Canadian Physicians for Life’s members on

Sex -selection

What They Don’t Teach You about

By a Third Year Medical Student Member

In my first semester of medical school, we had a female child at a ratio of 1.2, while mothers small group learning case about chromosomal born in at 1.11. Where do the missing abnormalities. Prenatal screening tests of a baby girls go? While abortion statistics are not young mother showed trisomy 21 in the , mandated by law to be reported, the study and after much agony the mother decided to strongly suggests that the disproportionately abort her child. Our tutor then assigned us the large number of male babies being birthed is a task of looking up facts surrounding abortion result of selectively aborting female foetuses generally. I was surprised to discover that when after determination of sex by ultrasound. the Supreme Court struck down the abortion Initially, I was hesitant to share my findings with law in 1988, a gaping void was left in our my friends. While debate around abortion has legislation. is the only country in the been almost taboo in the spheres of my western world without any abortion legislation, professional education, with any dissent making abortions legal at any time in the towards the practice being met with indignant pregnancy and for any reason. This lack of protests, I was surprised to find that my legislation allows for atrocities such as sex- colleagues were distraught and sympathetic selective abortions, which is the abortion of upon learning that sex-selective abortion took foetuses based on the predicted gender. This place. It seemed that many of those who were practice has traditionally been most common in pro-abortion for genetic or socioeconomic countries were cultural norms value male reasons were actually opposed to gendercide. children over female, such as in China and India, Public surveys echoed my observations as well: and yet I could not imagine it happening in a 2011 Environics poll found that 92% of Canada. Appalled by this discovery, I brought respondents believed sex-selected abortions this up with the group but was assured by the should be illegal, while a 2012 poll by Angus tutor that these things happen very seldom, if Reid found that 60% of respondents felt that ever at all. there should be legislation limiting sex- Not entirely convinced, I went home to selection. While abortion is a divisive issue, research further. As it turns out, a study there is however consensus among Canadians published in the CMAJ was able to use male-to- that gendercide has no place in this country. female gender-ratios at birth to demonstrate If a pregnant mother requests an ultrasound to that the practice of gendercide does in fact determine the gender of the fetus in order to happen in Canada, particularly in certain ethnic inform her decision to abort, what can communities. The study revealed that Canadian physicians do? I was relieved to find that while women born in birthed a male-

Canadian Physicians for Life’s members on

Sex -selection abortions

medical governing bodies have not imposed Canadians express little desire to re-introduce limitations with regards to sex selective abortion laws in their country , abortions, many have made their stance on this AngusReidGlobal: issue clear. In 2007, the Executive of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada content/uploads/2014/07/ARG-Abortion- (SOGC) issued a statement that medical 2014.pdf technologies for the sole purpose of gender : Twenty Years After R. v. identification in pregnancy should not be used Morgentaler, Karen Richer, Parliament of to accommodate societal preferences, and that Canada: the SOGC does not support termination of pregnancy on the basis of gender. The College blications/prb0822-e.htm#bthepost of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Statement on Gender Selection , Society of Columbia also echoed the SOGC’s view. Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, I would assert that the fetus should not be content/uploads/2013/01/gui198EPS0711.pdf discriminated against and aborted for any reason, be it gender, disability or socioeconomic Fetal Ultrasound for Non-Medical Reasons , conditions. However, in a country where College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: legislation offers zero protection for the unborn, abortions happen every day for these publications/policy/fetal-ultrasound-for-non- precise reasons. And while politicians have been medical-reasons unwilling to address this issue, public and medical opinions on sex-selective abortions This article was originally published in the show us that there is much to be won in the Spring 2016 issue of Vital Signs. battle for fetal .


Gendercide Talking Points , WeNeedaLaw: abortion/talking-points

“It’s a girl!”- could be a death sentence , Rajendra Kale, MD, CMAJ: