Advertise in TELFORD and WREKIN

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Advertise in TELFORD and WREKIN Advertise IN TELFORD AND WREKIN 1 ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES ADVERTISING Contents Why advertise in Telford and Wrekin 03 Why Offer locations 04 Traffic counts on arterial roads in Telford and Wrekin 05 On our road network 06-09 How n Roundabout advertising 06-07 n Boundary sign advertising 08-09 Southwater car park 10-13 n External posters 11 n Internal posters 12 n Car park ticket advertising 13 Pantomime sponsorship 14-17 Council website advertising 18-19 Discover Telford advertising 20-24 n Option 1 - free online business profile 22 n Option 2 - MPU advert 23 n Option 4 - Wayfinding totems 24 Telford Ice Rink Advertising 26-27 Wellington Car Park Advertising 28-30 n Car Park ticket advertising 29 n Digital ticket machine display 30 2 [email protected] Why advertise IN TELFORD AND WREKIN OVER 5M PEOPLE 170,000 PEOPLE LIVE £800M OF INVESTMENT can access the town IN THE TOWN IN THE TOWN within an hour Projected to grow to in the past 2 years around 200,000 by 2031 WAGES HIGHER THAN 82,700 PEOPLE TOURISM HOTSPOT THE WEST MIDLANDS WORKING IN 5,500 Tourism is worth £300m AVERAGE BUSINESSES to the Telford economy £497.50 per week in the borough 4.4m visitors a year TOP 10 IN THE UK FOR INTERNATIONAL 1M SQUARE FOOT OF DELIVERING HOUSING REPUTATION RETAIL SPACE GROWTH for advanced One of the UK's largest for the past two years manufacturing, shopping centres engineering and agri-technology [email protected] 3 AsheldsAsh elds Hinstock Ellertonle The Marsh Shebdon Batchacre Hall Child’s Ercall Sambrook The Nookoo A 41 Standford Bridge Howle Actonto Norbury Eaton upon Tern Grinshill Reynald Morreton Corbet Ercall Heath Butlersbanrs k Moreton MillMil Sansaw A41 Heath Oulton R Little iver Ellerdine M e Heath Bolas ese Sutton 42 Edgeboltono A4 Bolas Heath Chetwynd Park Cold Shawbury Muckletouc n Hatton Cold Hattonn Great Forton Heath Heath Bolas Lanes Ellerdine se Mee River R A41 Edgmond rn Meeson Te Meretowtown er iv Marsh Hadnalldn R Tibberton Meeson Rowton Heath Islingtonon Cherrington Conquermoor R e Heath rin A pe St Edgmond 442 Waters Pi Coley Mill Lakemoor Brook Upton Newport A 4 1 AstleyA ey Osbaston Ash eldsAshelds Hinstock Cherrington Ellertonle R Walton Adeney Moor The Marsh Shebdon Moortown Batchacre Bings HeatH h Hall UpperU A518 Child’s Astley Ercall Outwoods Sambrook The Nookoo rook A Crudgington e B 41 rin Church High St Standford Ercall Offer locations BridgeAston The Weald Howle Actonto Chetwynd Norbury Eaton upon Tern Grinshill MoorReynald s Morreton R A518 Corbet Ercall Aston Heath A41 Butlersbanrs k Moreton Moreton MillMil Sansaw A41 Heath Oulton R Little iver Ellerdine M ees Kynnersley Heath Bolas Cheswell e Kynnersley Sutton Roden 42 EdgeboltonMooo r A4 Bolas Heath Chetwynd Battle eldBattleeld Rive Brockton Park Cold r Shawbury R Stockton R Muckletouc n Hatton Cold Hattonn Forton o Great d Heath Heath Bolas e Lanes n Ellerdine se B Mee River R HaughtonHaugHaauu A41 Edgmond rn Meeson Te Meretowtown er iv Marsh Hadnalldn R Tibberton Meeson Rowton Heath Islingtonon Cherrington Ky nne rsley D Conquermoor 8 R rive 1 e B A41 Lynn HarlescottH escottess otttt n Heath i Longden A e Str Edgmond A5 p 442 Waters Pi Coley Mill Sleapford Lakemoor Brook Upton Newport A 4 on Tern 1 AstleyA ey Lilleshall Osbaston Woodcote Cherrington Adeney R Walton Moor Bings HeatH h Preston upon Moortown UpperU Honnington A518 Astley ad Outwoods the Weald Moors s Ro ard Crudgington ich ook A44 R ine Br Church