O N N D G R O O L U P N E W S E R No 28 SEPTEMBER 2016 L E T T Our Newsletter is sent out to our London members and other contacts. The group exists to campaign for sustainable transport solutions in London and to support the work of the Campaign nationally. If you have not already done so we would be pleased if you would also join our group and take part in our London What’s based activities. To contact the group write to Chris Barker, wrong Campaign for Better Transport, 46 Redston Road, London N8 7HJ. with HS2 - E-mail: chrisjbark-
[email protected]: the CBT phone 020 8347 7684. Regular meetings of EUSTON the group are held in view STATION central London. The Newsletter is edited by Chris Barker. Contribu- New high speed rail lines can to Scotland and Wales are rope with regular commuters connection at Old Oak Com- tors are welcomed. be a means of providing extra unclear making it difficult to hit the hardest by annual mon must be given serious Opinions expressed capacity and freeing up space on see how HS2 will compete season ticket hikes. Passen- consideration urgently. are those of the au- thors and not neces- existing lines for increased with short-distance aviation. gers travelling on the existing Ongoing investment in There has been insufficient HS1 line pay a premium and if public transport is vital to the sarily those of the freight and local passenger Campaign for Better services. work on the options for using this formula is applied to HS2, success of our country so the the capacity on the existing many people could be ex- very substantial government Transport.