684063/07949 680280 install a proper fire door and fire detection multiple occupation that are occupied system. Thankfully, this happened and a couple of months later the landlord was by three or four people living as two or accepted onto the borough’s selective more separate households who share licensing scheme. The actions of both facilities. Throughout September and our officers and the landlord meant in early October, we will be consulting on whether to renew the scheme for a We can start that the fire was contained and tragedy further five years from September 2021. the fostering avoided. Residents, landlords and other process virtually to Councillor Sirajul Islam, Deputy Mayor ensure your safety and Cabinet Member for Housing, said: interested businesses will be encouraged to have their say on the proposals online “This shows the very real impact that our work behind the scenes can have on the by visiting The damage caused by the fire in a Sidney Street property lives of our residents. Without the crucial selectivelicensing 20 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 21 Wilton’s Goodman’s Theatre (4) The world’s oldest Fields (3) 2 A 900-flat development 1 surviving grand music hall is set around wide walkways, an atmospheric place. Currently incorporating restaurants and 3 closed due to health restrictions a cinema and landscaped with 14 but hopefully it’ll re-open soon for the Four Seasons Garden together theatre performances or drinks in with Hamish Mackie’s galloping the Mahogany Bar. horses sculpture. 11

12 13


10 5

Swedenborg Gardens (5) A new community St Katharine 6 Docks (9) orchard has been created by Once a busy interchange for local residents with help from handling valuable cargoes, the the ‘Nature and Us’ project led docks are now a tranquil haven by the Friends of Tower Hamlets – a place to stroll beside luxury Cemetery Park. Apples and pears yachts or enjoy a leisurely lunch at 9 in the shadow of Brutalist tower one of many eating places. blocks. 7


Hamish Mackie’s dramatic bronze sculpture of six horses at Goodman’s Fields (3)

WALK spikes upwards with an angled corner turn right alongside Meranti House. It landscaped by Murdoch Wickham. Nip connections – Reverend George ‘Bosun’ LOCATION fin and – as you set off down Leman opens out into Chaucer Gardens with through the metallic gates – cut into Smith set up the Brunswick Maritime Street – Aldgate Place and Altitude form exercise areas, a porthole wall and four decorative swirls – to enjoy the waterfalls Establishment here to accommodate a a canyon of skyscrapers. filigree arches. You’re now in Goodman’s and lily ponds. thousand sailors in double-tier cabins. Trotting around There are glimpses of industrial In contrast, the former Eastern Fields (3), a recently completed 900-flat Continue to Hooper Street Pump Fork left into Grace’s Alley. Wilton’s heritage on this walk around Dispensary (1) wouldn’t look amiss development. House, which once powered hydraulic Music Hall (4), the world’s oldest Aldgate and St Katharine Docks, as on Pall Mall with its stone quoins and Goodman’s Fields occupies the cranes and hoists in the goods yard, and surviving grand music hall, has a you witness how a former railway pediments. Rebuilt in 1858 – “supported footprint of the London, Tilbury and then to Back Church Lane, formerly lined remarkable story – as an alehouse, goods yard, warehouses and docks by voluntary contributions” – it provided Southend Railway goods yard. Prior to with Browne & Eagle’s Woolhouse and music hall and Methodist mission – the borough have been transformed to meet free healthcare to East Enders in need. that, farmer Roland Goodman owned Kinloch’s wine and spirits warehouse. before being revived as a theatre. A few modern day needs for housing and Tucked along Alie Street, St George’s pastures nearby. Rumour has it that At Pinchin Street you’ll see the steps on, St Paul’s Whitechapel Primary leisure. German Lutheran Church (2) was some escaped horses dashed unbridled truncated viaduct that once curved into School is crowned by a ship-shaped Above Aldgate East tube station established by wealthy German sugar through the neighbourhood, which the goods yard. You emerge into Cable weathervane. Graham Barker explores the changing landscapes around the streetscape has changed refiners in 1762, at a time when this area inspired Hamish Mackie’s dramatic Street, which took its name from ships’ Continue through Swedenborg Goodman’s Fields and London Dock. Photos by . dramatically over recent years. was known as ‘Little Germany’. Today, sculpture of six bronze horses galloping cables or ropes, made to fit out ships on Gardens (5) in the shadow of three Kois Miah Residential towers have sprouted up it’s home to the Historic Chapels Trust. through water. the Thames. These days Cycle Super Brutalist tower blocks. Recently given promising luxury high-rise living on As Alie Street ends there are views Café-bars are clustered around – Highway 3 runs along its length, popular a boost from the Friends of Tower the City fringes. The Relay Building to Hult International Business School some with outside seating – alongside with cyclists. Hamlets Cemetery Park’s ‘Nature and | Start: | Finish: | Distance: | Allow: occupying the former St George’s a Curzon cinema. Heading south, the Cross carefully and head into Ensign Us’ project, the area includes a short Brewery. Don’t cross, however, but Four Seasons Garden provides an oasis, Street. The street name echoes its nautical woodland walk, children’s playground | Aldgate East tube | Aldgate East tube | 2.6 Miles | 90 minutes Continued on page 23

(1) Former Eastern Dispensary (2) Chaucer Gardens (3-4) Hooper Street Pump House (4) Wilton’s Music Hall (5) Urban orchards at Swedenborg Gardens (6) Pennington Street warehouses

22 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 23

Applications are open for the Investec Beyond Business social enterprise start-up funding The Investec Beyond Business Programme is keen to support new and emerging social business ideas, many of which may have been conceived during the coronavirus crisis; helping people adapt to a changing and challenging world. Applications are welcomed from across Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. What is the Investec Beyond Business Programme? Investec Beyond Business has already launched nearly 50 social enterprises in the East End and provides: • Start-up funding, • Strategic and business planning guidance, and (6) Fountains at Gauging Yard (8) Hermitage Community Moorings • Practical business support including training and mentoring. and new urban orchard carefully tended they were largely in-filled – but history interchange, handling imports of tea, Beyond the railway viaducts you by local residents. panels set the scene with old photos spices and wine. Granite blocks sculpted emerge back into Leman Street. The Find out more A chipped granite plinth and text from Henry Mayhew and John by Paula Haughney depict cargoes of former Co-operative Wholesale Society To find out more about eligibility for a start-up grant of up to £20,000 visit our website commemorates the first Swedish church Masefield. exotic birds and oriental carpets. offices and warehouses (11) – built in You can download our Expression of Interest form on our website. Please return your Expression of Interest form with the Application in London which stood here from 1728 Out on Vaughan Way, head past a Despite appearances, the Dickens Inn 1887 – rise up, crowned by a clock tower. Explanatory note e-signed. to 1921. The theologian and polymath lovingly tended community garden to didn’t always stand here. In the 1970s Be sure to look at number 1 Prescot The closing date for Submission of Expressions of Interest is 5pm 30th October 2020. Emanuel Swedenborg is quoted on a reach Hermitage Basin (7). The basin developer Taylor Woodrow discovered Street, textured with slender red bricks nearby tree planter: “True charity is the served as the western entrance to London the timber frame – possibly part of an and green pantiles in the Amsterdam desire to be useful to others without Dock. These days it flourishes with water old brewery – and relocated it to create School architectural style. It was another thought of recompense.” lilies, framed by sculptor Wendy Taylor’s the pub you see today, resplendent with Co-op building, symbolised by the hand- For more information about the Retrace a few steps and veer left upstanding bronze rope circle. Look flowering baskets. shaking couple and beehive above the towards the Highway. It’s incredibly busy closely to spot a pair of circling bronze Cross the footbridge to Ivory House, doorway. programme please contact – so cross using the traffic island towards fish created by the sculptor Jonesy. where restaurants hum with waterside A few steps along, the Princess of Telford’s Yard, which was built in 1882 as Across Wapping High Street, diners. Nip through the archway and Prussia (12) has a beautifully preserved Kim Hayman - E: [email protected] / M: 07706 687671 Gooch’s warehouse with storage capacity Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden slope up through the gateway topped by Truman’s façade, emblazoned with offers for 30,000 bales of wool. (8) features a cut-out dove of peace elephants, to cross East Smithfield at the of ‘Stout, Porter and Burton-Brewed Slope down Virginia Street to the commemorating World War II civilian lights. Pale & Old Ales’. Café Spice Namaste London Dock development (6). St casualties. Alongside, a rose garden You escape the traffic in Cartwright (13) next door – run by television chef George is currently redeveloping the remembers murdered MP, Jo Cox, who Street. Slope down through Royal Mint Cyrus Todiwala – occupies the former former News International site – dubbed lived at the Hermitage Community Green towards the Peabody Estate (10). Whitechapel County Court, built in a ‘Fortress Wapping’ during the 1986 Moorings – a cooperative of Thames Built in 1881, it’s one of many social polychrome Palazzo style in 1858. printworkers’ strike – to create 1,800 barges, Medway coasters and other housing developments funded by Along St Mark’s Street, English new homes, as well as a 300-metre heritage vessels. The depth gauge in the banker-philanthropist George Peabody. Martyrs Roman Catholic Primary School run of shops and cafés filling the 1804 side channel – inscribed to XXIII (23) Look out for the traditional “no hawkers, Pennington Street warehouses. feet – helped boats manage their entry canvassers, street musicians” sign. stands on old tenter grounds – where Step up into Gauging Yard where into the basin. Block K was bombed in the 1940 newly-made cloth was stretched while FREE WORKSHOPS fountains dance to the delight of young After leaving the gardens, follow the Blitz – a plaque on John Fisher Street wet onto frames called tenters to dry flat FOR YOUNG PEOPLEONLINE MUSIC AND MEDIA WORKSHOPS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AGED 12-19 children. The square’s name harks Thames Path beside Riviera Court. The commemorates the 66 residents and square. It’s from this technique the back to London Dock officials gauging view opens out across to Butler’s Wharf and 12 visitors who perished. In its phrase ‘being on tenterhooks’ arose. the quality of wine and spirits arriving grocery warehouses and the former footprint, a RIBA award-winning block Just beyond North Tenter Street here. Pavement panels set out a plethora Courage’s Anchor Brewhouse, topped complements the Victorian architecture. you pass east London’s oldest Indian of other cargoes you might have seen, with a chimney. There are spectacular Out on Dock Street, St Paul’s Church restaurant – Halal Restaurant (14) – from tortoise shells to tobacco, potash to views too of Tower Bridge, an iconic – now a nursery – was once a seamen’s established in 1939 as part of a hostel prunes. feature of London’s skyline since 1894. chapel. And beyond the Wombat’s for Indian merchant seamen. These days Opened in 1805, London Dock Back on St Katharine’s Way, continue backpackers’ hostel a red plaque it’s popular with City workers and locals comprised some 30 acres of past HMS President – a ‘stone frigate’ commemorates the 1936 Battle of Cable alike. interconnected docks, canals, basins and Royal Naval Reserve base – and out Street when locals rallied to prevent From here, you’re soon back at the warehousing. There’s little of the dock to St Katharine Docks (9). Opened in Oswald Mosley’s fascist Blackshirts from Eastern Dispensary and so to Aldgate COMMUNITY MUSIC’S NEW YOUTH PROGRAMME to see these days – after closure in 1968 1827, these docks were once a busy marching through. East tube station, the end of your walk. Re:Charge Music is a platform to help young people be creative in music and the media We aim to provide a safe online, welcoming space where young people can explore music making opportunities available to them, build self-esteem and ambition, and develop a passion for music. Young people are able to develop skills in various areas of music and media and we will be delivering online workshops and music activities to help young people learn to be creative and develop new skills.

