Volume 74.1989
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American Mineralogist, Volume 74, pages 1425-1443, 1989 INDEX. VOLUME 74.1989 Abbott, R.N., Jr., C.W. Burnham,J.E. Post: Renierite crystal structure refined frorn Hydrogen in humite-group minerals: Structure- Rietveld analysis of powder neutron- energy calculations, 1300 diffraction data, ll77, I4L2 [erratum] Abbott, R.N., Jr., J.E. Post, C.W.Burnham: Bershov, L.V,, see Petrov, I., 604 Treatment of the hydroxyl in structure-energy Bhattacharya, P.K., see Dasgupta,S., 2OO determinatlons, I4I Bianchl, R,, see Graeser, S., 676 Age1, A., see Petrov, I., 1130 Bideaux, R,A., see Dunn, P.J., 934 Ahn, J.H., P,R. Buseck: Microstructures and Blrch, W.D., see Pring, A., 1377 tetrahedral strip-width order and disorder in Bish, D.L., J,E. Post: Thermal behavlor of Fe-rich minnesotaites, 384 complex, tunnel-structure manganeseoxides, Akizuki, M.: Growth structure and crystal sym- 177 metry of grossular garnets from the Jeffrey Bish, D.L., see Post, J.E., 913 nine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada, 859 BoeLtcher, S.L., Q. Guo, A. Montana:A slmple Akizuki, M., H. Nishido, M. Fujimoto: device for loading gases 1n high-pressure Herschellte: Morphology and growth sectors, experiments, 1383 r337 Boggs, R.C., see Ghose, S., 1084 Alexander, V.D.: Iron distrlbution in staurolite Boisen, M.8., Jr., see Bartelmehs,K,L., 620 at room and low temperatures, 610 Bo1, L.C., A. Bos, P.C.C. Sauter, J.B.H. Jansen: Ange1,R.J., L.W. Flnger, R.M. Hazen,M. Kan- Barium-titanlum - rich phlogopites 1n marbles zak1, D.J. Weidner, R.C. Liebermann,D.R. from Rogaland, southwest Norr,/ay, 439 Veblen: Structure and twlnning of single- Bons, A.-J., D. Schryvers: High-resolution crystal MgSiO3garnet synthesized at 17 GPa electron microscopy of stacking 1r- and 1800 oC, 509 regularities in chlorites from the central Ange1, R.J., T. Gasparik, L.W. Finger: Crystal Pyrenees, I 113 structure of a Crz+-bearing pyroxene, 599 Bos, A., see Bo1, L.C., 439 Ange1, R.J., see McCormick,T.C., 1287 Brearley, M., see Montana,A., 1 Antonini, R., see lsotani, S., 432 Brearley, M., see White, B.S., 513 Armbruster, T,, see Lager, G.A., 840 Brown, G.E., Jr., see Hoche11a,M.F., Jr,, 1233 Ashley, P.M., see Eggleton, R.A., 1360 Brown, N.E., A. Navrotsky: Structural, ther- modynamic,and kinetic aspects of disordering Bailey, S.W,, see Guggenheim,S., 637 in the pseudobrookite-type compoundkar- Banerjee, H., see Dasgupta,S., 2OO rooite, MgTi2O5, 902 Banfield, J.F., P. Karabinos, D,R. Veblen: Brown, P.E,: FLINCOR:A microcomputer program Transmission electron microscopy of for the reduction and investigation of fluid- chloritoid: Intergrowth with sheet silicates inclusion data, 1390 and reactions in netapelites, 549 Brown, T.H., R,G. Berman, E.H. Perkins: PTA- Bartelmehs, K.L., G.V. Gibbs, M.B. Boisen, Jr.: SYSTEM:A GeO-Calc software package for the Bond-length and bonded-radii variations in calculation and display of activity- sulfide molecules and crystals containing temperature-pressure phase diagrams, 485 main-group elements: A comparison with Browne,P.R.L., S.F. Courtney, C.P. Wood:Forma- oxides, 620 tion