About our school

Beckbury Church of Primary School is situated in a beautiful rural setting on the southern edge of Beckbury Village. The school is at the heart of the local parish community and serves a large rural area covering Beckbury, Badger, Grindle, and Ryton as well as attracting children from nearby towns.

We are proud of the family atmosphere of our school. The children are happy, secure and well motivated. They are encouraged to be independent, kind to one another and to care

for their surroundings.

The school is set in delightful grounds, with a large garden area, school sports field, playground space marked with children’s games, a fenced early years play area and a fenced wildlife area

and pond. In recent years the children have been involved in planning and building an enlarged vegetable garden complete with polytunnel and potting shed and a quiet garden. These are maintained by the children. The school is surrounded by open countryside.

Our school, one of the oldest in the County, is steeped in history with the original school building dating back to 185 3. It is now

used for Collective Worship, music, some PE, drama and extra curricular activities. The main school buildings provide modern facilities which include three classrooms and our own school kitchen. Each classroom is well equipped with modern technology to enhance learning. Each classroom benefits from an interactive whiteboard, computers, a visualiser and a well stocked library. The school also uses a bank

of laptops, photographic equipment and recording devices to extend ICT facilities. Beckbury Acorns Pre-school is housed in a purpose built nursery

adjacent to the main school.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Church status

Beckbury is a Voluntary Controlled Church School and is proud of its status, which is reflected in the Christian ethos of our school.

We maintain close links with St. Milburga’s Church in Beckbury. The children, staff, parents and governors are invited to celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter in church each year as well as other special school events. Reverend Keith Hodson is a regular visitor to school. He leads our Collective Worship once a week.

We have recently been awarded Beacon Status as a church school by the Diocese of Lichfield. This award is given in recognition of the good work we do to support Religious Education, Worship, Spirituality and Christian Distinctiveness.

Mission statement

Beckbury Church of England Primary School seeks to develop the full potential of all our children within a secure family environment. Christian values underpin the ethos of our school. We enjoy strong links between school, church, home and our local community. We endeavour to broaden our pupils knowledge and understanding of the wider world.

Children in Christmas songs with the Planting Trees in the

Need Cake Sale Friendship Club school grounds

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Aims of our school

At Beckbury Church of England Primary School we aim to:

- Provide the best quality education possible where our children are happy and secure. Christian values of love, charity and forgiveness form the foundation of our ethos, creating a caring and tolerant atmosphere for learning where cultural diversity is valued.

- Enable all our children to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and how this might impact on the way they live their life.

- Ensure all our children, irrespective of gender, background, ability, race or religion have equal access to a diverse, rich, varied and challenging curriculum, other activities, ICT resources, teachers and other adults according to their various individual needs.

- Meet the social, spiritual, emotional, physical, creative and intellectual needs of our children to enable each child to achieve the maximum progress possible.

- Build on each child’s unique personal strengths by celebrating achievements, to develop confidence, independence and positive self esteem.

- Promote respect of self and others and the taking care and pride of their immediate surroundings.

- Encourage our children to take responsibility for their own learning and skills development and managing their behaviour.

- Promote positive healthy lifestyle attitudes.

- Promote a growing knowledge and understanding of the need for environmental sustainability and how their actions may impact on caring for our world.

- Maintain and develop our links with the wider community, including local primary and secondary schools, schools further afield and Beckbury Acorns Pre-School developing a growing knowledge and understanding of the diverse world in which they live.

- Encourage parents and carers to take an active role in their child’s education and development.

- Provide continued professional development for all staff and governors in line with our school development priorities to enable the school community to work effectively together.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Visit our School

A better way of getting to know us is to visit our school where there is always a very warm welcome. You will be able to see the children working within a happy and secure learning environment.

To arrange a visit or to ask any other questions you may have please telephone 01952 750287.

Religious Education

As a church school we have a strong Christian ethos which includes daily Collective Worship, led by staff, children or Reverend Keith Hodson.

Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Agreed Syllabus. Lessons are enhanced by talks and a range of visits. Christianity is studied alongside Judaism, Sikhism and Islam.

As a school we encourage a positive understanding of the many faiths reflected in Britain today. We share close links with two larger multi cultural schools in the .

