High-Pressure Phase Transition of AB3-Type Compounds: Case of Tellurium Trioxide† Cite This: RSC Adv.,2021,11,14316 Dominik Kurzydłowski, *A Mikhail A

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High-Pressure Phase Transition of AB3-Type Compounds: Case of Tellurium Trioxide† Cite This: RSC Adv.,2021,11,14316 Dominik Kurzydłowski, *A Mikhail A RSC Advances PAPER High-pressure phase transition of AB3-type compounds: case of tellurium trioxide† Cite this: RSC Adv.,2021,11,14316 Dominik Kurzydłowski, *a Mikhail A. Kuzovnikovb and Marek Tkaczc Tellurium trioxide, TeO3, is the only example of a trioxide adopting at ambient conditions the VF3-type structure (a distorted variant of the cubic ReO3 structure). Here we present a combined experimental (Raman scattering) and theoretical (DFT modelling) study on the influence of high pressure (exceeding 100 GPa) on the phase stability of this compound. In experiments the ambient-pressure VF3-type structure (R3c symmetry) is preserved up to 110 GPa. In contrast, calculations indicate that above 66 GPa the R3c structure should transform to a YF3-type polymorph (Pnma symmetry) with the coordination number of Te6+ increasing from 6 to 8 upon the transition. The lack of this transition in the room- temperature experiment is most probably connected with energetic barriers, in analogy to what is found Received 24th March 2021 for compressed WO . The YF -type phase is predicted to be stable up to 220 GPa when it should Accepted 8th April 2021 3 3 transform to a novel structure of R3 symmetry and Z ¼ 18. We analyse the influence of pressure on the DOI: 10.1039/d1ra02344f band gap of TeO3, and discuss the present findings in the context of structural transformations of rsc.li/rsc-advances trioxides and trifluorides adopting an extended structure in the solid state. Introduction In contrast, the high-pressure phase transitions of TeO3, which contains the much smaller Te6+ cation, were not studied Tellurium, one of the heaviest metalloids, has recently attracted up to date. One of the probable reasons for such lack of research signicant attention due to its role in manufacturing highly is connected with the poor availability of the starting material. efficient photovoltaic panels,1,2 and investigations of super- Tellurium trioxide cannot be prepared by direct oxidation of Te 3 conductivity in iron-based compounds. In these systems or TeO2, but requires performing the thermal decomposition of 2À tellurium is found as an anion (Te ), but materials containing orthotelluric acid, Te(OH)6. Moreover, there is some variation in – this element as a cation are also of great interest, as exemplied the published recipes for the synthesis.17 21 ff by the acousto-optic and nonlinear optoelectronic properties of TeO3 is reported to exhibit four di erent phases: three of 4,5 tellurium dioxide (TeO2). them are crystalline (marked I, II, III following the notation Apart from TeO2, four other oxides of tellurium are known in introduced in ref. 21) and one is amorphous (IV). Full structural b the solid state: tellurium trioxide (TeO3) and two mixed-valent information is available only for phase I (o en referred to as - 4+ 6+ compounds containing both Te and Te ions (Te4O9 and TeO3), which adopts a VF3-type structure (Fig. 1) exhibiting 6,7 6+ 18,20,21 Te2O5). The phase transitions of TeO2 induced by pressures a coordination number (CN) of Te equal to 6. Phase II is exceeding 1 GPa (¼10 kbar) were studied intensively both experimentally,8–13 and by Density Functional Theory (DFT) modelling.13–16 Compression induces a substantial volume reduction in TeO2 (by about 36% up to 70 GPa), and an increase in the coordination number (CN) of Te4+ from 4 to 9.12 aFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski´ University, Warsaw 01-038, Poland. E-mail: [email protected] bInstitute of Solid State Physics RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow District, Russian Federation cInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 01-224, Poland † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Comparison of the ambient-pressure geometry and the frequencies of the Raman-active vibrational modes between experiment and SCAN calculations; ambient-pressure powder X-ray diffraction pattern of TeO3; comparison of the high-pressure Raman spectrum of TeO3 with that calculated for the YF3-type and VF3-type structures; R c computed structural parameters of the high-pressure polymorphs of TeO3.See Fig. 1 The ambient-pressure VF3-type structure of TeO3 ( 3 ) DOI: 10.1039/d1ra02344f symmetry. 14316 | RSC Adv.,2021,11,14316–14322 © 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry Paper RSC Advances reported to adopt a hexagonal unit cell, while for phase III only Raman spectroscopy information on unindexed powder X-ray diffraction lines is The spectra in the rst two runs were collected in backscattered available.21 geometry using custom designed setup for micro-Raman The ambient-pressure VF -type structure (R3c symmetry, Z ¼ 3 measurements based on Jobin Yvon THR1000 mono- 6)20,21 is composed of corner-sharing TeO octahedra with all six 6 chromator equipped with a single grating (with 1200 grooves Te–O contacts equal in length. This geometry can be viewed as À1 À1 mm ) giving a resolution of 1cm , notch lters (Keiser a perovskite-type ABX structure with vacant A-sites and tilting 3 Optical Systems) and thermoelectrically cooled (À65 C) CCD of the BX6 octahedra. The VF3 polytype can be derived from the (Horiba Synapse) detection. A He–Ne laser (Melles-Griot) red 22 non-tilted ReO3 structure (Pm3m, Z ¼ 1) by enforcing tilting of À À À line (632.8 nm) was used for sample excitation. the octahedra (a a a type tilting in Glazer's notation).23 The spectra in the third run were acquired with the Alp- It's noteworthy to point out that phase I of TeO is the only 3 ha300M+ confocal microscope (Witec Gmbh) equipped with example of a trioxide adopting the VF -type structure. This polytype 3 a motorized stage. We used a 532 nm laser line delivered to the is more commonly encountered in triuorides. In this context, it is microscope through a single-mode optical ber. The laser of interest to explore the high-pressure phase transformations of power at the sample did not exceed 20 mW. The backscattered TeO , and compare them with those of triuorides,24–26 and triox- 3 Raman signal was collected through a 20Â long working 27–31 32–35 ides, in particular, WO3, and ReO3 itself. distance objective, and passed through a multi-mode optical Here we present a combined experimental (Raman scat- ber (50 mm core diameter) to a lens based spectrometer (Witec tering) and theoretical (DFT modelling) study on the inuence UHTS 300, f/4 aperture, focal length 300 mm) coupled with of high pressure on the structure stability of TeO . Our experi- 3 a back-illuminated Andor iDUS 401 detector thermoelectrically mental results indicate that the ambient-pressure VF3-type À cooled to 60 C. The spectra were collected in the range of structure (R3c symmetry) is preserved up to 110 GPa. In À1 Raman shi s from 70 to 1720 cm with the use of an 1800 mm contrast, calculations indicate that above 66 GPa the R3c À1 grating resulting in a 1.2 cm spectral resolution. The acqui- structure should transform to a YF3-type polymorph (Pnma 6+ sition time was 1 s with 30 accumulations. The spectra were symmetry) with a subsequent increase in the CN of Te from 6 post-processed (background subtraction and cosmic-ray to 8. This transition is not observed in an experiment most removal) with the Project FIVE soware (Witec Gmbh). The probably due to large energetic barriers, in analogy to what is position of Raman bands was established with the Fityk 1.3.1 found for compressed WO . Another transition from the Pnma 3 soware by tting the observed bands with Pseudo-Voigt ¼ structure to a rhombohedral phase (R3, Z 18) with a 10-fold 40 6+ pro les. During the experiment we did not observe any coordination of Te is predicted at 220 GPa. We analyse the 41 Raman bands that could be assigned to the O2 vibron, which inuence of pressure on the band gap of TeO3 and discuss the excludes decomposition of TeO3 into O2 and lower-valence present ndings in the context of structural transformations of tellurium oxides. trioxides and triuorides adopting an extended structure in the 36 37 solid state (in contrast to SbF3, or AsF3, which form molec- ular crystals). DFT calculations Periodic DFT calculations of the geometry and enthalpy of Experimental and computational various polymorphs of TeO3 utilized the SCAN meta-GGA func- tional.42 This functional was found to offer an accurate details description of the high-pressure properties for a wide range of – Sample preparation compounds.43 47 Wefoundthatitreproducesverywellthegeom- etry and the vibration frequencies of the ambient pressure struc- TeO3 was prepared by heating Te(OH)6, purchased from Aldrich, in ture of TeO (see Table S1†), and yields a similar pressure of the a thick glass ampoule at a 350–450 C temperature range. The best 3 VF -type TeO / YF -type TeO phase transition to the more material was obtained by reaction conducted at 450 Cfor20 3 3 3 3 computational demanding hybrid HSE06 functional (Table S2†).48 hours. The purity of the sample was veried by powder X-ray Thermodynamic stability of various TeO polymorphs was judged diffractionandRamanspectroscopy(seeFig.S1intheESI†). 3 by comparing their enthalpy (H), and thus the calculations formally correspond to T ¼ 0 K at which the Gibbs free energy (G ¼ High-pressure experiments H À ST,whereS is the entropy) is equal to H. Three high-pressure runs were conducted with the use of The projector-augmented-wave (PAW) method was used in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) equipped with diamonds with the calculations,49 as implemented in the VASP 5.4 code.50,51 The a bevelled 300 mm tip (bevel angle of 8).
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    PROPERTIES OF SELENIUM OXYCHLORIDE. 29 SOME PROPERTIES OF SELENIUM OXYCHLORIDE. BY VICTORLENIIER. Received August 23, 1920. A!; a part of the studies on selenium and tellurium which have been conducted in this laboratory, preliminary experiments showed that the oxychloride of selenium, SeOC12, possesses properties which deserve further study. A few papers have been published by Weber,l Michaelis2 and Cla~snizer,~who have given certain methods for its formation, a few of its physical properties, and a few of the chemical reactions. Physical Properties. Selenium oxychloride is a liquid which is slightly yellow as ordinarily prepared. Purification by distillation under diminished pressure, and recrystallization by freezing, give a product which is nearly colorless. The boiling point of the material thus purified is 1'76.4" at '726 mm. Weber gives 220 O, Michaelis 179.5", and Clausnizer, between 175" and 176" at 735 mm. Its melting point is S.5°.4 Its refractive index at 20" is 1.6516.5 Preliminary experiments have shown that its electrical conductivity is lo cv, its specific conductivity obtained with carbon electrodes being approximately 9.6 x at 28'. Selenium oxychloride, while slightly yellow, is transparent to visual light but is so opaque to ultra-violet light that it makes a practically perfect screen for all wave lengths below 4050. Selenium oxychloride is miscible in all proportions with carbon tetra- chloride] chloroform, carbon disulfide, and benzol. The solutions formed with these solvents are physical mixtures rather than chemical com- pounds, since they can be separated by fractional distillation or by treat- men.t with water, in which latter case the selenium oxychloride is hydro- lyzed.
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