rates of calc-silicate minerals depos- Bartholomew, P.R.: Interpretation of the solu- ited inside drillhole casing, Ngatamarlki tion propert.ies of Fe-Mg olivines and aqueous geothermal field, New Zealand, 759 Fe-Mg chlorldes from ion-exchange Bryndzia, L.T., A.M, Davis: Liquidus phase experiments, 37 relations on the quasi-binary join Bayliss, P.: Crystal chernistry and crystal- Cu2S-Sb2S3:Implications for the formation of lography of sorneminerals wlthin the pyrite tetrahedrite and skinnerite, 236 group, 1168 Bryndzia, L.T,, 0.J. Kleppa: Standard molar 8e11, P.M., see Hofmeister, A,M., 28I enthalnics of formation of sulfosalts in the Beneke, K., G. Lagaly: A hydrated potassium Ag-As-S system and thermochemistry of the layer silicate and its crystalline silicic sulfosalts of Ag with As, Sb, and Bi, 243 acid, 224 Buchwald,V.F., R.S. Clarke, Jr.: Corrosion of Benkerrou, C., M. Fonteilles: Vanadian garnets Fe-Nl a11oys by C1-contalning akaganeite in calcareous metapelites and skarns at Coat- (beta-FeOOH): The Antarctlc meteorite case, an-Noz, Bel1e-Is1e-en-Terre (Cotes du Nord), 656 France, 852 Burke, E.A.J., see Jambor,J.L., 1399 Beran, A., G,R. Rossman,E.S. Grew: The hvdrous Burnham,C,W., see Abbott, R.N., Jr. , l4I component of sillimanlte, 8I2 Burnham,C.hl., see Abbott, R.N., Jr., 1300 Berman,R.G., see Brown, T.H., 485 Burt, D.M.: Vector representation of tourmaline Bernstein, L.R,, D.G, Reichel, S. Merlino: compositions, 826 0003-o04x/89/ | | r2-r 425s02.00 1425 t426 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 74,1989 Buseck, P.R., see Ahn, J.H., 384 positlonal characteristics of kinoshitalite Buseck, P.R., see de Vi11iers, J.P., 1325 frorn the Sausar Group, India, 2OO Buseck, P.R., see Hassan,I., 394 Davidson, P.M., D,H. Lindsley: Thermodynamic analysis of pyroxene-olivine-quartz equi- Cameron, M.: Report of the Secretary for 1988, libria in the systen CaO-Mg0-Fe0-SiO2' 18 1413 Davis, A.M., see Bryndzia, L.T., 236 Cameron,M., see Hughes, J.M., 870 de Vi11i,ers, J.P., P.R. Buseck: Stacking varia- Capobianco, C,, M. Carpenter: Thermally induced tions and nonstoichiometry in the bixbyite- changes in ka1s11ite (KAlSiOa), 797 braunite polysomatic mineral group' 1325 Carlson, W.D.: Subsolidus phase equilibria near Dec, S.F., see Fitzgerald, J.J., L4O5 the enstatite-diopside join in De1la Giustd, A., see Ottone1lo, G., 4IL, I4L2 CaO-MgO-A1203-5iO2at atmospheric pressure, I erratum ] 325 De1la Ventura, G., see Parodi, G.C.' 1278 Carmichael, I.S.: Presentation of the Dias, 0.L., see Isotani, S., 432 Mineralogical Society of America Award for Dingwe1l, D.B.: Effect of fluorine on the vis- 1988 to RaymondJeanloz, 7I9 cosity of diopside liquid, 333 Carpenter, M.A.: Review of Feldspar Minerals, by Dingwe11, D.B.: Shear viscosities of ferrosili- J.V. Smith and W.L. Brown, 507 cate liquids, 1038 Carpenter, M., see Capobianco, C,, 797 Dollase, W.A., see Reeder, R.J., 1159 Carroll, G.W., see Rock, N.M.S., 277 Dove, M.T.: 0n the computer modeling of diop- Chakraborti, S,, see Dasgupta, S., 200 side: Toward a transferable potential for Champness,P.E,, see Rosenberg, P.E., 46I silicate minerals, 774 Channon,A., see Dubrawski, J.V., 