CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E416 HON
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E416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 12, 2016 scientific contributions to the research commu- HONORING LINDA BECK stituents. 120 years of service to the public is nity, but it is also a cornerstone of the Roch- no simple feat. It is only through the hard-work ester community and helps provide local busi- HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK and dedication of its employees, and the tire- nesses with the talent they need to flourish. OF PENNSYLVANIA less hours spent overseeing its maintenance Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and preservation, that have made the library the great center of learning and knowledge it this discovery is that it allows us to pose new Tuesday, April 12, 2016 questions and push the bounds of our collec- is today. I would like to thank the employees tive knowledge. There’s no doubt in my mind Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, as execu- of the Riverhead Free Library and the commu- that RIT will play an essential role in these tive director of the Indian Valley Public Library, nity of Riverhead for helping to preserve such forthcoming discoveries, and I am proud that Linda Beck’s dedication and advocacy has in- a significant and special place in my district. millions of people will continue learning about spired a community and, now, after 28 years f the world around us thanks to the contribu- she is retiring. It is widely known that libraries can be the heart of the community: Billions of INTRODUCTION OF THE CIVIL WAR tions of researchers like Dr. Campanelli and DEFENSES OF WASHINGTON NA- the other members of her team. Americans gravitate to public libraries each year to read, borrow books, and study. During TIONAL HISTORICAL PARK ACT Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Linda Beck’s tenure, the role of the Indian Val- in applauding all of the individuals who helped ley Public Library expanded to include serv- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON contribute to this monumental discovery and ices beneficial to the greater community, in- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA especially the six researchers from RIT. These cluding Internet access for library-goers who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rochesterians have helped fundamentally may search for employment, schools and gen- Tuesday, April 12, 2016 change our understanding of the world, and I eral information at their leisure. As executive am proud to support their work in Congress. director, she, and scores of volunteers, have Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, as we com- improved the lives of many citizens and in- memorate the 155th anniversary of the start of f spired both children and adults to read for en- the Civil War today, my colleague Representa- joyment and learning. And so we salute Linda tive DONNA EDWARDS joins me to introduce a HONORING CULTIVATING CODERS Beck on this milestone, thank her for the lead- bill to recognize and preserve the Civil War ership she provided and wish her many active Defenses of Washington located in the District retirement years. of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. The de- HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM fenses of Washington, including forts, un- f OF NEW MEXICO armed batteries and rifle trenches, created a RIVERHEAD FREE LIBRARY ring of protection for the nation’s capital during IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Civil War. This bill would redesignate the Tuesday, April 12, 2016 HON. LEE M. ZELDIN 22 Civil War Defenses of Washington currently OF NEW YORK under National Park Service jurisdiction as a Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national historical park, and allow other sites Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor associated with the Civil War Defenses of Cultivating Coders, a technology startup from Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Washington that are owned by a unit of state Albuquerque which, on March 13, 2016, won Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to governments to be affiliated with the national ‘‘Startup of Year’’ at Tech.Col’s South by pay a special tribute to honor the Riverhead historic park through cooperative agreements. Southwest interactive festival in Austin, Texas. Free Library’s 120 years of service to the This bill would also require the Secretary of This past November, Charles Ashley III and community. the Interior to facilitate the storied history of Charles Sandidge founded Cultivating Coders Whether it is the Library of Congress in the Civil War for both the North and the South, which takes an eight-week coding boot camp Washington, DC, or the community libraries in including the history of the defenses of Wash- on the road to tribal, rural, inner-city, and oth- our home districts, it is important we recognize ington and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign erwise underserved communities. The pro- the tremendous value provided, even in to- of 1864, being assembled, arrayed and con- gram provides graduates with knowledge of day’s technology-driven society. Since the ear- veyed for the benefit of the public for the full stack web development theories and prac- liest human civilizations, libraries have served knowledge, education, and inspiration of this tical experience including web languages as locations where information has been safe- and future generations. PHP, JavaScript, and HTML. Additionally, the guarded and preserved, in the hopes that fu- The Civil War Defenses of Washington were company pairs students with small businesses ture generations are able to read and learn constructed at the beginning of the war, in and nonprofits in our community that need as- about the events of that time period. Today, 1861, as a ring of protection for the nation’s sistance with large web application develop- our libraries’ services to local communities are capital and for President Abraham Lincoln. By ment. This offers local companies access to invaluable, providing important information to the end of the war, these defenses included technology services and creates job opportuni- our constituents, and serving as meeting loca- 68 forts, 93 unarmed batteries, 807 mounted ties for the students. tions where people gather or relax and un- cannons, 13 miles of rifle trenches, and 32 wind. Libraries are also crucial to ensuring miles of military roads. The major test of the Only 5 months old, Cultivating Coders beat younger generations have access to informa- Civil War Defenses of Washington came with out 18 other startups to share the top prize tion for school assignments and otherwise ex- the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864, with another startup called MentorMint. But pand their knowledge base. when Confederate Lieutenant General Jubal Ashley and Sandidge are just getting started. The Riverhead Free Library was organized Early, directed by General Robert E. Lee, Sandidge explained their enthusiasm behind and founded on April 4, 1896. The word ‘‘free’’ sought to attack the nation’s capital from the attending the competition, ‘‘If [Cultivating Cod- holds special significance, as it meant that all north, causing Union Forces threatening to at- ers] can find large scale partners—IBM, Micro- community residents of the time could borrow tack Richmond, the capital of the Confed- soft, those places that see the benefit of what books without charge. The Library helped to eracy, to be withdrawn. General Early was de- we’re doing and where we’re doing it, and grow and develop the diverse and bountiful layed by Union Major General Lew Wallace at helping with diversity in tech—that’s a win for community that Riverhead has become today. the Battle of Monocacy on July 9, 1864, and us at South by Southwest.’’ This service continues into the present, where was stopped at the northern edge of Wash- Cultivating Coders is increasing the number members of the community go to utilize the ington at the Battle of Fort Stevens on July of minorities in the technology industry and wealth of information the library contains, and 11–12, 1864. The Shenandoah Valley Cam- creating new jobs in the process. Mr. Speaker, learn about the great ideas of both past and paign ended when Union Lieutenant General we need more forward thinking companies like present. Today, the Library is chartered to Philip Sheridan defeated General Early at the this which serve our communities, promote serve over 32,000 residents of the Riverhead Battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia, on October local businesses, train future leaders in tech- Central School District, and more than a 19, 1864. nology, increase diversity, and drive innova- dozen towns on the East End of Long Island. Nearly all the individual forts in the Civil De- tion. I look forward to watching Cultivating It is my distinct honor to represent the fenses of Washington—on both sides of the Coders continue to grow and achieve success. Riverhead Free Library in the First Congres- Potomac and Anacostia rivers—were involved Congratulations Cultivating Coders, keep up sional District of New York, and I am grateful in stopping General Early’s attack, and the the great work. for all of the services it provides to my con- Battle of Fort Stevens was the second and VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Apr 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12AP8.041 E12APPT1 smartinez on DSK9F6TC42PROD with REMARKS.