DYDDIAD Y CYFARFOD: 28 September 2017 DATE OF MEETING: TEITL YR ADRODDIAD: Board Development Programme TITLE OF REPORT: CYFARWYDDWR ARWEINIOL: Bernardine Rees, OBE, Chair LEAD DIRECTOR: Steve Moore, Chief Executive SWYDDOG ADRODD: Joanne Wilson, Board Secretary REPORTING OFFICER: Christine Davies, Head of Organisational Development

Pwrpas yr Adroddiad (dewiswch fel yn addas) Purpose of the Report (select as appropriate) Ar Gyfer Penderfyniad/For Decision


This paper details the proposed approach to and content of, Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Board Development Programme. The proposal, building on work previously undertaken, has been developed in order to provide ongoing support to the Board, focusing on key development areas that – once completed – will provide Members with enhanced knowledge, skills and behaviours, thereby improving individual and collective performance.

Cefndir / Background

The is placing increasing focus on driving improvement in the economy and delivery of public services. The Board Members of public services organisations have a key role in ensuring that the policies and priorities of the Welsh Government are implemented and delivered. Enabling personal development and learning, building capability and capacity in individuals and organisations, is therefore key to successful delivery of an organisation’s aims and objectives.

A local Board Development Programme, tailored to meet the needs of the organisation and both its Independent and Executive Director Board Members is therefore paramount in pursuing the above objective.

Asesiad / Assessment

Further to previous Board Development work undertaken, including the elements delivered by Academi , a steering group was formed in order to build on the work already completed. The membership of the group comprised of Bernardine Rees, Chair, Mike Ponton, Independent Member, Christine Davies, Head of Organisational Development, Joanne Wilson, Board Secretary and Paul Schanzer, Academi Wales.

The group formed the view that the programme, whilst complementing that of Academi Wales and the updated governance guidance about to be issued by Welsh Government, should aim to provide an ongoing shared learning forum which stimulates discussion and thinking on the way Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) organises and enacts its business. It is

Page 1 of 8 therefore proposed that separate sessions are held initially for Independent Members and Executive Directors, based on facilitated discussions, to provide a foundation for continued learning and development. It was agreed the development sessions would be undertaken in three stages with these being detailed below:

Phase 1

Independent Members

Over the past few months a number of Independent Member appointments have been made, which has instigated conversation on a development programme for new and current Independent Members. The following four foundation sessions, to be jointly delivered by Mike Ponton and Christine Davies, supported by Joanne Wilson, are suggested:

1. The role of the Board, focusing on the principles of effective governance and how this is delivered in the context of the drivers central to the way the University Health Board enacts its activities. 2. The role of Board members, the Chair, Vice Chair, the Board Secretary and the role of the Executive Team. 3. The Hywel Dda UHB Governance and Assurance Frameworks and how the various elements fit as a cohesive whole. 4. An assessment of how collectively, as Independent Members and Executive Directors, we are performing, identifying strengths and weaknesses and how we prepare for future challenges.

In addition, following the external review of financial governance within Hywel Dda UHB, the University Health Board has been working with the Finance Academy and has already made arrangements for a development session on financial governance to be provided in September 2017. Furthermore, the Welsh NHS Confederation, in conjunction with an external provider, is arranging All Wales sessions for Independent Members (IMs) on Finance and Scrutiny. One suggested date is 6 October 2017, to provide learning for IMs from the independent financial governance reviews in Wales to date, with a further date in November 2017 for Board Impact/Effectiveness.

Executive Directors

A number of recent Executive Director appointments have enhanced Board stability, enabling discussion on Executive Team Development to be instigated. Following meetings between the Head of Organisational Development and each Executive Director individually to gauge the requirement for a shared development approach, an integrated personal and organisational development programme is being proposed. The programme format, to be delivered by the Head of Organisational Development, will be based on the following:

 Personal Development – tailored personal development plans, executive coaching provision, organisational development support for key projects.  Group Dynamics and Role Enhancement – appreciation of team types and strengths awareness, sub system role and relationships.  ‘What’s the Work?’ Sessions – quality-time team sessions to work through key strategic topics essential for determination of organisational direction and pace moving forward  Shaping Up for Success – clarity of focus on continuous development and personal resilience, being smart and agile in management of stakeholders, leadership visibility and executive walkabouts, interfacing development with the Board programme.