Sign up for FREE now at or you can contact [email protected] for further information.

Our partners include London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Tower Hamlets Arts, Youth Music, Children in Need, Arts Council, VIP Studio Sessions, Mintel and Mayor Brown to name just a few.

(7) Hermitage Basin - bronze fish by Jonesy (9) 51 Butler’s Wharf (14) East London’s oldest Indian restaurant

24 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 25 ARTS & EVENTS STAYCATION Having a staycation? Visit the tourist hotspots on your doorstep!

By CARMEN HURST taking them for granted, or avoiding crowds, but now really is the perfect time! We’re lucky to host some of London’s best and most visited destinations right here in This year has been tough on everyone, including our local businesses and Tower Hamlets. Holidays, certainly abroad, are much more difficult than usual at the attractions. If you’re heading out and about, please keep Tower Hamlets traders moment. While some people are taking the chance to see more of the UK, others are in mind – shop safe and shop local to show your support while protecting your enjoying their leave at home. community. Follow Covid-19 precautions and guidelines at each venue, as well as So if you’re taking a break but staying local, why not check out the locations that making sure you keep your distance from other people, wash your hands regularly are right here in the borough? Having popular tourist spots close by can often mean and wear a face covering when required.

Admire the blooms on Columbia Road of foliage and flowers. You can simply walk through and admire the florals on offer or pick up a bargain to brighten your home for the week ahead. The street For a blooming brilliant Sunday outing, look no further! Columbia Road is a is also filled with an impressive range of independent shops, small art galleries Tour the historic Tower of London Go to great heights at Tower Bridge much-loved destination for tourists and Londoners alike and is right on our and pubs, cafés and restaurants. What are you waiting for? The iconic royal palace is the number one attraction for London on Tripadvisor It’s London’s defining landmark and the second top attraction for our great city doorstep in the East End. On Sundays, the street is transformed into an oasis Visit and is the jewel in our borough’s crown. You can explore this 1000 year old on Tripadvisor! From high-level walkways, take in stunning panoramic views fortress site Wednesday – Sunday each week, and take up the rare opportunity and experience the thrill of the glass floor. Then, soak in the atmosphere of the to see the tower without the usual crowds. All public outdoor areas of the tower magnificent Victorian Engine Rooms, where you can find out the stories behind are open, as well as the Crown Jewels, South Battlements, Medieval Palace, the architecture, the engineering and the people that built Tower Bridge – your Bloody Tower, Torture at the Tower exhibition and some floors of the White local landmark. On top of all that, Tower Hamlets residents can discover the Tower. Other buildings remain closed. historic bridge with a special community ticket for just £1. Visit Visit

