for St Giles’ Church. Badger St Milburga’s Church. Beckbury St Andrew’s Church. Ryton Rector: Rev’d Keith Hodson tel 01952 750774 Email: [email protected] Web Site:

Rota of Services in the 6 Parishes – June 2014 Badger Beckbury Ryton Stockton Sutton Sunday Maddock 9.30 am 5.30 pm 11 am 11 am 2014 Communion Sung Morning Morning June 1st KH (trad) Evensong Worship Worship KH TD 9.30 am 5.30 pm 11 am June 8th Communion Wedding Communion Whitsun KH (new) Festival KH (trad) Service KH 10.30 am June 15th Songs of Praise 9.30 am 9.30 am 11 am 11 am June 22nd Matins Communion Morning Matins LT KH (trad) Worship KH LT 9.30 am 8.15 am 6.30 pm June 29th Communion Communion Evensong KH (new) KH (trad) KH

KH - Revd Keith Hodson; TD - Tina Dalton; LT - Local Team

PRAYER OF THE MONTH Holy God, faithful and unchanging, enlarge our minds with the knowledge of your love, and draw us more closely to you, that we may worship you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Next Newsletter Contributions for next month’s newsletter to either – David Tooth at Havenside, Beckbury – 01952 750324. Email – [email protected] Or Ruth Ferguson at Tarltons, Beckbury – 01952 750267 not later than 14th of this month, please.


Dear friends,

It was only last February that David Cameron was talking about ‘floods of biblical proportions’. In April he was himself in hot water with his comment that “people in the UK should be more confident about our status as a Christian country”. The fact that he was writing in the Church Times weekly newspaper may well have influenced what he wrote. But it stirred fifty public figures to write a reply saying that “the UK is a non- religious and plural society, and to claim otherwise fosters alienation and division”.

Other people including the Archbishop of Canterbury have since commented on the topic, but I doubt that we are any clearer about what the answer is. ‘Are we a Christian country’ begs the prior questions, ‘What is a Christian country?’ and ‘How do we measure and weigh the factors?

The 2011 census showed that 59% of the population described themselves as ‘Christian’, which is less than two thirds. But on an average Sunday less than one million people attend church which is barely 2% of the population. More go to church at Christmas and many families have church weddings, funerals and christenings. But the 2011 census also showed that 25% of the population said they had “no religion”. Muslims number less than 5%. How do we weigh all these factors in assessing whether Britain is a ‘Christian country’?

The Archbishop of Canterbury used the ‘history factor’ as decisive in any assessment, arguing that all of our institutions and social values have their origins in Christianity and the influence of the Church over the centuries. Critics don’t argue with this fact but say that now things have changed, and the argument from history is not relevant. Even if we were a Christian country, they say, we are so no longer, issues such as women bishops and gay marriage have revealed the present day climate where Church and Society think differently.

The recent May Bank Holidays also show a move away from church influence in society. The old ‘Whit Monday’ is now a fixed ‘spring bank holiday’. Debates about separating Easter from school spring break have risen again with a late Easter date this year. Good Friday is not a solemn holiday as it once was. Any future bank holidays will not be chosen on the grounds of religious festivals. Indeed Sunday itself is not what it used to be (and many will say ‘hooray’).

However one presents the facts, there still remains the basic issue of what it is to be a Christian country, and underlying that, what it is to be a Christian. That topic raises discussion and argument, and in our present climate, everyone’s answer is right, as was David Cameron’s comment and also the replies of his critics.