187 Downs, J.W.: Possible sites for protonation in Chermak,J.4., J.D. Rinstidt: Estimating the beta-Mg2SiO4 frorn an experi-menta1ly derived thermodynamic properties (delta Gl and delta electrostatic potential, LI24 HV) of silicat.e minerals at 298 K from the Downs, J.l,il., see Klngma, K.J., 1307 sum of polyhedral contributions, IO23 Dowse, M.E.: Mernorial of Alice Mary Dowse Chesner, C.A., A.D. Ettlinger: Composltion of Weeks, 694 volcanic allanite from the Toba Tuffs. Draheim, J.8,, see Phi11iPs, M.W., 764 Sumatra, lndonesia, 750 Drury, M.R., see Cumbest,R.J., 586 Clague, D.A., see Zamarreno,I., 1054 Dubrawski,J.V., A. Channon,S.S.J. Warne: Clarke, R.S., Jr., see Buchwald,V.F., 656 Examination of the siderite-magnesite mineral Clinkenbeard, J.P., M.J. Walawender:Mineralogy series by Fourier transform infrared of the La Post.a pluton: Implications for the spectroscopy, I87 origin of zoned plutons in the eastern Penin- Dunn, P.J., J.D. Grice, R'A. Bideaux: Pinalite' sular Ranges batholith, southern and Baja a new lead tungsten chloride mineral frorn the California, 1258 Mamrnothmine, Pinal County, Atizona, 934 Clowe, C.A., see Phillips, M.W., 764 Dunn, P.J., C.A. Francis, R.A. Ramik' J.A. Coates, D.A., see Cosca, M.A., 85 Ne1en, J. Innes: Wiserite, an occurrence at Coleman,R.G., J.G. Liou, A. E1-Shaz1y,C. 0h, the Kornbat mine in Namibia, and new data, X. Wang, M. Enami: Review of Eclogites and r374 Eclogite-Facies Rocks, edited by D.C. Smith, Dunn, P.J., see Grice, J.D., 1355 1409 Dunn, P.J., see Kampf, A.R., 927 Colson, R.0., D. Gust: Effects of pressure on Dunn, P.J., see Pertlik, F., 1351 partitionlng of trace elements between 1ow-Ca Dyar, M.D.: Applications of Mossbauergoodness- pyroxene and rne1t, 31 of-fit parameters to experimental spectra: Colvi11e, A.A., see Novak, G.A., 488 Further discussion, 688 Cosca, M.A., E.J. Essene,J.W. Geissrnan,W.B. Dyar, M.D., A.V. McGuire, R.D. Zi-eg1er: Redox Simmons, D.A. Coates: Pyrometamorphic rocks equilibria and crystal chemistry of coexist- associated with naturally burned coal beds, ing minerals from spinel therzolite mantle Powder River Basin, hlyomlng, 85 xenoliths, 969 Courtney, S.F., see Browne,P.R.L., 759 Criddle, A,J., see Haggerty, S.E., 668 Edgar, A.D.: Barium- and Sr-enriched apatites Crowley, K.D., see Hughes,J,M., 870 from lamproites frorn West Kimberley, Western Cumbest,R.J., H.L.M, Van Roermund,M.R, Drury, Australia, 889 C. Simpson: Burgers vector determination in Eggleston, C.M., see Hoche11a,M.F., Jr., 1233 clinoamphibole by computer simulation, 586 Eggleton, R.A., P.M. Ashley: Norrishite, a ner+ manganesemica, K(Mnf+Li)Si4012, from the da Costa, L.M. , see Ke1ler, hl,D,, 1J.42 Hoskins nine, New South lrla1es, Australia, D'Arco, P., B. Piriou: Fluorescence spectra of 1360 EuJ+ in synthetic polycrystalline anorthite: El-Shaz1y, A., see Coleman, R.G., 1409 Dlstribution of EuJ* in the structure, 191 Elings, V.B., see Hochella, M.F.' Jr., 1233 Damnan,A.H. : Hydrothermal orthoamphibole- Enami, M., see Coleman, R.G., 7409 bearing assemblages from the Gasborn area, Engel, P.: Memorial of Werner Nowacki, 1394 West Bergslagen, central Sweden, 573 Ericksen, G,E., H.T.