Grab a curry in Brick Lane Browse and shop at our markets As a hub of London’s Bangladeshi community, Brick Lane has always been No other London borough has such a choice of vibrant, diverse and contrasting famed for its many authentic curry restaurants. In the past, it’s been a home street markets. Each one is an open space event that gives you a genuine taste to French Huguenot and Jewish immigrants. More recently, it’s gained a and flavour of east London. In addition to Brick Lane and Columbia Road, visit reputation for edgy exhibitions and galleries, trendy bars, vintage shops, a host of proper and historic East End markets and snap up a bargain at: eye-catching street art and more! We’ve temporarily pedestrianised parts of • Petticoat Lane Market (Sun) the road so it’s a great time to enjoy the cobbled street and soak up this vibrant • Petticoat Lane Street Food (Mon - Fri) Check out St Katharine Docks and Marina Wander through Spitalfields Market east London destination and indulge in a world famous curry. The pedestrian • Whitechapel Market (Mon - Sat) A prestigious landmark with rich history, beautiful views and plenty of Spitalfields Market is also back and operating with strict safety measures in areas are designed to help with safe social distancing and providing al fresco • Chrisp Street Market (Mon - Sat) excitement, why not visit St Katharine Docks and Marina for a stroll along the place to help protect market traders, visitors and residents. From markets dining for our local restaurants. During September, a selection of restaurants, • Roman Road Market (Tues, Thurs, Sat) decks (check out our walk on page 22). From there, you can admire the boats to shops, art galleries and endless food and drink options, this City-fringe cafés and bars are offering their own version of the ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ offer. • Roman Road Square Market (Mon - Sat) moored in central London’s only marina, before having a bite to eat in this destination is home to contemporary brands and innovative street food Made possible through a partnership with Cobra Beer, you can claim up to £10 • Watney Market (Mon - Sat) incredibly picturesque location. There’s a delicious range of restaurants and independents, all set against the backdrop of London’s world-famous city off your bill per person (on food only) at a handful of participating venues in • Market (Mon - Sat) spots to stop for a drink, with something to suit various tastes and budgets. skyline. There’s something for everyone at this vibrant, quirky and charming Tower Hamlets, including Brick Lane. Find a restaurant near you, or if you’re a You’ll find fashion, fabrics, fresh fruit and exotic vegetables, along with spices, This relaxing yet glamorous destination lies on the north bank of the Thames. East End attraction. business owner, sign up your establishment and take part. street food, household items and more. Visit Visit Visit Visit 26 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 27 ARTS & EVENTS your own bath bomb to poetry and the versatility of the medium and the a resident of Stepney. Join Tower at the impact of plastic pollution in A Season of Bangla WHAT’S ON craft, there’s a lot to get involved in varied techniques achieved. Hamlets Local History Library and water; and the Timeless Thames throughout the day. Thurs 5 - Sun 13 December Archives for this inspirational tale of Music Night, an evening onboard Drama Sat 24 October (11am - 4pm) The Art Pavilion, Mile End Park, bringing an unsung heroine to light. the Steamship PS complete with live In 2020, the festival celebrates its Arts and St Margaret’s House, 21 Old Ford Clinton Road, London E3 4QY Thurs 17 September (5pm - 6.30pm) music, spoken word and sea shanties. eighteenth year by going online over Road, Bethnal Green E2 9PL Booking is required. Email Until Weds 30 Sept 10 nights with the theme of ‘18 coming Booking is essential. [email protected] Visit of age’. Aimed at the Bangladeshi crafts Visit or visit diaspora community, digital London Mural uk/whats-on history Fun Palaces 2020 performances (live-streamed and pre- recorded), discussions and workshops A free afternoon of activities including Festival Radical Housing will take place. There will also be a music, arts, crafts, food, theatre and Join our outreach team to explore our new, social media based, international Exhibitions more. Built for and by the community. collection of images relating to the writing project with young people in Sat 3 October (12 noon - 3pm) Our Beautiful Tower housing estates in Tower Hamlets. We both the UK and Bangladesh. St Margaret’s House, 21 Old Ford will go from iconic estates, to lesser Thurs 12 - Sat 21 November Hamlets known estates more personal to the Road, Bethnal Green E2 9PL Visit Art 4u2 is a local group of artists led team and encourage you to come One-hour slots are available to book by tutor Virginia Hawke, who meet to along with your East End stories and throughout the afternoon. paint, draw and sketch all over Tower reflections. Visit Theatre Hamlets before developing sketches uk/whats-on A Bronze Age axe head from the Thurs 24 September in the studio into finished works of Havering Hoard (5pm - 6.30pm) Living with the art. This exhibition is the culmination Booking is required. Email Black History Month of a year’s work which celebrates the Lights On [email protected] October marks Black History Month borough by the artists who live, work Havering Hoard: A or visit and in this unusual year, the council A one-man show, written and or study here. Depictions range from York Hall by artist Kay Kante at Our Beautiful Tower Hamlets exhibition performed by Royal Shakespeare Bronze Age Mystery history and community organisations are the details of trees in our parks to Company actor Mark Lockyer, on and their empowering connection London’s largest ever Bronze Age set to host a programme of online Camille Walala, internationally floral displays of Tower Hamlets in his experiences surviving and living renowned artist and there will be an array of hoard will go on display to the public The legacy of activities celebrating art, culture and bloom as well as history, architecture with bipolar disorder. Go on a moving performances, live music, life drawing for the very first time. Visitors will history. We have already been asking The art festival features over 150 or stunning views of the Thames, THACMO and often absurdly hilarious journey and workshops. have the chance to dig deep and residents to share their photographs global artists painting over 40 all with a multitude of colours and Join Tower Hamlets African with Mark through relationship Thurs 5 - Sun 12 November unearth the intriguing mystery of of black history, arts and culture, large scale walls across the capital. textures. The Art Pavilion, Mile End Park, and Caribbean Mental Health breakdowns, encounters with the 453 bronze objects, dating between including major events of 2020 for One highlight is by internationally Until Fri 25 September Clinton Road, London E3 4QY c.900 and c.800 BC. Consisting of Organisation (THACMO) leader, justice and the mental health system. renowned artist, Camille Walala, who (10am - 4pm) Harry Cumberbatch, to discuss the an online exhibition. Throughout Tues 6, Thurs 8, Sat 10 October weapons, tools and other unusual the month, you will be able to take a is transforming Adams Plaza Bridge, Brady Arts and Community Centre, Festival of Print objects, this internationally significant legacy of the organisation’s work (7.30pm) wrapping it in enchanting geometric 192 - 196 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel illustrated by materials from its tour of the virtual gallery and get a St Margaret’s House, 21 Old Ford This annual celebration is curated find was uncovered during a planned shapes and every aspect of the colour E1 5HU collection, soon to be deposited at fantastic snapshot of your responses. Road, Bethnal Green E2 9PL by east London printmakers to archaeological investigation in wheel. Walala is using the long Visitors need to provide their Tower Hamlets Local History Library October Price £13/£10 concessions showcase exciting, new work by a Havering towards the end of 2018. perspective of the tunnel-like bridge details on entry for Covid-19 tracing and Archives. Visit Visit multitude of artists featuring a variety Its deliberate placement and close as a canvas to create a distorted effect purposes. Booking required. Call 020 Thurs 8 October (5pm - 6.30pm) blackhistorymonth uk/whats-on of printmaking techniques, including proximity to the Thames raises a with two different moods as visitors 7364 7928 or email stuart.grey@ Mile End Arts Pavilion Booking is required. Email etching, woodcuts, screenprints, number of questions around who pass through. After the festival, [email protected] collagraphs and more. buried the hoard, for what reason and the mural will remain a permanent or visit Thurs 19 - Sun 29 November why it was never recovered. feature. history Urban Makers Eco Feminism: The Art Pavilion, Mile End Park, Until Sun 18 April 2021 Until Weds 30 September Visit the physical markets of a number Exhibition Utopia Clinton Road, London E3 4QY Museum of London Docklands, West Adams Plaza Bridge, Canary Wharf of talented and mainly east London India Quay, Hertsmere Road E14 4AL Black presence in Visit based practitioners and their beautiful Exhibition Utopia returns to the Art Essential School of Visit Tower Hamlets hand-crafted goods for sale. They Pavilion, where it was originally Unity planned for March. The exhibition Painting Join this interactive session exploring range from soft textiles to ceramics, images, cuttings and archive A free fun day of creative and jewellery to toys. will be a mixed-media show featuring Paint is set to be the order of the day Virtual tours drawing, painting, photography, collections relating to the presence wellbeing workshops showcasing Sat 17 - Sun 18 October when the Essential School of Painting of African and Caribbean people printmaking and more to explore local black-owned businesses and Sat 12 - Sun 13 December will be taking over the Art Pavilion in Tower Hamlets throughout climate change and ecology. The and talks entrepreneurs in Tower Hamlets and The Art Pavilion, Mile End Park, to display work by students on a the centuries – reflecting Britain’s the wider London area. From make Clinton Road, London E3 4QY festival celebrates nature, women range of courses that demonstrates The Matchgirls imperial past and maritime history, in addition to the country’s involvement strike of 1888 in the transatlantic slave trade. Thurs 22 October (5pm - 6.30pm) Booking is required. Email [email protected] or visit history Festivals and fun days Totally Thames River Thames festival Totally Thames has reimagined itself for Matchgirl Sarah Chapman 2020, curating a brilliant array of online and physical events taking The strike brought the women and place this September. With live- girls working in a factory in Bow streamed concerts, boat trips, and to national attention. Sam Johnson walking tours, there’s a varied and will discuss how she discovered accessible programme with several the involvement of her great- exciting events taking place in Tower grandmother, Sarah Chapman, one Hamlets. Highlights include: Humans Paintings of Tower Hamlets Cemetary Park by artist Mira Connolly at Our Beautiful Tower Hamlets exhibition of the workers at the factory and Make Plastic, an eco-conscious look 28 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 29 United we’re stronger – #TowerHamletsTogether It’s no understatement to say the past six see so many volunteers, community We’re also hugely grateful to each and clear the community of Tower Hamlets months have been hugely unprecedented groups, partner organisations, health every one of our residents who continues is stronger than ever before. and at times, devastating. But the local and care workers and council staff to follow the safety guidance to help Thank you for sharing what you’re response to the pandemic continues to working together from across our diverse protect our community from Covid-19. doing to help or saying thanks on social impress and inspire us. communities to help each other through As we – slowly and safely – work towards media using #TowerHamletsTogether. It has been incredibly heartening to this challenging time. a new version of ‘normal’ daily life, it’s Please keep it up!

A sample of updates posted by you on social media using #TowerHamletsTogether

Emdad with David Eddington, TfL’s Head of Cycle Hire, on the tenth anniversary of the cycle scheme Recognition for borough’s super volunteer New mural celebrates the NHS A beautiful new public mural has been [the NHS] work especially now during unveiled in to pay tribute to this difficult time. I feel privileged it’s on COMMUNITY NEWS text service and also delivers aid – such bike has been named in his honour. The lockdown, has been invited to captain as food, clothes, books and essentials – bike was presented to Emdad at a special the team and a chuffed Emdad has been our incredible NHS. our building. People are really positive to east London charities, hospitals and ceremony at Hyde Park in July. invited to be vice-captain! Each of the The large-scale artwork was created about it.” The mural is one of many artworks, By JESSICA ODUBAYO care homes. Separately, Emdad, a huge footie 23 Lionhearts’ stories will be told by the by London artist Rosie Woods. It is a Emdad carries out his deliveries using fan, has been contacted by the Football FA in the coming months before having celebration of the NHS and all those banners and posters that are adorning A super volunteer and council employee a Transport for London (TfL) cycle hire Association (FA), to support a new their place in this unique squad formally who are working hard to keep our Tower Hamlets to thank and celebrate has been honoured for his actions. which he has done every day for 10 years. England squad of Lionhearts – 23 heroes recognised at Wembley Stadium as community healthy and safe throughout the NHS and key workers. To see more Emdad Rahman, Attendance and To mark a successful decade of the who have gone above and beyond during soon as crowds return for a future the pandemic. and to share your tributes, check out the hashtag #TowerHamletsTogether on Welfare Officer, volunteers as a Dementia TfL scheme and to recognise Emdad’s the nation’s fight against Covid-19. international fixture. The heart around the NHS logo social media or visit www.towerhamlets. Friends champion, is part of the Prince efforts, he has been awarded a free Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised We can’t wait to hear more about this represents our “thankful embrace” William Royal Foundation suicide crisis annual membership of the scheme and a millions of pounds for the NHS during in the next edition! and the movement within the mural illustrates the energy and connectivity of all those involved in the service. Rosie approached local housing Hey neighbour! Join us Nextdoor association Poplar HARCA with the idea and its staff suggested Argyll Point We are now up and running on Nextdoor, date with all the latest including Covid- on Burdett Road as the perfect location, which offers another way to connect and 19 support, transport, waste, recycling, given the building has plenty of passing have a chat with us. parks, community safety and more. And traffic. Residents also gave the green This mural is my Nextdoor is a free, private social media you can tell us about the local issues that light for the artwork. app that helps to connect neighbours matter most to you. By the way, we can’t Rosie said: “This mural is my way of way of saying thank and communities. It enables people to see posts or the comments you share saying thank you to our brilliant NHS for share updates based on where they live, with your neighbours – we can only see all they have done through this pandemic. you to our brilliant which are only seen by others who live your replies to our posts. When Covid-19 is under control, I hope close by. If you’re not on Nextdoor already, it will also serve as a lasting artwork of NHS for all they We have now joined the platform, why not join in the fun? It’s quick, easy gratitude, reminding us of how lucky we which means we can share updates with and free to create an account and will are to have this service.” have done through those of you who use Nextdoor and live help you stay in touch. Find out more at Argyll Point resident Louise Yousuf Public mural in Limehouse created by London artist Rosie Woods to pay in our borough. We’ll keep you up to It’s easy to join Nextdoor from the comfort of your home added: “No-one realises how hard they this pandemic. tribute to the NHS 30 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 31 Young people making music in the CM studio © Ron Timehin Music for the mind Music is said to boost the mood and programme for two years, said: “We improve mental health. Crucial for many have seen how much his confidence of us right now – young and old. has grown from being involved in For those young people in the borough music, with support from CM to create who need such a boost, we have just the pathways for progression and further thing on offer in the borough. Mind the development in an activity that he Music programme, run by Community loves. It has provided an opportunity for Music (CM) in Whitechapel – in young people like my son to build their partnership with Child and Adolescent self-confidence, musical development Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in and express themselves in a safe and Tower Hamlets and Newham – supports inclusive space. CM is doing some really young people with mental health and wellbeing issues through creative music great work and my son is proof of that.” making. For those of us with a few more years It’s so popular that a number of young clocked up, fear not. CM offers a diverse people have referred themselves to take programme of courses and professional part in the programme. The majority of training for people of all ages. © Jan Kattein Architects programmes for young people are free. Visit or call 020 A mother, whose son has been on the 7377 0621 for more information.

