Aaronovitch, S., 13, 26 Abercrombie, N., 116, 120, 128, 130, 131, 132
Index Aaronovitch, S., 13, 26 relations, 81 Abercrombie, N., 116, 120, 128, 130, 131, tenant control, 79 132, 133 time-span, 62 Accumulation of capital Agriculture aided by state intervention, 142 capitalist: development, 59, 62, 72 causing reduced rate of profit, 21 (production relations, 59, 60--1, contradictions, 12 73-81; properties, 69--73 determined by profit for investment, 34 cycle of indebtedness, 76--7 determining organisation of labour distribution of surplus value, 64-5 process, 129 East Africa, 78 dis proportionality, 124-6 English conditions, 63 function of state intervention, 156 food production, and population internationalisation, 130 growth limits, 171-2 link with city construction, 182-3 'green revolution', 80 link with environmental degradation, India, 77, 78 169--70 inherent uncertainties, 71 primitive (or 'primary'), 43 investment problems, 71 regional variations, 180 investible surpluses, 72-3 regular swings, 19 need for more investigation, 82 regulated by profit rate, 20 particularity of, 60--2 role of space, 175--8 pre-capitalist, factors shaping, 80 social structure, 26 (relations, 79) wave characteristic, 176 separation from industrial production, ACTT, see Association of Cinematograph, 63 Television and Allied Technicians simple commodity and peasant Adey, G., 122 producers compared, 72 Adorno, T., 121, 230, 248, 249--50, 270, social relations, categorisation, 77 284 state intervention, 68, 81 Aesthetic sensibility, 231-4 superiority of large scale, 66 Agamben, G., 213 Alavi, H., 179 Agrarian question, 4, 58--86,
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