With best wishes for June Keith Hodson

DIARY DATES FOR JUNE Every Monday to Friday Oasis Christian Shop in open 11am - 3pm Every Saturday Oasis Christian Shop in Shifnal open 11am - 1pm

Wednesday 4th 10am Prayers on Wednesday Wednesday 4th 7.30pm Beckbury Parish Council meet in Village Hall Saturday 7th 11am Kemberton Wedding and Flower Festival Sunday 8th 1pm Kemberton Wedding and Flower Festival Tuesday 10th 9.45am Friendship Club trip to Llandudno meet at Church Sunday 15th 10.30am Songs of Praise at Ryton Church Wednesday 18th 10am Prayers on Wednesday Saturday 21st 8pm For One Night Only in Beckbury Village Hall


Thanks to all those who helped at the Celebration Concert at Ryton church on 10th May with catering, setting up, selling tickets etc; thanks to the Darby Singers for a lovely concert. We hear them again on 19th December for our Ryton Christmas Carol Concert.

There will be a Wedding Festival at Kemberton Church on Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th June. See full details elsewhere in this newsletter.

The Six Parishes Choir are taking part in both the 5.30 Sung Evensong at Beckbury Church on 1st June (with wine and nibbles available after the service) and also at the 10.30am Songs of Praise at Ryton Church on 15th June.

Churches Together Lent Lunches raised £871 for Christian Aid. Thanks to those who provided and served soup, to Trinity Church Shifnal for hosting the lunches and all those who supported this Lent project.


Congratulations to Robert and Orlando Kenyon-Slaney, sons of Rupert and Christina, who were baptized on 27th April 2014 at Ryton Church.

Congratulations also to Oliver James Lewis, son of Michael and Tammy, who was baptized on 18th May 2014 at Stockton Church.


One of many suggestions from the Beckbury Parish Plan was for a bench to be sited in the churchyard, the only problem being that funds are currently not available for this type of project. Whilst it is a very good idea and one which would enable visitors to sit and bring back memories, we need some kind person or persons to help finance this excellent project.

If you would like more details please contact David Tooth on 01952 750324.


What a day, as soon as we arrived at the Apley Farm Shop to meet head gardener Phil Allen for a guided tour round the walled garden, the sky darkened and a veritable deluge of rain threatened to soak us to the skin, a quick chat to Phil who suggested an alternative and we all trooped in to the Creamery Café at Apley Farm Shop for an inspirational talk on the origins of the walled gardens and what the management are trying to do now by resurrecting old vegetables and here Phil cited old type white carrots to modern day orange ones. We learned how the old boilers worked and how itinerant workers moved between the great houses to gain experience, staying in bothies (purpose built accommodation for single men on the estate).

In all a fascinating afternoon which left us wanting more and eagerly looking forward to our next visit which is on Tuesday 8th July.

For our meeting in June, by popular demand, we are having a day trip to Llandudno, leaving Beckbury at 9.45am and returning around 7.30 pm. We have three or four tickets still available for anyone who would like to join us at £10.00p each.


The Council met on Wednesday 7th May. This meeting was the Annual Meeting of the Council and commenced with the appointment of Peter Gibbins as the new Chairman. The outgoing Chairman, David Cummings, has stepped down after 14 years and is thanked for his valuable contribution to leading the Council over this long period. David was instrumental in the purchase of the Beckbury Playing Fields for the village and under his Chairmanship has strived to maintain the village in the traditional manner that we all value.

The annual accounts were presented to the meeting and it is pleasing to report that the current balance is reasonably healthy.

Heather Thomas reported on progress with the Parish Plan Action Plan.

Carl Steventon reported on progress with the playing field car park extension. The new plastic matting for the extension has been ordered and the plan is to install this on the field at the end of May/early June. This will nearly double the car park space to avoid people needing to drive on the field.

The condition of the local roads, in particular potholes, is still a concern and the Parish Council will conduct an audit of the worst areas before the next meeting.

