Part B: Review on and Kerry Ellis in the Born Free Tour

On the 17th June 2013 at St John Evangelist Church, Oxford I went to see Brian May and Kerry Ellis in the Born Free Tour. When we arrived at the church I was very excited because this was the first and probably the only time I would see Brian May. I didn’t know what to expect but by the end of the evening, I was very happy. I was very excited to be in an audience watching the two artists as they are very good in what they do. I liked how the setting looked magical and captured the audience’s attention. It started very strongly with several videos which showed how passionate they were about the animals they were supporting. After the first song had finished I knew that I was going to enjoy the evening. Kerry had a stunning voice and a brilliant range and Brian was very confident when he played. They chose a very good variety of songs throughout the evening. There was a screen behind the two of them which changed colours and patterns with each song. About half way through the performance Kerry left for a short break while May played ‘last horizon’ on his home- made guitar, “”. Brian then left and Kerry sang a song from the show she used to be in, “”, called ‘I am not that girl’. Overall I think the music was brilliant but if the seating was planned better, people could have had an even better time there as there were some people at the front who stood up and when they did we couldn’t see anything. I would recommend this to all my friends but I would warn them about the seating so they could get a good spot where they could see the two artists clearly.