Properties transformed on Aberfeldy Street, Poplar © London Mural Company East End street makeover COMMUNITY NEWS selection of patterns and textiles from online,” she said. “These are the hubs the local traders and residents and of community – they are places people reinterpreted them for 26 buildings. can meet, talk and have interactions with Ron Timehin By CARMEN HURST The London Mural Company, Accent neighbours, in a socially distanced way. © Dr Leo Cheng with his wife Hilary on board the Africa Mercy London and Cuttle construction then For many people in the area that is so Sitting in the heart of a regeneration area, Aberfeldy Street in Poplar has been went to work with their paint and spray important.” transformed into a colourful and vibrant cans to complete the project. Earlier in the summer, local businesses On board for volunteering corner of the borough using 300 spray The street transformation has been and community organisations were cans, 800 litres of paint and six weeks featured by ITV London in a piece that encouraged to apply for a free year of These are the hubs Every year for the past 20 years or so, Leo In February, he was serving the people of hard work. It is hoped that the street’s brought together thoughts and insights retail space on the street. Out of 57 Cheng, a consultant oral, maxillofacial, of Senegal on board the Africa Mercy, bright new look will attract visitors that from those involved as well as a local applicants, three new business tenants of community – thyroid and reconstructive surgeon with one of the Mercy Ships. A few weeks will, in turn, support local businesses. business owner. are now moving in, adding to the high Barts Health, has used his annual leave later, Leo was mustering some of the The vibrant makeover was made Matt Townend, from EcoWorld street offer. they are places to volunteer on board Mercy Ships, the same passion and motivation to help London told ITV that they wanted to Shop owner of 20 years, Abdul Salam possible thanks to a partnership effort. largest charity-run hospital ships in the people closer to home in several London work with the existing community to try Sheikh, said: “As new businesses come world. Housing association Poplar HARCA people can meet, hospitals in the battle against Covid-19. and improve the local area. “The hope is in, that brings extra people and benefits As part of a team of selfless volunteers, and EcoWorld London – who own the With lockdown measures in the UK buildings that frame the street – asked that we build on the good work of this all the business owners in the street.” talk and have Leo, his wife Hilary and sometimes gradually easing, Leo is looking forward Jan Kattein Architects and Meanwhile particular initiative and we instil that Check Aberfeldy Street, E14 out in accompanied by his two daughters, to returning to Africa to help strengthen Space to come up with a creative plan sense that Aberfeldy is a place where person. Visit the impressive murals, interactions with help deliver free, vital medical and the healthcare systems emerging from to revive the high street. The architects people are really proud to live,” Matt said. share photos online and, of course, use surgical care to some of the world’s least created the vivid designs celebrating the Blossom Young, from Poplar HARCA, the local shops while you’re there. neighbours, in a developed countries. This has included the pandemic. area’s legacy of garment manufacture said that when locals and visitors walk For information on this and other helping patients with dental and eye “The Africa Mercy was there for EcoWorld and inspired by the Bangladeshi kantha down the street, she wanted them projects and transformations visit socially distanced © problems, facial deformities, gigantic Guinea in 2016 after Ebola swept across tradition of recycling old textiles to to feel welcome. “It’s important we Vivid designs along Aberfeldy Street celebrating the area’s legacy of garment tumours, child-birth injuries, burns and West Africa and we will be there for West make something new. They collected a don’t abandon the high street to shop aberfeldy-street way. manufacture and inspired by the Bangladeshi kantha tradition many other conditions. Africa after Covid-19,” Leo said. 32 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 33 Let’s Talk Tower Hamlets £100 voucher up for grabs! Have your say at


We value and appreciate feedback from our residents. Your thoughts help shape our proposals, projects and priorities that can benefit the community. We’re consulting on a range of initiatives at the moment.

Central area good growth – Reader survey supplementary planning document: Survey closes Sunday 20 September We are preparing supplementary Tower Hamlets brings together the quarterly publication that celebrates our we can do more or less. tear out and post them back clearly planning guidance to support the best of London in one borough. We are borough and is something our residents Your views are really important to us. addressed to: Communications team, proud of our local area and hope you, are equally proud of. Please spare a few minutes to complete Our East End survey, Tower Hamlets development of high quality housing our readers are too, and continue to Our East End replaced the former East this short reader survey – all completed Council, Mulberry Place sixth floor, 5 developments in the central part of the enjoy the celebration of our borough End Life in 2016 and the publication surveys will be entered into a prize draw Clove Crescent, E14 2BG. borough. This is your opportunity to through our mix of news, features, has come a long way since then. to win a £100 Amazon voucher. The survey will be open from 14 contribute to that work. service updates, competitions and As we make every effort to continue You can complete the survey quickly September to 18 October 2020. Please what’s on. to improve our publication, we’d like to and easily online at talk.towerhamlets. ensure you have completed the survey Violence, vulnerability and exploitation We’re committed to reviewing and hear your feedback – what’s going well, Or, you can online or posted it back to us by 18 strategy: Survey closes Monday 21 improving Our East End, so that it is a what you like, and where do you think complete the questions on these pages, October. September We want to make sure that Tower Hamlets is a place where every child 1. How do you get council news and information? (Tick all that apply) and young person is healthy, safe and  Our East End  Local newspaper or media organisation successful. We are seeking your views on  Council’s social media accounts  Friends, family and neighbours our strategy, which aims to do that.  Council’s website  Councillors  Council’s email newsletters  Other (please specify) ______South Poplar masterplan: Digital poll Have your say on the proposed designs for South Dock Bridge  Council’s Love Your Neighbourhood mobile app open until Tuesday 22 September We are developing a masterplan for East of the borough and Lower Lea Edward Mann Close – new council Selective Licensing Scheme consultation: South Poplar, which will cover sites Valley area action plan: Discussion homes: Survey closes Sunday 27 Survey closes Friday 20 November 2. How do you rate Our East End? (Please tick one option) located south of Poplar High Street and group open until Friday 25 September September We’re consulting on whether to renew,  Very good  Good  Average  Poor  Very poor extending into Canary Wharf. We’re In January 2020, we adopted our new We’re also consulting on plans to build alter or end the current Selective in the early stages of the project and Local Plan and we’re now working 20 new council homes on a car park Licensing Scheme, which is in operation would like to hear about local needs and on delivering it. This means working in Edward Mann Close ahead of a in three areas of the borough and is 3. How interested are you in each of the following sections of Our East End? aspirations. on an area action plan for the east of planning application later this year. The due to come to an end in October 2021. Very interested Interested Not interested Arts and events articles    the borough and how this area should site is located just south of the Troxy in Residents, businesses and landlords take Queen Mary University Mile End develop over the next 10 years. Arts and events – what’s on listings    Limehouse. part! Borough partnership column (from other public services i.e. police and NHS)    Campus – supplementary planning Celebrating our borough (people and places in Tower Hamlets)    document: Ideas board open until late Gill Street - new council homes: Survey South Dock Bridge - developed design NHS Test and Trace Programme survey: Children, young people and families    November closes Sunday 27 September Clean and green – waste and recycling    stage: Survey closes Friday 2 October Survey open and ongoing On behalf of the council, Haworth We’re consulting on plans to build 15 new Community news (i.e. not council news)    Tompkins is developing a new council homes in Gill Street, Limehouse. We’re consulting on the proposed design Testing for Covid-19 and contact tracing Council news    masterplan for the Queen Mary This is part of our commitment to for the new pedestrian crossing over is one of the best ways to combat the Harmony – news in Bengali and Somali    University of London (QMUL) campus deliver 2,000 new council homes across the South Dock, linking South Quay virus. Your feedback will help us to better Healthier lives – health information and staying active       in Mile End. We’re asking for your ideas Tower Hamlets. They will be high with Canary Wharf and Wood Wharf, understand what barriers residents may History – historic features about the borough Housing    to make sure our ambitions are in line following the alignment of Upper Bank face locally when engaging with NHS quality, energy efficient and genuinely Jobs and economy    with yours. affordable. Street. Have your say on the design. Test and Trace. Know your council (contact details for the mayor and councillors)    Mayor’s column    Safer Together – updates on crime and anti-social behaviour    A role for us all in tackling racial inequality Spotlight – council team focused feature    Useful information – council meeting dates and how to get in touch    Tower Hamlets has a proud history of Demonstrations against racial minority ethnic racial inequalities Walks in the borough    welcoming people from all over the world inequality took place across the world, commission. Reaching out to a wide who moved to our part of the East End to including in Mile End Park and in June range of residents, community groups find work, to study or to raise a family. the council working with the Canal and and organisations, the commission will 4. The format of Our East End follows a newspaper style with a mixture of short news articles, features and photographs/images. Should the format and style Good community relations is something River Trust and the Museum of London look at what practical improvements (tick all that apply): that most residents continually say that Docklands removed a statue of former could be made in the borough especially  Stay the same  Be shorter overall they value. slaveowner Robert Milligan from West   in the areas of health, employment and Change to include more images and less text Be more like a magazine and less like a newspaper The killing of George Floyd and the India Quay. Read our history pages 40 -  Allow for bigger text  Other (please specify) ______community leadership. subsequent Black Lives Matter protests 41 for more. The commission will be looking shone a light on how racial inequalities As part of the council’s wider for your ideas to make real and lasting continue to have a negative impact on response, Mayor Biggs established an 5. What type of content would you most like to see more of in Our East End? (Please tick up to two options) people from Black, Asian and minority equalities review of public buildings, improvements for the future. It will work  Picture led stories  News stories about our work with partner organisations (NHS, police, ethnic backgrounds. This was further street names and spaces that may have towards developing an action plan for  Council news housing associations, etc) highlighted by the fact that people from unsuitable associations for the diverse the new year.  Community news  Competitions, giveaways and special offers So to have your say, keep an eye out on  Feature articles (eg Spotlight, History, Celebrating our Borough)  Other (please specify) ______these backgrounds are far more likely borough we live in today. The mayor The removal of the statue of slave to become seriously ill or die from also appointed Deputy Mayor Asma the council’s consultation platform talk.  Contributions from residents and community groups trader Robert Milligan Survey continued overleaf contracting Covid-19. Begum to lead a new Black, Asian and and social media. 34 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 35 6. Do you, or would you, read an online version of Our East End? (Tick yes/no)  Yes  No

7. What is one thing would you do to change or improve Our East End? MORPETH SCHOOL

8. Would you like to receive the council’s regular e-newsletter, which contains local news, events and at the moment, updates on the Covid-19 pandemic?  Yes please, my email address is: ______(please provide your email)  No

About you Please tell us a bit about yourself by answering our equality monitoring questions. This data helps ensure that we hear from a broad group of residents to help shape our services.