A planning application for change of use of the office at The Old Rectory was approved by the Beckbury Parish Council

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We are lucky that we live in an environment where litter and graffiti are not a major problem, compared to some towns and cities. Last year, when we circulated the Parish Plan Questionnaire 81% of the respondents felt that litter was not a problem in the Beckbury Parish. Certainly within the village people are generally careful not to discard litter and if there is a problem it is more along the local lanes which suggest that it is rubbish being flung from moving vehicles or from walkers/cyclists. I personally run or walk the lanes on a daily basis and I often pick up and take home litter that has been dropped. Someone is regularly drinking a can of Stella Artois beer (on the way home from a stressful day in the office?) and flinging it from a moving car on Badger Road and I am picking it up – this morning it was a plastic Coke Cola bottle as well. This is typical of the low level litter problem that we have

At a more serious level we have had hazardous materials dumped on the verges, for example in 2012 and again in 2013. Solari Farms had to bring in specialist contractors and the Environment Agency to clear up the result of the dumping of solvents at the edge of the field along Badger Road. These two incidents alone cost in total £87,000. Had they not been detected it would have put the village water supply at risk as the solvent was dumped over an underground plastic mains water pipe.

So the purpose of this short note is to remind everyone to be careful to take their litter home and encourage children leaving school to do the same. So if you do come across “harmless” litter then please pick it up and dispose of safely at home or in a litter bin. It has been suggested that we should have an annual village litter pick to encourage everyone to contribute to keeping the village clean and tidy – we are considering the weekend after the Beckbury Show when we will have had a lot of visitors into the village, so please put 13th September in your diaries. However anyone finding illegal dumping of hazardous waste should report it immediately and if possible make a note of the offender e.g. number plates, description etc. For fly tipping – Council – 03456789006; For hazardous waste – Environment Agency Incident Hotline 0800807060.

The last resort is to prosecute offenders and the Environmental Protection Act 1990 says that “it is an offence to drop litter in any open place” and “a person found guilty can be fined up to a maximum of £2,500”. Failure to pay such a fixed penalty notice can result in a criminal prosecution. The Government is also intending to introduce further regulations to prosecute the keeper of a vehicle when litter is thrown from it – for example if your child throws litter out of the car window. Would any parishioners who have a current concern with litter in the parish please make it known to one of the Parish Councillors.

Finally, if you see me running along Badger Road with a can of Stella Artois in my hand perhaps now you will appreciate that it is not what it looks like! Peter Gibbins

BECKBURY DOG OWNERS Following the item in last month’s newsletter it has been pointed out that the article omitted to inform dog owners where the litter bins were in the village that can be used to dispose of their pets waste.

There are three bins placed strategically around the village, namely: the corner of Higford Lane; The village square; outside the school gates; or better still take any bags of waste home for disposal.

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A display of Wedding Dresses Flowers by the Shifnal Flower Club at Kemberton Church Saturday 7thth June, 11am to 4.30pm Sunday 8th June, 1pm to 4.30pm followed by a short service

Refreshments in Kemberton Village Hall Also a village history exhibition Adults £3.00, under 12’s free.



Riders once again voted ‘St Mary’s Angels’ checkpoint at as the best control in the country in 2013 and we are looking to continue this record in 2014!

We will be operating the annual checkpoint control for the National Road Rally, at Sutton Hall Farm, up Church lane at Sutton Maddock, with thanks to Ed and Jacky Butlin. It is a motorcycling event which involves riders covering a range of distances to gain an award.

For us at Sutton Maddock, the event takes place from 12 noon on Saturday through to 8.50 on the Sunday morning, and riders arrive at different times, depending on the route they have chosen to take. There will be a variety of motor bikes, including vintage machines, with many of the riders being regulars who return each year to our checkpoint. They tell us that the farm setting is a welcome change from other checkpoints, which are often sited in car parks or laybys next to busy roads. The riders are always appreciative of our voluntary efforts, and make generous donations to our church funds.

For us to ‘man’ the checkpoint we need a team of helpers to take turns with shifts to meet and greet, stamp riders’ cards and offer refreshments. It has always been a very enjoyable event and there is no need to know anything about bikes. This year, with certain stalwart helpers being away on holiday, we need more help. An hour or two of your time would be much appreciated. If you would like to be involved, or know of someone who would be interested, please get in touch. Thank you.