Each classroom has a prayer corner with a cross and helpful books and pictures. There is a central prayer corner in the entrance hall where children or adults may write their own prayer for inclusion in the daily act of worship. These prayers are included on the Prayer Board in the School Hall.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from any or all of the religious activities in school.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

The Curriculum We teach the National Curriculum which sets out the clear statutory entitlement to learning for all our children in the core and foundation subjects . At Beckbury we focus the morning learning and teaching sessions on English and Mathematics. The other subject areas, Art, History, Geography, Design Technology, Music, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education, French and PSHE are taught mainly in the afternoons. Information Communication Technology is incorported into all curriculum areas as appropriate. Each classroom has computers, laptops, an interactive whiteboard and a range of other appropriate equipment to enhance the curriculum and childrens learning.

All units of work and lessons are carefully planned and differentiated to ensure they meet the learning needs of all our children.

Learning at Beckbury is taught through a thematic skills approach which enables our children to put their learning in context and apply the skills they develop across all subject areas. The thematic work is designed to meet the interests of the children and is delivered on either a two or four year rolling programme. An overall theme planner is available for parents to view.

Children are organised into three registration classes. Class 1 includes children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They have a full time class teacher and a Teaching Assistant. Class 2 is split into Year 3 & 4 and Year 5 & 6. During the morning children are organised into three classes, with three teachers, for literacy and maths and in the afternoon they work as two classes for most learning opportunities.

Music is taught by a specialist Music Teacher from Shropshire Music Service. Children from Year 2 have the opportunity to receive recorder tuition. The school also provides opportunities for children to access private music lessons. Instruments include violin, flute and brass. During 2011/12 a group of children began learning to play the cornet as a class.

Physical Education is considered an essential part of the curriculum. All children have at least two sessions of P.E. each week. The curriculum reflects a breadth of activities which include games, gymnastics, athletics and dance. Children in Key Stage 2 attend swimming sessions at Endowed School in the Summer Term each year. The school has close links with Idsall Specialist Sports College, with their instructors often teaching a range of sporting skills. They also arrange a variety of local competitions with other primary schools. We also use the services of fully qualified sports coaches to deliver specific activities. All coaches and sporting personnel used in school have undergone enhanced criminal records bureau checks. The coaches also run a range of after school activity clubs during the year which include football, multi skills,

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

tag rugby, cross country training and dance. Details of after school clubs can be accessed via the School Office.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children in Reception follow the ‘Foundation Stage Curriculum’ which covers six areas of learning. (This is due to change in September 2012 to seven areas of learning.)

- Physical development - Communication and language - Personal, social and emotional development

These three key areas must be supported in four specific aspects, namely

- Literacy - Mathematics - Understanding the world - Expressive arts and design

The education programme delivered in the Early Years involves a wide range of activities and experiences for your child:

- Communication and language development involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; and to speak and listen in a range of situations. - Physical development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food. - Personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities. - Literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems, and other written materials) to ignite their interest. - Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures. - Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

- Expressive arts and design involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role- play, and design and technology.


At Beckbury we recognse homework as an important and fundamental part of your child’s education. Homework is set appropriate to the age of your child and may include talking and sharing ideas, reading, spellings, multiplication tables, an investigation or other written activity. Homework usually consolidates work carried out during the week. Please support your child by providing a quiet area for them to work without the distraction of the television. Please ensure homework is completed neatly and returned to school by the due date. Please feel free to discuss homework if you have any queries.

Childrens’ Progress


Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are assessed through continuous observation. These observations contribute to the children’s profile evidence books which in turn indicates the next learning steps for each individual child. Observational evidence is used to identify the progress children are making towards the Early Learning Goals.

Keys Stage 1/Key Stage 2

Teacher observations and discussions with children support the day to day progress and records of achievement. Our children are encouraged to reflect on their own progress and discuss with their teacher their own targets for improvement. They are formally assessed three times a year and the results from these assessments together with our knowledge of each child are used to set pupil targets and identify areas for support and development as the children move up the school. Targets are challenging yet realistic, encouraging pupils to aim high. Targets are shared and reviewed at Parents Evenings.

Statutory Assessment

Year 2 children have teacher assessments and a formal SAT Assessment during the first half of the summer term. The teacher assessment and the formal SAT Assessment are used to form an overall judgement of the child’s attainment and progress at the end of Key Stage 1. Children in Year 6 are assessed through SATs during May. The SATs are used to form an overall judgement of your child’s attainment and progress at the end of Key Stage 2. These assessments are reported to parents through the Parental Reports in July.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School


We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our children whatever their needs or abilities. Our inclusive ethos strives to ensure children (and parents) feel equally valued and safe. Where practically possible our buildings, (with the exception of our upstairs hall) have been adapted for disabilty access. The SEN Code of Practice outlines that children have special educational needs if: “they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them” (DfES Special Needs Code of Practice, November 2001) This includes children who: - Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age. - Have significant problems (physical, emotional, medical, psychological, etc) that hinder/prevent them learning at the same rate as their peers.

To ensure all children receive the best possible care and education, it is vital we work in collaboration with parents and carers. Regular meetings are held with the child, parent, support staff and SENCO to review progress, determine next learning steps and set new individual targets to meet individual needs.

Similarly the needs of our children with exceptional talents and gifts are also met with learning and teaching tailored to their individual need.

Our Inclusion Policies are available to be viewed upon request.

Sex & Relationship Education

All children are taught, as an inclusive part of school life and the taught curriculum, Personal, Social and Health Education. Sex education is taught in single sex groups during Year 5 and Year 6. Sex Education is taught appropriate to the age of the children within the context of moral considerations and the value of family life. A variety of teaching methods are used. Parents are very welcome to view the materials used in school.

Parents do have a right to withdraw their child from all parts of the sex education provided, except from that which is required by the National Curriculum for Science.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and talk to the Headteacher.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School


At Beckbury School there is an expectation that all children on roll will attend school every day, when the school is open, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. We believe the most important factor in promoting good attendance is the development and maintaining of consistent positive attitudes towards school. Regular attendance at school must not be underestimated. It is the prerequisite to a good education and is therefore a high priority for all school staff, governors, Local Authority and parents/carers themselves. To achieve this we strive to make our school a happy place to be where everyone feels valued and has the opportunity to achieve the very best they can.

Routine Medical/Dental Appointments

Parents are asked to ensure that all routine medical/dental appointments are arranged outside the school day where possible. If this is not possible we would ask that you arrange appointments for as late as possible in the afternoon so your child can maximise their learning time. However we do recognise that it is more difficult to arrange hospital appointments out of school hours. Absence for these appointments will be authorised as a medical absence. Parents will sign children out of school when collecting them to attend a medical appointment.

Attendance Rewards –

The school values good attendance and acknowledges this through a reward system: eg. - Each term Attendance Certificates presented to children with 100% attendance and their names are published on the school newsletter - Children who achieve 100% attendance for the whole school year will receive a special reward

A copy of the school Attendance Policy is available from the school office or on the school website.

For further information about the Local Authority strategy to support attendance in schools please visit www.shropshirelg.net or telephone 01743 254397.

Parents, School & Community

At Beckbury School we believe that children learn best when parents and school work together in partnership. We aim to give you as much information as we can about your child’s work and progress.

Our weekly School Newsletter (printed on red paper) gives up to date information including key dates, activities, news and events, prayer points and news of our community links.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Parent Consultation Evenings are held each term to enable you to learn more about your child’s progress and discuss points for their continued development. Your child’s Annual Report is distributed in the summer term just before the final consultation of the academic year. If you are happy with your child’s report and progress and do not wish to have a consultation at the end of the summer term please just advise the teacher accordingly.

Parents are encouraged, where possible, to attend workshops set up during lesson time to enable them to work alongside their child and personally experience daily learning and teaching.

Day to day contact can be made with the teachers at the end of the school day. Alternatively if you want to discuss something in a 1 to 1 situation please arrange a mutually agreeable appointment either before or after the normal school day.

The staff and governors believe in an open school approach where parents are encouraged to ask questions, discuss and contribute to the aims, policies and activities of our school.

School Garden

The children and staff are very proud of the School Vegetable Garden. During Spring Term 2011 the children worked with staff and parents to design and construct the extended garden.