High Str Eyton upon Aston 2 Ercall The Weald Chetwynd the Weald Moors Moors R A518 Aston Rodington A41 Moreton Grreat Kynnersley Kynnersley Cheswell Roden Heath S Moor Chatwelha welll SomerwoodSomeome tat Battle eldBattleeld Rive Brockton r io 8 R Stockton R o 1 d n 5 en R A HaughtonHaugHaauu oa Rodington d R Clock Ky nne rsley D 8 HarlescottH escottess otttt rive 1 A4 Lynn Longden A5 d B 1 Sleapfortowed r Roa Marsh on Tern gton ellin Lilleshall Heath W Woodcote Preston upon Green Honnington the Weald Moors ad ds Ro Hill ar ich A44 Eyton upon R 2 the Weald Moors Rodington Grreat d Heath a S Chatwelha welll SomerwoodSomeome tat o 8 io 1 R n 5 n R A o oa Bratton A442 Rodington R gt d R lin W Isombridge R el Clock reki Muxton Shawbirch W ad tower Ro Marsh gton B n ellin Heath Uf ngtonngton Green D W R Ho r d iv Hill A442 e R Hortonwood Industrial Estater to R d oa R d R n a R on Bratton A442 gt 42 n W 4 w Isombridge o lli e R reki Muxton on Roa A R Shawbirch W Weston t o n Ufngton ngton h D R Ho r od c iv ad A442 e at n R Hortonwood Industrial Estater R e R to A4 R d r n 42 oa T 4 w on Ro A R Weston Br 3 t o h od c at R en A4 7 Tr ew Br 64 3 7 ew 64 Heath N N Heath Donnington 0 Lilyhurst ad 0 Ro 7 irch od d b Dothill wo a stle A44 n Lilyhurst a Lilyhurst C o Donningtonhaw Apley ort h Ro ad S H c o Allscott Ha n rle Tre Blymhill R ShewsburyShewShewwsburyb ry Admaston y 2 Withington C lo 7 se A5 Princess 8 ch d d 1 y ir o B ad 2 a Common a o Royal A5 W o R W 2 nue R b n d Downton w o 3 e i h o Dothill t Hospital v tle A44 n a o s t it a o S A C Cross ch aw Ro W W ley rt A&E h Ap o h e m n u H Granville H llin o S c r Leegomery a R gt ch open 24hrs g R Far d t ad n H n o l o i le R n Green n Ro R Allscott y y a le n R H oo re o P rad o Country r P B D le T a ad a Blymhill d r 2 k Admaston y R W ShewsburyShewShewwsburyb ry o o Withington C a m Park nue d bri lo ve d R y A g R s A5 8 ad ple e Princess A A R e d 1 m y o Trench a as th Ro d to r a B437 ad n No 3 Common 2 R L o Royal A5 o ee y a W ga R W 2 nue R d te W A od Wa d Upton Magna o a n e d hitc ve Downton 3 n W o Donnington Wellington u B o e ritannia W i h o hu ay ne t Hospital v Wrockwardine di a o rc H ar R Sheriffhaleles t it h ig w e A D h ck ges R dh S S A o r Wood ri tre ch v o Lodge Cross i R W e Wr W e t 4 l Sprin l W Wro g Road 42 ckward Ge A&E ine t m e Road n ay S u H Granville llin o Haybridge Hadley Mount r Leegomery a d Walcot R gt ch open 24hrs oa d oad g R Far R scent R d P nd oa 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Charlton Road 73 Benn d R Oakengates A5223 Wharf Holyhead Road The Wrekin B43 Randlay CrackleybCrackleybankbankbank Ran Stanton ekin R d r l CrC oss Houses ay St R Av i W r d chl Tongonng oad P oa e oo n n R et R ey Stre S ue r urch l y A442 e ad West Street Ch Coalmoor Hi prin a Ketley A5 l ghi h T l A yhe Ro ll ks r A44 Ro v ol a n e a e v H d d Hi e nue Ri dlay Avenu Haygate Ran Spout Lane Upper Pool Hill 2 Little Redhilld The Wyke ArlestonBerrington Red Longwoodwo B5061 e n Road Wenlock o St Georges t n g Stirchley y n i y l l Horsehay a a e W W La Doseley W d Eaton r e o lf s Lake n e d T Roa Eytonon on Constatintine R rm r Fa ou d lme ee a Wa h R o Ho J Severrnn R y Brookside Avenue unc d ll Gr Ho Little A5 7 t er S y oo ou t Brookside Emstrey h l e V Dawley o W Ligh ie s w o R 4 o 2 s t a m d d Chapel Lane l o e Cluddley R o fi 1 or s e d R oa A5 l l M a o fie The Hem H M Lightmoor a es d d 54 373 al Bluebell 4 H Leightonton R A A 41 6 6 9 Junc H o A4169 lyh 9 Castl Priorslee A 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