Shiona and Alan Ferriday; 01952 730313 / 0797 1230 922. Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Website;

PS We will be doing the fish and chip shop run on the Saturday evening for any locals who want to come and join us and help pass the time.

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FREE TO A GOOD HOME ELKA ELECTRIC ORGAN Two keyboards, foot pedals

Wooden surround with roll top

Excellent condition

For more details please contact Yvette at Damson Cottage, Badger on 01746 783 644


Operating from the Red House in the centre of Albrighton, we provide one to one tuition to local people wishing to learn how to use computers. We have been in operation 7 years now and have built up a small and dedicated group of local volunteers who attend between 2pm and 4pm on Thursday afternoons.

The Broadplace Committee are now looking to try to increase the number of volunteers in order that we may ease the commitments of the existing volunteers and also be able to accommodate any increase in interest in the future. So, if you have some expertise in computers (we do not expect computer wizardry from you), you can relate to people, and are prepared to give up a little of your free time to help please get in touch with us by either dropping in to one of our sessions or call Geoff Page on 01902 372821 or Mike Pitchford on 01902 372016 to learn more. Geoff Page - Chairman

GES EXTERNAL Solutions BUILDING SERVICES We are a based company working in the area and we want to introduce ourselves to you.

We undertake all aspects of groundwork Block Paving, Tarmacing, Brick Laying, Drainage, and more

For a FREE no obligation quote call Gary on Mob: 07964 496 372; Office 01952 279533 Email: [email protected]


We are a part of the Traders Register

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Elderly residents are being warned about a phone fraud where victims are being duped out of cash by people posing as police. West Mercia and Warwickshire Police have recorded 70 of these offences across Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Warwickshire since March this year with unsuspecting victims falling for the scam. The offenders are targeting older people across both Forces, as part of a national scam which is commonly known as a ‘courier fraud’.

In many cases a person claiming to be a police officer will contact an elderly or vulnerable victim by telephone and inform them that their bank card has been used fraudulently. The victim will then be tricked into thinking they are either calling or being put through to their bank, but in fact they are still speaking to the fraudsters. The victim will then disclose banking information and will be instructed to either place their bank cards in an envelope for a courier to collect or attend the local branch of their bank to withdraw a sum of money and pass it to a courier sent by fraudsters. Sometimes the fraudsters use legitimate taxi companies to make the pickup. Often elderly victims are unwittingly defrauded of their entire life savings, being left distraught and traumatised in many cases.

Over the last couple of months, the number of offences has escalated, with West Mercia and Warwickshire Police receiving numerous reports from victims across both Force areas. Detectives are working with local banks/building societies and taxi firms as part of the investigation into the fraud and are urging anyone else who may have been a victim to come forward. They are also repeating warnings to the public, particularly older residents, not to go along with the scam and to report any attempts to police.

This is a national problem which has reached West Mercia & Warwickshire policing areas.

DCI Sean Paley said “This is a heartless and callous fraud with the offenders targeting elderly and vulnerable people who are trusting and willing to help who they think are bona fide police officers”. We are urging the public, particularly older people, to be aware of this fraud and not to go along with it. Genuine police would not phone members of the public in this way and certainly would never ask you for your bank details or ask you to send money”. Because of the nature of the fraud and the vulnerable victims involved it is believed this offence is currently under-reported, therefore we would urge the public to come forward and tell us if they have been contacted by these people. “We appeal to members of the public, banks and taxi drivers to be on their guard and report any suspicious activity of this nature to the police immediately”.

If you receive a phone call of this nature, police advise you to:

 Do not give out any information and end the phone call immediately. Wait at least five minutes to clear the line from the scammer before making any other calls, or use another phone. Make sure you have a dialling tone.  Report the offence as soon as possible to police by telephoning 101.

Please remember:  Your bank will never attend your home.  Your bank and the police will never collect your bank card or cash.  Your bank and the police will never ask for your PIN.

Anyone with any information about this fraud can contact police on 101, quoting Operation Ardent.

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