The children eagerly planted many varieties of seeds and seedlings and enjoyed their first harvest in the summer and autumn terms of 2011. The children work together to plan the planting programme, nuture the seedlings and plants and harvest the produce. They are encouraged to consider ways of growing and nuturing plants in an environmentally friendly way. Some of the produce is used in school lessons and adds extra choice

to school lunches. The rest of the produce is sold to parents.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Quiet Garden

At Beckbury we acknowledge that all members of our school community from time to time benefit from some quiet rest space. Children, staff and parents worked together to design, construct and plant our Quiet Garden. The Quiet Garden was opened and dedicated by Bishop Mark in April 2012

It is a place where anyone can sit and spend quiet time with God. There are prayers and passages of scripture to read, a solar powered water feature, a cross constructed from plough shares, many beautiful plants, a finger maze, musical instrument and seating. It is a place to celebrate God’s wonderful world.

The Quiet Garden is available for parents at the beginning and end of the school day

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

School Association

All parents automatically belong to our active School Association when their child joins the school. The Association meets regularly and exists to support our school and its activities through social and fund raising events. Parents’ interest and involvement is very welcome, and many opportunities occur for parents to help, both in school and for special events.

The funds raised by the Association provide many extra resources to extend the curriculum including books, equipment and subsidising the cost of visitors and educational visits.

During the last couple of years the children have been to a number of different places including:

- Visits to our link schools in Walsall and Lichfield - Blists Hill Museum - Shugborough Hall - Bewdley Museum – Evaction Experience - Quarry Bank Mill, Lancashire - Various theatre visits

The School Association also provide a number of different social events both for children and adults too including craft sessions at Christmas and a end of year summer BBQ.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Child Protection

Whilst the prime focus of Beckbury School is to secure the best educational provision for the children, the school recognises that the safety, welfare and care of children is paramount. We aim to establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure and confident to express themselves. The school, like others, has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our children. Staff are trained to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and will act quickly and effectively should it be deemed necessary. In these situations it may be appropriate to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. Copies of our Safeguarding Policies are available on request.

Our Senior Designated Person for Child Protection is Mrs Barbara Parker, Headteacher. Deputy Designated Person for Child Protection is Mrs Allison Skelton Our nominated governor for child protection is

Safer Recruitment

All employees of the school are subject to Enhanced Criminal Disclosure checks. When recruiting staff, at least one member of the panel in addition to the Headteacher will have completed Safer Recruitment Training. Pre-employment checks are undertaken before a member of staff can begin working in the school. The school ensures that all visitors to the school who have contact with children have up to date enhanced CRB clearance.

School Security

The school has recently updated the fencing, access and signage for the site to ensure the safety of our children. All visitors have to produce identification and sign in before having access to the buildings and site. Visitors are expected to wear identification badges. Details of safeguarding, health & safety and emergency procedures are provided to all visitors to the school.

Ofsted 2012 recognises that Behaviour and safety of pupils is ‘Outstanding’.

However we do recognise that bullying may occur from time to time. However it is our aim to:

- Ensure that all children and adults within the school have a common understanding of what bullying is. - Minimise all forms of bullying - Communicate clearly to children and parents the school’s strong response. - Stress that the whole school community acts together on any issue that may arise. - Continually work to maintain a warm and harmonious atmosphere within the school.

Internet All staff will make every effort to guide children in the correct use of the internet. Our access is filtered to exclude inappropriate material. Appropriate use of the internet is part of our themed curriculum content.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Starting School

As parents you are your child’s first teachers. It is our aim to build on your child’s early teaching and learning and work effectively in partnership with you.

There are several things you can do at home before your child starts school to prepare them for school life.

- Encourage your child to dress and undress unaided. Shoes with buckles or velcro are a good idea.

- Please ensure their clothing is named – show them where you have put their name.

- Encourage your child to draw and paint. Talk about the colours they are using and the what they are drawing.

- Talk to your child about their journey to and from school and what they can see around and about them.

- Help your child to hold a knife and fork correctly and show them how to cut their food.

- Encourage good toilet habits eg. Using toilet paper, flushing the toilet and washing hands afterwards.

- Share books with your child – new and familiar stories. When reading, follow the print with your finger and allow your child to copy.

- Encourage your child to ‘tell’ the story, using the pictures in their favourite book to help them.

- Find opportunities to count together and talk about numbers they can see when they are out and about eg. In the supermarket.