Page 2 of 8 Based on the above, the following four foundation sessions will be delivered by the Head of Organisational Development:

1. Shaping our Own Team Development and Defining our Ambition and Purpose 2. Understanding our Current Culture and Enabling Progression 3. Diagnostic and Team Profiling session – Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI-360º) & Talent Q Systems (jointly delivered by Academi Wales) 4. Building Leadership Resilience

The aim is to deliver the above internal elements for both Independent Members and Executive Directors between October 2017 and March 2018.

Phase 2

Independent Members – this will build on the programme identified in Phase 1 and will also access the all Wales programme for Independent Members detailed below.

Executive Directors – the programme for Executive Team will build on Phase 1 covering the elements identified within paragraph above.

Phase 3

Whole Board Development Following completion of the internal programme, in the following 6 -12 months the Board will continue its work with Academi Wales, focusing on both the outline proposal specific to Hywel Dda UHB currently being discussed, and the Academi’s programme for High Performing Organisations. The latter session engages members of the whole Board, focusing on priority areas of work, identifying shifts in performance to date and what has or has not worked well and why. The session continues by considering future momentum, using the Academi’s High Performance Capability Model as the basis for discussion, which considers:

 Leadership – setting direction; igniting passion, pace and drive and developing people;  Strategy – setting strategy and focusing on outcomes, using evidence and customer based insight that drive choices and decisions, building collaboration and common purpose;  Delivery – managing performance and value for money, developing clear roles, responsibilities and delivery models, planning, resourcing and priority identification, innovation and improving delivery.

All Wales Programme As detailed above, as part of Phase 2 of the programme, Members will, on an individual basis, be able to access the All Wales Governance and Board Leadership Programme of Events delivered by Academi Wales; choosing those sessions which best meet their requirements. The draft Programme of Events is as follows:

Date Topic & Content 20 September 2017 Skills Workshop (Half Day)

Essential Skills for Newly Appointed Board Members Time: 9:30 – 12:30 pm Location: All Nations Centre,

Target Audience NHS Wales’ Chairs, Vice Chairs, Independent Members and Executive Directors

Page 3 of 8 29 September 2017 Network Seminar (Welsh NHS Confederation)

A View of Medicine Management Location: All Nations Centre, Cardiff

Target Audience: NHS organisations including NHS Wales Board members 20 October 2017 Expert Seminar ‘Doing it right, doing it better’

Theme: Getting Assurance Right Chair: Sarah Rochira, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales. Time: 10:00 am – 16:30 pm Location: All Nations Centre, Cardiff

Target Audience: NHS Wales’ Board members, Community Health Council members, Public Service Board members, Regional Boards, Directors of Social Services. 7 November 2017 Learning Event – Advisory Board Company (Welsh NHS Confederation)

Location; Life Sciences Hub, Cardiff

Target Audience: NHS Wales’ Chairs, Vice Chairs & CEOs. Mid/end November Induction and refresher training for new and recently appointed NHS 2017 Wales’ Independent Board Members

1st Module commences: Introduction to NHS Wales

Location: Cardiff 11 December 2017 Skills Workshop (Half Day)

Theme: ‘Assurance’. Interactive workshop offering helpful tools and techniques, enabling Board Members to deal with ‘Assurance’ confidently, compassionately and efficiently. Led by; Sarah Rochira, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Location: All Nations Centre, Cardiff

Target Audience: NHS Wales’ Chairs, Vice Chairs, Independent Members, Board Secretaries 15 December 2017 Network Seminar (Welsh NHS Confederation)

A View of Winter Pressures/Unscheduled Care Location: All Nations Centre, Cardiff

Target Audience: NHS Wales Boards December 2017/ Induction and refresher training for NHS Wales’ Independent Members January 2018 2nd Module – Finance/Planning/Delivery Location: Cardiff

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6/7 February 2018 Welsh NHS Confederation – Annual Conference, Dinner and Exhibition

Location: Cardiff City Hall

Target Audience: NHS Wales Boards 16 February 2018 Skills Workshop (Half Day)

Chairing Sub-Committees: Specific chairing skills, underpinning structures and processes, managing relationships, handling a range of behaviours and conflict. Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Location: Swansea

Target Audience: Independent and Non Executive Board Members (Health and other Devolved Public Sector organisations), Board Secretaries 12 March 2018 Expert Seminar ’Doing it right, doing it better’

Theme: Quality Improvement for Boards Speakers will include contributions from NHS Scotland and NHS Wales colleagues. Time: 10:00 am – 16:30 pm Location: All Nations Centre, Cardiff

Target Audience: NHS Wales’ Board Members, Community Health Council Members, Public Service Board Members, Regional Boards, Directors of Social Service 23 March 2018 Network Seminar (Welsh NHS Confederation)

A View of Integration

Target Audience: NHS Wales Boards

As the scope of corporate governance has increased in recent years, Boards now play an essential role in implementing high-performance organisational principles and practices, as part of their corporate governance responsibilities. An effective Board Development Programme is therefore critical in enabling the Board to move towards the wider model of corporate governance which incorporates:

 Monitoring the performance of the organisation and the senior management team;  Setting organisational goals and developing strategies for their achievement;  Being responsive to changing demands, including the prediction and management of risk.