9. Which of the following statements applies to you? 14. How would you describe your ethnic group?  I live in Tower Hamlets  I study in Tower Hamlets  White: British  Asian / Asian British: Pakistani  I work in Tower Hamlets  None of these but I regularly  White: Irish  Asian / Asian British:  I own a business in Tower visit Tower Hamlets  White: Traveller of Irish Bangladeshi Hamlets heritage  Chinese  White: Gypsy / Roma  Vietnamese  Any other White background  Any other Asian background 10. At present, are you?  Mixed: White and Black  Black / Black British: Somali  Employed full-time  Retired Caribbean  Black / Black British: Other  Employed part-time  Student  Mixed: White and Black African Africa  Self-employed full-time  Unemployed  Mixed: White and Asian  Black / Black British: Caribbean  Self-employed part-time  Other  Mixed: Any other Mixed  Any other Black background  Long term sick or disabled  Prefer not to say background  Any other background  Asian / Asian British: Indian  Prefer not to say

11. Which best describes your gender? 15. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or  Male  Prefer to self-describe (please disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months  Female specify): ______(include any problems related to old age)?  Prefer not to say  Yes  No 12. How old are you?  Prefer not to say JOIN US  Under 16  45-54  85+  16-24  55-64  Prefer not to say 16. If you answered yes to question 15, please state the type/s of health  25-34  65-74 problem or disability that applies to you?  35-44  75-84 Find out what we have to offer  Sensory impairment (such as being blind / having a visual impairment or being deaf / having a hearing impairment) 13. Which of the following describes your sexual orientation?  Physical impairment (such as using a wheelchair to get around and / or difficulty using your arms) pupils wanting to join our school  Gay/lesbian  Prefer not to say  Learning disability (such as Downs syndrome or dyslexia) or cognitive  Bi (attracted to more than one  Prefer to self-describe (please impairment (such as autism or head-injury) gender) specify): ______ Mental health condition (such as depression or schizophrenia)  Heterosexual/straight  Long-standing illness or health condition (such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, in September 2021. chronic heart disease, or epilepsy)  Prefer not to say  Prefer to self-describe (please specify): ______Visit our website and book on to one of our mini tours (numbers will be limited due to Covid restrictions). Tour dates are: Or book on to a Zoom Q&A on one of these dates: If you would like to be entered into the prize draw to win a £100 Amazon voucher please give us your contact details: September: 15th, 17th, 23rd, 29th September 21st, 9.30-10.30am

Name: ______October: 2nd, 5th, 9th. September 30th, 5.00-6.00pm All tours start at 9.15am finishing at 10.20. October 8th, 4.00-5.00pm Email: ______

Telephone number: ______Visit: Postcode or area you live: ______Tel: 020 8981 0921

Please complete the survey and post it to Communications team, Our East End survey, Tower Hamlets Council, Mulberry Place sixth floor, 5 Clove Crescent, E14 2BG. Address: Portman Place, London E2, 0PX Alternatively, go to and complete the survey online (you will also be entered into our prize draw). The deadline for entries is 18 October 2020. The winner will be drawn at random and will be notified shortly after. The prize draw is open to adults who live in Tower Hamlets. More information is available on the webpage listed above.

36 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 37 HARMONY BENGALI & SOMALI NEWS GovernmentStaying in the guidance: know – page Stay 4 in the know – Page 4

NHS Test and Trace – our best defence – Page 6 NHS Test and Trace – page 6

Get the flu Get vaccinated vaccine as winter

approachesthis flu season

– page 7 – Page 7


HARMONY Stay in the know - Page 4 Staying in the know – page 4 BENGALI & SOMALI NEWS

Xayiraad aayar ayaa loo fududeeyay rogi karaa wakhti kasta iyada oo laga dhawrkii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay, taas oo jawaabayo safmarka. Bishii Julaay, waxa

markaa ka dhigan inaynu ku noqon karno aanu soo saarnay qorshaha xakamaynta

qaybo kamid ah nolosheenii caadiga faafiddeegaankeeda, taas oo lagu sheegey ●

ahayd. Laga bilaabo la kulanka asxaabta sida aynu uga wada shaqaynayno,

iyo qoyska iyada oo la kala fogaanayo hay’adaha ay ku jirto Caafimaadka ilaa in maqaayadaha wax laga soo cuno Shacabka Ingiriiska, si looga hortago ● oo aanu taageerno maqaaiyadaha aanu oo loo xakameeyo safmarka Covid-19.

jeclayn, badankeen waxaynu bilawnay Qorshaha waxaa sidoo kale lagu eegayaa ● Pavement dining to give Brick Lane

inaynu la qabsano qaab nololeedka cusub. sida loo maamulayo habdhismeedyada Laakiin, marka la yareeyo xayiraada, qaar khatarta sare ee faafida, oo ay ku businesses a boost – Page 15

kiisaska Covid-19 ayaa kordhay London oo jiraan daryeelka guryaha, dugsiyada, ●

dhan taas oo keentey in dadka ugu badan goobaha cibaabadada iyo shaqada. ● ee laga helaa inay noqdaan 20-29 jiro. Kooxdeena khabiirada caafimaadka ● ● Tower Hamlets, waxaa sidoo kale kordhay daweynaha waxay naqdiyeen xogta Covid-

dadka qaba. Biishi Juun waxaa jirtay in 19 ee Tower Hamlets maalin kasta, si ay u 37 kiis la xaqiijiyay inay, taas oo Agoosto xaqiijiyaan in kiisaska cusub yaraadaan, ● gaadhay 131. wixii korodh ah ee kiisaska ah waa la ●

Hawlaha ama dhacdooyinka dhalinyartu baadhayaa oo dadka deegaanku waa inay ● caanks ku yihiin ee da’ walba ee laga heley amaan noqdaan. Fadlan ilaali qoyskaaga, xanuunka ayaa kamid ah aadistadalxiis, asxaabtaa, iyo bulshadaada adiga oo ● ka soo cunid cunto maqaayadda, wax raacaya talada oo dhankaaga qabanaya la ● soo iibsadaan, socdaalaan oo ay tareenka dagaalanka fayraska. raacaan. Hawlahan waxay dhamaanteen Wixii macluumaadka ugu danbeeyay ● ina dareensiiyaan wanaag laakiin waxaa ah iyo talooyinka, booqo www. muhiim ah in si badqab ah aynu u qabano. or Waa in wax kasta oo inala gudboon aanu samaynaa si aanu u raacdo talada dawlada Waxa aad sidoo kale iska duwaan gelin iyo NHS ee fayraska si markaa aanu usii kartaa horiyaalka bulshada Covid-19 qaban karno waxa aanu jecel nahay oo oo waxa aad macluumaad badan ka aanu u baajin karno xayiraada. heli kartaa online ahaan - booqo www. Xayiraad iyo xadidaada waxaa lasoo

Hel talaalka hargab xiliyeedkan qoyskooda ah. GetGet thevaccinated flu vaccine this as winter approaches • Dhammaan carruurta gaadhay waxbarashada ee ka yar 7 sano jirka. flu– page season 7 – Page 7 • Dhamaan caruurta laba iyo sadex sano

Hargab xilliyeedku wuu kordhayaa jirka ah. Lifelong laughter and learning – Page 8 marka uu jiilaalku soo dhawaado, • Dadka ka wayn65 jirka, dumarka

markaa dadka khatarta ugu jiraa waa uurka leh, iyo dadka xanuunada hore

inay is talaalaan. qaba. Hargabku waxa uu saamayn xun ku • Dadka 50-65 jirka ah, sanadka intiisa danbe. yeelan karaa caafimaadka oo sanad kasta dad ayaa u dhinta si murugo ah. • Qof kasta oo degan guryaha dadka Helida talaalo ayaa ah qaabka koowaad waawayn lagu xanaaneeyo iyo qof ee aad naftaada u ilaalinayso oo waxaana kasta oo haya qof wayn ama laxaad la’. si dhakhso ah oo fudud looga qaadan Nidaamka talaalka ee la ballaadhiyay kartaa GP ama farmashiga. waxa uu qayb ka yahay qorshayaasha ‡KvwfW-19 KwgDwbwU P¨vw¤úqb †nvb Sanadkan, dowladu waxay bixinaysaa lagu yaraynayo cadaadiska jiilaalka ee barnaamijkii talaalka hargabka ahaa ee daryeelka xaalada degdeg ah. Waxa aanu COVID-19 ugu balaadhnaa taariikhda Ingiriiska. ku dhiiri gelinaynaa qof kasta oo u qalma community Dadka badan intii hore ayaa lacag la’aan talaalka hargabka inuu qaato dayrta inta ku heli karaa tallaalka, oo ay ku jirto:: aanu bilaabsafmarka hargabku. Ilaali champion • Dadka loo sheegey inay xidhaan naftaada, qoyskaaga iyo bulshadaada. dahaadhka wajiga wakhtiga safmarka Booqo wixii Covid-19 ugu sareeyo iyo dadka macluumaad dheeraad ah.

