Commemorative Works Catalog
DRAFT Commemorative Works by Proposed Theme for Public Comment February 18, 2010 Note: This database is part of a joint study, Washington as Commemoration, by the National Capital Planning Commission and the National Park Service. Contact Lucy Kempf (NCPC) for more information: 202-482-7257 or CURRENT DATABASE This DRAFT working database includes major and many minor statues, monuments, memorials, plaques, landscapes, and gardens located on federal land in Washington, DC. Most are located on National Park Service lands and were established by separate acts of Congress. The authorization law is available upon request. The database can be mapped in GIS for spatial analysis. Many other works contribute to the capital's commemorative landscape. A Supplementary Database, found at the end of this list, includes selected works: -- Within interior courtyards of federal buildings; -- On federal land in the National Capital Region; -- Within cemeteries; -- On District of Columbia lands, private land, and land outside of embassies; -- On land belonging to universities and religious institutions -- That were authorized but never built Explanation of Database Fields: A. Lists the subject of commemoration (person, event, group, concept, etc.) and the title of the work. Alphabetized by Major Themes ("Achievement…", "America…," etc.). B. Provides address or other location information, such as building or park name. C. Descriptions of subject may include details surrounding the commemorated event or the contributions of the group or individual being commemorated. The purpose may include information about why the commemoration was established, such as a symbolic gesture or event. D. Identifies the type of land where the commemoration is located such as public, private, religious, academic; federal/local; and management agency.
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