United States Patent to (11) 3,998,691 Shikata Et Al
United States Patent to (11) 3,998,691 Shikata et al. 45 Dec. 21, 1976 54) NOVEL METHOD OF PRODUCING RADIOACTIVE ODINE FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS 1,193,599 4/1970 United Kingdom ................. 176/16 (75) Inventors: Eiji Shikata; Hiroshi Amano, both of 763,865 12/1956 United Kingdom ...... ... 176/16 Tokai, Japan 877,333 9/1961 United Kingdom ................. 76/16 73 Assignee: Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan OTHER PUBLICATIONS Journal of Nuclear Science & Technology, vol. 7, No. (22 Filed: July 15, 1974 9, pp. 481-483, by Shikata. (21) Appl. No.: 488,681 Primary Examiner-Harvey E. Behrend Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Stevens, Davis, Miller & Related U.S. Application Data Mosher 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 292,252, Sept. 25, 1972, abandoned. 57 ABSTRACT Radioactive iodine(I-131) is easily obtained by heating, 30 Foreign Application Priority Data at a temperature ranging from 600 C to 650 C, a Sept. 29, 1971 Japan .............................. 46-7544 tellurium oxide intermediate which was obtained by (52) U.S. C. ................................................. 176/16 heating telluric acid or tellurium trioxide at a tempera ture from about 400° C to 560 C and was irradiated (5) Int. Cl”.......................................... G2G 1106 with a neutron flux. Thus, pure I-131 is obtained with 58 Field of Search ................................ 176/14, 16 out the complicated operations required in a conven 56 References Cited tional process for separation and/or purification of the UNITED STATES PATENTS product. 3,114,608 12/1963 Douis et al. ......................... 176/16 3,226,298 12/1965 Gemmill .............................. 176/16 4 Claims, No Drawings 1.
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