38 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // 38 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // //// Our 2020 EastEnd SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd 2020 // // 39 39 ships taking slaves from West Africa, and the company was bankrupt in 1820. crossing the ocean to the West Indies Simpson wasn’t alone. Many involved and the Americas, where they would in the trade argued bitterly that abolition be sold or simply put to work directly would destroy the economics of the on the plantations, picking cotton and business. To which, any humane person harvesting sugar cane. The work was might argue that a firm dependent upon strenuous, dirty and painful, guaranteed forced free labour to be economic is no to bring no reward except continued sort of business at all. And that the sugar possession and an early grave. The ships and cotton trades (to name just two) would then take the harvested sugar haven’t disappeared in the two centuries and plucked cotton back to England, since. Perhaps the slavers simply weren’t where it would reach the cotton mills of very good at business. Lancashire to be woven into garments. What is certain is that slavery touched The sugar would be processed into everything – the clothes we wore, the sugars and syrups for a British palate foods we ate, the wealth of the nation. now accustomed and delighted by sweet University College London’s project, things. Legacies of British Slave Ownership, Photograph of a cotton plantation in the southern United States Many of the finished goods would estimates 10 - 20 per cent of Britain’s then be loaded back onto ships to be wealthy have historical connections with transported out to the new ‘possessions’ the trade. Banks including Barclays and – the colonies of Africa and India and HSBC can trace their holdings back to the beyond. The ships, unloaded and empty, slave trade, so can Lloyds of London and would then embark the next cargo of the brewers Greene King. The Church of slaves and so the triangle was fed. England had investments in slavery. And A brutally efficient system, which the very fabric of our country, the roads, delighted the men such as Milligan who docks, canals and cities, was woven with grew rich on its back and one which the money from the trade and to help it Britain was very slow to reject. The grow. British trade in enslaved African people There are conflicting views on where was ended in 1807 but slavery didn’t end Britain would have been without slavery. throughout the British empire until 1833. One view is that the UK only became as And then there was compensation to be wealthy as it did because of forced, free paid – not to the freed slaves but to the labour. Another view is that slavery was slavers and plantation owners who had not only evil, it wasn’t even economically lost their free labour. The payouts began coherent –witness all those slavers who in 1837, more than 40,000 in total, with Harvesting sugar cane in the West Indies the government handing over around couldn’t run a business without free £20 million (the equivalent of billions at labour. There is an argument that all enthusiastic participation in the Atlantic not above getting involved in trade and present values). slavery did was concentrate wealth in the slave trade. Thomas Guy endowed the was the principal governor of the Royal Most of the beneficiaries weren’t as hands of an incompetent elite. Perhaps, hospital but he could do so because of his African Company, as well as its largest wealthy as Milligan. While the Scot without slavery, we would have been large share of the South Sea Company, shareholder. Historians say the company The Slave Trade by artist George Morland, painted in 1791 ‘owned’ 526 Jamaican slaves, ownership richer yet and the wealth would have which traded thousands of slaves. The ‘shipped more enslaved African women, been spread for all to enjoy. much-loved Geffrye Museum changed was widespread and often seen as an men and children to the Americas than The problem for us modern day its name to the Museum of the Home in investment opportunity among small any other single institution during the Londoners is slavery is so woven into 2019. The almshouses in which it lives business owners of individuals. entire period of the transatlantic slave One such individual was Charles the fabric of our city it’s hard to know were endowed by slave owner Sir Robert Slavery woven into the fabric of trade’. Matthias Sughrue, a shipowner born when to stop picking. Sir John Cass Geffrye. History sometimes looks a little like a in Rotherhithe and living at 21 Stepney was a generous philanthropist and has Note how many of our slavers were Green in 1851. He was awarded given his name to numerous educational knighted for their work. No surprises house of cards. Change may start at the compensation as the owner of a single establishments in our borough and city there, as slavery was in the very fabric bottom but the results could reach right everyday life but his generosity was funded by his of the British Empire. James II was to the top. slave in St James, Jamaica. There is no statue erected for him. plantations, beaten by their masters and HISTORY Richard Thomas Healis, of 2 Barns killed if they didn’t toe the line. Abhorrent Place, Mile End, was compensated for as it was, for Milligan and his cohorts the loss of 14 slaves in Barbados, though though, such losses were acceptable. By JOHN RENNIE he was unsuccessful in a second claim. Africa, after all, had a seemingly For 107 years, Robert Milligan stood Nonetheless, Healis walked away from limitless supply of people to be pressed complacently back and surveyed his the dirty trade with a cheque for £215 and into slavery. When Milligan died at his work. The West India Dock, opened 13 shillings. Hampstead home in 1809, father of in 1802, was the crowning glory of his Nor does history much remember eight and pillar of the community, he business. For decades, Milligan had built the Reverend Evan James, curate of St had interests in the Jamaican estates Dunstan’s Church, Stepney, who claimed his wealth on two pillars – the importing of Kellet’s and Mammee Gully, which to England of West Indian produce for one-third of the compensation for the owned 526 slaves. loss of the Great Pond estate in Jamaica. including sugar, rum and coffee – and In 2020, as the Black Lives Matter Wills often give clues. When Robert the bulk buying of slaves to be sold in movement swept from the United Cleghorn, a merchant and planter of Jamaica. States around the world, the reckoning Stepney, died in 1824, he left land in The only problem for Milligan and eventually came as people began to Dagenham to his three mixed race sons, his fellow East End merchants was that question such community pillars and ‘begotten by me on the body of Margaret a large share of the incoming goods were just who was on those plinths that dot Steel’, a free mixed race woman back disappearing from the docks, purloined our city and what they’d done to earn in St Kitts. At least he recognised his by poorly paid yet resourceful East their place. In June, the statue of Milligan paternal duties. Enders. The West India Dock was to be was removed from West India Quay. Geddes Mackenzie Simpson, living in a secure facility, which would cut down Of course, while without Milligan New Grove House, Bromley, in 1816, was on theft. the West India Dock would never have a sugar broker of Tower Street in the City Slaves were dying on route from happened, he hadn’t built it at all. The and a partner in the firm of Webster & Africa to the West Indies, as they were money had come from the profits in Simpson. Simpson claimed for the loss transported in crowded and pestilential the sugar trade, staffed and subsidised of the Belle Vue estate in British Guiana, ships. More slaves were dying in by slavery. Milligan had built his along with his creditors. His demand for the backbreaking work of the sugar fortune on the triangular trade – empty Statue of Robert Milligan being covered up £11,257 and 5 shillings was unsuccessful, Black Lives Matter protest in Trafalgar Square, London 40 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 41 Whatever it takes

COUNCIL NEWS loss of income, the council has had to spend £60 million more, and with the government only committing so far to prilly The high and ongoing cost of dealing with provide £30m. This leaves a financial Covid-19, as well as future uncertainty hole of £30m. around local government funding, has Mayor Biggs said: “As a council we have placed a heavy financial burden on the already faced a decade of government oernent fnding austerity. The stark reality is that on top council. This has led to Mayor Biggs, of that we now face both increased costs issuing a stark warning that unless the and a reduction in income due to Covid- government sticks to its promise to 19, which has put a heavy burden on nding gap do “whatever it takes” to support local public services and finances that will last councils, there will be some very tough for years to come.” funding decisions to be faced. We continue to make the case to the The serious financial situation was government to honour its funding pledge. laid out at the most recent Cabinet Further detailed financial planning and meeting. Figures from the first four full cost saving work is taking place ahead of months of lockdown (to July) show that consultation with residents, businesses due to increased essential spending and and local organisations later in the year. A blooming partnership Action to tackle high levels of antisocial behaviour on a small open space in Shadwell, has brought about surprising results. Swedenborg Gardens was often used for large antisocial gatherings, causing noise, litter and other problems. In summer 2019, residents, local charity and community groups plus various council services – including parks, housing and safer neighbourhood teams – decided to come together to form the Swedenborg Partnership to work to improve the site. Before lockdown, the partnership delivered a number of activities and events: bulb planting days; the removal of old seats and fencing from the open space; tackling unwanted gatherings; the creation of a colourful wild flower meadow, which attracts wildlife; and REED Education are delighted to announce we have been weekly ‘Nature and Us’ wildlife and successfully appointed as the Managed Service Provider ecology themed explorations. for Tower Hamlets Education Partnership (THEP) via the Members of the partnership are keen Crown Commercial Service framework (CCS). to get back to the gardens to deliver more joint events as soon as they can. So keep Wildflowers from the meadow in Swedenborg Gardens your ear to the ground for news of what’s The contract is for the provision of supply Teachers and temporary staff in next. educational establishments across the London borough of Tower Hamlets. This service will support Early Years provisions, Primary, Secondary and Special Schools within the Borough and all types of roles from teaching, teaching assistants, tutors, cover supervisors to all non-classroom based positions. Check you’re up to date and registered to vote