Financial Implications - There are no financial implications associated with the delivery of the Board development programme with the majority of the programme being delivered in house with support from Academi Wales.

Page 5 of 8 Argymhelliad / Recommendation

The Board is asked to approve the above proposals for a comprehensive Board Development Programme, taking into account this also responds positively to the recommendations made in the external financial governance review commissioned by Welsh Government.

Amcanion: (rhaid cwblhau) Objectives: (must be completed) Cyfeirnod Cofrestr Risg N/A Risk Register Reference: Safon(au) Gofal ac Iechyd: Governance, Leadership and Accountability Health and Care Standard(s): 1. Staying Healthy Governance, Leadership and Accountability Governance, Leadership and Accountability Amcanion Strategol y BIP: 9. To improve the productivity and quality of our UHB Strategic Objectives: services using the principles of prudent health care and the opportunities to innovate and work with partners. 10. To deliver, as a minimum requirement, outcome and delivery framework work targets and specifically eliminate the need for unnecessary travel & waiting times, as well as return the organisation to a sound financial footing over the lifetime of this plan 3. To improve the prevention, detection and management of cardiovascular disease in the local population. 3. To improve the prevention, detection and management of cardiovascular disease in the local population. Amcanion Llesiant BIP: Improve efficiency and quality of services through UHB Well-being Objectives: collaboration with people, communities and partners

Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Please explain how each of the ‘5 Ways of Working’ Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 will be demonstrated - Pum dull o weithio: Long term - the importance of balancing short-term The Well-being of Future needs with the need to safeguard the ability to also Generations (Wales) Act 2015 meet long-term needs. - 5 Ways of Working: The proposal has been developed to provide ongoing support to the Board, focusing on key development areas that once completed will provide Members with enhanced knowledge, skills and behaviours, thereby improving individual and collective performance. Prevention – the importance of preventing problems occurring or getting worse. Enabling personal development and learning, building capability and capacity in individuals and organisations, is key to ensuring problems are avoided or managed.

Page 6 of 8 Integration - the need to identify how the Health Board’s well-being objectives may impact upon each of the well-being goals, on its other objectives, or on the objectives of other public bodies. Enabling personal development and learning, building capability and capacity in individuals and organisations, is key to successful delivery of the organisation’s aims and objectives. Collaboration – acting in collaboration with anyone else (or different parts of the organisation itself) which could help the Health Board to meet its well- being objectives. Welsh Government places an increased focus on driving improvement in the economy and delivery of public services. Board Members of public services organisations have a key role in ensuring that the policies and priorities of the Welsh Government are implemented and delivered. Involvement - the importance of involving people with an interest in achieving the well-being goals, and ensuring that those people reflect the diversity of the area which the Health Board serves. The membership of the Board reflects the diversity of the area which the Health Board serves.

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol: Further Information: Ar sail tystiolaeth: External Financial Governance Review (Welsh Evidence Base: Government)

Rhestr Termau: Included in report if applicable Glossary of Terms: Partïon / Pwyllgorau â ymgynhorwyd Bernardine Rees, Chair ymlaen llaw y Cyfarfod Bwrdd Iechyd Mike Ponton, Independent Member Prifysgol: Christine Davies, Head of Organisational Development Parties / Committees consulted prior Joanne Wilson, Board Secretary to University Health Board: Paul Schanzer, Academi Wales. Executive Team Independent Members

Effaith: (rhaid cwblhau) Impact: (must be completed) Ariannol / Gwerth am Arian: There are no financial implications associated with this Financial / Service: report.

Ansawdd / Gofal Claf: Not Applicable Quality / Patient Care: Gweithlu: Not Applicable Workforce: Risg: Not Applicable Risk: Page 7 of 8 Cyfreithiol: Not Applicable Legal: Not Applicable Reputational: Not Applicable Privacy Cydraddoldeb: Not Applicable Equality:

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