Further details are included in our Welcome Pack.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Admission Arrangements

To apply for a school place, parents in England must apply to their home local authority (to whichever local authority they make council tax payments) even if they are applying for a school place in another part of England. The local authority (LA) processes the application and informs the applicant of the result. Parents make one application, naming up to 3 schools of their preference. The application process is the same even if a school is its own admission authority (eg aided, foundation school, or an academy) and regardless of whether the application is for Reception, Junior, Secondary School or an ‘in-year’ application. Parents of Reception children in Shropshire will be required, in the Autumn Term prior to the school year of admission, to complete an LA Application Form stating preferences for up to three schools. The School Admissions Team at the Local Authority determine how these places are allocated. Parents are notified of places towards the end of the Spring Term for Reception children. Specific dates and information is given in the LA Information Pack (contact details below).

Changing schools

If you wish to change your child's school at any other time you will need to complete a mid-term or “in- year” application form. All completed application forms must be returned to the Admissions Team by either the applicant or the school.

Parents have a legal right to express a preference for which school they want their child to attend. This is not the same as being able to choose, but means that if a parent expresses a preference for a particular school and there are places available at the school then a place should be offered at that school.

For further information you can contact the School Admissions Team directly at: [email protected]

01743 254 364

Fax: 01743 254 500

Shropshire Council,

Learning and Skills,

Shirehall, Abbey Foregate,

Shrewsbury, Shropshire,

SY2 6ND.

You can also view the website at www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

If you have any further questions or queries we can help you with please do not hesitate to ask. We will be happy to help.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

Further Information

Pastoral Care and Discipline

Our school actively encourages all parents to be involved in the curriculum and all our curriculum documents are openly available to view on request. These documents will also be available, over time, on our website as it develops. New policies are developed by staff and the Curriculum Committee, and shared with Governors and Parents at appropriate times.

Home School Agreement

The discipline and well-being of all our children are a matter for the closest consideration between members of staff, parents and the children themselves. Our school rules are very few and a code of expected behaviour is based on safety, concern and consideration for the individual and the community.

The School Council, Staff, Parents and Governors have developed a Home School Agreement which all members of the school community sign when they join our school.

Food Provision

Beckbury School promotes a healthy eating policy. Fresh meals, using local sourced produce where available, are delivered daily from a local primary school. This is often supplemented by seasonal fruit and vegetables grown in our own garden. The cook ensures that all meals are nutritionally well balanced and liked by the children.

From time to time there is an opportunity for you to join your child for a school lunch. Watch out for dates in the School Newsletter.

Dinner money is paid weekly on Monday mornings. Please ensure this is handed in to the school office in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, the days meals are required and the exact amount of money enclosed.

Alternatively you may provide your child with a packed lunch. We ask that parents follow our healthy eating policy and do not give their child crisps, chocolate or sweets in these lunch boxes. A copy of this policy is available via school.

Lunches are eaten together in a family atmosphere.

Fresh fruit is available at morning break for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 as part of the government ‘fruit for schools scheme’.

Transport Please ask at our school office for further details or contact the school transport department at the Shirehall.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School

First Aid

The school has a number of fully qualified first aid trained members of staff. There is always at least one qualified person present in school. Any injury requiring first aid is recorded in the school first aid record. Parents are notified in cases of a head bump. Please ensure we always have up to date contact numbers in school, especially if you change your mobile number frequently.

Pre - School

Beckbury Acorns is an independent nursery located in a purpose built extension to our school. There are very strong links between the nursery and Beckbury School. We meet together to ensure continuity for the children moving from nursery to school. We often share social and fund raising events together.

The nursery children are invited to have dinner with the school children from Monday to Friday every week. On a Monday they also join the school for Collective Worship.

In the Summer Term before the children start Reception they are invited to spend some sessions in school to meet their new teacher and experience school life. This helps them to become familiar with the school setting before they start school.

School and nursery staff meet together to share progress reports to ensure your child gets off to a flying start in full time school.

Beckbury Acorns offers full day care from 9.00a.m. to 3.00p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday nursery provision is available from 9.00a.m. to 12 noon. Children can stay for lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Mother and Toddler provision is available from 1.00p.m. to 3.00p.m. on a Monday afternoon.

In January 2012 Beckbury Acorns Nursery was inspected by Ofsted who said,

“Children are confident and enjoy attending this welcoming pre-school. Staff have a good understanding of EYFS and as a result children make good progress in their learning.”

“Partnerships with Parents and Carers are outstanding.”

If you require any further information or details of places available please contact the Nursery Manager Claire Pritchard on 01952 750755.

Beckbury Church of England (controlled) Primary School