This contract and partnership between Reed Education and the Tower Hamlets Changes have been introduced to the If you do need to make changes, you Education Partnership gives greater transparency to supply staff, fair pay levels way the electoral register is compiled. can return the updated information either and encourages permanent opportunities for suitable staff when the needs arise. Residents are being asked to look out online – which is the recommended for a form in the post, which will list option – by post, text or telephone. The Due to the high demand for the start of the new Academic Year, we those who are registered to vote and form sent to you will provide all the are recruiting candidates who have experience in various job roles: information on how to vote if you’re information you need to do this. • Teachers a new resident. Where there are no Remember that the register is revised • Intervention Tutors changes residents may also receive an every year so even if you or others at your • Teaching assistants / learning support assistants email to confirm that the details are property were registered to vote in last • Cover supervisors / HLTA’s correct. year’s General Election, if any details • Senior Leaders • Pastoral roles The good news is that in most cases need to be amended you still need to the process has been made simpler this respond. To register interest in joining the service please email year. That’s because the electoral register As well as being a legal requirement, [email protected] and a relevant consultant is being matched against government inclusion on the register is important out identity checks and helps to tackle Residents who need extra support will call to discuss the opportunities available to you. databases before the forms are posted to because credit agencies check the every property in the borough. Another names and addresses of people applying serious crimes such as fraud and money to complete their form can contact the positive change is that if all details are for credit cards, mobile phones and laundering. The revised register will be electoral services team by emailing correct, you no longer need to respond. mortgages. It can also be used to carry published on 1 December 2020. [email protected] 42 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 43 THERE ARE 45 COUNCILLORS IN 20 WARDS: 41 LABOUR, 1 ASPIRE, 2 CONSERVATIVE✦, 1 LIBERAL DEMOCRAT IN TOWER HAMLETS * The members of the Cabinet are: Cllr Sirajul Islam Deputy Mayor for Housing Cllr Dan Tomlinson Environment and Public Tower Hamlets Council has a system of (Statutory Deputy Mayor) Realm (job share) governance in which the elected mayor, Cllr Rachel Blake Deputy Mayor for Adults, Cllr Mufeedah Bustin Planning and Social John Biggs (right), has personal Health & Wellbeing Inclusion (job share) KNOW YOUR responsibility and executive powers. Cllr Asma Begum Deputy Mayor for Cllr Eve McQuillan Planning and Social Mayor Biggs is responsible for determining Community Safety, Youth and Equalities Inclusion (job share) and delivering a wide range of policies Cllr Danny Hassell Children and Schools Cllr Candida Ronald Resources and the Voluntary Sector and priorities. He is advised by his Cllr Sabina Akhtar Culture, Arts & Brexit Cllr Asma Islam Environment and Public Cllr Motin Uz-Zaman Work and Economic cabinet of councillors and by Realm (job share) Growth COUNCIL council officers. BETHNAL GREEN BLACKWALL & BOW EAST BOW WEST BROMLEY BROMLEY CANARY WHARF ISLAND LANSBURY LIMEHOUSE CUBITT TOWN NORTH SOUTH GARDENS Mohammed Amina Asma Kyrsten Rajib James Ahbab Ehtasham Ali* Begum* Zenith Danny Perry Mufeedah Ahmed Robert Hossain Haque (LAB) (LAB) Rahman Hassell* (LAB) Bustin (LAB) Venables (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) King Tel: 07988 641407 Tel: 020 7987 3014 Tel: 07946 292712 Tel: 07977 049094 Tel: 07958 740097 (LAB) Email: Tel: 07943 999681 Email: amina.ali Email: asmak.begum Tel: 07961 865923 Tel: 07807 732795 Email: kyrsten.perry Tel: 07759 905377 Email: rajib.ahmed Tel: 07736 371160 mohammed.hossain Email: ehtasham.haque Email: zenith.rahman Email: danny.hassell Email: mufeedah.bustin Email: james.king @AminaAliLabour @cllrasmabegum Andrew Kahar @ehtashamulhaque @dannyhassell @MufeedahB @jrvking Sirajul Rachel Val Dan George Chowdhury Islam* Mohammed Blake* Whitehead Tomlinson Helal Wood Peter (LAB) ✦ (LAB) Iqbal (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) Uddin (CON) Golds Morshed (LAB) (CON) Tel: 07732 686208 Tel: 07931 708308 Pappu Tel: 020 7364 1378 Tel: 07879 616155 Tel: 07501 461113 Tel: 07710 486873 Email: kahar.chowdhury Email: sirajul.islam (LAB) Email: rachel.blake Email: val.whitehead Email: dan.tomlinson Tel: 07939 998625 Email: cllrandrewwood Tel: 020 7364 4830 Tel: 07775 689621 Email: helal.uddin Email: @KaharChowdhury @CllrSirajIslam Email: mohammed.pappu @RNBlake @valjwhitehead @Dan_Bromley_N @Andrewwood17 councillorpetergolds Bex Eve ✦ Marc Independent Member of @going4golds White Josephine Candida Francis the Conservative Group (LAB) McQuillan Ronald* (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) Tel: 07434 989611 Tel: 07594 828420 Tel: 07973 815 272 Email: bex.white Email: eve.mcquillan Tel: 07949 164104 Email: marc.francis Email: candida.ronald @BexWhiteTH

MILE END POPLAR SHADWELL SPITALFIELDS & ST DUNSTAN’S ST KATHARINE’S ST PETER’S STEPNEY GREEN WEAVERS WHITECHAPEL BANGLATOWN & WAPPING David Sufia Rabina Dipav Kevin Sabina Abdul Faroque Edgar* Alam Khan Shad Das Denise Joseph Akhtar Chunu Mahfuz (LAB) (LAB) (LIB DEM) Uddin (LAB) Jones Brady (LAB) Mukit MBE Ahmed Chowdhury (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) (LAB) Tel: 07958314 844 Tel: 07506 473136 Tel: 07944 790383 (LAB) Tel: 07488 299131 Tel: 07943 159386 Tel: 07961 792965 Tel: 07985 124248 Tel: 07956 972328 Email: david.edgar Email: sufia.alam Email: rabina.khan Tel: 07737 337148 Email: dipa.das Tel: 07494 494482 Email: kevin.brady Email: sabina.akhtar Email: cllr.abdulc.mukit Email: faroque.ahmed Email: shad.chowdhury Email: denise.jones @SufiaAlam1 @RabinaKhan @DipaDas01 @Kevin_J_Brady Asma Motin John Shah @shadchowdhury2 Islam Mohammad Ayas Abdal Tarik Uz-Zaman* Pierce Suhel (LAB) Harun Leema Miah Ullah Ahmed (LAB) (LAB) Ameen Miah Omar (LAB) (LAB) Khan (LAB) Tel: 07538 325176 (ASPIRE) Qureshi (LAB) Tel: 07961 390709 Tel: 07772 710080 Tel: 07930 364985 Email: asma.islam Tel: 07949 051295 (LAB) Tel: 07961 566066 Tel: 07956 124264 Tel: 07950 414218 Email: Email: john.pierce Email: shah.ameen Email: harunmiahcllr Tel: 07916 305953 Email: ayas.miah Email: abdal.ullah Email: tarik.khan @THLP_ASMA Email: leema.qureshi @MotinZ @shahsuhelameen @ayasmiah3 @Abdalullah @Tarikahmedkhan Puru Victoria @leemaqureshi Miah Gabriela Ngozi (LAB) Salva Obaze Macallan (LAB) Tel: 07846 890823 (LAB) Tel: 07405 661609 Email: puru.miah Tel: 07528 807599 Email: victoria.obaze Email: gabriela. @th_puru salva-macallan @victoria_obaze

