Volume II Number 5 Beth’s Newfangled Family Tree October 2008 You can help make National Scots, Scots-Irish Month (USA) happen! James Murray, Committee Chair for the Na- www.electricscotland.com tional Scots, Scots-Irish Heritage Month, an- It is the goal of the group to have legislation nounces that his group is recruiting people in ev- in the United States Congress this upcoming Janu- ery state to work with their legislators to make ary. National Scots, Scots-Irish Heritage Month a real- If you would like to participate - or if your ity. There will be a “State Coordinator” in every Scots, Scots-Irish organization would like to help state soon, he hopes. - simply contact James Murray at Requirements for State Coordinators are that
[email protected] they follow the Mission Statement and work with Some of the Committee for National Scots, their state legislators to enact bills and/or resolu- Scots-Irish Heritage Month, are: James R. and tions recognizing the contributions of the Scottish, Andrea M. Murray from Reidsville, NC; Ann and Scots-Irish in their state and in the country. They Junny Jackson from Archdale, NC; Charles F. Safrit will also help spread the word about the effort to from Siler City, NC, Hollis B. Cahoon from recognize our ancestors who have been such an Greensboro, NC, Jim MacGregor from Fairfax, VA, influence on the United States of America. Michelle Sandelier from Presque Isle, ME, Alastair There is an online petition at http:// McIntyre from electricscotland.com and Beth Gay www.thecapitalscot.com and on http:// from Walhalla, SC.