44 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 45 USEFUL INFORMATION USEFUL INFORMATION COUNCIL NEWS SERVICES AND CONTACTS Council Respect (for perpetrators) Debt BYM Bangladesh Youth Age UK East London for 0808 802 4040 Movement Women’s over 50’s, their families History takes a walk in the park Town Hall and carers Men’s Advice Helpline Toynbee Hall Advice Centre of Excellence Mulberry Place, 82 Russia Lane, E2. Visitors to the borough’s parks will be number of parks and open spaces as part Peasants’ Revolt and Captain Cook who this autumn. We are also working in 0808 8010 327 Service Whitechapel Centre, Units 1 5 Clove Crescent, E14 2BG. Caxton Hall, Caxton Grove, able to learn about the nature, history of our parks’ capital programme. lived nearby. partnership with the Isle of Dogs History 28 Commercial Street, E1. & 2, Myrdle Street, E1. Samaritans 020 7377 8668 E3. and heritage of local areas, thanks to the Visitors to Stepney Green will be Heritage and nature panels are due Trust to replace dilapidated panels on the 020 7392 2953 General enquiries 116 123 [email protected] Royal London Hospital 14F installation of information panels in a able to read about Watt Tyler and the to be installed in Bartlett Park in Poplar island. 020 7364 5000 Tower Hamlets Mediation Wards. info@ageukeastlondon. Covid-19 advice and Service (free service for council tenants and Fair Money Advice support: 020 7364 3030 Advice leaseholders) 18 Ashwin Street, E8. Stepney Green 020 7364 7474 020 3475 8811 Account 3 (welfare and eastlondon Housing Anti-fraud (housing and debt advice) 020 8981 7124 The green space in which you are standing tenancy related fraud) Island Advice Centre 3 Birkbeck Street, E2. Repairs 0800 528 0294 Island House, Roserton 020 7739 7720 has a varied history – colourful and diverse 0800 376 1637 ext 1 Street Isle of Dogs, E14. Leisure centres Housing advice 020 7987 9379 Bangladesh Youth John Orwell Sports Centre­ 020 7364 3558 Idea Stores Movement Tench Street, Wapping, E1. This park was once common land, known as Mile End The Stepney Meeting House WWII, Housing and Henry Moore Green, part of the Manor of Stepney. During and after Homeless service and libraries 21-23 Henriques St, E1. 020 7488 9421 medieval times, common people had the right to use In 1674 the Stepney Meeting House was Between 1958-64 London County 020 7488 1831/2 020 7364 7474 Bow Mile End Park Leisure the land for livestock to graze and to collect wood and built to serve a congregation of dissenters Council built the Stifford Estate. Health & [email protected] turf for fuel. founded in 1644 during the English Civil The estate was next to the park Out of hours Gladstone Place, E3. Centre and Stadium War. It was the first non-conformist church and was home for 35 years to 020 7364 4079 wellbeing 190 Burdett Road, E3. in East London. Having been rebuilt as the ‘Draped Seated Woman 1957- Chrisp Street The Peasants’ Revolt Stepney Meeting House Congregational 58’, a large bronze sculpture by Choice-based lettings Bromley by Bow Centre 020 8709 4420 Church in 1862, the building was bombed Henry Moore, one of the most Vesey Path, E14. Health hotline The most in WWII. It was demolished in 1950, apart famous British artists of the 20th 020 7364 2826 St Leonard’s Street, E3. Poplar Baths famous event Whitechapel 020 7364 5016 from the rear wall and a stone gate which The remains of the Baptist Chapel in 1969 Century. The sculpture, which 020 8709 9700 170 East India Dock Road, to have taken ‘London Metropolitan Archives, can be seen on Garden Street, to the east became known affectionately to Image from 1963 film “Sparrows Can’t Sing” Homeseekers (Collage: the London Picture Archive, ref 321 Whitechapel Road, E1. Reset place in the featuring Eastend actress Barbara Windsor, E14. 020 3795 0599 of the football pitch. 002767) locals as ‘Old Flo’, was moved to Citizens Advice Bureau area was the seated on Moore’s Draped Seated Woman, Yorkshire Sculpture Park in 1997 next to the Stifford Estate © Studiocanal Opening times: Tower Hamlets Drug and Peasants’ Films Ltd York Hall Leisure Centre but returned to Tower Hamlets in 32 Greatorex Street, E1. Revolt of 1381. Tower Hamlets Homes We are operating reduced Alcohol Service 2017. The estate was demolished in 2000. 5-15 Old Ford Road, E2. Wat Tyler Captain James Cook 183 Whitechapel Road, E1. 020 7247 1050 020 7364 5015 hours as a result of the 020 8980 2243 led a group Captain James Cook (1728-1779) is one of The area was landscaped as Stepney Green Park between pandemic. 020 3889 9510 towerhamlets@eastendcab. of peasants Britain’s most celebrated explorers. He 1989 and 1991 to look as we find it today. Currently closed: rebelling is famous for his voyages in the Pacific, Mon to Fri, 10am - 6pm; reset.towerhamlets@ against the royal his accurate mapping and his scientific Sat and Sun, 12 noon - 4pm. St George’s Leisure Centre government. approach to exploration. His voyages Worcester House Report it The Death of Wat Tyler at the hands of Walworth, Mayor of They were ideastore@towerhamlets. Island Advice Centre Tiller Leisure Centre London, with Richard II looking on © The British Library Board took him from Newfoundland and North Safe East (under-19s) (Royal 18 E. I, f.175) protesting America to New Zealand and Australia. In 2011, archaeologists working on Non-emergency crimes Whitechapel Sports Centre the Crossrail project, uncovered Island House, Roserton at the newly From 1764 until his death Cook lived at 101 Textphone compass.towerhamlets imposed poll tax and demanding their liberty to work Assembly Row, on Mile End Road, opposite the remains of Worcester House, Street, Isle of Dogs, E14. for employers of their choosing. There were uprisings a manor house constructed All other Idea Stores and [email protected] where the Genesis cinema is today. A 18001 101 020 7987 9379 across England, with the unrest focused on Essex plaque to commemorate him can be found by the Marquis of Worcester libraries remain closed. 020 3954 0091 Parent & child and Kent. The rebels met with fourteen-year old in 1597 and remains of several at the site. Captain James Cook © National Maritime Domestic Violence Team Museum, Greenwich, London other important buildings. This We are working to reopen King Richard II at Mile End Green. The King offered East London Parkinson’s Family Information concessions and reforms but his promises were not In the late 19th Century most of what is discovery took place to the west 0800 279 5434 further locations as soon as Legal Advice Centre fulfilled and, at an unruly meeting at Smithfield, Tyler now the park was occupied by streets of terraced houses, owned by of the Church of St Dunstan and Support Group Service was slain by the Kings’ men. The rebellion lasted less Clare College, Cambridge University. The buildings suffered severe All Saints and includes part of Artists impression of Worcester House, Haven Whitechapel we are able to do so. University House, uncovered by Crossrail archeologists. Image [email protected] bomb damage during WWII and were demolished at the end of the war. Stepney City Farm. 30 Greatorex Street, E1. than a month. reproduced courtesy of Faith Vardy/MOLA (sexual assault referral 104 Roman Road, E2. 0808 800 0303 [email protected] centre) Books, magazines, 020 8980 4205 newspapers, music and Alzheimer’s Society 020 7364 6495 020 3299 6900 / www.legaladvicecentre. films are available for Robinson Centre, Mile End Multi-Agency 020 3299 1599 london download for online Idea Hospital, Bancroft Road, E1. Safeguarding Hub Limehouse Project towerhamletsparks Karma Nirvana (honour- Store members. Join for free 020 8121 5626 (MASH) based abuse helpline) 789 , Unit If a child is at risk of harm: Tower Hamlets Advocacy 2, St Anne Street, E14. 020 7364 5006 (option 3, 0800 5999 247 Local History Library and Real New information panel at Stepney Green Archives 020 7538 0075 open Mon to Fri, 9am - 5pm) National LGBT domestic 020 7001 2170 localhistory@towerhamlets. www.limehouseproject. 020 7364 4079 (out of abuse helpline (Galop) [email protected] hours emergency duty Cabinet Development Committee Development Committee 0800 999 5428 / team) Meetings Wednesday 23 September, 5.30 pm Thursday 8 October, 6.30pm Thursday 5 November, 6.30pm Free home fire safety Praxis (New Residents) 0300 999 5428 advice Tower Hamlets National Licensing Sub-Committee Immigration, benefits and All meetings will be virtual. Dates Strategic Development Committee Licensing Sub-Committee Black Women’s Health Childbirth Trust Tuesday 13 October, 5.30pm Careers 08000 284428 general advice and times may change. Agendas Thursday 24 September, 6pm Tuesday 10 November, 5.30pm and Family Support 0300 330 0700 Young WorkPath/Tower LinkAge Plus Pott Street, E2. will be available online. For Strategic Development Committee Children and Education Scrutiny 020 8980 3503 further information visit www. Wednesday 14 October, 6.30pm Council Hamlets Careers Service Toynbee Hall, Commercial General Helpline: Sub-Committee Wednesday 18 November, 7pm Rights of Women 40-42 Watney Market, E1. Street, E1. 020 7729 7985 29 September, 5.30pm Standards (Advisory) Committee 020 7251 6577 020 7364 1401 020 7392 2914 Immigration advice: Thursday 15 October, 6pm Strategic Development Committee youngworkpath@ 020 7749 7608 Check Licensing Sub-Committee Licensing Sub-Committee Victim Support Tower Stop Smoking services Licensing Sub-Committee Tuesday020 15 September,7364 5000 5.30pm Tuesday 29 September,www.towerhamlets 5.30pm Thursday 19 November, 6.30pm Hamlets before you Tuesday 20 October, 5.30pm Adult education services Tower Hamlets Cabinet 0808 168 9291 / 020 7882 8230 Development Committee Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee Shadwell Centre, Community Advice Wednesday 25 November, 5.30pm 0808 168 9111 Healthwatch Tower visit Thursdayemail@towerhamlets 17 September, 6pm .gov.ukWednesday 30020 September, 7364 7pm.5000 Monday 26 October, 6.30pm 455 The Highway, E1. Network NSPCC Child Protection 020 7364 5665 Hamlets Overview and Scrutiny Committee General Purposes Committee Cabinet Licensing Sub-Committee [email protected] Due to the pandemic, Helpline WorkPath Mile End Hospital, Bancroft Monday@towerhamletsnow 21 September, 6.30pm Tuesday 6 October,email@towerhamlets 6.30pm 28 October, 5.30pm Tuesday 1 December, 5.30pm some services 0800 800 5000 Employment and Road, E1. 0800 145 5343 Tower Hamlets Law remain closed or may Childline Skills Centre, info@healthwatchtower Centre be operating with towerhamletscouncil @towerhamletsnow 0800 1111 55 Upper Bank Street, E14. /towerhamletscouncil @towerhamletsnow 020 7364 3727 Unit 1, St Anne’s Street, E14. reduced hours or by Shelter workpath@towerhamlets. www.healthwatchtower 020 7538 4909 appointment only. @towerhamletsnow towerhamletscouncil 0808 800 4444 46 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 // // 2020 SEPTEMBER Our EastEnd // 47 @towerhamletsnow CALLING ALL TENANTS OF PRIVATE LANDLORDS! Can you have your rent repaid?


• Houses with five or more unrelated occupiers • Houses, flats and apartments with three or more unrelated occupiers • Houses, flats and apartments in three areas: - Whitechapel - Weavers - Spitalfields and Banglatown

If your home requires a property licence but doesn’t have one you could have up to 12 months of your rent repaid under a rent repayment order.

£100,000 has been repaid to tower hamlets tenants so far!

1. DOES YOUR HOME HAVE A LICENCE? Search the Tower Hamlets HMO Public Register


3. REPORT UNLICENSED HOMES Contact us at [email protected]

Environmental Health and Trading Standards Tel: 020 7364 5008 [email protected]

48 // Our EastEnd SEPTEMBER 2020 //